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Descriptions of (predominantly) Christian manuscripts from Ethiopia and Eritrea are the core of the Beta maṣāḥǝft project. We (1) gradually encode descriptions from printed catalogues, beginning from the historical ones, (2) incorporate digital descriptions produced by other projects, adjusting them wherever possible, and (3) produce descriptions of previously unknown and/or uncatalogued manuscripts. The encoding follows the TEI XML standards (check our guidelines).
We identify each unit of content in every manuscript. We consider any text with an independent circulation a work, with its own identification number within the Clavis Aethiopica (CAe). Parts of texts (e.g. chapters) without independent circulation (univocally identifiable by IDs assigned within the records) or recurrent motifs as well as documentary additional texts (identified as Narrative Units) are not part of the CAe. You can also check the list of different types of text titles or various Indexes available from the top menu.
The clavis is a repertory of all known works relevant for the Ethiopian and Eritrean tradition; the work being defined as any text with an independent circulation. Each work (as well as known recensions where applicable) receives a unique identifier in the Clavis Aethiopica (CAe). In the filter search offered here one can search for a work by its title, a keyword, a short quotation, but also directly by its CAe identifier - or, wherever known and provided, identifier used by other claves, including Bibliotheca Hagiographica Graeca (BHG), Clavis Patrum Graecorum (CPG), Clavis Coptica (CC), Clavis Apocryphorum Veteris Testamenti (CAVT), Clavis Apocryphorum Novi Testamenti (CANT), etc. The project additionally identifies Narrative Units to refer to text types, where no clavis identification is possible or necessary. Recurring motifs or also frequently documentary additiones are assigned a Narrative Unit ID, or thematically clearly demarkated passages from various recensions of a larger work. This list view shows the documentary collections encoded by the project Ethiopian Manuscript Archives (EMA) and its successor EthioChrisProcess - Christianization and religious interactions in Ethiopia (6th-13th century) : comparative approaches with Nubia and Egypt, which aim to edit the corpus of administrative acts of the Christian kingdom of Ethiopia, for medieval and modern periods. See also the list of documents contained in the additiones in the manuscripts described by the Beta maṣāḥǝft project . Works of interest to Ethiopian and Eritrean studies.
While encoding manuscripts, the project Beta maṣāḥǝft aims at creating an exhaustive repertory of art themes and techniques present in Ethiopian and Eritrean Christian tradition. See our encoding guidelines for details. Two types of searches for aspects of manuscript decoration are possible, the decorations filtered search and the general keyword search.
The filtered search for decorations, originally designed with Jacopo Gnisci, looks at decorations and their features only. The filters on the left are relative only to the selected features, reading the legends will help you to figure out what you can filter. For example you can search for all encoded decorations of a specific art theme, or search the encoded legends. If the decorations are present, but not encoded, you will not get them in the results. If an image is available, you will also find a thumbnail linking to the image viewer. [NB: The Index of Decorations currently often times out, we are sorry for the inconvenience.] You can search for particular motifs or aspects, including style, also through the keyword search. Just click on "Art keywords" and "Art themes" on the left to browse through the options. This is a short cut to a search for all those manuscripts which have miniatures of which we have images.
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This tab offers a filtrable list of all available places. Geographical references of the type "land inhabited by people XXX" is encoded with the reference to the corresponding Ethnic unit (see below); ethnonyms, even those used in geographical contexts, do not appear in this list. Repositories are those locations where manuscripts encoded by the project are or used to be preserved. While they are encoded in the same way as all places are, the view offered is different, showing a list of manuscripts associated with the repository.
We create metadata for all persons (and groups of persons) associated with the manuscript production and circulation (rulers, religious authorities, scribes, donors, and commissioners) as well as those mentioned in the texts used by the project. The result will be a comprehensive Prosopography of the Ethiopian and Eritrean tradition. See also Help page for more guidance.
We encode persons according to our Encoding Guidelines. The initial list was inherited from the Encyclopaedia Aethiopica, and there are still many inconsistencies that we are trying to gradually fix. We consider ethnonyms as a subcategory of personal names, even when many are often used in literary works in the context of the "land inhabited by **". The present list of records has been mostly inherited from the Encyclopaedia Aethiopica, and there are still many inconsistencies that we are trying to gradually fix.
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Gulo Maḵadā, Dabra Māʿṣo Qǝddus Yoḥannǝs, MY-006

Stéphane Ancel (cataloguer), Denis Nosnitsin

This manuscript description is based on the catalogues listed in the Catalogue Bibliography

Work in Progress
Dabra Māʿṣo Qǝddus Yoḥannǝs[view repository]

Collection: Ethio-SPaRe

General description

ʾArbāʿtu wangel “Four Gospels”

Number of Text units: 28

Number of Codicological units: 1

For a table of all relations from and to this record, please go to the Relations view. In the Relations boxes on the right of this page, you can also find all available relations grouped by name.


