Object Description

<objectDesc> contains all the information about the object as such. Within the @form you should specify one of the available values. The object is further described in <supportDesc>.

For the description of the quires structure, see the page collation.

For the description of the layout, see the dedicated page layout.


In <support> information about the material support is given.

  <material key="parchment"></material>

Example 1

In <material> with @key enter the value from the Writing Material taxonomy proposed from the schema. Oxygen should prompt the values from the schema.

You can also add a @ref with a URI of one of the values in the EAGLE Vocabularies for material and object type especially for inscriptions as in the following example from RIE 246.

              <material key="stone" ref="https://www.eagle-network.eu/voc/material/lod/138"></material>
              <objectType ref="https://www.eagle-network.eu/voc/objtyp/lod/2">Unspecified</objectType>

Example 2

It is also possible to further describe the material and its characteristics in paragraphic form in a <p> in <support>, as in this example from DS Ethiop 5:

                        <material key="parchment"></material>
                        <p>Parchment repairs on <locus target="#23 #26"></locus>. Hole in the parchment on <locus target="#46"></locus>.</p>

Example 3


<extent> contains information about the global dimensions of the object. The value outer for @type in <dimensions> indicates the external dimensions, including the board, the cover, and the spine. The value leaf for @type in <dimensions> indicates the size of the leaf. The leaf from which the measurements have been taken can be added in a <note> linked with @corresp to the <dimensions> element. In this way, measurements of several leaves can be added. Other values for @type are possible.

  <measure unit="leaf">183</measure>
  <measure unit="leaf" type="blank">3</measure>
  <measure unit="quire">25</measure>
  <dimensions type="outer" unit="mm">
  <dimensions type="leaf" unit="mm" xml:id="leafdim">
<note corresp="#leafdim">
Data on leaves dimensions
taken from <locus target="#6r"></locus>.

Example 4

Measurements in <dimensions> should always be given in millimetres, unless the source catalogues provides them otherwise.

You can add more precise information on a range of dimension using @atLeast and @atMost, which will be given priority in the visualization but, please, add a single valid value as content as in the following example.

                    <height unit="mm" atLeast="310" atMost="330">320</height>

Example 5

You can also specify which leaves are blank, adding a <locus> immediately after the relative measure.

To record the presence of protective leaves, please use a syntax involving only Arabic numerals, like 3+69+1 to indicate that there are three guard leaves at the beginning and another one at the end.

                    <measure unit="leaf">3+69+1</measure>

Example 6

Please use only integers in <measure>. For all searching purposes only integers will be used.

Instead of placing your measure around the entire thing which you deem a measure, try a more specific tagging

                    A + <measure unit="quire">11</measure>
                    Protection quire + <measure unit="quire">19</measure>
                    Protection quire + 19 (<measure unit="quire">20</measure>)

Example 7

To indicate the number of strips sewn together to produce a scroll, you can add a <measure> in a <note>, as in BDLaethf10:

                        <dimensions type="outer" unit="in">
                        <note>Consists of <measure unit="strips">3</measure> strips.</note>

Example 8

The weight of manuscripts, if known, can be provided in a separate element <dimensions> and should be given in grammes:

                        <measure type="weight" unit="g">84</measure>

Example 9


Any information available on the foliation of the manuscript can be entered in <foliation>, as in this example from DS Ethiop. 3:

                    <foliation resp="DR DN">Foliation in pencil in the middle of the bottom margin.</foliation>

Example 10

If different numbering systems are present in the manuscript, a <list> of <item>s can be used. If more than one foliation system is described, it might be useful to indicate which one is followed in the record, as in this example from DS Ethiop. 2:

                                 <item xml:id="fol1">
                                     <locus from="ir" to="84v"></locus>
                                     Foliation in pencil in Eastern Arabic numerals  in the lower right corner, from <q xml:lang="ar">١</q> on
                                     <locus target="#ir"></locus> until <q xml:lang="ar">٨٦</q> on <locus target="#84r"></locus>.

                                 <item xml:id="fol2" resp="DN DR">
                                     <locus from="ir" to="84v"></locus>
                                     Foliation in pencil in the middle of the bottom margin of the folio. This is the foliation used as reference in this record.

Example 11

If necessary, it is also possible to refer to more than one foliation in the <msItems> by adding several <locus> with @corresp having the values of the respective @xml:ids indicated in <foliation>, as in BnF d'Abbadie 66A:

                        <msItem xml:id="ms_i1.1.7.2">
                        <locus from="6va" to="7vb" corresp="#fol1"></locus>
                        <locus from="213ra" to="213vb" corresp="#fol1"></locus>
                        <locus from="6va" to="8vb" corresp="#fol2"></locus>
                        <title type="complete" ref="LIT4032SenkessarS#Mask7Sawiryanos"></title>
                        <textLang mainLang="gez"></textLang>

Example 12


You can also add a <condition> element containing a fully marked-up description of the condition of the manuscript. Do indicate a general value from the State of Preservation Taxonomy proposed from the schema for indexing purposes.

<condition key="deficient"></condition>

Example 13

If no information on the condition of the manuscript is available, the element should be simply not added to the record.

This page is referred to in the following pages

Revisions of this page

  • Pietro Maria Liuzzo on 2018-04-30: first version of guidelines from Wiki
  • Pietro Maria Liuzzo on 2018-04-24: stub of page
  • Dorothea Reule on 2018-06-12: Added mistara example
  • Dorothea Reule on 2018-07-06: Added paragraph on scroll strips
  • Dorothea Reule on 2019-04-05: Updated foliation paragraph with real examples
  • Dorothea Reule on 2020-02-11: Added weight
  • Dorothea Reule on 2020-04-17: Added examples to support and foliation

You found "ruling" in 2 entries!


...measurements, punctuation, pricking and ruling, etc., as in this example ...

... Ruling and pricking Within ...

...yout you can also encode information on ruling and pricking using ...

... A misṭāra was used for ruling. ...

...ng. Ruling is partly visible; pricking is visib...

... pricking is visible. Ruling pattern: 1A-1A-1A...

...tly visible (s. 29r). Ruling pricks are mostly visible (s. 20r). ...

... The upper line is written above the ruling. The bottom line i...

... The bottom line is written above the ruling. ...

Binding Description1

...ntly left blank or without pricking and ruling; but they can be used for...