
                  <origPlace><placeName ref="LOC4705MayRub"></placeName></origPlace>
                  <origDate notBefore="1872" notAfter="1876">Mention of <persName ref="PRS10378Yohanne">King Yoḥannәs IV</persName> (<date>1872-89</date>)
                     on <locus target="#43r" n="8" corresp="#coloph"></locus>, and of <persName ref="PRS2223Atnatewo">Metropolitan ˀabunä ˀAtnatewos</persName> (in tenure <date>1869-76</date>) on <locus target="#43r" corresp="#coloph"></locus>. Besides, the colophon refers to the year of John the Evangelist.</origDate>

Example 1

<origDate> contains as iso values in @notBefore and @notAfter (or only one of them, if that’s all we have) the range of dates in the Gregorian calendar for the production of the manuscript.

If a precise date is known, please use @when instead of @notBefore and @notAfter.

If the date is documented in the manuscript add @evidence ='internal-date'. You can also use this attribute in a <date> element , e.g. marking up the colophon text. If the date is known by another source, such as the date of the reign of a ruler or palaeography, please choose the relevant value prompted by the schema for @evidence.

It is possible to add more than one <origDate> if alternative datings for the manuscript are provided in the catalogue or literature. In these case the source for each date should be specified in a <note> inside the respective <origDate>. The person responsible for the dating can be indicated with @resp inside <origDate>:

               <origDate notBefore="1540" notAfter="1699" resp="PRS4805Grebaut PRS9530Tisseran"> 
                  <note> Date according to <bibl><ptr target="bm:GrebTiss1935Codices"></ptr> <citedRange unit="page">187-190</citedRange></bibl>. </note> 
               <origDate notBefore="1550" notAfter="1599" resp="PRS3182ContiRo"> 
                  <note>Date according to <bibl><ptr target="bm:ContiRossini1927Inediti"></ptr> <citedRange unit="page">516</citedRange></bibl>.</note> 

Example 2

Please, note that almost anywhere text can be annotated, for example with a <date> element which can take the same attributes as described above. If marking up a sentence, for example "in the early 1920s-1930s" there is no need to remove the text just mark it up, as there is no way to consistently output all options for a date value.

               in the <date from="1620" precision="low" to="1635">1620s - early 1630s</date>

Example 3

TEI guidelines element origin

Schema specification


Please use your editor to see what elements, attributes and in what order they are allowed.

See: macro.specialPara

See: att.global.attributes

See: att.editLike.attributes

See: att.datable.attributes

Schema specification

There should always be a date of some kind. Beta maṣāḥǝft Guidelines

context rule report
tei:origin not(child::tei:origDate)
At least one date must be specified, preferably with a type to indicate the origin of it and evidence

This element is mentioned in the following pages

Revisions of this page

  • Pietro Maria Liuzzo on 2018-04-24: stub of page