- ab
- abbr
- acquisition
- add
- additional
- additions
- antiphon
- app
- bibl
- binding
- bindingDesc
- catDesc
- category
- cb
- Certainty
- change
- choice
- cit
- citedRange
- collation
- collection
- colophon
- condition
- country
- creation
- custEvent
- date
- decoDesc
- decoNote
- del
- depth
- desc
- dim
- dimensions
- div
- editor
- ex
- expan
- explicit
- facsimile
- faith
- filiation
- foliation
- foreign
- gap
- geo
- graphic
- keywords
- handDesc
- handNote
- handShift
- height
- hi
- history
- idno
- incipit
- item
- l
- language
- layout
- layoutDesc
- lb
- lem
- list
- listApp
- listBibl
- listPerson
- listRelation
- listWit
- locus
- material
- measure
- msContents
- msDesc
- msIdentifier
- msItem
- msFrag
- msPart
- nationality
- notatedMusic
- note
- objectDesc
- occupation
- orig
- origDate
- origin
- origPlace
- p
- pb
- persName
- person
- personGrp
- physDesc
- place
- placeName
- provenance
- ptr
- q
- quote
- rdg
- ref
- region
- relation
- repository
- roleName
- rubric
- seal
- sealDesc
- seg
- settlement
- signatures
- source
- space
- subst
- summary
- supportDesc
- supplied
- surrogates
- term
- textLang
- title
- unclear
- watermark
- width
- witness
- active
- ana
- assertedValue
- atLeast
- atMost
- cRef
- calendar
- cause
- cert
- color
- columns
- contemporary
- corresp
- defective
- dur
- evidence
- facs
- form
- from
- hand
- href
- ident
- key
- n
- name
- new
- notAfter
- notAfter-custom
- notBefore
- notBefore-custom
- part
- passive
- pastedown
- place
- reason
- ref
- rend
- rendition
- resp
- role
- sameAs
- script
- source
- subtype
- target
- to
- type
- unit
- url
- value
- when
- when-custom
- who
- wit
- writtenLines
- xml:base
- xml:id
- xml:lang
- @source
- Additional
- Additions and Varia
- Aligning transliteration and morphological annotations with Alpheios Alignment Tool
- Art Themes
- Attribution of single statements
- Authority files (keywords)
- Bibliographic References
- Binding Description
- Canonicalized TEI
- Catalogue Workflow
- Collation
- Colophons, Titles and Supplications
- Contributing sets of images to the research environment
- Contributing to the research environment
- Corpora
- Create New Entry
- Create a new file, delete existing, deal with doublets
- Critical Apparatus
- Critical Edition Workflow
- Dates
- Decoration Description
- Definition of Works, Textparts and Narrative Units
- Documentary Texts
- Dubious spelling
- Editing the Schema
- Editing these Guidelines
- Editions in Work Records
- Entities ID structure
- Event
- Figures and Links to Images
- General
- General Structure of Work Records
- Groups
- Hands Description
- History
- Identifiers Structure
- Images
- Images of Manuscripts for editions
- Inscriptions
- Keywords
- La Syntaxe du Codex
- Language
- Layout
- Letters
- Linking from Wikidata to the research environment
- Manuscript Contents
- Manuscript Description
- Manuscript Physical Description
- Manuscripts
- Named Entities
- Narrative Units
- Object Description
- Person
- Place or Repository
- Places
- References
- References to a text and its structure
- Referencing parts of the manuscript
- Relations
- Relative Location
- Repositories
- Revisions
- Roles and roleNames
- Scrolls
- Seals Description
- Setup
- Some useful how-to for personal workspace set up
- Spaces
- Stand-off annotations with Hypothes.is
- Standardisation of transcription from Encyclopaedia Aethiopica
- State and Certainty
- Statements about persons
- Structure
- Summary on the Use of @ref and @corresp
- Taxonomy
- Team IDs
- Text Encoding
- Training Materials
- Transcriptions with Transkribus
- Transformation
- Transliteration Principles
- Users
- Using Xinclude
- Validation process
- Workflow
- Works
- Works Description
- Zotero Bibliography Guidelines
- titleStmt of Manuscript Records
Works Description
The title(s) of the work are encoded in <titleStmt>
<title xml:lang="gez" xml:id="t1">መጽሐፈ፡ ቅዳሴ፡</title>
<title xml:lang="gez" corresp="#t1" type="normalized">Maṣḥafa qǝddāse</title>
<title xml:lang="en" corresp="#t1">Book of the Consecration</title>
<title xml:lang="en" xml:id="t2">Missal</title>
<title xml:lang="en" xml:id="t3">Book of Liturgy</title>
<editor role="generalEditor" key="AB"></editor>
<funder>Akademie der Wissenschaften in Hamburg</funder>
Example 1
with value main to signal
the title which is to be used for labels, pointers and headers.
