Here you can explore some general information about the project. See also Beta maṣāḥəft institutional web page. Select About to meet the project team and our partners. Visit the Guidelines section to learn about our encoding principles. The section Data contains the Linked Open Data information, and API the Application Programming Interface documentation for those who want to exchange data with the Beta maṣāḥǝft project. The Permalinks section documents the versioning and referencing earlier versions of each record.
Click to get back to the home page. Here you can find out more about the project team, the cooperating projects, and the contact information. You can also visit our institutional page. Find out more about our Encoding Guidelines. In this section our Linked Open Data principles are explained. Developers can find our Application Programming Interface documentation here. The page documents the use of permalinks by the project.
Descriptions of (predominantly) Christian manuscripts from Ethiopia and Eritrea are the core of the Beta maṣāḥǝft project. We (1) gradually encode descriptions from printed catalogues, beginning from the historical ones, (2) incorporate digital descriptions produced by other projects, adjusting them wherever possible, and (3) produce descriptions of previously unknown and/or uncatalogued manuscripts. The encoding follows the TEI XML standards (check our guidelines).
We identify each unit of content in every manuscript. We consider any text with an independent circulation a work, with its own identification number within the Clavis Aethiopica (CAe). Parts of texts (e.g. chapters) without independent circulation (univocally identifiable by IDs assigned within the records) or recurrent motifs as well as documentary additional texts (identified as Narrative Units) are not part of the CAe. You can also check the list of different types of text titles or various Indexes available from the top menu.
The clavis is a repertory of all known works relevant for the Ethiopian and Eritrean tradition; the work being defined as any text with an independent circulation. Each work (as well as known recensions where applicable) receives a unique identifier in the Clavis Aethiopica (CAe). In the filter search offered here one can search for a work by its title, a keyword, a short quotation, but also directly by its CAe identifier - or, wherever known and provided, identifier used by other claves, including Bibliotheca Hagiographica Graeca (BHG), Clavis Patrum Graecorum (CPG), Clavis Coptica (CC), Clavis Apocryphorum Veteris Testamenti (CAVT), Clavis Apocryphorum Novi Testamenti (CANT), etc. The project additionally identifies Narrative Units to refer to text types, where no clavis identification is possible or necessary. Recurring motifs or also frequently documentary additiones are assigned a Narrative Unit ID, or thematically clearly demarkated passages from various recensions of a larger work. This list view shows the documentary collections encoded by the project Ethiopian Manuscript Archives (EMA) and its successor EthioChrisProcess - Christianization and religious interactions in Ethiopia (6th-13th century) : comparative approaches with Nubia and Egypt, which aim to edit the corpus of administrative acts of the Christian kingdom of Ethiopia, for medieval and modern periods. See also the list of documents contained in the additiones in the manuscripts described by the Beta maṣāḥǝft project . Works of interest to Ethiopian and Eritrean studies.
While encoding manuscripts, the project Beta maṣāḥǝft aims at creating an exhaustive repertory of art themes and techniques present in Ethiopian and Eritrean Christian tradition. See our encoding guidelines for details. Two types of searches for aspects of manuscript decoration are possible, the decorations filtered search and the general keyword search.
The filtered search for decorations, originally designed with Jacopo Gnisci, looks at decorations and their features only. The filters on the left are relative only to the selected features, reading the legends will help you to figure out what you can filter. For example you can search for all encoded decorations of a specific art theme, or search the encoded legends. If the decorations are present, but not encoded, you will not get them in the results. If an image is available, you will also find a thumbnail linking to the image viewer. [NB: The Index of Decorations currently often times out, we are sorry for the inconvenience.] You can search for particular motifs or aspects, including style, also through the keyword search. Just click on "Art keywords" and "Art themes" on the left to browse through the options. This is a short cut to a search for all those manuscripts which have miniatures of which we have images.
We create metadata for all places associated with the manuscript production and circulation as well as those mentioned in the texts used by the project. The encoding of places in Beta maṣāḥǝft will thus result in a Gazetteer of the Ethiopian tradition. We follow the principles established by Pleiades and lined out in the TEI Manual and Schema for Historical Geography which allow us to distinguish between places, locations, and names of places. See also Help page fore more guidance.
This tab offers a filtrable list of all available places. Geographical references of the type "land inhabited by people XXX" is encoded with the reference to the corresponding Ethnic unit (see below); ethnonyms, even those used in geographical contexts, do not appear in this list. Repositories are those locations where manuscripts encoded by the project are or used to be preserved. While they are encoded in the same way as all places are, the view offered is different, showing a list of manuscripts associated with the repository.
We create metadata for all persons (and groups of persons) associated with the manuscript production and circulation (rulers, religious authorities, scribes, donors, and commissioners) as well as those mentioned in the texts used by the project. The result will be a comprehensive Prosopography of the Ethiopian and Eritrean tradition. See also Help page for more guidance.
We encode persons according to our Encoding Guidelines. The initial list was inherited from the Encyclopaedia Aethiopica, and there are still many inconsistencies that we are trying to gradually fix. We consider ethnonyms as a subcategory of personal names, even when many are often used in literary works in the context of the "land inhabited by **". The present list of records has been mostly inherited from the Encyclopaedia Aethiopica, and there are still many inconsistencies that we are trying to gradually fix.
This section collects some additional resources offered by the project. Select Bibliography to explore the references cited in the project records. The Indexes list different types of project records (persons, places, titles, keywords, etc). Visit Projects for information on partners that have input data directly in the Beta maṣāḥǝft database. Special ways of exploring the data are offered under Visualizations. Two applications were developed in cooperation with the project TraCES, the Gǝʿǝz Morphological Parser and the Online Lexicon Linguae Aethiopicae.

You are looking at work in progress version of this website. For questions contact the dev team.

Hover on words to see search options.

Double-click to see morphological parsing.

Click on left pointing hands and arrows to load related items and click once more to view the result in a popup.


