There are 19 entities matching your text query for "ለሄሮድስ" with the parameters shown at the right. (searched: ለሄሮድስ)
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TZM-001Short Description
This parchment codex is composed of leaves. It has 43 main content units in 1 codicological unit. There is 1 hand described with Ethiopic script attested. The description does not include a collation of the quires.... ወፈነወ፡ ወአምጽእዎ፡ ለሄሮድስ፡ ምስለ፡ ሄሮድያዳ፡ ኃበ፡ ሮሜ፡ እምድኅረ፡ ደፈና፡ ሄሮድ...
... ቤቱ፡ ለሄሮድስ፡ ዕልው፡ ወአስተርአዮ፡ ...
EMML6451Short Description
This parchment codex is composed of...ክት፡ ተፈቲሖ፡ እሞቅሑ፡ ለሄሮድስ፡ ወአምሢጦ፡ እማዕከለ፡ ፪ቱ፡ ሰገራት፡ እስከ፡ ወጽአ፡ አ...
Dǝrsāna ḥǝḍānāt
CAe 4959Clavis Aethiopica, an ongoing repertory of all known Ethiopic Textual Units. Use this to refer univocally to a specific text in your publications. Please note that this shares only the numeric part with the Textual Unit Record Identifier.
Author attributions
...ት፡ ወናርኅቅ፡ እምኔነ፡ እከዮ፡ ለሄሮድስ፡ መናፍቅ፡ ዘአዘዘ፡ በቀቲለ፡ ሕፃናት፡ ዘእንበለ፡ ዘመን፡...
DS Ethiop. 11, د س أثيوبي # ١١, مسلسل ٧١١, Serial Number 711, ٢٤٥ م طقوس, 245 M LiturgyShort Description
This paper codex is composed of...፡ ገድል፡ ዘኮነ፡ በዛቲ፡ ዕለት፡ ወናርኅቅ፡ እምኔነ፡ እከዮ፡ ለሄሮድስ፡ መናፍቅ፡ ዘአዘዘ፡ በቀቲለ፡ ሕፃናት፡ ዘእንበለ፡ ዘመን፡...
BML Acq. e doni 776, Marrassini ms. 14Short Description
This parchment codex is composed ofincipit
MY-009Short Description
This parchment codex is composed of... ወአፅንዓቶ፡ እምድካም፡ ወከመዝ፡ አስተርአዮ፡ ሰይጣን፡ ለሄሮድስ፡ ምንት፡ ረባሁ፡ ዘቀተልክሙ፡ ለሕፃናት፡ እለ፡ አልቦሙ፡ ...
Homily on the Archangel Michael (for Miyāzyā)
CAe 3962Clavis Aethiopica, an ongoing repertory of all known Ethiopic Textual Units. Use this to refer univocally to a specific text in your publications. Please note that this shares only the numeric part with the Textual Unit Record Identifier.
Author attributions
The Homily is attributed in to Yoḥannǝs the Orthodox, but according to Denis Nosnitsin, it is attributed in most manuscripts to Rǝtuʿa Hāymānot without mention of Yoḥannǝs the Orthodox. It can be transmitted within for Miyāzyā, sometimes () for Tāḫśāś...ር፡ መልአኮ፡ ወአድኃነኒ፡ እምእዴሁ፡ ለሄሮድስ፡ ወይእዜኒ፡ ጸሊ ከመ፡ ናስምሮ፡ ለእግዚአብሔር፡ ወንርከብ...
CAe 2598Clavis Aethiopica, an ongoing repertory of all known Ethiopic Textual Units. Use this to refer univocally to a specific text in your publications. Please note that this shares only the numeric part with the Textual Unit Record Identifier.
Author attributions
... ይቤ፡ በዐለ፡ መጽሐፍ፡ እስመ፡ ዮሴፍ፡ ምተ፡ እኅቱ፡ ለሄሮድስ፡ ወሶሚ፡ ጽሪ፡ ዘአይዳእነ፡ ...
ዜናሁ፡ ለሄሮድስ። ወሶበ፡ ቀተሎ፡ ...
... ዜና፡ ቅትለቱ፡ ለአንደፊር፡ ወልደ፡ ሄሮድስ፡ ወሞቱ፡ ለሄሮድስ። ...
Lalibela, Beta Gabrǝʾel, EMML no. 6952Lalibela, Beta Gabrǝʾel, EMML no. 6952
Link to images
EMML no. 6952Short Description
This parchment codex is composed ofLalibela, Beta Gabrǝʾel, EMML no. 6952Lalibela, Beta Gabrǝʾel, EMML no. 6952
Link to images
EMML no. 6952Short Description
This parchment codex is composed oft:ab
BL Indian Office Collection MS Ethiopic 4Short Description
This paper codex is composed of...ጥሮስ። ለሚካኤል፡ ሊቀ፡ መላእክት፡ ትፈቱ፡ ተፈቲሆ፡ እሞቅሑ። ለሄሮድስ፡ ወአምሰጠ። እማዕከ...
BL Oriental 718, Wright cat. CCXCV, Wright cat. 295Short Description
This parchment codex is composed of...ካኤል፡ ሊቀ፡ መላእክት፡ ተፈቲሖ፡ አሞቅሑ፡ ለሄሮድስ፡ ንጉሥ፡ ወአምሢጦ፡ እማእከለ፡ ክልኤ፡ ሠገራት፡ እስከ፡...
Miracle of Mary: Miracle of a city in Egypt destroyed by the curse of the Virgin
CAe 3665Clavis Aethiopica, an ongoing repertory of all known Ethiopic Textual Units. Use this to refer univocally to a specific text in your publications. Please note that this shares only the numeric part with the Textual Unit Record Identifier.
... ሀገር፣ ጓዪያ፡ እምነ፡ መዓቱ፡ ለሄሮድስ፡ ርጉም፣ ወበጽሐት፡ ውስተ፡ አሐቲ፡ ሀገር፡ እምአድያማተ፡...
Miracle of Mary: Miracle of the flight of Egypt; Miracle of the sycomore of Dabra Mǝṭmāq
CAe 3664Clavis Aethiopica, an ongoing repertory of all known Ethiopic Textual Units. Use this to refer univocally to a specific text in your publications. Please note that this shares only the numeric part with the Textual Unit Record Identifier.
... ዮሴፍ፡ ወሰሎሜ፡ ምስሌሃ፣ እምነ፡ መዐቱ፡ ለሄሮድስ፡ ዕልው፣ ወእንዘ፡ ትፈልስ፡ እምሀገር፡ ውስተ፡ ሀገር፣ ...
Miracle of Mary: The vision of Theophilus continued: Satan urges Herod to pursue the Holy Family
CAe 5093Clavis Aethiopica, an ongoing repertory of all known Ethiopic Textual Units. Use this to refer univocally to a specific text in your publications. Please note that this shares only the numeric part with the Textual Unit Record Identifier.
... እምደካመ፡ ፍኖት፡ ወእንዘ፡ ከመዝ፡ አስተርአዮ፡ ሰይጣን፡ ለሄሮድስ፡ ቃለ፡ በቃል።
Notes on the Apostles and their Predicament
CAe 6567Clavis Aethiopica, an ongoing repertory of all known Ethiopic Textual Units. Use this to refer univocally to a specific text in your publications. Please note that this shares only the numeric part with the Textual Unit Record Identifier.
...ዕለ፡ ሄሮድስ፡ ወልደ፡ አንጢጴስሮስ፡ አስቀሎን። ወስመ፡ እሙ፡ ለሄሮድስ፡ ቆጥርያ፡ ዘእብሔረ፡ አራብያ፡ ወኵሉ፡ ...
...ረ፡ አስቀሎን። ወስመ፡ እሙ፡ ለሄሮድስ፡ ቆጥርያ፡ ዘእምብሔረ፡ አራብያ፡ ወኵሎ፡ እንከ፡ ማኅሠሥ፡...
BnF Éthiopien 677, Trocadéro 5, Nouveaux mss. geʿez 3Short Description
This parchment codex is composed of...ገሊላ፡ ወፈነያምጽእዎ፡ ለሄሮድስ፡ ምስለ፡ ሄሮያዳ፡ ...
...ዝ አመዝበራ፡ ለሀገረ፡ ገሊላ፡ ወፈነ ያምጽእዎ፡ ለሄሮድስ፡ ምስለ፡ ሄሮ ያዳ፡ ኀበ፡ ሮሜ፨ ወእምድኅረዝ፡ ደፈ...
Weiner Codex 233Short Description
This parchment codex is composed of...ቶ፡ እምድከመ፡ ፍኖት። ወእንዘ፡ ከመዝ፡ አስተርአዮ፡ ሰይጣን፡ ለሄሮድስ፡ ቃለ፡ በቃል።
Aeth. 166Short Description
This wood codex is composed ofThere are no sewing pattern values for this selection of manuscripts.
There are no thread material values for this selection of manuscripts.
Map of the witnesses of Homily on the Archangel Michael (for Miyāzyā), Miracle of Mary: Miracle of a city in Egypt destroyed by the curse of the Virgin, Miracle of Mary: Miracle of the flight of Egypt; Miracle of the sycomore of Dabra Mǝṭmāq, Miracle of Mary: The vision of Theophilus continued: Satan urges Herod to pursue the Holy Family, Dǝrsāna ḥǝḍānāt, Josippon, Notes on the Apostles and their Predicament, at their current location.
For each textual unit a different color of dots is given (i.e. a different KML file is loaded). For each manuscript containing the selected textual units the point is placed at the current repository or at the place of origin according to the selection. The default is the current repository. If place of origin is selected and for the manuscript this information is not available (e.g. in cases where this corresponds in fact to the current repository), the point will be made on the repository which is always available. The dates given for each manuscript correspond to the most inclusive range possible from the origin dates given in the manuscript. If a manuscript has a part from exactly 1550 and one dated 1789 to 1848, then the time span will be 1550 - 1848.
They are 12 manuscripts which can be put side by side.
- ms_i1 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), First half of the year (ff. 1ra-10vb)
- ms_i1.1 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemorative notices for the month of Maskaram (ff. 1ra-4rb)
- ms_i1.1.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Introduction for Maskaram (f. 1ra)
- ms_i1.1.2 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 1st Maskaram (ff. 1ra-1vb)
- ms_i1.1.2.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Beginning of the year (ff. 1ra-1rb)
- ms_i1.1.2.2 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Job's washing in the river (f. 1rb)
- ms_i1.1.2.3 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Death of Bartholomew (same as NAR0017SBartalomewos) (ff. 1rb-1vb)
- ms_i1.1.2.4 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Death of Milyos (f. 1vb)
- ms_i1.1.3 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 2nd Maskaram (ff. 1vb-2rb)
- ms_i1.1.3.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Decapitation of John the Baptist (ff. 1vb-2rb)
- ms_i1.1.3.2 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Dāsyā (f. 2rb)
- ms_i1.1.4 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 3rd Maskaram (ff. 2rb-2va)
- ms_i1.1.4.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of the council of Alexandria under Dionysios of Alexandria (ff. 2rb-2va)
- ms_i1.1.4.2 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of an earthquake in Egypt (f. 2va)
- ms_i1.1.5 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 4th Maskaram (ff. 2va-3ra)
- ms_i1.1.5.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Macarius II (ff. 2va-3ra)
- ms_i1.1.6 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 5th Maskaram (ff. 3ra-3rb)
- ms_i1.1.6.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Sofyā, different version in the second recension. (ff. 3ra-3rb)
- ms_i1.1.7 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 6th Maskaram (ff. 3rb-3va)
- ms_i1.1.7.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Isaiah (ff. 3rb-3va)
- ms_i1.1.8 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 7th Maskaram (ff. 3va-4rb)
- ms_i1.1.8.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Dioscorus of Alexandria (ff. 3va-4rb)
- ms_i1.1.8.2 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of ʾAgātu, Ṗeṭros, Yoḥannǝs, ʾAmon, ʾAmonā, Rafiqā (ff. 4rb-)
- ms_i1.2 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemorative notices for the month of Yakkātit (ff. 5va-10vb)
- ms_i1.2.1 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 13rd Yakkātit (f. 5va)
- ms_i1.2.1.1 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Sargiyos (f. 5va)
- ms_i1.2.1.2 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of ʾabbā Ṭimotewos the patriarch (f. 5va)
- ms_i1.2.2 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 14th Yakkātit (ff. 5va-5vb)
- ms_i1.2.2.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Sāwiros (ff. 5va-5vb)
- ms_i1.2.2.2 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Yāʿqob the patriarch of Alexandria (f. 5vb)
- ms_i1.2.3 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 15th Yakkātit (ff. 5vb-6rb)
- ms_i1.2.3.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Zakāryā the prophet (ff. 5vb-6ra)
- ms_i1.2.3.2 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of the consecration of the church of the martyrs of Sǝbǝsṭyā (f. 6ra)
- ms_i1.2.3.3 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Babnūda (ff. 6ra-6rb)
- ms_i1.2.4 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 16th Yakkātit (ff. 6rb-6va)
- ms_i1.2.4.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of ʾElsābeṭ (ff. 6rb-6va)
- ms_i1.2.5 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 17th Yakkātit (ff. 6va-6vb)
- ms_i1.2.5.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Minās (ff. 6va-6vb)
- ms_i1.2.6 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 18th Yakkātit (ff. 6vb-7rb)
- ms_i1.2.6.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Malāniwos the patriarch of Antiochia (ff. 6vb-7rb)
- ms_i1.2.7 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 19th Yakkātit (f. 7rb)
- ms_i1.2.7.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of the translatio of Martǝyānos (f. 7rb)
- ms_i1.2.8 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 20th Yakkātit (f. 7rb)
- ms_i1.2.8.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Ṗeṭros the patriarch (f. 7rb)
- ms_i1.2.8.2 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Bāsǝlyos, Tāʾodǝs and Ṭimotewos (f. 7rb)
- ms_i1.2.9 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 21st Yakkātit (ff. 7rb-8rb)
- ms_i1.2.9.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Gabrǝʾel the patriarch (ff. 7rb-7va)
- ms_i1.2.9.2 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Zakāryās the bishop (ff. 7va-7vb)
- ms_i1.2.9.3 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of ʾAwkǝnsimon (ff. 7vb-8rb)
- ms_i1.2.10 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 22nd Yakkātit (f. 8rb)
- ms_i1.2.10.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of ʾabbā Mārunā (f. 8rb)
- ms_i1.2.11 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 23rd Yakkātit (ff. 8rb-8va)
- ms_i1.2.11.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of ʾAwsǝnyos (ff. 8rb-8va)
- ms_i1.2.12 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 24th Yakkātit (ff. 8va-9ra)
- ms_i1.2.12.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of ʾAgābiṭos (ff. 8va-9ra)
- ms_i1.2.12.2 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Minās (f. 9ra)
- ms_i1.2.12.3 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Ṭimotewos the bishop of Gāzā (f. 9ra)
- ms_i1.2.13 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 25th Yakkātit (ff. 9ra-9rb)
- ms_i1.2.13.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of ʾArsinos, Filmona and Lekiyā (ff. 9ra-9rb)
- ms_i1.2.13.2 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of a deacon and Minās (f. 9rb)
- ms_i1.2.14 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 26th Yakkātit (ff. 9rb-9va)
- ms_i1.2.14.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Hoseʿ (ff. 9rb-9va)
- ms_i1.2.14.2 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Sādoq (f. 9va)
- ms_i1.2.15 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 27th Yakkātit (ff. 9va-10ra)
- ms_i1.2.15.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of ʾEnsǝgtewos, patriarch of Antioch (ff. 9va-10ra)
- ms_i1.2.16 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 28th Yakkātit (ff. 10ra-10rb)
- ms_i1.2.16.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Tewodros the Roman (ff. 10ra-10rb)
- ms_i1.2.17 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 29th Yakkātit (ff. 10rb-10va)
- ms_i1.2.17.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Bālikǝryos (ff. 10rb-10va)
- ms_i1.2.30 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 30th Yakkātit (ff. 10va-10vb)
- ms_i1.2.30.1 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of the invention of the head of John the Baptist (ff. 10va-10vb)
- ms_i1 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B) (ff. 1ra-129rb)
- ms_i1.1 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemorative notices for the month of Maskaram (ff. 1ra-20vb)
- ms_i1.1.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Introduction for Maskaram (f. 1ra)
- ms_i1.1.2 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 1st Maskaram (ff. 1ra-2ra)
- ms_i1.1.2.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Beginning of the year (ff. 1ra-1rb)
- ms_i1.1.2.2 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Job's washing in the river (ff. 1rb-1va)
- ms_i1.1.2.3 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Death of Bartholomew (same as NAR0017SBartalomewos) (ff. 1va-2ra)
- ms_i1.1.2.4 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Death of Milyos (f. 2ra)
- ms_i1.1.3 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 2nd Maskaram (ff. 2ra-2va)
- ms_i1.1.3.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Decapitation of John the Baptist (ff. 2ra-2va)
- ms_i1.1.3.2 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Dāsyā (f. 2va)
- ms_i1.1.4 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 3rd Maskaram (ff. 2va-3ra)
- ms_i1.1.4.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of the council of Alexandria under Dionysios of Alexandria (ff. 2va-3ra)
- ms_i1.1.4.2 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of an earthquake in Egypt (f. 3ra)
- ms_i1.1.5 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 4th Maskaram (ff. 3rb-3vb)
- ms_i1.1.5.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Macarius II (ff. 3rb-3vb)
- ms_i1.1.6 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 5th Maskaram (ff. 3vb-4ra)
- ms_i1.1.6.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Sofyā, different version in the second recension. (ff. 3vb-4ra)
- ms_i1.1.7 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 6th Maskaram (ff. 4ra-4va)
- ms_i1.1.7.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Isaiah (ff. 4ra-4va)
- ms_i1.1.8 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 7th Maskaram (ff. 4ra-6vb ff. 34ra-34vb f. 7ra)
- ms_i1.1.8.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Dioscorus of Alexandria (ff. 4va-5va)
- ms_i1.1.8.2 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of ʾAgātu, Ṗeṭros, Yoḥannǝs, ʾAmon, ʾAmonā, Rafiqā (ff. 5va-6ra)
- ms_i1.1.8.3 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Severianus of Gabala (ff. 6ra-6vb ff. 34ra-34vb f. 7ra)
- ms_i1.1.9 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 8th Maskaram (ff. 7ra-8vb)
- ms_i1.1.9.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Zachary (ff. 7ra-7vb)
- ms_i1.1.9.2 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Moses (ff. 7vb-8va)
- ms_i1.1.9.3 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Dimādyos (ff. 8va-8vb)
- ms_i1.1.10 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 9th Maskaram (ff. 8vb-9rb)
- ms_i1.1.10.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Bisorā (ff. 8vb-9rb)
- ms_i1.1.11 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 10th Maskaram (ff. 9rb-9vb)
- ms_i1.1.11.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Maqārǝs and the birth of Mary in Upper Egypt (f. 9rb)
- ms_i1.1.11.2 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Maṭronyā (ff. 9rb-9vb)
- ms_i1.1.12 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 11th Maskaram (ff. 9vb-10va)
- ms_i1.1.12. (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Basilides (ff. 9vb-10va)
- ms_i1.1.13 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 12th Maskaram (ff. 10va-11ra)
- ms_i1.1.13.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of the council of Ephesus (ff. 10va-11ra)
- ms_i1.1.13.2 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of ʾAflāhos and his companions (f. 11ra)