The title which will be printed on the website will therefore be, in order of priority
<title[@type = 'main'][@corresp = '#t1']>
↗<title[@corresp = '#t1'][@xml:lang = 'am']>
↗<title[@corresp = '#t1'][@xml:lang = 'gez']>
↗<title[@corresp = '#t1'][@xml:lang = 'en']>
↗<title[@corresp = '#t1']>
< title[1]>
Titles of the same work in another tradition will be reported
following the same rule and attributing an arbitrary t+digit @xml:id
and the appropriate @xml:lang
You can also use <title type='short'>
↗ for shortened
titles like citation forms:
<title xml:lang="gez" xml:id="t1">ወንጌል፡ ዘዮሐንስ፡</title>
<title xml:lang="gez" corresp="#t1" type="normalized">Wangel za-Yoḥannǝs</title>
<title xml:lang="en" corresp="#t1" type="main">Gospel of John</title>
<title type="short">Jn.</title>
Example 2
If a subpart of a work, which does not circulate independently in the Ethiopic
tradition, does circulate independently in other
traditions, the relevant titles and references will be added in the appropriate
<div type='textpart'>
↗, not in <titleStmt>
For works for which no standard title is known, such as short prayers or hymns, it is preferable to use the beginning as title. A more generic title can then be given later, as in this example from LIT4719Eweddesa:
<title xml:lang="gez" xml:id="t1">እዌድሳ፡ ለውድስት፡</title>
<title xml:lang="gez" corresp="#t1">ʾƎweddǝsā la-wǝddǝst</title>
<title xml:lang="en" corresp="#t1">I praise the praised one</title>
<title xml:lang="en" xml:id="t2">Hymn to Mary</title>
Example 3
Please Note that we will encode AUTHORSHIP as a relation in the work record, to be more specific and explicit about the sort of authorship.
<relation name='dcterms:creator' active='LIT1608hoheta' passive='PRS4709Giyorgis'>
This means that the work has this author.
If a work is traditionally attributed to an author whose authorship is not currently considered to be historical, this can be expressed verbally with bibliographic references in the description of the relation, for example, LIT1608hoheta:
<relation name='saws:isAttributedToAuthor' active='LIT1608hoheta' passive="PRS4709Giyorgis'>
<relation name='saws:isAttributedToAuthor' active='LIT1608hoheta' passive='PRS3709eleni'>
you can use many of this and also have different types for one work. If you come across records which use the author element, please correct them.
You might need to express concept which need more than one relation. For example, if Person A is author of a translation B of a work C in Arabic, you will need a relation of authorship between A and B (A isAuthorOf B) and the relation stating the fact that B is a translation of C (B isLooseTranslationOf C). If a digital edition of the translated work exists, please use that as a value in the relation. If no such edition exist you might point to the ID of the title in the language of the original.