There are 839 resources that contain the exact keyword: ecclesiastic
id title type
PRS14417MarigetaDamseEndalew Damḍa ʾƎndālaw pers
PRS14012NehedranesAdreyasAbryas pers
PRS14445BishopGwynne pers
PRS2368Bahrey Bāḥrǝy pers
PRS2211Athanasi Athanasius Gammālā pers
PRS2306Babay Babay pers
PRS2740Bestawro Bǝsṭāwros pers
PRS2311Babnuda Babnūda pers
PRS2250Awsabyos ʾAwsābiyos pers
PRS2370Bahrey Baḥrǝy pers
PRS2047Arnoulph Arnoulphe pers
PRS2092AsaraKr ʾAśara Krǝstos pers
PRS2465Barsauma Barsauma pers
PRS2034ArkaDe ʾArka Dǝngǝl ʾabba pers
PRS2225Atnatewo ʾAtnātewos pers
PRS2209Athanasi Athanasius pers
PRS2033AriusA Arius pers
PRS2853Borgia Stefano Borgia pers
PRS2659Benjamin Benjamin of Alexandria pers
PRS2456Barsawm Bar Ṣawmā pers
PRS2183Asqu ʾAṣqu pers
PRS2469Bartalom Bartalomewos pers
PRS2965ButrusV Buṭrus VII pers
PRS2533Baselyos Bāsǝlyos pers
PRS2037Arkalade ʾArkaladǝs pers
PRS2538BatraGi Batra Giyorgis pers
PRS2175Astar ʿAstar pers
PRS8485Samuel Sāmuʾel pers
PRS8121RetuaH Rǝtuʿa Hāymānot pers
PRS8537saraqaB Śaraqa Bǝrhān pers
PRS8488Samuel Sāmuʾel pers
PRS8004QalaAw Qāla ʿAwādi pers
PRS8410Salikof Salik pers
PRS8483Samuel Sāmuʾel pers
PRS8387SalamaI Salāmā II pers
PRS8281Sabra Sābrā pers
PRS8472Samuel Samuel pers
PRS8033Qerellos Qerǝllos pers
PRS8744Semon Sǝmʿon pers
PRS8490Samuel Sāmuʾel pers
PRS8538saraqaB Śaraqa Bǝrhan pers
PRS8489Samuel Samuʾel of Qalamon pers
PRS8791Severus Severus of Synnada pers
PRS8321saggaAm Ṣaggā ʾAmlāk pers
PRS8388SalamaI Salāmā III pers
PRS8325saggaKr Ṣaggā Krǝstos pers
PRS8821Shenute Shenute II pers
PRS8787Severian Severianus of Gabala pers
PRS8870Sinoda Sinodā pers
PRS8032Qerellos Qerǝllos pers
PRS8746Semon Sǝmʿon pers
PRS8869Sinoda Sinodā pers
PRS8972Stella Giovanni Giacinto Stella pers
PRS8822Shenute Shenute III pers
PRS8262Saalmuell Karl Saalmüller pers
PRS8777Sergius Sergius of Antioch pers
PRS8692segeDen Ṣǝge Dǝngǝl pers
PRS8588Sawiros Sāwiros pers
PRS8788Severos Severos of Ašmunayn pers
PRS8041Qozmos Qozmos pers
PRS8790Severus Sāwiros pers
PRS8974Stephen St Stephen the Protomartyr pers
PRS8740Semon Sǝmʿon pers
PRS13556HabtaM Ḥabta Māryām pers
PRS13037WaldaSemon Walda Sǝmʿon pers
PRS13028ZaqalaAb Za-qāla ʾAb pers
PRS13452Mamas MāmāsMāmmās pers
PRS13561TasabkaMadhen Tasabka Madḫǝn pers
PRS13425Fanta Fantā pers
PRS13220TaklaMa Takla Māryām pers
PRS13510TaklaS Takla Śǝllāse pers
PRS13603GabraM Gabra Mikāʾel pers
PRS13100Marqos Marqos pers
PRS13067AbiyaEgziMKL ʿAbiya ʾƎgziʾ pers
PRS13119FequraIyasus Fǝqura ʾIyasus pers
PRS13506WaldaD Walda Dam pers
PRS13486Abreham ʾAbrǝhām pers
PRS13198Tewodros Tewodros pers
PRS13062TaklaHaymanotUraMasqal Takla Hāymānot pers
PRS13514JohnOfChoziba John of Choziba pers
PRS13192AsabaMaryam ʾAsaba Māryām pers
PRS13376Basiliqos Basiliscus of Comana pers
PRS13102Yusab Yūsāb pers
PRS13504Ewostatewos ʾabunaʾEwosṭātewos pers
PRS13099HaddisuWaldaMaryam Hāddisu Walda Māryām pers
PRS13560Zaamanuel Zaamanuel pers
PRS13450Nob Nob pers
PRS13275HaylaGi Ḫayla Giyorgis pers
PRS13144GabraWald Gabra Wald pers
PRS13458GabraK Gabra Krǝstos pers
PRS13188EqebaGiyorgis ʾƎqʷǝba Yoḥannǝs pers
PRS13124GabraKrestos Gabra Krǝstos pers
PRS13230Bakimos Bakimos pers
PRS13555Giyorgis Giyorgis pers
PRS13382GabraSellae Gabra Śǝllase pers
PRS13041KahenaWangel Kāhǝna Wangel pers
PRS13621Habtu ሐብቱ፡ pers
PRS13204Petros Ṗeṭros pers
PRS13181MekraIyasus Mǝkra ʾIyasus pers
PRS13644WaldaGiyorgis Walda Giyorgis pers
PRS13186ZaraBuruk Zarʾā Bǝruk pers
PRS13457WaldaQefa Walda Qefā pers
PRS13377YuhannaAsnawi Yuḥannā al-ʾAsnāwī pers
PRS13640Astona ʾAstonā pers
PRS13378Serabamon Sǝrābāmon pers
PRS13277Abbelo ʾAbbǝlo pers
PRS13233DerarWaldaQirqos Dǝrār Walda Qirqos pers
PRS13326GabraMaryam GabraMaryam pers
PRS9155TaklaHa Takla Hāymānot pers
PRS9162TaklaHa Takla Hāymānot pers
PRS9395Tensae Tanśǝʾa Wald pers
PRS9192TaklaNa Takla Nabiyāt pers
PRS9462Theodore Theodore pers
PRS9451Tewoflos Tewoflos pers
PRS9425Tewkelta Tǝwkǝlta Māryām pers
PRS9524Timothy Ṭimotewos pers
PRS9523Timothy Timothy III pers
PRS9160TaklaHa Takla Hāymānot (the Elder) pers