- ms_i1.1.14 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 13th Maskaram (ff. 11ra-12rb)
- ms_i1.1.14.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of a miracle of Basil of Caesarea. (ff. 11ra-12rb)
- ms_i1.1.15 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 14th Maskaram (ff. 12rb-13rb)
- ms_i1.1.15.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of ʾAgāton. (ff. 12rb-13rb)
- ms_i1.1.16 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 15th Maskaram (ff. 13rb-14ra)
- ms_i1.1.16.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of the translatio of St Stephen. (ff. 13rb-14ra)
- ms_i1.1.17 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 16th Maskaram (ff. 14ra-14va)
- ms_i1.1.17.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of the consecration of the temple in Jerusalem. (ff. 14ra-14va)
- ms_i1.1.18 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 17th Maskaram (ff. 14va-14vb ff. 129ra-129rb)
- ms_i1.1.18.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Feast of the cross. (ff. 14va-14vb ff. 129ra-129rb)
- ms_i1.1.18.2 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Tāʾognǝsṭā. (ff. 129rb-129vb)
- ms_i1.1.19 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 21st Maskaram (ff. 15ra-15rb)
- ms_i1.1.19.1 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Cyprian of Antioch and Justina. (ff. 15ra-15rb)
- ms_i1.1.20 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 22nd Maskaram (ff. 15rb-16va)
- ms_i1.1.20.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Kotlos and ʾAksu (ff. 15rb-15vb)
- ms_i1.1.20.2 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Julius of Aqfahs. (ff. 15vb-16va)
- ms_i1.1.21 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 23rd Maskaram (ff. 16va-16vb)
- ms_i1.1.21.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of ʾAwnābyos and ʾƎndrǝyās. (ff. 16va-16vb)
- ms_i1.1.21.2 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Thecla. (f. 16vb)
- ms_i1.1.22 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 24th Maskaram (ff. 16vb-17rb)
- ms_i1.1.22.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Gorgoryos. (ff. 16vb-17ra)
- ms_i1.1.22.2 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Bǝdrāṭos. (ff. 17ra-17rb)
- ms_i1.1.23 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 25th Maskaram (ff. 17rb-17vb)
- ms_i1.1.23.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Jonah. (ff. 17rb-17vb)
- ms_i1.1.24 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 26th Maskaram (ff. 17vb-18rb)
- ms_i1.1.24.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Birth of John the Baptist. (ff. 17vb-18rb)
- ms_i1.1.25 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 27th Maskaram (ff. 18rb-19rb)
- ms_i1.1.25.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Eustathius. (ff. 18rb-19rb)
- ms_i1.1.26 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 28th Maskaram (ff. 19rb-19vb)
- ms_i1.1.26.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of ʾAbādir and ʾIrāʾi. (ff. 19rb-19vb)
- ms_i1.1.27 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 29th Maskaram (ff. 20ra-20vb)
- ms_i1.1.27.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of ʾArsimā and ʾAgātā. (ff. 20ra-20vb)
- ms_i1.1.28 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 30th Maskaram (f. 20vb)
- ms_i1.1.28.1 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of the miracle of the salvation of Athanasius. (f. 20vb)
- ms_i1.2 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemorative notices for the month of Ṭǝqǝmt (ff. 21ra-31vb)
- ms_i1.2.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 1st Ṭǝqǝmt (ff. 21ra-21rb)
- ms_i1.2.1.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of ʾAnǝsṭāsyā (ff. 21ra-21rb)
- ms_i1.2.2 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 2nd Ṭǝqǝmt (ff. 21rb-21vb)
- ms_i1.2.2.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of ʾabbā Sāwiros (ff. 21rb-21vb)
- ms_i1.2.3 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 3rd Ṭǝqǝmt (f. 21vb)
- ms_i1.2.3.1 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Gregory the Illuminator (f. 21vb)
- ms_i1.2.4 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 6th Ṭǝqǝmt ()
- ms_i1.2.4.1 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Hannah (f. 22ra)
- ms_i1.2.5 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 7th Ṭǝqǝmt (ff. 22ra-22rb)
- ms_i1.2.5.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of ʾabbā Bāwlā (ff. 22ra-22rb)
- ms_i1.2.5.2 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Minās and Ḥaṣinā (f. 22rb)
- ms_i1.2.6 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 8th Ṭǝqǝmt (ff. 22rb-22vb)
- ms_i1.2.6.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Maṭrā (ff. 22rb-22va)
- ms_i1.2.6.2 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of ʾabbā Hor, Susǝnnā and her children (ff. 22va-22vb)
- ms_i1.2.6.3 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of ʾabbā ʾAgāton (f. 22vb)
- ms_i1.2.7 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 9th Ṭǝqǝmt (ff. 22vb-23va)
- ms_i1.2.7.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Liwāryos (ff. 22vb-23ra)
- ms_i1.2.7.2 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of ʾAmānyos (ff. 23ra-23rb)
- ms_i1.2.7.3 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Sǝmʿon (f. 23rb)
- ms_i1.2.7.4 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of a solar eclipse (ff. 23rb-23va)
- ms_i1.2.8 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 10th Ṭǝqǝmt (ff. 23va-23vb)
- ms_i1.2.8.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Sargiyos (ff. 23va-23vb)
- ms_i1.2.9 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 11th Ṭǝqǝmt (ff. 23vb-24ra)
- ms_i1.2.9.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Yāʿqob (ff. 23vb-24ra)
- ms_i1.2.9.2 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Bilāgyā (f. 24ra)
- ms_i1.2.10 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 12th Ṭǝqǝmt (ff. 24ra-25rb)
- ms_i1.2.10.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Mātewos (ff. 24ra-24vb)
- ms_i1.2.10.2 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Dǝmeṭrǝyos (ff. 24vb-25rb)
- ms_i1.2.11 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 13rd Ṭǝqǝmt (ff. 25rb-25vb)
- ms_i1.2.11.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of ʾabbā Zakāryās (ff. 25rb-25vb)
- ms_i1.2.12 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 14th Ṭǝqǝmt (f. 25vb)
- ms_i1.2.12.1 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Filǝṗṗos (f. 25vb)
- ms_i1.2.13 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 20th Ṭǝqǝmt (ff. 26ra-26va)
- ms_i1.2.13.1 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of John Colobus (ff. 26ra-26va)
- ms_i1.2.14 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 21st Ṭǝqǝmt (ff. 26va-27ra)
- ms_i1.2.14.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of the translatio of Lazarus (ff. 26va-26vb)
- ms_i1.2.14.2 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Joel (ff. 26vb-27ra)
- ms_i1.2.14.3 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Mary (f. 27ra)
- ms_i1.2.15 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 22nd Ṭǝqǝmt (ff. 27ra-27va)
- ms_i1.2.15.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Luke (ff. 27ra-27va)
- ms_i1.2.16 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 23rd Ṭǝqǝmt (ff. 27va-28rb)
- ms_i1.2.16.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Joseph I or Yoḥannǝs (ff. 27va-28rb)
- ms_i1.2.16.2 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Diyonāsyos, bishop of Qorotos (f. 28rb)
- ms_i1.2.17 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 24th Ṭǝqǝmt (ff. 28va-28vb)
- ms_i1.2.17.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Hilarion (ff. 28va-28vb)
- ms_i1.2.17.2 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Ṗāwlos and his friend and Zenā (f. 28vb)
- ms_i1.2.18 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 25th Ṭǝqǝmt (ff. 28vb-29vb)
- ms_i1.2.18.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Abib (Bula) (ff. 28vb-29va)
- ms_i1.2.18.2 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of the consecration of the church of Julius of Aqfahs (ff. 29va-29vb)
- ms_i1.2.19 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 26th Ṭǝqǝmt (ff. 29vb-30ra)
- ms_i1.2.19.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Timon (ff. 29vb-30ra)
- ms_i1.2.20 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 27th Ṭǝqǝmt (ff. 30ra-30vb)
- ms_i1.2.20.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Maqārǝs, bishop of ʾIdku (ff. 30ra-30vb)
- ms_i1.2.21 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 28th Ṭǝqǝmt (ff. 30vb-31ra)
- ms_i1.2.21.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Markiyānos and Marqoryos (ff. 30vb-31ra)
- ms_i1.2.22 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 29th Ṭǝqǝmt (ff. 31ra-31va)
- ms_i1.2.22.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of the birth of Dǝmeṭrǝyos (ff. 31ra-31va)
- ms_i1.2.23 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 30th Ṭǝqǝmt (ff. 31va-31vb)
- ms_i1.2.23.1 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of ʾAbrǝhām bāḥtāwi (ff. 31va-31vb)
- ms_i1.3 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemorative notices for the month of Ḫǝdar (ff. 32ra-44rb)
- ms_i1.3.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 1st Ḫǝdar (ff. 32ra-32rb)
- ms_i1.3.1.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Maksimos, Numanfyos, Fiqṭor and Filǝṗṗos (ff. 32ra-32rb)
- ms_i1.3.2 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 2nd Ḫǝdar (ff. 32rb-32va)
- ms_i1.3.2.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Peter III of Alexandria or Ṗāwlos (ff. 32rb-32va)
- ms_i1.3.3 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 3rd Ḫǝdar (ff. 32va-33rb)
- ms_i1.3.3.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Kirākos (ff. 32va-33ra)
- ms_i1.3.3.2 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of ʾAtnāsyos and his sister ʾIrāʾi (ff. 33ra-33rb)
- ms_i1.3.4 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 4th Ḫǝdar (ff. 33rb-33va)
- ms_i1.3.4.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Yoḥannǝs and Yāʿqob, bishops of Fārs (f. 33rb)
- ms_i1.3.4.2 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Tomās, bishop of Damāsqo (ff. 33rb-33va)
- ms_i1.3.4.3 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of ʾAbimākos and ʿĀzaryānos (f. 33va)
- ms_i1.3.5 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 5th Ḫǝdar (f. 33vb)
- ms_i1.3.5.1 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Langinos (f. 33vb)
- ms_i1.3.6 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 7th Ḫǝdar (ff. 35ra-36va)
- ms_i1.3.6.1 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Giyorgis of Alexandria (f. 35ra)
- ms_i1.3.6.2 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of ʾabbā Hor (ff. 35ra-35rb)
- ms_i1.3.6.3 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of ʾabbā Minās, bishop of Tǝmay (ff. 35va-36ra)
- ms_i1.3.6.4 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of the consecration of the church of St George (ff. 36ra-36va)
- ms_i1.3.7 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 8th Ḫǝdar (ff. 36va-36vb)
- ms_i1.3.7.1 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of the Four Animals (ff. 36va-36vb)
- ms_i1.3.8 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 9th Ḫǝdar (ff. 37ra-37rb)
- ms_i1.3.8.1 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of the council of Nicaea (ff. 37ra-37rb)
- ms_i1.3.9 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 10th Ḫǝdar (ff. 37rb-38ra)
- ms_i1.3.9.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Sofyā and her daughters (ff. 37rb-37va)
- ms_i1.3.9.2 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of the council at the time of king Fiqṭoryos (ff. 37va-38ra)
- ms_i1.3.10 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 11th Ḫǝdar (ff. 38ra-38rb)
- ms_i1.3.10.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Anne (ff. 38ra-38rb)
- ms_i1.3.10.2 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of ʾArsǝwo and ʾElsāʿ the prophet (f. 38rb)
- ms_i1.3.11 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 12th Ḫǝdar (ff. 38rb-39ra)
- ms_i1.3.11.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Michael, history of Dortāwos and Tāwobǝstā (ff. 38rb-39ra)
- ms_i1.3.12 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 13rd Ḫǝdar (ff. 39ra-39rb)
- ms_i1.3.12.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of ʾabbā Ṭimotewos or Mātewos (ff. 39ra-39va)
- ms_i1.3.12.2 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of ʾabbā Zakāryās (ff. 39va-39vb)
- ms_i1.3.13 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 24th Ḫǝdar (f. 40ra)
- ms_i1.3.13.1 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of the 24 heavenly priests (f. 40ra)
- ms_i1.3.14 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 25th Ḫǝdar (ff. 40ra-40va)
- ms_i1.3.14.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Mārqorewos (ff. 40ra-40va)
- ms_i1.3.15 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 26th Ḫǝdar (ff. 40vb-41ra)
- ms_i1.3.15.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Balāryānos (ff. 40vb-41ra)
- ms_i1.3.15.2 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Gregory of Nyssa (f. 41ra)
- ms_i1.3.16 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 27th Ḫǝdar (ff. 41rb-42ra)
- ms_i1.3.16.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Yāʿqob (ff. 41rb-42ra)
- ms_i1.3.17 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 28th Ḫǝdar (ff. 42ra-42vb)
- ms_i1.3.17.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Sārābāmon (ff. 42ra-42vb)
- ms_i1.3.18 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 29th Ḫǝdar (f. 42vb ff. 45ra-45vb ff. 43ra-43va)
- ms_i1.3.18.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Ṗeṭros the patriarch (f. 42vb ff. 45ra-45vb f. 43ra)
- ms_i1.3.18.2 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Qalemǝnṭos (ff. 43ra-43va)
- ms_i1.3.19 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 30th Ḫǝdar (ff. 43va-44rb)
- ms_i1.3.19.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of ʾAkākyos (ff. 43va-44rb)
- ms_i1.4 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemorative notices for the month of Tāḫśāś (ff. 44va-66vb)
- ms_i1.4.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 1st Tāḫśāś (ff. 44va-44vb f. 46ra)
- ms_i1.4.1.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Ṗeṭros, the bishop of Gazā (ff. 44va-44vb f. 46ra)
- ms_i1.4.2 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 2nd Tāḫśāś (ff. 46ra-46rb)
- ms_i1.4.2.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of ʾabbā Hor (ff. 46ra-46rb)
- ms_i1.4.3 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 3rd Tāḫśāś (ff. 46rb-46va)
- ms_i1.4.3.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of the presentation of Mary to the temple (ff. 46rb-46va)
- ms_i1.4.4 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 4th Tāḫśāś (ff. 46va-47rb)
- ms_i1.4.4.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of ʾƎndrǝyās (ff. 46va-47rb)
- ms_i1.4.5 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 5th Tāḫśāś (ff. 47rb-47va)
- ms_i1.4.5.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of ʿƎnbāqom (ff. 47rb-47va)
- ms_i1.4.5.2 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Tewodros (f. 47va)
- ms_i1.4.6 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 6th Tāḫśāś (ff. 47va-48vb)
- ms_i1.4.6.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Baṭǝls (f. 47va)
- ms_i1.4.6.2 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of ʾabbā ʾAbrǝhām or Mar Bǝhnām (ff. 47va-48vb)
- ms_i1.4.7 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 7th Tāḫśāś (ff. 48vb-49ra)
- ms_i1.4.7.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Mātewos the poor (ff. 48vb-49ra)
- ms_i1.4.8 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 8th Tāḫśāś (ff. 49ra-49vb ff. 54ra-54vb ff. 50ra-50va)
- ms_i1.4.8.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Yārkǝlewos (ff. 49ra-49rb)
- ms_i1.4.8.2 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Barbārā and Yolyānā (ff. 49rb-49vb)
- ms_i1.4.8.3 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Samuʾel of Qalamon (f. 49vb ff. 54ra-54vb)
- ms_i1.4.8.4 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of ʾabbā ʾEsi and his sister Teklā (f. 54vb ff. 50ra-50va)
- ms_i1.4.9 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 9th Tāḫśāś (ff. 50va-51va)
- ms_i1.4.9.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of ʾabbā Baʾamin (ff. 50va-51va)
- ms_i1.4.10 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 10th Tāḫśāś (ff. 51va-53ra)
- ms_i1.4.10.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of the translatio of Sāwiros (ff. 51va-52ra)
- ms_i1.4.10.2 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Niqolāwos (ff. 52ra-53ra)
- ms_i1.4.11 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 11th Tāḫśāś (ff. 53rb-53vb f. 55ra)
- ms_i1.4.11.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of ʾabbā Ṗakʷǝmis (ff. 53rb-53vb f. 55ra)
- ms_i1.4.12 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 12th Tāḫśāś (ff. 55ra-55vb)
- ms_i1.4.12.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of ʾabbā Hǝdrā (f. 55ra)
- ms_i1.4.12.2 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of the council of Rome (ff. 55ra-55vb)