Mid-eighteenth/mid-nineteenth century script. The first part of the name of the original commissioner, ʾAʾzana Krǝstos , has been erased from the text, but the name has been preserved in full in the supplication furmula on [link]. On 19r not found in this file and elsewhere the name of “his assistant” (radǝʾu) is mentioned, also half-erased, the first part is readable as “Walda”.


According to Addition 1, the manuscript was donated to Dabra Māʿṣo Qǝddus Yoḥannǝs by rās Sǝbḥāt ʾAragāwi , (1844-1914), the governor of ʿAgama , obviously after he was elevated to the rank of rās in 1892.


  1. ms_i1 (check the viewerFols 3ra–217vb ), Four Gospels
    1. ms_i1.1 (check the viewerFols 3ra–17rb ), Prefatory part
      1. ms_i1.1.1 (check the viewerFols 3ra–9va ), Maqdǝma wangel
      2. ms_i1.1.2 (check the viewerFols 9vb–10rb, check the viewer17ra–17rb ), Letter of Eusebius to Carpianus
      3. ms_i1.1.3 (check the viewerFols 11ra–16ra ), Canon tables, finely drawn; each Ammonian section is accompanied by a short text quotation.
      4. ms_i1.1.4 (check the viewerFols 17ra–17rb ), The Exaltation of the Gospels
  2. ms_i1.2 (check the viewerFols 17rb–17vb ), Gospel of Matthew
    1. ms_i1.2.1 (check the viewerFol. 17rb ), Statement on the Eusebian Sections in the Gospel of Matthew
    2. ms_i1.2.2 (check the viewerFols 17rb–17vb ), List of the “tituli” for the Gospel of Matthew, 69 titles
  3. ms_i1.3 (check the viewerFols 18ra–18rb ), Gospel of John
    1. ms_i1.3.1 (check the viewerFols 18ra–18rb ), Biography of John
    2. ms_i1.3.2 (check the viewerFol. 18rb ), Statement on the Eusebian Sections in the Gospel of John
    3. ms_i1.3.3 (check the viewerFol. 18rb ), List of the “tituli” for the Gospel of John, 20 titles
  4. ms_i1.4 (check the viewerFols 17ra–71vb ), Gospel of Matthew
    1. ms_i1.4.1 (check the viewerFols 17ra–71vb ), Bǝsrāta Mātewos
    2. ms_i1.5 (check the viewerFols 72ra–106 ), Gospel of Mark
      1. ms_i1.5.1 (check the viewerFols 72ra–72rb ), Wangel za-Mārqos, Introduction and Biography of Mark
      2. ms_i1.5.2 (check the viewerFol. 17rb ), Statement on the Eusebian Sections in the Gospel of Mark
      3. ms_i1.5.3 (check the viewerFols 72va–73ra ), List of the “tituli” for the Gospel of Mark, 48 titles
      4. ms_i1.5.4 (check the viewerFols 74ra–105vb ), Bǝsrāta Mārqos
    3. ms_i1.6 (check the viewerFols 106ra–106rb ), Wangel za-Luqās
      1. ms_i1.6.1 (check the viewerFols 106ra–106rb ), Supplication preceeding the Gospel of Luke
      2. ms_i1.6.2 (check the viewerFols 106va–106vb ), Wangel za-Luqās, Introduction and Biography of Luke
      3. ms_i1.6.3 (check the viewerFols 107va–107vb ), Statement on the Eusebian Sections in the Gospel of Luke
      4. ms_i1.6.4 (check the viewerFols 107ra–108ra ), Wangel za-Luqās, Tituli of the Gospel of Luke
      5. ms_i1.7.3 (check the viewerFols 109ra–160va ), Gospel of Luke
    4. ms_i1.7 (check the viewerFols 161ra–217vb ), Gospel of John
      1. ms_i1.7.1 (check the viewerFols 161ra–217vb ), Gospel of John


check the viewerFols 3ra–217vb Four Gospels (CAe 1560)

check the viewerFols 3ra–17rb Prefatory part (CAe 2705)

check the viewerFols 3ra–9va Maqdǝma wangel (CAe 4872)

Language of text:

Incipit (Gǝʿǝz ):በስመ፡ አብ፡ ወወልድ፡ ወመንፈስ፡ ቅዱስ፡ ፩አምላክ፡ ዘለዓለም፨ ንቀድም። በረድኤተ፡ እግዚአብሔር፡ ዘሎቱ፡ ስብሐት፡ ወወይትለዓል፡ ክብሩ፡ ወፍጽምናሁ፡ ዘእምኔሁ፡ ሢመተ፡ ኵሉ፡ ኃይል፡ ወቦቱ፡ ተፈጻሜተ፡ ኵሉ፡ ስእለት፨ ወኀቤሁ፡ ምብጻሐ፡ ኵሉ፡ አስተብቊዖት፨ በጽሒፈ፡ መቅድመ፡ ፬ወንጌላት፡ ቅዱሳት፡ ወ፲ዓቅማራት፡ በሰላመ፡ እግዚአብሔር፡ አሜን፨ ወእምድኅረ፡ ዝንቱ፡ ይሤኒ፡ ዘይቅድም፡ መቅድመ፡ ነገር፡ ፍሡሕ፡