Clavis IDs
Inside <sourceDesc>
↗, IDs of the work in different claves can be given in <listBibl type='clavis'>
<listBibl type="clavis">
<bibl corresp="#t2coptic" type="CC"><ptr target="bm:CC"></ptr><citedRange unit="item">123</citedRange></bibl>
<bibl type="CPG"><ptr target="bm:CPG1"></ptr><citedRange unit="item">123</citedRange></bibl>
<bibl type="BHO"><ptr target="bm:BHO"></ptr><citedRange unit="item">123</citedRange></bibl>
<bibl type="CANT"><ptr target="bm:CANT1"></ptr><citedRange unit="item">123</citedRange></bibl>
<bibl type="CAVT"><ptr target="bm:CAVT2"></ptr><citedRange unit="item">123</citedRange></bibl>
<bibl type="BHL"><ptr target="bm:BHL"></ptr><citedRange unit="item">123</citedRange></bibl>
<bibl type="syriaca"><ptr target="bm:syriaca"></ptr><citedRange unit="item">123</citedRange></bibl>
<bibl type="KRZ"><ptr target="bm:KRZ"></ptr><citedRange unit="item">123</citedRange></bibl>
Example 4
You cannot have both <p>
↗ and <listBibl>
↗ in <sourceDesc>
↗, so if you also need paragraphs, add another <sourceDesc>
Please use only the clavis IDs given in this example. If there is another clavis you would like to add to this list, please open an issue to discuss it. Other
references to works in standardized lists, such as Chaîne's Répertoire or various publications listing the single Miracles of Mary can
be given as a bibliographic reference in <listBibl>
↗, while references to external sources such as the Umwelttexte
by Corpus Coranicum can be given in a <relation>
↗ between the record and the external reference in
↗, see below.
If there is a need to assign an external clavis ID to textparts of a work, this should be done within
<div type="edition">
↗. A Clavis ID should be assigned for each textpart inside <listBible>
<div type="textpart" xml:id="Theophilos2">
<label>Extract from the 21st Festal letter (Graf 1937, 383)</label>
<listBibl type="clavis">
<bibl type="CPG">
<ptr target="bm:CPG2"></ptr>
<citedRange unit="item">2589</citedRange>
Example 5
We always use <witness>
↗ for those manuscripts
which are used for the
edition we are going to (or could potentially) provide in the
<div type='edition'>
↗. All
manuscript records containing the work if they have been fully encoded with the correct reference are displayed in the app anyway. If manuscripts are known to contain the work but have not been properly encoded yet it is recommended to list them as <witness>
↗ (and make sure a corresponding stub or an external reference for the manuscript exist).
<witness corresp="BLorient818"></witness>
<witness corresp="BNFet146"></witness>
<witness corresp="ONBAeth4"></witness>
Example 6
When you list witnesses that are used in an edition please add the attribute @rend
with the value "edition" to the <listWit>
↗ and assign sigla as @xml:id
to each witness.
<listWit rend="edition">
<witness corresp="BLorient818" xml:id="L"></witness>
<witness corresp="BNFet146" xml:id="P"></witness>
<witness corresp="ONBAeth4" xml:id="W"></witness>
Example 7
Please, as in all other instances of ID assigning, make sure you do not assign an existing ID. If you want to give as @xml:id
to the above witness with corresp ONBAeth4, the value of this cannot be this same string,
which is the identifier of the manuscript. It is enough, for example, to use it in lower case.
↗s can be nested if needed, for example,
to group them in families. Each <witness>
↗ will
have to take a @corresp
pointing to the
manuscript @xml:id
. If the manuscript is in already described in
Beta maṣāḥǝft, that is enough. If the manuscript is described in an
external catalogue, then use <@type='external'>
<witness type="external" xml:id="P" corresp="http://digi.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/diglit/cpgraec398/0569" facs="http://digi.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/diglit/cpgraec398/0569">
<idno>Cod. Pal. graec. 398</idno>
<ptr target="https://digi.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/diglit/iiif/cpgraec398/manifest.json"></ptr>
Sammelhandschrift — Konstantinopel, letztes Viertel 9. Jh.
<witness type="external" xml:id="L" corresp="http://www.bl.uk/manuscripts/Viewer.aspx?ref=add_ms_19391_f009r" facs="http://www.bl.uk/manuscripts/Viewer.aspx?ref=add_ms_19391_f009r">
<idno>British Library Add MS 19391</idno>
Example 8
<witness corresp="https://eap.bl.uk/archive-file/EAP286-1-1-133" type="external"></witness>
Example 9
You can use
to specify a degree of certainty
regarding the manuscript you are listing. Please, note that each
witness element can take a fully marked-up description about
the text.
As information provided by the catalogues we are working with
should not be lost, whenever a catalogue description contains
references to other manuscripts containing the same work, minimal manuscript
records containing the work ID should be created for those
manuscripts. This assures that all the manuscripts containing the same
work can be retrieved by the app while reserving
↗ in the work records mainly for the
manuscripts used for the edition.