PRS9059Taamna Taʾamna ʾƎgziʾ pers
PRS9935WaldaMa Walda Māryām pers
PRS9471Theodore Theodore “the Interpreter” pers
PRS9486Theophil Theophilos of Alexandria pers
PRS9983WaldaTe Walda Tǝnsāʾe pers
PRS9542Tomas Tomās pers
PRS9327Tawalda Tawalda Madḫǝn pers
PRS9452Tewoflos Tewoflos pers
PRS9551TomasW Tomas “Wäldä Samuʾel” pers
PRS9535tobiyaG Ṭobiya Giyorgis Gäbrä Ǝgziʾabǝḥer pers
PRS9478Theodosi Theodosios of Antioch (Romanos) pers
PRS9329Tawalda Täwäldä Mädḫǝn pers
PRS9936WaldaMa Walda Māryām pers
PRS9450Tewoflos Tewoflos pers
PRS9181TaklaMa Takla Māryām pers
PRS9744Victor Victor pers
PRS9683Urbino Giusto da Urbino pers
PRS9488Theophil Theophilus of Antioch pers
PRS9286Tasfase Tasfā Ṣǝyon pers
PRS9272TasfaGi Tasfā Giyorgis pers
PRS9198Taklase Takla Ṣǝyon ʾƎnyaw pers
PRS9477Theodosi Theodosios I of Alexandria pers
PRS9522Timothy Ṭimotewos pers
PRS9199TaklaYo Takla Yoḥannǝs pers
PRS9147Taklaha Takla Ḥawāryāt pers
PRS11116GabraN Gabra Nolāwi pers
PRS11181DionysiusII Dionysius II pers
PRS11986GabraI Gabra ʾIyasus pers
PRS11963WaldaGiyorgisAgamyo ʾabuna Walda Giyorgis pers
PRS11985PetrosGS Ṗeṭros Gabra Śǝllāse pers
PRS11811TaklaSe Takla Ṣǝyon pers
PRS11944GabraM Gabra Māryām pers
PRS11057Petros Ṗeṭros ʾƎlsadamanti pers
PRS11390Muse Muse pers
PRS11305PetrosI Ṗeṭros I pers
PRS11227ZaraLe Zarʾa Lǝʿul pers
PRS11960HabtaM Ḫabta Māryām pers
PRS11665GabraMaryam Gabra Māryām pers
PRS11174Anianus Anianus pers
PRS11783Tegre Tǝgre pers
PRS11180JohnIV John IV pers
PRS11190John John VII pers
PRS11482Yohannes Yoḥannǝs pers
PRS11091ZawgaM Zawga Māryām pers
PRS11670WalattaDilaros Walatta Dilāsor pers
PRS11059Sofonya Sofonyās pers
PRS11253YohannesM Yoḥannǝs Masfǝntāwi pers
PRS11332Houseof House of Yonās of Bur pers
PRS11727AmdaGiyorgis ʿAmda Giyorgis pers
PRS11721PeterVIIAlex Peter VII of Alexandria pers
PRS11806Gruson Eduardus Gruson pers
PRS11275Isayeyas ʾIsāyǝyyās pers
PRS11978TaklaHaymanotAgamyo Takla Hāymānot pers
PRS11666GabraMadhen Gabra Madḫǝn pers
PRS11519AngeloMai Angelo Mai pers
PRS11188John John VI pers
PRS11803Acacius Acacius of Melitene pers
PRS11211Stephanites daqiqa ʾƎsṭifā pers
PRS11517AAGiorgi Agostino Antonio Giorgi pers
PRS11201John John II pers
PRS11073Neway Nǝwāya Māryām pers
PRS11127PeterVI Peter VI pers
PRS11336Giyorgis Giyorgis pers
PRS11897Amdahaymanot ʿAmda Haymānot pers
PRS11658Archelaus Archelaus pers
PRS11090TaklaI Takla ʾIyasus pers
PRS11183John John IV pers
PRS11310Follet Michel Follet pers
PRS11246GabraM Gabra Mikāʾel pers
PRS11114MarkV Mark V pers
PRS11191Dionysius Dionysius IV pers
PRS11351TawaldaM Tawalda Madḫǝn pers
PRS11232HouseSam House of Sāmuʾel of Wāldǝbbā pers
PRS11431Simon Simon pers
PRS11250Amdase ʿAmda Ṣǝyon pers
PRS11720WahibaSellase Wahiba Śǝllāse pers
PRS11233Abreham ʾAbrǝhām walda Ḥannā Nāṭyān pers
PRS11077Zadengel Zadǝngǝl pers
PRS11198Atiphus Atiphus (?) (Stachys?) pers
PRS11663KenfaMikael Kǝnfa Mikāʾel pers
PRS11499Muse Muse pers
PRS11023Mathias Mathias pers
PRS11163Vendosme Jacques de Vendosme pers
PRS11289GabraM Gabra Marʿāwi pers
PRS11184Basilius Basilius I pers
PRS11667MekhaGiyorgis Mǝkhā Giyorgis pers
PRS11669WalattaTakla Walatta Takla Hāymānot pers
PRS11664HaylaSellase Ḫāyla Śǝllase pers
PRS11137QerellosII Qerǝllos II pers
PRS11192John John VIII pers
PRS11518LAntonelli Leonardo Antonelli pers
PRS11256PitraGB Giovanni Battista Pitra pers
PRS11940GabraK Gabra Krǝstos pers
PRS11646KeflaDengel Kǝfla Dǝngǝl pers
PRS11208HouseTakla House of Takla Hāymānot pers
PRS11257Yohannes Yoḥannǝs pers
PRS11547WaldaKr Walda Krǝstos pers
PRS11939TaklaH Takla Hāymānot pers
PRS11150Marqos Matewos pers
PRS11186Dionysius Dionysius III pers
PRS11089SaggaZ Ṣaggā Zaʾab pers
PRS11707WaldaAb Walda ʾAb pers
PRS11002GabraK Gabra Krǝstos pers
PRS11726WaldaIy Walda ʾIyasus pers
PRS11291Yonas Yonas pers
PRS11958WaldaM Walda Māryām pers
PRS11671EmnataKiros ʾƎmnata Kiros pers
PRS11977Gayyem qašši Gāyyǝm pers
PRS11209Gedewon Gedewon pers
PRS11887Abib ʾAbib pers
PRS11302SimeonII Simeon pers
PRS11653KenfaM Kǝnfa Mikāʾel pers