(The text is somewhat shorter than “Introduction to the Gospels” provided in Cowley 1977; a small part of “Seventh Period of Instruction” and stops at the words “John 99 lines”, Cowley 1977. The rest of the “Seventh Period” and the entire “Eigth Period of Instruction” are missing. The part Synopsis of classes is also missing.)

check the viewerFols 9vb–10rb, check the viewer17ra–17rb Letter of Eusebius to Carpianus (CAe 1349)

Language of text:

Incipit (Gǝʿǝz ):አውሴብስ፡ ዘቆጵርያኖስ፡ ለዘአፈቅር፡ አኁየ፡ ፍሥሐ፡ ወጻኅና፡ ለከ፡ እምኀበ፡ እግዚአብሔር፨ አምኔዎስ፡ እንከ፡ እለ፡ እስክንድራዊ፡ በብዙሕ፡ አስተሐምሞ፡ ወጸሒቅ፡ ነገረ፡ ወኃደገ፡ ለነ፡ ቃለ፡ ዘከመ፡ ሀበሩ፡ ፬ወንጌላት፨ ወእምዝ፡ አርእስተ፡ ምንባባት፨

(The text stops at the words “at the side of the number there is a sign of a cross”, cp. Cowley 1977.)

check the viewerFols 17ra–17rb The Exaltation of the Gospels (CAe 2705 Exaltation)

Language of text:

Incipit (Gǝʿǝz ):በስመ፡ አሐዱ፡ አሐዱ (!) sic by Denis Nosnitsin፡ አምላክ፡ አብ፡ ወወልድ፡ ወመንፈስ፡ ቅዱስ፨ ስብሐት፡ ለእግዚአብሔር፡ መዓርገ፡ ወንጌል፡ ወዝማሬ፡ ዘበአማን፡ በተአምራት፡ ግሁዳት፡ እምኀበ፡ ኵሎሙ፡ ሐዋርያት፡ ወመንግራት፡ መዋዔ፡ ኵሉ፡ ልቡናት፨ ወተከሥተ፡ ሎቱ፡ ጽድቀ፡ ሃይማኖት፨

check the viewerFols 17rb–17vb Gospel of Matthew (CAe 1558)

Language of text:

check the viewerFol. 17rb Statement on the Eusebian Sections in the Gospel of Matthew (CAe 1558 EusebianSectionsMatthew)

Language of text:

Incipit (Gǝʿǝz ): ወኊልቈ፡ ምዕራፋቲሁ፡ ንዑሳን፡ ፫፻፶፭ወእምኔሁ፡ ዘይሰነአዉ፡ ቦቱ፡ ዜና፡

check the viewerFols 17rb–17vb List of the “tituli” for the Gospel of Matthew, 69 titles (CAe 2709 TituliMatthew)

Language of text:

Incipit (Gǝʿǝz ):
፩በእንተ፡ ሰብአ፡ ሰገል፨
፪በእንተ፡ ቀትለተ፡ ሕፃናት፨
፫በእንተ፡ ስብከተ፡ ዮሓንስ፨

check the viewerFols 18ra–18rb Gospel of John (CAe 1693)

Language of text:

check the viewerFols 18ra–18rb Biography of John (CAe 1693 BiographyJohn)

Language of text:

Incipit (Gǝʿǝz ): በስመ፡ እግዚአብሔር፡ ዘይዋሕድ፡ በመለኮት፡ ወይሴለስ፡ በአካላት፡ መቅደመ፡ ወንጌሉ፡ ለዮሐንስ፡ ፍጻሜ፡ ብስራት፨ ዝንቱ፡ ዮሐንስ፡ ፩እም፲ወ፪ሐዋርያት፨ ስማ፡ ለእሙ፡ ባወፍምያ። ወካዕበ፡ ተሰምየት፡ ማርያም፡

check the viewerFol. 18rb Statement on the Eusebian Sections in the Gospel of John (CAe 1693 EusebianSectionsJohn)

Language of text:

Incipit (Gǝʿǝz ): ወኊልቈ፡ ምዕራፋቲሁ፡ ወንጌሉ፡ ንዑሳን፡ ፪፻፴ወ፪ወእምኔሁ፡ ዘዜነዉ፡ ቦቱ፡

check the viewerFol. 18rb List of the “tituli” for the Gospel of John, 20 titles (CAe 1693 TituliJohn)

Language of text:

