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Descriptions of (predominantly) Christian manuscripts from Ethiopia and Eritrea are the core of the Beta maṣāḥǝft project. We (1) gradually encode descriptions from printed catalogues, beginning from the historical ones, (2) incorporate digital descriptions produced by other projects, adjusting them wherever possible, and (3) produce descriptions of previously unknown and/or uncatalogued manuscripts. The encoding follows the TEI XML standards (check our guidelines).
We identify each unit of content in every manuscript. We consider any text with an independent circulation a work, with its own identification number within the Clavis Aethiopica (CAe). Parts of texts (e.g. chapters) without independent circulation (univocally identifiable by IDs assigned within the records) or recurrent motifs as well as documentary additional texts (identified as Narrative Units) are not part of the CAe. You can also check the list of different types of text titles or various Indexes available from the top menu.
The clavis is a repertory of all known works relevant for the Ethiopian and Eritrean tradition; the work being defined as any text with an independent circulation. Each work (as well as known recensions where applicable) receives a unique identifier in the Clavis Aethiopica (CAe). In the filter search offered here one can search for a work by its title, a keyword, a short quotation, but also directly by its CAe identifier - or, wherever known and provided, identifier used by other claves, including Bibliotheca Hagiographica Graeca (BHG), Clavis Patrum Graecorum (CPG), Clavis Coptica (CC), Clavis Apocryphorum Veteris Testamenti (CAVT), Clavis Apocryphorum Novi Testamenti (CANT), etc. The project additionally identifies Narrative Units to refer to text types, where no clavis identification is possible or necessary. Recurring motifs or also frequently documentary additiones are assigned a Narrative Unit ID, or thematically clearly demarkated passages from various recensions of a larger work. This list view shows the documentary collections encoded by the project Ethiopian Manuscript Archives (EMA) and its successor EthioChrisProcess - Christianization and religious interactions in Ethiopia (6th-13th century) : comparative approaches with Nubia and Egypt, which aim to edit the corpus of administrative acts of the Christian kingdom of Ethiopia, for medieval and modern periods. See also the list of documents contained in the additiones in the manuscripts described by the Beta maṣāḥǝft project . Works of interest to Ethiopian and Eritrean studies.
While encoding manuscripts, the project Beta maṣāḥǝft aims at creating an exhaustive repertory of art themes and techniques present in Ethiopian and Eritrean Christian tradition. See our encoding guidelines for details. Two types of searches for aspects of manuscript decoration are possible, the decorations filtered search and the general keyword search.
The filtered search for decorations, originally designed with Jacopo Gnisci, looks at decorations and their features only. The filters on the left are relative only to the selected features, reading the legends will help you to figure out what you can filter. For example you can search for all encoded decorations of a specific art theme, or search the encoded legends. If the decorations are present, but not encoded, you will not get them in the results. If an image is available, you will also find a thumbnail linking to the image viewer. [NB: The Index of Decorations currently often times out, we are sorry for the inconvenience.] You can search for particular motifs or aspects, including style, also through the keyword search. Just click on "Art keywords" and "Art themes" on the left to browse through the options. This is a short cut to a search for all those manuscripts which have miniatures of which we have images.
We create metadata for all places associated with the manuscript production and circulation as well as those mentioned in the texts used by the project. The encoding of places in Beta maṣāḥǝft will thus result in a Gazetteer of the Ethiopian tradition. We follow the principles established by Pleiades and lined out in the TEI Manual and Schema for Historical Geography which allow us to distinguish between places, locations, and names of places. See also Help page fore more guidance.
This tab offers a filtrable list of all available places. Geographical references of the type "land inhabited by people XXX" is encoded with the reference to the corresponding Ethnic unit (see below); ethnonyms, even those used in geographical contexts, do not appear in this list. Repositories are those locations where manuscripts encoded by the project are or used to be preserved. While they are encoded in the same way as all places are, the view offered is different, showing a list of manuscripts associated with the repository.
We create metadata for all persons (and groups of persons) associated with the manuscript production and circulation (rulers, religious authorities, scribes, donors, and commissioners) as well as those mentioned in the texts used by the project. The result will be a comprehensive Prosopography of the Ethiopian and Eritrean tradition. See also Help page for more guidance.
We encode persons according to our Encoding Guidelines. The initial list was inherited from the Encyclopaedia Aethiopica, and there are still many inconsistencies that we are trying to gradually fix. We consider ethnonyms as a subcategory of personal names, even when many are often used in literary works in the context of the "land inhabited by **". The present list of records has been mostly inherited from the Encyclopaedia Aethiopica, and there are still many inconsistencies that we are trying to gradually fix.
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There are 1377 resources that contain the exact keyword: Apocrypha
id title type
BLorient562 London, British Library, BL Oriental 562 mss
BLorient13263 London, British Library, BL Oriental 13263 mss
BNFabb174 Paris, Bibliothèque nationale de France, BnF Éthiopien d'Abbadie 174 mss
LIT5394MiracleYasay Miracle of Mary: King Yasāy of Egypt, who became a monk in Dabra Rom work
LIT5596MMGovernor Miracle of Mary: The governor believes in Christ and rebukes the Jews work
LIT5295MiracleAngel Miracle of Mary: An angel drives away the custodian of a church of St Mary when he was about to enter after sinning with a woman work
LIT5379MiracleBaptism Miracle of Mary: An unbaptized Jewish woman attempts to enter the house of St Mary, who prevents her and tells her to seek baptism work
LIT5284MiracleDawit Miracle of Mary: St Mary makes a covenant with King Dāwit of Ethiopia work
LIT5579MMWomen Miracle of Mary: St Mary heals two women whom a demon had made ill work
LIT5591MMJohn4 Miracle of Mary: Conclusion of the preceding homily on the vision of the Apocalypse work
LIT5144MiracleApparitionMetmaqE Miracle of Mary: The people toss their caps and kerchiefs into the air before the apparition of St Mary, occasionally she reaches out and takes one of them work
LIT5237MiracleSamuelJohn Miracle of Mary: The events that occurred during the captivity of Abbots Sāmuʾel of Dabra Qalǝmon and John of Scete work
LIT5568MMRaft Miracle of Mary: The woman who was crossing a river on a raft work
LIT5170MiracleFishermanSnake Miracle of Mary: Miracle of a fisherman who adored the Virgin Mary and was saved from snake work
LIT5309MiracleMilk Miracle of Mary: The milk of St Mary that was poured on the ground in Egypt work
LIT5582MMBlessing Miracle of Mary: St Mary before her dormition asks Christ to bless those who honor her and pray for her help work
LIT5604MMGigar Miracle of Mary: Herod commands that King Gigār be brought to the olive tree work
LIT5534MiracleYouth Miracle of Mary: The dissolute youth from Ethiopia who was about to be killed by the magistrate work
LIT5436MiracleConsecration Miracle of Mary: Narration of the consecration of the first church; when the patriarchs are commemorated, they rise from the dead and are baptized work
LIT5173MiracleScete Miracle of Mary: St Mary blesses Scete, which St Macarius choses for his monastery work
LIT5330MiracleIsland Miracle of Mary: The monk from a monstery on an island who could not find his boat when he wanted to return work
LIT5380MiracleAnnunciation Miracle of Mary: The Annunciation work
LIT5466MiracleSolomon Miracle of Mary: God appears to King Solomon in a dream after the dedication of the Temple work
LIT5200MiracleInkDawit Miracle of Mary: The miracle concerning the golden ink during the time of king Dāwit work
LIT3880Miracle Miracle of Mary: How a merchant denied Christ but not Mary, who saved him work
LIT3719Miracle Miracle of Mary: Miracle of a poor man who loved Mary and became rich work
LIT3690Miracle Miracle of Mary: Miracle of a statue of the Virgin built by Arcadius work
LIT3987Prayer Prayer of Our Lady Mary for the 16th Yakkātit work
LIT3922Miracle Miracle of Mary: How a widow forsook her duties in the Church and lived in sin, how her place had been filled by the Virgin Mary work
LIT3915Miracle Miracle of Mary: How the Virgin Mary rebuked a woman who gave up fasting at her husband's command work
LIT3626Miracle Miracle of Mary: Homily on a miracle at the Convent of Mǝṭmāq work
LIT3732Miracle Miracle of Mary: Miracle of a sinful widow who went to hell and later appeared at her convent and announced her salvation by Mary work
LIT3705Miracle Miracle of Mary: Miracle of the Roman prefect hindered of entering the Holy Sepulchre work
LIT5644MMAtrib4 Miracle of Mary: Arrival of the letter prohibiting the destruction of the church of ʾAtrib work
LIT5205MiracleEgypt Miracle of Mary: The places in Egypt visited by the Holy Family work
LIT5641MMAtrib1 Miracle of Mary: Description of the church of ʾAtrib work
LIT5334MiracleFurnishings Miracle of Mary: St Mary reveals where the furnishings stolen from the church of Hagara Māryām are located work
LIT5395MiracleRome Miracle of Mary: The Jew from Rome who wanted to kill Christians, but was seized by the priests of the church of St Mary work
LIT5915MMVisits Miracle of Mary: Miracles performed by Mary after her death on various women work
LIT5107MiracleBlood Miracle of Mary: The Arab woman who suffered from an issue of blood for many years work
LIT5618MMSedenya Miracle of Mary: Some officials visit the icon of St Mary at Dabra Sedenyā work
LIT5032MiracleMonkTigris Miracle of Mary: Miracle of a monk in the monastery of St. Ephrem, on an island in the river of Tigris work
LIT5258MiracleMetmaqDestruction Miracle of Mary: When the destruction of Dabra Mǝtmāq is reported in Ethiopia, the king orders the construction of a new monastery to take its place work
LIT5381MiracleCup Miracle of Mary: St Mary gives a cup of the water of life to an Ethiopian monk in Jerusalem work
LIT5183MiracleBrigands Miracle of Mary: The brigands who killed each other at the miraculous spring work
LIT5469MiracleStones Miracle of Mary: The precious stones used in building the Temple work
LIT5906MMApparition Miracle of Mary: After a man denies Christ and Mary, his wife prays before the image of Mary, who appears then to the husband work
LIT5045MiracleSonsMagician Miracle of Mary: Miracle of two sons of the magician ʾAbrāsi pardoned thanks to the prayer to St. Mary work
LIT5670MMGuloMakeda Miracle of Mary: Miracle produced by chants in churches in Gulo Maḵadā and Gogdā Wagdā work
LIT5800LifeDan Life of Daniel work
LIT5554MiracleArkaledes Miracle of Mary: ʾArkaledǝs from Qāwǝḥ, who vowed not to look again at a woman, when his mother came to visit him, he died before seeing her work
LIT5489MiracleParadise Miracle of Mary: In a vision St Mary is shown the Paradise of the Just work
LIT5485MiracleVisitation4 Miracle of Mary: Continuation of the preceding homily on the Visitation work
LIT5433MiracleHell Miracle of Mary: Christ grants St Mary a vision of the sufferings of those in Hell work
LIT5386MiracleGalilee Miracle of Mary: St Mary is welcomed when she returns to Galilee work
LIT5524MiracleTransitus Miracle of Mary: The Transitus of St Mary work
LIT5114MiracleHusband Miracle of Mary: The husband who denied Christ when he became poor work
LIT5327MiracleVisit Miracle of Mary: St Mary cuts short her visit to a pious monk when she hears her name invoked according to the horologium of ʾabbā Giyorgis work
LIT5375MiracleSebkahad Miracle of Mary: A thief is hanged upside down with the objects he stole from the church of St Mary in Sǝbkaḥad work
LIT5661MMSpendthrift1 Miracle of Mary: The spendthrift who refused to deny Mary (part 1) work
LIT5403MiracleChariot Miracle of Mary: The priest Thomas sees St Mary inscribing the names of those who praise her on the fiery chariot of gold work
LIT5109MiracleLamp Miracle of Mary: The lamp before the icon of St Mary that the priest tipped over work
LIT5150MiracleSembat Miracle of Mary: Miracle of the old woman from Sǝmbāt who gave the offering for St Mary to St George work
LIT5308MiracleNativityChrist Miracle of Mary: The nativity of Christ work
LIT5525MiracleMagistrate Miracle of Mary: The Jewish magistrate who believed in Christ when he saw St Mary's miracles work
LIT5219MiracleVisionTimothy4 Miracle of Mary: Vision of Timothy of Alexandria: The Holy Family crosses the Nile at ʾAšmunayn work
LIT5550MiracleBartos Miracle of Mary: Matthias, a student from Bārtos in Egypt, who was beaten and imprisoned for teaching about Christ work
LIT5096MiracleTheophilusReturn Miracle of Mary: The vision of Theophilus continued: The Holy Family returns from Egypt work
LIT3658Miracle Miracle of Mary: Miracle of the Roman monk ʾOḍ of the Convent of Kwǝzārā work
LIT3611Miracle Miracle of Mary: Miracle of Sophia, abbess of Mount Carmel work
LIT3644Miracle Miracle of Mary: Miracle of Martha, daughter of Fasilides, and her son Victor work
LIT3974GadlaT Gadla Takla Ṣǝyon work
LIT5487MiracleVisitation6 Miracle of Mary: Continuation of the preceding homily on the Visitation work
LIT5502MiraclePregnancy Miracle of Mary: St Mary is found to be pregnant work
LIT5043MiracleGregoryArmenia Miracle of Mary: Miracle of St Gregory the Illuminator who sees the glory of the Virgin Mary work
LIT5175MiracleMuslim Miracle of Mary: The story of the Muslim who lived near the churches of St Mark and St Shenute work
LIT5287MiracleKing Miracle of Mary: The Holy Family visits the king of the Semites work
LIT5245MiraclePriestOath Miracle of Mary: The vision of a certain saint about the fate of a priest who swore falsely work
LIT5325MiracleTheocleia Miracle of Mary: St Mary appears to Theocleia and prepares her for martyrdom work
LIT5106MiraclePriest Miracle of Mary: The priest from Nārdin who was accused because he kept a nun in his house work
LIT5163MiracleLeprosy Miracle of Mary: The wife of Mark, a priest from Mallāwī, is cured of her leprosy work
LIT5002MiracleSeaShipwreck Miracle of Mary: Miracle of a shipwrecked pilgrim work
LIT5530MiracleCross Miracle of Mary: The cross at Dabra Qʷǝsqʷām that used to bless when the priest saying Mass blessed work
LIT5177MiracleAbraham Miracle of Mary: A monk, Abraham, drinks poisonous water while on a journey to visit the patriarch and dies, but is then raised from the dead work
LIT5207MiracleBishopPhiloteusB Miracle of Mary: When Ṗāriqos of Feṣā confesses his sins to the bishop, the latter, refusing him absolution, tells him to go to ʾAbbā Yāʿqob (Santiago) work
LIT5241MiracleAndrewQalemon Miracle of Mary: St Mary raises Andrew, a disciple of Abba Sāmuʾel of Dabra Qalǝmon, from the dead. work
LIT5621MMMuslim Miracle of Mary: St Mary appears to a Muslim who was about to teach the Islamic religion to a Christian who had been compelled to apostasize; the Muslim teacher is converted to Christianity and dies a martyr work
LIT5171MiracleJesusCatechist Miracle of young Jesus and catechist work
LIT5535MiracleChurch Miracle of Mary: The ruined church of St Mary that was rebuilt work
LIT5370MiracleCyprus Miracle of Mary: The priest from Cyprus who brought a particle of the Eucharist to a Jew work
LIT5103MiracleHawi Miracle of Mary: The composition of the Maṣḥafa ḥawi by Patriarch Gabriel ibn Tarīk work
