Here you can explore some general information about the project. See also Beta maṣāḥəft institutional web page. Select About to meet the project team and our partners. Visit the Guidelines section to learn about our encoding principles. The section Data contains the Linked Open Data information, and API the Application Programming Interface documentation for those who want to exchange data with the Beta maṣāḥǝft project. The Permalinks section documents the versioning and referencing earlier versions of each record.
Click to get back to the home page. Here you can find out more about the project team, the cooperating projects, and the contact information. You can also visit our institutional page. Find out more about our Encoding Guidelines. In this section our Linked Open Data principles are explained. Developers can find our Application Programming Interface documentation here. The page documents the use of permalinks by the project.
Descriptions of (predominantly) Christian manuscripts from Ethiopia and Eritrea are the core of the Beta maṣāḥǝft project. We (1) gradually encode descriptions from printed catalogues, beginning from the historical ones, (2) incorporate digital descriptions produced by other projects, adjusting them wherever possible, and (3) produce descriptions of previously unknown and/or uncatalogued manuscripts. The encoding follows the TEI XML standards (check our guidelines).
We identify each unit of content in every manuscript. We consider any text with an independent circulation a work, with its own identification number within the Clavis Aethiopica (CAe). Parts of texts (e.g. chapters) without independent circulation (univocally identifiable by IDs assigned within the records) or recurrent motifs as well as documentary additional texts (identified as Narrative Units) are not part of the CAe. You can also check the list of different types of text titles or various Indexes available from the top menu.
The clavis is a repertory of all known works relevant for the Ethiopian and Eritrean tradition; the work being defined as any text with an independent circulation. Each work (as well as known recensions where applicable) receives a unique identifier in the Clavis Aethiopica (CAe). In the filter search offered here one can search for a work by its title, a keyword, a short quotation, but also directly by its CAe identifier - or, wherever known and provided, identifier used by other claves, including Bibliotheca Hagiographica Graeca (BHG), Clavis Patrum Graecorum (CPG), Clavis Coptica (CC), Clavis Apocryphorum Veteris Testamenti (CAVT), Clavis Apocryphorum Novi Testamenti (CANT), etc. The project additionally identifies Narrative Units to refer to text types, where no clavis identification is possible or necessary. Recurring motifs or also frequently documentary additiones are assigned a Narrative Unit ID, or thematically clearly demarkated passages from various recensions of a larger work. This list view shows the documentary collections encoded by the project Ethiopian Manuscript Archives (EMA) and its successor EthioChrisProcess - Christianization and religious interactions in Ethiopia (6th-13th century) : comparative approaches with Nubia and Egypt, which aim to edit the corpus of administrative acts of the Christian kingdom of Ethiopia, for medieval and modern periods. See also the list of documents contained in the additiones in the manuscripts described by the Beta maṣāḥǝft project . Works of interest to Ethiopian and Eritrean studies.
While encoding manuscripts, the project Beta maṣāḥǝft aims at creating an exhaustive repertory of art themes and techniques present in Ethiopian and Eritrean Christian tradition. See our encoding guidelines for details. Two types of searches for aspects of manuscript decoration are possible, the decorations filtered search and the general keyword search.
The filtered search for decorations, originally designed with Jacopo Gnisci, looks at decorations and their features only. The filters on the left are relative only to the selected features, reading the legends will help you to figure out what you can filter. For example you can search for all encoded decorations of a specific art theme, or search the encoded legends. If the decorations are present, but not encoded, you will not get them in the results. If an image is available, you will also find a thumbnail linking to the image viewer. [NB: The Index of Decorations currently often times out, we are sorry for the inconvenience.] You can search for particular motifs or aspects, including style, also through the keyword search. Just click on "Art keywords" and "Art themes" on the left to browse through the options. This is a short cut to a search for all those manuscripts which have miniatures of which we have images.
We create metadata for all places associated with the manuscript production and circulation as well as those mentioned in the texts used by the project. The encoding of places in Beta maṣāḥǝft will thus result in a Gazetteer of the Ethiopian tradition. We follow the principles established by Pleiades and lined out in the TEI Manual and Schema for Historical Geography which allow us to distinguish between places, locations, and names of places. See also Help page fore more guidance.
This tab offers a filtrable list of all available places. Geographical references of the type "land inhabited by people XXX" is encoded with the reference to the corresponding Ethnic unit (see below); ethnonyms, even those used in geographical contexts, do not appear in this list. Repositories are those locations where manuscripts encoded by the project are or used to be preserved. While they are encoded in the same way as all places are, the view offered is different, showing a list of manuscripts associated with the repository.
We create metadata for all persons (and groups of persons) associated with the manuscript production and circulation (rulers, religious authorities, scribes, donors, and commissioners) as well as those mentioned in the texts used by the project. The result will be a comprehensive Prosopography of the Ethiopian and Eritrean tradition. See also Help page for more guidance.
We encode persons according to our Encoding Guidelines. The initial list was inherited from the Encyclopaedia Aethiopica, and there are still many inconsistencies that we are trying to gradually fix. We consider ethnonyms as a subcategory of personal names, even when many are often used in literary works in the context of the "land inhabited by **". The present list of records has been mostly inherited from the Encyclopaedia Aethiopica, and there are still many inconsistencies that we are trying to gradually fix.
This section collects some additional resources offered by the project. Select Bibliography to explore the references cited in the project records. The Indexes list different types of project records (persons, places, titles, keywords, etc). Visit Projects for information on partners that have input data directly in the Beta maṣāḥǝft database. Special ways of exploring the data are offered under Visualizations. Two applications were developed in cooperation with the project TraCES, the Gǝʿǝz Morphological Parser and the Online Lexicon Linguae Aethiopicae.