Incipit (Gǝʿǝz ):
፩በእንተ፡ ተአምር፡ ዘቃና፡ ዘገሊላ፨
፪ዘከመ፡ ሰደደ፡ እምኵራብ፨
፫በእንተ፡ ኒቆዲሞስ፨

check the viewerFols 17ra–71vb Gospel of Matthew (CAe 1558)

check the viewerFols 17ra–71vb Bǝsrāta Mātewosዘቅዱስ፡ ማቴዎስ፡ (CAe 2709)

Language of text:

Incipit (Gǝʿǝz ): check the viewerFols 17ra–71vb ብስራተ፡ ማቴዎስ፡ ሐዋርያ፡ አሐዱ፡ እምዓሥርቱ፡ ወክልኤቱ፡ ሐዋርያት፨ ጸሎቱ፡ ወበረከቱ፡ ወኃይለ፡ ረዴቱ፡ የሀሉ።
ምስለ፡ ፍቁሩ፡ ፡ ክርስቶስ። ወምስለ፡ ረድኡ፡ ወልደ፡ ። ለዓለመ፡ ዓለም፨ አሜን፨ አሜን፨ ወአሜን፨ ፨
መጽሐፈ፡ ልደቱ፡ ለእግዚእነ፡ ኢየሱስ፡ ክርስቶስ፡ ወልደ፡ ዳዊት፨ ወልደ፡ አብርሃም፨


check the viewerFol. 71vb

መልአ፡ ጽሕፈተ፡ ብስራቱ፡ ለማቴዎስ፡ ሐዋርያ፡ ወኮነ፡ ጸሐፎ፡ በምድረ፡ ፍልስጥዔም፡ በአስተሕምሞ፡ መንፈስ፡ ቀዱስ፡ ዕብራይስጣዊ፨ (…)ommission by Denis Nosnitsin

check the viewerFols 72ra–106 Gospel of Mark (CAe 1882)

Language of text:

check the viewerFols 72ra–72rb Wangel za-Mārqos, Introduction and Biography of Mark (CAe 1882 BiographyMark)

Language of text:

Incipit (Gǝʿǝz ): በስመ፡ እግዚአብሔር፡ ሕያው፡ እስከ፡ ለዓለም፡ ወበኢየሱስ፡ ክርስቶስ፡ ቀዳማዊ፡ ወመንፈስ፡ ቅዱስ፡ ማሕየዊ፨ ዝንቱ፡ ማርቆስ፡ ሐዋርያ፡ ሊቀ፡ ጳጳሳት፡ ቅዱስ፡ ወድንግል፨

check the viewerFol. 17rb Statement on the Eusebian Sections in the Gospel of Mark (CAe 1882 EusebianSectionsMark)

Language of text:

Incipit (Gǝʿǝz ): ወኊልቈ፡ ምዕራፋቲሁ፡ ንዑሳን፡ ፪፻፡፴፯ወእምኔሁ፡ ዘዜነዉ፡ ቦቱ፡ ካልአኒሁ፡

check the viewerFols 72va–73ra List of the “tituli” for the Gospel of Mark, 48 titles (CAe 1882 TituliMark)

Language of text:

Incipit (Gǝʿǝz ):
፩በእንተ፡ አውፅኦተ፡ ጋኔን፨
፪በእንተ፡ ሐማተ፡ ጴጥሮስ፨
፫በእንተ፡ እለ፡ ተፈወሱ፡ እምብዙኅ፡ ደዌሆሙ፨

check the viewerFols 74ra–105vb Bǝsrāta Mārqosማርቆስ (CAe 2711)

Language of text:

Incipit (Gǝʿǝz ): check the viewerFols 74ra–74rb ብስራተ፡ አብ፡ ሐዋርያ፡ ማሪ፡ ማርቆስ፡ ወንጌላዊ፡ አሐዱ፡ እምሰብአ፡ ወክልኤቱ፡ አርድእት። ጸሎቱ፡

ወበረከቱ፡ ወኃይለ፡ ረድኤቱ፡ የሀሉ፡ ምስለ፡ ገብሩ፡፡ ክርስቶስ፡ዓለመ፡ ዓለም፡ አሜን።

ይቤ፡ ቀዳሚሁ፡ ለወንጌለ፡ ኢየሱስ፡ ክርስቶስ፡ ወልደ፡ እግዚአብሔር፡ በከመ፡ ጽሑፍ፡ ውስተ፡ ምጽሐፈ፡ ኢሳይያስ፡ ንቢይ፨


check the viewerFols 105vb–106ra

መልአ፡ ጽሕፈተ፡ ብስራቱ፡ ለማርቆስ፡ ሐዋርያ፡ ወኮነ፡ ጸሐፎ፡ በልሳነ፡ ሮሜ፡ ዘአፍርንጊ፡ በሃገረ፡ ሮምያ፡(…)ommission by Denis Nosnitsin ጸሎቱ፡ ወበረከቱ፡ ለቅዱስ፡ ማርቆስ፡ የሀሉ፡ ምስለ፡ ገብሩ፡ አእዛነ፡ ክርስቶስ፡ ለዓለመ፡ ዓለም፡ አሜን፨

check the viewerFols 106ra–106rb Wangel za-Luqās (CAe 1812)

