Binding Description

The binding of the manuscript can be described in a <bindingDesc> element containing a <binding> and a series of <decoNote>s

            <binding contemporary="false" xml:id="binding">
                <decoNote xml:id="b1">Wooden boards (recently) covered with
                    reddish-brown tooled leather. </decoNote>
                <decoNote xml:id="b2">Two pairs of sewing stations.</decoNote>
                <decoNote xml:id="b3" type="SewingStations">4</decoNote>
                <decoNote xml:id="b4" type="bindingMaterial"><material key="wood"></material></decoNote>
                <decoNote xml:id="b5" type="Endbands">...</decoNote>
                <decoNote xml:id="b6" type="Other">
                    Parchment guards (possibly of the same
                    origin as <locus target="#183"></locus>) were used to sew together <locus from="1" to="2"></locus>.

Example 1

<binding> can take @notBefore and @notAfter and takes a @contemporary to provide general information.

<decoNote> elements in <binding> Description MUST have an @xml:id starting with the letter 'b' followed by a progressive number, e.g. b1, b2, b3.

Some of these decoNote can take a special form (which was established to host the data coming out of EthioSpaRE).

  • The first decoNote, with @xml:id='b1' should be a general note and remain untyped.

  • Inside the special <decoNote type="bindingMaterial"> you can add the element <material> with a @key equal to one of the values of the corresponding taxonomy from the schema. Oxygen should prompt the values from the schema.

You can always further specify this information within one of the <decoNote> elements within <binding>.

Here are some examples of how to use typed decoNote elements to provide specific information


In the <decoNote type="Boards"> you can specify using keywords the wood type (if known) and encode the presence of a textile inlay or of a mirror.


In the <decoNote type="Cover"> you can describe the covering of the binding. If it covers only the spine and the back edge of the boards use the @key quarterCover to encode it. The attribute @color is available and using keywords, you can record the presence of an additional leather patch and describe the blind-tooling decoration. It is useful to specify where the decoration is found (boards, edges, turn-ins, spine). Additional keywords are available to describe the aspect of turn-ins corners.

Sewing Stations

The <decoNote type="SewingStations"> requires to type a number, which has to be equal to the number of sewing stations (not to the number of pairs of sewing stations). The number of sewing stations corresponds to the number of holes in centerfold of a quire used for stitching, or the chain-stiched "rows" that can be seen on the spine of the codex. Thus, one pair of sewing stations corresponds to 2 sewing stations and two pairs of sewing stations corresponds (most of the times) to 4 sewing stations. It is important to encode the number of sewing stations because, even if less common, the structure with 3 sewing stations is a structure on two paired sewing stations (the one in the middle is shared). See, for example, Hamburg, State and University Library Hamburg Carl von Ossietzky, Cod. Orient. 405:

              <decoNote xml:id="b6" type="SewingStations">4</decoNote>

Example 2

A further description of the sewing is possible within a general <decoNote>. Here, you can also state the number of pairs of sewing stations:

             <decoNote xml:id="b2">Two pairs of sewing stations.</decoNote>

Example 3

Sewing stations are numbered starting from the head (first sewing station, second sewing station, third sewing station, etc.). Here, if identified, you can specify with keywords the origin of sewing thread.


Inside the <decoNote type="Endbands"> you can use the attribute @color and keywords to specify the endband type. See, for example, Hamburg, State and University Library Hamburg Carl von Ossietzky, Cod. Orient. 404:

               <decoNote xml:id="b5" type="Endbands" color="red white">
                 <term key="slitBraid">slit-braid</term>
                 endbands and are sewn to the text block using a thread of animal origin. The headband is sewn starting from the upper board while the tailband is sewn starting from the lower board.

Example 4

Endleaves and Pastedowns

Endleaves are one or more leaves added at the front and/or back of the textblock for its protection. Endleaves are frequently left blank or without pricking and ruling; but they can be used for marginal writing. A pastedown is an endleaf adhered to the inside of the front or back board and it is important to record its position in relation with the turn-ins. Inside the <decoNote type="Endleaves"> you can add the attribute @pastedown and choose up to three values prompted by the schema to describe the position of the pastedown. See, for example, Hamburg, State and University Library Hamburg Carl von Ossietzky, Cod. Orient. 405:

           <decoNote xml:id="b11" type="EndLeaves" pastedown="L OTI">
           The inner surface of the front board is covered with paper. Traces of paper are found also on the external surface.

Example 5


Special characteristics of the spine can be recorded in the <decoNote type="Spine"> like, for example, a series of holes related to the presence of tackets.


You can describe fastenings or the remaining traces of them in the <decoNote type="Fastenings">

Leather case (māḥdar)

Inside the <decoNote type="SlipCase"> you can record and describe the leather case (māḥdar) where the codex is kept.


Inside the <decoNote type="Other"> is possible to use keywords from the specific sections of the taxonomy to record other features.

You can record the presence of parchment guards, their position and the technique of attachment.

It is possible to describe bookmarks using leafStringMark or LeafTabMark keywords.

                 <decoNote xml:id="b5" type="Other">
                 <term key="leafStringMark"></term>
                 inserted in the the upper text prick of ff. 10, 20, ...

Example 6

The leaf string marker is a bookmark made of one or several twisted threads, coloured or uncoloured, sewed through a leaf. It can be found in different positions as shown in the following examples ( Fig. g2 and Fig. g3)

  1. A leaf string marker inserted in the upper corner

    Fig. g2.
  2. A leaf string marker inserted in the upper text prick

    Fig. g3.

The leaf tab marker is a bookmark made of a small piece of textile inserted in the margin of a leaf as shown in Fig. g1

Fig. g1. A leaf tab marker inserted in the outer margin

This page is referred to in the following pages

Revisions of this page

  • Pietro Maria Liuzzo on 2018-04-30: first version of guidelines from Wiki
  • Pietro Maria Liuzzo on 2018-04-24: stub of page
  • Eliana Dal Sasso on 2019-01-08: content added
  • Dorothea Reule on 2021-08-25: small edit to clarify encoding of sewing stations

You found "ruling" in 2 entries!


...measurements, punctuation, pricking and ruling, etc., as in this example ...

... Ruling and pricking Within ...

...yout you can also encode information on ruling and pricking using ...

... A misṭāra was used for ruling. ... Ruling is partly visible; pricking is visib...

... pricking is visible. Ruling pattern: 1A-1A-1A...

...tly visible (s. 29r). Ruling pricks are mostly visible (s. 20r). ...

... The upper line is written above the ruling. The bottom line i...

... The bottom line is written above the ruling. ...

Binding Description1

...ntly left blank or without pricking and ruling; but they can be used for...