
TEI guidelines element title

Schema specification


Please use your editor to see what elements, attributes and in what order they are allowed.

See: macro.paraContent

See: att.global.attributes

See: att.canonical.attributes

See: att.datable.attributes

Optional: attribute @type
Optional: attribute @subtype
Optional: attribute @evidence
Optional: attribute @level

Schema specification

For <title> in <titleStmt> for work records we require a specific structure for the xml:id. Other occurrences of <title> NOT in <titleStmt> should have a ref. The structure of titles id is fixed. Values for type are listed in a close list and evidence is allowed. Beta maṣāḥǝft Guidelines

context rule report
tei:title[@ref] matches(@ref, '\s+')
not(matches(@ref, 'LIT\d+\w+') or matches(@ref, 'NAR\d+\w+') or matches(@ref, 'STU\d+\w+'))
Please remove spaces from the value of attribute ref. Only one value is allowed.
The textual or narrative unit ID you have entered is wrong. Textual units IDs must match the pattern LIT\d+\w+, narrative units must match the pattern NAR\d+\w+, studies must match the pattern STU\d+\w+.
tei:title[not(@type='short')][ancestor::tei:TEI[@type='work']][ancestor::tei:titleStmt] not(@xml:id or @corresp)
title in a Work entity must always have an @xml:id which identifies alternative titles or a @corresp pointing to one of such xml:ids. Format of the id should be like t1 t2, etc. and thus in @corresp #t1, #t2, etc.
tei:title[ancestor::tei:TEI[@type='work']][not(ancestor::tei:titleStmt)] not(@xml:id or @ref)
title in work must always have an @xml:id which identifies alternative titles and/or a @ref pointing to the correct Work entity. Format of the id should be like t1 t2, etc.
tei:title[not(parent::tei:ab)][ancestor::tei:TEI[@type='work']][@xml:id] not(matches(@xml:id,'t\d+'))
Titles of works must have ids starting with the letter 't' followed by a progressive number, e.g. t1, t2, t3
tei:title[not(text())][not(parent::tei:titleStmt)] matches(following-sibling::text()[1], '^\w') or matches(preceding-sibling::text()[1], '\w$')
There should be a space before and one after the element title

Attibutes list

attribute evidence

This attribute can have a maximum of 6 values separated by a space.

attribute type

This is a closed list of allowed values

value definition
complete the work is contained completely in the manuscript
incomplete the work is contained incompletely in the manuscript, i.e. even only a small part is missing
normalized Transliteration of the title
transliterated IHA transliteration
identified Only used by IHA project
conceived Only used by IHA project
alt Only used by IHA project
supplied syriaca.org: an existing print catalogue provides a descriptive title
uniform syriaca.org: a title for such work established by the editor or cataloguer
main for titleStmt, specifies to which title to give priority in output.
short for titleStmt, contains an abbreviated form of the title, typically citation forms like Sal. Mar. or Jn. or Gen..
D'usage EMA
académique EMA
Forgé EMA
Original EMA
full for expanded files
gmd general material designation

attribute subtype

This attribute can have a maximum of 6 values separated by a space.

This is a closed list of allowed values

value definition
supplication entreat to God for help. Examples: Beta maṣāḥǝft Xpath search for //t:title[contains(@subtype,'supplication')]
expanded contains the title, tafaṣṣama/malʾa and further information. Examples: Beta maṣāḥǝft Xpath search for //t:title[contains(@subtype,'expanded')]
inscriptio is used for a title occurring at the beginning of a work. Examples: Beta maṣāḥǝft Xpath search for //t:title[contains(@subtype,'inscriptio')]
subscriptio for a title occurring at the end of a work. Examples: Beta maṣāḥǝft Xpath search for //t:title[contains(@subtype,'subscriptio')]
embedded for a title copied together with the text. Examples: Beta maṣāḥǝft Xpath search for //t:title[contains(@subtype,'embedded')]
translation to signal that the title is only of a translation. Examples: Beta maṣāḥǝft Xpath search for //t:title[contains(@subtype,'translation')]
Example 1

Example from LIT2625ZenaSe

                                <title xml:lang="gez" xml:id="t1">ዜና፡ ስክንድስ፡ ጠቢብ፡ ለእንድርያኖስ፡ ንጉሥ፡
                                    ወትምህርታቲሁ፡ ወጥበቡ፡</title>
                                <title xml:lang="gez" corresp="#t1" type="normalized">Zenā Sǝkǝndǝs
                                    ṭabib la-ʾƎndǝryānos nǝguś wa-tǝmhǝrtātihu wa-ṭǝbabu
                                <title xml:lang="en" corresp="#t1" type="main">The story of
                                    Secundus, King Hadrian&apos;s sage and of his teachings, his wisdom
                                    and his dialogue</title>
                                <title xml:lang="grc" xml:id="t2greek">Greek Secundus</title>
                                <title xml:lang="ar" xml:id="t3arabic"> سيرة سكندس الحكيم وحكمته
                                    ومسائله على تمامها وكمالها</title>
                                <title xml:lang="ar" corresp="#t3arabic">Sīratu Sakundusa l-ḥakīmi
                                    wa-ḥikmatuhu wa-masāʾiluhu ʿala tamāmihā wa-kamālihā</title>
                                <title xml:lang="syr" xml:id="t4syr">ܫܪܒܐ ܕܣܩܘܢܕܘܣ</title>
                                <title xml:lang="syr" corresp="#t4syr">šarbā dǝ-sqūndūs</title>
                                <editor role="generalEditor" key="AB"></editor>
                                <editor key="AE" role="encoder annotator"></editor>
                                <editor key="ES" role="metadata"></editor>
                                <funder>Akademie der Wissenschaften in Hamburg; European Research
                                    <persName ref="AE" from="2017" to="2018"></persName>


Revisions of this page

  • Pietro Maria Liuzzo on 2018-04-24: stub of page