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ImagesManuscript images in the Mirador viewer via IIIF

Paris, Bibliothèque nationale de France, BnF Éthiopien d'Abbadie 195

Denis Nosnitsin

This manuscript description is based on the catalogues listed in the Catalogue Bibliography

Bibliothèque nationale de France[view repository]

Collection: Manuscrits orientaux, Fonds éthiopien, d'Abbadie


General description

Commentary on the Old Testament, Books of the Old Testament

Number of Text units: 35

Number of Codicological units: 1

For a table of all relations from and to this record, please go to the Relations view. In the Relations boxes on the right of this page, you can also find all available relations grouped by name.


1649 (internal-date) (The writing of the manuscript was finished around 1649, according to the date mentioned in Colophon 1 , item 5 .)


The manuscript was owned by ʾabbā Yosṭos who gave it to Antoine d'Abbadie , according to Abbadie 1859.


The manuscript entered Bibliothèque nationale de France in 1902.


  1. ms_i1 (check the viewerFols 1ra–4rb ), Lives of the Prophets and the Tribes of their Origin
    1. ms_i1.1 (check the viewerFols 1ra–1va ), Lives of the Prophets and the Tribes of their Origin, On the chronology of the Prophets
      1. ms_i1.2 (check the viewerFols 1va–2ra ), Lives of the Prophets and the Tribes of their Origin, On the Prophet Isaiah
      2. ms_i1.4 (check the viewerFols 2ra–2vb ), Legend of Jeremiah
    2. ms_i1.5 (check the viewerFols 2vb–3ra ), Lives of the Prophets and the Tribes of their Origin, On the Prophet Haggai
    3. ms_i1.6 (check the viewerFols 3ra–3rb ), Lives of the Prophets and the Tribes of their Origin, On the Prophet Zechariah
    4. ms_i1.7 (check the viewerFol. ), Lives of the Prophets and the Tribes of their Origin, On the Prophet Malachi
    5. ms_i1.8 (check the viewerFols 3rb–3va ), Lives of the Prophets and the Tribes of their Origin, On the Prophet Elijah
    6. ms_i1.9 (check the viewerFols 3va–3vb ), Lives of the Prophets and the Tribes of their Origin, On the Prophet Elisha
    7. ms_i1.10 (check the viewerFols 3vb–4ra ), Lives of the Prophets and the Tribes of their Origin, On the Prophet Nathan
    8. ms_i1.11 (check the viewerFols 4ra–4rb ), Lives of the Prophets and the Tribes of their Origin, On the Prophet Ahijah
    9. ms_i1.12 (check the viewerFol. 4rb ), Lives of the Prophets and the Tribes of their Origin, On the Prophet Joel
  2. ms_i2 (check the viewerFols 4rb–4vb ), The Discourse of Dionysius on the Tribes of the Apostles
  3. ms_i3 (check the viewerFols 5ra–15vb ), Interpretation and Symbolic Commentary on Genesis and Exodus
  4. ms_i4 (check the viewerFols 16ra–74ra ), Book of Isaiah
  5. ms_i5 (check the viewerFols 74ra–87rb ), Ascension of Isaiah
  6. ms_i6 (check the viewerFols 88ra–140vb ), Daqiqa nabiyāt
    1. ms_i6.1 (check the viewerFols 88ra–96va ), Za-Hoseʿ nabiyy
    2. ms_i6.2 (check the viewerFols 96va–104ra ), Za-ʾAmoṣ nabiyy
    3. ms_i6.3 (check the viewerFols 104ra–109rb ), Za-Mikyās nabiyy
    4. ms_i6.4 (check the viewerFols 109rb–112vb ), Book of Joel
    5. ms_i6.5 (check the viewerFols 112vb–113vb ), ዘአብድዩ፡ ነቢይ።
    6. ms_i6.6 (check the viewerFols 113vb–116ra ), Book of Jonah
    7. ms_i6.7 (check the viewerFols 116ra–118rb ), Book of Nahum
    8. ms_i6.8 (check the viewerFols 118rb–120vb ), Book of Habakkuk
    9. ms_i6.9 (check the viewerFols 120vb–123vb ), Za-Sofonyās nabiyy
    10. ms_i6.10 (check the viewerFols 123vb–125vb ), Za-Ḥagge nabiyy
    11. ms_i6.11 (check the viewerFols 125vb–136va ), Za-Zakāryās nabiyy
    12. ms_i6.12 (check the viewerFols 136va–140rb ), Za-Milkǝyās nabiyy
  7. ms_i7 (check the viewerFols 141ra–243va ), ኤርምያስ
    1. ms_i7.1 (check the viewerFols 141ra–226ra ), Book of Jeremiah
    2. ms_i7.2 (check the viewerFols 226ra–228vb ), Book of Baruch
    3. ms_i7.3 (check the viewerFols 228vb–233va ), Lamentations
    4. ms_i7.4 (check the viewerFols 233va–234va ), Epistle of Jeremiah
    5. ms_i7.5 (check the viewerFols 234vb–243va ), Tarafa nagar za-Bārok za-ʾi-kona ḫǝbuʾa za-ʾama yǝḍewawu Bābilon


