
Use of layout

<layoutDesc> contains the description of how the text is laid out on the page grouped in <layout>.

It is possible to use as many <layout>s as the manuscript has distinguishable layouts.

If the layout measurement refers to a specific part of the manuscript, this can be indicated by <locus> to provide the range or a @corresp with the xml:id of the <msPart>, <msItem> or quire in the collation, whichever might be relevant:

            <layout columns="1" writtenLines="18">
              <locus from="1r" to="20v"></locus>

Example 1


          <layout corresp="#p.1.1_i1" columns="1" writtenLines="18">

Example 2

Layout description

<layout> contains various information related to the manuscript's layout, such as measurements, punctuation, pricking and ruling, etc., as in this example from DS Ethiop 1:

                 <layout columns="2" writtenLines="26">
                   <locus from="119ra" to="132ra"></locus>
                   <note>The number of characters: 1 line f. 121ra - 14; 1 line f. 121rb - 15;
                     1 line f. 126ra - 16; 1 line f. 126rb - 15.</note>
                   <note corresp="#textarea2 #margin2">Data on text area and margin dimensions taken from <locus target="#119r"></locus>.</note>
                   <dimensions unit="mm" xml:id="textarea2">
                   <dimensions type="margin" unit="mm" xml:id="margin2">
                     <dim type="top">15</dim>
                     <dim type="bottom">30</dim>
                     <dim type="right">20</dim>
                     <dim type="left">5</dim>
                     <dim type="intercolumn">10</dim>

Example 3

  • @columns contains the number of columns on a page. One column should be encoded as <layout columns='1'>, when no information is available, this attribute should not be added.

  • @writtenLines contains the number of lines on a page.

The leaf from which the measurements have been taken should be indicated in a <note> if known.

The first <dimensions> contains the information about the text area. A @rend can be used to list separated by spaces other visible characteristics.

The second <dimension type=‘margin’> contains the measures of the margins.

You can also add a <rs type='execution'> with @ref with a URI of one of the values in the EAGLE Vocabularies for execution technique, especially for inscriptions, as in the following example from RIE 246.

            <rs type="execution" ref=""></rs>

Example 4

Ruling and pricking

Within a <layout> you can also encode information on ruling and pricking using <ab> as in the following example from DSEthiop12 and ESagm003, where the given formula follows the pattern described by D. Muzerelle in this wonderfully clear and complete presentation:

          <ab type="ruling">A misṭāra was used for ruling.</ab>

Example 5

                 <ab type="pricking">Ruling is partly visible; pricking is visible.</ab>
                 <ab type="ruling" subtype="pattern"> Ruling pattern:
                 <ab type="pricking"> Primary pricks are partly visible (s. <locus target="#29r">29r</locus>).</ab>
                 <ab type="pricking"> Ruling pricks are mostly visible (s. <locus target="#20r">20r</locus>).</ab>
                 <ab type="ruling"> The upper line is written above the ruling.</ab>
                 <ab type="ruling"> The bottom line is written above the ruling.</ab>

Example 6


Punctuation can be encoded in as much or less detail as desired within <ab type='punctuation'>, as in this example from ESam012

          <ab type="punctuation" subtype="Executed">more or less regularly</ab>
          <ab type="punctuation" subtype="Usage">not always logical</ab>
          <ab type="punctuation" subtype="Dividers">
              <item xml:id="div1"> I. Colon; </item>
              <item xml:id="div2"> II. Four dot asterisk; nine dot asterisk; five
                red and black dot vertical colon;</item>
              <item xml:id="div3"> III. Double nine dot asterisks, with chain of
                black and red dots in between (e. g. <locus target="#15vb">15vb</locus>); three nine dot asterisks (e. g. <locus target="#37ra">37ra</locus>).</item>

Example 7

The following list has been provided by Denis Nosnitsin as an overview of punctuation elements which may be described:

I. Word dividers

  1. Colon፡ (naṭǝb)
  2. Four dot asterisk/ Double colon ። (naqʷet/ ʾarātt naṭǝb)
  3. Short line with dots above and below (Comma 1) [= obelus]: ፥ (saraz)
  4. Colon with dashes above and below (Comma 2 / Enumeration sign 1): ፤
  5. Colon with dash above (Comma 3): ፣
  6. Five red and black dot colon (Comma 4/ Enumeration sign 2):
  7. Three dot vertical colon: ፧
  8. Colon of two black dots and three red dashes (in-between, above, below)
  9. Quotation sign

II./III. Sentence and Section / Text dividers

  1. Four dot asterisk / Double colon (naqʷet/ ʾarātt naṭǝb) ።
  2. Five dot asterisks
  3. Nine dot asterisk ፨:
    1. Doubled nine dot asterisks, with/without dashes in between (mǝʿrāf ): ፨፨, ፨ = = ፨
    2. Doubled nine dot asterisk, with two lines in between ፨ === ፨
    3. (Three and more) nine dot asterisks: ፨ ፨ ፨ ፨ ፨
    4. (More than two) nine dot asterisks, connected with dashes: ፨ = = ፨ = = ፨ = = ፨ = = ፨ = = ፨
    5. Doubled four dot asterisks, with/ without dashes in between (mǝʿrāf ): ።።, ። = = ።
    6. Three and more four dot asterisks ። ። ። ። ። ።
    7. More than two four dot asterisks, connected with dashes: :: = = :: = = :: = = ::
    8. More than two four dot asterisks, connected with lines
  4. “Reference mark”: ፠
  5. The paragraph sign on the left of a text column, accompanying sentence divider: ፦
  6. Chi Rho
  7. Crux ansata
  8. Coronis (together with or separated from Crux ansata)
  9. Chain of black dots .................
  10. Chain of black and red dots ..........................
  11. Chain of black right-pointing chevrons >>>>>>>>>>>
  12. Chain of black and red right-pointing chevrons >>>>>>>>>>>
  13. Ornamental bars
  14. Nine dot asterisks and chains of (black / red) dots in between: ፨ ������� ፨ �������������� ፨
  15. Nine dot asterisks and chains of black and red right-pointing chevrons in between: ፨ >>>>>> ፨ >>>>>> ፨ >>>>>>>፨
  16. X-shape sign (with dashes above and below) (MQM-002).


  1. Long black lines
  2. Long red lines
  3. Long black and red lines
  4. Chain of red and black dashes ---------------------
  5. Black and red dots and dashes
  6. Black dots and short dashes
  7. “X” with dashes above and below
  8. Black line with one (or more) chain of red and black dots in the middle
  9. Chain of coronis signs, under the chain of nine dot asterisks with thin red and black lines in between
  10. Rubricated X sign with chevron on the right: x>

This page is referred to in the following pages

Revisions of this page

  • Pietro Maria Liuzzo on 2018-07-20: splitted from Object Description
  • Dorothea Reule on 2019-04-29: Updated structure, paragraph on punctuation
  • Eugenia Sokolinski on 2020-06-12: Corrected spelling, added subtype dividers in the example to punctuation

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... Data on text area and margin dimensions taken from . ...

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