Calendrical diagram
Massimo Villa
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The headings of the boxes are the following:
ዓው<ደ፡> ቀመ<ር፡>, i.e. the lunar cycle or the major cicle;
ዓው<ደ፡> አበ<ቅቴ፡>, i.e. the epact cycle or the golden number;
ልደ<ተ፡> አበ<ቅቴ፡>, i.e. the origin of the epact;
ጰ<ጕሜን፡>, i.e. the epagomenal days;
ዓውደ<፡> ዓመት<፡>, i.e. the period of the year;
ዕለ<ተ> ዮሐን<ስ፡>, i.e. the day of John;
ጥንት<ዮን፡>, i.e. the ṭǝntyon;
አበቅቴ<፡>, i.e. the epact;
መጥቅ<ዕ፡>, i.e. the maṭqǝʾ;
ሠርቅ (!)
<፡> ሌለ (!)
<ት፡>, i.e. the beginning of the night (which is "1" in all boxes);
ጾመ<፡> አ<ይሁድ፡>, i.e. the fasting of the Jews;
ሠርቀ<፡> ሌሊ<ት፡>, i.e. the beginning of the night (which is "10" in all boxes);
መጸለት<፡>, i.e. the tabernacle, or the feast of the tabernacle;
ሠር<ቀ፡> ሌሊ<ት፡>, i.e. the beginning of the night (which is "15" in all boxes);
ነነዌ<፡>, i.e. the fasting of Nineveh;
በዓ<ተ> ጾም፡, i.e. the beginning of fasting;
ፈሥ<ሕ፡>, i.e. the Jewish Easter;
ሠ<ርቀ፡> ሌ<ሊት፡>, i.e. the beginning of the night (which is "11" in all boxes);
ፋሲ<ካ፡>, i.e. the Christian Easter.
The headings are taken from Vatican City, Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, Aeth.119, according to
Grébaut and Tisserant 1935.
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