- ms_i1.4.13 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 13rd Tāḫśāś (ff. 55vb-56ra)
- ms_i1.4.13.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Barṣǝnufyos (f. 55vb)
- ms_i1.4.13.2 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of ʾAbrākos (ff. 55vb-56ra)
- ms_i1.4.14 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 14th Tāḫśāś (f. 56ra)
- ms_i1.4.14.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Sǝmʿon of Manuf (f. 56ra)
- ms_i1.4.14.2 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of ʾabbā Bǝḥur and ʾabbā Minās and Marbǝhnām (f. 56ra)
- ms_i1.4.15 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 15th Tāḫśāś (ff. 56ra-57ra)
- ms_i1.4.15.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Gregory the Illuminator (ff. 56ra-57ra)
- ms_i1.4.15.2 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Luqās za-ʿāmd (f. 57ra)
- ms_i1.4.16 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 16th Tāḫśāś (ff. 57ra-57vb)
- ms_i1.4.16.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Hǝrwāg (f. 57ra)
- ms_i1.4.16.2 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Kozi of ʾAkmim (ff. 57ra-57rb)
- ms_i1.4.16.3 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Gedewon the judge (ff. 57rb-57vb)
- ms_i1.4.17 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 17th Tāḫśāś (ff. 58ra-58va)
- ms_i1.4.17.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of the translatio of Luqās the stylite (ff. 58ra-58va)
- ms_i1.4.18 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 18th Tāḫśāś (ff. 58va-59ra)
- ms_i1.4.18.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Lakārkǝlā and Filmunā (f. 58va)
- ms_i1.4.18.2 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of the translatio of Titus (ff. 58va-59ra)
- ms_i1.4.18.3 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Salāmā Kaśāte Bǝrhān (f. 59ra)
- ms_i1.4.19 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 19th Tāḫśāś (ff. 59ra-59vb)
- ms_i1.4.19.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Yoḥannǝs of Burlǝs or Qoṗros (ff. 59ra-59vb)
- ms_i1.4.20 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 20th Tāḫśāś (ff. 59vb-60ra)
- ms_i1.4.20.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of the Ḥagge the prophet (ff. 59vb-60ra)
- ms_i1.4.21 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 21st Tāḫśāś (ff. 60ra-60va)
- ms_i1.4.21.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Barnābās (ff. 60ra-60va)
- ms_i1.4.22 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 22nd Tāḫśāś (ff. 60va-61rb)
- ms_i1.4.22.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Gabrǝʾel (ff. 60va-61ra)
- ms_i1.4.22.2 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of ʾAbqǝnyos or ʾƎnṭonyos (ff. 61ra-61rb)
- ms_i1.4.23 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 23rd Tāḫśāś (ff. 61rb-62vb)
- ms_i1.4.23.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Ṭimotewos (ff. 61rb-61vb)
- ms_i1.4.23.2 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of David (ff. 61vb-62vb)
- ms_i1.4.24 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 24th Tāḫśāś (ff. 62vb-63rb)
- ms_i1.4.24.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of ʾAgnǝsṭǝsyos, patriarch of Antioch (ff. 62vb-63ra)
- ms_i1.4.24.2 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Filgonyos, patriarch of Antioch (ff. 63ra-63rb)
- ms_i1.4.25 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 25th Tāḫśāś (ff. 63rb-64ra)
- ms_i1.4.25.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Yoḥannǝs Kāmā (ff. 63rb-64ra)
- ms_i1.4.26 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 26th Tāḫśāś (ff. 64ra-64va)
- ms_i1.4.26.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of ʾAnǝsṭāsyā (ff. 64ra-64rb)
- ms_i1.4.26.2 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Yolyānā (f. 64va)
- ms_i1.4.27 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 27th Tāḫśāś (ff. 64va-64vb)
- ms_i1.4.27.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of ʾabbā ʾAbsādi (ff. 64va-64vb)
- ms_i1.4.28 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 28th Tāḫśāś (ff. 64vb-65rb)
- ms_i1.4.28.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of the birth of Christ (ff. 64vb-65ra)
- ms_i1.4.28.2 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of the martyrs of ʾAnsǝnā (ff. 65ra-65rb)
- ms_i1.4.29 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 29th Tāḫśāś (ff. 65rb-66ra)
- ms_i1.4.29.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Second commemoration of the birth of Christ (ff. 65rb-66ra)
- ms_i1.4.30 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 30th Tāḫśāś (ff. 66rb-66vb)
- ms_i1.4.30.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of ʾabbā Yoḥannǝs (ff. 66rb-66vb)
- ms_i1.5 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemorative notices for the month of Ṭǝrr (ff. 67ra-90vb)
- ms_i1.5.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 1st Ṭǝrr (ff. 67ra-67vb)
- ms_i1.5.1.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of St Stephen (ff. 67ra-67va)
- ms_i1.5.1.2 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Lāwdyānos (ff. 67va-67vb)
- ms_i1.5.2 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 2nd Ṭǝrr (ff. 67vb-68rb)
- ms_i1.5.2.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of ʾAlāniqos (ff. 67vb-68ra)
- ms_i1.5.2.2 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of ʾabbā Tāʾonā, patriarch of Alexandria (ff. 68ra-68rb)
- ms_i1.5.3 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 3rd Ṭǝrr (ff. 68rb-68vb)
- ms_i1.5.3.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of the children of Bethlehem (ff. 68rb-68vb)
- ms_i1.5.4 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 4th Ṭǝrr (ff. 68vb-70ra)
- ms_i1.5.4.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of John (ff. 68vb-70ra)
- ms_i1.5.5 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 5th Ṭǝrr (ff. 70ra-70va)
- ms_i1.5.5.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of ʾAwsǝgǝnyos (ff. 70ra-70va)
- ms_i1.5.6 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 6th Ṭǝrr (ff. 70va-72vb)
- ms_i1.5.6.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of the circumcision (ff. 70va-70vb)
- ms_i1.5.6.2 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of the translatio of Elijah (ff. 70vb-72ra)
- ms_i1.5.6.3 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of ʾabbā Mǝrkǝyānos the patriarch (ff. 72ra-72rb)
- ms_i1.5.6.4 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Basil of Caesarea (ff. 72rb-72vb)
- ms_i1.5.7 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 7th Ṭǝrr (ff. 72vb-73ra)
- ms_i1.5.7.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Ṗeṭros the patriarch of Rome (ff. 72vb-73ra)
- ms_i1.5.8 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 8th Ṭǝrr (ff. 73ra-75ra)
- ms_i1.5.8.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of the consecration of the church of ʾabbā Maqārǝs (ff. 73ra-73vb)
- ms_i1.5.8.2 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of ʾabbā ʾƎndǝryāniqos the patriarch of Alexandria (ff. 73vb-74ra)
- ms_i1.5.8.3 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of ʾabbā Bǝnyāmin the patriarch of Alexandria (ff. 74ra-75ra)
- ms_i1.5.9 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 9th Ṭǝrr (ff. 75ra-75vb)
- ms_i1.5.9.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of ʾabbā ʾAbrǝhām (ff. 75ra-75vb)
- ms_i1.5.10 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 10th Ṭǝrr (ff. 75vb-76ra)
- ms_i1.5.10.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of the institution of two fasting days in case Christmas or Epiphany fall on a Wednesday or Friday (ff. 75vb-76ra)
- ms_i1.5.11 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 11th Ṭǝrr (ff. 76rb-76vb)
- ms_i1.5.11.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of the baptism of Christ (ff. 76rb-76va)
- ms_i1.5.11.2 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of ʾƎnāṭulǝs (ff. 76va-76vb)
- ms_i1.5.12 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 12th Ṭǝrr (ff. 76vb-78ra)
- ms_i1.5.12.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Theodore “the Oriental” (ff. 76vb-78ra)
- ms_i1.5.13 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 13rd Ṭǝrr (ff. 78ra-78rb)
- ms_i1.5.13.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of the wedding at Qānā (ff. 78ra-78rb)
- ms_i1.5.14 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 14th Ṭǝrr (ff. 78rb-79ra)
- ms_i1.5.14.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of ʾabbā ʾAlasador (ff. 78rb-79ra)
- ms_i1.5.14.2 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Maksimos (f. 79ra)
- ms_i1.5.15 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 15th Ṭǝrr (ff. 79ra-79va)
- ms_i1.5.15.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of ʾAbyud the prophet (ff. 79ra-79rb)
- ms_i1.5.15.2 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Gregory of Nyssa among the Egyptians (ff. 79rb-79va)
- ms_i1.5.16 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 16th Ṭǝrr (ff. 79va-80vb)
- ms_i1.5.16.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Filātāwos (ff. 79va-80rb)
- ms_i1.5.16.2 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Yoḥannǝs the patriarch (ff. 80rb-80vb)
- ms_i1.5.17 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 17th Ṭǝrr (ff. 80vb-81vb)
- ms_i1.5.17.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Maksimos and Damātewos (ff. 80vb-81vb)
- ms_i1.5.18 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 18th Ṭǝrr (ff. 81vb-82ra)
- ms_i1.5.18.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Yāʿqob of Nisibis (ff. 81vb-82ra)
- ms_i1.5.19 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 19th Ṭǝrr (ff. 82rb-82va)
- ms_i1.5.19.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Bahor and his sister Surā (ff. 82rb-82va)
- ms_i1.5.20 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 20th Ṭǝrr (ff. 82va-83ra)
- ms_i1.5.20.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Prochorus (ff. 82va-83ra)
- ms_i1.5.20.2 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of ʾabbā Luḥ (f. 82vb)
- ms_i1.5.20.3 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Marbǝhnām and consecration of the church of Yoḥannǝs (f. 83ra)
- ms_i1.5.21 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 21st Ṭǝrr (ff. 83ra-84rb)
- ms_i1.5.21.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of the death of Mary (ff. 83ra-83va)
- ms_i1.5.21.2 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of ʾArʾayā (ff. 83va-84ra)
- ms_i1.5.21.3 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Gregory of Nyssa (f. 84rb)
- ms_i1.5.22 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 22nd Ṭǝrr (ff. 84rb-85va)
- ms_i1.5.22.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Anthony (the Great) (ff. 84rb-85va)
- ms_i1.5.23 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 23rd Ṭǝrr (ff. 85va-85vb)
- ms_i1.5.23.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Ṭimotewos (ff. 85va-85vb)
- ms_i1.5.24 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 24th Ṭǝrr (f. 85vb ff. 87ra-87rb)
- ms_i1.5.24.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Māryām (f. 85vb ff. 87ra-87rb)
- ms_i1.5.24.2 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of ʾabbā ʾAbsādi (f. 87rb)
- ms_i1.5.25 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 25th Ṭǝrr (ff. 87rb-87va)
- ms_i1.5.25.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Ṗeṭros (ff. 87rb-87va)
- ms_i1.5.25.2 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of an unnamed martyr or Saklā (f. 87va)
- ms_i1.5.26 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 26th Ṭǝrr (ff. 87va-88vb)
- ms_i1.5.26.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of 49 martyrs of Scetis (ff. 87va-88rb)
- ms_i1.5.26.2 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of ʾAnǝsṭāsyā (ff. 88rb-88vb)
- ms_i1.5.27 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 27th Ṭǝrr (f. 88vb ff. 86ra-86vb f. 89ra)
- ms_i1.5.27.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Sarābyon (f. 88vb ff. 86ra-86rb)
- ms_i1.5.27.2 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Bǝfām (ff. 86rb-86vb f. 89ra)
- ms_i1.5.27.3 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of the translatio of Ṭimotewos (f. 89ra)
- ms_i1.5.27.4 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Suryāl (f. 89ra)
- ms_i1.5.28 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 28th Ṭǝrr (ff. 89ra-89va)
- ms_i1.5.28.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of ʾAklemǝnṭos (ff. 89ra-89va)
- ms_i1.5.29 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 29th Ṭǝrr (ff. 89va-90ra)
- ms_i1.5.29.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of ʾAksǝni (ff. 89va-90ra)
- ms_i1.5.29.2 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Sǝryāqos (f. 90ra)
- ms_i1.5.30 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 30th Ṭǝrr (ff. 90ra-90va)
- ms_i1.5.30.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Bistis, Halǝbis, ʾAqābis and their mother Sofyā (ff. 90ra-90va)
- ms_i1.6 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemorative notices for the month of Yakkātit (ff. 91ra-110va)
- ms_i1.6.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 1st Yakkātit (ff. 91ra-92ra)
- ms_i1.6.1.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of the council of Constantinople (ff. 91ra-92ra)
- ms_i1.6.1.2 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of the consecration of the church of Ṗeṭros (f. 92ra)
- ms_i1.6.2 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 2nd Yakkātit (ff. 92ra-94ra)
- ms_i1.6.2.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of ʾabbā Langinos (ff. 92ra-92vb)
- ms_i1.6.2.2 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of ʾabbā Bulā (ff. 92vb-94ra)
- ms_i1.6.3 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 3rd Yakkātit (ff. 94ra-94vb)
- ms_i1.6.3.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of ʾabbā Yāʿqob (ff. 94ra-94vb)
- ms_i1.6.4 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 4th Yakkātit (ff. 94vb-95rb)
- ms_i1.6.4.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of ʿAqabis (ff. 94vb-95rb)
- ms_i1.6.5 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 5th Yakkātit (ff. 95rb-95va)
- ms_i1.6.5.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of ʾabbā ʾAqrǝṗṗā the patriarch (ff. 95rb-95va)
- ms_i1.6.5.2 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of ʾabbā Bǝsoy and ʾabbā Nob (f. 95va)
- ms_i1.6.5.3 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of the translatio of the 49 martyrs of Scetis (f. 95va)
- ms_i1.6.5.4 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Bulidās (f. 95va)
- ms_i1.6.6 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 6th Yakkātit (ff. 95va-96rb)
- ms_i1.6.6.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of ʾAbulidās (ff. 95va-96ra)
- ms_i1.6.6.2 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of ʾAbuqer, Yoḥannǝs, three virgins and their mother (ff. 96ra-96ra)
- ms_i1.6.7 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 7th Yakkātit (ff. 96rb-97vb)
- ms_i1.6.7.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of ʾabbā ʾƎskǝndǝros the patriarch (ff. 96rb-97va)
- ms_i1.6.7.2 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of ʾabbā Tewodros the patriarch (ff. 97va-97vb)
- ms_i1.6.8 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 8th Yakkātit (ff. 97vb-98va)
- ms_i1.6.8.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of the presentation of Christ to the temple (ff. 97vb-98va)
- ms_i1.6.9 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 9th Yakkātit (ff. 98va-99vb)
- ms_i1.6.9.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Barsomā (ff. 98va-99va)
- ms_i1.6.9.2 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Ṗāwlos (ff. 99va-99vb)
- ms_i1.6.10 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 10th Yakkātit (ff. 99vb-100vb)
- ms_i1.6.10.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of James, son of Alphaeus (ff. 99vb-100ra)
- ms_i1.6.10.2 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Yosṭos (ff. 100ra-100rb)
- ms_i1.6.10.3 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of ʾabbā ʾAysdǝros (ff. 100rb-100va)
- ms_i1.6.10.4 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of ʾabbā Filu (ff. 100va-100vb)
- ms_i1.6.11 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 11th Yakkātit (f. 100vb)
- ms_i1.6.11.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Bǝlātyānos the patriarch of Rome (f. 100vb)
- ms_i1.6.12 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 12th Yakkātit (ff. 101ra-101va)
- ms_i1.6.12.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Galāsyos (ff. 101ra-101va)
- ms_i1.6.13 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 13rd Yakkātit (ff. 101va-102rb)
- ms_i1.6.13.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Sargiyos (ff. 101va-102rb)
- ms_i1.6.13.2 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of ʾabbā Ṭimotewos the patriarch (f. 102rb)
- ms_i1.6.14 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 14th Yakkātit (ff. 102rb-103ra)
- ms_i1.6.14.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Sāwiros (ff. 102rb-102vb)
- ms_i1.6.14.2 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Yāʿqob the patriarch of Alexandria (f. 103ra)
- ms_i1.6.15 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 15th Yakkātit (ff. 103ra-103va)
- ms_i1.6.15.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Zakāryā the prophet (ff. 103ra-103rb)
