Named Entities

Throughout the document <placeName> and <persName> will take a @ref containing the <xml:id> of the place or person record:

            belongs to the manuscripts looted by the British <persName ref="PRS7484Napier">Napier</persName>
            expedition in <date>1868</date> from the church of <placeName ref="INS0101MadhaneAlam">Madḫāne ʿAlam</placeName>
            or was acquired by a member of the expedition between <placeName ref="LOC5534Sanafe"></placeName> and <placeName ref="LOC4547Maqdal"></placeName>

Example 1

Before creating new entities for PLACES like Stuttgart, Paris, London, etc. which unlike all repositories are very much unlikely to receive specific descriptions by this project, use external links to Wikidata IDs as follows.

            vicaire en la paroisse de <placeName ref="wd:Q272084">Bourron</placeName>

Example 2

(same for persName and region)

To decide whether to create a new place record or not if in doubt, see the page on creating new records.

The <title> in a <msItem> takes a @ref as well, pointing to the work ID, which will contain the standard edition of the text.

               <msItem xml:id="ms_i7">
                  <locus from="114v" to="118r"></locus>
                  <title type="complete" ref="LIT2444Temher"></title>
                  <textLang mainLang="gez"></textLang>

Example 3

Variant titles, translations of the title, etc. will be contained in the work record. They do not need to be all listed in the manuscript record.

In-text placeName and persName

Similarly, all information related to places or people should be stored in the respective place or person record:

Information about a place should be entered in the TEI record for that place following the guidelines for a Place entity.

Information about a person should be entered in the TEI record for that person following the guidelines for a Person entity. For the encoding of roles and titles of persons, both in the appropriate record and when referring to them, see roles and roleName.


Filenames and IDs should correspond EXACTLY and as always they are case sensitive. The main xml:id of a record is directly into the <TEI> root element.: <TEI xmlns="" xml:id="PRS1009Abakaraz">

Attested placeNames in a Work

The attestations of placeNames should be marked as in the example below

<ab> ምዕራፍ፡፱። ወእምዝ፡ ዓደወ፡ ማር፡ ገላውዴዎስ፡
ማዕዶተ፡ ክልኤቱ፡ አፍላግ፡ መንገለ፡ ምድረ፡
<placeName ref="LOC5597Sawa" notBefore="1540" notAfter="1559">ሼዋ፡</placeName>
<placeName ref="LOC5932Tegray" notBefore="1540" notAfter="1559">ትግራይ፡</placeName>
 ከመ፡ ይርአይ፡ መርዔቶ፡ bእለ፡ ህየ፡ በጽድቅ፡ ወይዋሄ፡ cሕዝቦ፡ በርትዕ። ወበጽሐ፡</ab>

Example 4

to choose which ID to use consider the following:

  • if it is a place of interest for Ethiopian studies or attested in Ethiopia, then use one of our internal IDs or create a new record if none is yet available

  • if it is an ancient place but not in Ethiopia, like Jordan, Rome, etc. then search pleaides and use a Pleiades ID prefixed with pleaides: e.g. for Jordan River use plaeides:687932

  • if it is an ancient place not of our interest and not relevant for Pleiades, check in Wikidata and enter the item ID (starting with Q)

you can also add a @resp with the ID of one of our person records or editors and a @source with a pointer to the ID assigned to a <bibl> in the file as shown here .

Certainty and uncertainty

It is not always possible to be so sure as to give one identification. The following examples are from the encoding of the text of RIE 277. In the first example, the main identification in @ref is attributed to Salt by adding in @resp the id of the corresponding bibliographical reference in the file. Alternative identifications are given with the <certainty> element inside <placeName> using @resp to point to the author of that identification and @assertedValue for the alternative identification.

  <placeName ref="LOC6850Takkaze" cert="low" resp="#salt">
  <certainty locus="value" match="../@ref" assertedValue="pleiades:727172" resp="#LIT5019MonumentumAdulitanum2"></certainty>
  <certainty locus="value" match="../@ref" assertedValue="LOC4560Marab" resp="#Fauvelle-Aymar"></certainty>

Example 5

However, one can be much more precise in this respect and use as in the following example, the <desc> element inside <certainty>, or avoid entirely to provide an alternative identification.

  <placeName ref="ETH1085Aggabe" xml:id="aggabe">
        <certainty locus="value" match="../@ref" resp="#salt">
             <desc><quote>Angabet or Andabet in Begemder</quote><ref target="">
            <q>Andabet</q>on Ludolf map (1683) south of<q>Axum</q></ref></desc>
         <certainty locus="value" match="../@ref" resp="#Huntingford">
              <desc><quote> a place called Angäba in the chiefdom of Sedya between
                ʿAdwa and the river Bäläsa NW of Entäṣĕw; Angabĕ may also be the same as the Angao of DAE 9.</quote></desc>
        <certainty locus="value" match="../@ref" resp="#DAE">
               <desc>Angabo in DAE 9</desc>
        <certainty locus="value" match="../@ref" resp="#dillmann">
                <desc>Angot a sud du Tigré</desc>

Example 6

Ethnonyms, which have identifiers inherited from the Encyclopaedia Aethiopica Indexes prefixed with ETH can be used as well. If you are annotating an occurrence of the name of a people or group, you can use these in <persName>, while meeting an occurrence of a reference to the land of a certain people, you may use <placeName>.

For an example of use as "land of" see the following example from Monumentum Adulitanum.

               <placeName ref="ETH1085Aggabe" xml:id="aggabe"></placeName> 

Example 7

For an example of use as "people" see the following example from ʾAksum Ṣǝyon.

               <persName ref="ETH1973Oromo">Oromo</persName>

Example 8

This page is referred to in the following pages

Revisions of this page

  • Pietro Maria Liuzzo on 2018-04-30: first version of guidelines from Wiki
  • Dorothea Reule on 2018-05-18: Split dates
  • Pietro Maria Liuzzo on 2019-05-09: added certainty