LIT5301MiracleHouse Miracle of Mary: The man who suspected a former wife of having burned down his house work
LIT5222MiracleVisionTimothy7 Miracle of Mary: Vision of Timothy of Alexandria: The experience of the Holy Family in the district of ʾAšmunayn work
LIT5576MMTasfaM Miracle of Mary: Abbot Tasfa Māḫbar from Caesarea, who was given a cloud as a chariot and went to visit ʾabbā Zakāryas in Scete work
LIT5161MiracleBlasphemer Miracle of Mary: A man who speaks blasphemously of St Mary has his hands and legs cut off work
LIT5614MMIyob Miracle of Mary: Job, a pupil of Barsuma, falls into a well work
LIT5599MMAnnunciation2 Miracle of Mary: Continuation of the preceding homily on the Annunciation work
LIT5482MiracleVisitation Miracle of Mary: Continuation of the preceding homily: the Visitation work
LIT5872NagaraMGen Nagara Muse (general record) work
LIT5917TaammeraHa Taʾammǝra Ḥannā work
LIT5174MiracleMichael Miracle of Mary: The story of Michael, the scribe who converted to Islam when he was beaten work
LIT5503MiracleDove Miracle of Mary: St Mary comes to a church in the form of a white dove to heal from smallpox a man whose only good work was celebrating her commemoration work
LIT5333MiracleHagara Miracle of Mary: The recovery of the icons stolen from Hagara Māryām work
BNFet55 Paris, Bibliothèque nationale de France, BnF Éthiopien 55 mss
BLorient655 London, British Library, BL Oriental 655 mss
ESeth001 Gulo Maḵadā, ʿƎmbayto Takla Hāymānot, ETH-001 mss
BLorient682 London, British Library, BL Oriental 682 mss
LIT6020MJCrucifixion Miracle of Jesus: The crucifixion work
ESdma007 Gāntā ʾAfašum, ʾAḥzarā Māryām, DMA-007 mss
ESgbi007 Gāntā ʾAfašum, Gwāḥgot ʾIyasus, GBI-007 mss
FSUrueppII1 Lost. Rüpp. II, 1 mss
BNFet8 Paris, Bibliothèque nationale de France, BnF Éthiopien 8 mss
ESmcm004 Gulo Maḵadā, Māy Č̣aw Mikāʾel, MCM-004 mss
ESktm007 Bǝḥerāwi Kǝllǝlāwi Mangǝśti Tǝgrāy, Kadiḥ Dabra Tawāḥǝdo Qǝddǝst Māryām, KTM-007 mss
FSUrueppII7 Lost. Rüpp. II, 7 mss
BDLaethg14 Oxford, Bodleian Library, Bodleian Aeth. g. 14 mss
LIT6416MJLionsAshkelon Miracle of Jesus: The lions of Ashkelon work
ESmhg014 Bǝḥerāwi Kǝllǝlāwi Mangǝśti Tǝgrāy, Ḥarennat Gabazayti Qǝddǝst Māryām, MHG-014 mss
ESmkmg006 Gulo Maḵadā, Makāʿǝlo Makāna Lǝʿul, MKMG-006 mss
ESap016 mss
ESaqm002 Gulo Maḵadā, ʾAgarhǝse ʾAbuna Māmās, AQM-002 mss
ESqqm004 Gulo Maḵadā, ʿĀddi Qiyāḥto Qǝddǝst Māryām, QQM-004 mss
ESmgm015 Gāntā ʾAfašum, Mǝʾǝsār Gwǝḥilā Qǝddus Mikāʾel, MGM-015 mss
BDLaethg15 Oxford, Bodleian Library, Bodleian Aeth. g. 15 mss
ESmgm001 Gāntā ʾAfašum, Mǝʾǝsār Gwǝḥilā Qǝddus Mikāʾel, MGM-001 mss
BLadd16245 London, British Library, BL Additional 16245 mss
ESath008 mss
InEtn210320 St Petersburg, Etnografičeskij Muzej Akademii Nauk, InEtn 2103-20 mss
BAVet73 Vatican City, Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, Aeth. 73 mss
BLadd24185 London, British Library, BL Additional 24185 mss
LIT6017MJLion Miracle of Jesus: Jesus saves Joseph from a lion work
ESdz004 Bǝḥerāwi Kǝllǝlāwi Mangǝśti Tǝgrāy, Dabra Zayt Qǝddǝst Māryām, DZ-004 mss
IVEf39 Saint Petersburg, Institut Vostočnyh Rukopisej Rossijskoj Akademii Nauk, IV Ef. 39 mss
ESdsm004 Gāntā ʾAfašum, Dabra Sāhl Qǝddus Mikāʾel Bet Maḵāʿ, DSM-004 mss
ESmsm001 Gulo Maḵadā, Dabra Ṣǝyon Qǝddǝst Māryām Manabayti, MSM-001 mss
ESmac005 Bǝḥerāwi Kǝllǝlāwi Mangǝśti Tǝgrāy, Č̣ahāt Madḫāne ʿĀlam, MAC-005 mss
ESagm004 Gulo Maḵadā, ʾAgamyo Qǝddus Mikāʾel, AGM-004 mss
BNFet54 Paris, Bibliothèque nationale de France, BnF Éthiopien 54 mss
LIT6034MMCustodianGen Miracle of Mary: How the Virgin Mary told a treasurer of a church to kiss her cheeks (General record) work
ESaqg011 Gulo Maḵadā, ʿĀddi Qolqʷāl Giyorgis, AQG-011 mss
ESdd010 mss
BAVet35 Vatican City, Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, Aeth. 35 mss
ESwq002 Sāʿsiʿ Ṣaʿdā ʾƎmbā, Walwālo Dabra Bǝrhān Qirqos, WQ-002 mss
ESagm010 Gulo Maḵadā, ʾAgamyo Qǝddus Mikāʾel, AGM-010 mss
BAVet8 Vatican City, Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, Aeth. 8 mss
ESmgm008 Gāntā ʾAfašum, Mǝʾǝsār Gwǝḥilā Qǝddus Mikāʾel, MGM-008 mss
ESbma003 Gāntā ʾAfašum, ʿĀddigrāt Bet Māryā, BMA-003 mss
IVEf83 Saint Petersburg, Institut Vostočnyh Rukopisej Rossijskoj Akademii Nauk, IV Ef. 83 mss
ESap044 Gulo Maḵadā, ʿĀddaqāḥarsi Ṗarāqliṭos, AP-044 mss
ESqsm017 Gulo Maḵadā, Qarsabar Qǝddus Mikāʾel, QSM-017 mss
ESgmg011 Bǝḥerāwi Kǝllǝlāwi Mangǝśti Tǝgrāy, Ganāḥti Qǝddǝst Māryām, GMG-011 mss
BAVet117 Vatican City, Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, Aeth. 117 mss
ESmac001 Bǝḥerāwi Kǝllǝlāwi Mangǝśti Tǝgrāy, Č̣ahāt Madḫāne ʿĀlam, MAC-001 mss
IVEf54 Saint Petersburg, Institut Vostočnyh Rukopisej Rossijskoj Akademii Nauk, IV Ef. 54 mss
BLorient683 London, British Library, BL Oriental 683 mss
LIT6035MMPearlGen Miracle of Mary: Miracle of the merchant who was offered riches for denying the faith work
ESqdq003 Gāntā ʾAfašum, Qandāʿro Qǝddus Qirqos, QDQ-003 mss
ESqsm008 Gulo Maḵadā, Qarsabar Qǝddus Mikāʾel, QSM-008 mss
ESsdsm007 Sāʿsiʿ Ṣaʿdā ʾƎmbā, Sawna Māryām, SDSM-007 mss
ESgms013 Gāntā ʾAfašum, Siʿet Qǝddǝst Māryām, GMS-013 mss
ESfbm018 Gulo Maḵadā, Faqādā Māryām, FBM-018 mss
BNFet50 mss
BLorient654 London, British Library, BL Oriental 654 mss
ESwq004 Sāʿsiʿ Ṣaʿdā ʾƎmbā, Walwālo Dabra Bǝrhān Qirqos, WQ-004 mss
ESmm011 Gāntā ʾAfašum, Māryām Makān, MM-011 mss
ESehpp011 Gulo Maḵadā, ʾƎndā Ḥawāryāt Ṗeṭros wa-Ṗāwlos, EHPP-011 mss
BAVet71 Vatican City, Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, Aeth. 71 mss
BLorient640 London, British Library, BL Oriental 640 mss
ESmm006 Gāntā ʾAfašum, Māryām Makān, MM-006 mss
ESdma010 Gāntā ʾAfašum, ʾAḥzarā Māryām, DMA-010 mss
ESmr029 Gulo Maḵadā, Mǝdra Rubā Sǝllase, MR-029 mss
ESmqm001 Gāntā ʾAfašum, Dabra Maʿār Qǝddǝst Māryām, MQM-001 mss
BAVet49 Vatican City, Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, Aeth. 49 mss
LIT6403MJResSarah The resurrection of Sarah, Rebecca, and Rachel work
ESdd011 Bǝḥerāwi Kǝllǝlāwi Mangǝśti Tǝgrāy, Dabra Dāmmo ʾAbuna ʾAragāwi, DD-011 mss
ESqsm023 Gulo Maḵadā, Qarsabar Qǝddus Mikāʾel, QSM-023 mss
ESmqm015 Gāntā ʾAfašum, Dabra Maʿār Qǝddǝst Māryām, MQM-015 mss
ESmy028 Gulo Maḵadā, Dabra Māʿṣo Qǝddus Yoḥannǝs, MY-028 mss
BDLaethg5 Oxford, Bodleian Library, Bodleian Aeth. g. 5 mss
LIT6426MJMaryMagdalene Miracle of Jesus: Mary Magdalene anoints the feet of Jesus in the house of Simon the Pharisee work
ESsdm005 Gāntā ʾAfašum, Soṭā Dabra Salām Qǝddus Mikāʾel, SDM-005 mss
ESsdm002 Gāntā ʾAfašum, Soṭā Dabra Salām Qǝddus Mikāʾel, SDM-002 mss
BDLaethf1 Oxford, Bodleian Library, Bodleian Aeth. f. 1 mss
BLadd11293 London, British Library, BL Additional 11293 mss
ESmr001 Gulo Maḵadā, Mǝdra Rubā Sǝllase, MR-001 mss
ESmgm007 Gāntā ʾAfašum, Mǝʾǝsār Gwǝḥilā Qǝddus Mikāʾel, MGM-007 mss
BAVet60 Vatican City, Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, Aeth. 60 mss
BLadd24994 London, British Library, BL Additional 24994 mss
LIT6193HomiliaryPassions Dǝrsāna madḫāne ʿālam work
ESdz005 Bǝḥerāwi Kǝllǝlāwi Mangǝśti Tǝgrāy, Dabra Zayt Qǝddǝst Māryām, DZ-005 mss
ESsdm015 Gāntā ʾAfašum, Soṭā Dabra Salām Qǝddus Mikāʾel, SDM-015 mss
ESfbm019 Gulo Maḵadā, Faqādā Māryām, FBM-019 mss
IVEf13 Saint Petersburg, Institut Vostočnyh Rukopisej Rossijskoj Akademii Nauk, IV Ef. 13 mss
BLorient642 London, British Library, BL Oriental 642 mss
ESdz011 Bǝḥerāwi Kǝllǝlāwi Mangǝśti Tǝgrāy, Dabra Zayt Qǝddǝst Māryām, DZ-011 mss
ESum029 Bǝḥerāwi Kǝllǝlāwi Mangǝśti Tǝgrāy, ʿUrā Qirqos, UM-029 mss
ESdmb003 Bǝḥerāwi Kǝllǝlāwi Mangǝśti Tǝgrāy, Baʿātti Qǝddus Mikāʾel, DMB-003 mss
ESsm001 Gulo Maḵadā, Sabayā Māryām, SM-001 mss
IVorlov2 Saint Petersburg, Institut Vostočnyh Rukopisej Rossijskoj Akademii Nauk, IV Orlov 2 mss
BAVet48 Vatican City, Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, Aeth. 48 mss
ESgbi011 Gāntā ʾAfašum, Gwāḥgot ʾIyasus, GBI-011 mss
ESbhm002 Gāntā ʾAfašum, Bāḥǝrā Qǝddǝst Māryām, BHM-002 mss
ESmgm006 Gāntā ʾAfašum, Mǝʾǝsār Gwǝḥilā Qǝddus Mikāʾel, MGM-006 mss
ESbmqm002 Sāʿsiʿ Ṣaʿdā ʾƎmbā, Bet Muḵāʿ Mikāʾel, BMQM-002 mss
BNFet51 Paris, Bibliothèque nationale de France, BnF Éthiopien 51 mss
BLorient681 London, British Library, BL Oriental 681 mss
LIT6410MJOliveBranch Miracle of Jesus: The olive branch planted by Zacchaeus work
ESnsm007 Bǝḥerāwi Kǝllǝlāwi Mangǝśti Tǝgrāy, Nǝḥbi Qǝddus Mikāʾel, NSM-007 mss
ESdd006 Bǝḥerāwi Kǝllǝlāwi Mangǝśti Tǝgrāy, Dabra Dāmmo ʾAbuna ʾAragāwi, DD-006 mss
ESehpp002 Gulo Maḵadā, ʾƎndā Ḥawāryāt Ṗeṭros wa-Ṗāwlos, EHPP-002 mss
ESlqm002 Gulo Maḵadā, Lǝḥuṣā Māryām, LQM-002 mss
LIT6429MJResurrection Miracle of Jesus: The Resurrection work
ESmhg012 Bǝḥerāwi Kǝllǝlāwi Mangǝśti Tǝgrāy, Ḥarennat Gabazayti Qǝddǝst Māryām, MHG-012 mss
ESamm005 ʿAddigrat, ʿĀddigrāt Madḫāne ʿĀlam, AMM-005 mss
BLadd24188 London, British Library, BL Additional 24188 mss
LIT6014MJTetmena Miracle of Jesus: The stolen cows of Ṭǝṭmǝnā, a neighbour of the Holy Family work
ESsm018 Gulo Maḵadā, Sabayā Māryām, SM-018 mss
ESsdgm009 Sāʿsiʿ Ṣaʿdā ʾƎmbā, Ṣabalā Dabra Gannat Māryām, SDGM-009 mss
ESddm022 Gāntā ʾAfašum, Danderā Dabra Mǝḥrat Mikāʾel, DDM-022 mss
LBK001 El Paso, , LBK-001 mss
LIT6414MJLocusts Miracle of Jesus: The expulsion of locusts from Galilee and Judaea, and the question of the Sabbath work
ESbgy003 Gāntā ʾAfašum, Golʿa Dabra Bǝrhān Yoḥannǝs, BGY-003 mss
ESmcm001 Gulo Maḵadā, Māy Č̣aw Mikāʾel, MCM-001 mss
ESamq002 ʿAddigrat, ʿĀddigrāt Dabra Mankǝrāt Qǝddus Qirqos, AMQ-002 mss
BLadd24991 London, British Library, BL Additional 24991 mss
BLorient520 London, British Library, BL Oriental 520 mss
LIT6407MJBersinya Miracle of Jesus: The Samaritan woman Bərsinyä work
ESmy004 Gulo Maḵadā, Dabra Māʿṣo Qǝddus Yoḥannǝs, MY-004 mss
ESwq008 Sāʿsiʿ Ṣaʿdā ʾƎmbā, Walwālo Dabra Bǝrhān Qirqos, WQ-008 mss
ESqqm005 Gulo Maḵadā, ʿĀddi Qiyāḥto Qǝddǝst Māryām, QQM-005 mss
ESamq009 ʿAddigrat, ʿĀddigrāt Dabra Mankǝrāt Qǝddus Qirqos, AMQ-009 mss
IVEf56 Saint Petersburg, Institut Vostočnyh Rukopisej Rossijskoj Akademii Nauk, IV Ef. 56 mss
BNFet60 Paris, Bibliothèque nationale de France, BnF Éthiopien 60 mss
BNFet53 Paris, Bibliothèque nationale de France, BnF Éthiopien 53 mss
ESmy019 Gulo Maḵadā, Dabra Māʿṣo Qǝddus Yoḥannǝs, MY-019 mss
ESmgm008a Gāntā ʾAfašum, Mǝʾǝsār Gwǝḥilā Qǝddus Mikāʾel, MGM-008a mss
ESaqm006 Gulo Maḵadā, ʾAgarhǝse ʾAbuna Māmās, AQM-006 mss
BLadd16230 London, British Library, BL Additional 16230 mss
LIT6039MMStephanitesGen Miracle of Mary: The judgment of the court of Zarʿa Yāʿqob against the Stephanites (General record) work
LIT6033MMLadyGen Miracle of Mary: The noblewoman who was persuaded by her spiritual father to give away her fine clothes work
ESum016 Bǝḥerāwi Kǝllǝlāwi Mangǝśti Tǝgrāy, ʿUrā Qirqos, UM-016 mss
ESdma009 Gāntā ʾAfašum, ʾAḥzarā Māryām, DMA-009 mss
LIT6495Zenawa Za-kama zenawā Gabrǝʾel la-Māryām wa-yǝbe ḫaylu la-ʾab za-warada yǝḫdǝr ba-māḫḍanā la-dǝngǝl za-ba-fǝqru maṣʾa work
LIT6187Dersan3Tahsas Dǝrsān za-yǝtnabbab ʾama 3 la-tāḫśāś baʾǝnta lǝdatā la-ʾǝgzǝʾtǝna Māryām walādita ʾAmlāk wa-zakama boʾat wǝsta beta maqdas wa-zakama ʾawaffayǝwwā la-Yosef wa-zakama ḥorat beta Zakāryās ḫaba bǝʾǝsitu ʾElsābeṭ work
DSEthiop15 Egypt, Dayr as-Suryān, DS Ethiop. 15 mss
ESqs014 Sāʿsiʿ Ṣaʿdā ʾƎmbā, Qalāqǝl Māryām Ṣǝyon, QS-014 mss
BDLaethg1 Oxford, Bodleian Library, Bodleian Aeth. g. 1 mss
BAVet50 Vatican City, Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, Aeth. 50 mss
DSEthiop5 Egypt, Dayr as-Suryān, DS Ethiop. 5 mss
ESgkm004 Gāntā ʾAfašum, Maḵodʿa Dabra Gannat Kidāna Mǝḥrat, GKM-004 mss
ESap028 Gulo Maḵadā, ʿĀddaqāḥarsi Ṗarāqliṭos, AP-028 mss
EStrm015 Gulo Maḵadā, Tāḥtāy Rubā Māryām, TRM-015 mss
ESqqm008 Gulo Maḵadā, ʿĀddi Qiyāḥto Qǝddǝst Māryām, QQM-008 mss
BDLor531 Oxford, Bodleian Library, Bodleian Orient 531 mss
BNFabb142 Paris, Bibliothèque nationale de France, BnF Éthiopien d'Abbadie 142 mss
BLorient680 London, British Library, BL Oriental 680 mss
LIT6423MJSermonJerusalem Miracles of Jesus: Jesusʾ sermon to the Apostles in Jerusalem work
LIT6430MJJosephArimathea Miracle of Jesus: The imprisonment of Joseph of Arimathea and of many of his disciples; Their miraculous deliverance work
ESma009 Bǝḥerāwi Kǝllǝlāwi Mangǝśti Tǝgrāy, ʾĀndel Qǝddǝst Māryām, MA-009 mss
BLadd16219 London, British Library, BL Additional 16219 mss
DSEthiop16 Egypt, Dayr as-Suryān, DS Ethiop. 16 mss
ESap035 mss
ESqds001 Bǝḥerāwi Kǝllǝlāwi Mangǝśti Tǝgrāy, Qiʿāt Dabra Ṣǝyon Qǝddǝst Māryām, QDS-001 mss
InEtn40552 St Petersburg, Etnografičeskij Muzej Akademii Nauk, InEtn 4055-2 mss
BLorient643 London, British Library, BL Oriental 643 mss
ESktm002 Bǝḥerāwi Kǝllǝlāwi Mangǝśti Tǝgrāy, Kadiḥ Dabra Tawāḥǝdo Qǝddǝst Māryām, KTM-002 mss
ESsdgm006 Sāʿsiʿ Ṣaʿdā ʾƎmbā, Ṣabalā Dabra Gannat Māryām, SDGM-006 mss
BAVet12 Vatican City, Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, Aeth. 12 mss
BAVet54 Vatican City, Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, Aeth. 54 mss
BNFet49 Paris, Bibliothèque nationale de France, BnF Éthiopien 49 mss
ESdma005 Gāntā ʾAfašum, ʾAḥzarā Māryām, DMA-005 mss
IVEf117 Saint Petersburg, Institut Vostočnyh Rukopisej Rossijskoj Akademii Nauk, IV Ef. 76 mss
BAVet40 Vatican City, Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, Aeth. 40 mss
LIT6420MJMarriageCana Miracle of Jesus: The marriage at Cana work
DSEthiop2 Egypt, Dayr as-Suryān, DS Ethiop. 2 mss
ESdma011 Gāntā ʾAfašum, ʾAḥzarā Māryām, DMA-011 mss
ESmhg006 Bǝḥerāwi Kǝllǝlāwi Mangǝśti Tǝgrāy, Ḥarennat Gabazayti Qǝddǝst Māryām, MHG-006 mss
ESdsm021b Gāntā ʾAfašum, Dabra Sāhl Qǝddus Mikāʾel Bet Maḵāʿ, DSM-021b mss
ESmma012 Bǝḥerāwi Kǝllǝlāwi Mangǝśti Tǝgrāy, Maʿago ʾAmānuʾel, MMA-012 mss
ESgmg016 Bǝḥerāwi Kǝllǝlāwi Mangǝśti Tǝgrāy, Ganāḥti Qǝddǝst Māryām, GMG-016 mss
BDLaethd13 Oxford, Bodleian Library, Bodleian Aeth. d. 13 mss
BLadd16192 London, British Library, BL Additional 16192 mss
ESqma006 Gāntā ʾAfašum, ʾAbrǝqo Māryām, QMA-006 mss
ESmkl024 Bǝḥerāwi Kǝllǝlāwi Mangǝśti Tǝgrāy, Laqāy Kidāna Mǝḥrat, MKL-024 mss
ESmm014 Gāntā ʾAfašum, Māryām Makān, MM-014 mss
ESgms005 Gāntā ʾAfašum, Siʿet Qǝddǝst Māryām, GMS-005 mss
ESamm006 ʿAddigrat, ʿĀddigrāt Madḫāne ʿĀlam, AMM-006 mss
LIT6015MJFisher Miracle of Jesus: The fisher of the lake Tiberias whose fish were stolen work
ESakm016 Gulo Maḵadā, ʾAmbasat Kidāna Mǝḥrat, AKM-016 mss
BLorient492 London, British Library, BL Oriental 492 mss
ESma005 Bǝḥerāwi Kǝllǝlāwi Mangǝśti Tǝgrāy, ʾĀndel Qǝddǝst Māryām, MA-005 mss
ESaqg002 Gulo Maḵadā, ʿĀddi Qolqʷāl Giyorgis, AQG-002 mss
BLadd16233 London, British Library, BL Additional 16233 mss
BLorient486 London, British Library, BL Oriental 486 mss
LIT6016MJCalf Miracle of Jesus: The stolen calf work
MNC001 Veroli, Monumento Nazionale Abbazia di Casamari, MNC-001 mss
BLorient653 London, British Library, BL Oriental 653 mss
DSEthiop10 Egypt, Dayr as-Suryān, DS Ethiop. 10 mss
BAVet55 Vatican City, Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, Aeth. 55 mss
BLorient647 London, British Library, BL Oriental 647 mss
DSEthiop11 Egypt, Dayr as-Suryān, DS Ethiop. 11 mss
ESdmb005 Bǝḥerāwi Kǝllǝlāwi Mangǝśti Tǝgrāy, Baʿātti Qǝddus Mikāʾel, DMB-005 mss
BAVet69 Vatican City, Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, Aeth. 69 mss
LIT6502Relics Za-kama tarakba ʾaʿǝḍǝmtihu la-qǝddus ʾƎsṭifānos work
ESqgm004 Sāʿsiʿ Ṣaʿdā ʾƎmbā, Manawat Qǝddus Giyorgis, QGM-004 mss
ESsmm002 Gulo Maḵadā, Samāz Māryām, SMM-002 mss
BNFet5 Paris, Bibliothèque nationale de France, BnF Éthiopien 5 mss
BLadd16193 London, British Library, BL Additional 16193 mss
BLorient684 London, British Library, BL Oriental 684 mss
LIT6030MMMonkGen Miracle of Mary: A man mutilates himself after committing a sexual sin (General record) work
ESssb009 Bǝḥerāwi Kǝllǝlāwi Mangǝśti Tǝgrāy, Bet Ḥāwāryāt, SSB-009 mss
ESfbm001 Gulo Maḵadā, Faqādā Māryām, FBM-001 mss
ESamq005 ʿAddigrat, ʿĀddigrāt Dabra Mankǝrāt Qǝddus Qirqos, AMQ-005 mss
ESmr020 Gulo Maḵadā, Mǝdra Rubā Sǝllase, MR-020 mss
ESmhg021 Bǝḥerāwi Kǝllǝlāwi Mangǝśti Tǝgrāy, Ḥarennat Gabazayti Qǝddǝst Māryām, MHG-021 mss
BAVet43 Vatican City, Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, Aeth. 43 mss
BLadd16222 London, British Library, BL Additional 16222 mss
DSEthiop22 Egypt, Dayr as-Suryān, DS Ethiop. 22 mss
ESqgm003 Sāʿsiʿ Ṣaʿdā ʾƎmbā, Manawat Qǝddus Giyorgis, QGM-003 mss
ESmkl015 Bǝḥerāwi Kǝllǝlāwi Mangǝśti Tǝgrāy, Laqāy Kidāna Mǝḥrat, MKL-015 mss
ESqs012 Sāʿsiʿ Ṣaʿdā ʾƎmbā, Qalāqǝl Māryām Ṣǝyon, QS-012 mss