- ms_i1.6.15.2 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Yakk15ConsecrationSebesteya (f. 103rb)
- ms_i1.6.15.3 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Babnūda (ff. 103rb-103va)
- ms_i1.6.16 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 16th Yakkātit (ff. 103va-104ra)
- ms_i1.6.16.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of ʾElsābeṭ (ff. 103va-104ra)
- ms_i1.6.17 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 17th Yakkātit (ff. 104ra-104rb)
- ms_i1.6.17.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Minās (ff. 104ra-104rb)
- ms_i1.6.18 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 18th Yakkātit (ff. 104rb-104vb)
- ms_i1.6.18.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Malāniwos the patriarch of Antiochia (ff. 104rb-104vb)
- ms_i1.6.19 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 19th Yakkātit (f. 104vb)
- ms_i1.6.19.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of the translatio of Martǝyānos (f. 104vb)
- ms_i1.6.20 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 20th Yakkātit (f. 105ra)
- ms_i1.6.20.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Ṗeṭros the patriarch (f. 105ra)
- ms_i1.6.20.2 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Bāsǝlyos, Tāʾodǝs and Ṭimotewos (f. 105ra)
- ms_i1.6.21 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 21st Yakkātit (ff. 105ra-106rb)
- ms_i1.6.21.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Gabrǝʾel the patriarch (ff. 105ra-105rb)
- ms_i1.6.21.2 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Zakāryās the bishop (ff. 105rb-105vb)
- ms_i1.6.21.3 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of ʾAwkǝnsimon (ff. 105vb-106rb)
- ms_i1.6.22 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 22nd Yakkātit (ff. 106rb-106va)
- ms_i1.6.22.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of ʾabbā Mārunā (ff. 106rb-106va)
- ms_i1.6.23 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 23rd Yakkātit (ff. 106va-106vb)
- ms_i1.6.23.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of ʾAwsǝnyos (ff. 106va-106vb)
- ms_i1.6.24 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 24th Yakkātit (ff. 106vb-107vb)
- ms_i1.6.24.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of ʾAgābiṭos (ff. 106vb-107va)
- ms_i1.6.24.2 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Ṭimotewos the bishop of Gāzā (f. 107va)
- ms_i1.6.24.3 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Minās (ff. 107va-107vb)
- ms_i1.6.25 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 25th Yakkātit (ff. 107vb-108ra)
- ms_i1.6.25.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of ʾArsinos, Filmona and Lekiyā (ff. 107vb-108ra)
- ms_i1.6.25.2 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of a deacon and Minās (f. 108ra)
- ms_i1.6.26 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 26th Yakkātit (ff. 108ra-108va)
- ms_i1.6.26.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Hoseʿ (ff. 108ra-108rb)
- ms_i1.6.26.2 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Sādoq (ff. 108rb-108va)
- ms_i1.6.27 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 27th Yakkātit (ff. 108va-109ra)
- ms_i1.6.27.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of ʾEnsǝgtewos, patriarch of Antioch (ff. 108va-109ra)
- ms_i1.6.28 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 28th Yakkātit (ff. 109ra-109rb)
- ms_i1.6.28.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Tewodros the Roman (ff. 109ra-109rb)
- ms_i1.6.29 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 29th Yakkātit (ff. 109rb-109va)
- ms_i1.6.29.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Bālikǝryos (ff. 109rb-109va)
- ms_i1.6.30 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 30th Yakkātit (ff. 109va-110rb)
- ms_i1.6.30.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of the invention of the head of John the Baptist (ff. 109va-110rb)
- ms_i1.7 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemorative notices for the month of Maggābit (ff. 111ra-120vb)
- ms_i1.7.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Introduction for the second half of the year, beginning with Maggābit (f. 111ra)
- ms_i1.7.2 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 1st Maggābit (ff. 111ra-111va)
- ms_i1.7.2.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Narcissus (same as NAR0019SBarkisos) (ff. 111ra-111rb)
- ms_i1.7.2.2 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Marqorā (same as NAR0072Marqora) (f. 111va)
- ms_i1.7.2.3 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of ʾƎskǝndǝros (same as NAR0020SEskenderos) (f. 111va)
- ms_i1.7.2.4 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Marqoryos (same as NAR0021SMarqoryos) (f. 111va)
- ms_i1.7.3 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 2nd Maggābit (ff. 111va-112rb)
- ms_i1.7.3.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Makrāwi (ff. 111ra-112rb)
- ms_i1.7.4 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 3rd Maggābit (ff. 112rb-113ra)
- ms_i1.7.4.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Cosmas III (ff. 112rb-112vb)
- ms_i1.7.4.2 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Barfonyos (ff. 112vb-113ra)
- ms_i1.7.5 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 4th Maggābit (ff. 113ra-113rb)
- ms_i1.7.5.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of the Council of Ǧazīra Banī ʿUmar (ff. 113ra-113rb)
- ms_i1.7.5.2 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Hanǝlyos (f. 113rb)
- ms_i1.7.6 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 5th Maggābit (ff. 113rb-114rb)
- ms_i1.7.6.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Sarābǝmon (ff. 113rb-113vb)
- ms_i1.7.6.2 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of ʾOdokiyā (same as NAR0018SOdokiya) (ff. 113vb-114rb)
- ms_i1.7.7 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 6th Maggābit (ff. 114rb-115ra)
- ms_i1.7.7.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Diyosqoros (ff. 114rb-114vb)
- ms_i1.7.7.2 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Tewodoṭos (ff. 114vb-115ra)
- ms_i1.7.8 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 7th Maggābit (ff. 115ra-115rb)
- ms_i1.7.8.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Filmon and ʾAblānyos (ff. 115ra-115rb)
- ms_i1.7.9 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 8th Maggābit (ff. 115rb-116va)
- ms_i1.7.9.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of ʾAryānos (ff. 115rb-115va)
- ms_i1.7.9.2 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Mathias (ff. 115va-116rb)
- ms_i1.7.9.3 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Julian (ff. 116rb-116va)
- ms_i1.7.10 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 9th Maggābit (ff. 116va-117rb)
- ms_i1.7.10.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of ʾAndyānos, his wife, ʾAwsābyos, ʾArmā and forty martyrs (f. 116va)
- ms_i1.7.10.2 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Kutǝn (ff. 116va-117rb)
- ms_i1.7.11 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 10th Maggābit (ff. 117rb-118ra)
- ms_i1.7.11.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Invention of the cross (ff. 117rb-118ra)
- ms_i1.7.12 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 11th Maggābit (ff. 118ra-118va)
- ms_i1.7.12.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Bāsilāʾos (ff. 118ra-118va)
- ms_i1.7.13 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 12th Maggābit (ff. 118va-119ra)
- ms_i1.7.13.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Demetrius I of Alexandria (ff. 118va-119ra)
- ms_i1.7.13.2 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Malāki (f. 119ra)
- ms_i1.7.14 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 13rd Maggābit (ff. 119ra-121ra)
- ms_i1.7.14.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of the Forty Martyrs of Sebaste (ff. 119ra-119vb)
- ms_i1.7.14.2 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Dionysios of Alexandria (ff. 119vb-120vb)
- ms_i1.7.15 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 14th Maggābit (ff. 121ra-121vb)
- ms_i1.7.15.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Sinodā (ff. 121ra-121rb)
- ms_i1.7.15.2 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of ʾAwgānyos, ʾAwgānudros, ʾAlibidyos (ff. 121rb-121va)
- ms_i1.7.15.3 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Cyril III (ff. 121va-121vb)
- ms_i1.7.16 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 15th Maggābit (ff. 121vb-122rb)
- ms_i1.7.16.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Sārā (ff. 121vb-122ra)
- ms_i1.7.16.2 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Hǝlyānos (f. 122ra)
- ms_i1.7.17 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 16th Maggābit (ff. 122rb-123rb)
- ms_i1.7.17.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Michael I (ff. 122rb-123rb)
- ms_i1.7.18 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 17th Maggābit (ff. 123rb-123va)
- ms_i1.7.18.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Lazarus (ff. 123rb-123va)
- ms_i1.7.18.2 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Giyorgis, Talāsyos and Yosef (f. 123va)
- ms_i1.7.19 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 18th Maggābit (ff. 123vb-124ra)
- ms_i1.7.19.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of ʾIsdǝros (ff. 123vb-124ra)
- ms_i1.7.20 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 19th Maggābit (ff. 124ra-124va)
- ms_i1.7.20.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of ʾArǝsṭuṗāwlos (ff. 124ra-124rb)
- ms_i1.7.20.2 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of seven martyrs (ff. 124rb-124va)
- ms_i1.7.21 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 20th Maggābit (ff. 124va-125rb)
- ms_i1.7.21.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Mikāʾel (ff. 124va-125rb)
- ms_i1.7.21.2 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Lazarus (f. 125rb)
- ms_i1.7.21.3 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Consecration of the Church of ʾAsqarān (f. 125rb)
- ms_i1.7.22 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 21st Maggābit (ff. 125rb-125va)
- ms_i1.7.22.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of the Anointing of Jesus (ff. 125rb-125va)
- ms_i1.7.22.2 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of the priests' conspiracy to kill Lazarus (f. 125va)
- ms_i1.7.22.3 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Tewodros and Ṭimotewos (f. 125va)
- ms_i1.7.23 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 22nd Maggābit (ff. 125va-126ra)
- ms_i1.7.23.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Qerǝllos (ff. 125va-126ra)
- ms_i1.7.24 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 23rd Maggābit (ff. 126ra-127rb)
- ms_i1.7.24.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Daniel (ff. 126ra-127rb)
- ms_i1.7.25 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 24th Maggābit (ff. 127rb-127vb)
- ms_i1.7.25.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Macarius I (ff. 127rb-127vb)
- ms_i1.7.26 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 25th Maggābit (f. 127vb)
- ms_i1.7.26.1 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of ʾOnisiforǝs (f. 127vb)
- ms_i1.7.27 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 27th Maggābit (ff. 128ra-128vb)
- ms_i1.7.27.1 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Maqarǝs (ff. 128ra-128vb)
- a1 (OwnershipNote), no ref in title (f. 90vb)
- a2 (OwnershipNote), no ref in title (f. 44rb)
- e1, no ref in title (f. 83va)
- e2, no ref in title
- e3, no ref in title (f. 2v)
- e4, no ref in title (f. 4r)
- e5, no ref in title (f. 4v)
- e6, no ref in title (f. 12v)
- e7, no ref in title (f. 21v)
- e8, no ref in title (f. 22r)
- e9, no ref in title (f. 31v)
- e10, no ref in title (f. 42v)
- e11, no ref in title (f. 44v)
- e12, no ref in title (f. 45r)
- e13, no ref in title (f. 67r)
- e14, no ref in title (f. 105r)
- ms_i1 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B) (ff. 1ra-129rb)
- ms_i1.1 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemorative notices for the month of Maskaram (ff. 1ra-20vb)
- ms_i1.1.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Introduction for Maskaram (f. 1ra)
- ms_i1.1.2 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 1st Maskaram (ff. 1ra-2ra)
- ms_i1.1.2.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Beginning of the year (ff. 1ra-1rb)
- ms_i1.1.2.2 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Job's washing in the river (ff. 1rb-1va)
- ms_i1.1.2.3 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Death of Bartholomew (same as NAR0017SBartalomewos) (ff. 1va-2ra)
- ms_i1.1.2.4 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Death of Milyos (f. 2ra)
- ms_i1.1.3 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 2nd Maskaram (ff. 2ra-2va)
- ms_i1.1.3.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Decapitation of John the Baptist (ff. 2ra-2va)
- ms_i1.1.3.2 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Dāsyā (f. 2va)
- ms_i1.1.4 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 3rd Maskaram (ff. 2va-3ra)
- ms_i1.1.4.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of the council of Alexandria under Dionysios of Alexandria (ff. 2va-3ra)
- ms_i1.1.4.2 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of an earthquake in Egypt (f. 3ra)
- ms_i1.1.5 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 4th Maskaram (ff. 3rb-3vb)
- ms_i1.1.5.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Macarius II (ff. 3rb-3vb)
- ms_i1.1.6 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 5th Maskaram (ff. 3vb-4ra)
- ms_i1.1.6.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Sofyā, different version in the second recension. (ff. 3vb-4ra)
- ms_i1.1.7 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 6th Maskaram (ff. 4ra-4va)
- ms_i1.1.7.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Isaiah (ff. 4ra-4va)
- ms_i1.1.8 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 7th Maskaram (ff. 4ra-6vb ff. 34ra-34vb f. 7ra)
- ms_i1.1.8.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Dioscorus of Alexandria (ff. 4va-5va)
- ms_i1.1.8.2 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of ʾAgātu, Ṗeṭros, Yoḥannǝs, ʾAmon, ʾAmonā, Rafiqā (ff. 5va-6ra)
- ms_i1.1.8.3 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Severianus of Gabala (ff. 6ra-6vb ff. 34ra-34vb f. 7ra)
- ms_i1.1.9 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 8th Maskaram (ff. 7ra-8vb)
- ms_i1.1.9.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Zachary (ff. 7ra-7vb)
- ms_i1.1.9.2 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Moses (ff. 7vb-8va)
- ms_i1.1.9.3 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Dimādyos (ff. 8va-8vb)
- ms_i1.1.10 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 9th Maskaram (ff. 8vb-9rb)
- ms_i1.1.10.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Bisorā (ff. 8vb-9rb)
- ms_i1.1.11 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 10th Maskaram (ff. 9rb-9vb)
- ms_i1.1.11.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Maqārǝs and the birth of Mary in Upper Egypt (f. 9rb)
- ms_i1.1.11.2 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Maṭronyā (ff. 9rb-9vb)
- ms_i1.1.12 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 11th Maskaram (ff. 9vb-10va)
- ms_i1.1.12. (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Basilides (ff. 9vb-10va)
- ms_i1.1.13 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 12th Maskaram (ff. 10va-11ra)
- ms_i1.1.13.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of the council of Ephesus (ff. 10va-11ra)
- ms_i1.1.13.2 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of ʾAflāhos and his companions (f. 11ra)
- ms_i1.1.14 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 13th Maskaram (ff. 11ra-12rb)
- ms_i1.1.14.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of a miracle of Basil of Caesarea. (ff. 11ra-12rb)
- ms_i1.1.15 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 14th Maskaram (ff. 12rb-13rb)
- ms_i1.1.15.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of ʾAgāton. (ff. 12rb-13rb)
- ms_i1.1.16 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 15th Maskaram (ff. 13rb-14ra)
- ms_i1.1.16.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of the translatio of St Stephen. (ff. 13rb-14ra)
- ms_i1.1.17 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 16th Maskaram (ff. 14ra-14va)
- ms_i1.1.17.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of the consecration of the temple in Jerusalem. (ff. 14ra-14va)
- ms_i1.1.18 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 17th Maskaram (ff. 14va-14vb ff. 129ra-129rb)
- ms_i1.1.18.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Feast of the cross. (ff. 14va-14vb ff. 129ra-129rb)
- ms_i1.1.18.2 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Tāʾognǝsṭā. (ff. 129rb-129vb)
- ms_i1.1.19 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 21st Maskaram (ff. 15ra-15rb)
- ms_i1.1.19.1 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Cyprian of Antioch and Justina. (ff. 15ra-15rb)
- ms_i1.1.20 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 22nd Maskaram (ff. 15rb-16va)
- ms_i1.1.20.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Kotlos and ʾAksu (ff. 15rb-15vb)