check the viewerFols 1ra–4rb Lives of the Prophets and the Tribes of their Origin (CAe 1811)

check the viewerFols 1ra–1va Lives of the Prophets and the Tribes of their Origin, On the chronology of the Prophets (CAe 1811 Chronology)

Incipit (Gǝʿǝz ):አብያተ፡ ነቢያት፡ ናሁ፡ ጸሐፍነ፡ ለነቢያት፡ አብያቲሆሙ፡ ወአህገሪሆሙ፡ ወኀበ፡ ተቀብረ፡ ቀዳሚ፡ ነቢይ። ኢዮብ፡ ተነበየ፡ ፵ዓመተ፡ ወእምድኅሬሁ፡ ሙሴ፡ ተነበየ፡ ፵ዓመት፡ ቅድመ፡ ምጽአተ፡ እግዚእነ፡ በሥጋ፡

Explicit (Gǝʿǝz ):ንነግር፡ አብያቲሆሙ፡ ቅዱሳን፡ ኀበ፡ ነበሩ፡ ወኀበ፡ ተቀብሩ፡ በከመ፡ ጸሐፈ፡ ቅዱስ፡ አባ፡ ኤጲፋንዮስ፡ ጳጳስ፡ ዘቄጵሮስ፨

check the viewerFols 4rb–4vb The Discourse of Dionysius on the Tribes of the Apostles (CAe 5549)

Incipit (Gǝʿǝz ):ዝውእቱ፡ ነገር፡ ዘተረጐመ፡ አባ፡ ደናስዮስ፡ ቅዱስ፡ ጳጳስ፡ ዘብሔረ፡ ምሥራቅ፡ ፲ወ፪ሐዋርያት፨ እም፲ወ፪ነገደ፡ እስራኤል፡ እሙንቱ፨

check the viewerFols 5ra–15vb Interpretation and Symbolic Commentary on Genesis and Exodus (CAe 4117)

Incipit (Gǝʿǝz ):በስመ፡ እግዚአብሔር፡ መሐሪ፡ ወመ ስተ፡ ሣህል፨ እወጥን፡ ጽሒፈ፡ መጽሐፍ፡ ዘይሰምይ፡ መምህር፡ ተስኢልየ፡ እማእምራን፡ መጻሕፍት፨ ርባሁሰ፡ ለዝ፡ መጽሐፍ፡ ይሜህር፡ ወይተረጉሞ፡ ቃላተ፡ ወነገራተ፡ ዘኦሪት፡ እንተ፡ የዓፅብ፡ ወይስዓን፡ ለዘኢየአምር፡ ብእሲ፨ ትርጓመሁሰ፡ ቦ፡ ኀበ፡ ይነግር፡ አሐደ፡ ቃል፡ በበ፫ወበበ፪፡ ስብሐት፡ ለእግዚአብሔር፡ በአፈ፡ ኵሉ፡ ፍጥረት፡ ዘለዕሉ፡ ወታሕቱ፡ ለዓለመ፡ ዓለም፨ ኦሩት፡ ዘልደት፡ ብሂል፡ ሕግ፡ ዘልደት፨ ወቦ፡ ዘይቤ፡ ሥርዓት፡ ብሂል፡ ዘፍጥረት፨ መቅደመ፡ ኵሉ፡ ፈጠረ፡ እግዚአብሔር፡ ጽልመተ፡

check the viewerFols 16ra–74ra Book of Isaiah (CAe 1672)

Incipit (Gǝʿǝz ):ራእይ፡ ዘርእየ፡ ኢሳይያስ፡ ወልደ፡ አሞጽ፡ ዘርእየ፡ በእንተ፡ ይሁዳ፡ ‎‎ወበእንተ፡ ኢየሩሳሌም፡ በመንግሥተ፡ ዖዝያ፡ ን፨ ወኢዮአታም፡ ወአካዝ፡ ‎‎ወሕዝቅያስ፡ እለነግሡ፡ ለይሁዳ። ስማዕ፡ ሰማይ፡ ወአጽምዒ፡ ምድር፡ ‎‎እስመ፡ እግዚአብሔር፡ ነበበ፡ ወይቤ፡ ውሉደ፡ ወለድኩ፡ ወአልሐቁ፡ ‎‎እሙንቱሰ፡ ዓለዉኒ፡ ላህምኒ፡ አእመረ፡ ዘአጥረዮ፨ ወአድግኒ፡ ምቅማሆ፡ ‎‎ወቤተ፡ እግዚኡ፨ እስራኤልሰ፡ ኢያእመሩኒ፡ ወሕዝብየኒ፡ ኢጠየቁኒ፨

check the viewerFols 74ra–87rb Ascension of Isaiah (CAe 1671)