BDLaethf13 Oxford, Bodleian Library, Bodleian Aeth. f. 13 mss
ESsdsm005 Sāʿsiʿ Ṣaʿdā ʾƎmbā, Sawna Māryām, SDSM-005 mss
ESaqm007 Gulo Maḵadā, ʾAgarhǝse ʾAbuna Māmās, AQM-007 mss
InEtn210317a St Petersburg, Etnografičeskij Muzej Akademii Nauk, InEtn 2103-17/a mss
LIT6428MJJudas Miracle of Jesus: Judas hangs himself; The Jews bribe the guardians of the sepulcher work
ESdsm021c Gāntā ʾAfašum, Dabra Sāhl Qǝddus Mikāʾel Bet Maḵāʿ, DSM-021c mss
ESsdm003a Gāntā ʾAfašum, Soṭā Dabra Salām Qǝddus Mikāʾel, SDM-003a mss
ESma006 Bǝḥerāwi Kǝllǝlāwi Mangǝśti Tǝgrāy, ʾĀndel Qǝddǝst Māryām, MA-006 mss
BLadd16223 London, British Library, BL Additional 16223 mss
ESap038 Gulo Maḵadā, ʿĀddaqāḥarsi Ṗarāqliṭos, AP-038 mss
LIT6422MJSermonSinai Miracle of Jesus: Jesusʾ sermon to the Apostles on Mount Sinai work
LIT6013MJPresentation Miracle of Jesus: The presentation of Jesus at the temple work
LIT6036MMSpendthriftGen Miracle of Mary: The young man who was ready to serve Satan, but refused to deny St Mary work
ESmkl017 Bǝḥerāwi Kǝllǝlāwi Mangǝśti Tǝgrāy, Laqāy Kidāna Mǝḥrat, MKL-017 mss
ESgmg004 Bǝḥerāwi Kǝllǝlāwi Mangǝśti Tǝgrāy, Ganāḥti Qǝddǝst Māryām, GMG-004 mss
ESqs016 Sāʿsiʿ Ṣaʿdā ʾƎmbā, Qalāqǝl Māryām Ṣǝyon, QS-016 mss
BNFet7 Paris, Bibliothèque nationale de France, BnF Éthiopien 7 mss
DSEthiop9 Egypt, Dayr as-Suryān, DS Ethiop. 9 mss
ESmhg013 Bǝḥerāwi Kǝllǝlāwi Mangǝśti Tǝgrāy, Ḥarennat Gabazayti Qǝddǝst Māryām, MHG-013 mss
BAVet30 Vatican City, Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, Aeth. 30 mss
BNFabb202 Paris, Bibliothèque nationale de France, BnF Éthiopien d'Abbadie 202 mss
ESmakm125 ʾƎndartā, Māy ʾAnbasā Dabra Gannat Kidāna Mǝḥrat, MAKM-125 mss
ESmy015 Gulo Maḵadā, Dabra Māʿṣo Qǝddus Yoḥannǝs, MY-015 mss
ESsgm005 Gulo Maḵadā, Sǝddayto Dabra Gannat Mikāʾel, SGM-005 mss
BDLbruce75 Oxford, Bodleian Library, Bodleian Bruce 75 mss
BAVet24 Vatican City, Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, Aeth. 24 mss
BAVet42 Vatican City, Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, Aeth. 42 mss
ESbgy005 Gāntā ʾAfašum, Golʿa Dabra Bǝrhān Yoḥannǝs, BGY-005 mss
ESdz003 Bǝḥerāwi Kǝllǝlāwi Mangǝśti Tǝgrāy, Dabra Zayt Qǝddǝst Māryām, DZ-003 mss
ESbqm010 Gāntā ʾAfašum, Māryām Māy ʾAbʾa, BQM-010 mss
ESum034 Bǝḥerāwi Kǝllǝlāwi Mangǝśti Tǝgrāy, ʿUrā Qirqos, UM-034 mss
ESmy001 Gulo Maḵadā, Dabra Māʿṣo Qǝddus Yoḥannǝs, MY-001 mss
FSUor10 Frankfurt, Universitätsbibliothek Johann Christian Senckenberg, Frankfurt Ms. or. 10 mss
BDLbruce74 Oxford, Bodleian Library, Bodleian Bruce 74 mss
ESmkl002 Bǝḥerāwi Kǝllǝlāwi Mangǝśti Tǝgrāy, Laqāy Kidāna Mǝḥrat, MKL-002 mss
ESqs011 Sāʿsiʿ Ṣaʿdā ʾƎmbā, Qalāqǝl Māryām Ṣǝyon, QS-011 mss
BLadd19660 London, British Library, BL Additional 19660 mss
BLorient685 London, British Library, BL Oriental 685 mss
ESbqm009 Gāntā ʾAfašum, Māryām Māy ʾAbʾa, BQM-009 mss
BNFet56 Paris, Bibliothèque nationale de France, BnF Éthiopien 56 mss
LIT6409MJDeadMan Miracle of Jesus: The resurrection of a dead man and the glorification of Jesus by sheep and an ox work
ESdd007 Bǝḥerāwi Kǝllǝlāwi Mangǝśti Tǝgrāy, Dabra Dāmmo ʾAbuna ʾAragāwi, DD-007 mss
ESssb008 Bǝḥerāwi Kǝllǝlāwi Mangǝśti Tǝgrāy, Bet Ḥāwāryāt, SSB-008 mss
ESamq015 ʿAddigrat, ʿĀddigrāt Dabra Mankǝrāt Qǝddus Qirqos, AMQ-015 mss
FSUor11 Frankfurt, Universitätsbibliothek Johann Christian Senckenberg, Frankfurt Ms. or. 11 mss
BLadd16201 London, British Library, BL Additional 16201 mss
BLorient646 London, British Library, BL Oriental 646 mss
ESmy018 Gulo Maḵadā, Dabra Māʿṣo Qǝddus Yoḥannǝs, MY-018 mss
ESum014 Bǝḥerāwi Kǝllǝlāwi Mangǝśti Tǝgrāy, ʿUrā Qirqos, UM-014 mss
ESmy009 Gulo Maḵadā, Dabra Māʿṣo Qǝddus Yoḥannǝs, MY-009 mss
ESamq014 ʿAddigrat, ʿĀddigrāt Dabra Mankǝrāt Qǝddus Qirqos, AMQ-014 mss
ESamm007 ʿAddigrat, ʿĀddigrāt Madḫāne ʿĀlam, AMM-007 mss
IVEf107 Saint Petersburg, Institut Vostočnyh Rukopisej Rossijskoj Akademii Nauk, IV Ef. 107 mss
BNFet6 Paris, Bibliothèque nationale de France, BnF Éthiopien 6 mss
BLorient652 London, British Library, BL Oriental 652 mss
ESaqg010 Gulo Maḵadā, ʿĀddi Qolqʷāl Giyorgis, AQG-010 mss
ESsm010 Gulo Maḵadā, Sabayā Māryām, SM-010 mss
IVsuhtelen255 Saint Petersburg, Institut Vostočnyh Rukopisej Rossijskoj Akademii Nauk, IV Suhtelen 255 mss
BLorient487 London, British Library, BL Oriental 487 mss
ESfbm016 Gulo Maḵadā, Faqādā Māryām, FBM-016 mss
BLadd16188 London, British Library, BL Additional 16188 mss
ESssb013b Bǝḥerāwi Kǝllǝlāwi Mangǝśti Tǝgrāy, Bet Ḥāwāryāt, SSB-013b mss
FSUor17 Frankfurt, Universitätsbibliothek Johann Christian Senckenberg, Frankfurt Ms. or. 17 mss
BLorient452 London, British Library, BL Oriental 452 mss
LIT6021MJApparitions Miracle of Jesus: Apparitions of Jesus after the ascension work
ESgkm002 Gāntā ʾAfašum, Maḵodʿa Dabra Gannat Kidāna Mǝḥrat, GKM-002 mss
ESmy005 Gulo Maḵadā, Dabra Māʿṣo Qǝddus Yoḥannǝs, MY-005 mss
BDLaethg12 Oxford, Bodleian Library, Bodleian Aeth. g. 12 mss
BLharl5471 London, British Library, BL Harl. 5471 mss
BLorient485 London, British Library, BL Oriental 485 mss
ESdz014 Bǝḥerāwi Kǝllǝlāwi Mangǝśti Tǝgrāy, Dabra Zayt Qǝddǝst Māryām, DZ-014 mss
ESgkm016 Gāntā ʾAfašum, Maḵodʿa Dabra Gannat Kidāna Mǝḥrat, GKM-016 mss
ESgbi010 Gāntā ʾAfašum, Gwāḥgot ʾIyasus, GBI-010 mss
ESakm020 Gulo Maḵadā, ʾAmbasat Kidāna Mǝḥrat, AKM-020 mss
BDLaethg13 Oxford, Bodleian Library, Bodleian Aeth. g. 13 mss
BLorient491 London, British Library, BL Oriental 491 mss
ESdd001 Bǝḥerāwi Kǝllǝlāwi Mangǝśti Tǝgrāy, Dabra Dāmmo ʾAbuna ʾAragāwi, DD-001 mss
IVEf78 Saint Petersburg, Institut Vostočnyh Rukopisej Rossijskoj Akademii Nauk, IV Ef. 78 mss
LIT6031MMWifeGen Miracle of Mary: The divorced wife who prayed for revenge against her rival (General record) work
LIT6019MJAdulterous Miracle of Jesus: The adulterous woman work
LIT3673Miracle Miracle of Mary: Miracle of the transmigration of the Virgin, Jews burned in Bethlehem work
LIT3843BookTh Maṣḥafa za-waṣʾa ʾǝm-ʾIyarusālem work
LIT3600Miracle Miracle of Mary: Miracle of the blind priest John from the church of St Mercurius in Cairo work
LIT3637Miracle Miracle of Mary: Miracle of a man in Cairo who celebrated a feast for the Virgin each month work
LIT3904Miracle Miracle of Mary: How the monks of a certain monastery reviled their abbot, whom the Virgin Mary carried to paradise work
LIT3681Miracle Miracle of Mary: St John sees the Virgin in glory work
LIT3650Miracle Miracle of Mary: Miracle of the monk Yoḥannǝs (?) of St Macarius who had visions of the Virgin work
LIT3632Miracle Miracle of Mary: Miracle of the priest Rizqallā from Cairo by whose prayer stolen belongings of pilgrims where given back work
LIT3726Miracle Miracle of Mary: Miracle of a Jewish boy from Tyrus, saved by Mary from the furnace work
LIT3885Miracle Miracle of Mary: How the Virgin Mary saved a lady from adultery by causing her to read the Prayers for the Dead and appeared to her work
LIT3613Miracle Miracle of Mary: Miracle of Anastasius, a deacon of Rome work
LIT3707Miracle Miracle of Mary: Miracle of a gardener of Manfaluṭ work
LIT3882Miracle Miracle of Mary: How an Ishmaelite was converted when he saw oil and milk flowing from the breasts of a picture of the Virgin Mary work
LIT3646Miracle Miracle of Mary: Miracle of Mark, son of the king of Rome, Gabra ʾIyasus work
LIT3692Miracle Miracle of Mary: Miracle of a hanged brigand resuscitated because he loved the Virgin work
LIT3920Miracle Miracle of Mary: How the monk Gerdan obeyed the lust of the flesh and cut his own throat and how the Virgin Mary brought his soul back to his body work
LIT3588Miracle Miracle of Mary: Miracle of a picture of Mary speaking to a worker work
LIT3870Miracle Miracle of Mary: How the Virgin Mary and our Lord became sureties to a Jew for the debt owed to him by a certain merchant of Constantinople work
LIT3536Martyr The Martyrdom of St Philip work
LIT3657Miracle Miracle of Mary: Miracle of the monk ʾAbsādi of the Convent of ʾAbbā Sinoda work
LIT3893Miracle Miracle of Mary: How the Virgin Mary when at Bethlehem healed king Safron and drove out devils work
LIT3716Miracle Miracle of Mary: Miracle of the blind child of a woman from Cairo healed by Mary work
LIT3602Miracle Miracle of Mary: Miracle of Abraham, his wife Gerā and their blind daughter Elisabeth from Badramān work
LIT3875Miracle Miracle of Mary: How the Virgin Mary enabled a man to slay a serpent from which he took a pearl work
LIT3652Miracle Miracle of Mary: Miracle of the drunk monk Timotewos (?), saved by the Virgin work
LIT3713Miracle Miracle of Mary: Miracle of an image of Christ, painted by St John for Tiberius, revelations by Mary to St John work
LIT3540Preaching The Preaching of St Matthias who preached in the country of the cannibals work
LIT3869Miracle Miracle of Mary: How the Virgin Mary caused her son to appear in the form of a boy to a worshipper work
LIT3735Miracle Miracle of Mary: Miracle of a baptized Jewish boy called Gǝrānin saved by Mary from fire work
LIT3584Intro Introductive exhortation to the Taʾammǝra Māryām work
LIT3887Miracle Miracle of Mary: How a young man placed a ring on the finger of a figure of the Virgin Mary, who regarded it as a ring of betrothal work
LIT3864Miracle Miracle of Mary: Miracle of the Virgin Mary and the Lady Euphemia work
LIT3633Miracle Miracle of Mary: Five Pains of the Virgin, Conversation of the Virgin and Jesus Christ; promise of salvation to those who recite the Paternoster and Ave Maria work
LIT3727Miracle Miracle of Mary: Miracle of a prince saved by Mary after being punished for having wrongly assigned an abbot work
LIT3538Martyr The Martyrdom of St Andrew work
LIT3942ArdeetCh Maṣḥafa ʾardǝʾt work
LIT3867Miracle Miracle of Mary: How a shoemaker's daughter called Mary was taken possession of a horse-solder, who spared her virginity work
LIT3622Miracle Miracle of Mary: Homily on a potter from Syria work
LIT3640Miracle Miracle of Mary: Miracle of a rich man who cast a loaf to a beggar and was saved by the Virgin after being condemned by Jesus work
LIT3945ArdeetBE Maṣḥafa ʾardǝʾt work
LIT3914Miracle Miracle of Mary: How the Virgin Mary administered to certain monks a celestial compound to digest their food work
LIT3627Miracle Miracle of Mary: Miracle of the water reservoir at the Convent of Mǝṭmāq work
LIT3733Miracle Miracle of Mary: Miracle of a widow whom Mary told never to recite the greeting of the angel in hurry work
LIT3672Miracle Miracle of Mary: Miracle of the transmigration of the Virgin, healings in Jerusalem work
LIT3533Martyr The Martyrdom of St Simon the son of Cleopas (surnamed Judas or Nathaniel) work
LIT3636Miracle Miracle of Mary: Miracle of Theodosia, sister of Constantine, who found the cross in Jerusalem work
LIT3597Miracle Miracle of Mary: Miracle of Juliana and Barbara from Bethlehem work
LIT3648Miracle Miracle of Mary: Miracle of ʿAbd al-Masīḥ and Markezā work
LIT3873Miracle Miracle of Mary: How the Virgin Mary and St Peter saved from hell the souls of Peter the deacon and Stephen, two brothers from Constantinople work
LIT3874Miracle Miracle of Mary: How the Virgin Mary delivered from hell the soul of an evil man who had intended to build a church in her name work
LIT3678Miracle Miracle of Mary: Miracle of the transmigration of the Virgin, the Virgin delivers condemned souls from hell work
LIT3539DeathJohn The Death of St John son of Zebedee work
LIT3653Miracle Miracle of Mary: Miracle of the two monks Sadaqā and Ṗeṭros (?) of the Convent of St Victor work
LIT3703Miracle Miracle of Mary: Miracle of Bifāmon of ʾAwsim who had an apparition of Mary work
LIT3924Miracle Miracle of Mary: How the Virgin Mary sent a vision to a young man and caused him to embrace the ascetic life work
LIT3883Miracle Miracle of Mary: How the Virgin Mary appeared to a young man and made him swear he would not marry and how he ran away after his father chose a bride and broke his neck work
LIT3693Miracle Miracle of Mary: Miracle of an evil officer at Tarsus in Cilicia who loved Mary and had an apparition of Jesus work
LIT3916Miracle Miracle of Mary: How a wealthy lady who dressed in mean attire to give alms was carried to Church by the Virgin Mary work
LIT3921Miracle Miracle of Mary: How the image of the Virgin Mary in a Church bowed to the monks work
LIT3628Miracle Miracle of Mary: Apparition of Jesus Christ to the Apostles, telling them where to build a church in honour of the Virgin work
LIT3589Miracle Miracle of Mary: Miracle of a Jew of ʾAḫmīm work
LIT3871Miracle Miracle of Mary: How a woman consigned to the devil the son she conceived on Easter eve work
LIT3717Miracle Miracle of Mary: Miracle of a brigand who bathed in "the water of the Virgin" and whose soul was saved by Her work
LIT3595Miracle Miracle of a sick man in a hospital whom Mary carries to Jerusalem work
LIT6413MJDeafMute Miracle of Jesus: The healing of a deaf mute suffering from elephantiasis work
LIT6037MMAtribGen Miracle of Mary: Miracle of the preservation of the Church of the Virgin in ʾAṯrīb (General record) work
LIT6038MMDamotGen Miracle of Mary: The inhabitants of Dāmot who would not observe the feast days of St Mary are punished by a storm that brings down a mighty tree (General record) work
LIT6029MMMichaelGen Miracle of Mary: The poor deacon Michael of Cairo, whose Muslim neighbour converted (General record) work
LIT6425MJTriumphalEntry Miracle of Jesus: The triumphant entry into Jerusalem; The expulsion of money changers and vendors from the temple work
LIT6396MJIntroduction Introduction to the Miracles of Jesus work
LIT6400MJEpiphany Miracle of Jesus: The Epiphany work
LIT6024IntroMM Introductory text and hymn to the Miracles of Mary work
LIT6421MJLazarus Miracle of Jesus: The resurrection of Lazarus work
LIT6032MMApparitionGen Miracle of Mary: How the Virgin Mary caused her son to appear in the form of a boy to a worshipper (General record) work
LIT6427MJLastSupper Miracle of Jesus: The washing of the feet; The Last Supper; Judasʾ treason; Jesus is arrested work
LIT6012MJSalome Miracle of Jesus: Salome praises Jesus work
LIT6417MJDiscourseJericho Miracle of Jesus: Eschatological discourse of Jesus in Jericho work
LIT6397MJVirginityMary Miracle of Jesus: Concerning the Virginity of Mary work
LIT6170GadlaEleazar Commemoration of Eleazar, the son of Aaron (3rd of Ḫǝdār) work
LIT3587Miracle Miracle of Mary: Miracle of a poor monk whom Mary gave a garment work
LIT3918Miracle Miracle of Mary: How a bishop removed a priest from his office and how the Virgin Mary rebuked the bishop work
LIT3891Miracle Miracle of Mary: How the Virgin Mary, when twelve years old, healed an epileptic work
LIT3714Miracle Miracle of Mary: Description of the second coming of Christ work
LIT3894Miracle Miracle of Mary: How the Virgin Mary forgave Mary the Egyptian harlot work
LIT3711Miracle Miracle of Mary: Miracle of an officer of Ephesus who was innocently crucified and saved by Mary work
LIT3698Miracle Miracle of Mary: Miracle of a possessed woman who is healed by Mary work
LIT3888Miracle Miracle of Mary: How the painted figures of Christ and the Virgin Mary bled when a Jew cast the board into a pit, how the magistrate burned the Jew alive work
LIT3619Miracle Miracle of Mary: Miracle of the preservation of the Church of the Virgin in ʾAṯrīb work
LIT3901Miracle Miracle of Mary: How the Virgin Mary fed the starving monks work
LIT3866Miracle Miracle of Mary: How Nicodemus the Persian knight became a Christian work
LIT3608Miracle Miracle of Mary: Miracle of a European man with a petrified foot work
LIT3689Miracle Miracle of Mary: Miracle of the Apparition of the Virgin to John Chrysostom work
LIT3614Miracle Miracle of Mary: Miracle of a monk of the Monastery of St Samuel of Kalamon work
LIT3623Miracle Miracle of Mary: Miracle of a city destroyed by angels work
LIT3676Miracle Miracle of Mary: Miracle of the transmigration of the Virgin, apparition of Jesus on Sunday among angels work
LIT3730Miracle Miracle of Mary: Miracle of a knight who denied Jesus but not Mary and was saved by her intercession work
LIT3917Miracle Miracle of Mary: How the Virgin Mary obtained forgiveness for a monk who mutilated himself after he had defiled himself work
LIT3683Miracle Miracle of Mary: The Virgin demands the announcement of her transmigration work
LIT3138Negeranni Nǝgǝranni sǝmaka work