- ms_i1.1.20.2 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Julius of Aqfahs. (ff. 15vb-16va)
- ms_i1.1.21 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 23rd Maskaram (ff. 16va-16vb)
- ms_i1.1.21.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of ʾAwnābyos and ʾƎndrǝyās. (ff. 16va-16vb)
- ms_i1.1.21.2 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Thecla. (f. 16vb)
- ms_i1.1.22 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 24th Maskaram (ff. 16vb-17rb)
- ms_i1.1.22.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Gorgoryos. (ff. 16vb-17ra)
- ms_i1.1.22.2 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Bǝdrāṭos. (ff. 17ra-17rb)
- ms_i1.1.23 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 25th Maskaram (ff. 17rb-17vb)
- ms_i1.1.23.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Jonah. (ff. 17rb-17vb)
- ms_i1.1.24 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 26th Maskaram (ff. 17vb-18rb)
- ms_i1.1.24.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Birth of John the Baptist. (ff. 17vb-18rb)
- ms_i1.1.25 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 27th Maskaram (ff. 18rb-19rb)
- ms_i1.1.25.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Eustathius. (ff. 18rb-19rb)
- ms_i1.1.26 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 28th Maskaram (ff. 19rb-19vb)
- ms_i1.1.26.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of ʾAbādir and ʾIrāʾi. (ff. 19rb-19vb)
- ms_i1.1.27 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 29th Maskaram (ff. 20ra-20vb)
- ms_i1.1.27.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of ʾArsimā and ʾAgātā. (ff. 20ra-20vb)
- ms_i1.1.28 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 30th Maskaram (f. 20vb)
- ms_i1.1.28.1 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of the miracle of the salvation of Athanasius. (f. 20vb)
- ms_i1.2 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemorative notices for the month of Ṭǝqǝmt (ff. 21ra-31vb)
- ms_i1.2.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 1st Ṭǝqǝmt (ff. 21ra-21rb)
- ms_i1.2.1.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of ʾAnǝsṭāsyā (ff. 21ra-21rb)
- ms_i1.2.2 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 2nd Ṭǝqǝmt (ff. 21rb-21vb)
- ms_i1.2.2.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of ʾabbā Sāwiros (ff. 21rb-21vb)
- ms_i1.2.3 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 3rd Ṭǝqǝmt (f. 21vb)
- ms_i1.2.3.1 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Gregory the Illuminator (f. 21vb)
- ms_i1.2.4 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 6th Ṭǝqǝmt ()
- ms_i1.2.4.1 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Hannah (f. 22ra)
- ms_i1.2.5 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 7th Ṭǝqǝmt (ff. 22ra-22rb)
- ms_i1.2.5.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of ʾabbā Bāwlā (ff. 22ra-22rb)
- ms_i1.2.5.2 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Minās and Ḥaṣinā (f. 22rb)
- ms_i1.2.6 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 8th Ṭǝqǝmt (ff. 22rb-22vb)
- ms_i1.2.6.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Maṭrā (ff. 22rb-22va)
- ms_i1.2.6.2 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of ʾabbā Hor, Susǝnnā and her children (ff. 22va-22vb)
- ms_i1.2.6.3 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of ʾabbā ʾAgāton (f. 22vb)
- ms_i1.2.7 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 9th Ṭǝqǝmt (ff. 22vb-23va)
- ms_i1.2.7.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Liwāryos (ff. 22vb-23ra)
- ms_i1.2.7.2 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of ʾAmānyos (ff. 23ra-23rb)
- ms_i1.2.7.3 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Sǝmʿon (f. 23rb)
- ms_i1.2.7.4 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of a solar eclipse (ff. 23rb-23va)
- ms_i1.2.8 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 10th Ṭǝqǝmt (ff. 23va-23vb)
- ms_i1.2.8.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Sargiyos (ff. 23va-23vb)
- ms_i1.2.9 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 11th Ṭǝqǝmt (ff. 23vb-24ra)
- ms_i1.2.9.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Yāʿqob (ff. 23vb-24ra)
- ms_i1.2.9.2 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Bilāgyā (f. 24ra)
- ms_i1.2.10 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 12th Ṭǝqǝmt (ff. 24ra-25rb)
- ms_i1.2.10.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Mātewos (ff. 24ra-24vb)
- ms_i1.2.10.2 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Dǝmeṭrǝyos (ff. 24vb-25rb)
- ms_i1.2.11 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 13rd Ṭǝqǝmt (ff. 25rb-25vb)
- ms_i1.2.11.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of ʾabbā Zakāryās (ff. 25rb-25vb)
- ms_i1.2.12 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 14th Ṭǝqǝmt (f. 25vb)
- ms_i1.2.12.1 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Filǝṗṗos (f. 25vb)
- ms_i1.2.13 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 20th Ṭǝqǝmt (ff. 26ra-26va)
- ms_i1.2.13.1 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of John Colobus (ff. 26ra-26va)
- ms_i1.2.14 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 21st Ṭǝqǝmt (ff. 26va-27ra)
- ms_i1.2.14.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of the translatio of Lazarus (ff. 26va-26vb)
- ms_i1.2.14.2 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Joel (ff. 26vb-27ra)
- ms_i1.2.14.3 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Mary (f. 27ra)
- ms_i1.2.15 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 22nd Ṭǝqǝmt (ff. 27ra-27va)
- ms_i1.2.15.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Luke (ff. 27ra-27va)
- ms_i1.2.16 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 23rd Ṭǝqǝmt (ff. 27va-28rb)
- ms_i1.2.16.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Joseph I or Yoḥannǝs (ff. 27va-28rb)
- ms_i1.2.16.2 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Diyonāsyos, bishop of Qorotos (f. 28rb)
- ms_i1.2.17 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 24th Ṭǝqǝmt (ff. 28va-28vb)
- ms_i1.2.17.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Hilarion (ff. 28va-28vb)
- ms_i1.2.17.2 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Ṗāwlos and his friend and Zenā (f. 28vb)
- ms_i1.2.18 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 25th Ṭǝqǝmt (ff. 28vb-29vb)
- ms_i1.2.18.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Abib (Bula) (ff. 28vb-29va)
- ms_i1.2.18.2 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of the consecration of the church of Julius of Aqfahs (ff. 29va-29vb)
- ms_i1.2.19 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 26th Ṭǝqǝmt (ff. 29vb-30ra)
- ms_i1.2.19.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Timon (ff. 29vb-30ra)
- ms_i1.2.20 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 27th Ṭǝqǝmt (ff. 30ra-30vb)
- ms_i1.2.20.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Maqārǝs, bishop of ʾIdku (ff. 30ra-30vb)
- ms_i1.2.21 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 28th Ṭǝqǝmt (ff. 30vb-31ra)
- ms_i1.2.21.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Markiyānos and Marqoryos (ff. 30vb-31ra)
- ms_i1.2.22 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 29th Ṭǝqǝmt (ff. 31ra-31va)
- ms_i1.2.22.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of the birth of Dǝmeṭrǝyos (ff. 31ra-31va)
- ms_i1.2.23 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 30th Ṭǝqǝmt (ff. 31va-31vb)
- ms_i1.2.23.1 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of ʾAbrǝhām bāḥtāwi (ff. 31va-31vb)
- ms_i1.3 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemorative notices for the month of Ḫǝdar (ff. 32ra-44rb)
- ms_i1.3.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 1st Ḫǝdar (ff. 32ra-32rb)
- ms_i1.3.1.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Maksimos, Numanfyos, Fiqṭor and Filǝṗṗos (ff. 32ra-32rb)
- ms_i1.3.2 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 2nd Ḫǝdar (ff. 32rb-32va)
- ms_i1.3.2.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Peter III of Alexandria or Ṗāwlos (ff. 32rb-32va)
- ms_i1.3.3 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 3rd Ḫǝdar (ff. 32va-33rb)
- ms_i1.3.3.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Kirākos (ff. 32va-33ra)
- ms_i1.3.3.2 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of ʾAtnāsyos and his sister ʾIrāʾi (ff. 33ra-33rb)
- ms_i1.3.4 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 4th Ḫǝdar (ff. 33rb-33va)
- ms_i1.3.4.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Yoḥannǝs and Yāʿqob, bishops of Fārs (f. 33rb)
- ms_i1.3.4.2 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Tomās, bishop of Damāsqo (ff. 33rb-33va)
- ms_i1.3.4.3 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of ʾAbimākos and ʿĀzaryānos (f. 33va)
- ms_i1.3.5 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 5th Ḫǝdar (f. 33vb)
- ms_i1.3.5.1 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Langinos (f. 33vb)
- ms_i1.3.6 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 7th Ḫǝdar (ff. 35ra-36va)
- ms_i1.3.6.1 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Giyorgis of Alexandria (f. 35ra)
- ms_i1.3.6.2 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of ʾabbā Hor (ff. 35ra-35rb)
- ms_i1.3.6.3 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of ʾabbā Minās, bishop of Tǝmay (ff. 35va-36ra)
- ms_i1.3.6.4 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of the consecration of the church of St George (ff. 36ra-36va)
- ms_i1.3.7 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 8th Ḫǝdar (ff. 36va-36vb)
- ms_i1.3.7.1 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of the Four Animals (ff. 36va-36vb)
- ms_i1.3.8 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 9th Ḫǝdar (ff. 37ra-37rb)
- ms_i1.3.8.1 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of the council of Nicaea (ff. 37ra-37rb)
- ms_i1.3.9 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 10th Ḫǝdar (ff. 37rb-38ra)
- ms_i1.3.9.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Sofyā and her daughters (ff. 37rb-37va)
- ms_i1.3.9.2 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of the council at the time of king Fiqṭoryos (ff. 37va-38ra)
- ms_i1.3.10 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 11th Ḫǝdar (ff. 38ra-38rb)
- ms_i1.3.10.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Anne (ff. 38ra-38rb)
- ms_i1.3.10.2 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of ʾArsǝwo and ʾElsāʿ the prophet (f. 38rb)
- ms_i1.3.11 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 12th Ḫǝdar (ff. 38rb-39ra)
- ms_i1.3.11.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Michael, history of Dortāwos and Tāwobǝstā (ff. 38rb-39ra)
- ms_i1.3.12 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 13rd Ḫǝdar (ff. 39ra-39rb)
- ms_i1.3.12.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of ʾabbā Ṭimotewos or Mātewos (ff. 39ra-39va)
- ms_i1.3.12.2 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of ʾabbā Zakāryās (ff. 39va-39vb)
- ms_i1.3.13 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 24th Ḫǝdar (f. 40ra)
- ms_i1.3.13.1 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of the 24 heavenly priests (f. 40ra)
- ms_i1.3.14 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 25th Ḫǝdar (ff. 40ra-40va)
- ms_i1.3.14.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Mārqorewos (ff. 40ra-40va)
- ms_i1.3.15 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 26th Ḫǝdar (ff. 40vb-41ra)
- ms_i1.3.15.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Balāryānos (ff. 40vb-41ra)
- ms_i1.3.15.2 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Gregory of Nyssa (f. 41ra)
- ms_i1.3.16 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 27th Ḫǝdar (ff. 41rb-42ra)
- ms_i1.3.16.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Yāʿqob (ff. 41rb-42ra)
- ms_i1.3.17 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 28th Ḫǝdar (ff. 42ra-42vb)
- ms_i1.3.17.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Sārābāmon (ff. 42ra-42vb)
- ms_i1.3.18 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 29th Ḫǝdar (f. 42vb ff. 45ra-45vb ff. 43ra-43va)
- ms_i1.3.18.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Ṗeṭros the patriarch (f. 42vb ff. 45ra-45vb f. 43ra)
- ms_i1.3.18.2 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Qalemǝnṭos (ff. 43ra-43va)
- ms_i1.3.19 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 30th Ḫǝdar (ff. 43va-44rb)
- ms_i1.3.19.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of ʾAkākyos (ff. 43va-44rb)
- ms_i1.4 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemorative notices for the month of Tāḫśāś (ff. 44va-66vb)
- ms_i1.4.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 1st Tāḫśāś (ff. 44va-44vb f. 46ra)
- ms_i1.4.1.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Ṗeṭros, the bishop of Gazā (ff. 44va-44vb f. 46ra)
- ms_i1.4.2 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 2nd Tāḫśāś (ff. 46ra-46rb)
- ms_i1.4.2.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of ʾabbā Hor (ff. 46ra-46rb)
- ms_i1.4.3 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 3rd Tāḫśāś (ff. 46rb-46va)
- ms_i1.4.3.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of the presentation of Mary to the temple (ff. 46rb-46va)
- ms_i1.4.4 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 4th Tāḫśāś (ff. 46va-47rb)
- ms_i1.4.4.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of ʾƎndrǝyās (ff. 46va-47rb)
- ms_i1.4.5 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 5th Tāḫśāś (ff. 47rb-47va)
- ms_i1.4.5.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of ʿƎnbāqom (ff. 47rb-47va)
- ms_i1.4.5.2 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Tewodros (f. 47va)
- ms_i1.4.6 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 6th Tāḫśāś (ff. 47va-48vb)
- ms_i1.4.6.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Baṭǝls (f. 47va)
- ms_i1.4.6.2 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of ʾabbā ʾAbrǝhām or Mar Bǝhnām (ff. 47va-48vb)
- ms_i1.4.7 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 7th Tāḫśāś (ff. 48vb-49ra)
- ms_i1.4.7.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Mātewos the poor (ff. 48vb-49ra)
- ms_i1.4.8 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 8th Tāḫśāś (ff. 49ra-49vb ff. 54ra-54vb ff. 50ra-50va)
- ms_i1.4.8.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Yārkǝlewos (ff. 49ra-49rb)
- ms_i1.4.8.2 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Barbārā and Yolyānā (ff. 49rb-49vb)
- ms_i1.4.8.3 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Samuʾel of Qalamon (f. 49vb ff. 54ra-54vb)
- ms_i1.4.8.4 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of ʾabbā ʾEsi and his sister Teklā (f. 54vb ff. 50ra-50va)
- ms_i1.4.9 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 9th Tāḫśāś (ff. 50va-51va)
- ms_i1.4.9.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of ʾabbā Baʾamin (ff. 50va-51va)
- ms_i1.4.10 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 10th Tāḫśāś (ff. 51va-53ra)
- ms_i1.4.10.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of the translatio of Sāwiros (ff. 51va-52ra)
- ms_i1.4.10.2 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Niqolāwos (ff. 52ra-53ra)
- ms_i1.4.11 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 11th Tāḫśāś (ff. 53rb-53vb f. 55ra)
- ms_i1.4.11.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of ʾabbā Ṗakʷǝmis (ff. 53rb-53vb f. 55ra)
- ms_i1.4.12 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 12th Tāḫśāś (ff. 55ra-55vb)
- ms_i1.4.12.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of ʾabbā Hǝdrā (f. 55ra)
- ms_i1.4.12.2 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of the council of Rome (ff. 55ra-55vb)
- ms_i1.4.13 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 13rd Tāḫśāś (ff. 55vb-56ra)
- ms_i1.4.13.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Barṣǝnufyos (f. 55vb)
- ms_i1.4.13.2 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of ʾAbrākos (ff. 55vb-56ra)
- ms_i1.4.14 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 14th Tāḫśāś (f. 56ra)
- ms_i1.4.14.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Sǝmʿon of Manuf (f. 56ra)
- ms_i1.4.14.2 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of ʾabbā Bǝḥur and ʾabbā Minās and Marbǝhnām (f. 56ra)
- ms_i1.4.15 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 15th Tāḫśāś (ff. 56ra-57ra)
- ms_i1.4.15.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Gregory the Illuminator (ff. 56ra-57ra)
- ms_i1.4.15.2 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Luqās za-ʿāmd (f. 57ra)
- ms_i1.4.16 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 16th Tāḫśāś (ff. 57ra-57vb)
- ms_i1.4.16.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Hǝrwāg (f. 57ra)
- ms_i1.4.16.2 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Kozi of ʾAkmim (ff. 57ra-57rb)
- ms_i1.4.16.3 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Gedewon the judge (ff. 57rb-57vb)
- ms_i1.4.17 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 17th Tāḫśāś (ff. 58ra-58va)
- ms_i1.4.17.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of the translatio of Luqās the stylite (ff. 58ra-58va)
- ms_i1.4.18 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 18th Tāḫśāś (ff. 58va-59ra)
- ms_i1.4.18.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Lakārkǝlā and Filmunā (f. 58va)
