Treatise on divination
Massimo Villa
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(The following incipits are taken from Vatican City, Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, Aeth.119 and Vatican City, Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, Aeth. 128 according to Grébaut and Tisserant 1935.)
(The table is divided into sixteen columns and seven orders. Incipit taken from Vatican City, Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, Aeth.119.)
፩<፡> አላህያን፡ በዕል፡ ዕለት። በመጋቢት፡ በ ፳፱<፡>
ይሠርቀ (!)
(!)corrected by More than 1 PRS4805Grebaut
PRS9530Tisseran ፳፫<፡> ያበርህ፡ ዕለት፡
{ዕለት፡} ቤተ፡ ፀሩ፡ አልኬድ፡ ፪፭፮፯፲ ወ ፩፲ ወ፪<፡> ቤተ፡ ክፍሉ<፡>
፩፫፬፰፱፲ወ፬፲ወ፭ወ፲ወ፮<፡> ኮከቡ<፡> እልመሸተሪ፡ ዕለ<ቱ፡
ሐ> <ሙስ፡>
(The table contains the names of the sixteen constellations of the previous table and some directives on their use.
Incipit taken from Vatican City, Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, Aeth.119.)
ለፋል፡ ዘይትገደፍ፡ ለቢር<፡> ስም፡ ወእም፡ ወምድር<፡>
ለኮከብኒ፡ ስም፡ ወእም<፡> ለገይስ፡ ስም፡ ወእም<፡> ወርኅ፡ ዕለት፡ በ፲ወ፮ ግድፍ፡
(Incipit taken from Vatican City, Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, Aeth.119.)
፩ ቀዳማዊ፡ ዐዐዐዐዐዐዐ አላዘያን፡ ዘወጽአ፡ ለሠናይ፡ ዝንቱ፡ ቤት፡ ቤተ፡ ነፍስ፡ ወሕይወት፡ ወዝንቱ፡ ትእምርት፤ ኅሩይ፡ እሳቲዊ፡ (!)
ወከዋክብት፡ አልመሻታሪ፡
ወእመዋዕል፡ (!)
ሐሙስ፡ ወእግዚአብሔር፡ የአምር፡ (!)
በአሰንዮ፡ ንብረት፡ ወኵሉ፡ ፍጥረት፡ ርቱዕ፡ ወብዙኅ፡ ፍሥሐ፡ (!)
ወሐሤት፡ ወፍጻሜ፡
መፍቅድ፡ ወጸሕቅ፡ (!)
ወአግርር፡ (!)
(!)corrected by More than 1 PRS4805Grebaut
ወነጸሮ፡ (!)
(!)corrected by More than 1 PRS4805Grebaut
PRS9530Tisseran ሕልም፡ ወአስተጋብዖ፡ ሠናያት፡ እምለፌ፡ ወእምለፌ፡
ነጊደ፡ ኢየሩሳሌም፡ ወፍጻሜ፡ ኵሉ፡ ተምኔታተ (!)
(Incipit taken from Vatican City, Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, Aeth. 128.)
በስመ፡ እግዚአብሔር፡ አስማተ፡ ጭናቱ፡ ጮስ፡ (…)ommission by More than 1 PRS4805Grebaut
ዘጸሐፍኩ፡ ለሄኖክ፡
ኆኅተ፡ (!)
(!)corrected by More than 1 PRS4805Grebaut
ፊደል፡ ከማሁ፡ ጸሐፍ፡ ፀርየ፡ ወአርክየ፡ ሕይወትየ፡ ወእኩይየ፡ ሲሳይየ፡
ወሐጉሉየ፡ (!)
(!)corrected by More than 1 PRS4805Grebaut
ክሳት፡ (!)
(!)corrected by More than 1 PRS4805Grebaut
PRS9530Tisseran ሊተ፡
ለገ(- - -) (ብርከ፡) ዕ(- - -) (ገሌ፡)
(Divinatory chapter on the planets and the lunar houses. Incipit taken from Vatican City, Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, Aeth.119.)
ሐስበ፡ ከዋክብት፡ ወመናዝል፡ ለኮከብ፡ ስም፡ ወእም፡ ለአድባር፡ ስመ፡ ሀገር፡ ለሐራ<፡> ዘመን፡ ከመ፡ ታዕምር፡ ላዕለ፡ እኪት፡
ወሠናይ፡ ስሞ፡ ወእሞ፡ ዓመተ፡ ምሕረት፡ ወንጌላዊ፡ ፲ ወስክ፡
በ ፳፰፡
በ ፳፷፡ (!)