LIT3594Miracle Miracle of Mary: Miracle of a French painter whose scaffold was overthrown by the devil work
LIT3635Miracle Miracle of Mary: Miracle of a European man who cut a piece of a miraculous picture in Ṣeʾednāyā work
LIT3665Miracle Miracle of Mary: Miracle of a city in Egypt destroyed by the curse of the Virgin work
LIT3896Miracle Miracle of Mary: How the Virgin Mary fought against an ape and delivered a huntsman from death work
LIT3607Miracle Miracle of Mary: Miracle of the two brothers Tāg and Nazīb from Dalgā work
LIT3724Miracle Miracle of Mary: Miracle of a sinful abbot who appears a year after his death to announce his salvation by Mary work
LIT3591Miracle Miracle of Mary: Miracle of the Bishop of Rome, ʾAbbās (Leo) work
LIT3878Miracle Miracle of Mary: How a knight loved a lady and prayed to Mary who appeared to him and how he became a monk work
LIT3702Miracle Miracle of Mary: Story of an apparition of Jesus at the Convent of Qʷǝsqʷām to a monk called Anton (Antoine) work
LIT3643Miracle Miracle of Mary: Miracle of a man of Cappadocia whose child was resuscitated after prayer work
LIT3925Miracle Miracle of Mary: How the Virgin Mary delivered from the devils the soul of an avaricious farmer who had given alms in her name work
LIT3592Miracle Miracle of Mary: Miracle of the monk Isaac work
LIT3699Miracle Miracle of Mary: Miracle of an Egyptian woman healed by Mary from fever work
LIT3666Miracle Miracle of Mary: Miracle of the source caused by Jesus and healing by its water work
LIT3542Martyr The Acts of St Thomas, II work
LIT3685Miracle Miracle of Mary: Miracles of the apparition of the Virgin to a sculptor and St Basil work
LIT3618Miracle Miracle of Mary: Miracle of the thirsty dog whom the Virgin gave water work
LIT3911Miracle Miracle of Mary: How the Virgin Mary with shrouded face was seen by a collector of firewood who acquired wealth through her protection work
LIT3884Miracle Miracle of Mary: How the Virgin Mary obtained forgiveness for a spendthrift because though he denied the Father, Christ, the Holy Ghost and the angels he would not deny her work
LIT3537Acts The Martyrdom of Sts Andrew and Bartholomew work
LIT3941Miracle Miracle of Jesus: Healing of the blind man by Jesus work
LIT3923Miracle Miracle of Mary: How the Virgin Mary and her Son appeared in a beehive work
LIT3908Miracle Miracle of Mary: How an image of the Virgin Mary wept for the sins of the world work
LIT3704Miracle Miracle of Mary: Martyrdom of John of Sǝnhut work
LIT3663Miracle Miracle of Mary: Miracle of a bandit saved by Mary after having stolen from churches work
LIT3715Miracle Miracle of Mary: Homily on the Glory of the Virgin work
LIT3601Miracle Miracle of Mary: Miracle of a rich man from Qʷalāsis who fought the Qʷǝz and whose eye was pierced by an arrow work
LIT3709Miracle Miracle of Mary: Miracle of a woman who prayed for a child and sees three sons in an apparition work
LIT3905Miracle Miracle of Mary: How a man collapsed whilst on his way to receive the Eucharist work
LIT3902Miracle Miracle of Mary: How the Virgin Mary healed a leper on the day of her festival work
LIT3868Miracle Miracle of Mary: How a man forsook his wife and loved another woman who was a worshipper of the Virgin Mary and repented work
LIT3606Miracle Miracle of Mary: Miracle of the old priest Qaṭīr at ʾƎlkǝsus (al-Khusus) work
LIT3631Miracle Miracle of Mary: Homily on a European man who stole the door of the cave in Bethlehem work
LIT3725Miracle Miracle of Mary: Miracle of a Jew of Constantinople punished for throwing out an image of Mary work
LIT3886Miracle Miracle of Mary: How the Virgin Mary forgave a lady who commited incest with her son and murdered their child work
LIT3879Miracle Miracle of Mary: How the Virgin Mary told a treasurer of a church to kiss her cheeks work
LIT3728Miracle Miracle of Mary: Miracle of sunken ship saved by Mary work
LIT3913Miracle Miracle of Mary: How an avaricious priest refused to leave the bed of a rich man to go to a dying woman work
LIT3670Miracle Miracle of Mary: Miracle of a fountain of water caused by Jesus in Māḫḍāb while returning to Palestine work
LIT3598Miracle Miracle of Mary: Miracle of three Arabs in Rīf and Salomon, abbot of Kalamon work
LIT3639Miracle Miracle of Mary: Miracle of an abbot who died after refusing the reading of the Miracles of Mary work
LIT3682Miracle Miracle of Mary: The Virgin, Apostles and others receive communion by Jesus work
LIT3720Miracle Miracle of Mary: History of the Church of the Virgin in Zǝwilā work
LIT3603Miracle Miracle of Mary: Miracle of a widow and her poor daughters Maria, Martha, and Yawāhit work
LIT6208CyriacusPilate Dǝrsān baʾǝnta za-kona sǝmʿa Ṗilāṭos masfǝn ba-hagara Rome work
LIT6418MJSermonMtOlives Miracle of Jesus: Jesusʾ sermon to the Apostles on the Mount of Olives work
LIT6411MJMelons Miracle of Jesus: The miracle of the melons work
LIT6189Conception Nagar zakama ḍansat ʾǝgzǝʾtǝna Māryām ʾǝmma ʾAmlāk work
LIT6399MJNativity Miracle of Jesus: The Birth of Jesus work
LIT6401MJChildJesus Miracle of Jesus: The Miracles of the Child Jesus work
LIT6412MJHemmorage Miracle of Jesus: The healing of the woman suffering from hemmorage work
LIT6408MJCallingSimonEtc Miracle of Jesus: The calling and the baptism of Simon and Andrew; The confession and the priority of Peter work
LIT6402MJInfancy The Infancy Gospel work
LIT6455MMHusbandGen Miracle of Mary: The husband who denied Christ when he became poor (general record) work
LIT3596Miracle Miracle of Mary: Miracle of the youth Zechariah, from Rome work
LIT3944ArdeetChL Maṣḥafa ʾardǝʾt work
LIT3662Miracle Miracle of Mary: Miracle of a poor woman innocently accused of having killed her child work
LIT3655Miracle Miracle of Mary: Miracle of a woman from Ceasarea whom Mary helped to give birth work
LIT3872Miracle Miracle of Mary: How the Virgin Mary protected a philantropic merchant who had beggared himself work
LIT3649Miracle Miracle of Mary: Miracle of Yoḥannǝs Kǝmā who founded a Convent work
LIT3708Miracle Miracle of Mary: Miracle of a woman who despite her mother-in-law adored a torn image of Mary work
LIT3667Miracle Miracle of Mary: Miracle of the inhabitants of a city in Egypt transformed in monkeys and hedgehogs by the Virgin work
LIT3605Miracle Miracle of Mary: Miracle of George the Younger, who was delivered from prison work
LIT3593Miracle Miracle of Mary: Miracle of the young girl called Mary, from Dafrā work
LIT3877Miracle Miracle of Mary: How the Virgin Mary saved a young widow from a knight, who became a monk work
LIT3695Miracle Miracle of Mary: Miracle of the martyr ʾAbbā ʾEsi and his sister Tekla of Busir in Egypt work
LIT3910Miracle Miracle of Mary: How the Virgin Mary caused a storm to cease and saved sheep and took the shepherd to Paradise work
LIT3899Miracle Miracle of Mary: The Virgin Mary and the wife who was an adultress work
LIT3700Miracle Miracle of Mary: Miracle of a one-eyed woman healed by Mary in Bethlehem work
LIT3641Miracle Miracle of Mary: Miracle of Ṗeṭros Bawārǝs who demanded to know the mystery of the trinity after building a Church to the Virgin work
LIT3624Miracle Miracle of Mary: Miracle of a man cursed by another work
LIT3671Miracle Miracle of Mary: Miracle of the transmigration of the Virgin announced by Gabriel work
LIT3638Miracle Miracle of Mary: Miracle of the healing of a handicapped man work
LIT3599Miracle Miracle of Mary: Miracle of the construction of a church in Jericho work
LIT3906Miracle Miracle of Mary: How the Virgin Mary obtained entry to paradise for the soul of a monk who had kept her fast annually work
LIT3541Acts Book of the Acts of St James son of Zebedee work
LIT3629Miracle Miracle of Mary: Christ makes St Peter head of the Church work
LIT3660Miracle Miracle of Mary: Miracle of a poor man who wanted to build a Chapel to Mary and of the buried pot of gold pieces work
LIT3721Miracle Miracle of Mary: Miracle of the poor deacon Michael of Cairo, whose Muslim neighbour converted work
LIT3679Miracle Miracle of Mary: Miracle of the transmigration of the Virgin, meeting with St John work
LIT3903Miracle Miracle of Mary: How the Virgin Mary healed a sick man by anointing him with her spittle work
LIT3686Miracle Miracle of Mary: Narration of St Basil on the apparition of the Virgin work
LIT3630Miracle Miracle of Mary: Miracle of an Arab chief sparing Christian pilgrims work
LIT3928Miracle Miracle of Mary: Another version of the story of Nathan the monk work
LIT3616Miracle Miracle of Mary: Miracle of a poor widow and her son who became a thief and was crucified work
LIT3993Miracle Miracle of Mary (general record for a single unidentified miracle) work
LIT3674Miracle Miracle of Mary: Miracle of the transmigration of the Virgin, the apostles convene around the Virgin work
LIT3697Miracle Miracle of Mary: Miracle of a Roman officer whose son was healed in Bethlehem work
LIT3912Miracle Miracle of Mary: How the Virgin Mary converted a demented herdsman and delivered him from Satan work
LIT3651Miracle Miracle of Mary: Miracle of ʾabbā Matewos who wounded his tongue to escape from being nominated patriarch work
LIT3895Miracle Miracle of Mary: How the Virgin Mary delivered a Muslim from prison and how he escaped to Cyprus work
LIT3900Miracle Miracle of Mary: How the Virgin Mary smote a satan who was trying to corrupt a monk work
LIT3876Miracle Miracle of Mary: How a bishop from St Peter's church in Rome stole holy oil and bought two pearls for Mary after having been rebuked work
LIT3889Miracle Miracle of Mary: How the Virgin Mary saved the soul of a monk who was crossing a stream to visit a lover work
LIT3609Miracle Miracle of Mary: Miracle of the leprous Bishop Mercurius work
LIT3898Miracle Miracle of Mary: How the Virgin Mary delivered from prison a wrongly accused governor work
LIT3694Miracle Miracle of Mary: Miracle of Qirās, a brigand of Galatia, saved by Mary from hanging work
LIT3926Miracle Miracle of Mary: How a great king in Rome dedicated an altar to Virgin Mary and Her Child work
LIT3701Miracle Miracle of Mary: Apparition of Mary and St Michael to the patriarch Timotewos at the Convent of ʾAbbā Pachomius work
LIT3615Miracle Miracle of Mary: The Story of the Cannibal of Qǝmr work
LIT3677Miracle Miracle of Mary: Miracle of the transmigration of the Virgin, Jesus separated the Virgin's soul from her body work
LIT3535Martyr Martyrdom of St Luke work
LIT3688Miracle Miracle of Mary: Narration about John Chrysostom who defended Jesus' birth from the Virgin work
LIT3718Miracle Miracle of Mary: Miracle of a brigand who loved Mary and whose funeral she commanded to the bishop work
LIT3659Miracle Miracle of Mary: Miracle of the Convent of Māḫǝw work
LIT3586Miracle Miracle of Mary: Miracle of Hildephonsus (Dexius) of Toledo work
LIT3610Miracle Miracle of Mary: Miracle of a woman from Hartalom/Hartarom with broken legs work
LIT3645Miracle Miracle of Mary: Miracle of St Minas work
LIT3881Miracle Miracle of Mary: How the Virgin Mary raised a dead knight to fight against Golyād work
LIT3890Miracle Miracle of Mary: How the Virgin Mary made the tears of a sinful maiden to outweigh her sins work
LIT3722Miracle Miracle of Mary: Miracle of ʾArsimā, whom Mary announced that two girls would be exempted from wordly desires work
LIT3919Miracle Miracle of Mary: Miracle of the sinful deacon ʾAstirās whom Mary ordered to be buried in the believers' graveyard work
LIT3680Miracle Miracle of Mary: Miracle of the transmigration of the Virgin, the Jews threaten to burn the Virgin's body and cut off the heads of the apostles work
LIT3687Miracle Miracle of Mary: Narration about St Basil, on a woman who killed her sister work
LIT3590Miracle Miracle of Mary: Miracle of the scribe Damianus from Philippi work
LIT3897Miracle Miracle of Mary: How the Virgin Mary kept alive miners buried in a fall of earth work
LIT3664Miracle Miracle of Mary: Miracle of the flight of Egypt; Miracle of the sycomore of Dabra Mǝṭmāq work
LIT3543Martyr Martyrdom of St James (the son of Alpheus) work
LIT3712Miracle Miracle of Mary: Miracle of the resuscitation of the son of Tiberius, emperor of Rome work
LIT3617Miracle Miracle of Mary: Miracle of a pregnant woman work
LIT3642Miracle Miracle of Mary: Miracle of a pagan woman of Rome who converted work
LIT3675Miracle Miracle of Mary: Miracle of the transmigration of the Virgin, Tāfonyā is sent to break the Virgin's bed and is saved by her work
LIT3943ArdeetChS Maṣḥafa ʾardǝʾt work
LIT3669Miracle Miracle of Mary: Miracle of a woman and her family transformed into animals after having mistreated the Virgin work
LIT3865Miracle Miracle of Mary: How the Virgin Mary made a stream to reverse its course work
LIT3696Miracle Miracle of Mary: Miracle of Sāulā, wife of St George the Younger work
LIT3612Miracle Miracle of Mary: Miracle of the Phoenician evil man called Bārok work
LIT3706Miracle Miracle of Mary: Miracle of a woman who receives a child after having prayed to Mary at her apparition in Maṭāriya work
LIT3647Miracle Miracle of Mary: Miracle of the patriarch Denis who asked from the Virgin to know the grave of Mark work
LIT3585Taamme Taʾammǝra Māryām work
LIT3907Miracle Miracle of Mary: How the Virgin Mary caused the spirits of Macarius and others to appear to the monks of Scete work
LIT3661Miracle Miracle of Mary: Miracle of a man without virtue who loved Mary work
LIT3634Miracle Miracle of Mary: Miracle of the widow Martha and the monk Theodor of Ṣeʾednāyā work
BLorient644 London, British Library, BL Oriental 644 mss
LIT5494MiracleTaammera Miracle of Mary: Emperor Zarʿa Yāʿqob writes the Book of the Miracles of Mary work
LIT5243MiracleTheodore Miracle of Mary: St Mary appears to St Theodore the Anatolian work
LIT5647MMMichael1 Miracle of Mary: Deacon Michael, the grocer (part 1) work
LIT5242MiracleDeathSamuel Miracle of Mary: ʾAbbā Sāmuʾel of Dabra Qalǝmon instructs his disciples on his deathbed work
LIT5545MiracleAwsabyos Miracle of Mary: Eusebius, whom St Mary took to Heaven work
LIT5522MiraclePaul Miracle of Mary: The monk, Paul, who was attacked by brigands work
LIT5347MiracleGifts Miracle of Mary: St Mary brings gifts to ʾabbā Sāmuʾel of Wāli work
LIT5533MiracleMetmaq Miracle of Mary: A history of Dabra Mǝṭmāq, its construction, destruction and reconstruction work
LIT5414MiracleHonorius Miracle of Mary: Emperor Honorius, who lived like a monk work
LIT5457MiracleTabernacle Miracle of Mary: Homily on the giving of the Law and the fashioning of the Tabernacle work
LIT5250MiracleApostles Miracle of Mary: Anonymous homily against the report that the Apostles abandoned the body of St Mary when they were attacked by the Jews during her funeral procession work
LIT5264MiracleNativity Miracle of Mary: The conception and nativity of St Mary (general record) work
LIT5339MiraclePillar Miracle of Mary: A tree intended for a pillar for Hagara Māryām falls over a cliff, when they cut it down, but it ts recovered undamaged work
LIT5234MiracleBarsuma2 Miracle of Mary: St Mary appears to the disciples of Mār Barsumā in the form of a dove work
LIT5269MiracleTemple Miracle of Mary: St Mary leaves the Temple and enters the home of St Joseph work
LIT5293MiracleTabot Miracle of Mary: The new tābot of St Mary that was found outside the box in which it had been placed work
LIT5113MiracleCupbearer Miracle of Mary: The cupbearer of the king of France work
LIT5257MiracleBatergela3 Miracle of Mary: Batergelā Māryām is protected from the plague; his calumniator is punished by the king work
BLorient650 London, British Library, BL Oriental 650 mss
LIT5383MiracleHyena Miracle of Mary: The woman whose baby daughter was carried off by a hyena work
LIT5051MenbabFelsata Mǝnbāb za-fǝlsatā work
LIT5549TribesApostles The Discourse of Dionysius on the Tribes of the Apostles work
LIT5288MiracleNile Miracle of Mary: The Holy Family uses stones instead of a boat to cross the Nile work
LIT6166MiraclesJohnBaptist ተአምራቲሁ፡ ለዮሐንስ፡ መጥምቅ፡ work
BAVet234 Vatican City, Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, Aeth. 234 mss
LIT5323MiracleBlind Miracle of Mary: The blind teacher whom his pupils wanted to push over a cliff while they were on their way to a feast being given in honor of the Assumption work
