Takla Ṣǝyon ʾƎnyaw
Solomon Gebreyes
birth: ተክለ፡ ጽዮን፡ እንየው፡↗ normalized: Takla Ṣǝyon ʾƎnyaw↗ ʾalaqā role: title ↗
He was born at Ḥārr ʾAmbā↗ in Šawā↗ in 1820.
Period of Activity
He was a famous 19th century ʾAndǝmtā scholar. Takla Ṣǝyon ʾƎnyaw↗ was an advocate of the Sost lǝdat doctrine (Saggā). He took a monastic vow at the monastery of Dabra Dǝmāḥ s. Dimā Giyorgis↗ in Goǧǧām↗ without accepting the Tawāḥǝdo doctrine. Takla Ṣǝyon ʾƎnyaw↗ is cited as one of the informants for an author of Ya-gāllā Tārik, ʾAṣma Giyorgis Gabra Masiḥ↗ .
He died at Jerusalem↗ where he was buried.
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- birth: ተክለ፡ ጽዮን፡ እንየው፡ gez
- ʾalaqā role: title
Birth: 1820
Period of activity: 1820–1881
Death: 1881
Secondary Bibliography
Secondary Bibliography
Mersha Alehegne 2010. ‘Täklä Ṣǝyon’, in S. Uhlig and A. Bausi, eds, Encyclopaedia Aethiopica, IV (Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag, 2010), 844a–844b.
Cowley, R. W. 1974. ‘Old Testament Introduction in the Andemta Commentary Tradition’, Journal of Ethiopian Studies, 12/1 (1974), 133–175.
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