Language of text:

check the viewerFols 106ra–106rb Supplication preceeding the Gospel of Luke (CAe 1812 SupplicationPrefaceLuke)

Language of text:

Incipit (Gǝʿǝz ): በስመ፡ አብ፡ ወወልድ፡ ወመንፈስ፡ ቅዱስ፡ ፩፡ አምላክ፡ ዘመሀረነ፡ በረድኤቱ፡ እምድኅረ፡ ስሕተት፡ ወዑረት፨ ወአርኣየነ፡ ተመርሆ፡ እምድኅረ፡ እከይ፡ ወተኃጕሎት፡

(Half a column 106rb not found in this file is left blank.)

check the viewerFols 106va–106vb Wangel za-Luqās, Introduction and Biography of Luke (CAe 1812 BiographyLuke)

Language of text:

Incipit (Gǝʿǝz ): ንቀድም፡ በርድኤተ፡ እግዚአብሔር፡ በጸሒፈ፡ መቅደመ፡ ሉቃስ፡ ኅሩይ፡ አሐዱ፡ እምሰብአ፡ ወክልኤቱ፡ አርድእት፡ ኅሩያን፨ ዝንቱሰ፡ ሉቃስ፡ ነበረ፡ ዓቃቤ፡ ሥራይ፡

check the viewerFols 107va–107vb Statement on the Eusebian Sections in the Gospel of Luke (CAe 1812 EusebianSectionsLuke)

Language of text:

Incipit (Gǝʿǝz ): ወኊልቈ፡ ወኍልቈ፡ ኣርእስቲሁ፡ ንኡሳን፡ ፫፻፵ወ፪ወእምኔሁ፡ ዘዜነዉ፡ ቦቱ፡ ካልአኒሁ፡

check the viewerFols 107ra–108ra Wangel za-Luqās, Tituli of the Gospel of Luke (CAe 1812 TituliLuke)

Language of text:

Incipit (Gǝʿǝz ):
፩በእንተ፡ ጸሐፍት፨
፪በእንተ፡ ኖሎት፨
፫በእንተ፡ ስምዖን፡ ካህን፨

check the viewerFols 109ra–160va Gospel of Luke (CAe 2713)

Language of text:

Incipit (Gǝʿǝz ): check the viewerFols 109ra–109rb ብስራተ፡ አብ፡ ትሩፍ፡ ሉቃስ፡ አሐዱ፡ እምሰብአ፡ ወክልኤቱ፡ አርድእት። በረ

ከተ፡ ጸጋሁ፡ ወሀብተ፡ ረድኤቱ፡ ቅድስት፡ ተሀሉ፡ ምስለ፡ ፍቁሩ፡ ፡ ክርስቶስ። አሜን፡

እስመ፡ ብዙኃን፡ እለ፡ አኃዙ፡ ይውጥኑ፡ ወይንግሩ፡ ውይምሀሩ፡ ሥርዓተ፡ ዜና፡ ግብር፡ ዘንሕነ፡ ጠየቅናሁ፨


check the viewerFols 160vb and following

መልአ፡ ጽሕፈተ፡ ብስራተ፡ ሉቃስ፡ እንተ፡ ጸሐፎ፡ በዮናኒ፡ በሀገረ፡ ማቄዶንያ፡ እምድኅረ፡ ዕርገቱ፡ ለእግዚእነ፡ (…)ommission by Denis Nosnitsin

check the viewerFols 161ra–217vb Gospel of John (CAe 1693)

Language of text:

check the viewerFols 161ra–217vb Gospel of John (CAe 2715)

Language of text:

Incipit (Gǝʿǝz ): check the viewerFols 161ra–161rb ብስራተ፡ አብ፡ ትሩፍ፡ ረድእ፡ ተናጋሪ፡ በመለኮት፡ ዮሐንስ፡ ወልደ፡ ዘብዴዎስ፡ ፍቁሩ፡ እግዚእነ፡ ኢየሱስ፡ ክርስቶስ። በረከተ፡

ጸጋሁ፡ ወሀብተ፡ ረድኤቱ፡ ይኩን፡ ምስለ፡ ፍቁሩ፡ ክርስቶስ። ለዓለመ፡ ዓለም፡ አሜን፡ ወአሜን። ።

ቀዳሚሁ፡ ቃል፡ ውእቱ፡ ወውእቱ፡ ቃል፡ ኀበ፡ እግዚአብሔር፡ ውእቱ።


check the viewerFols 217vb–218vb

መልአ፡ ስብከተ፡ ዮሐንስ፡ ወልደ፡ ዘብዴዎስ፡ ሐዋርያ፡ አሐዱ፡ እምዓሥርቱ፡ ወክልኤቱ፡ ሐዋርያት፡ እንተ፡ ጸሐፎ፡ በሀገረ፡ ማቄዶንያ፡ እምድኅረ፡ ዕርገቱ፡ ለእግዚእነእንተ፡ ጸሓፎ፡ በዮናኒ፡ ለሰብኣ፡ ሀገረ፡ ኤፌሶን፡ እምድኅረ፡ ዕርገቱ፡ ለእግዚእነ፡ (…)ommission by Denis Nosnitsin

Additions In this unit there are in total 1 , 1 , 1 .