LIT5353MiracleStephanites2 Miracle of Mary: The Stephanites are revealed among the damned in a vision of the blessed and the damned work
LIT5369MiracleSpain Miracle of Mary: The church of St Mary in Spain to which she used to bring Christian captives work
LIT5041MiraclePaul Miracle of Mary: Miracle of St Paul who sees the glory of the Virgin Mary work
LIT5335MiracleLeopard Miracle of Mary: A leopard carries off a goat that a poor man had bought in the market for the commemorative feast of St Mary work
LIT5462MiracleTemple Miracle of Mary: The Temple that King Solomon built for the Ark of Zion work
LIT5337MiracleTree Miracle of Mary: A huge tree needed for the construction of Hagara Māryām that they were unable to cut down falls down for them during the night work
LIT5810ExplanationHebrewNames Ethiopic explanation of several Hebrew names work
LIT5483MiracleVisitation2 Miracle of Mary: Continuation of the preceding homily on the Visitation work
LIT5281MiracleTemple Miracle of Mary: St Mary stays in the Temple work
LIT5667MMVision Miracle of Mary: Vision of the deacon Baruch work
LIT5249Miracle16Nahase Miracle of Mary: Synaxary entry for 16 Naḥase: The Apostles visit St Mary in heaven work
LIT5438MiracleJoshua Miracle of Mary: The miracles of the Ark of Zion in the days of Joshua work
LIT5597MMSpirit Miracle of Mary: The Spirit tells the Apostles to take St Mary from the Temple work
LIT5818GHVI Contendings of the Apostles: Recension VI work
LIT5247MiracleDamot Miracle of Mary: The inhabitants of Dāmot who would not observe the feast days of St Mary are punished by a storm that brings down a mighty tree work
LIT5226MiracleDisciples Miracle of Mary: St Mary prays with the disciples work
LIT5167MiracleZeno Miracle of Mary: Emperor Zeno builds churches in Scete work
LIT5100MiracleScissors Miracle of Mary: An Arab steals the scissors of the tailor of Dabra Qalǝmon work
LIT5218MiracleVisionTimothy3 Miracle of Mary: Vision of Timothy of Alexandria : The Holy Family receives hospitality from a shepherd work
LIT5416MiracleEfrem Miracle of Mary: A dragon that had swallowed up, ʾEfrem, a monk of Dabra Ṭimonā, is compelled to vomit him up alive ten days later work
LIT5180MiraclePersecutions Miracle of Mary: The persecution of the Christians during the patriarchate of Cosmas II work
LIT5649MMStephanites1 Miracle of Mary: The judgment of the court of Zarʿa Yāʿqob against the Stephanites (part 1) work
LIT5259MiracleOven Miracle of Mary: When Satan destroys the oven of a monastery, he is compelled to serve the monks for twelve years in punishment work
LIT5537MiracleGehenna Miracle of Mary: Certain ones raised from the dead relate to St Mary their sufferings in the fires of Gehenna work
LIT5399MiracleAkroseya Miracle of Mary: The temptations that ʾAkrosǝyā, the wife of Qawstos, overcame work
LIT5151MiracleShip Miracle of the church built on the tomb of St Mary that will turn into a ship work
LIT5588MMJohn Miracle of Mary: Homily on the vision of St John the Evangelist work
LIT5157MiracleTaludar The story of the sorceress Ṭāludār, who was possessed by a demon work
LIT5097MiracleFrenchman Miracle of Mary: The Frenchman whose wife was unable to have children work
LIT5410MiracleArk2 Miracle of Mary: The havoc wrought among the Philistines by the Ark of Zion work
LIT5415MiracleBartaqu Miracle of Mary: King Barṭaqu of Greece, who became a monk work
LIT5608MMZacharias Miracle of Mary: The story of Zacharias, the father of St John the Baptist work
LIT5517MiracleZarafta Miracle of Mary: The blind woman from Zaraftā who was unable to come to the tomb of ʾabbā Sāmuʾel of Wāli work
LIT5603MMBarta Miracle of Mary: When King Herod learns that the Holy Family is in the wilderness of Bārṭā, an angel tells St Joseph to flee to the mountains of Lebanon work
LIT5179MiracleHomily Miracle of Mary: Homily on the miracles of St Mary work
LIT5586MMAssumption Miracle of Mary: Homily on the Assumption and on the reason for the trials and labors of the Apostles work
LIT5215MiracleKeys Miracle of Mary: The priest who left the keys of the church locked up inside work
LIT5351MiracleParalytic Miracle of Mary: A paralytic is cured at the church of Makāna ʾIyasus; he establishes a monastery at the tomb of ʾabbā ʾAnbasā and lives there work
LIT5274MiracleJoseph Miracle of Mary: An angel tells St Joseph to take St Mary and her child to Egypt work
LIT5166MiracleHomilyChrysostom Miracle of Mary: Homily of John Chrysostom on the visit of St Mary and her Son to John the Baptist work
LIT5585MMHomily Miracle of Mary: Homily on the greatness of St Mary work
LIT5267MiracleJews Miracle of Mary: The Jews plot to kill St Mary because of the miracles she was working while still in the womb of St Anne work
LIT5413MiracleParaleya Miracle of Mary: Ṗarālǝyā from ʾIyyorām, who was beaten by her husband because she was childless work
LIT5329MiracleDedication Miracle of Mary: When a couple tries to marry their son whom they had dedicated to St Mary, he falls sick to the point of death work
LIT5252MiracleJew Miracle of Mary: A renegade monk who had become a Jew is hunted down by the troops of the king work
LIT5066MiraclesMichael Miracles of Michael work
LIT5574MMRomanos Miracle of Mary: The story of the martyr, St Romanus work
LIT5365MiracleSoldier Miracle of Mary: A soldier redeems the Child Jesus from another soldier who was thinking of handing him over to King Herod work
LIT5240MiracleBabnuda Miracle of Mary: St Mary appears to St Paphnutius work
LIT5650MMStephanites2 Miracle of Mary: The judgment of the court of Zarʿa Yāʿqob against the Stephanites (part 2) work
LIT5224MiracleVisionTimothy9 Miracle of Mary: Vision of Timothy of Alexandria: The Holy Family arrives at Dabra Qʷǝsqʷām work
LIT5246MiracleAbbas Miracle of Mary: ʾAbbās sees a vision of St Mary blessing the monks who were chanting the Psalms work
LIT5168MiracleFishermanRiver Miracle of Mary: Miracle of a fisherman who was washing his clothes and the reversed river work
LIT5362MiracleVow Miracle of Mary: A young man whom his mother had vowed to the service of St Mary becomes impotent when his parents try to wed him work
LIT5514MiracleAbreham Miracle of Mary: Abraham, a relative of St Stephen, becomes a Christian work
LIT5429MiracleNahase Miracle of Mary: St John tells Prochorus how he and the other Apostles were brought together on the 15th of Naḥase work
LIT6168ManifOfHab አስተርእዮቱ፡ ለአንባቆም፡ ነቢይ፡ በአማን፡ በሃገረ፡ እንተ፡ ስማ፡ ቀርጠሳ፡ work
LIT6406MJEzekielVision Miracle of Jesus: The picture of Ezekiel’s vision work
LIT6456MMHusband Miracle of Mary: The husband who denied Christ when he became poor work
LIT6419MJBaptismTemptation Miracle of Jesus: The baptism and temptation of Jesus work
AT1002Annunciation Annunciation auth
AT1004Bitter Bitter Water Ordeal auth
AT1006Denial Denial of Peter auth
ESam003 Bǝḥerāwi Kǝllǝlāwi Mangǝśti Tǝgrāy, ʾAsir Matirā, AM-003 mss
ESap029 Gulo Maḵadā, ʿĀddaqāḥarsi Ṗarāqliṭos, AP-029 mss
FSUrueppII2 Lost. Rüpp. II, 2 mss
BLorient453 London, British Library, BL Oriental 453 mss
BLorient622 London, British Library, BL Oriental 622 mss
BLorient490 London, British Library, BL Oriental 490 mss
LIT5340MiracleBadlay Miracle of Mary: Zarʿ a Yāʿqob and the invasion of Badlāy work
LIT5528MiracleMadhanina Miracle of Mary: St Mary appears to ʾabuna Madḫānina ʾƎgziʾ and ʾabbā Sāmuʾel of Wāli work
LIT5251MiracleAttack Miracle of Mary: A Christian community is attacked by a neighboring Muslim community work
LIT5092Miracle Miracle of Mary: Vision of Theophilus of Alexandria work
LIT5213MiracleAnthony4 Miracle of Mary: Message of St Mary to Anthony, monk of Dabra Qʷǝsqʷām work
AT1109MMWorker Miracle of Mary: Mary speaks to a worker auth
AT1063AngelFeedsMary Mary fed by an Angel auth
BLorient818 London, British Library, BL Oriental 818 mss
LIT5302MiracleThieves Miracle of Mary: The thieves who stole the furnishings of a church of St Mary and refused to restore them when she appeared to them work
LIT5148MiracleIcon Miracle of Mary: The son of a Muslim ruler of Egypt blasphemes the icon of St Mary work
LIT5903MMAbbasShort Miracle of Mary: Miracle of the Bishop of Rome, ʾAbbās (Short version) work
AT1062CoronationMary Coronation of Mary auth
BLorient80 London, British Library, BL Oriental 80 mss
BLorient623 London, British Library, BL Oriental 623 mss
BLorient504 London, British Library, BL Oriental 504 mss
BLorient633 London, British Library, BL Oriental 633 mss
BLorient637 London, British Library, BL Oriental 637 mss
BLorient635 London, British Library, BL Oriental 635 mss
LIT3604Miracle Miracle of Mary: Miracle of the two scribes who were brothers work
BLorient602 London, British Library, BL Oriental 602 mss
BLorient533 London, British Library, BL Oriental 533 mss
LIT3684Miracle Miracle of Mary: St John sees the Virgin in Heaven work
BLorient621 London, British Library, BL Oriental 621 mss
BLorient641 London, British Library, BL Oriental 641 mss
BLorient678 London, British Library, BL Oriental 678 mss
BLorient575 London, British Library, BL Oriental 575 mss
BLorient636 London, British Library, BL Oriental 636 mss
AT1059WeighingOfSouls Weighing of Souls auth
BLorient639 London, British Library, BL Oriental 639 mss
AT1108MMDaqseyos Miracle of Mary: Daqsǝyos auth
IVEf108 Saint Petersburg, Institut Vostočnyh Rukopisej Rossijskoj Akademii Nauk, IV Ef. 108 mss
BLorient645 London, British Library, BL Oriental 645 mss
BLorient628 London, British Library, BL Oriental 628 mss
BLorient626 London, British Library, BL Oriental 626 mss
BLorient634 London, British Library, BL Oriental 634 mss
BLorient651 London, British Library, BL Oriental 651 mss
LIT3625Miracle Miracle of Mary: Homily on the founding of the Convent of Mǝṭmāq work
BLorient505 London, British Library, BL Oriental 505 mss
BLorient629 London, British Library, BL Oriental 629 mss
BLorient498 London, British Library, BL Oriental 498 mss
BLorient499 London, British Library, BL Oriental 499 mss
BLorient638 London, British Library, BL Oriental 638 mss
BLorient604 London, British Library, BL Oriental 604 mss
BLorient606 London, British Library, BL Oriental 606 mss
BLorient799 London, British Library, BL Oriental 799 mss
BLorient829fragments London, British Library, BL Oriental 829* mss
BLorient607 London, British Library, BL Oriental 607 mss
BLorient489 London, British Library, BL Oriental 489 mss
BLorient648 London, British Library, BL Oriental 648 mss
BLorient502 London, British Library, BL Oriental 502 mss
BLorient503 London, British Library, BL Oriental 503 mss
BLorient649 London, British Library, BL Oriental 649 mss
BLorient677 London, British Library, BL Oriental 677 mss
BLorient500 London, British Library, BL Oriental 500 mss
BLorient797 London, British Library, BL Oriental 797 mss
BLorient620 London, British Library, BL Oriental 620 mss
BLorient630 London, British Library, BL Oriental 630 mss
BLorient624 London, British Library, BL Oriental 624 mss
BLorient793 London, British Library, BL Oriental 793 mss
BLorient625 London, British Library, BL Oriental 625 mss
BLorient631 London, British Library, BL Oriental 631 mss
BLorient627 London, British Library, BL Oriental 627 mss
BLorient753 London, British Library, BL Oriental 753 mss
BLorient593 London, British Library, BL Oriental 593 mss
BLorient578 London, British Library, BL Oriental 578 mss
BLorient752 London, British Library, BL Oriental 752 mss
BLorient632 London, British Library, BL Oriental 632 mss
BLorient679 London, British Library, BL Oriental 679 mss
ESqqm009 Gulo Maḵadā, ʿĀddi Qiyāḥto Qǝddǝst Māryām, QQM-009 mss
BAVet37 Vatican City, Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, Aeth. 37 mss
BLorient692 London, British Library, BL Oriental 692 mss
AT1064Visitation Visitation auth
LIT5112MiracleMenetaDiyaqon2 Miracle of Mary: The wife of Joseph from Mǝneta Diyāqon, who had no male children work
LIT5816GHIV Contendings of the Apostles: Recension IV work
LIT5201MiracleBasilTablet Miracle of Mary: St Basil and the rich man who refused to give him a tablet [sāledā] for an icon of St Mary. work
LIT5538MiracleMonastery Miracle of Mary: The monastery near Alexandria whose trees were cut down by Jews work
LIT5575MMAngels Miracle of Mary: How the angels worship the Eucharist, the Cross and St Mary work
LIT5404MiracleArk Miracle of Mary: When Israel sins against the Law, the Philistines defeat them and carry off the Ark of Zion, which then chastizes them work
LIT5918TaammeraHaIy Taʾammǝrātihomu la-Ḥannā wa-ʾIyāqem work
LIT5642MMAtrib2 Miracle of Mary: Dialogue between the priest of the church of ʾAtrib with the general work
LIT5317MiracleDabraMaryam Miracle of Mary: St Mary appears to a priest of Dabra Māryām in Sire work
LIT5272MiracleHunter Miracle of Mary: The hunter reports to King Dǝmātǝyānos, who comes to visit the Holy Family work
LIT5601MMDormition Miracle of Mary: The Dormition work
LIT5343MiraclePlate Miracle of Mary: The Egyptian woman who lost a silver plate while bathing in a miraculous spring work
LIT5401MiracleChristina Miracle of Mary: The soul of Christina, the wife of Aaron, an Egyptian official, goes to Heaven work
LIT5324MiracleNativity Miracle of Mary: The Nativity; the adoration of the shepherds and the Magi work
LIT5145MiracleApparitionMetmaqF Miracle of Mary: The people start to beat a serving girl, in order to take from her the kerchief that she had received back from St Mary after tossing it to her work
LIT5115MiracleMuslim Miracle of Mary: The devout Muslim who became a Christian when St Mary appeared to him work
LIT5181MiracleEndules Miracle of Mary: The withered olive tree at the gate of the church in ʾƎndulǝs work
LIT5617MMHeir Miracle of Mary: The heir who planned to terminate his father's custom of a monthly feast in honor of St Mary work
LIT5387MiracleOil Miracle of Mary: A container of oil remains suspended in mid air in a church of St Mary when the cord by which it was suspended breaks work
LIT5559MMMaksimos Miracle of Mary: The clergy wish to receive Communion on the feast of Easter from Archbishop Maximus in Jerusalem work
LIT5551MiracleBesoy Miracle of Mary: St Mary appears to ʾabbā Bǝsoy on the day of the Assumption work
LIT5610MMKidan Miracle of Mary: St Mary thanks Christ after receiving from him the Pact of Mercy work
LIT5350MiracleMalkasedeq Miracle of Mary: Malka Ṣǝdǝq learns from a vision how Zarʿa Yāʿqob was chosen to reign work
LIT5294MiracleGuard Miracle of Mary: A monk, while guarding a church, has a nocturnal emission and finds himself suddenly outside the courtyard of the church work
LIT5422MiracleTilas Miracle of Mary: Archbishop Ṭilās, who was seized by Jews while carrying a golden chalice work
LIT5421MiracleApparition Miracle of Mary: The annual apparition of St Mary at Dabra Mǝṭmāq work
LIT5539PeterCross Discourse of Peter on the Cross work
LIT5027AbgarLonger Legend of Abgar (Longer Version) work
LIT5409MiracleAzotus Miracle of Mary: The Philistines bring the Ark of Zion to Azotus and put it into the temple of Dagon work
LIT5595MMBethlehem Miracle of Mary: When the Jews try to seize St Mary and the Apostles in Bethlehem, they are taken by the Spirit to the Temple, the house being left empty work
LIT5282MiracleEspousing Miracle of Mary: St Mary is espoused to St Joseph work
LIT5280MiracleHoms Miracle of Mary: A column falls and breaks the leg of the son of an official when Muslims destroy a church of St Mary in Homs work
LIT5384MiracleTithes Miracle of Mary: Christ gives Ethiopia as tithes to St Mary work
LIT5271MiracleHerod Miracle of Mary: Herod orders the slaughter of the Innocents; a hunter with his dogs finds the Holy Family in flight from the king work
LIT5276MiracleTiberias Miracle of Mary: The Magi find the Holy Family and depart; St Mary flees to Tiberias and from there to the mountains of Lebanon work
LIT5558MMBird Miracle of Mary: Satan takes the form of a bird to deceive two monks who had lived together in harmony for fifteen years work
LIT5348MiraclePrayer Miracle of Mary: Satan tries to prevent ʾabbā Sāmuʾel of Wāli from praying by seizing his prayer book work
LIT5278MiracleEdomeyas Miracle of Mary: St Mary's prayer while in the wilderness of ʾEdomǝyās work
LIT5767MMMaryEgyptian Miracle of Mary: How the Virgin Mary forgave Mary the Egyptian harlot work
LIT5004MiracleDina Miracle of Mary: Miracle of Dina resurrected and released from the Hades by St. Mary work
