

TEI can express very precisely where the uncertainty about an information provided is, using the element <certainty>.

        <title type="complete" ref="LIT1716Kidanz"><certainty locus="value" match="../@type" cert="low"></certainty></title>

Example 1

instead of

        <title type="complete" cert="low" ref="LIT1716Kidanz"></title>

Example 2

will express that the uncertainty is about the completeness of the work referenced, not about the work generally. Please refer to the TEI guidelines for further guidance and examples of how to use this element. Note that an alternative for the aspect of the markup in question can be given in @assertedValue:

        <persName ref="PRS11436Cyriacus" role="owner"><certainty locus="value" match="../@role" assertedValue="other" cert="low"></certainty></persName>

Example 3

TEI guidelines element certainty

Schema specification


Please use your editor to see what elements, attributes and in what order they are allowed.

See: att.global.attribute.xmlid

See: att.global.attribute.n

See: att.global.attribute.xmllang

See: att.global.attribute.xmlbase

See: att.global.attribute.xmlspace

See: att.global.rendition.attribute.rend

See: att.global.rendition.attribute.style

See: att.global.rendition.attribute.rendition

See: att.global.linking.attribute.corresp

See: att.global.linking.attribute.synch

See: att.global.linking.attribute.sameAs

See: att.global.linking.attribute.copyOf

See: att.global.linking.attribute.next

See: att.global.linking.attribute.prev

See: att.global.linking.attribute.exclude

See: att.global.linking.attribute.select

See: att.global.analytic.attribute.ana

See: att.global.facs.attribute.facs

See: att.global.change.attribute.change

See: att.global.responsibility.attribute.resp

See: att.global.source.attribute.source

See: att.scoping.attributes

Optional: attribute @cert
Optional: attribute @assertedValue
Optional: attribute @given
Optional: attribute @degree

This element is mentioned in the following pages

Revisions of this page

  • Pietro Maria Liuzzo on 2018-04-24: stub of page