PRS11889Asaene ʾAśaʿǝne pers
PRS11216Habtase Habta Śǝllāse II pers
PRS11740WaldaYo Walda Yoḥannǝs pers
PRS11903Zakrestos Zakrǝstos I pers
PRS11493TawaldaHe Tawalda Ḥǝśān pers
PRS11730GMercati Giovanni Mercati pers
PRS11943GabraS Gabra Śǝllāse pers
PRS11281TaklaW Takla Wangel pers
PRS11076Gabra Gabra Giyorgis pers
PRS11229TaklaBe Takla Bǝrhān Walda Qʷayyaṣā pers
PRS11520JBollig Johann Bollig pers
PRS11901Yamanaab Yamāna ʾAb pers
PRS11078Kefla qes gabaz Kǝfla Giyorgis pers
PRS11758TaklaMahbar Takla Māḫbar pers
PRS11706ArkaDengel ʾArka Dǝngǝl pers
PRS11189Zacharias Zacharias pers
PRS11503Arkaledes ʾArkaledǝs pers
PRS11329Yestir Yǝstir pers
PRS11668Niqodimos Niqodimos pers
PRS11959Pawlos Ṗāwlos pers
PRS11810HaylaMa Ḫayla Māryām pers
PRS11356Gasquet Francis Aidan Gasquet pers
PRS11187Mina Mina II pers
PRS11205TasfaG Tasfā Giyorgis pers
PRS11905GabraM Gabra Māryām pers
PRS11228Yaeqob Yāʿqob pers
PRS11182Gabriel Gabriel I pers
PRS11171Krestos Krǝstos Moʾa pers
PRS11662GabraKiros Gabra Kiros pers
PRS11326Andrew Andrew pers
PRS11248YohannesKama Yoḥannǝs Kāmā pers
PRS11389Walda Walda Hāymānot pers
PRS11847Milyos Milyos pers
PRS11185John John V pers
PRS11621WaldaRu Walda Rufāʾel pers
PRS11096Isayeyyas ʾIsāyǝyyās pers
PRS11602Estifanos ʾƎsṭifānos pers
PRS11879Zamalakot Zamalakot pers
PRS11854Dionysios Dionysios of Alexandria pers
PRS11247MatabaM Māʿtaba Māryām pers
PRS11641WaldaMa Walda Māryām pers
PRS11647TaklaHaymanot Takla Hāymānot pers
PRS11942HaylaG Hayla Gabrǝʾel pers
PRS11106AyentaK ʾAʿyǝnta Krǝstos pers
PRS11075Selat Ṣǝlāta Muse pers
PRS11334TaklaI Takla ʾIyasus pers
PRS4378Gabriel Gabriel II pers
PRS4136Flavian Flavian pers
PRS4587Georget Giyorgis pers
PRS4072Feresey Fǝre Ṣǝyon pers
PRS4070FereMik Fǝre Mikāʾel pers
PRS4107Fileppos Filǝṗṗos pers
PRS4104Fileppos Filǝṗṗos pers
PRS4323GabraMa Gabra Maśiḥ II pers
PRS4934HabtaIy Habta ʾIyasus pers
PRS4120Fiqtor Fiqṭor pers
PRS4279GabraKr Gabra Krǝstos pers
PRS4709Giyorgis Giyorgis of Saglā pers
PRS4821Gregory Gregory of Antioch pers
PRS4113Filmona Filmonā pers
PRS4108Fileppos Filǝṗṗos pers
PRS4283GabraKr Gabra Krǝstos pers
PRS4300GabraMa Gäbrä Mädḫǝn Gäbrä Muse s. Jérôme pers
PRS4380Gabriel Gabriel VII pers
PRS4372Gabreel Gabrǝʾel pers
PRS4312GabraMa Gabra Māryām pers
PRS4379Gabriel Gabriel V pers
PRS4722Gobat Samuel Gobat pers
PRS4351Gabrase Gabra Śǝllāse pers
PRS4285GabraKr PRS4285GabraKr was permanently deleted pers
PRS4381Gabriel Gabriel VIII pers
PRS4767Gorgoryo Gorgoryos pers
PRS4322GabraMa Gabra Maśiḥ pers
PRS4701Giyorgis Giyorgis II pers
PRS4943Habtase Habta Śǝllāse pers
PRS4338GabraMi Gabra Mikāʾel pers
PRS4105Fileppos Filǝṗṗos pers
PRS4123Fiqtoro Fiqṭor pers
PRS1010AbalaKr Abalä Krǝstos pers
PRS1640Alaniqos ʾAlāniqos pers
PRS1009Abakaraz ʾAbakarazun pers
PRS1658Alexande Alexander I pers
PRS1890Amon ʾAmonʾAmmon pers
PRS1881Ammehas ʾAmmǝḫā Ṣǝyon pers
PRS1778Alvares Francisco Alvares pers
PRS1980Aphrahat Aphrahat pers
PRS1957Anqitos ʾAnqiṭos pers
PRS1906Ananyao ʾAnānyā pers
PRS1276Abraham Abraham the Syrian pers
PRS1251Abiyae ʿAbiya ʾƎgziʾ pers
PRS1025Abaydo Abaydo pers
PRS1879AmmehaI Ammǝḫa Iyäsus pers
PRS1008Abakaraz ʾAbakarazun pers
PRS1291Abreham ʾAbrǝhām pers
PRS1489Agnateyo ʾAgnāṭǝyos pers
PRS1969Antonio Antonio pers
PRS1006Abadir Abādir ʿUmar ar-Riḍā pers
PRS1886Ammoni Ammonius of Tunah pers
PRS7810Peterth Peter the Fuller of Antioch pers
PRS7958Proteriu Proterius pers
PRS7071Mikael Kǝfle Garimā Walda Kidān pers
PRS7768Pawli Ṗāwli pers
PRS7104Minas Minās pers
PRS7410Muse Muse pers
PRS7409Muse Muse pers
PRS7843Philip Philip pers
PRS7118Missirtz Hovhannes Missirtzee pers
PRS7453NaffaW Naffāʿ Wad ʿƎtmān pers
PRS7595Nob ኖብ፡ Nob martyr pers
PRS7081Mikael Mikāʾel ʾAragāwi pers
PRS7052Michael Michael III pers
PRS7807PeterII Peter III of Alexandria pers
PRS7827Petros Ṗeṭros pers
PRS7853Philoxen Philoxenus of Mabbog pers
PRS7699Paez Pedro Páez pers
PRS7458NagadaI Nagada ʾIyasus pers
PRS7057Michael Michael the Younger pers
PRS7076Mikael Mikāʾel [IV] pers
PRS7597Nob Nob pers