LIT5374MiracleTribute Miracle of Mary: A Muslim official demands tribute from the monks of Dabra Qʷǝsqʷām work
LIT5300MiracleBurning Miracle of Mary: The man who out of jealousy burned down the house of a former wife who had abandoned him work
LIT5361MiracleWasherman Miracle of Mary: The king's washerman who was attacked by a lion work
LIT5529MiracleAnaphora Miracle of Mary: St Mary appears to ʾabbā Sāmuʾel of Wāli and promises blessings to those who drink the water over which they read her anaphora work
LIT5155MiracleJewels Miracle of Mary: The Arab woman who entrusted her jewels to a Christian for safekeeping work
LIT5815GHIII Contendings of the Apostles: Recension III work
LIT5279MiracleChild Miracle of Mary: A child, while attending a hermit's mass near Jerusalem, is seized by Satan, but is delivered by St Mary work
LIT5310MiraclePilgrim Miracle of Mary: The Ethiopian pilgrim who was expelled from the Church (of the Resurrection) in Jerusalem during the Easter services work
LIT5263MiraclePresentation Miracle of Mary: When she is three years old, St Mary is taken to the Temple work
LIT5459MiracleExhortation Miracle of Mary: Exhortation based on the conquest of Palestine by the Ark of Zion work
LIT5244MiracleGiyorgisZamikael Miracle of Mary: The fate of the monk, Giyorgis, who followed the teachings of Zamikāʾel work
LIT5817GHV Contendings of the Apostles: Recension V work
LIT5357MiracleGenbot Miracle of Mary: St Mary appears to a pious woman and asks her to go to a certain town and teach the people the observance of her five feast days, from the 21st to the 25th of Gǝnbot work
LIT5431MiracleThomas Miracle of Mary: St Thomas relates how he was taken to Heaven and saw the body of St Mary work
LIT5423MiracleElias Miracle of Mary: Elias from Elkesus, who was falsely accused and was suspended by the abbot work
LIT5098MiracleFamine Miracle of Mary: During the famine of 1120 MM., the Arabs try to plunder the monasteries work
LIT5509MiracleGenbot Miracle of Mary: Synaxary entry for the 21st of Gǝnbot: the Holy Family enters Egypt work
LIT5147MiracleYeshaq Miracle of Mary: Yǝsḥaq, prior of Dabra Mǝṭmāq, who fled to Scete to escape the burden of his office work
LIT5338MiracleStone Miracle of Mary: Stone needed for the constructton of Hagara Māryām is found by the help of a vision work
LIT5273MiracleReturn Miracle of Mary: St Gabriel tells St Mary to return from the mountains of Lebanon to Bethlehem work
LIT5349MiraclePraise Miracle of Mary: Praise of St Mary's greatness work
LIT5316MiracleGS Miracle of Mary: The carpenter who asked for a copy of the Gadla samāʿtāt as a reward for his services in building a church work
LIT5495MiracleChurch Miracle of Mary: Emperor Zarʿa Yāʿqob , returning victorious, builds a church in the name of St Mary and commands the observance of her feast work
LIT5519MiracleBartholomew Miracle of Mary: St Mary and her Son appear to Patriarch Bartholomew while saying Mass work
LIT5110MiraclePilgrimage Miracle of Mary: ʾƎmma Yoḥannǝs and the Ethiopian monk who was on pilgrimage to Jerusalem work
LIT5616MMHanna Miracle of Mary: Anne from Constantinople rises from the dead and relates her experiences work
LIT5506MiracleBishop Miracle of Mary: A bishop asks a man for the prayer that saved him from Satan work
LIT5248MiracleStephanites Miracle of Mary: The judgment of the court of Zarʿa Yāʿqob against the Stephanites work
LIT5358MiracleEntones Miracle of Mary: St. Mary rescues ʾƎnṭonǝs, a wonder-working monk from another monastery who was living with the monks of Dabra Māryām, when Satan comes in disguise and tries to throttle him work
LIT5326MiracleHorologium Miracle of Mary: The abbot who rejected the horologium and other works of ʾabbā Giyorgis work
LIT5260MiracleDaughterArsaban Miracle of Mary: St Mary heals the daughter of ʾArsabān while still in the womb of St Anne work
LIT5204MiracleBasilSpring Miracle of Mary: St Mary sets up the pillars in the church and makes a miraculous spring flow out at their base work
LIT5511MiracleSalda Miracle of Mary: A barren woman conceives and bears Saldā Masqal work
LIT5159MiracleSefengeya Miracle of Mary: When Sǝfǝngǝyā, wife of king Masfǝyānos of Romǝyā, prays to have a child before the icon of St Mary, the icon inclines its head; Sǝfǝngǝyā then conceives Yǝsḥaq (ʾAbbā Garimā) work
LIT5008MiracleScorpionSwallowed Miracle of Mary: Miracle of a sinful woman who swallowed a scorpion work
LIT5256MiracleBatergela2 Miracle of Mary: Batergelā Māryām is accused of treason and is imprisoned work
LIT5907MMRain Miracle of Mary: St Mary saves two travellers from floods and soldiers work
LIT5203MiracleBasilPillars Miracle of Mary: St Mary tells St Basil to take two pillars from a pagan temple. work
LIT5377MiracleKing Miracle of Mary: The king of Egypt asks St Mary to bless his land work
LIT5283MiracleTiras Miracle of Mary: Ṭirās, who did not observe holy days, becomes deaf and dumb, but he is healed when his master prays to St Mary work
LIT5376MiracleManuscript Miracle of Mary: The dog that ran off with a manuscript of the Miracles of Mary work
LIT5261MiracleConception Miracle of Mary: The conception and nativity of St Mary work
LIT5373MiracleCyprus2 Miracle of Mary: Some Christians held captive by a Muslim are freed by an angel and are brought to Cyprus work
LIT5580MMServant Miracle of Mary: A young servant of a monk gets lost among Muslims but is restored safe and sound when the monk cries to St Mary work
LIT5873NagaraMBE Nagara Muse (Beta ʾƎsrāʾel recension) work
LIT5437MiracleCommandments Miracle of Mary: The beginning of the history of the Ark of Zion in the giving of the Ten Commandments work
LIT5315MiracleAbdication Miracle of Mary: The monasteries summon King (Dāwit) of Ethiopia to abdicate work
LIT5564MMArmenia Miracle of Mary: The Christian villagers in Armenia who had to buy their water from Jews work
LIT5632MMMetmaq Miracle of Mary: How the Christians asked Mary to show them what they demanded work
LIT5235MiracleAtrakis Miracle of Mary: St Mary appears to Sts ʾAtrāsis and Yonā, virgins and martyrs work
LIT5662MMSpendthrift2 Miracle of Mary: The spendthrift who refused to deny Mary (part 2) work
LIT5583MMTurks Miracle of Mary: A Christian from Bethlehem is restored to his community after being sold into slavery by the Turks and beaten and slain by his master work
LIT5095MiracleTheophilusC Miracle of Mary: The arrival of the Holy Family in Sāmǝnon work
LIT5658MMKing Miracle of Mary: A king whom the people wants to adore consults a wise woman, who has a vision of Mary and Christ work
LIT5146MiracleMetmaqCamel Miracle of Mary: The untrustworthy camel driver of Dabra Mǝṭmāq work
LIT5396MiracleErmeyas Miracle of Mary: St Mary heals the wounds of ʾƎrmǝyās of Sidon with a drop of her milk work
LIT5156MiracleConstruction Miracle of Mary: A man killed during the construction of the church of Dabra Qʷǝsqʷām is raised from the dead work
LIT5463MiracleReflections Miracle of Mary: Reflections on the construction of the Temple of Solomon work
LIT5297MiracleRetainers Miracle of Mary: The two retainers of a pious ruler who swore not to fight with one another work
LIT5426MiracleDogs Miracle of Mary: The dogs of the hunter praise St Mary work
LIT5042MiracleBehor Miracle of Mary: Miracle of Bǝḥor, a disciple of ʾAmmoni, who sees the glory of the Virgin Mary work
LIT5306MiracleRobbers Miracle of Mary: The robbers who took from a monk his clothes and the cover of an icon of St Mary that he was carrying work
LIT5458MiracleJordan Miracle of Mary: Continuation of the preceding homily: The crossing of the Jordan and the conquest of Palestine work
LIT5572MMMekmeyanos Miracle of Mary: Patriarch Mǝkmǝyanos, whom the clergy and people threatened to depose when he fell sick work
LIT5630Tammer4Ensesa Taʾammǝra ʾarbāʿtu ʾǝnsǝsā work
LIT5314MiracleSlave Miracle of Mary: The man who lost a slave that he was about to sell in Barārā work
LIT5581MMMArrying Miracle of Mary: A woman marries seven times, but each time her husband is killed by a demon work
LIT5318MiracleHamda Miracle of Mary: The pilgrim who was journeying to Jerusalem through Ḥamdā work
LIT5548IntroGH Introduction to Gadla ḥawāryāt work
LIT5397MiracleTewoqritos Miracle of Mary: Patriarch Tewoqriṭos of Jerusalem rebukes King ʾAkrāṭis of Egypt for not fasting or praying work
LIT5600MMAgabos Miracle of Mary: When ʾAgābos from Dalgā enters the church, the icon of St Mary weeps work
LIT5505MiracleAbreham Miracle of Mary: The king who invited ʾabbā ʾAbrǝhām to come and discuss spiritual matters work
LIT5223MiracleVisionTimothy8 Miracle of Mary: Vision of Timothy of Alexandria: The Holy Family encounters brigands work
LIT5657MMMilk Miracle of Mary: A sinful priest possessed by a demon afflicts wounds on himself and his healed by Mary's milk after two visions work
LIT5230MiracleSalome Miracle of Mary: Salome's hands are burned when she tries to verify St Mary's virginity, but they are healed when she takes the Christ Child into her arms work
LIT5420MiracleGold Miracle of Mary: The prodigal son of a man who used, when he was alive, to feed two persons; St Mary promises him riches, but he finds only two grains of gold work
LIT5341MiracleBadlay2 Miracle of Mary: Zarʿa Yāʿqob is given a sign of Badlāy's fall work
LIT5165MiracleKatib Miracle of Mary: A Muslim, Kaṭib, tries to extort money from the monks of St Anthony work
LIT5210MiracleAnthony Miracle of Mary: Continuation of the vision of Anthony of Dabra Qʷǝsqʷām work
LIT5292MiracleSchool Miracle of Mary: The monk who was expelled from school when he could not pay his teacher work
LIT5553MiracleBabnuda Miracle of Mary: ʾabbā Paphnutius lives in the desert for thirty-three years, being nourished with bread from Heaven work
LIT5594MMPaul Miracle of Mary: The acts of St Paul in Wāriqon, as narrated by St Peter work
LIT5562MMElyab Miracle of Mary: Sts Michael and Gabriel appear while Abbot Eliab is teaching his monks, who are given bread from Heaven work
LIT5402MiracleRuins Miracle of Mary: The Muslims who spent the night at the ruins of Dabra Mǝṭmāq work
LIT5152MiracleThreeVirgins Miracle of Mary: Three virgins come to serve St Mary as she is about to give birth work
LIT5389MiracleMagi Miracle of Mary: The shepherds and the magi come to worship Christ work
LIT5363MiracleBanquet Miracle of Mary: The man who wanted to give a banquet on St Mary's feast but was unable because of a famine work
LIT5212MiracleAnthony3 Miracle of Mary: St Mary anoints sick animals and heals them at Dabra Qʷǝsqʷām work
LIT5412MiracleCart Miracle of Mary: The Philistines send back the Ark of Zion on a cart drawn by two heifers work
LIT5290MiracleMuslims Miracle of Mary: The Muslims who stole the furnishings of a church of St Mary located near the western boundary of Ethiopia and were struck by lightning work
LIT5465MiracleZion Miracle of Mary: The Ark of Zion is brought into the Temple of Zion work
LIT5162MiracleEntonesHaddis Miracle of Mary: The conversion of the Muslim, Rǝwḫ, who is renamed ʾƎnṭonǝs Ḥaddis work
LIT5468MiracleEzra Miracle of Mary: The prophecy of Ezra concerning the Ark of Zion work
LIT5275MiracleMagi Miracle of Mary: All Israel is upset by the coming of the Magi; St Gabriel tells St Mary to flee to the mountains of Lebanon work
LIT5039MiracleMardariAngels Miracle of Mary: Miracle of ʾabbā Mārdāri who was visited and blessed by 12 angels work
LIT5209MiracleThecla2 Miracle of Mary: St Mary incenses Thecla work
LIT5268MiracleAnnunciation Miracle of Mary: The Annunciation work
LIT5645MMAtrib5 Miracle of Mary: Dialogue between the general and the king after his return from ʾAtrib work
LIT5225MiracleSunday Miracle of Mary: The Holy Spirit recounts the salvific events that have occurred on Sunday work
LIT5660MMGeorge Miracle of Mary: The story of St George work
LIT5849GenealogyApostles Genealogy of the Twelve Apostles work
LIT5434MiracleStar Miracle of Mary: The magi and their chief, Balaʿālam, see the star of Christ's birth work
LIT5153MiracleYohannes Miracle of Mary: Bishop Michael sends Deacon John to help the monks of Dabra Mǝṭmāq celebrate Passion Week work
LIT5666MMChild Miracle of Mary: A boy, whom the king and his parents wanted to sacrifice, becomes king work
LIT5461MiracleNathan Miracle of Mary: Nathan tells King David that his son, Solomon , will build the Temple for the Ark of Zion work
LIT5573MMBakimos Miracle of Mary: Bishop Bakimos of Constantinople, to whom St Mary appeared concerning Lǝbanyā, who was sterile work
LIT5577MMDoyq Miracle of Mary: Doyq, the son of Ṭāliq, is raised from the dead by St Mary while she was still in the womb of St Anne work
LIT5367MiraclePestilence Miracle of Mary: St Mary stops a pestilence work
LIT5430MiraclePlato Miracle of Mary: Plato is present at the Transitus of St Mary work
LIT5425MiracleMosque Miracle of Mary: The three monks who attempted to say Mass in a mosque work
LIT5227MiracleDisciples2 Miracle of Mary: Continuation of St Mary's prayer work
LIT5277MiracleDirde Miracle of Mary: The Holy Family stays in Dirde work
LIT5516MiracleTomb Miracle of Mary: A blind woman is brought by her son to the tomb of ʾabbā Sāmuʾel of Wāli work
LIT5411MiracleMagicians Miracle of Mary: The Philistines consult magicians as to what they should do with the Ark of Zion work
LIT5116MiracleConsecrationMetmaq Miracle of Mary: At the consecration of Dabra Mǝṭmāq St Mary appears work
LIT5303MiracleGarment Miracle of Mary: The man who borrowed for a wedding a silken garment from the church of St Mary work
LIT5266MiracleAnnunciationGabriel Miracle of Mary: God sends St Gabriel to St Mary for the Annunciation work
LIT5255MiracleBatergela1 Miracle of Mary: The birth of the prince, Batergelā Māryām work
LIT5238MiracleNicholas Miracle of Mary: St Mary appears to St Nicholas and gives him priestly vestments work
LIT5590MMJohn3 Miracle of Mary: Continuation of the preceding homily on the vision of the Apocalypse work
LIT5659MMErmeyas Miracle of Mary: ʾƎrmǝyās is chosen as the successor of king Mārqos work
LIT5839ThirdEthioMaccabees The Third Ethiopian Book of Maccabees work
LIT5497MiracleTrinity Miracle of Mary: Emperor Zarʿa Yāʿqob establishes the cult of the Trinity throughout his empire work
LIT5382MiracleConception Miracle of Mary: On the conception of Christ work
LIT5532MiracleFeasts Miracle of Mary: Emperor Zarʿa Yāʿqob institutes monthly feasts of St Mary work
LIT5543MiracleTadewos Miracle of Mary: The European Archbishop Thaddeus, whom St Mary assisted at Mass work
LIT5172MiracleIncense Miracle of Mary: A priest is warned by an angel not to rush when incensing the icon of St Mary work
LIT5091Miracle Miracle of Mary: The Virgin Mary and the man who went mad work
LIT5486MiracleVisitation5 Miracle of Mary: Continuation of the preceding homily on the Visitation work
LIT5360MiracleStoning Miracle of Mary: The girl who was going to be stoned after she was caught committing fornication work
LIT5835DatesApostles Dates of the Martyrdoms of the Apostles work
LIT5149MiracleEulogius Miracle of Mary: Miracle of Eulogius, the stonemason of Scete, who used to give hospitality to strangers work
LIT5216MiracleVisionTimothy Miracle of Mary: Vision of Timothy of Alexandria: The life of St Mary to the birth of Christ work
LIT5540MiracleSabela Miracle of Mary: Sābelā, a nun of Caesarea, who had a vision of St Mary while sleeping work
LIT5836ActsThomas Acts of St Thomas work
LIT5544MiracleAbyatar Miracle of Mary: The monk, Abiathar, in Nubia, who was led to repentance by a vision of St Mary work
LIT5352MiracleMalkasedeq2 Miracle of Mary: St Mary informs Malka Ṣǝdǝq in a vision that he will receive favour from Emperor Zarʿa Yāʿqob work
LIT5652MMDamot2 Miracle of Mary: The felled tree in Dāmot is reerected work
LIT5233MiracleBarsuma1 Miracle of Mary: St Mary rescues the ship in which Mār Barsumā is travelling work
LIT5493MiracleBadlay Miracle of Mary: Emperor Zarʿa Yāʿqob kills Badlāy and dimembers his body work
LIT5477MiracleQawstos Miracle of Mary: Qāwsṭos, the husband of ʾAkrosǝyā, becomes a disciple of St Clement work
LIT5344MiracleFeeding Miracle of Mary: The hungry man whom St Mary used to feed work
LIT5589MMJohn2 Miracle of Mary: Continuation of the preceding homily on the vision of the Apocalypse work