Incipit (Gǝʿǝz ):ዘኢሳይያስ፡ ነቢይ፡ ዕርገተ፡ ኢሳይያስ፡ ወኮነ፡ በክረምት፡ በ፳ወ፯፡ በመንግሥቱ፡ ለሕዝቅያስ፡ ንጉሠ፡ ይሁዳ፨ ወጸውዖ፡ ለመናሴ፡ ወልዱ፡ እስመ፡ ውእቱ፡ ባሕቲቱ፡

Explicit (Gǝʿǝz ):ተፈጸመ፡ ኢሳይያስ፡ ወልደ፡ አሞጽ፡ ምስለ፡ ዕርገቱ፨


ዝንቱ፡ መጽሐፍ፡ ተጽሕፈ፡ በ፸፻ወ፩ወ፻፡ ዓመተ፡ ምህረት፡ ወሠረቀ፡ ሌሊትኒ፡ ፰ወመዓልትኒ፡ ፳

check the viewerFols 88ra–140vb Daqiqa nabiyāt (CAe 1315)

check the viewerFols 141ra–243va ኤርምያስ (CAe 2035) (Running titles throughout check the viewerfols 141r–243r , mostly on the verso-side of the folia.)

check the viewerFols 141ra–226ra Book of Jeremiah (CAe 1685)

Incipit (Gǝʿǝz ):በስመ፡ እግዚአብሔር፡ መሐሪ፡ ወመስተሣህል፡ ቃለ፡ እግዚአብሔር፡ ዘኮነ፡ ኀበ፡ ኤርምያስ፡ ነቢይ፡ ወልደ፡ ቂልቅዩ፡ ዘእምውስተ፡ ካህናት፡ እለ፡ ይነብሩ፡ ውስተ፡ አናቶት፡ በብሔረ፡ ብንያሚ። ወኮነ፡ ቃለ፡ እግዚአብሔር፡ ኀቤሁ፡ በመዋዕለ፡ ኢዮስያስ፡ ወልደ፡ አሞጽ፡ ንጉሠ፡ ይሁዳ፡ አመ፡ ዓሠርቱ፡ ወሠለስቱ፡ አመተ፡ መንግሥቱ ወኮነ፡ በመዋዕለ፡ ኢዮአቂም፡

Explicit (Gǝʿǝz ):እስከ፡ አመ፡ ዕለተ፡ ሞቱ፨

(Chapter numbers are written in the margins (1 to 52). Some corrections, glosses and commentaries (some in Amharic) are written in the margins.)

check the viewerFols 226ra–228vb Book of Baruch (CAe 1202)

Incipit (Gǝʿǝz ): ዝነገረ፡ መጽሐፍ፡ ዘጸሐፈ፡ ባሮክ፡ ወልደ፡ ኔርዩ፡ ወልደ፡ ማሲው፡ ወልደ፡ሴደቅዮ፡ ባቢሎን፡ በኃምስ፡ ዓመት፡

Explicit (Gǝʿǝz ):በፍሥሐ፡ ወበብርሃነ፡ ስብሐቲሁ፡ በምሕረቱ፡ ወበጽድቁ፨

check the viewerFols 228vb–233va Lamentations (CAe 1753)

Incipit (Gǝʿǝz ):ሰቆቃወ፡ ኤርምያስ፡ ነቢይ᎓ ወእምዝ᎓ እምድኅረ᎓ ፄወውዎ᎓

Explicit (Gǝʿǝz ):ከመ፡ መዋዕለ፡ ትካት፡ ወተወከፈኒ፡ እግዚኦ፡ ኀቤከ፨

(Chapter indications are written in the margins, in a secondary hand (from 1 to 5).)

check the viewerFols 233va–234va Epistle of Jeremiah (CAe 1686)

Incipit (Gǝʿǝz ):አርአያ፡ መጽሐፍ፡ ዘኤርምያስ፡ ዘፈነወ፡ ᎓ ኀበ፡ እለ፡ ፄወውዎሙ፡ ንጉሠ፡ ባቢሎን፡ ይንግርዎሙ፡ ዘአዘዘ፡

Explicit (Gǝʿǝz ):

check the viewerFols 234vb–243va Tarafa nagar za-Bārok za-ʾi-kona ḫǝbuʾa za-ʾama yǝḍewawu Bābilon (CAe 2167)

Incipit (Gǝʿǝz ):ትሩፋተ፡ ነገር፡ ዘባሮክ፡ ወኢኮነ፡ ኅቡአ፡ ወኮነ፡ ሶበ፡ ፄወዉዎሙ፡ ለደቂቀ፡ እስራኤል፡ ንጉሠ፡ ከልዴዎን።

Explicit (Gǝʿǝz ):ወወሀቦ፡ እግዚአብሔር፡ ጸጋ፡ ለኤርምያስ፡ ከመ፡ ይኩን፡ ሱታፌሁ፡ ለሙሴ፡ ወይገብር፡ ተፍጻሜሁ፡ ለዝገበር፡ እስከ፡ ዮም፡ ኅቡረ፡ ሀለዉ፨፨፨

Additions In this unit there are in total 1 , 3 s, 8 s, 1 , 3 s, 1 .

