
Specific encoding for manuscript repositories

All collections of manuscripts (churches, monasteries, archives, libraries, museums, private hands, etc) need a record of INS-type, stored under Institutions. This is the type of record we refer to within the <msIdentifier> as <repository>.

Please check the Place or Repository Guidelines section to decide if you need a repository record.

Note that records for repositories are visualized differently, with a list of hosted manuscripts automatically extracted.

For INS-type records all general guidelines and especially those for places are valid. All repository records should have a @subtype with institution.

                  <place type="church dabr" subtype="institution">
                     <placeName xml:id="n1" xml:lang="gez">ዓደቃሐርሲ፡ ጰራቅሊጦስ፡</placeName>
                     <placeName corresp="#n1" xml:lang="gez" type="normalized">ʿĀddaqāḥarsi Ṗarāqliṭos</placeName>
                     <placeName type="alt" xml:id="n2">ዓደቃሐርሲ፡ መካነ፡ ህይወት፡ ጰራቅሊጦስ፡</placeName>
                     <placeName type="normalized" corresp="#n2">ʿAddaqāḥarsi Makāna Hǝywat Ṗarāqliṭos</placeName>
                     <country ref="LOC3010Ethiop"></country>
                     <region notBefore="1991" type="RegionalState" ref="LOC5932Tegray"></region>
                     <settlement ref="LOC3640GuloMa" type="warada" when="2010-05-03"></settlement>
                     <settlement when="2010-05-03" ref="LOC6517Kesad" type="tabiya"></settlement>
                     <settlement when="2010-05-03" ref="LOC6518BetaP" type="qushat"></settlement>
                        <geo>14.308833 39.378683</geo>
                        <height unit="m">2437.0</height>
                        <date type="foundation" notBefore="1400" notAfter="1500">1400-1500</date>
                        <desc type="foundation">Existed aready in the pre-Christian time as the religious site of South Arabian migrants; the church was founded in a later period.</desc>
                        <ab type="history">Dabr. A new large church is under construction outside of the compound of the old church, both standing on the rock outcrop
                           (below is the river of <placeName type="river" ref="LOC6519Wafadabbo">Wafadabbo</placeName>).
                        <ab type="tabot">
                           <measure quantity="8"></measure>
                           Tābots (8): <persName ref="PRS5684JesusCh" type="tabot">Jesus</persName>, <persName ref="PRS10775Trinity" type="tabot">Trinity</persName>, <persName ref="PRS6819Mary" type="tabot">Mary</persName>, unidentified marble,
                           <persName ref="PRS4377Gabriel" type="tabot">Gabriel</persName>, <persName ref="PRS10776Kidan" type="tabot">Kidāna Mǝḥrat</persName>, <persName ref="PRS7049Michael" type="tabot">Michael</persName>,
                           <persName ref="PRS10774Paraq" type="tabot">Ṗarāqliṭos</persName>. The tābot of the local <persName ref="PRS10773SadeqP" type="tabot">Ṣādǝqān</persName> (Righteous Ones) was not mentioned, probably by mistake.</ab>
                        <ab type="description">52 Mss. photographed: <ref type="mss" corresp="ESap001">AP-001</ref> &quot;Missal&quot;; <ref type="mss" corresp="ESap002">AP-002</ref> &quot;Hymnary&quot;; <ref type="mss" corresp="ESap003">AP-003</ref> &quot;Four Gospels&quot;; <ref type="mss" corresp="ESap004">AP-004</ref> &quot;Missal&quot;;
                        <ref type="mss" corresp="ESap005">AP-005</ref> &quot;Homily of John Chrysostomos&quot;; <ref type="mss" corresp="ESap006">AP-006</ref> &quot;Homily of St. Michael&quot;; <ref type="mss" corresp="ESap007">AP-007</ref> &quot;Vita of Gäbrä Mänfäs Qǝddus&quot;;
                        <ref type="mss" corresp="ESap008">AP-008</ref> &quot;Pauline Epistles&quot;; <ref type="mss" corresp="ESap009">AP-009</ref> &quot;The Rite of the Holy Week&quot;;
                        <ref type="mss" corresp="ESap010">AP-010</ref> &quot;Vita of Gäbrä Mänfäs Qǝddus&quot;; <ref type="mss" corresp="ESap011">AP-011</ref> &quot;Homily of St. Michael&quot;;
                        <ref type="mss" corresp="ESap012">AP-012</ref> &quot;Absolution of the Son&quot;; <ref type="mss" corresp="ESap013">AP-013</ref> &quot;Absolution of the Son&quot;; <ref type="mss" corresp="ESap014">AP-014</ref> &quot;Synaxarion&quot;; <ref type="mss" corresp="ESap015">AP-015</ref> &quot;Synaxarion&quot;; <ref type="mss" corresp="ESap016">AP-016</ref> &quot;Acts of the Apostles&quot;; <ref type="mss" corresp="ESap017">AP-017</ref> &quot;Vita of Kiros&quot;;