PRS7748Paulof Paul of Thebes pers
PRS7955Proclus Proclus of Cyzicus pers
PRS7830Petros Ṗeṭros IV pers
PRS7436Naakkwe Naʾakkʷǝto Laʾab pers
PRS7773Pawlos Ṗawlos pers
PRS7829Petros Ṗeṭros III pers
PRS7073Mikael Mikāʾel II pers
PRS7067Mikael Mikaʾel pers
PRS7054Michael Michael of Aṯrīb and Malīǧ አባ፡ ሚካኤል፡ Abbā Mikāʾel pers
PRS7856Photius Photius pers
PRS7357Mueller Adolf Müller pers
PRS7051Michael Michael I pers
PRS7746Paulof Paul of Tabennesi pers
PRS7349Muehleise Johannes Mühleisen pers
PRS7749PaulI Paul I pers
PRS7806PeterI Peter [I] of Alexandria pers
PRS7825Petros Ṗeṭros pers
PRS7772Pawlos Ṗāwlos pers
PRS7852Philothe Philotheus pers
PRS7056Michael Michael the Syrian pers
PRS7053Michael Michael IV pers
PRS7596Nob Nob pers
PRS7074Mikael Mikāʾel [III] pers
PRS13658Gobaze Gʷabaze pers
PRS13669Dukyanos Dukyanos pers
PRS13670SadeqanAhmim Ṣādǝqān za-Aḫmim pers
PRS13652Yohannes Yoḥannǝs pers
PRS13653TawaldaM Tawalda Madḫǝn pers
PRS5365hirutaA Ḫiruta ʾAmlāk pers
PRS5821Kabte Kabte pers
PRS5655Jacobof Jacob of Sarug pers
PRS5768JosephI Joseph II pers
PRS5695John John pers
PRS5771Josepho Joseph of Constantinople pers
PRS5710JohnXV John XV pers
PRS5721JohnCli John Climacus pers
PRS5712JohnXVI John XVII pers
PRS5784Julian Lulǝyānos pers
PRS5703JohnVI John VI pers
PRS5306Heryaqos Hǝryāqos pers
PRS5586Isayeyya ʾIsāyǝyyās pers
PRS5727Johnof John of Damascus pers
PRS5581Isaacof Isaac of Nineveh pers
PRS5781JudasTh Judas Thaddeus pers
PRS5652Jacobof Jacob of Alexandria pers
PRS5702JohnV John V pers
PRS5296Heraklas Heraklas pers
PRS5626Iyasuof ʾIyāsu of Ǧar Śǝllāse pers
PRS5215haylaMa Ḫāyla Māryām Kāḥśāy pers
PRS5767JosephI Joseph I pers
PRS5706JohnXI John XI pers
PRS5633IyasusM ʾIyasus Moʾa pers
PRS5701JohnIII John III pers
PRS5707JohnXII John XII pers
PRS5704JohnVII John VII pers
PRS5918KeflaYo Kǝfla Yoḥannǝs pers
PRS5711JohnXVI John XVI pers
PRS5740JohnSab John Saba pers
PRS5709JohnXIV John XIV pers
PRS5700JohnII John II pers
PRS5728Johnof John of Ephesus pers
PRS5295Heracliu Heraclius pers
PRS5613Istifan Isṭifān ad-Duwayhī pers
PRS5731Johnof Yoḥannǝs Madabbar pers
PRS5725Johnof John of Antioch pers
PRS5708JohnXII John XIII pers
PRS5713JohnXVI John XVIII pers
PRS5585Isaiaht Isaiah the abbot pers
PRS5763Joseph Joseph pers
PRS5349Hippolyt Hippolytus pers
PRS5698John John pers
PRS5720JohnChr John Chrysostom pers
PRS5714JohnXIX John XIX pers
PRS5548Ignatius Ignatius II pers
PRS10201Yaeqob Yāʿqob pers
PRS10001Waldmei Theophil Waldmeier pers
PRS10543Zakarya Zakāryās pers
PRS10923Anqitos ʾAnqiṭos pers
PRS10550Zakrest Zakrǝstos pers
PRS10336Yeshaq Yǝsḥaq pers
PRS10372Yohanne Yoḥannǝs Walda Qanṭorāre pers
PRS10782Frances Francesco de Zelada pers
PRS10391Yohanne Yoḥannǝs II pers
PRS10932Zaras Zarʾā Ṣǝyon pers
PRS10429Yohanni Yoḥanni pers
PRS10448Yosab ʾIyosāb pers
PRS10816Tatamqa Taṭamqa Madḫǝn pers
PRS10742Zonaino Zōnainos pers
PRS10332Yerdea Yǝrdǝʾanna Krǝstos pers
PRS10655Zawalda Zawalda Māryām pers
PRS10200Yaeqob Yāʿqob pers
PRS10546Zakrest Zakrǝstos pers
PRS10302Yekunno Yǝkunno ʾAmlāk pers
PRS10544Zakarya Zakāryās pers
PRS10917Bartinos Bartinos pers
PRS10510Zachari Zacharias of Saḫā pers
PRS10382Yohanne ṗāṗās Yoḥannǝs pers
PRS10940Bakimes Bakimǝs pers
PRS10393Yohanne Yoḥannǝs III pers
PRS10537Zakarya Zakāryās pers
PRS10952Tatamqa Taṭamqa Madḫǝn pers
PRS10961Didimos Didimos pers
PRS10651ZatraW Zatra Wangel pers
PRS10370Yohanne Yoḥannǝs pers
PRS10976FeqraD Fǝqura Dǝngǝl pers
PRS10203Yaeqob Yāʿqob pers
PRS10531Zaiyas Zaʾiyasus pers
PRS10814Maqares Maqārǝs pers
PRS10603Zannab Zannab pers
PRS10428Yohanni Yoḥanni pers
PRS10390Yohanne Yoḥannǝs [I] pers
PRS10764SegeDengel ʾabbā Ṣǝge Dǝngǝl pers
PRS10946GabraM Gabra Mikāʾel pers
PRS10395Yohanne Yoḥannǝs pers
PRS10408Yohanne Yoḥannǝs Kamā pers
PRS10944Tomas Tomās pers
PRS10542Zakarya Zakāryās pers
PRS10548Zakrest Zakrǝstos pers
PRS10419Yohanne Yoḥannǝs pers
PRS10384Yohanne Yoḥannǝs [I] pers
PRS10781Habtas Habta Śǝllāse pers
PRS10350Yeshaq Yǝsḥaq (II) pers
PRS10344Yeshaq Yǝsḥaq pers
PRS10943Tomas Tomās pers