  1. check the viewerFols. 1r, 16r, 88r, 141r (Type: OwnershipNote)

    Mentioning the owner ʾabbā Yosṭos

    ( gez ) መጽሐፍ፡ ዘአባ፡ ዮስጦስ።

  2. check the viewerFols 16r–243va (Type: Correction)

    Many corrections written in the margins and interlineally, sometimes with the use of tamallas-sign, in various hands.



  1. (Type: StampExlibris)

    Label with indication to the content on the outer side of the front board

    ( fr ) 193. Nabiyat (18 Prophètes)

  2. (Type: StampExlibris)

    Label of Bibliothèque nationale de France with the shelfmark, Ethiop. Abb. 195, on the inner side of the front board.

  3. (Type: StampExlibris)

    Shelfmark of Bibliothèque nationale de France , Ethiopien. Abb. 195, glued to the spine of the volume.

  4. check the viewerFol. 1r (Type: StampExlibris)

    Stamp of Bibliothèque nationale de France .

  5. check the viewerFol. 1r (Type: StampExlibris)

    Shelfmark of Bibliothèque nationale de France , no. 195, in the upper margin.

  6. check the viewerFols 17v–74r, check the viewer141r–243r

    Running titles crudely written in the upper margin, mostly on the verso-side of the folia.

  7. check the viewerFols. 2r, 3r, 5r, 56r, 79r, 210v

    Cues for the rubricator in the margins, sometimes cut, on these and some other folia.

  8. check the viewerFol. 5r (Type: StampExlibris)

    Shelfmark of Bibliothèque nationale de France , no. 195 Antoine dʼAbbadie, in the bottom margin.

  9. check the viewerFols. 11v, 49r, 59r, 73, 213vb (Type: Correction)

    Omitted passages are written in the upper margin, their places in the text column is indicated with a tamallas-sign.

  10. check the viewerFols 17r–232r (Type: Unclear)

    Rubricated chapter numbers throughout the most texts, rubricated, written in the margins in a secondary hand.

  11. check the viewerFol. 126v (Type: StampExlibris)

    A stamp of Bibliothèque nationale de France .

  12. check the viewerFol. 159r (Type: StampExlibris)

    A stamp of Bibliothèque nationale de France .

  13. check the viewerFol. 212v (Type: Comment)

    A commentary on the difference between the “Roman” (Vulgata) and Ethiopic version of the Book of Jeremiah, referring to a part of the text on check the viewerfols 212rb–213rb marked with a red line. (cp.Abbadie 1859).

    Text in Gǝʿǝz ዝንቱ፡ ኢሀሎ፡ በመጻሕፍተ፡ ሮሜ፡

  14. check the viewerFol. 213v (Type: Comment)

    A commentary on the difference between the "Roman" and Ethiopic version of the Book of Jeremiah, referring to a text part on check the viewerfols 212rb–213rb marked with a red line.

    Text in Gǝʿǝz ይተሉ፡ ምዕራፍ፡ ፵፯፡

  15. check the viewerFols. 74r, 96v, 104r, 109r, 113r, 113v, 116r, 136v, 140rb (Type: Gloss)

    Notes on division into parts within one text or boundaries between the texts, in the upper margin of the folia.

  16. check the viewerFol. 213vb (Type: Correction)

    A correction is written in the upper margin, its place in the text column is indicated with a tamallas-sign, the word written wrongly is blotted out.

    ( gez ) ሐልስትዮታት

  17. check the viewerFol. 215r (Type: Comment)

    Note in the outer lateral margin, possibly concerning the content.

    ( gez ) በእንተ፡ ሞአብ

Catalogue Bibliography

  • Conti Rossini, C. 1914. Notice sur les manuscrits éthiopiens de la Collection d’Abbadie, Extrait du Journal Asiatique (Paris: Imprimerie nationale, 1914). page 44-45, number 17

  • Chaîne, M. 1912. Catalogue des manuscrits éthiopiens de la Collection Antoine d’Abbadie (Paris: Imprimerie nationale–Ernest Leroux, éditeur, 1912). page 117, number 195

  • Abbadie, A. d’ 1859. Catalogue raisonné de manuscrits éthiopiens appartenant à Antoine d’Abbadie (Paris: Imprimerie impériale, 1859). page 194-196, number 195

Secondary Bibliography

  • Piovanelli, P. 1990. ‘Un nouveau temoin éthiopien de l’Ascension d’Isaïe et de la Vie de Jérémie (Paris, BN Abb. 195)’, Henoch, 12 (1990), 347–361.

