There are 15 entities matching your text query for "ሰብሳብ" with the parameters shown at the right. (searched: ሰብሳብ)
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20, EMIP 674Short Description
This parchment codex is composed ofበስመ፡ አብ፡ እጽሕፍ፡ መጽሐፈ፡ ተክሊል፡ ዘውእቱ፡ ሕገ፡ ሰብሳብ፡ ወዝውእቱ፡ ቀዳማዊ፡ ጸሎት፡ ዘይትነበብ፡ በላዕለ፡ አልባሳት፡ ዘመ...
EMML 1194, MS EMML no. 1194, UNESCO 5-25, UNESCO Collection 5, Holy Trinity 25, EMIP 2924Short Description
This paper codex is composed of leaves. It has 26 main content units in 1 codicological unit. Available dates of origin in the description: 1965-1966. There is 1 hand described with Ethiopic script attested. The description does not include a collation of the quires.ʾAkko-nu bǝʾsi
CAe 4274Clavis Aethiopica, an ongoing repertory of all known Ethiopic Textual Units. Use this to refer univocally to a specific text in your publications. Please note that this shares only the numeric part with the Textual Unit Record Identifier.
... ወላዲት፡ አምላክ፡ ማርያም፡ እንበለ፡ ሰብሳብ፡ ወሩካቤ፨ በይነ፡ ዘአቅረብኩ...
Chronicle of Galāwdewos
CAe 3122Clavis Aethiopica, an ongoing repertory of all known Ethiopic Textual Units. Use this to refer univocally to a specific text in your publications. Please note that this shares only the numeric part with the Textual Unit Record Identifier.
Author attributions
- Oxford, Bodleian Library, Bodleian Bruce 88
- London, British Library, BL Oriental 821
- Paris, Bibliothèque nationale de France, BnF Éthiopien 143
- Frankfurt, Universitätsbibliothek Johann Christian Senckenberg, Frankfurt Ms. or. 38
- Paris, Bibliothèque nationale de France, BnF Éthiopien d'Abbadie 118
- Ethiopia, Tadbāba Māryām, not catalogued
ʾƎm-maḫḍana gʷǝrʿe wa-ʾaf wa-ʾanqasa ləsān ṣabib, ... (Qǝne of ʿǝṭāna mogar type)
CAe 6960Clavis Aethiopica, an ongoing repertory of all known Ethiopic Textual Units. Use this to refer univocally to a specific text in your publications. Please note that this shares only the numeric part with the Textual Unit Record Identifier.
Author attributions
The poem is referred to as Qǝne of the type ʿǝṭāna mogar, in , and attributed to Śarḍa Māryām.እንበለ፡ ሩካቤ፡ ወሥሩዕ፡ ሰብሳብ።
MY-014Short Description
This parchment codex is composed of... መጽሐፈ፡ ተክሊል፡ ዘውእቱ፡ ሕገ፡ ሰብሳብ፡ The text ...
ወካዕበ፡ ጸሎት፡ ዘይትነበብ፡ ላዕለ፡ ሰብሳብ፨ እምጳውሎስ፡ ዘኤፌሶን፨ ወአንስትኒ፡
Introductory text and hymn to the Miracles of Mary
CAe 6024Clavis Aethiopica, an ongoing repertory of all known Ethiopic Textual Units. Use this to refer univocally to a specific text in your publications. Please note that this shares only the numeric part with the Textual Unit Record Identifier.
Introductory text to the Miracles of Mary, consisting of a short introduction and the hymn , which is also contained within .ወላዲተ፡ አምላክ፡ ማርያም፡ እንበለ፡ ሰብሳብ፡ ወሩካቤ፡ በል፨ ወእምዝ፡ ሰላም፡ ለኪ፡ ማ...
Kǝbra nagaśt
CAe 1709Clavis Aethiopica, an ongoing repertory of all known Ethiopic Textual Units. Use this to refer univocally to a specific text in your publications. Please note that this shares only the numeric part with the Textual Unit Record Identifier.
Author attributions
- Paris, Bibliothèque nationale de France, BnF Éthiopien 5
- Paris, Bibliothèque nationale de France, BnF Éthiopien 146
- Paris, Bibliothèque nationale de France, BnF Éthiopien d'Abbadie 152
- London, British Library, BL Oriental 818
- ʾAddis ʾAbabā, Qǝddus Rāguʾel Church, EMML 50
- Rome, Biblioteca dell’Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei, ANL Conti Rossini 27
- Oxford, Bodleian Library, Bodleian Bruce 87
- Oxford, Bodleian Library, Bodleian Bruce 93
- Berlin, Berlin State Library, SPK Ms. or. fol. 395
The Kǝbra nagaśt is a kind of historical novel intended to justify the Solomonic dynasty by demonstrating its Israelite descent....ስሰ ፡ ተውህቦሙ ፡ ይንበሩ ፡ በአሐቲ ፡ ብእሲት ፡ በሕገ ፡ ሰብሳብ ፤ ወሠርዑ ፡ ሎሙ ፡ ሐዋርያት ፡ እንዘ ፡ ይብሉ ...
BL Oriental 550, Wright cat. CXXXVII, Wright 137Short Description
This parchment codex is composed ofመጽሐፈ፡ ተክሊል፡ ዘውእቱ፡ ሕገ፡ ሰብሳብ፡
BL Oriental 573, Wright cat. CXC, Wright 190Short Description
This parchment codex is composed ofሰላም፡ ለፅንሠትከ፡ በሥርዓተ፡ ሰብሳብ፡ ዘተጽሐፈ።
Malkǝʾ-hymn to St Jacob son of Alpheus
CAe 2918Clavis Aethiopica, an ongoing repertory of all known Ethiopic Textual Units. Use this to refer univocally to a specific text in your publications. Please note that this shares only the numeric part with the Textual Unit Record Identifier.
ሰላም፡ ለፅንሰትከ፡ በሥርዐተ፡ ሰብሳብ፡ ዘተጽሕፈ።
Malkǝʾ-hymn to the Cross, John the Evangelist, and the Apostles
CAe 4615Clavis Aethiopica, an ongoing repertory of all known Ethiopic Textual Units. Use this to refer univocally to a specific text in your publications. Please note that this shares only the numeric part with the Textual Unit Record Identifier.
Bodleian Bruce 86, Dillmann cat. XVI, Dillmann 16Short Description
This parchment codex is composed of... ሕፄ፡ ወውሂበ፡ ንዋይ፡ ዘዐቅሞ፡ ሰብሳብ፡ ወአውስቦ፡
BnF Éthiopien d'Abbadie 57Short Description
This parchment codex is composed of... ኬነት፡ ወበዘዚአሁ፡ ጥበብ። እንበለ፡ ሩካቤ፡ ወሥሩዕ፡ ሰብሳብ። ለሠርፀ፡ ድንግል፡ ክርስቶስ፡ ባሕቱ፡ በጎለ፡ ምልክና፡ ...
Ṣalota maʿassǝbān
CAe 2261Clavis Aethiopica, an ongoing repertory of all known Ethiopic Textual Units. Use this to refer univocally to a specific text in your publications. Please note that this shares only the numeric part with the Textual Unit Record Identifier.
ጸሎተ፡ ሰብሳብ፡ ካልአ፡