PRS10455Yosef Yosef pers
PRS10349Yeshaq Yǝsḥaq (I) pers
PRS10371Yohanne Yoḥannǝs pers
PRS10413Yohanne Yoḥannǝs pers
PRS10995TansaeK Tanśāʾe Krǝstos pers
PRS10784Michael Михаил Michael pers
PRS10979Didimos Didimos (? Didyme) (same as PRS10961Didimos?) pers
PRS10941Tasabka Tasabka Madḫǝn pers
PRS10449YosabI Yosāb I pers
PRS10733ZirGan Zir Gānelā pers
PRS10374Yohanne Yoḥannǝs pers
PRS10338Yeshaq Yǝsḥaq pers
PRS10450YosabI Yosāb II pers
PRS11000Giyorgis Giyorgis pers
PRS3040Cassianu Cassianus pers
PRS3255CyrilI Cyril I pers
PRS3591Dioscoru Dioscorus of Alexandria pers
PRS3178Constant Qʷasṭanṭinos za-ʾAsyuṭ pers
PRS3260CyrilVI Cyril VI pers
PRS3310Damatewo Damātewos pers
PRS3330Daneel Dānǝʾel pers
PRS3203CosmasI Cosmas III pers
PRS3742ElsaE ʾElsāʿ pers
PRS3808engedaW ʾƎngǝdā Warq pers
PRS3136Clement Clement of Alexandria pers
PRS3257CyrilII Cyril III pers
PRS3262Cyrusa Cyrus (al-Muqawqas) pers
PRS3750elyas ʾƎlyās pers
PRS3819enqwaM ʿƎnqʷa Māryām pers
PRS3822entones ʾƎnṭonǝs I pers
PRS3261Cyrilof Qerǝllos pers
PRS3111Christod Christodoulous pers
PRS3821entones ʾƎnṭonǝs pers
PRS3499Demetriu Demetrius I of Alexandria pers
PRS3749Elyas ʾElyās pers
PRS3259CyrilV Cyril V pers
PRS3248Cyprian Qoṗrǝyānos pers
PRS3886estanfas ʾƎstǝnfāsa Krǝstos pers
PRS3495Dematyos Dǝmatyos pers
PRS3378Dasta Dästa pers
PRS3379Dasta Dästa pers
PRS3791endreyas ʾƎndrǝyās pers
PRS3919Eutychiu ʾAwṭākiyos pers
PRS3813enkoyye ʾƎnkoyye pers
PRS3256CyrilII Cyril II pers
PRS3500Demetriu Demetrius II of Alexandria pers
PRS3250Cyriacus Kirākos pers
PRS3779enbaqom ʾƎnbāqom pers
PRS3610Domitius Domitius pers
PRS3720EliasI Elias I pers
PRS3258CyrilIV Cyril IV pers
PRS3587Dionysiu Dionysius the Areopagite pers
PRS3830eqbaeg ʿƎqba ʾƎgziʾ pers
PRS3079Cervini Marcello Cervini pers
PRS6400Luqas Luqās pers
PRS6876Matewos Mātewos X pers
PRS6776Marqos Mārqos [III] pers
PRS6071Krestodo Krǝstodolu [II] pers
PRS6767Marqorew Märqorewos pers
PRS6904Matthew Matthew (Matewos) II pers
PRS6903Matthew Mātewos I pers
PRS6753MarkII Mark II pers
PRS6734MarhaKr Yǝmrǝḥanna Krǝstos pers
PRS6072Krestodo Krǝstodolu III pers
PRS6955Mazmura Mazmura Dǝngǝl pers
PRS6343Longinus Longinus pers
PRS6777Marqos Mārqos IV pers
PRS6387Luke Luke pers
PRS6425Macarius Macarius II pers
PRS6906Matthew Matthew (Matewos) IV pers
PRS6951Mazgaba Mazgaba Śǝllāse pers
PRS6905Matthew Matthew (Matewos) III pers
PRS6752Mark Mark VI pers
PRS6070Krestodo Krǝstodolu I pers
PRS6774Marqos Mārqos [I] pers
PRS6990Meletius Meletius pers
PRS6526Mahdanta Māḥḍanta Māryām pers
PRS6427Macarius Macarius of Egypt pers
PRS6751Mark Mark pers
PRS6424Macarius Macarius I pers
PRS6525Mahdanta Maḥḍanta Māryām pers
PRS6755MarkVII Mark VIII pers
PRS6775Marqos Mārqos II pers
PRS6080Krestos Krǝstos Tasfāna pers
PRS6958Mazraet Mazrāʾǝta Krǝstos pers
PRS6604Malkase Malka Ṣedeq pers
PRS6754MarkIV Mark IV pers
PRS6902Matthew Matthew pers
PRS12012WaldaAEAnbasat Walda ʾAbiya ʾƎgziʾ pers
PRS12008TaklaHaymanotAnbasat Takla Hāymānot pers
PRS12362MalkaSedeq Malka Ṣedeq pers
PRS12076ZawaldaMaryam Zawalda Māryām pers
PRS12234Enqo ʾƎnqo pers
PRS12221Abyatar ʾAbyātār pers
PRS12651Pishoy Bǝsoy pers
PRS12290ZaraKr Zarʾa Krǝstos pers
PRS12295Anatolij Anatolij pers
PRS12936WaldaSamaet Walda Samāʿǝt pers
PRS12847ZaAmalay Za-Amalāy pers
PRS12091MichaelII Michael II pers
PRS12623TaklaMaryam Takla Māryām pers
PRS12817Anestasyos Anastasius Sinaita pers
PRS12002Gabrami Gabra Mikāʾel pers
PRS12243Terit Ṭǝrit pers
PRS12120Mahsanta Mǝḫṣǝnta Māryām pers
PRS12746Salomon Salomon pers
PRS12231MalkeaKr Malkǝʾa Krǝstos pers
PRS12982Ananiqos ʾAnāniqos pers
PRS12840KrestosBena Krǝstos Bǝna pers
PRS12059GabraIyasusAnbasat Gabra ʾIyasus pers
PRS12242Sadal Ṣadāl pers
PRS12747Wandem Wandǝm pers
PRS12959GabraIyasusWM Gabra ʾIyasus Walda Mikāʾel pers
PRS12646WaldaIyasus Walda ʾIyasus pers
PRS12366TanseaKrestos Tanśǝʾa Krǝstos pers
PRS12939TasfaSeyonScribe Tasfā Ṣǝyon pers
PRS12981WaldaGa Walda Garimā pers
PRS12984TasfaMi Tasfā Mikāʾel pers
PRS12067WaldaKrestosAnbasat Walda Krǝstos pers
PRS12060AsfaKrestos ʾAṣfa Krǝstos pers