Physical Description

Form of support

Parchment Codex


+NaN (leaf) , Entered as 245 (2+243) 4 (leaf, blank) : Entered as 4 check the viewerFols. ir, iv, iir, iiv 220 220
Outer dimensions
Height 220mm
Width 220mm


Foliation of Bibliothèque nationale de France in the upper right corner of the recto sides. The first two folia are unnumbered and assigned the numbers check the viewerfols. i, ii .

Quire Structure Collation

Signatures: Decorated quire marks written twice or once (rubricated in a few cases), in the upper margin of the first page of some of the quires.

Position Number Leaves Quires Description
1 A 2 No image availableFols ir–iiv
2 1 4 No image availableFols 1r–4v
3 2 11 No image availableFols 5r–15v 5, stub after 6
4 3 10 No image availableFols 16r–25v 3, stub after 8 8, stub after 3
5 4 10 No image availableFols 26r–35v
6 5 10 No image availableFols 36r–45v 3, stub after 8 8, stub after 3
7 6 8 No image availableFols 46r–53v
8 7 8 No image availableFols 54r–61v
9 8 7 No image availableFols 62r–70v 8, stub after 1
10 9 8 No image availableFols 71r–78v
11 10 9 No image availableFols 79r–87v 3, stub after 5 6, stub after 2 8, stub after 1
12 11 8 No image availableFols 88r–95v
13 12 8 No image availableFols 96r–103v
14 13 6 No image availableFols 104r–109v
15 14 6 No image availableFols 110r–115v
16 15 6 No image availableFols 116r–124v
17 16 9 No image availableFols 125r–133v 3, stub after 7
18 17 7 No image availableFols 134r–140v 3, stub after 5
19 18 9 No image availableFols 141r–149v 6, stub after 3
20 19 9 No image availableFols 150r–158v 6, stub after 3
21 20 9 No image availableFols 159r–167v 6, stub after 3
22 21 9 No image availableFols 168r–176v 4, stub after 5
23 22 9 No image availableFols 177r–185v 4, stub after 5
24 23 9 No image availableFols 186r–194v 6, stub after 3
25 24 9 No image availableFols 195r–203v 6, stub after 3
26 25 8 No image availableFols 204r–211v 3, stub after 5 6, stub after 3
27 26 9 No image availableFols 212r–220v 3, stub after 7
28 27 8 No image availableFols 221r–228v
29 28 9 No image availableFols 229r–237v ፲፩ 4, stub after 6
30 29 6 No image availableFols 238r–243v ፲፪ 2, stub after 5 5, stub after 2

Collation diagrams

Quire ID:q1, number:A
Collation diagram Quire 1 1 2 Unit #1

Quire ID:q2, number:1
Collation diagram Quire 2 3 6 Unit #1 Unit #2

5, stub after 6
Quire ID:q3, number:2
Collation diagram Quire 3 7 17 Unit #1 Unit #2 Unit #3 Unit #4 Unit #5 Unit #6

3, stub after 8 8, stub after 3
Quire ID:q4, number:3, Ethiopic quire number:
Collation diagram Quire 4 18 27 Unit #1 Unit #2 Unit #3 Unit #4 Unit #5 Unit #6

Quire ID:q5, number:4, Ethiopic quire number:
Collation diagram Quire 5 28 37 Unit #1 Unit #2 Unit #3 Unit #4 Unit #5

3, stub after 8 8, stub after 3
Quire ID:q6, number:5
Collation diagram Quire 6 38 47 Unit #1 Unit #2 Unit #3 Unit #4 Unit #5 Unit #6

Quire ID:q7, number:6, Ethiopic quire number:
Collation diagram Quire 7 48 55 Unit #1 Unit #2 Unit #3 Unit #4

Quire ID:q8, number:7, Ethiopic quire number:
Collation diagram Quire 8 56 63 Unit #1 Unit #2 Unit #3 Unit #4

8, stub after 1
Quire ID:q9, number:8, Ethiopic quire number:
Collation diagram Quire 9 64 70 Unit #1 Unit #2 Unit #3 Unit #4

Quire ID:q10, number:9, Ethiopic quire number:
Collation diagram Quire 10 71 78 Unit #1 Unit #2 Unit #3 Unit #4

3, stub after 5 6, stub after 2 8, stub after 1
Quire ID:q11, number:10
Collation diagram Quire 11 79 87 Unit #1 Unit #2 Unit #3 Unit #4 Unit #5 Unit #6

Quire ID:q12, number:11, Ethiopic quire number:
Collation diagram Quire 12 88 95 Unit #1 Unit #2 Unit #3 Unit #4

Quire ID:q13, number:12, Ethiopic quire number:
Collation diagram Quire 13 96 103 Unit #1 Unit #2 Unit #3 Unit #4

Quire ID:q14, number:13, Ethiopic quire number:
Collation diagram Quire 14 104 109 Unit #1 Unit #2 Unit #3