- ms_i1.4.18.2 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of the translatio of Titus (ff. 58va-59ra)
- ms_i1.4.18.3 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Salāmā Kaśāte Bǝrhān (f. 59ra)
- ms_i1.4.19 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 19th Tāḫśāś (ff. 59ra-59vb)
- ms_i1.4.19.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Yoḥannǝs of Burlǝs or Qoṗros (ff. 59ra-59vb)
- ms_i1.4.20 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 20th Tāḫśāś (ff. 59vb-60ra)
- ms_i1.4.20.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of the Ḥagge the prophet (ff. 59vb-60ra)
- ms_i1.4.21 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 21st Tāḫśāś (ff. 60ra-60va)
- ms_i1.4.21.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Barnābās (ff. 60ra-60va)
- ms_i1.4.22 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 22nd Tāḫśāś (ff. 60va-61rb)
- ms_i1.4.22.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Gabrǝʾel (ff. 60va-61ra)
- ms_i1.4.22.2 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of ʾAbqǝnyos or ʾƎnṭonyos (ff. 61ra-61rb)
- ms_i1.4.23 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 23rd Tāḫśāś (ff. 61rb-62vb)
- ms_i1.4.23.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Ṭimotewos (ff. 61rb-61vb)
- ms_i1.4.23.2 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of David (ff. 61vb-62vb)
- ms_i1.4.24 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 24th Tāḫśāś (ff. 62vb-63rb)
- ms_i1.4.24.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of ʾAgnǝsṭǝsyos, patriarch of Antioch (ff. 62vb-63ra)
- ms_i1.4.24.2 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Filgonyos, patriarch of Antioch (ff. 63ra-63rb)
- ms_i1.4.25 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 25th Tāḫśāś (ff. 63rb-64ra)
- ms_i1.4.25.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Yoḥannǝs Kāmā (ff. 63rb-64ra)
- ms_i1.4.26 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 26th Tāḫśāś (ff. 64ra-64va)
- ms_i1.4.26.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of ʾAnǝsṭāsyā (ff. 64ra-64rb)
- ms_i1.4.26.2 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Yolyānā (f. 64va)
- ms_i1.4.27 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 27th Tāḫśāś (ff. 64va-64vb)
- ms_i1.4.27.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of ʾabbā ʾAbsādi (ff. 64va-64vb)
- ms_i1.4.28 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 28th Tāḫśāś (ff. 64vb-65rb)
- ms_i1.4.28.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of the birth of Christ (ff. 64vb-65ra)
- ms_i1.4.28.2 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of the martyrs of ʾAnsǝnā (ff. 65ra-65rb)
- ms_i1.4.29 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 29th Tāḫśāś (ff. 65rb-66ra)
- ms_i1.4.29.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Second commemoration of the birth of Christ (ff. 65rb-66ra)
- ms_i1.4.30 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 30th Tāḫśāś (ff. 66rb-66vb)
- ms_i1.4.30.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of ʾabbā Yoḥannǝs (ff. 66rb-66vb)
- ms_i1.5 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemorative notices for the month of Ṭǝrr (ff. 67ra-90vb)
- ms_i1.5.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 1st Ṭǝrr (ff. 67ra-67vb)
- ms_i1.5.1.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of St Stephen (ff. 67ra-67va)
- ms_i1.5.1.2 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Lāwdyānos (ff. 67va-67vb)
- ms_i1.5.2 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 2nd Ṭǝrr (ff. 67vb-68rb)
- ms_i1.5.2.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of ʾAlāniqos (ff. 67vb-68ra)
- ms_i1.5.2.2 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of ʾabbā Tāʾonā, patriarch of Alexandria (ff. 68ra-68rb)
- ms_i1.5.3 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 3rd Ṭǝrr (ff. 68rb-68vb)
- ms_i1.5.3.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of the children of Bethlehem (ff. 68rb-68vb)
- ms_i1.5.4 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 4th Ṭǝrr (ff. 68vb-70ra)
- ms_i1.5.4.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of John (ff. 68vb-70ra)
- ms_i1.5.5 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 5th Ṭǝrr (ff. 70ra-70va)
- ms_i1.5.5.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of ʾAwsǝgǝnyos (ff. 70ra-70va)
- ms_i1.5.6 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 6th Ṭǝrr (ff. 70va-72vb)
- ms_i1.5.6.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of the circumcision (ff. 70va-70vb)
- ms_i1.5.6.2 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of the translatio of Elijah (ff. 70vb-72ra)
- ms_i1.5.6.3 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of ʾabbā Mǝrkǝyānos the patriarch (ff. 72ra-72rb)
- ms_i1.5.6.4 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Basil of Caesarea (ff. 72rb-72vb)
- ms_i1.5.7 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 7th Ṭǝrr (ff. 72vb-73ra)
- ms_i1.5.7.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Ṗeṭros the patriarch of Rome (ff. 72vb-73ra)
- ms_i1.5.8 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 8th Ṭǝrr (ff. 73ra-75ra)
- ms_i1.5.8.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of the consecration of the church of ʾabbā Maqārǝs (ff. 73ra-73vb)
- ms_i1.5.8.2 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of ʾabbā ʾƎndǝryāniqos the patriarch of Alexandria (ff. 73vb-74ra)
- ms_i1.5.8.3 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of ʾabbā Bǝnyāmin the patriarch of Alexandria (ff. 74ra-75ra)
- ms_i1.5.9 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 9th Ṭǝrr (ff. 75ra-75vb)
- ms_i1.5.9.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of ʾabbā ʾAbrǝhām (ff. 75ra-75vb)
- ms_i1.5.10 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 10th Ṭǝrr (ff. 75vb-76ra)
- ms_i1.5.10.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of the institution of two fasting days in case Christmas or Epiphany fall on a Wednesday or Friday (ff. 75vb-76ra)
- ms_i1.5.11 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 11th Ṭǝrr (ff. 76rb-76vb)
- ms_i1.5.11.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of the baptism of Christ (ff. 76rb-76va)
- ms_i1.5.11.2 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of ʾƎnāṭulǝs (ff. 76va-76vb)
- ms_i1.5.12 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 12th Ṭǝrr (ff. 76vb-78ra)
- ms_i1.5.12.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Theodore “the Oriental” (ff. 76vb-78ra)
- ms_i1.5.13 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 13rd Ṭǝrr (ff. 78ra-78rb)
- ms_i1.5.13.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of the wedding at Qānā (ff. 78ra-78rb)
- ms_i1.5.14 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 14th Ṭǝrr (ff. 78rb-79ra)
- ms_i1.5.14.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of ʾabbā ʾAlasador (ff. 78rb-79ra)
- ms_i1.5.14.2 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Maksimos (f. 79ra)
- ms_i1.5.15 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 15th Ṭǝrr (ff. 79ra-79va)
- ms_i1.5.15.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of ʾAbyud the prophet (ff. 79ra-79rb)
- ms_i1.5.15.2 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Gregory of Nyssa among the Egyptians (ff. 79rb-79va)
- ms_i1.5.16 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 16th Ṭǝrr (ff. 79va-80vb)
- ms_i1.5.16.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Filātāwos (ff. 79va-80rb)
- ms_i1.5.16.2 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Yoḥannǝs the patriarch (ff. 80rb-80vb)
- ms_i1.5.17 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 17th Ṭǝrr (ff. 80vb-81vb)
- ms_i1.5.17.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Maksimos and Damātewos (ff. 80vb-81vb)
- ms_i1.5.18 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 18th Ṭǝrr (ff. 81vb-82ra)
- ms_i1.5.18.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Yāʿqob of Nisibis (ff. 81vb-82ra)
- ms_i1.5.19 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 19th Ṭǝrr (ff. 82rb-82va)
- ms_i1.5.19.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Bahor and his sister Surā (ff. 82rb-82va)
- ms_i1.5.20 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 20th Ṭǝrr (ff. 82va-83ra)
- ms_i1.5.20.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Prochorus (ff. 82va-83ra)
- ms_i1.5.20.2 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of ʾabbā Luḥ (f. 82vb)
- ms_i1.5.20.3 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Marbǝhnām and consecration of the church of Yoḥannǝs (f. 83ra)
- ms_i1.5.21 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 21st Ṭǝrr (ff. 83ra-84rb)
- ms_i1.5.21.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of the death of Mary (ff. 83ra-83va)
- ms_i1.5.21.2 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of ʾArʾayā (ff. 83va-84ra)
- ms_i1.5.21.3 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Gregory of Nyssa (f. 84rb)
- ms_i1.5.22 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 22nd Ṭǝrr (ff. 84rb-85va)
- ms_i1.5.22.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Anthony (the Great) (ff. 84rb-85va)
- ms_i1.5.23 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 23rd Ṭǝrr (ff. 85va-85vb)
- ms_i1.5.23.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Ṭimotewos (ff. 85va-85vb)
- ms_i1.5.24 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 24th Ṭǝrr (f. 85vb ff. 87ra-87rb)
- ms_i1.5.24.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Māryām (f. 85vb ff. 87ra-87rb)
- ms_i1.5.24.2 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of ʾabbā ʾAbsādi (f. 87rb)
- ms_i1.5.25 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 25th Ṭǝrr (ff. 87rb-87va)
- ms_i1.5.25.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Ṗeṭros (ff. 87rb-87va)
- ms_i1.5.25.2 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of an unnamed martyr or Saklā (f. 87va)
- ms_i1.5.26 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 26th Ṭǝrr (ff. 87va-88vb)
- ms_i1.5.26.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of 49 martyrs of Scetis (ff. 87va-88rb)
- ms_i1.5.26.2 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of ʾAnǝsṭāsyā (ff. 88rb-88vb)
- ms_i1.5.27 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 27th Ṭǝrr (f. 88vb ff. 86ra-86vb f. 89ra)
- ms_i1.5.27.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Sarābyon (f. 88vb ff. 86ra-86rb)
- ms_i1.5.27.2 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Bǝfām (ff. 86rb-86vb f. 89ra)
- ms_i1.5.27.3 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of the translatio of Ṭimotewos (f. 89ra)
- ms_i1.5.27.4 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Suryāl (f. 89ra)
- ms_i1.5.28 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 28th Ṭǝrr (ff. 89ra-89va)
- ms_i1.5.28.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of ʾAklemǝnṭos (ff. 89ra-89va)
- ms_i1.5.29 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 29th Ṭǝrr (ff. 89va-90ra)
- ms_i1.5.29.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of ʾAksǝni (ff. 89va-90ra)
- ms_i1.5.29.2 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Sǝryāqos (f. 90ra)
- ms_i1.5.30 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 30th Ṭǝrr (ff. 90ra-90va)
- ms_i1.5.30.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Bistis, Halǝbis, ʾAqābis and their mother Sofyā (ff. 90ra-90va)
- ms_i1.6 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemorative notices for the month of Yakkātit (ff. 91ra-110va)
- ms_i1.6.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 1st Yakkātit (ff. 91ra-92ra)
- ms_i1.6.1.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of the council of Constantinople (ff. 91ra-92ra)
- ms_i1.6.1.2 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of the consecration of the church of Ṗeṭros (f. 92ra)
- ms_i1.6.2 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 2nd Yakkātit (ff. 92ra-94ra)
- ms_i1.6.2.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of ʾabbā Langinos (ff. 92ra-92vb)
- ms_i1.6.2.2 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of ʾabbā Bulā (ff. 92vb-94ra)
- ms_i1.6.3 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 3rd Yakkātit (ff. 94ra-94vb)
- ms_i1.6.3.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of ʾabbā Yāʿqob (ff. 94ra-94vb)
- ms_i1.6.4 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 4th Yakkātit (ff. 94vb-95rb)
- ms_i1.6.4.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of ʿAqabis (ff. 94vb-95rb)
- ms_i1.6.5 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 5th Yakkātit (ff. 95rb-95va)
- ms_i1.6.5.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of ʾabbā ʾAqrǝṗṗā the patriarch (ff. 95rb-95va)
- ms_i1.6.5.2 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of ʾabbā Bǝsoy and ʾabbā Nob (f. 95va)
- ms_i1.6.5.3 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of the translatio of the 49 martyrs of Scetis (f. 95va)
- ms_i1.6.5.4 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Bulidās (f. 95va)
- ms_i1.6.6 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 6th Yakkātit (ff. 95va-96rb)
- ms_i1.6.6.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of ʾAbulidās (ff. 95va-96ra)
- ms_i1.6.6.2 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of ʾAbuqer, Yoḥannǝs, three virgins and their mother (ff. 96ra-96ra)
- ms_i1.6.7 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 7th Yakkātit (ff. 96rb-97vb)
- ms_i1.6.7.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of ʾabbā ʾƎskǝndǝros the patriarch (ff. 96rb-97va)
- ms_i1.6.7.2 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of ʾabbā Tewodros the patriarch (ff. 97va-97vb)
- ms_i1.6.8 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 8th Yakkātit (ff. 97vb-98va)
- ms_i1.6.8.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of the presentation of Christ to the temple (ff. 97vb-98va)
- ms_i1.6.9 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 9th Yakkātit (ff. 98va-99vb)
- ms_i1.6.9.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Barsomā (ff. 98va-99va)
- ms_i1.6.9.2 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Ṗāwlos (ff. 99va-99vb)
- ms_i1.6.10 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 10th Yakkātit (ff. 99vb-100vb)
- ms_i1.6.10.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of James, son of Alphaeus (ff. 99vb-100ra)
- ms_i1.6.10.2 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Yosṭos (ff. 100ra-100rb)
- ms_i1.6.10.3 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of ʾabbā ʾAysdǝros (ff. 100rb-100va)
- ms_i1.6.10.4 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of ʾabbā Filu (ff. 100va-100vb)
- ms_i1.6.11 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 11th Yakkātit (f. 100vb)
- ms_i1.6.11.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Bǝlātyānos the patriarch of Rome (f. 100vb)
- ms_i1.6.12 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 12th Yakkātit (ff. 101ra-101va)
- ms_i1.6.12.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Galāsyos (ff. 101ra-101va)
- ms_i1.6.13 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 13rd Yakkātit (ff. 101va-102rb)
- ms_i1.6.13.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Sargiyos (ff. 101va-102rb)
- ms_i1.6.13.2 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of ʾabbā Ṭimotewos the patriarch (f. 102rb)
- ms_i1.6.14 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 14th Yakkātit (ff. 102rb-103ra)
- ms_i1.6.14.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Sāwiros (ff. 102rb-102vb)
- ms_i1.6.14.2 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Yāʿqob the patriarch of Alexandria (f. 103ra)
- ms_i1.6.15 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 15th Yakkātit (ff. 103ra-103va)
- ms_i1.6.15.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Zakāryā the prophet (ff. 103ra-103rb)
- ms_i1.6.15.2 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Yakk15ConsecrationSebesteya (f. 103rb)
- ms_i1.6.15.3 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Babnūda (ff. 103rb-103va)
- ms_i1.6.16 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 16th Yakkātit (ff. 103va-104ra)
- ms_i1.6.16.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of ʾElsābeṭ (ff. 103va-104ra)
- ms_i1.6.17 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 17th Yakkātit (ff. 104ra-104rb)
- ms_i1.6.17.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Minās (ff. 104ra-104rb)
- ms_i1.6.18 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 18th Yakkātit (ff. 104rb-104vb)
- ms_i1.6.18.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Malāniwos the patriarch of Antiochia (ff. 104rb-104vb)
- ms_i1.6.19 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 19th Yakkātit (f. 104vb)
- ms_i1.6.19.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of the translatio of Martǝyānos (f. 104vb)
- ms_i1.6.20 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 20th Yakkātit (f. 105ra)
- ms_i1.6.20.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Ṗeṭros the patriarch (f. 105ra)
- ms_i1.6.20.2 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Bāsǝlyos, Tāʾodǝs and Ṭimotewos (f. 105ra)
- ms_i1.6.21 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 21st Yakkātit (ff. 105ra-106rb)
- ms_i1.6.21.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Gabrǝʾel the patriarch (ff. 105ra-105rb)
