
TEI guidelines element change

Schema specification


Please use your editor to see what elements, attributes and in what order they are allowed.

See: macro.specialPara

See: att.datable.attribute.calendar

See: att.datable.attribute.period

See: att.datable.w3c.attribute.notBefore

See: att.datable.w3c.attribute.notAfter

See: att.datable.w3c.attribute.from


See: att.datable.iso.attribute.when-iso

See: att.datable.iso.attribute.notBefore-iso

See: att.datable.iso.attribute.notAfter-iso

See: att.datable.iso.attribute.from-iso


See: att.datable.custom.attribute.when-custom

See: att.datable.custom.attribute.notBefore-custom

See: att.datable.custom.attribute.notAfter-custom

See: att.datable.custom.attribute.from-custom


See: att.datable.custom.attribute.datingPoint

See: att.datable.custom.attribute.datingMethod

See: att.docStatus.attributes


See: att.typed.attributes

Optional: attribute @target

Schema specification

It is very important, at the end of each section of work of improvement of a record to record a <change> in the <revisionDesc> element of the <teiHeader>. In the attribute who enter your id, in the when enter the date of the change, in the format YYYY-MM-DD. Inside the element, briefly describe the changes you have made. When you are done with a file, please, add a change element with content completed. If you have reviewed and corrected a file which is now ready and published, please add a <change> with content reviewed Beta maṣāḥǝft Guidelines

context rule report
tei:change not(matches(@when, '20\d{2}-\d{2}-\d{2}$'))
This is not a correct date.

Attibutes list

attribute who

This is a closed list of allowed values

value definition
HA Hagos Abrha
SK Sergey Kim
MGO Meseret G. Oldjira
EF Éloi Ficquet
BC Brando Carmen
MAm Martina Ambu
AC Amélie Chekroun
AB Alessandro Bausi
ABr Antonella Brita
ES Eugenia Sokolinski
DN Denis Nosnitsin
DR Dorothea Reule
MV Massimo Villa
SG Solomon Gebreyes Beyene
PL Pietro Liuzzo
SH S. Hummel
EG E. Gusarova
MK M. Krzyżanowska
VP V. Pisani
SA S. Ancel
VR V. Roth
AA A. Adugna
SD Sophia Dege-Müller
IR I. Roticiani
IF I. Fridman
MB M. Bulakh
FP Francesca Panini
RHC Ran HaCohen
SJ Sybilla Jenner
SS Sisay Sahile
DE Daria Elagina
NV Nafisa Valieva
JG Jacopo Gnisci
JK Jonas Karlsson
EDS Eliana Dal Sasso
IP Irmeli Perho
RBO Rasmus Bech Olsen
AR Anne Regourd
AH Adday Hernández
JS Joshua Sabih
AW Andreas Wetter'
JML John Møller Larsen
AG Alessandro Gori
AWi Anaïs Wion
SDe Steve Delamarter
RL Ralph Lee
JS Jonah Sandford
CH Carsten Hoffmann
WD Wolfgang Dickhut
AE Andreas Ellwardt
HE Hiruie Ermias
AM Angela Müller
SF Sara Fani
MP Michele Petrone
MA Mersha Alehegne
LB Leonard Bahr
LM Leah Mascia
ED Eyob Derillo
SSe Simone Seyboldt
CD Coleman Donaldson
HS Hewan Semon
ABe Ashlee Benson
MKr Marcin Krawczuk
AD Augustine Dickinson
HM Hizkiel Mitiku
MBä Matteo Bächtold
GC Giulia Casella
AS Angela Salerno
GS Guesh Solomon
GA Getinet Asimare
AY Addisie Yalew
IZ Ilaria Zorzan
DB Dirbwork Bitsu
CS Calum Samuelson
JE Jonathan Egid
TE Ted Erho
AMB Aaron Michael Butts
JF Janet Fredekind
EES Elizaveta Shvarts
AmAb Amanuel Abraha
JRB Jeremy R. Brown
WLB Wendy L. Belcher
TEg Taylor Eggan
EP Ekaterina Pukhovaia
BW Bret Windhauser
DM Dawit Muluneh

attribute when

Revisions of this page

  • Pietro Maria Liuzzo on 2018-04-24: stub of page