Quire ID:q15, number:14
Collation diagram Quire 15 110 115 Unit #1 Unit #2 Unit #3

Quire ID:q16, number:15, Ethiopic quire number:
Collation diagram Quire 16 116 121 Unit #1 Unit #2 Unit #3

3, stub after 7
Quire ID:q17, number:16, Ethiopic quire number:
Collation diagram Quire 17 122 130 Unit #1 Unit #2 Unit #3 Unit #4 Unit #5

3, stub after 5
Quire ID:q18, number:17, Ethiopic quire number:
Collation diagram Quire 18 131 137 Unit #1 Unit #2 Unit #3 Unit #4

6, stub after 3
Quire ID:q19, number:18, Ethiopic quire number:
Collation diagram Quire 19 138 146 Unit #1 Unit #2 Unit #3 Unit #4 Unit #5

6, stub after 3
Quire ID:q20, number:19, Ethiopic quire number:
Collation diagram Quire 20 147 155 Unit #1 Unit #2 Unit #3 Unit #4 Unit #5

6, stub after 3
Quire ID:q21, number:20, Ethiopic quire number:
Collation diagram Quire 21 156 164 Unit #1 Unit #2 Unit #3 Unit #4 Unit #5

4, stub after 5
Quire ID:q22, number:21, Ethiopic quire number:
Collation diagram Quire 22 165 173 Unit #1 Unit #2 Unit #3 Unit #4 Unit #5

4, stub after 5
Quire ID:q23, number:22, Ethiopic quire number:
Collation diagram Quire 23 174 182 Unit #1 Unit #2 Unit #3 Unit #4 Unit #5

6, stub after 3
Quire ID:q24, number:23, Ethiopic quire number:
Collation diagram Quire 24 183 191 Unit #1 Unit #2 Unit #3 Unit #4 Unit #5

6, stub after 3
Quire ID:q25, number:24, Ethiopic quire number:
Collation diagram Quire 25 192 200 Unit #1 Unit #2 Unit #3 Unit #4 Unit #5

3, stub after 5 6, stub after 3
Quire ID:q26, number:25, Ethiopic quire number:
Collation diagram Quire 26 201 208 Unit #1 Unit #2 Unit #3 Unit #4 Unit #5

3, stub after 7
Quire ID:q27, number:26, Ethiopic quire number:
Collation diagram Quire 27 209 217 Unit #1 Unit #2 Unit #3 Unit #4 Unit #5

Quire ID:q28, number:27, Ethiopic quire number:
Collation diagram Quire 28 218 225 Unit #1 Unit #2 Unit #3 Unit #4

4, stub after 6
Quire ID:q29, number:28, Ethiopic quire number: ፲፩
Collation diagram Quire 29 226 234 Unit #1 Unit #2 Unit #3 Unit #4 Unit #5

2, stub after 5 5, stub after 2
Quire ID:q30, number:29, Ethiopic quire number: ፲፪
Collation diagram Quire 30 235 240 Unit #1 Unit #2 Unit #3 Unit #4

Ethio-SPaRe formula : A(2/No image availableFols ir–iiv) – I(4/No image availableFols 1r–4v) – II(10+1/s.l. 5, stub after 6/No image availableFols 5r–15v) – ፩III(8+2/s.l. 3, stub after 8; s.l. 8, stub after 3/No image availableFols 16r–25v) – ፪IV(10/No image availableFols 26r–35v) – V(8+2/s.l. 3, stub after 8; s.l. 8, stub after 3/No image availableFols 36r–45v) – ፬VI(8/No image availableFols 46r–53v) – ፭VII(8/No image availableFols 54r–61v) – ፮VIII(6+1/s.l. 8, stub after 1/No image availableFols 62r–70v) – ፯IX(8/No image availableFols 71r–78v) – X(6+3/s.l. 3, stub after 5; s.l. 6, stub after 2; s.l. 8, stub after 1/No image availableFols 79r–87v) – ፩XI(8/No image availableFols 88r–95v) – ፪XII(8/No image availableFols 96r–103v) – ፫XIII(6/No image availableFols 104r–109v) – XIV(6/No image availableFols 110r–115v) – ፭XV(6/No image availableFols 116r–124v) – ፮XVI(8+1/s.l. 3, stub after 7/No image availableFols 125r–133v) – ፯XVII(6+1/s.l. 3, stub after 5/No image availableFols 134r–140v) – ፩XVIII(8+1/s.l. 6, stub after 3/No image availableFols 141r–149v) – ፪XIX(8+1/s.l. 6, stub after 3/No image availableFols 150r–158v) – ፫XX(8+1/s.l. 6, stub after 3/No image availableFols 159r–167v) – ፬XXI(8+1/s.l. 4, stub after 5/No image availableFols 168r–176v) – ፭XXII(8+1/s.l. 4, stub after 5/No image availableFols 177r–185v) – ፮XXIII(8+1/s.l. 6, stub after 3/No image availableFols 186r–194v) – ፯XXIV(8+1/s.l. 6, stub after 3/No image availableFols 195r–203v) – ፰XXV(6+2/s.l. 3, stub after 5; s.l. 6, stub after 3/No image availableFols 204r–211v) – ፱XXVI(8+1/s.l. 3, stub after 7/No image availableFols 212r–220v) – ፲XXVII(8/No image availableFols 221r–228v) – ፲፩XXVIII(8+1/s.l. 4, stub after 6/No image availableFols 229r–237v) – ፲፪XXIX(4+2/s.l. 2, stub after 5; s.l. 5, stub after 2/No image availableFols 238r–243v) –

