Sǝbḥat ʾAragāwi
Solomon Gebreyes
birth: ስብሐት፡ አረጋዊ፡↗ normalized: Sǝbḥat ʾAragāwi↗ rās role: title ↗
Period of Activity
He was a Tǝgrayan warrior prince and governor of ʿAgāma↗ . Following the death of his father ʾAragāwi Sabagādis↗ in 1873, he rebelled against ʾaṣe role: title ↗ opposing his policy of partitioning ʿAgāma↗ into several districts run by distantly related, even completely unrelated chiefs. Therefore, Sǝbḥat ʾAragāwi opted to rebel joining his Irob↗ kinsmen in the escarpments and he posed a serious challenge against ʾaṣe role: title ↗ . In response, ʾaṣe role: title ↗ , the emperor, appointed his brother Walda Gabrǝʾel↗ over ʿAgāma↗ . This appeased Sǝbḥat ʾAragāwi and he started to frequent the Emperor's court. But his friendly relation with ʾaṣe role: title ↗ was short-lived and he continued to challenge ʾaṣe role: title ↗ 's goverment. He also rebelled in alliance with his former rival Mangašā Yoḥannǝs↗ against Mǝnilǝk↗ , which led to his captivity and exile to Ḥarar↗ for another decade. In 1908, he was restored to his governorship of ʿAgāma↗ , which he ruled until 1914.
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- birth: ስብሐት፡ አረጋዊ፡ gez
- rās role: title
Birth: 1844
Period of activity: 1875–1914
Death: 1914
Secondary Bibliography
Secondary Bibliography
Tsegay Berhe 2010. ‘Sǝbḥat Arägawi’, in S. Uhlig and A. Bausi, eds, Encyclopaedia Aethiopica, IV (Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag, 2010), 587b–589a.
Tsegay Berhe 1996. A History of Agama, 1822-1914 Addis Ababa University (1996).
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- Gulo Maḵadā, Dabra Māʿṣo Qǝddus Yoḥannǝs, MY-006 The description of the manuscript also contains the following dates 1977 in a bibl element, 1977 in a bibl element, 1977 in a bibl element, (1844-1914) in a acquisition element, 1892 in a acquisition element, 2009 in a bibl element.
- Gulo Maḵadā, Dabra Māʿṣo Qǝddus Yoḥannǝs, MY-003 The description of the manuscript also contains the following dates 1809-52 in a origin element, 1841-67 in a origin element, b. ca. 1844, d. 1914 in a provenance element, 1892 in a provenance element, 2009 in a bibl element.
- Gāntā ʾAfašum, Golʿa Dabra Bǝrhān Yoḥannǝs, BGY-012 The description of the manuscript also contains the following dates 19th century in a handNote element, 2009 in a bibl element.
- Bǝḥerāwi Kǝllǝlāwi Mangǝśti Tǝgrāy, Nǝḥbi Qǝddus Mikāʾel, NSM-002 The description of the manuscript also contains the following dates 19th century. in a handNote element, 2009 in a bibl element.
- Gulo Maḵadā, ʿƎmbayto Takla Hāymānot, ETH-004 The description of the manuscript also contains the following dates 1906 in a bibl element, Second half of 19th cent. in a handNote element, 2009 in a bibl element.
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