
TEI guidelines element explicit

Schema specification


Please use your editor to see what elements, attributes and in what order they are allowed.

See: macro.phraseSeq

See: att.global.attributes

See: att.typed.attribute.subtype

See: att.msExcerpt.attributes

Optional: attribute @type

Schema specification

Beta maṣāḥǝft Guidelines. See also, on how to encode titles, supplications and colophons in general, Beta maṣāḥǝft Guidelines

Attibutes list

attribute type

This attribute can have a maximum of 6 values separated by a space.

This is a closed list of allowed values

value definition
supplication entreat to God for help. Examples: Beta maṣāḥǝft Xpath search for //t:explicit[contains(@type,'supplication')]
expanded contains the title, tafaṣṣama/malʾa and further information. Examples: Beta maṣāḥǝft Xpath search for //t:explicit[contains(@type,'expanded')]
inscriptio is used for a title occurring at the beginning of a work. Examples: Beta maṣāḥǝft Xpath search for //t:explicit[contains(@type,'inscriptio')]
subscriptio for a title occurring at the end of a work. Examples: Beta maṣāḥǝft Xpath search for //t:explicit[contains(@type,'subscriptio')]
embedded for a title copied together with the text. Examples: Beta maṣāḥǝft Xpath search for //t:explicit[contains(@type,'embedded')]
translation to signal that the title is only of a translation. Examples: Beta maṣāḥǝft Xpath search for //t:explicit[contains(@type,'translation')]
Example 1

Example from FSUor12

                            <explicit xml:lang="gez" type="subscriptio">በዝየ፡ ተፈጸመ፡ ራእየ፡ ሕዝቅኤል፡ ነቢይ፡ ጸሎቱ፡ ወበረከቱ፡ የሃሉ፡ ምስለ፡
                                ፍቁሩ፡ <hi rend="rubric">
                                    <persName ref="PRS11725Mardokyos">መርዶክዮስ፡</persName>
                                </hi> ለዓለመ፡ ዓለም፡ አሜን፡ ወአሜን፡ ለይኩን፡ ለይኩን፨</explicit>

Revisions of this page

  • Pietro Maria Liuzzo on 2018-04-24: stub of page

You found "explicit" in 6 entries!



Colophons, Titles and Supplications10

...h subtype, colophon, incipit, explicit, seg with type. In title and...

...ns a title. A generic incipit or explicit might contain, with other things als...

...h can be used within colophon, incipit, explicit, div. Colophons ...

... encode has added no type in incipit or explicit. seg or title may be u...

...t portion of the incipit of explicit which is an inscription or subscript...

...tles, are usually encoded as explicit type="supplication" or incipit type=...

...nnot logically be encoded in incipit or explicit must be encoded in either t...

... be marked there, using either incipit, explicit, colophon or seg as in the p...

...contained, look for titles, explicit, incipit, colophon, div and seg whic...

...subscription'. In the case of explicit take it also if it does not have sub...

Manuscript Contents6

... If the text of an incipit, explicit, or addition which is qu...

... Incipit and Explicit incipit...

... incipit and explicit will contain a locus...

...erventions, etc. The use of explicit follows the TEI defi...

...he text, are encoded as explicit type="subscription": ...

...ion" or explicit type="supplication". See colophons, ...

Works Description1

...he work record, to be more specific and explicit about the sort of authorship. re...

La Syntaxe du Codex1

...speak, occurred, I have not stated an explicit equation with the main identifier of...