Formula: No image availableFols ir–iiv ; No image availableFols 1r–4v ; No image availableFols 5r–15v 5, stub after 6 ; No image availableFols 16r–25v 3, stub after 8 8, stub after 3 ; No image availableFols 26r–35v ; No image availableFols 36r–45v 3, stub after 8 8, stub after 3 ; No image availableFols 46r–53v ; No image availableFols 54r–61v ; No image availableFols 62r–70v 8, stub after 1 ; No image availableFols 71r–78v ; No image availableFols 79r–87v 3, stub after 5 6, stub after 2 8, stub after 1 ; No image availableFols 88r–95v ; No image availableFols 96r–103v ; No image availableFols 104r–109v ; No image availableFols 110r–115v ; No image availableFols 116r–124v ; No image availableFols 125r–133v 3, stub after 7 ; No image availableFols 134r–140v 3, stub after 5 ; No image availableFols 141r–149v 6, stub after 3 ; No image availableFols 150r–158v 6, stub after 3 ; No image availableFols 159r–167v 6, stub after 3 ; No image availableFols 168r–176v 4, stub after 5 ; No image availableFols 177r–185v 4, stub after 5 ; No image availableFols 186r–194v 6, stub after 3 ; No image availableFols 195r–203v 6, stub after 3 ; No image availableFols 204r–211v 3, stub after 5 6, stub after 3 ; No image availableFols 212r–220v 3, stub after 7 ; No image availableFols 221r–228v ; No image availableFols 229r–237v 4, stub after 6 ; No image availableFols 238r–243v 2, stub after 5 5, stub after 2 ;

Formula 1: 1 (2), 2 (4), 3 (11), 4 (10), 5 (10), 6 (10), 7 (8), 8 (8), 9 (7), 10 (8), 11 (9), 12 (8), 13 (8), 14 (6), 15 (6), 16 (6), 17 (9), 18 (7), 19 (9), 20 (9), 21 (9), 22 (9), 23 (9), 24 (9), 25 (9), 26 (8), 27 (9), 28 (8), 29 (9), 30 (6),

Formula 2: 1 (2), 2 (4), 3 (11), 4 (10), 5 (10), 6 (10), 7 (8), 8 (8), 9 (7), 10 (8), 11 (9), 12 (8), 13 (8), 14 (6), 15 (6), 16 (6), 17 (9), 18 (7), 19 (9), 20 (9), 21 (9), 22 (9), 23 (9), 24 (9), 25 (9), 26 (8), 27 (9), 28 (8), 29 (9), 30 (6),

State of preservation




Two wooden boards covered with reddish-brown tooled leather (the tooled cross of unusual shape).

Sewing Stations



Endbands intact.

Binding material




Original binding



Layout note 1(check the viewerFols 1r–243v )

Number of columns: 2

Number of lines: 20-22


  • Hand 1

    Script: Ethiopic

    Ink: Black, red

    Date: 1600-1799

    1600-1799 Good, somewhat irregular.
    • Publication Statement

      Hiob-Ludolf-Zentrum für Äthiopistik
      Die Schriftkultur des christlichen Äthiopiens und Eritreas: Eine multimediale Forschungsumgebung / Beta maṣāḥǝft
      This file is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0.
      17.12.2024 at 11:45:15
    info value
    Standard date ፸፻ወ፩ወ፻፡ ዓመተ፡ ምህረት፡ ወሠረቀ፡ ሌሊትኒ፡ ፰ወመዓልትኒ፡ ፳
    Date in current calendar 7141
    Calendar ethiopian

    Select one of the keywords listed from the record to see related data

    No keyword selected.
    This page contains RDFa. RDF+XML graph of this resource. Alternate representations available via VoID. public annotations pointing here

    Use the tag BetMas:BNFabb195 in your public annotations which refer to this entity.


    Suggested citation of this record

    Denis Nosnitsin, ʻParis, Bibliothèque nationale de France, BnF Éthiopien d'Abbadie 195 (encoded from the catalogue)ʼ, in Die Schriftkultur des christlichen Äthiopiens und Eritreas: Eine multimediale Forschungsumgebung / Beta maṣāḥǝft (Last Modified: 2020-08-12) [Accessed: 2024-12-26]

    To cite a precise version, please, click on load permalinks and to the desired version (see documentation on permalinks), then import the metadata or copy the below, with the correct link.


    Revision history

    • Denis Nosnitsin Created entity on 12.8.2020

    Attribution of the content

    Alessandro Bausi, general editor

    Denis Nosnitsin, editor

    This file is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0.