Figures and Links to Images

Adding a figure directly to your descriptions

You can link images or portions of images published by the project simply using the element <figure> and <graphic> adding in the @url of the latter the relative path to the image on the server.

        <graphic xml:id="g1" url="KAE/011/KAE-011__005.tif">
            <desc>Caption of the image</desc>

Example 1

Please, note that adding an image in these guidelines is slightly different as it requires an absolute reference to the info.json, which is not needed here.

You can also insert images hosted elsewhere by adding in the @url the absolute path to the image on the web, beginning with <http>. If you want to limit the image height you can add the <height> attribute. This can also be used to point to low resolution images.

          <graphic url="" height="30px">
            <desc>Symbol used in BL oriental 12996</desc>

Example 2

Linking images to the description

locus in manuscript records

See page on images.

locus in other entities

Add a @corresp with the ID of the manuscript to which you are referring.

<locus corresp="EMML3031" target="#103a"></locus>

Example 3

If this has a @facs then also the image viewer will become available on click.


See page on linking images to the edition of the text.

This page is referred to in the following pages

Revisions of this page

  • Pietro Maria Liuzzo on 2019-04-01: Drafted page