
The basic rules for the encoding of persons also apply to the encoding of groups of persons.

Groups of Persons

For distinct groups of people as an abstract notion (so a "specific group of monks", but not "friary" or "family") we create a TEI file, which has the same structure as that for a person, but contains a <personGrp> in the <listPerson>, with the <persNames> of the group. Relations should then be used to provide evidence for members of this group, which can be fixed or flexible. The members of the group can be indicated in the group record by using a <relation> with value snap:Group for the @name, however, it is sufficient to include the <relation> with value foaf:member for the @name in each person record of members of the group.

               <persName xml:lang="gez" xml:id="n1">ደቂቀ፡ ኤዎስጣቴዎስ፡</persName>
               <persName xml:lang="gez" type="normalized" corresp="#n1">daqiqa ʾEwosṭātewos</persName>
               <persName xml:lang="en">ʾEwosṭāteans</persName>
               <floruit notBefore="1300" precision="medium">The ʾEwostāteans are a religious movement and network of monasteries going back to <persName ref="PRS3934Ewostate"></persName>. They originated
                  in Eastern <placeName ref="LOC6569Tegray"></placeName> and were widely involved in the Christianization of the Northern Ethiopian provinces in the <date>14th and 15th century</date>.

Example 1

 <relation name="foaf:member" active="PRS11207Ewostateans" passive="PRS11228Yaeqob"></relation>

Example 2

Members of the group should have a <relation> with value foaf:member for the @name, linking to the group record. This is valid, for example, for monks belonging to the orders of Takla Hāymānot, Sāmuʾel of Waldǝbbā or ʾEwosṭātewos. In a similar way, various bodies of military regiments can also be represented:

 <persName xml:lang="gez" xml:id="n1">ቊርባን፡</persName>

Example 3


                <occupation type="military">guarding the king</occupation>
               <floruit notBefore="1563" notAfter="1607">They were a distinct household troops of King
              <persName ref="Śarḍa Dǝngǝl">Śarḍa Dǝngǝl</persName>.</floruit>
                <relation name="lawd:hasAttestation" active="PRS11801Qurban" passive="LIT3951ChronSusenyos"></relation>

Example 4

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Revisions of this page

  • Dorothea Reule on 2019-03-20: Split from persons page
  • Dorothea Reule on 2019-03-20: Added links, reformulated