(!)corrected by More than 1 PRS4805Grebaut
ግድፍ፡ ፩ አልሐመል፡ ኮከብ፡ ዘሚያዝያ፡ መስከረም፡ ራብዕ፡ ኆኅት፡ ስሙ፡ አድናኤል፡ ፀፀፀፀ፡ እሉ፡ ፬ ከዋክብት፡ ሰበ፡ ይሰርቁ፡ በራብዕ፡ ኆኅት፡ ለሰርቀት፡ ዘታጸንን፡
ወይመጽእ፡ (!)
(!)corrected by More than 1 PRS4805Grebaut
እምኒሃ፡ (!)
ጠል፡ ወዝናም፡
(The chapter is on the effect of dreams on individual days of the lunar month. Incipit taken from Vatican City, Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, Aeth. 128.)
ሐሰብ፡ (!)
(!)corrected by More than 1 PRS4805Grebaut
PRS9530Tisseran በጨረቃው፡
ወራት፡ ሕልም፡ ያሳየው፡ የሚሆን፡ ነው፡ ያውቃል፡ በ፩ ጨረቃ፡ አምላክ፡ አዳምን፡ ካ፬ት፡ ፈጠረው፡ ኩሉ፡ (!)
ነገር፡ በጎ፡ ነው፡
(Incipit taken from Vatican City, Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, Aeth.119.)
ስመ፡ ባሕቲቱ፡ በበ፭<፡> ግድፍ፡
፬ (!)
(!)corrected by More than 1 PRS4805Grebaut
ንጉሥ፡ ሠናይ፡ ብዕል፡ ቀቲል፡ ፍቅደረ፡ ሰ{፡}ብእ፡ መደንግፅ፡ ሐሜት፡ ሀሎ፡ መልዕልተ፡ ርዕሱ፡ ጽሑፍ፡
ዓቢየ፡ ወብዓለ፡ (!)
ጸጋ፡ ይከውን፡ ወሥራየ፡ ይገብሩ፡ ቦቱ፡
(Incipit taken from Vatican City, Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, Aeth.119.)
መፍቅሬ፡ (!)
(!)corrected by More than 1 PRS4805Grebaut
PRS9530Tisseran ሕግ፡ ብዕል፡ ቀቲል፡ ሙቁሕ፡ ሀሎ፡
ጽሑፍ፡ በማዕከለ፡ ርእሱ፡ ዓቢየ፡ ወበዕለ፡ ጸጋ፡ ይከውን፡ ወሥራየ፡ ይገብሩ፡ ቦቱ፡
(Incipit taken from Vatican City, Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, Aeth.119.)
ማኅተመ፡ ፍቅር፡ ብዕል፤ ቀቲል፡
ፍናዊ፡ (!)
(!)corrected by More than 1 PRS4805Grebaut
ጽድቅ፡ ሀሎ፡ ጽሑፍ፡ መልዕልተ፡ ገጹ፡ ዓቢየ፡ ባዕለ፡ ክብር፤ ይከውን፡ ወሥራየ፡ ይገብሩ፡ ቦቱ፡
(Incipit taken from Vatican City, Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, Aeth.119.)
የዋህ፡ ብዕል፡ ነገረ፡ ቅንዓት፡ ኃይል፡ ቀቲል፡ ጽሑፍ፡ መልዕልተ፡ ርእሱ፡ ወባዕለ፡ ይከውን፡ ወሥራየ፡ ወይገብሩ፡ ቦቱ፡
(Incipit taken from Vatican City, Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, Aeth.119.)
ንጉሥ፡ ብዕል፡ ሥራይ፡ ቀቲል፤ ፍቅር፤ ጥፍዓተ፤ ብእሲ፤ ሀሎ፤ ጽሑፍ፤ በማዕከለ፤ ርእሱ፤ ወሥራይ፤ (!)
ይገብሩ፤ ቦቱ፤
(Incipit taken from Vatican City, Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, Aeth. 128.)
ስመ፡ ወእመ፡ በበ<፡> ፲ ግድፍ፡ ፩ ንጉሥ፡ አልጱስስ፡ ወሀብቱ፡
ሀብቱ፡ (!)
ሀለወት፡ ተፈልጠ፡ እምላዕሌሁ፡ መንገለ፡
ምሥራቅ፡ ኢትመጽእ፡ ፍጡነ፡
(Incipit taken from Vatican City, Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, Aeth. 128.)
ስምከ፡ ወእምከ፡ ወርኅ፡ ወዕለት፡
ወንጌለዊ፡ (!)
(!)corrected by More than 1 PRS4805Grebaut
በበ<፡> ፲ ግድፍ፡ ፩ ሠናይ፡ ሖር፡ በነግህ፡ ወትረክብ፡
ብዙኃ፡ ዘሀለየ፡ ልብከ፡
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