LIT5569MMTeaching Miracle of Mary: St Mary teaches a man who had been refused instruction how to write work
LIT5231MiracleJohnBurialCloth Miracle of Mary: St John the Evangelist sees Christ kissing St Mary's burial cloth work
LIT5484MiracleVisitation3 Miracle of Mary: Continuation of the preceding homily on the Visitation work
LIT5143MiracleApparitionMetmaqD Miracle of Mary: People from other faiths come to see the annual apparition of St Mary work
LIT5648MMMichael2 Miracle of Mary: Deacon Michael, the grocer (part 2) work
LIT5565MMPelagia Miracle of Mary: Pelagia, a nun from Caesarea, whom Satan afflicted with leprosy work
LIT5311MiracleShoes Miracle of Mary: The icon of St Mary in the Church of the "Romans'' that rebuked the Ethiopians for approaching with their shoes on work
LIT5336MiracleThief Miracle of Mary: The man who used to steal his food from the fields and would not admit it when questioned work
LIT5319MiracleAlexandria Miracle of Mary: The icon of St Mary in a church of Alexandria that some Europeans tried to steal work
LIT5472MiracleHealing Miracle of Mary: St Mary heals a servant girl from a magic spell work
LIT5368MiraclePlague Miracle of Mary: A plague in a monastery is halted at the prayer of a monk work
LIT5598MMAnnunciation Miracle of Mary: Homily on the Annunciation, preceded by the gospel text work
LIT5602MMElisabeth Miracle of Mary: After the Annunciation, Zacharias blesses St Mary, who then goes to visit her cousin, Elizabeth work
LIT5526MiracleDove Miracle of Mary: St Mary is symbolized in Scripture as a dove work
LIT5578MMSaladdin Miracle of Mary: Saladdin and his men try to force their way into the house where St Mary was born work
LIT5478MiracleConstantine Miracle of Mary: The brother of Emperor Constantine who wanted to marry the empress while Constantine was on pilgrimage to Jerusalem work
LIT5102MiracleIconQalamon Miracle of Mary: An Arab who contemns St Mary's icon at Dabra Qalamon is punished work
LIT5584MMCalvary Miracle of Mary: St Mary visits Calvary work
LIT5515MiracleBlind Miracle of Mary: At the commemoration of ʾabbā Sāmuʾel of Wāli a blind man recovers his sight work
LIT5615MMHomily Miracle of Mary: Homily on the greatness of St Mary work
LIT5105MiracleNekwal Miracle of Mary: Nǝkʷāl, the deacon from Margawkim, who spent his master's money on the poor work
LIT5424MiracleDaqseyos Miracle of Mary: Bishop Hildephonsus sees the icon of St Mary sweating; she asks him to raise a girl from the dead work
LIT5356MiracleTakaMaryam Miracle of Mary: A Christian of Tāʾka Māryām, Tansǝʾa Krǝstos, tries to convert a Muslim work
LIT5164MiracleHolyWeek Miracle of Mary: The monks of St Anthony celebrate Holy week at Dabra Qʷǝsqʷām work
LIT5570MMZakaryas Miracle of Mary: Zakāryās from Rāfā, whom the custodian of the church locked out of the place where his food was kept work
LIT5428MiracleAssumption Miracle of Mary: The Assumption as narrated by St John to Prochorus work
LIT5560MMDaneel Miracle of Mary: St Mary assists ʾabbā Dānǝʾel in the desert and gives him a lion to ride on work
LIT5221MiracleVisionTimothy6 Miracle of Mary: Vision of Timothy of Alexandria: ʾAḫrufās, the guardian angel of Egypt, comes to the Holy Family work
LIT5408MiracleEli Miracle of Mary: The news of the capture of the Ark of Zion is brought to Eli work
LIT5321MiracleIcon Miracle of Mary: The icon of St Mary that did not burn when the rest of the house was destroyed work
LIT5158MiracleLumber Miracle of Mary: The infidel who stole the lumber from the church at Dabra Qʷǝsqʷām work
LIT5480MiracleJohn Miracle of Mary: Continuation of the preceding homily: the miraculous conception of St John the Baptist work
LIT5099MiracleBerbers Miracle of Mary: The monks of Dabra Qalǝmon who were despoiled by Berbers work
LIT5476MiracleBarnabas Miracle of Mary: Barnābās from Sandafā, who used to venerate St Mary's icon work
LIT5871GadlaABE Gadla ʾAbrǝhām (Beta ʾƎsrāʾel recension) work
LIT5613MMHoms Miracle of Mary: The church of St Mary in Homs collapses in an earthquake work
LIT5475MiracleSara Miracle of Mary: Sārā from Mǝsot, who became insane and went about naked work
LIT5111MiracleMenetaDiyaqon Miracle of Mary: The lamp of the Christian from Mǝneta Diyāqon that was blown out by the wind work
LIT5307MiracleAbbot Miracle of Mary: The abbot who fell sick while on a missionary journey work
LIT5208MiracleThecla1 Miracle of Mary: Thecla is taken to Alexandria to see her brother, ʾabbā ʾEsi, in a boat guided by the Archangels Gabriel and Sureyal work
LIT5035MiracleTebreyanosPearl Miracle of Mary: Miracle of the merchant who was offered riches for denying the faith work
LIT5567MMRetainer Miracle of Mary: A Christian retainer escapes unharmed when his king is defeated by the Moslems work
LIT5454MiracleOfficial Miracle of Mary: An official who used to rob the poor is converted when a monk reveals that Satan was acting as his counsellor work
LIT5587MMVision Miracle of Mary: The vision of St John in the Apocalypse work
LIT5531MiracleShrine Miracle of Mary: A Muslim herder starts to build a shrine to St Mary on good land; when he dies, she saves his soul from the angels of darkness work
LIT5305MiracleGoat Miracle of Mary: A goat comes miraculously to be slaughtered work
LIT5490MiraclePromises Miracle of Mary: St Mary's promises to those who are devoted to her work
LIT5345MiracleZakaryas Miracle of Mary: The priest, Zacharias, who was about to hang himself so as not to see his son die work
LIT5108MiracleYohannes Miracle of Mary: Yoḥannǝs finds a copy of the Acts of St Juliana and St Barbara that he had lost work
LIT5510MiracleFuneral Miracle of Mary: St Thomas arrives for the funeral of St Mary work
LIT5154MiracleDemons Miracle of Mary: An abbot in Scete sees first a multitude of demons, then a multitude of saints work
LIT5236MiracleSarabamun Miracle of Mary: St Mary appears to St Sarabamon, the future bishop of Nikiu and martyr work
LIT5020Hemamatihu Ḥǝmāmātihu la-ʾǝgziʾǝna ʾIyasus Krǝstos work
LIT5229MiracleJohn Miracle of Mary: St Mary asks that St John be allowed to visit her dwelling place work
LIT5220MiracleVisionTimothy5 Miracle of Mary: Vision of Timothy of Alexandria : The Christ Child grants St Mary a vision of his future glory work
LIT5555MMBartholomew Miracle of Mary: The vision granted to Archbishop Bartholomew in Jerusalem work
LIT5513MiracleGabraMaryam Miracle of Mary: Sts Mary and Gabriel visit an Ethiopian named Gabra Māryām and heal him work
LIT5651MMDamot1 Miracle of Mary: The felled tree in Dāmot work
LIT5214MiracleAnthony6 Miracle of Mary: The blessing given to the animals at Dabra Qʷǝsqʷām by the anointing of St Mary work
LIT5563MMHomily Miracle of Mary: Homily of St John the Evangelist on the greatness of St Mary, which he had seen in a vision work
LIT5471MiracleDormition Miracle of Mary: The Dormition and Transitus of St Mary work
LIT5536MiracleBread Miracle of Mary: St Mary asks bread from a poor widow during the flight from Herod work
LIT5304MiraclePlundering Miracle of Mary: The Muslim who was unable to open the church he was intending to plunder work
LIT5653MMGabraMaryam Miracle of Mary: Mary appears to the monk Gabra Māryām in the form of a small child work
LIT5385MiracleGaza Miracle of Mary: The Holy Family returns from Egypt by way of Gaza work
LIT5455MiracleArkAksum Miracle of Mary: The history of the Ark of Zion during the reigns of David and Solomon; Mǝnilǝk takes the Ark towards ʾAksum; when they reach the Red Sea, it parts before them work
LIT5298MiracleFood Miracle of Mary: A monk obtains from St Mary food for a visitor work
LIT5508MiracleAnnunciation Miracle of Mary: The Annunciation work
LIT5523MiracleDeacon Miracle of Mary: The pious deacon who was seized to avenge a homicide committed by his brother work
LIT5619MMZaraYaqob Miracle of Mary: Homily of Emperor Zarʿa Yāʿqob on St Mary as the hope of salvation work
LIT5488MiracleMourning Miracle of Mary: The mourning of St John the Baptist for his mother work
LIT5366MiracleBribe Miracle of Mary: The man who accepted fine clothes as a bribe for future favors work
LIT5390MiracleTemple Miracle of Mary: St Mary's stay in the Temple work
LIT5665MMMetmaqMuslims Miracle of Mary: The governor has to hinder Muslims visiting Dabra Mǝṭmāq from becoming Christian work
LIT5296MiracleGeneralMuslims Miracle of Mary: The Ethiopian general who went off to fight the Muslims without the consent of the king work
LIT5322MiracleDrowning Miracle of Mary: The pious monk who drowned while crossing a river on his way to a feast that was being given by a rich man in honor of the Assumption work
LIT5313MiracleWealth Miracle of Mary: The rich persons who stored their wealth in a church work
LIT5419MiracleWeddase Miracle of Mary: ʾAbbā Sāmuʾel of Wāli is lifted up while reciting the Wǝddāse Māryām work
LIT5253MiracleEpiphany Miracle of Mary: The Magicians who tried to cast a spell on the Epiphany water work
LIT5527MiracleKidan Miracle of Mary: Christ gives St Mary the Pact of Mercy work
LIT5606MMItenin Miracle of Mary: When St Mary departs from the city of ʾIṭenin, its people weep work
LIT5473MiracleDaniel Miracle of Mary: Daniel from Constantinople, who wanted to go to church to receive Communion even when there was fighting in the streets work
LIT5391MiracleJulius Miracle of Mary: The story of Julius Aqfahasi work
LIT5364MiracleShrine Miracle of Mary: A sinner is saved from damnation because he had built a shrine in the name of St Mary work
LIT5593MMBird Miracle of Mary: Homily on the silver bird with gilded wings (Ps: 67:14) work
LIT5520MiracleSatan Miracle of Mary: Satan comes to some monks and entrusts a child to them; the monks eat the child work
LIT5289MiracleClothes Miracle of Mary: The three pious priests and monks who wore fine clothes work
LIT5418MiracleMass Miracle of Mary: Christ orders ʾabbā Sāmu'el of Wāli to celebrate Mass for the feast of St Mary work
LIT5142MiracleApparitionMetmaqC Miracle of Mary: The bishop, who was present at the apparition of St Mary, asks her to give her blessing work
LIT5291MiracleAdultery Miracle of Mary: The punishment of an Ethiopian woman who swore falsely that she had not committed adultery with another woman's husband work
LIT5054MiracleNoblemanHospital Miracle of Mary: Miracle of a nobleman who established a hospital and took Satan as assistant work
LIT5093MiracleTheophilus Miracle of Mary: The vision of Theophilus continued: Satan urges Herod to pursue the Holy Family work
LIT5491MiracleYakkatit Miracle of Mary: St Mary prays to Christ on the 16th of Yakkātit work
LIT5239MiracleGregory Miracle of Mary: St Mary appears to the brother of St Basil, St Gregory, bishop of "the Islands" (Nyssa) work
LIT5346MiracleWater Miracle of Mary: St Mary turns water over which her anaphora was recited by ʾabbā Sāmuʾel of Wāli into miraculous bread work
LIT5904MMAbbasLong Miracle of Mary: Miracle of the Bishop of Rome, ʾAbbās (Long version) work
LIT5542MiracleDeralyos Miracle of Mary: Bishop Dǝrālyos in Dabra Gaṣṣ, who was a lazy monk work
LIT5557MMMonks Miracle of Mary: The thirty monks of Scete whom Satan inspired to beat each other work
LIT5664MMMetmaq Miracle of Mary: Christ narrates the construction of Dabra Mǝṭmāq to Mary work
LIT5546MiracleYonas Miracle of Mary: The prophet, Jonah, who came from Egypt work
LIT5355MiracleIcon Miracle of Mary: The miraculous icon in a monastery: when the Body of Christ falls to the ground unnoticed during the distribution of Communion, St Mary orders St Michael to pick it up work
LIT5169MiracleReversedRiver Miracle of Mary: Miracle of a man washing clothes and the reversed river work
LIT5561MMZenaKr Miracle of Mary: The European monk, Zenā Krǝstos, who was a herder and whose beasts were attacked by a lion work
LIT5286MiracleDog Miracle of Mary: The hunter who discovered the Holy Family in flight is turned into a dog when he violates his oath not to reveal them work
LIT5435MiracleRevelation Miracle of Mary: A continuation of Christ's revelation to St Mary work
LIT5504MiracleDormition Miracle of Mary: The Dormition and Assumption of St Mary's body into Heaven work
LIT5262MiracleBirth Miracle of Mary: The birth of St Mary on the 1st of Gǝnbot work
LIT5417MiracleDilasor Miracle of Mary: The story of Dilāsor, brother of Emperor Theodosius, who was ʾAbbā Kiros work
LIT5499MiracleEmperors Miracle of Mary: St Mary assists the emperors of Ethiopia work
LIT5178MiraclePrefect Miracle of Mary: The wrath of St Mary against the prefect of a church who tried to stop the priests from making a procession while singing hymns to her work
LIT5498MiracleNaod Miracle of Mary: St Mary helps Emperor Nāʿod humble the Jews work
LIT5025Abgar Legend of Abgar (Older Version) work
LIT5470MiracleZechariah Miracle of Mary: The vision of Zechariah concerning the Ark of Zion work
LIT5668MMJerusalem Miracle of Mary: The divine light appearing on the torches of the Ethiopians and Egyptians in the church of the resurrection work
LIT5611MMApparition Miracle of Mary: Christ appears to the Apostles after the Dormition of St Mary work
LIT5479MiracleIncarnation Miracle of Mary: Homily on the Annunciation and the Incarnation work
LIT5094MiracleTheophilusB Miracle of Mary: Satan appears to King Herod and advises him to kill the innocents work
LIT5046MiracleSick Miracle of Mary: Miracle of sick people work
LIT5398MiracleAstaqaos Miracle of Mary: The story of ʾAstaqāʾos, the European potter who was buried alive work
LIT5592MMAssumption Miracle of Mary: The Apostles decree that the events concerning the Transitus of St Mary that they have witnessed should be written down and that be commemorated three times a year work
LIT5320MiraclePunishment Miracle of Mary: The punishment of a custodian of a church who did not obey the bishop work
LIT5638MMBarsuma Miracle of Mary: Mary saves Barsumā's ship and appears to his disciples work
LIT5328MiracleDream Miracle of Mary: A young monk is horrified when he has a sexual dream work
LIT5814GHII Contendings of the Apostles: Recension II work
LIT5217MiracleVisionTimothy2 Miracle of Mary: Vision of Timothy of Alexandria : The flight into Egypt work
LIT5474MiracleDeganna Miracle of Mary: Degannā, the church builder, who was asked by King ʾAkṭab to build a temple for his pagan gods work
LIT5104MiracleAmnut Miracle of Mary: ʾAmnut, the custodian of a church in Egypt, quarrels with his bishop work
LIT5620MMTetos Miracle of Mary: When the Holy Family encounters brigands during their return journey from Egypt, Christ repairs the broken sword of Ṭeṭos work
LIT5427MiracleTekta Miracle of Mary: Tektā, who is childless, hasa dream about ten generations ending with the moon and the sun work
LIT5541MiracleGabreel Miracle of Mary: The bread and wine that came down from Heaven to Abbot Gabriel during Mass in the church of St Mary in Rome work
LIT5460MiracleDavid Miracle of Mary: King David and all Israel bring back the Ark of Zion work
LIT5673AkkonuColl Miracles of Mary: ʾAkko-nu bəʾsi collection work
LIT5669MMChant Miracle of Mary: Miracle produced by the chants on the feast of the Cross in Jerusalem work
LIT5507MiracleStephanites Miracle of Mary: The Stephanites in Egypt and Palestine work
LIT5265MiracleAdam Miracle of Mary: The descent of the holy seed from Adam to St Mary work
LIT5492MiracleFebor Miracle of Mary: The people of Febor sacrifice pigs at the gate of their city so as to prevent the Holy Famiy from entering; they themselves are changed into pigs work
LIT5640MMCyriacus Miracle of Mary: Cyriacus of Behnesa composes the Anaphora of Mary work
LIT5556MMThieves Miracle of Mary: Four thieves break into the church of St Mary and steal vestments; they are brought back by lions work
LIT5901DersanaGabrielNaglon Dǝrsāna Gabrǝʾel work
LIT5393MiracleTarses Miracle of Mary: The story of King Ṭarsǝs of Fārs, who loved to kill Christians work
LIT5332MiracleBula Miracle of Mary: The history of ʾabbā Bulā/ʾAbib work
LIT5612MMSchism Miracle of Mary: The Chalcedonian schism; the house of Nazareth is miraculously transported work
LIT5496MiracleChants Miracle of Mary: Emperor Zarʿa Yāʿqob composes chants in honour of St Mary work
LIT5895DersanaLedata Dǝrsāna lǝdatā la-Māryām work
LIT5571MMLebdeyos Miracle of Mary: Abbot Lǝbdǝyos speaks to the people on the feast of St Mary when they ask him to distribute Communion work