PRS12139GabraH Gabra Hǝywat pers
PRS12297Efrem Efrem pers
PRS12078MichaelV Michael V pers
PRS12658AsqaDengel ʾAṣqa Dǝngǝl pers
PRS12976ZamikaelScribe ዘሚካኤል፡ pers
PRS12920Iyosyas ʾIyosyās pers
PRS12119AsfaDengel ʿĀṣfa Dǝngǝl pers
PRS12077ZawaldaMaryam Zawalda Māryām pers
PRS12654HablaSellase Ḥabla Sellāse pers
PRS12724GabraHeywat Gabra Ḥǝywat pers
PRS12094Agaton ʾAgāton pers
PRS12259TaklaH Takla Hāymānot pers
PRS12238HensaK Ḫǝnḍā Krǝstos pers
PRS12239Tazkaro Tazkāro pers
PRS12311Aleksandr Aleksandr Golovin pers
PRS12042AsfawAmbasat ʾAsfāw pers
PRS12725HaylaIyasus Ḫāyla ʾIyasus pers
PRS12730Absallus ʾAbsallus pers
PRS12846Zarawedem Zara Wǝdǝm pers
PRS12229Zamadhen Zamadḫǝn pers
PRS12845Yemheranna Yǝmḥaranna pers
PRS12983GabraMa Gabra Māryām pers
PRS12966WaldaM Walda Māryām pers
PRS12090Antipas Antipas pers
PRS12944AmhaSe ʾAmmǝḫā Śǝllāse pers
PRS12941TaklaGiyorgis Takla Giyorgis pers
PRS12548GabraSellase Gabra Śǝllāse pers
PRS12095Diyosqoros Dioscorus II of Alexandria pers
PRS12940Danel Dānǝʾel falāsi pers
PRS12656MasoraDengel Maṣora Dǝngǝl pers
PRS12505Sarabamon Sārābāmon pers
PRS12520TaklaH Takla Hāymanot pers
PRS12054Sara Sārā pers
PRS12300TaklaHaymanot Takla Hāymānot pers
PRS12697Tewoflos Tewoflos pers
PRS12143AkalaKr ʾAkāla Krǝstos pers
PRS12985AmdaSe ʾAmda Ṣǝyon pers
PRS12634MenetaSedeq Mǝneta Ṣādǝq pers
PRS12948MalakaMe Malʿāka Mǝḥrat Yāred Gǝrmāye pers
PRS12092JohnI John I pers
PRS12955Tawfilus Ṯāʾufīlus pers
PRS12443Abreham ʾAbrǝhām pers
PRS12241Zamilkeyas Zamilkǝyās pers
PRS12289Abib Abib nǝbura ǝd pers
PRS12873MazmuraD Mazmura Dǝngǝl pers
PRS12240Kiros Kiros pers
PRS12848Yamo Yāmo pers
PRS12541YamanaAb Yamāna ʾAb pers
PRS12968AmdaMikaelScribe ʿAmda Mikāʾel pers
PRS12228QalaK Qāla Krǝstos pers
PRS12236Zakrestos Zakrǝstos pers
PRS12088Maximus Maximus pers
PRS12870Adara ʾAdarā pers
PRS12121Takla Takla Krǝstos pers
PRS12540SadeqanQahen Ṣādǝqān za-Qāḥen pers
PRS12216LabbawiK Labbāwi Krǝstos pers
PRS12949YohannesA Yoḥannǝs pers
PRS12916MazraetaKrestos Mazrāʿǝta Krǝstos pers
PRS12977WaldaTaklaHaymanot Walda Takla Hāymānot pers
PRS12837AbYekun ʾAb Yǝkun pers
PRS12232Endreyas ʾƎndrǝyās pers
PRS12716KeflaMaryam Kǝfla Māryām pers
PRS12631GabraMikael Gabra Mikāʾel pers
PRS12215BeeseE Bǝʾse ʾƎgziʾabǝḥer pers
PRS12988WaldaSe Walda Śǝllāse pers
PRS12233Tomas Tomās pers
PRS12043EgziH ʾƎgziʾǝ Ḫarayā pers
PRS12405GabraMaryam Gabra Māryām pers
PRS12069AmsalaKrestos ʾAmsāla Krǝstos pers
PRS12836Sawen Sawǝn pers
PRS12293Fiqtor Fiqṭor pers
PRS12849WaldaBegwenay Walda Bǝgʷǝnāy pers
PRS12010Amennatu ʾAmǝnnatu pers
PRS12839ZaAdonay Za-’Adonāy pers
PRS12843BaraSeyon Bārā Ṣeyon pers
PRS12235Esderos ʾEsdǝros pers
PRS12386DanielBezunah Dānǝʾel Bǝzunah pers
PRS12652Gera Gerā pers
PRS12141EdaKrestos ʾƎda Krǝstos pers
PRS12838Yetbarak Yǝtbārak pers
PRS12841Sebhat Sǝbḥat pers
PRS12521TaklaE Takla ʾƎgziʾ pers
PRS12005GabraS Gabra Śǝllāse pers
PRS12723DastaGabraMaryam Dastā Gabra Māryām pers
PRS12911KidanaK Kidāna Krǝstos pers
PRS12237Pawlos Ṗāwlos pers
PRS12007GabraYohannes Gabra Yoḥannǝs pers
PRS12363Tewodros Tewodros pers
PRS12597CesareBaronio Cesare Baronio pers
PRS12717TaklaHaymanotAddigrat Takla Hāymānot pers
PRS12869Mamma Māmmā pers
PRS12842Yeqbeena Yǝ‘ǝqabanna pers
PRS12872TaklaAb Takla ʾAb pers
PRS12117Baymot Bāymot pers
PRS12140HabtaS Ḫabta Ṣǝyon pers
PRS12204Tewodros Tewodros pers
PRS12972Yosef Yūsuf Naǧadahu al-Ḥabašī pers
PRS12444KeflaM Kǝfla Māryām pers
PRS12844Asgada Asgada pers
PRS12557Barha Barhe pers
PRS12203Luqas Luqās pers
PRS12632HaylaMikael Ḫāyla Mikaʾel pers
PRS12230TaklaW Takla Wangel pers
PRS12011WaldaQirqosAnbasat Walda Qirqos pers
PRS12533Taklom Taḵlom pers
PRS12142Isayeyyas ʾIsāyǝyyās pers
PRS12041GabraGiyorgis Gabra Giyorgis pers
PRS12407WaldaAragawi Walda ʾAragāwi pers
PRS12009WaldaHawaryatAnbasat Walda Ḥawāryāt pers
PRS13683Bakimos Bakimos pers
PRS13692Iraqlis ʾIrāqlis pers
PRS13693Zaray ዘራይ፡ዘርአይ፡ pers
PRS13694Qale Qāle pers
PRS13696Kidanu Kidānu pers
PRS13697Marqorewos Marqorewos pers
PRS13704Isayeyyas ʾIsāyǝyyās pers