  1. check the viewerFols 73rb–73va (Type: DonationNote)

    ( gez ) ዝመጽሐፍ፡ ፬ወንጌል፡ ዘራስ፡ ስብሐት፡ donor ዘወሐቦ፡ ለቅዱስ፡ ዮሐንስ፡ ደብረ፡ ማዕፆ፡ ከመ፡ ይኵኖ፡ መርሐ፡ በመንግስተ፡ ሰማያት፡ ወስመ፡ ክርስትናሁኒ፡ ኪዳነ፡ ማርያም፡ ወስመ፡ እሙ፡ ወለተ፡ ስላሴ፡ ወስመ፡ ብእሲቱ፡ ወለተ፡ ማርያም፡ ወስመ፡ ደቂቁ፡ ገብረ፡ ሕይወት፡ ወልደ፡ ገብርኤል፡ አርአያ፡ ሥላሴ፡ ኦአምላከ፡ ዮሐንስ፡ ዕቀብ፡ ሕይወቶ፡ ወስረይ፡ ኀጢአቶ፡ ወአግርር

    ፡ ፀሮ፡ ታህተ፡ እገሪሁ፡ ለገብርከ፡ ኪዳነ፡ ማርያም፡ ወለኵሎሙ፡ ሰብአ፡ ቤቱ፡ ይዕቀቦሙ፡ እመከራ፡ ሥጋ፡ ወነፍስ፡ ለዝንቱኒ፡ መጽሐፋ፡ ወንጌል፡ ዘሠረቆ፡ ወዘፈሐቆ፡ በስልጣነ፡ ጴጥሮስ፡ ወጳውሎስ፡ ውጉዘ፡ ለይኩን፨ ዝ፬ቱ፡ ወንጌል፡ ዘራስ፡ ስብሐት፡ ዘተሣየጦ፡ በንዋዩ፨ check the viewerFols 73rb–73va This Four Gospel book is of rās Sǝbḥāt who donated it to St John Dabra Māʿḍo, so that it might be a guide for him to the Kingdom of Heaven. And his baptismal name is Kidāna Māryām, and the name of his mother is Walatta Śǝllāse, and the name(s) of his children are Gabra Ḥǝywat, Walda Gabrǝʾel, ʾArʾayā Śǝllāse. Oh God of John, protect his life, and forgive his sins, and subdue

    his enemy to the feet of your servant Kidāna Māryām, and protect all the people of his house from a plague of flesh and soul. And anyone who stole (the book) and erased (what is written in it), be excommunicated through the authority of Peter and Paul. This Four Gospel book is of rās Sǝbḥāt who bought it with his own money.

    (The note is written in a secondary hand. The names of the children of rās Sǝbḥāt (ʾAragāwi) as mentioned above, his baptismal name and the name of his mother appear in the donation notes of Bǝḥerāwi Kǝllǝlāwi Mangǝśti Tǝgrāy, Nǝḥbi Qǝddus Mikāʾel, NSM-002, Gulo Maḵadā, ʿĀddi Qolqʷāl Giyorgis, AQG-014, Bǝḥerāwi Kǝllǝlāwi Mangǝśti Tǝgrāy, Baʿātti Qǝddus Mikāʾel, DMB-002; exactly the same are in the donation note of Gulo Maḵadā, Dabra Māʿṣo Qǝddus Yoḥannǝs, MY-002.)


  1. check the viewerFols. 2r, 4r, 19r, 73v, 109r, 161r (Type: StampExlibris)

    Stamp of rās Sǝbḥāt ʾAragāwi .

  2. check the viewerFol. 2r

    Half-erased note, only the condemnation formulas is preserved.

  3. check the viewerFol. 2r

    Half-erased note, only the condemnation formulas is preserved.

  4. check the viewerFol. 2r

    Names of a few individuals.

  5. check the viewerFols. 19r, 19v, 20r

    Decorated running title for the Gospel of Matthew, ዘቅዱስ᎓ ማቴዎስ, inserted in Hand 1, in the center of the upper margin of the leaf (elaborate on 19r not found in this file).

  6. check the viewerFol. 74r

    Decorated title for the Gospel of Mark, ማርቆስ, inserted in Hand 1, in the center of the upper margin of the leaf.

  7. check the viewerFol. 109r

    Decorated title fur the Gospel of Luke, ወንጌል፡ ዘሉቃስ፡, in a secondary hand, inserted in the center of the upper margin of the leaf.