Please note that the list of manuscripts containing a work shown in the application
and the list of witnesses used for an edition are two different things.
The first picks up whatever information is available, it might be less or more than we know at the moment depending on what has been marked-up and linked.
The <listWit>
↗ contains instead a statement about
the manuscripts used for an edition, which can be nested, and also might contain manuscripts which we do not have yet.
Each relationship should be listed separately in a
↗, even if the same relationship exists
between this and more than one other entity.
contains the name of the relation.
Usually, @active
should contain the @xml:id
of the
current item. @passive
should contain the ID
of the related work, person or place. In <desc>
↗, the relation can be described with a sentence or two:
<relation name="saws:isAttributedToAuthor" active="LIT1925Mashaf#t2arabic" passive="PRS7509Nasralla">
<desc>It is not clear whether <persName ref="PRS7509Nasralla"></persName>, who is otherwise unknown, is the compiler or author.
<ptr target="bm:Pietruschka2005EAEFalasfa"></ptr>
Example 10
The relationship between a work and its subject is expressed in the person record:
<relation name="ecrm:P129i_is_subject_of" active="PRS4585Georgeo" passive="LIT1455GadlaG"></relation>
Example 11
External entries in databases or similar which concern a particular work can also be referenced in a <relation>
↗. If, as in the case of the TUK IDs given by
Corpus Coranicum, the external entry refers only to a part of a work, it is preferable to add the <relation>
↗ in the exact <div>
↗ of this text part in our
edition, using <relation name="skos:exactMatch">
↗. If this is not possible, because we do not yet have the text of the work or because we
follow different divisions than the other reference, <relation name="skos:broadMatch">
↗ can be used at the most pertinent place of the record with the
most precise pointer to our record possible in @passive
, as, for example, in LIT1697Jubilees
<relation name="skos:broadMatch" active="https://corpuscoranicum.de/kontexte/index/sure/6/vers/74/intertext/673" passive="LIT1697Jubilees"></relation>
Example 12
and in LIT1340EnochE:
<div type="textpart" subtype="chapter" n="47">
<ab>ወበውእቱ ፡ መዋዕል ፡ ዐርገት ፡ ጸሎተ ፡ ጻድቃን ፡ ወደመ ፡ ጻድቅ ፡ እምነ ፡ ምድር ፡ ቅድመ ፡ እግዚአ ፡ መናፍስት
። በእሉ ፡ መዋዕል ፡ የኀብሩ ፡ ቅዱሳን ፡ እለ ፡ ይነብሩ ፡ መልዕልተ ፡ ሰማያት ፡ በ፩ቃል ፡ ወያስተበቊዑ ፡ ወይጼልዩ
፡ ወይሴብሑ ፡ ወያአኲቱ ፡ ወይባርኩ ፡ ለስሙ ፡ ለእግዚአ ፡ መናፍስት ፡ በእንተ ፡ ደመ ፡ ጻድቃን ፡ ዘተክዕወ ፡
ወጸሎቶሙ ፡ ለጻድቃን ፡ ከመ ፡ ኢትፀራእ ፡ በቅድመ ፡ እግዚአ ፡ መናፍስት ፡ ከመ ፡ ይትገበር ፡ ሎሙ ፡ ኲነኔ ፡
ወትዕግሥት ፡ ኢይኩን ፡ ሎሙ ፡ ለዓለም ። ወበእማንቱ ፡ መዋዕል ፡ ርኢክዎ ፡ ለርእሰ ፡ መዋዕል ፡ ሶበ ፡ ነበረ ፡
በመንበረ ፡ ስብሐቲሁ ፡ ወመጻሕፍተ ፡ ሕያዋን ፡ በቅድሜሁ ፡ ተከሥቱ ፡ ወኲሉ ፡ ኀይሉ ፡ ዘመልዕልተ ፡ ሰማያት ፡ ወዐውደ
፡ ዚአሁ ፡ ይቀውሙ ፡ ቅድሜሁ ። ወልቦሙ ፡ ለቅዱሳን ፡ ትመልእ ፡ ፍሥሐ ፡ እስመ ፡ በጽሐ ፡ ኊልቋ ፡ ለጽድቅ ፡
ወጸሎቶሙ ፡ ለጻድቃን ፡ ተሰምዐ ፡ ወደሙ ፡ ለጻድቅ ፡ በቅድመ ፡ እግዚአ ፡ መናፍስት ፡ ተፈቅደ ። </ab>
<listRelation><relation name="skos:broadMatch" active="https://corpuscoranicum.de/kontexte/index/sure/78/vers/38/intertext/913" passive="betmas:LIT1340EnochE.2.47"></relation>
<relation name="skos:broadMatch" active="https://corpuscoranicum.de/kontexte/index/sure/10/vers/21/intertext/914" passive="betmas:LIT1340EnochE.2.47"></relation></listRelation>
Example 13
Edition statement, Source statement, and encoding description
These elements should be provided in the header for texts that we provide edition for. The Edition statement should specify the origin of the text. The encoding description specifies the principles used when encoding, when known (e.g. transcription, specific tag sets, etc.)