- ms_i1.6.21.2 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Zakāryās the bishop (ff. 105rb-105vb)
- ms_i1.6.21.3 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of ʾAwkǝnsimon (ff. 105vb-106rb)
- ms_i1.6.22 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 22nd Yakkātit (ff. 106rb-106va)
- ms_i1.6.22.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of ʾabbā Mārunā (ff. 106rb-106va)
- ms_i1.6.23 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 23rd Yakkātit (ff. 106va-106vb)
- ms_i1.6.23.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of ʾAwsǝnyos (ff. 106va-106vb)
- ms_i1.6.24 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 24th Yakkātit (ff. 106vb-107vb)
- ms_i1.6.24.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of ʾAgābiṭos (ff. 106vb-107va)
- ms_i1.6.24.2 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Ṭimotewos the bishop of Gāzā (f. 107va)
- ms_i1.6.24.3 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Minās (ff. 107va-107vb)
- ms_i1.6.25 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 25th Yakkātit (ff. 107vb-108ra)
- ms_i1.6.25.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of ʾArsinos, Filmona and Lekiyā (ff. 107vb-108ra)
- ms_i1.6.25.2 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of a deacon and Minās (f. 108ra)
- ms_i1.6.26 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 26th Yakkātit (ff. 108ra-108va)
- ms_i1.6.26.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Hoseʿ (ff. 108ra-108rb)
- ms_i1.6.26.2 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Sādoq (ff. 108rb-108va)
- ms_i1.6.27 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 27th Yakkātit (ff. 108va-109ra)
- ms_i1.6.27.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of ʾEnsǝgtewos, patriarch of Antioch (ff. 108va-109ra)
- ms_i1.6.28 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 28th Yakkātit (ff. 109ra-109rb)
- ms_i1.6.28.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Tewodros the Roman (ff. 109ra-109rb)
- ms_i1.6.29 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 29th Yakkātit (ff. 109rb-109va)
- ms_i1.6.29.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Bālikǝryos (ff. 109rb-109va)
- ms_i1.6.30 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 30th Yakkātit (ff. 109va-110rb)
- ms_i1.6.30.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of the invention of the head of John the Baptist (ff. 109va-110rb)
- ms_i1.7 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemorative notices for the month of Maggābit (ff. 111ra-120vb)
- ms_i1.7.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Introduction for the second half of the year, beginning with Maggābit (f. 111ra)
- ms_i1.7.2 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 1st Maggābit (ff. 111ra-111va)
- ms_i1.7.2.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Narcissus (same as NAR0019SBarkisos) (ff. 111ra-111rb)
- ms_i1.7.2.2 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Marqorā (same as NAR0072Marqora) (f. 111va)
- ms_i1.7.2.3 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of ʾƎskǝndǝros (same as NAR0020SEskenderos) (f. 111va)
- ms_i1.7.2.4 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Marqoryos (same as NAR0021SMarqoryos) (f. 111va)
- ms_i1.7.3 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 2nd Maggābit (ff. 111va-112rb)
- ms_i1.7.3.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Makrāwi (ff. 111ra-112rb)
- ms_i1.7.4 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 3rd Maggābit (ff. 112rb-113ra)
- ms_i1.7.4.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Cosmas III (ff. 112rb-112vb)
- ms_i1.7.4.2 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Barfonyos (ff. 112vb-113ra)
- ms_i1.7.5 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 4th Maggābit (ff. 113ra-113rb)
- ms_i1.7.5.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of the Council of Ǧazīra Banī ʿUmar (ff. 113ra-113rb)
- ms_i1.7.5.2 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Hanǝlyos (f. 113rb)
- ms_i1.7.6 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 5th Maggābit (ff. 113rb-114rb)
- ms_i1.7.6.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Sarābǝmon (ff. 113rb-113vb)
- ms_i1.7.6.2 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of ʾOdokiyā (same as NAR0018SOdokiya) (ff. 113vb-114rb)
- ms_i1.7.7 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 6th Maggābit (ff. 114rb-115ra)
- ms_i1.7.7.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Diyosqoros (ff. 114rb-114vb)
- ms_i1.7.7.2 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Tewodoṭos (ff. 114vb-115ra)
- ms_i1.7.8 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 7th Maggābit (ff. 115ra-115rb)
- ms_i1.7.8.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Filmon and ʾAblānyos (ff. 115ra-115rb)
- ms_i1.7.9 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 8th Maggābit (ff. 115rb-116va)
- ms_i1.7.9.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of ʾAryānos (ff. 115rb-115va)
- ms_i1.7.9.2 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Mathias (ff. 115va-116rb)
- ms_i1.7.9.3 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Julian (ff. 116rb-116va)
- ms_i1.7.10 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 9th Maggābit (ff. 116va-117rb)
- ms_i1.7.10.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of ʾAndyānos, his wife, ʾAwsābyos, ʾArmā and forty martyrs (f. 116va)
- ms_i1.7.10.2 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Kutǝn (ff. 116va-117rb)
- ms_i1.7.11 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 10th Maggābit (ff. 117rb-118ra)
- ms_i1.7.11.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Invention of the cross (ff. 117rb-118ra)
- ms_i1.7.12 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 11th Maggābit (ff. 118ra-118va)
- ms_i1.7.12.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Bāsilāʾos (ff. 118ra-118va)
- ms_i1.7.13 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 12th Maggābit (ff. 118va-119ra)
- ms_i1.7.13.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Demetrius I of Alexandria (ff. 118va-119ra)
- ms_i1.7.13.2 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Malāki (f. 119ra)
- ms_i1.7.14 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 13rd Maggābit (ff. 119ra-121ra)
- ms_i1.7.14.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of the Forty Martyrs of Sebaste (ff. 119ra-119vb)
- ms_i1.7.14.2 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Dionysios of Alexandria (ff. 119vb-120vb)
- ms_i1.7.15 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 14th Maggābit (ff. 121ra-121vb)
- ms_i1.7.15.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Sinodā (ff. 121ra-121rb)
- ms_i1.7.15.2 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of ʾAwgānyos, ʾAwgānudros, ʾAlibidyos (ff. 121rb-121va)
- ms_i1.7.15.3 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Cyril III (ff. 121va-121vb)
- ms_i1.7.16 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 15th Maggābit (ff. 121vb-122rb)
- ms_i1.7.16.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Sārā (ff. 121vb-122ra)
- ms_i1.7.16.2 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Hǝlyānos (f. 122ra)
- ms_i1.7.17 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 16th Maggābit (ff. 122rb-123rb)
- ms_i1.7.17.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Michael I (ff. 122rb-123rb)
- ms_i1.7.18 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 17th Maggābit (ff. 123rb-123va)
- ms_i1.7.18.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Lazarus (ff. 123rb-123va)
- ms_i1.7.18.2 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Giyorgis, Talāsyos and Yosef (f. 123va)
- ms_i1.7.19 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 18th Maggābit (ff. 123vb-124ra)
- ms_i1.7.19.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of ʾIsdǝros (ff. 123vb-124ra)
- ms_i1.7.20 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 19th Maggābit (ff. 124ra-124va)
- ms_i1.7.20.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of ʾArǝsṭuṗāwlos (ff. 124ra-124rb)
- ms_i1.7.20.2 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of seven martyrs (ff. 124rb-124va)
- ms_i1.7.21 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 20th Maggābit (ff. 124va-125rb)
- ms_i1.7.21.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Mikāʾel (ff. 124va-125rb)
- ms_i1.7.21.2 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Lazarus (f. 125rb)
- ms_i1.7.21.3 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Consecration of the Church of ʾAsqarān (f. 125rb)
- ms_i1.7.22 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 21st Maggābit (ff. 125rb-125va)
- ms_i1.7.22.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of the Anointing of Jesus (ff. 125rb-125va)
- ms_i1.7.22.2 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of the priests' conspiracy to kill Lazarus (f. 125va)
- ms_i1.7.22.3 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Tewodros and Ṭimotewos (f. 125va)
- ms_i1.7.23 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 22nd Maggābit (ff. 125va-126ra)
- ms_i1.7.23.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Qerǝllos (ff. 125va-126ra)
- ms_i1.7.24 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 23rd Maggābit (ff. 126ra-127rb)
- ms_i1.7.24.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Daniel (ff. 126ra-127rb)
- ms_i1.7.25 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 24th Maggābit (ff. 127rb-127vb)
- ms_i1.7.25.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Macarius I (ff. 127rb-127vb)
- ms_i1.7.26 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 25th Maggābit (f. 127vb)
- ms_i1.7.26.1 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of ʾOnisiforǝs (f. 127vb)
- ms_i1.7.27 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 27th Maggābit (ff. 128ra-128vb)
- ms_i1.7.27.1 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Maqarǝs (ff. 128ra-128vb)
- a1 (OwnershipNote), no ref in title (f. 90vb)
- a2 (OwnershipNote), no ref in title (f. 44rb)
- e1, no ref in title (f. 83va)
- e2, no ref in title
- e3, no ref in title (f. 2v)
- e4, no ref in title (f. 4r)
- e5, no ref in title (f. 4v)
- e6, no ref in title (f. 12v)
- e7, no ref in title (f. 21v)
- e8, no ref in title (f. 22r)
- e9, no ref in title (f. 31v)
- e10, no ref in title (f. 42v)
- e11, no ref in title (f. 44v)
- e12, no ref in title (f. 45r)
- e13, no ref in title (f. 67r)
- e14, no ref in title (f. 105r)
- ms_i1 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (General record) (ff. 1ra-202rb)
- ms_i1.1 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), Commemorative notices for the month of Maskaram (ff. 1ra-27vb)
- ms_i1.1.1 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), : Mask7 (ff. 1ra-)
- ms_i1.1.1.1 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), Commemoration of ʾAgātu, Ṗeṭros, Yoḥannǝs, ʾAmon, ʾAmonā, Rafiqā (ff. 1ra-1rb)
- ms_i1.1.2 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), : Mask8 (ff. 1va-3rb)
- ms_i1.1.2.1 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), Commemoration of Zachary (ff. 1va-2ra)
- ms_i1.1.2.2 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), Commemoration of Moses (ff. 2ra-3ra)
- ms_i1.1.2.3 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), Commemoration of Dimādyos (ff. 3ra-3rb)
- ms_i1.1.3 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), : Mask9 (ff. 3va-4ra)
- ms_i1.1.3.1 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), Commemoration of Bisorā (ff. 3va-3vb)
- ms_i1.1.3.2 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), Commemoration of the 14 730 men and 7 women with Basilides. (f. 3vb)
- ms_i1.1.3.3 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), Commemoration of the miracle of Michael in Fǝrugyā. (ff. 3vb-4ra)
- ms_i1.1.4 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), : Mask10 (ff. 4ra-4vb)
- ms_i1.1.4.1 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), Commemoration of the birth of Mary (ff. 4ra-4rb)
- ms_i1.1.4.2 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), Commemoration of Maṭronyā (ff. 4va-4vb)
- ms_i1.1.4.3 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), Mask10Atnasya (f. 4vb)
- ms_i1.1.5 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), : Mask11 (ff. 4vb-7rb)
- ms_i1.1.5.1 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), Commemoration of Basilides (ff. 4vb-6rb)
- ms_i1.1.5.2 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), Commemoration of Banafǝs (f. 6va)
- ms_i1.1.5.3 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), Commemoration of Cornelius (f. 6vb)
- ms_i1.1.5.4 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), Commemoration of Theodora (ff. 6vb-7rb)
- ms_i1.1.6 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), : Mask12 (ff. 7rb-8ra)
- ms_i1.1.6.1 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), Commemoration of the council of Ephesus (ff. 7va-7vb)
- ms_i1.1.6.2 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), Commemoration of Michael (ff. 7vb-8ra)
- ms_i1.1.6.3 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), Commemoration of ʾAflāhos and his companions (f. 8ra)
- ms_i1.1.7 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), : Mask13 (ff. 8ra-9va)
- ms_i1.1.7.1 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), Commemoration of a miracle of Basil of Caesarea. (ff. 8ra-9va)
- ms_i1.1.8 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), : Mask14 (ff. 9vb-10vb)
- ms_i1.1.8.1 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), Commemoration of ʾAgāton. (ff. 9vb-10vb)
- ms_i1.1.9 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), : Mask15 (ff. 10vb-12ra)
- ms_i1.1.9.1 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), Commemoration of the translatio of St Stephen. (ff. 10vb-11vb)
- ms_i1.1.9.2 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), Commemoration of Ṗeṭros za-ʾǝm-hagara Ṭarāw. (ff. 11vb-12ra)
- ms_i1.1.10 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), : Mask16 (ff. 12ra-13ra)
- ms_i1.1.10.1 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), Commemoration of the consecration of the temple in Jerusalem. (ff. 12ra-13ra)
- ms_i1.1.11 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), : Mask17 (ff. 13ra-15rb)
- ms_i1.1.11̏.1 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), Feast of the cross. (ff. 13ra-14ra)
- ms_i1.1.11.2 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), Commemoration of Tāʾognǝsṭā. (ff. 14ra-14vb)
- ms_i1.1.11.3 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), Commemoration of Dionysios of Alexandria. (ff. 15ra-15rb)
- ms_i1.1.12 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), : Mask18 (ff. 15rb-15vb)
- ms_i1.1.12.1 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), Commemoration of Mercurius. (ff. 15rb-15ra)
- ms_i1.1.12.2 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), Feast of the cross. (f. 15vb)
- ms_i1.1.13 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), : Mask19 (ff. 15vb-16rb)
- ms_i1.1.13.1 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), Commemoration of Gregory the Illuminator. (ff. 15vb-16rb)
- ms_i1.1.13.2 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), Feast of the cross. (f. 16rb)
- ms_i1.1.14 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), : Mask20 (f. 16va)
- ms_i1.1.14.1 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), Commemoration of Athanasius II. (f. 16va)
- ms_i1.1.15 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), : Mask21 (ff. 16vb-17va)
- ms_i1.1.15.1 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), Commemoration of Cyprian of Antioch and Justina. (ff. 16vb-17va)
- ms_i1.1.16 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), : Mask22 (ff. 17vb-20ra)
- ms_i1.1.16.1 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), Commemoration of Kotlos and ʾAksu (ff. 17vb-18vb)
- ms_i1.1.16.2 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), Commemoration of Julius of Aqfahs. (ff. 18vb-20ra)
- ms_i1.1.17 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), : Mask23 (ff. 20ra-20rb)
- ms_i1.1.17.1 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), Commemoration of ʾAwnābyos and ʾƎndrǝyās. (ff. 20ra-20rb)
- ms_i1.1.18 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), : Mask24 (ff. 20va-21rb)
- ms_i1.1.18.1 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), Commemoration of Gorgoryos. (ff. 20va-21ra)
- ms_i1.1.18.2 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), Commemoration of Bǝdrāṭos. (ff. 21ra-21rb)
- ms_i1.1.19 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), : Mask25 (ff. 21va-22va)
- ms_i1.1.19.1 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), Commemoration of Jonah. (ff. 21va-22va)
- ms_i1.1.20 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), : Mask26 (ff. 22va-23rb)
- ms_i1.1.20.1 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), Birth of John the Baptist. (ff. 22va-23rb)
- ms_i1.1.21 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), : Mask27 (ff. 23va-24va)
- ms_i1.1.21.1 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), Commemoration of Eustathius. (ff. 23va-24va)
- ms_i1.1.22 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), : Mask28 (ff. 24va-25va)
- ms_i1.1.22.1 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), Commemoration of ʾAbādir and ʾIrāʾi. (ff. 24va-25va)
- ms_i1.1.23 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), : Mask29 (ff. 25vb-26rb)
