Dabra Zamaddo's church and how chewing the body of the Son of the Blessed Virgin is not welcome to the Virgin Mary
Wendy Laura Belcher
Clavis (list of identifiable texts) | ID | |
PEMMThe Princeton Ethiopian, Eritrean, and Egyptian Miracles of Mary (PEMM) project | 1032 | [external link] |
- Dabra Zamaddo's church and how chewing the body of the Son of the Blessed Virgin is not welcome to the Virgin Maryen
General description
There was a monk named Timona, to whom Jesus revealed His disappointment in a man named Maba'a Seyon. Jesus had spat on Maba'a Seyon’s clothes so that He, through His spittle, would remain close to the man. But Maba'a Seyon had lent his clothes to others, thwarting Jesus’s plan. Timona called Maba'a Seyon and asked why he lent his clothing to others. Maba'a Seyon claimed that people forced him to give him his clothes. He expressed worry about disappointing Jesus, but Timona brought peace by suggesting that they pray together for His mercy. Mary then approached Timona with a worry of her own, explaining how upset she felt when people chewed on the flesh of her son. Timona asked what the people should do instead, given that Jesus had told them, “Eat my flesh.” Mary responded that the people should not chew the flesh, but rather knead it between tongue and palate. Timona suggested that the priests should make the Eucharist softer and easier to knead in the mouth. That way, if people chewed the flesh it would be a sin of the laity rather than a sin of the clergy.
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The earliest PEMM manuscript in which this story appears is from around 1900. Originally composed in Dabra Zamaddo↗
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Clavis Bibliography
Belcher, W. L. and J. R. Brown 2018. ‘The Princeton Ethiopian, Eritrean, and Egyptian Miracles of Mary’,.item 1032
Clavis Bibliography
Translation Bibliography
Getatchew Haile 2013. Voices from Däbrä Zämäddo: Acts of Abba Bärtälomewos and Abba Yoḥannǝs, 45 Miracles of Mary, ed., tr. Getatchew Haile, Aethiopistische Forschungen, 79 (Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag, 2013).page 242-243
Translation Bibliography
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