<p>Digital text based on <bibl><ptr target="bm:Marrassini1993AmdaSeyon"></ptr></bibl>.</p>
Example 14
<p>Text prepared within the framework of the TraCES project.</p>
<p>The following errors
in Marrassini edition have been corrected:
<p>Original spelling and typography is retained.</p>
Example 15
Extent should be specified for the works wherever possible; obligatory for works with digital text provided, after the edition statement:
<p>Digital text based on <bibl><ptr target="bm:Marrassini1993AmdaSeyon"></ptr></bibl>.</p>
<extent>10170 words</extent>
Example 16
If you have multiple recensions/version of a text, these can be
linked with a <relation>
↗ with
↗ this will be used to
pick up these in the text view. The same parallel content in the
different versions should have the same @corresp to a NAR unit and
there should always be a @resp
in the <div[@type='edition']>
↗ containing
this text part with multiple versions with either the initials of the
editor or the pointer to the @xml:id
of the bibl element which has a
pointer to the edition.
<relation name="saws:isVersionOf" active="LIT2231Saatat" passive="LIT1961Mashaf"> </relation>
Example 17
The above example is from Saʿātāt za-maʿālt
For the date of creation of a work, use the element
↗ in <profileDesc>
as in the following example
<creation when="1555-06-23" corresp="#Pdamot">23 Sane (17 June) 1555 in <placeName ref="LOC2488Damot" xml:id="Pdamot">Damot</placeName></creation>
Example 18
any other date relevant to the work elaboration or life could be added in a date element, possibly pointing to one of the placeNames in the file with a proper ID as in the example below.
<date when="1555-06-23" corresp="#Pdamot">23 Sane (17 June) 1555</date> in <placeName ref="LOC2488Damot" xml:id="Pdamot">Damot</placeName>
Example 19
It is important that the ID of the referred place starts with P
because there are cases where @corresp
is already used to point to
another ID, e.g. a work in another tradition title. Look at this
fictitious example, where I have entered a placeName with Q item ID
from Wikidata (Ethiopia) and assigned the second @corresp
and the ID
with P
<creation corresp="#t2arabic #Ptest" when="1238-09">
<placeName ref="wd:Q115" xml:id="Ptest"></placeName>
Example 20
this sounds like a dirty hack to get it working... and it is!
Short Summary of Contents
To provide a short summary of contents use the element
↗ in as in this example from
<p>A theological treatise believed to be a response of king <persName ref="PRS4428Galawdew">Galāwdewos</persName> to the Jesuit missionaries headed by <persName ref="PRS7691Oviedo">Oviedo</persName>.
Example 21
The abstract can also mention the total number of words, which
might be then marked-up with a
<measure type='words'>
↗ within the
Summaries given in catalogues can be copied here and edited.
This page is referred to in the following pages
Revisions of this page
- Dorothea Reule on 2018-04-26: editing of the Work section of the guidelines
- Pietro Maria Liuzzo on 2018-04-30: first version of guidelines from Wiki
- Dorothea Reule on 2018-12-03: added paragraph on TUK IDs and relations with other databases
- Pietro Maria Liuzzo on 2019-02-28: added example
- Dorothea Reule on 2019-06-17: added specification and example for title