                        <ref type="mss" corresp="ESap018">AP-018</ref> &quot;Vita of Kiros&quot;; <ref type="mss" corresp="ESap019">AP-019</ref> &quot;Acts of the Martyrs of Päraqlitos&quot;;
                        <ref type="mss" corresp="ESap020">AP-020</ref> &quot;Homily of the Sabbath&quot;; <ref type="mss" corresp="ESap021">AP-021</ref> &quot;The Book of the Baptismal Rite&quot;;
                        <ref type="mss" corresp="ESap022">AP-022</ref> &quot;Acts of the Martyrs of Päraqlitos&quot;; <ref type="mss" corresp="ESap023">AP-023</ref> &quot;Vita of Gäbrä Mänfäs Qǝddus&quot;;
                        <ref type="mss" corresp="ESap024">AP-024</ref> &quot;Prayer of Incense&quot;; <ref type="mss" corresp="ESap025">AP-025</ref> &quot;Prayer of Incense&quot;; <ref type="mss" corresp="ESap026">AP-026</ref> &quot;Synoptic Lectionary for the Year&quot;; <ref type="mss" corresp="ESap027">AP-027</ref> &quot;The Book of the Matrimony Rite&quot;; <ref type="mss" corresp="ESap028">AP-028</ref> &quot;Miracles of Mary&quot;; <ref type="mss" corresp="ESap029">AP-029</ref> &quot;Miracles of Mary&quot;; <ref type="mss" corresp="ESap030">AP-030</ref> &quot;Vita of Täklä Haymanot&quot;; <ref type="mss" corresp="ESap031">AP-031</ref> &quot;The Book of the Funeral Rite&quot;; <ref type="mss" corresp="ESap032">AP-032</ref> &quot;The Book of the Funeral Rite&quot;; <ref type="mss" corresp="ESap033">AP-033</ref> &quot;The Glory of the Kings&quot;; <ref type="mss" corresp="ESap034">AP-034</ref> &quot;Acts of the Martyrs of Päraqlitos&quot;; <ref type="mss" corresp="ESap035">AP-035</ref> &quot;Miracles of Mary&quot;; <ref type="mss" corresp="ESap036">AP-036</ref> &quot;Story of the Trinity&quot;; <ref type="mss" corresp="ESap037">AP-037</ref> &quot;Synoptic Lectionary for the Year&quot;; <ref type="mss" corresp="ESap038">AP-038</ref> &quot;Miracles of Jesus&quot;; <ref type="mss" corresp="ESap039">AP-039</ref> &quot;Book of  ʾAsläṭi&quot;; <ref type="mss" corresp="ESap040">AP-040</ref> &quot;Collection of New Testament Readings&quot;; <ref type="mss" corresp="ESap041">AP-041</ref> &quot;Acts of the Apostles&quot;; <ref type="mss" corresp="ESap042">AP-042</ref> &quot;Homily of the Saviour of the World&quot;; <ref type="mss" corresp="ESap043">AP-043</ref> &quot;Vita of ʾArägawi&quot;; <ref type="mss" corresp="ESap044">AP-044</ref> &quot;Story of St. Mary&quot;; <ref type="mss" corresp="ESap045">AP-045</ref> &quot;Acts of the Martyrs of Päraqlitos&quot;; <ref type="mss" corresp="ESap046">AP-046</ref> &quot;Acts of the Martyrs of Päraqlitos&quot;; <ref type="mss" corresp="ESap047">AP-047</ref> &quot;Vita of Täklä Haymanot&quot;; <ref type="mss" corresp="ESap048">AP-048</ref> &quot;Vita of St. George&quot;; <ref type="mss" corresp="ESap049">AP-049</ref> &quot;fragments of several mss, including the poetry in honor of the Sadeqan.&quot;; <ref type="mss" corresp="ESap050">AP-050</ref> &quot;Acts of the Martyrs of Päraqlitos&quot;; <ref type="mss" corresp="ESap063">AP-063</ref> &quot;Collection of Hymns&quot;; <ref type="mss" corresp="ESap064">AP-064</ref> &quot;New Testaments Texts; Apocalypse of John&quot;.</ab>
                        <ab type="appellations">
                     <listBibl type="secondary">
                           <ptr target="bm:Nosnitsin2014Addaqaharsi"></ptr>
                           <ptr target="bm:Nosnitsin2013Churches"></ptr>

Example 1

Note that inside <note>, if you are giving a date the @type with value 'foundation' is required.

<ab> in <note> is used inside <listPlace> for repositories and should always have a @type equal to 'history' or 'description'. @type with value 'appellation' can be used to list a series of ways in which a repository is called which are not necessarily <placeName>s. This is expected to be a simple list of appellations.

Private collections

Repository records are also created for the private collections of individuals owning manuscripts. These have a @type with privateHouse, for example, in INS0368atohayle:

               <place subtype="institution" type="privateHouse">
                  <placeName xml:id="n1" xml:lang="en">Private Collection of Ato Hayle Bayyana</placeName>
                  <settlement ref="LOC3577Gondar"></settlement>
                     <geo>12.609389 37.468671</geo>

Example 2

This page is referred to in the following pages

Revisions of this page

  • Pietro Maria Liuzzo on 2018-04-30: first version of guidelines from Wiki
  • Dorothea Reule on 2018-05-15: Edited and updated example
  • Dorothea Reule on 2019-01-10: Clarification
  • Dorothea Reule on 2019-02-27: Added paragraph on private collections