  8. check the viewerFols. 167v, 182v

    Decorated title for the Gospel of John, ዮሐንስ፡, inserted in Hand 1, in the center of the upper margin of the leaf.

  9. check the viewerFol. 169r

    Ethiopic digit ፪ written twice, rubricted, in the upper and bottom inner corners of the page.

  10. check the viewerFol. 175v

    Crude red cross in the upper margin of the folium.

  11. check the viewerFol. 212

    Crude drawing of a cross, scribbles.

  12. check the viewerFol. 217ar

    Remains of a text, hardly readable, on the rest of a cut folium between check the viewerfols. 217, and check the viewer218 .

  13. (Type: findingAid)

    Notes in the upper margin of the folia, in black frames, written in a hand similar to that of Addition 1, indicating readings for the church feasts, check the viewerfol. 22r : ዘጥምቀት፡, check the viewerfol. 22v : ዘጻድቃን፡, check the viewerfol. 31v : ዘእርገት, check the viewerfol. 34v : ጉባዔ፡ ሐዋርያት, check the viewerfol. 36v : ዘዮሐንስ፡ መስከረም፡, check the viewerfol. 37v : ዘሰንበት፡, check the viewerfol. 43r : ዘምትረተ፡ ርዕሱ፡ ለዮሐንስ, check the viewerfol. 53v : ዘሆሳዕና, check the viewerfol. 61r : ሰንበት, check the viewerfol. 62r : ዘደናግል፡, check the viewerfol. 63r በሚካዔል, check the viewerfol. 65r : በጸሎተ፡ ሐሙስ፡, check the viewerfol. 74r : ዘጥምቀት፡, check the viewerfol. 78r : ዘእርገት, check the viewerfol. 83r : ዘምትረተ፡ ርዕሱ፡ ለዮሐንስ, check the viewerfol. 93r : በሆሳዕና፡, check the viewerfol. 100r : በጸሎተ፡ ሐሙስ፡, check the viewerfol. 104v : በትንሣዔ, check the viewerfol. 110r : በማርያም፡, check the viewerfol. 115v : ዘጥምቀት, check the viewerfol. 125r : በዮሐንስ፡ ቅዱስ, check the viewerfol. 130r : በሐዋርያት:, check the viewerfol. 141r : በእላተ፡ እሁድ, check the viewerfol. 142v : ኀበ፡ ምዉት፡ ወመሰለሎሙ፡ በል፡, check the viewerfol. 150v : ሆሳዕና, check the viewerfol. 154v : በጸሎተ፡ ሐሙስ፡, check the viewerfol. 159r : በትንሣዔ፡, check the viewerfol. 164v : በቃና፡ ዘጋሊላ, check the viewerfol. 166v : በእሁድ, check the viewerfol. 167v : ዮሐንስ (finely decorated), check the viewerfol. 174r : በቀዳሚት፡ ሰንበት፡, check the viewerfol. 182v : ዮሐንስ።, check the viewerfol. 197v : በሰንበት፡ ሆሳዕና፡, check the viewerfol. 199v : በጸሎተ፡ ሐሙስ፡, check the viewerfol. 213r : በቀዳሜ፡ ሥዑር.

Decoration In this unit there are in total 1 .

Other Decorations

  1. band: check the viewerFol. 106ra Fine colored ornamental band; geometric motifs.

Catalogue Bibliography

This manuscript has modern restorations.

Physical Description

Form of support

Parchment Codex


218 (leaf) , Entered as 218 6 (leaf, blank) : Entered as 6 check the viewerFols. 1r, 1v, 2r, 2v, 218r, 218v +NaN (quire) .Entered as A + 29 300 265 90
Outer dimensions
Height 300
Width 265
Depth 90


Foliation by Ethio-SPaRE, in pencil, in the outer corner of the bottom margin. The remaining part of the mutilated leaf between check the viewerfols. 217, and check the viewer218 is not foliated.

Quire Structure Collation

It is unfortunately not possible with the information provided to print the collation diagrams and formula.

  • Quire with id:q30 and n is made of 3 leaves, but there is no futher information about the reason this number is odd.

State of preservation



The leather cover on the spine and the endbands are torn off. check the viewerFols. 16, and the unfoliated leaf between check the viewer217, and check the viewer218, are mutilated. The centrefolds of check the viewer161–180 are discoloured, probably affected by water. The reason as to why texts belonging to the Gospels are not in the right order is not clear.


Two wooden boards covered with reddish-brown blind tooled leather (missing on the spine), tooled turn-ins. The spine is covered with a rectangular piece of tissue. Two pairs of sewing stations.

Binding decoration

White threads are inserted in the upper right corner of 38 not found in this file 43 not found in this file 53 not found in this file 67 not found in this file, red thread in the center of the upper margin on 193 not found in this file, green thread in the upper corner of 197 not found in this file 199 not found in this file. Red threads are placed between 37 not found in this file and 38 not found in this file and between 211 not found in this file and 212 not found in this file.