LIT5299MiracleBurial Miracle of Mary: The king who ordered his retainers to bury him in the church of St Mary that he had built work
LIT5605MMDematyanos Miracle of Mary: The prayer of King Dǝmātyanos work
LIT5101MiracleRaphael Miracle of Mary: Qommos Raphael from Dabra ʾƎnṣǝnā and the sacrament of confession work
LIT5392MiracleAbadir Miracle of Mary: The story of ʾAbādir, a district governor of Egypt work
LIT5003MiracleJonahWife Miracle of Mary: Miracle of Jonah, his wife and another woman work
LIT5371MiracleSyria Miracle of Mary: Brigands try to steal from a church of St Mary in Syria but are unable to bring what they have stolen out of the church work
LIT5663MMRich Miracle of Mary: Mary saves a rich sinner who had loved her work
LIT5631Salam4Ensesa Salām la-ʾarbāʿtu ʾǝnsǝsā work
LIT5388MiracleNativity Miracle of Mary: The Nativity of Christ work
LIT5372MiracleDrowning Miracle of Mary: A child whom his mother had vowed to St Mary is rescued from drowning work
LIT5202MiracleBasilIcon Miracle of Mary: St Basil finds the buried icon of St Mary work
LIT5811GHI Contendings of the Apostles: Recension I work
LIT5312MiracleAnaphora Miracle of Mary: The rich man who left the church because the priest was saying the Anaphora of St Mary, Gʷasʿā, on a big feast day work
LIT5182MiracleParable Miracle of Mary: Patriarch Abraham and the interpretation of the parable of the mustard seed work
LIT5342MiracleWaybela Miracle of Mary: St Mary appears to the gabaz of her church in Waybǝlā and tells him about the fall of Badlāy work
LIT5270MiracleCircumcision Miracle of Mary: The Circumcision work
LIT5609MMCyriacus Miracle of Mary: Homily of Cyriacus of Bǝhnǝsā for the 16th of Naḥase work
LIT5456MiracleSalama Miracle of Mary: The Ark of Zion is installed in ʾAksum; the coming there of ʾAbbā Salāmā, who explains to the priests attending the Ark its true significance work
LIT5643MMAtrib3 Miracle of Mary: Apparition of Mary to Yoḥannǝs, the priest of the church of ʾAtrib work
LIT5566MMAqlemya Miracle of Mary: ʾAqlemyā, a poor woman from Rome, who was tied to a tree by brigands for five days and nights work
LIT5232MiracleMarySoul Miracle of Mary: St Mary s soul descends from heaven in a tent of light work
LIT5359MiracleQirqos Miracle of Mary: A man prays for his sick son before the icon of St Mary, she sends St Qirqos, then comes herself with St George to cure him work
LIT5992Miracle Taʾammǝra ʾIyasus Krǝstos work
LIT5552MiracleYouth Miracle of Mary: How the Egyptian youth, Bǝsoy, who had destroyed churches and killed people, repented after killing a pregnant woman work
LIT5285MiracleGeneral Miracle of Mary: The general of King Dāwit of Ethiopia who defected to the enemy work
LIT5160MiracleEntawos Miracle of Mary: ʾƎnṭāwos, a pagan from Qarāys, becomes a Christian after being struck by miraculous arrows work
LIT5176MiracleHermit Miracle of Mary: A hermit in Jerusalem is saved from the temptations of Satan work
LIT5017MiracleSophiaConfessor Miracle of Mary: Miracle of Sophia who distributed all her jewelry to the poor, and her husband who did not let her go to the church work
LIT5521MiracleHyenas Miracle of Mary: A monk heals two blind hyena cubs with an icon of St Mary work
LIT5378MiracleSaf Miracle of Mary: St Mary restores his eye to a brigand from Sāf who had been deprived of it by order of the judge work
LIT5467MiracleDestruction Miracle of Mary: After the destruction of the Temple by Nebuchadnezzar, the Arc of Zion is hidden; the prophecy of Ezra concerning it work
LIT5607MMMArriage Miracle of Mary: On the occasion of the marriage of Sts Joachim and Anne, prophecies are made concerning the birth of St Mary work
LIT1640Homily Homily on the Assumption of Mary work
LIT1375Apocal Apocalypse of Ezra on the Kingdom of the Arabs work
LIT1201Bartos Bārtos work
LIT1415GadlaA Gadla ʾAddām work
LIT1461Gadlah Gadla ḥawāryāt (general record) work
LIT1120Apocal Apocalypse of Baruch work
LIT1278Dersan Dǝrsan zäyǝnäggǝr zäkämä täräkbä zenaha läqǝddǝst Maryam work
LIT1495GadlaS Gadla Sāmuʾel za-Dabra Hālleluyā work
LIT1451GadlaG Gadla Gabra Manfas Qǝddus (general record) work
LIT1886Martyr The Martyrdom of Matthew the Evangelist work
LIT1020Actsof The Acts of Thomas, I work
LIT1015Actsof The Acts of St Matthias and St Andrew work
LIT1957Mashaf Book of Clement work
LIT1915Mashaf Maṣḥafa ʾardǝʾt work
LIT1309Didesq Didǝsqǝlyā work
LIT1140Apostl Epistle of the Apostles work
LIT1762Legend Legend of Jeremiah work
LIT1820Maccab Maccabees, Book of (Vulgata) work
LIT1460Gadlah Gadla Ḥannā work
LIT1887Martyr The Martyrdom of Matthias work
LIT1412GadlaA Gadla ʾAbrǝhām (general record) work
LIT1014Actsof Acts of St Matthew the Evangelist work
LIT1684Martyr The Martyrdom of St James son of Zebedee work
LIT1427GadlaB The Martyrdom of St Bartholomew work
LIT1889Martyr The Martyrdom of St Peter work
LIT1759Legend Legend of Abgar (general record) work
LIT1638Homily Homily on the Assumption of Mary work
LIT1202Bookof Book of Baruch work
LIT1761Legend Legend of Habakkuk work
LIT1480GadlaM Gadla Masqal Bezāna work
LIT1690ActsofJohn Acts of St John son of Zebedee work
LIT1017Actsof Acts of St Peter work
LIT1941Mashaf Maṣḥafa lǝdatā la-Māryām work
LIT1686Epistl Epistle of Jeremiah work
LIT1750LahaMa Lāḥa Māryām work
LIT1377Bookof Book of Ezra work
LIT1124Apocal Rāʾǝya [ʾǝgzǝʾǝtǝna] Māryām work
LIT1510GadlaY Gadla Yāʿqob (general record) work
LIT1922Mashaf Maṣḥafa dorho work
LIT1888Martyr The Martyrdom of St Paul work
LIT1662Homily Homily on the Resurrection of the Lord work
LIT1376Apocal Apocalypse of Ezra work
LIT1639Homily Homily on the Assumption of Mary work
LIT1680Martyr The Martyrdom of St James the Just (brother of Jesus Christ) work
LIT1340EnochE Maṣḥafa Henok work
LIT1760Legend Legend of Abgar work
LIT1517GadlaY Gadla Yǝsḥaq (general record) work
LIT1016Actsof Acts of Paul work
LIT1568Legend Story of Habakkuk work
LIT1489Gadlas Gadla Ṣādǝqān za-Bāraknāhā work
LIT1923Mashaf Mäṣḥafä ʿǝräfta lämaryam work
LIT1883Martyr The Martyrdom of St Mark the Evangelist work
LIT1254Dagemm Dāgǝm mǝṣʾatu la-Krǝstos wa-tǝnśāʾe mǝwwǝtān work
LIT1978Mashaf Maṣḥafa ṭomār work
LIT4004Prayer Prayer of Moses against the enemies work
LIT4853Martyr Gadl wa-sǝmʿ za-qǝddus Mārqos wangelāwi work
LIT4652TaammeraGa Taʾammǝra Gabrǝʾel work
LIT5000Miracle Miracle of Mary: The beggar at the church of Qirqos in ʾAmhārā from whose head a horn grew work
LIT4059GadlaYaI Gadla Yāʿqob (Recension I, literal translation) work
LIT4311Miracle Miracle of Our Lady Mary on the end of Nestorius work
LIT4961TaammerKM Miracles of the Covenant of Mary in the land of Ethiopia work
LIT4720Miracle Miracle of Jesus: Raising of Yonās, the son of the widow of Nāyn work
LIT4060GadlaYaII Gadla Yāʿqob (Recension II, Beta ʾƎsrāʾel Version) work
LIT4848Actsof Acts of Thomas, V (on the woman who was slain in a shop) work
LIT4997MiracleBishopPhiloteus Miracle of Mary: Miracle of Bishop Philoteus work
LIT4717TaammerLi Taʾammǝra Libānos work
LIT4656MiracleGa Miracle of the building of the columns of the altar dedicated to St Gabriel work
LIT4299Prayer Prayer of Our Lady Mary to Jesus Christ at the sepulchre work
LIT4048Miracle Miracle of Mary: Miracle of the virgin whom a magistrate wanted to corrupt work
LIT4854Sleepers Zenāhomu la-7daqiq za-kona samāʿt ba-wǝsta baʾat work
LIT4735GadlaBa Gadla Batra Gǝlā Māryām (general record) work
LIT4058GadlaAII Gadla ʾAbrǝhām (Recension II) work
LIT4002Salotz Ṣalot za-Muse work
LIT4061GadlaYaIII Gadla Yāʿqob (Recension III, free translation) work
LIT4334Ezek Life of Ezekiel work
LIT4057GadlaAI Gadla ʾAbrǝhām (Recension I) work
LIT4837Martyr Sǝmʿu la-Māryām gǝbṣāwit work
LIT4996MiracleMerchantThief Miracle of Mary: Miracle of a thief merchant work
LIT4843Thecla Maṣḥafa Ṭeqalā work
LIT4277Miracle Miracle of Mary: On the sepulchre of Our Lady Mary, ark of those who worship her in the day of the Day of the Judgment work
LIT4659TaammeraRa Taʾammǝra Rāguʾel work
LIT4721Miracle Miracle of Jesus: The inundated field work
LIT4846Actsof Acts of Thomas, III (on the miracle of the dragon) work
LIT4521Prayer Prayer of Our Lady Mary to Jesus Christ before the labour work
LIT4655MiracleGa Miracle of the labourer whose foot was injured by a stone work
LIT4994MiracleTomas21Ter Miracle of Mary: Miracle of Tomās for the 21st Ṭǝrr work
LIT4062GadlaYeI Gadla Yǝsḥāq (Recension I, literal translation) work
LIT4654MiracleGa Miracle of the man who was bitten by a snake work
LIT4063GadlaYeII Gadla Yǝsḥāq (Recension II, Beta ʾƎsrāʾel Version) work
LIT4204Prayer Prayer of the blessing by Henoch work
LIT4849Martyr The Martyrdom of St Thomas work
LIT4520Prayer Prayer of Our Lady Mary to Jesus Christ, for 21 miyāzyā work
LIT4847Actsof Acts of Thomas, IV work
LIT4823JosephUndAseneth Joseph and Aseneth work
LIT4064GadlaYeIII Gadla Yǝsḥāq (Recension III, free translation) work
LIT4841Discourse Discourse of Dionysius on the Martyrdom of Sts Peter and Paul work
LIT4532Prayer Magical prayer revealed by Jesus Christ to obtain the eternal salvation work
LIT4835Martyr Gadla sǝmʿu la-qǝddus ʾabu Yǝsḥaq za-ʾǝm-Dǝfrā work
LIT4998MiracleJewJerusalem Miracle of Mary: Miracle of a Jew from Jerusalem swallowed by a snake work
LIT2365Storyo Story of Melchizedek work
LIT2436Teezaz Tǝʾǝzāza sanbat work
LIT2166Parado Handing over of Pilate work
LIT2182Preach The Preaching of St Andrew work
LIT2382Taamme Taʾammǝra ʾIyasus work
LIT2353SibylW Ṭǝbaba Sābelā work
LIT2189Preach The Preaching of St Thomas work
LIT2384Taamme Taʾammǝra Māryām work
LIT2184Preach The Preaching of St James the Just (brother of Jesus Christ) work
LIT2364Storyo Story of King Dämatyanos of Lebanon and of Gigar, The work
LIT2462Testam Testamentum Domini in Galilea work
LIT2052Nagara Colloquy of Moses with God on Mount Sinai (Christian recension) work
LIT2183Preach The Preaching of St Bartholomew work
LIT2285Saqoqa Saqoqāwa dǝngǝl work
LIT2444Temher Tǝmhǝrta ḫǝbuʾāt work
LIT2388Taamme Taʾammǝra Śǝllāse work
LIT2188Preach Preaching of St Simon the son of Cleopas, surnamed Judas or Nathaniel work
LIT2281Trinity Taʾammǝra Śǝllāse work
LIT2185Preach The Preaching of Judas Thaddeus, brother of Christ work
LIT2051Nagara Nagara Māryām work
LIT2246salotz Ṣalot za-ʾǝgzǝʾǝtǝna Māryām ba-Dabra Golgotā work
LIT2598Yosipp Josippon work
LIT2282Trinity Taʾammǝra Śǝllāse work
LIT2595Yestos Gadla rǝʾǝsa nagaśtāt Yosṭos wa-ʾAboli waldu wa-Tāwǝklǝyā bǝʾsitu work
LIT2186Preach The Preaching of St Peter work
LIT2024MotaMu Mota Muse work
LIT2619Zenala Zenā la-Māryām wa-fǝlsatā work
LIT2628Zenade Zena ḍǝnsäta wälǝdäta work
LIT2458Testam Zenāhu la-Yosef work
LIT2487Vision Vision of Theophilus of Alexandria on the Mount Qʷǝsqʷām work
LIT2167Parali Tarafa nagar za-Bārok za-ʾi-kona ḫǝbuʾa za-ʾama yǝḍewawu Bābilon work
LIT2187Preach The Preaching of St Philip work
BerOrQuart370 Berlin, Berlin State Library, Ms. or. quart. 370 mss
BNFabb115 Paris, Bibliothèque nationale de France, BnF Éthiopien d'Abbadie 115 mss
BNFabb99 Paris, Bibliothèque nationale de France, BnF Éthiopien d'Abbadie 99 mss
BNFabb122 Paris, Bibliothèque nationale de France, BnF Éthiopien d'Abbadie 122 mss
DGDG001 mss
CIA20024 Chicago, Art Institute of Chicago, AIC 2002.4 mss
BNFabb51 Paris, Bibliothèque nationale de France, BnF Éthiopien d'Abbadie 51 mss
BNFabb78 Paris, Bibliothèque nationale de France, BnF Éthiopien d'Abbadie 78 mss
BNFabb168 Paris, Bibliothèque nationale de France, BnF Éthiopien d'Abbadie 168 mss
BNFabb199 Paris, Bibliothèque nationale de France, BnF Éthiopien d'Abbadie 199 mss
BNFabb7 Paris, Bibliothèque nationale de France, BnF Éthiopien d'Abbadie 7 mss
BNFabb90 Paris, Bibliothèque nationale de France, BnF Éthiopien d'Abbadie 90 mss
BNFabb114 Paris, Bibliothèque nationale de France, BnF Éthiopien d'Abbadie 114 mss
BNFabb226 Paris, Bibliothèque nationale de France, BnF Éthiopien d'Abbadie 226 mss
BNFabb79 Paris, Bibliothèque nationale de France, BnF Éthiopien d'Abbadie 79 mss
BAVet137 Vatican City, Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, Aeth. 137 mss
BNFabb58 Paris, Bibliothèque nationale de France, BnF Éthiopien d'Abbadie 58 mss
BNFabb64 Paris, Bibliothèque nationale de France, BnF Éthiopien d'Abbadie 64 mss
AT1145MMGarment Miracle of Mary: Miracle of the poor monk to whom Mary gave a garment auth
BNFabb193 Paris, Bibliothèque nationale de France, BnF Éthiopien d'Abbadie 193 mss
BNFabb134 Paris, Bibliothèque nationale de France, BnF Éthiopien d'Abbadie 134 mss
BNFabb128 Paris, Bibliothèque nationale de France, BnF Éthiopien d'Abbadie 128 mss
AT1146JoachimAnnaGrieving auth
BAVet268 mss
BLorient13156 London, British Library, BL Oriental 13156 mss
BNFabb158 Paris, Bibliothèque nationale de France, BnF Éthiopien d'Abbadie 158 mss
BNFabb91 Paris, Bibliothèque nationale de France, BnF Éthiopien d'Abbadie 91 mss
EMDA84 Moṭa, Moṭā Giyorgis, G1-IV-220 mss
CCRG001 Ethiopia, Č̣āč̣ara Giyorgis, CCRG-001 mss
LIT6866Testaments Testaments of the Three Patriarchs work
LIT6909HomilyAstona Dǝrsān ba-sanbat krǝstiyān work
YOMA012 Mǝsrāqāwi Tǝgrāy, Maʿāquddi Yoḥannǝs Walda Nagʷadgʷād, YOMA-012 mss
BNFabb190 mss
BNFabb161 Paris, Bibliothèque nationale de France, BnF Éthiopien d'Abbadie 161 mss
EYQG004 Māʾkalāy Tǝgrāy, ʾƎndā Yoḥannǝs Ḥādduš ʿAddi, EYQG-004 mss
EYQG005 Māʾkalāy Tǝgrāy, ʾƎndā Yoḥannǝs Ḥādduš ʿAddi, EYQG-005 mss
EYQG006 Māʾkalāy Tǝgrāy, ʾƎndā Yoḥannǝs Ḥādduš ʿAddi, EYQG-006 mss
EYQG008 Māʾkalāy Tǝgrāy, ʾƎndā Yoḥannǝs Ḥādduš ʿAddi, EYQG-008 mss
EYQG009 Māʾkalāy Tǝgrāy, ʾƎndā Yoḥannǝs Ḥādduš ʿAddi, EYQG-009 mss
EYQG010 Māʾkalāy Tǝgrāy, ʾƎndā Yoḥannǝs Ḥādduš ʿAddi, EYQG-010 mss
EYQG011 Māʾkalāy Tǝgrāy, ʾƎndā Yoḥannǝs Ḥādduš ʿAddi, EYQG-011 mss
EYQG012 Māʾkalāy Tǝgrāy, ʾƎndā Yoḥannǝs Ḥādduš ʿAddi, EYQG-012 mss
EYQG014 Māʾkalāy Tǝgrāy, ʾƎndā Yoḥannǝs Ḥādduš ʿAddi, EYQG-014 mss
EYQG015 Māʾkalāy Tǝgrāy, ʾƎndā Yoḥannǝs Ḥādduš ʿAddi, EYQG-015 mss
EYQG016 Māʾkalāy Tǝgrāy, ʾƎndā Yoḥannǝs Ḥādduš ʿAddi, EYQG-016 mss
EYQG017 Māʾkalāy Tǝgrāy, ʾƎndā Yoḥannǝs Ḥādduš ʿAddi, EYQG-017 mss
EYQG018 Māʾkalāy Tǝgrāy, ʾƎndā Yoḥannǝs Ḥādduš ʿAddi, EYQG-018 mss
EYQG019 Māʾkalāy Tǝgrāy, ʾƎndā Yoḥannǝs Ḥādduš ʿAddi, EYQG-019 mss
EYQG020 Māʾkalāy Tǝgrāy, ʾƎndā Yoḥannǝs Ḥādduš ʿAddi, EYQG-020 mss
NLA60 mss
NLA61 mss
ASM003 mss
EYQG021 Māʾkalāy Tǝgrāy, ʾƎndā Yoḥannǝs Ḥādduš ʿAddi, EYQG-021 mss
EYQG022 Māʾkalāy Tǝgrāy, ʾƎndā Yoḥannǝs Ḥādduš ʿAddi, EYQG-022 mss
EYQG023 Māʾkalāy Tǝgrāy, ʾƎndā Yoḥannǝs Ḥādduš ʿAddi, EYQG-023 mss
BLorient8822 London, British Library, BL Oriental 8822 mss
EYQG049 Māʾkalāy Tǝgrāy, ʾƎndā Yoḥannǝs Ḥādduš ʿAddi, EYQG-049 mss
EYQG050 Māʾkalāy Tǝgrāy, ʾƎndā Yoḥannǝs Ḥādduš ʿAddi, EYQG-050 mss
BLorient8814 mss
EYQG065 Māʾkalāy Tǝgrāy, ʾƎndā Yoḥannǝs Ḥādduš ʿAddi, EYQG-065 mss
EYQG066 Māʾkalāy Tǝgrāy, ʾƎndā Yoḥannǝs Ḥādduš ʿAddi, EYQG-066 mss
LIT6937NagaraMarAmh Nagara Māryām (Amharic) work
TAfait011 Tel Aviv, Tel Aviv University Sourasky Central Library, Faitlovich 11 mss
TAfait009 Tel Aviv, Tel Aviv University Sourasky Central Library, Faitlovich 9 mss
TAfait012 Tel Aviv, Tel Aviv University Sourasky Central Library, Faitlovich 12 mss
TAfait013 Tel Aviv, Tel Aviv University Sourasky Central Library, Faitlovich 13 mss
TAfait014 Tel Aviv, Tel Aviv University Sourasky Central Library, Faitlovich 14 mss
TAfait015 Tel Aviv, Tel Aviv University Sourasky Central Library, Faitlovich 15 mss
TAfait016 Tel Aviv, Tel Aviv University Sourasky Central Library, Faitlovich 16 mss
EMDA106 Moṭa, Moṭā Giyorgis, G1-IV-202 mss
EMDA65 Marṭula Māryām, Marṭula Māryām, G1-IV-26 mss
BLorient8824 London, British Library, BL Oriental 8824 mss
EMDA173 Dabra Mārqos, Qarānǝyo Madḫāne ʿĀlam, G1-IV-299 mss
BLorient8823 mss
MALZ001 Mǝbraq Tǝgrāy, ʿĀddi Lāq̲mā Qǝddǝst Māryām, MALZ-001 mss
MALZ002 Mǝbraq Tǝgrāy, ʿĀddi Lāq̲mā Qǝddǝst Māryām, MALZ-002 mss
MALZ007 Mǝbraq Tǝgrāy, ʿĀddi Lāq̲mā Qǝddǝst Māryām, MALZ-007 mss
MALZ011 Mǝbraq Tǝgrāy, ʿĀddi Lāq̲mā Qǝddǝst Māryām, MALZ-011 mss
MALZ016 Mǝbraq Tǝgrāy, ʿĀddi Lāq̲mā Qǝddǝst Māryām, MALZ-016 mss
MALZ020 Mǝbraq Tǝgrāy, ʿĀddi Lāq̲mā Qǝddǝst Māryām, MALZ-020 mss
MALZ022 Mǝbraq Tǝgrāy, ʿĀddi Lāq̲mā Qǝddǝst Māryām, MALZ-022 mss
MALZ023 Mǝbraq Tǝgrāy, ʿĀddi Lāq̲mā Qǝddǝst Māryām, MALZ-023 mss
MALZ029 Mǝbraq Tǝgrāy, ʿĀddi Lāq̲mā Qǝddǝst Māryām, MALZ-029 mss
MALZ030 Mǝbraq Tǝgrāy, ʿĀddi Lāq̲mā Qǝddǝst Māryām, MALZ-030 mss
BAVet128 mss