PRS13661GabraKr Gabra Krǝstos pers
PRS13662Stephen Stephen of Ahnas pers
PRS13666Absadi ʾAbsādi pers
PRS13733Mikael Mikāʾel pers
PRS13734TawaldaM Tawalda Madḫǝn pers
PRS13735WaldaD Walda Dāwit pers
PRS13791GabraKirosYeshaq Gabra Kiros Yǝsḥaq pers
PRS13798Abole ʾAbole pers
PRS13835Yosef Yosef pers
PRS13837Wagris Wagris pers
PRS13840Yamesrac Yamǝsrač pers
PRS13864GabraM Gabra Māryām pers
PRS13866ATebabas ʾAbrǝhā Ṭǝbaba Śǝllāse pers
PRS13867TanseaMadhen Tanśǝʾa Madḫǝn pers
PRS13868GabraMadhen Gabra Madḫǝn pers
PRS13871WaldaMikael Walda Mikāʾel pers
PRS13872GedayKidanu Gǝday Kidānu pers
PRS13881Irenaeus Irenaeus of Sirmium pers
PRS13892JohnofScetis Yoḥannǝs za-Dabra Maqārǝs pers
PRS13893Mahyawi Maḥyawi ʾƎgziʾ pers
PRS13906Maqabo Māqabo pers
PRS13919Biyadgo Biyādgo pers
PRS13922Mikael Mikāʾel pers
PRS13926Ehrle Franz Ehrle pers
PRS13950Tomas Tomās pers
PRS13951Petros Peṭros pers
PRS13957Qalementos Qalemǝnṭos pers
PRS13958Petros Ṗeṭros pers
PRS13964KeflaMaryam Kǝfla Māryām pers
PRS13975BadaMaryam Bāʿda Māryām pers
PRS13976Maqaryos Māqāryos pers
PRS13983Pastric Ivan Paštrić pers
PRS14013Jeremiah Jeremiah pers
PRS14021Babnuda Babnudā pers
PRS14027ChristianBarth pers
PRS14031John John of Parallos pers
PRS14036Yohannes Yoḥannǝs pers
PRS14047GabraKrestos Gabra Krǝstos pers
PRS14049GabraMasqal Gabra Masqal pers
PRS14050MentasnotAbbuhay Məntasnot ʾAbbuhay pers
PRS14069TaklaNabiyat Takla Nabiyāt pers
PRS14074Gersam Gerśām pers
PRS14075Tiwogolos Tiwogolos pers
PRS14089Pawlos Ṗawlos pers
PRS14092EraqMasera ʾƎrāq Māsarā pers
PRS14098DabraSyon Dabra Ṣǝyon pers
PRS14099Malkasedeq Malkaṣedeq pers
PRS14100ZaraKrestos Zarʾa Krǝstos pers
PRS14101Baselyos Bāsǝlyos pers
PRS14136NatnaelM Nātnāʾel Mikāʾel pers
PRS14138Iyyob ʾIyyob pers
PRS14148Nob Nob pers
PRS14149TsegeSellus Ṣǝge Śǝllus pers
PRS14152AhabHawaryat ʾAhāb Ḥawāryāt pers
PRS14153TaklaGabreel Takla Gabrǝʾel pers
PRS14156Temhertu Təmhərtu pers
PRS14158Bahaylamaryam Baḫāylamāryām pers
PRS14165WaldaKesos Walda Kǝsos pers
PRS14169KrestosMadhen Krǝstos Madḫǝn pers
PRS14187Yaecob Yāʿqob pers
PRS14188HezbaKrestos Ḥǝzba Krǝstos pers
PRS14189KrestosMahari Krǝstos Maḥari pers
PRS14193TasfaMaryam Tasfā Māryām pers
PRS14205Marqoryos Marqoryos pers
PRS14210Tomas Tomās pers
PRS14211Yaeqob Yāʿǝqob pers
PRS14213Yosef Yosef pers
PRS14214GabraKrestos Gabra Krəstos pers
PRS14215Hash Ḥaš pers
PRS14232TaklaIyasusMoa Takla ʾIyāsus Moʾa pers
PRS14234Marqoryos Marqoryos pers
PRS14235Matyas Mātyās pers
PRS14236Kiros Kiros pers
PRS14238Zaiyasus pers
PRS14249Benyam Bǝnyām pers
PRS14250Bakimos Bakimos pers
PRS14251Tadewos Tādewos pers
PRS14252Fiqtor Fiqṭor pers
PRS14253YebqeaLasyon Yǝbqǝʿā Laṣǝyon pers
PRS14257NewayaEgzi Nǝwāya ʾƎgziʾ pers
PRS14258Yosef Yosef pers
PRS14277Mamas pers
PRS14278AmlakMoa pers
PRS14279AmlakaBena pers
PRS14280Simeon pers
PRS14281Senoda pers
PRS14282YohannesKama pers
PRS14283YeheyyesTaameno pers
PRS14284Endreyas pers
PRS14285ZaraBuruk pers
PRS14287Mangaday Mangaday pers
PRS14288YessamarkaAmlak Yǝśśamarka ʾAmlāk pers
PRS14299Faraday Faraday pers
PRS14304BahaylaGiyorgis Baḫayla Giyorgis pers
PRS14307Yosef Yosef pers
PRS14239Maaza Maʿāzā Dǝngǝl pers
PRS14312Euphrasia St Euphrasia pers
PRS14335GabraHeywat Gabra Ḥǝywat pers
PRS14360Owen pers
PRS14375Clarke pers
PRS14379Abbuhay ʾAbbuhay pers
PRS14382WaldaMikael pers
PRS14399Denqo Dǝnqo Mārqos pers
PRS14421WaldaHanna pers
PRS14438Lieder pers
PRS14444Crabbe pers
PRS14446Douglas pers
PRS14277Mamas pers
PRS14278AmlakMoa pers
PRS14279AmlakaBena pers
PRS14280Simeon pers
PRS14281Senoda pers
PRS14282YohannesKama pers
PRS14283YeheyyesTaameno pers
PRS14284Endreyas pers
PRS14285ZaraBuruk pers
PRS14447Woolley pers
PRS14449Margoliouth pers
PRS14493TaklaHaymanot Takla Hāymānot pers
PRS14503GabraMarQene pers
PRS14515Loftie William Loftie pers
PRS14546GadaIyasus pers
PRS14574GabraLeul pers
PRS14550Cresswell pers
PRS14565ErlingEidem Erling Eidem pers
PRS14575KidanaMaryam pers
PRS14576AndersSvensson pers
PRS14582Theodorus pers
PRS14583Paul pers
PRS14587Macarius pers