Binding material




Original binding



Layout note 1(check the viewerFols 3r–10v )

Number of columns: 2

Number of lines: 20

H 180mm
W 180mm
Intercolumn 20mm
top 45
bottom 70
right 45
left 25
intercolumn 20
(All data are for check the viewerfol. 20r .)

Ms Gulo Maḵadā, Dabra Māʿṣo Qǝddus Yoḥannǝs, MY-006 main part

looks ok for measures computed width is: 250mm, object width is: 265mm, computed height is: 295mm and object height is: 300mm.

Layout note 1(check the viewerFols 11r–18v )

Number of columns: 14

Number of lines: 32-33

H 170mm
W 180mm
Intercolumn 20mm
(All data are for check the viewerfol. 17r . The dimensions of the text area are nearly the same as in the regular text qures.)

Ms Gulo Maḵadā, Dabra Māʿṣo Qǝddus Yoḥannǝs, MY-006 main part

looks ok for measures computed width is: 180mm, object width is: 265mm, computed height is: 170mm and object height is: 300mm. but the following values are recognized as empty: top marginbottom marginright marginleft margin

Layout note 1(check the viewerFols 19r–217v )

Number of columns: 2

Number of lines: 20

H 180mm
W 180mm
Intercolumn 20mm
top 45
bottom 70
right 45
left 25
intercolumn 20
(All data are for check the viewerfol. 177r .) (The upper written line is placed below the upper ruled line on the incipit page of each of the Gospels (19ra not found in this file, 74ra not found in this file, 109ra not found in this file, [link]).)

Ms Gulo Maḵadā, Dabra Māʿṣo Qǝddus Yoḥannǝs, MY-006 main part

looks ok for measures computed width is: 250mm, object width is: 265mm, computed height is: 295mm and object height is: 300mm.

Layout note 1

  • (Subtype: pattern)1A-1A-1A1A/0-0/0-0/J
  • The upper line is written above the ruling
  • The bottom line is written above the ruling
  • (Subtype: pattern)The ruling pattern of the quire () is different from the pattern of the regular text quires. It represents a grid of 14 columsn and over 33 or 34 horizontal ruled lines, and was meant primarily for No item: LIT1560Gospel#IntroductionCanons.
  • (Subtype: pattern)1A-1A-1A1A/0-0/0-0/J
  • The upper line is written above the ruling
  • The bottom line is written above the ruling
  • Pricking and ruling are visible
  • Primary pricks are visible
  • Ruling pricks are visible
  • Pricking and ruling are visible
  • Primary pricks are visible
  • Ruling pricks are visible


  • Hand 1

    Script: Ethiopic

    Fine and reguilar

    Ink: Second half of the 18th/first half of the 19th century.Black; red.

    Rubrication: Divine names; the name of the original donors; incipits and headings of the texts; chapter numbers and the word mǝʿrāf; elements of the punctuation signs and numbers; on the incipit page of each Gospel, a few lines are rubricated alternating with black lines; letters ወ and ደ in the word ወልደ, in the genealogy of Christ check the viewerfols 116v–117r )

    Fine and regular; by a well-trained scribe. A smaller script is used for the prefatory texts. In some parts of the manuscript the scribe reduced the size of the script.
    • Publication Statement

      Hiob-Ludolf-Zentrum für Äthiopistik
      Die Schriftkultur des christlichen Äthiopiens und Eritreas: Eine multimediale Forschungsumgebung / Beta maṣāḥǝft

      This file is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0.

      16.12.2024 at 13:20:15

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    Suggested citation of this record

    Stéphane Ancel, Denis Nosnitsin, Pietro Maria Liuzzo, ʻGulo Maḵadā, Dabra Māʿṣo Qǝddus Yoḥannǝs, MY-006 (encoded from the catalogue)ʼ, in Die Schriftkultur des christlichen Äthiopiens und Eritreas: Eine multimediale Forschungsumgebung / Beta maṣāḥǝft (Last Modified: 2020-12-25) [Accessed: 2024-12-18]

    To cite a precise version, please, click on load permalinks and to the desired version (see documentation on permalinks), then import the metadata or copy the below, with the correct link.


    Revision history

    • Denis Nosnitsin further editing on 25.12.2020
    • Pietro Maria Liuzzo transformed from mycore to TEI P5 on 10.5.2016
    • Denis Nosnitsin last edited in Ethio-SPaRe on 19.6.2015
    • Stéphane Ancel catalogued in Ethio-SPaRe on 17.2.2011
    • Ethio-SPaRe team photographed the manuscript on 10.5.2010

    Attribution of the content

    Alessandro Bausi, general editor

    Stéphane Ancel, editor

    Denis Nosnitsin, editor

    Pietro Maria Liuzzo, contributor

    This file is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0.