Solomon Gebreyes
Period of Activity
He was the ruler of Dawāro↗ , tributory to the Christian king ʾaṣe role: title ʿAmda Ṣǝyon I↗ in the 1330s. He allied in conspiracy with the rebellious Walāšmāʿ↗ ruler of Ifāt↗ , Ṣabraddīn I Muḥammad b. Dalḥūy↗ . However, ʾaṣe role: title ʿAmda Ṣǝyon I↗ foiled the plot of Ḥaydarā ↗ and his ally, Ṣabraddīn I Muḥammad b. Dalḥūy↗ and led a military campaign in 1332. The forces of ʾaṣe role: title ʿAmda Ṣǝyon I↗ captured Ḥaydarā ↗ and bounded him in chains and ravaged the whole Dawāro↗ region. Then after, Dawāro↗ region was placed under territorial domain of Ǧamāladdīn [II] b. Dalḥūy b. Manṣūr↗ as a tributary of the Christian kingdom.
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- birth: ሐይደራ፡ gez
Period of activity: 1330–1339
Editions Bibliography Secondary Bibliography
Editions Bibliography
Kropp, M., ed., 1994. Der siegreiche Feldzug des Königs ʿĀmda-Ṣeyon gegen die Muslime in Adal im Jahre 1332 n. Chr., Corpus Scriptorum Christianorum Orientalium, 538, Scriptores Aethiopici, 99 (Louvain: Peeters, 1994).
Marrassini, P. 1993. Lo scettro e la croce: La campagna di ʿAmda Ṣeyon I contro l’Ifāt (1332), ed., tr. P. Marrassini, Studi Africanistici, Serie Etiopica, 4 (Napoli: Istituto Universitario Orientale, Dipartimento di Studi e Ricerche su Africa e Paesi Arabi, 1993).
Huntingford, G. W. B. 1965. The Glorious Victories of ʿĀmda Ṣeyon King of Ethiopia, tr. G. W. B. Huntingford, The Oxford Library of African Literature (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1965).
Secondary Bibliography
Muth, F.-C. 2005. ‘Ḥaydära’, in S. Uhlig, ed., Encyclopaedia Aethiopica, II (Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag, 2005), 1055a-b.
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