- ms_i1.1.23.1 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), Translatio of John. (f. 25vb)
- ms_i1.1.23.2 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), Commemoration of ʾArsimā and ʾAgātā. (ff. 25vb-26vb)
- ms_i1.1.24 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), : Mask30 (ff. 26vb-27vb)
- ms_i1.1.24.1 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), Commemoration of the miracle of the salvation of Athanasius. (ff. 26vb-27va)
- ms_i1.1.24.2 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), Commemoration of Gregory the Illuminator. (f. 27vb)
- ms_i1.1.25 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), Subscription for Maskaram (f. 27vb)
- ms_i1.2 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), Commemorative notices for the month of Ṭǝqǝmt (ff. 27vb-62va)
- ms_i1.2.1 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), 1st Ṭǝqǝmt (ff. 27vb-28va)
- ms_i1.2.1.1 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), Commemoration of ʾAnǝsṭāsyā (ff. 27vb-28va)
- ms_i1.2.2 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), 2nd Ṭǝqǝmt (ff. 28vb-29ra)
- ms_i1.2.2.1 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), Commemoration of ʾabbā Sāwiros (ff. 28vb-29ra)
- ms_i1.2.3 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), 3rd Ṭǝqǝmt (ff. 29ra-29va)
- ms_i1.2.3.1 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), Commemoration of Gregory the Illuminator (f. 29ra)
- ms_i1.2.3.2 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), Commemoration of Giyorgis (f. 29ra)
- ms_i1.2.3.3 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), Commemoration of Tewodorā (f. 29rb)
- ms_i1.2.3.4 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), Commemoration of Simeon (ff. 29rb-29va)
- ms_i1.2.4 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), 4th Ṭǝqǝmt (ff. 29vb-30rb)
- ms_i1.2.4.1 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), Commemoration of Bākos (ff. 29vb-30ra)
- ms_i1.2.4.2 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), Commemoration of Ḥanānyā (ff. 30ra-30rb)
- ms_i1.2.5 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), 5th Ṭǝqǝmt (ff. 30va-31ra)
- ms_i1.2.5.1 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), Commemoration of Yoḥannǝs the patriarch of Constantinople (ff. 30va-31ra)
- ms_i1.2.5.2 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), Commemoration of James, son of Alphaeus (f. 31ra)
- ms_i1.2.6 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), 6th Ṭǝqǝmt (ff. 31ra-33vb)
- ms_i1.2.6.1 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), Commemoration of Hannah (ff. 31ra-31vb)
- ms_i1.2.6.2 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), Commemoration of ʾƎnṭonyos, bishop of Bānā (f. 31vb)
- ms_i1.2.6.3 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), Commemoration of Habakkuk (ff. 31vb-32rb)
- ms_i1.2.6.4 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), Commemoration of Diyonāsyos, bishop of ʾAtenā (ff. 32va-33va)
- ms_i1.2.7 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), 7th Ṭǝqǝmt (ff. 33vb-34va)
- ms_i1.2.7.1 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), Commemoration of ʾabbā Bāwlā (ff. 33vb-34va)
- ms_i1.2.8 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), 8th Ṭǝqǝmt (ff. 34vb-35ra)
- ms_i1.2.8.1 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), Commemoration of Maṭrā (ff. 34vb-35ra)
- ms_i1.2.8.2 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), Commemoration of Bākos and Bilāgyā (f. 35ra)
- ms_i1.2.9 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), 9th Ṭǝqǝmt (ff. 35ra-36ra)
- ms_i1.2.9.1 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), Commemoration of Liwāryos (ff. 35ra-36ra)
- ms_i1.2.9.2 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), Commemoration of Sǝmʿon (f. 36ra)
- ms_i1.2.10 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), 10th Ṭǝqǝmt (ff. 36ra-36vb)
- ms_i1.2.10.1 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), Commemoration of ʾAwmānyos (ff. 36ra-36rb)
- ms_i1.2.10.2 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), Commemoration of Sargiyos (ff. 36va-36vb)
- ms_i1.2.11 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), 11th Ṭǝqǝmt (ff. 37ra-37rb)
- ms_i1.2.11.1 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), Commemoration of Yāʿqob (f. 37ra)
- ms_i1.2.11.2 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), Commemoration of Bilāgyā (ff. 37ra-37rb)
- ms_i1.2.12 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), 12th Ṭǝqǝmt (ff. 37va-40va)
- ms_i1.2.12.1 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), Commemoration of Mātewos (ff. 37va-38rb)
- ms_i1.2.12.2 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), Commemoration of Dǝmeṭrǝyos (ff. 38va-40ra)
- ms_i1.2.12.3 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), Commemoration of Mikāʾel (ff. 40ra-40va)
- ms_i1.2.13 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), 13rd Ṭǝqǝmt (ff. 40vb-41rb)
- ms_i1.2.13.1 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), Commemoration of ʾabbā Zakāryās (ff. 40vb-41rb)
- ms_i1.2.14 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), 14th Ṭǝqǝmt (ff. 41va-44vb)
- ms_i1.2.14.1 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), Commemoration of Filǝṗṗos (ff. 41va-41vb)
- ms_i1.2.14.2 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), Commemoration of Muse (ff. 41vb-44vb)
- ms_i1.2.15 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), 15th Ṭǝqǝmt (ff. 44vb-45va)
- ms_i1.2.15.1 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), Commemoration of Bilāʾimon (ff. 44vb-45va)
- ms_i1.2.16 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), 16th Ṭǝqǝmt (ff. 45vb-46rb)
- ms_i1.2.16.1 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), Commemoration of ʾAgāton (ff. 45vb-46rb)
- ms_i1.2.16.2 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), Commemoration of Maqʷǝrofyos, ʾabbā ʾAblo and Ṗeṭros (f. 46rb)
- ms_i1.2.17 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), 17th Ṭǝqǝmt (ff. 46va-47ra)
- ms_i1.2.17.1 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), Commemoration of Dioscorus II of Alexandria (ff. 46va-47ra)
- ms_i1.2.18 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), 18th Ṭǝqǝmt (ff. 47ra-48vb)
- ms_i1.2.18.1 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), Commemoration of Theophilos of Alexandria (ff. 47ra-48vb)
- ms_i1.2.19 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), 19th Ṭǝqǝmt (ff. 48vb-49va)
- ms_i1.2.19.1 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), Commemoration of Bartalomewos and his wife (f. 48vb)
- ms_i1.2.19.2 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), Commemoration of the council of Antioch (ff. 48vb-49va)
- ms_i1.2.20 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), 20th Ṭǝqǝmt (ff. 49va-52va)
- ms_i1.2.20.1 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), Commemoration of John Colobus (ff. 49va-52rb)
- ms_i1.2.20.2 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), Commemoration of Hosea (f. 52va)
- ms_i1.2.21 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), 21st Ṭǝqǝmt (ff. 52vb-53rb)
- ms_i1.2.21.1 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), Commemoration of the translatio of Lazarus (f. 52vb)
- ms_i1.2.21.2 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), Commemoration of Joel (ff. 52vb-53rb)
- ms_i1.2.22 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), 22nd Ṭǝqǝmt (ff. 53va-53vb)
- ms_i1.2.22.1 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), Commemoration of Luke (ff. 53va-53vb)
- ms_i1.2.23 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), 23rd Ṭǝqǝmt (ff. 53vb-56va)
- ms_i1.2.23.1 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), Commemoration of Joseph I (ff. 53vb-56va)
- ms_i1.2.24 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), 24th Ṭǝqǝmt (ff. 56vb-57rb)
- ms_i1.2.24.1 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), Commemoration of Hilarion (ff. 56vb-57rb)
- ms_i1.2.25 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), 25th Ṭǝqǝmt (ff. 57va-58vb)
- ms_i1.2.25.1 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), Commemoration of Abib (Bula) and Ablo (ff. 57va-58rb)
- ms_i1.2.25.2 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), Commemoration of (non-standard) (f. 58va)
- ms_i1.2.25.3 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), Commemoration of the consecration of the church of Julius of Aqfahs (f. 58vb)
- ms_i1.2.26 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), 26th Ṭǝqǝmt (ff. 58vb-59rb)
- ms_i1.2.26.1 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), Commemoration of Timon (ff. 58vb-59rb)
- ms_i1.2.27 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), 27th Ṭǝqǝmt (ff. 59va-60va)
- ms_i1.2.27.1 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), Commemoration of Maqārǝs, bishop of ʾIdku (ff. 59va-60va)
- ms_i1.2.28 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), 28th Ṭǝqǝmt (ff. 60va-60vb)
- ms_i1.2.28.1 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), Commemoration of Markiyānos and Marqoryos (ff. 60va-60vb)
- ms_i1.2.29 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), 29th Ṭǝqǝmt (ff. 60vb-61vb)
- ms_i1.2.29.1 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), Commemoration of the birth of Jesus Christ (f. 60vb)
- ms_i1.2.29.2 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), Commemoration of the birth of Dǝmeṭrǝyos (ff. 60vb-61vb)
- ms_i1.2.30 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), 30th Ṭǝqǝmt (ff. 61vb-62va)
- ms_i1.2.30.1 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), Commemoration of ʾAbrǝhām bāḥtāwi (ff. 61vb-62va)
- ms_i1.3 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), Commemorative notices for the month of Ḫǝdar (ff. 62vb-104rb)
- ms_i1.3.0 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), Introduction for Ḫǝdar (f. 62vb)
- ms_i1.3.1 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), 1st Ḫǝdar (ff. 62vb-64va)
- ms_i1.3.1.1 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), Commemoration of Maksimos, Numanfyos, Fiqṭor and Filǝṗṗos (ff. 62vb-63rb)
- ms_i1.3.1.2 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), Long commemoration of Kāleb, apparently identical to the one occuring in the second recension on 20th Gǝnbot (non-standard). (ff. 63rb-64rb)
- ms_i1.3.2 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), 2nd Ḫǝdar (f. 64vb)
- ms_i1.3.2.1 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), Commemoration of Peter III of Alexandria (f. 64vb)
- ms_i1.3.2.2 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), Commemoration of Shenute II (f. 64vb)
- ms_i1.3.3 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), 3rd Ḫǝdar (ff. 65ra-65vb)
- ms_i1.3.3.1 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), Commemoration of Kirākos (ff. 65ra-65vb)
- ms_i1.3.3.2 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), Commemoration of ʾAtnāsyos and his sister ʾIrāʾi (f. 65vb)
- ms_i1.3.4 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), 4th Ḫǝdar (ff. 65vb-66va)
- ms_i1.3.4.1 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), Commemoration of Yoḥannǝs and Yāʿqob, bishops of Fārs (ff. 65vb-66ra)
- ms_i1.3.4.2 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), Commemoration of Tomās, bishop of Damāsqo (ff. 66ra-66va)
- ms_i1.3.4.3 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), Commemoration of Zakāryās (f. 66va)
- ms_i1.3.5 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), 5th Ḫǝdar (ff. 66vb-67ra)
- ms_i1.3.5.1 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), Commemoration of Langinos (ff. 66vb-67ra)
- ms_i1.3.5.2 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), Commemoration of the translatio of Tewodros (f. 67ra)
- ms_i1.3.6 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), 6th Ḫǝdar (ff. 67ra-67va)
- ms_i1.3.6.1 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), Commemoration of Filkos (ff. 67ra-67va)
- ms_i1.3.7 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), 7th Ḫǝdar (ff. 67vb-70rb)
- ms_i1.3.7.1 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), Commemoration of Giyorgis of Alexandria (ff. 67vb-68rb)
- ms_i1.3.7.2 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), Commemoration of ʾabbā Nāḫrǝw (ff. 68va-68vb)
- ms_i1.3.7.3 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), Commemoration of ʾabbā Minās, bishop of Tǝmay (ff. 68vb-69vb)
- ms_i1.3.7.4 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), Commemoration of the consecration of the church of St George (ff. 69vb-70rb)
- ms_i1.3.8 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), 8th Ḫǝdar (ff. 70va-71ra)
- ms_i1.3.8.1 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), Commemoration of the Four Animals (ff. 70va-71ra)
- ms_i1.3.9 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), 9th Ḫǝdar (ff. 71ra-73ra)
- ms_i1.3.9.1 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), Commemoration of Yǝsḥaq (ff. 71ra-71vb)
- ms_i1.3.9.2 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), Commemoration of the council of Nicaea (ff. 72ra-73ra)
- ms_i1.3.10 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), 10th Ḫǝdar (ff. 73ra-74ra)
- ms_i1.3.10.1 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), Commemoration of Sofyā and her daughters (ff. 73ra-73va)
- ms_i1.3.10.2 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), Commemoration of the council at the time of king Fiqṭoryos (ff. 73vb-74ra)
- ms_i1.3.11 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), 11th Ḫǝdar (ff. 74ra-74va)
- ms_i1.3.11.1 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), Commemoration of Anne (ff. 74ra-74rb)
- ms_i1.3.11.2 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), Commemoration of ʾArkilāʾos, ʾElsāʿ the abbot and ʾAkumis (f. 74va)
- ms_i1.3.12 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), 12th Ḫǝdar (ff. 74vb-79ra)
- ms_i1.3.12.1 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), Commemoration of Michael, history of Dortāwos and Tāwobǝstā (ff. 74vb-75rb)
- ms_i1.3.12.2 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), Unidentified commemoration of Michael (ff. 75vb-78rb)
- ms_i1.3.12.3 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), Commemoration of Filtāwos (ff. 78va-79ra)
- ms_i1.3.13 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), 13rd Ḫǝdar (ff. 79ra-82rb)
- ms_i1.3.13.1 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), Commemoration of ʾabbā Ṭimotewos (ff. 79ra-79vb)
- ms_i1.3.13.2 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), Commemoration of ʾabbā Zakāryās (ff. 79vb-82rb)
- ms_i1.3.14 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), 14th Ḫǝdar (ff. 82va-82vb)
- ms_i1.3.14.1 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), Commemoration of Qonitos (ff. 82va-82vb)
- ms_i1.3.15 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), 15th Ḫǝdar (ff. 82vb-84vb)
- ms_i1.3.15.1 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), Commemoration of Minās (ff. 82vb-84va)
- ms_i1.3.15.2 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), Commemoration of Minās the patriarch (ff. 84vb-84vb)
- ms_i1.3.16 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), 16th Ḫǝdar (ff. 84vb-85rb)
- ms_i1.3.16.1 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), Commemoration of the consecration of the church of ʾabbā Nāfǝr (f. 84vb)
- ms_i1.3.16.2 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), Beginning of the fasting period before christmas according to the Jacobites (ff. 84vb-85ra)
- ms_i1.3.16.3 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), Commemoration of Yoḥannǝs the patriarch (ff. 85ra-85rb)
- ms_i1.3.17 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), 17th Ḫǝdar (ff. 85va-85vb)
- ms_i1.3.17.1 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), Commemoration of the translatio of John Chrysostom (ff. 85va-85vb)
- ms_i1.3.18 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), 18th Ḫǝdar (ff. 85vb-87va)
- ms_i1.3.18.1 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), Commemoration of ʾAṭrākis and Yonā (ff. 85vb-87ra)
- ms_i1.3.18.2 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), Commemoration of Philip (ff. 87ra-87va)
- ms_i1.3.19 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), 19th Ḫǝdar (f. 87vb)
- ms_i1.3.19.1 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), Commemoration of the consecration of the church of Sargis (f. 87vb)
- ms_i1.3.19.2 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), Beginning of the Europeans' fast before Christmas (f. 87vb)
- ms_i1.3.19.3 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), Commemoration of Bartalomewos (f. 87vb)
- ms_i1.3.20 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), 20th Ḫǝdar (ff. 87vb-88va)
- ms_i1.3.20.1 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), Commemoration of ʾAnyānos the patriarch (ff. 87vb-88va)
- ms_i1.3.21 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), 21st Ḫǝdar (ff. 88vb-89vb)
- ms_i1.3.21.1 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), Commemoration of Gorgoryos (ff. 88vb-89rb)
- ms_i1.3.21.2 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), Commemoration of ʾabbā Qozimos the patriarch (f. 89va)
- ms_i1.3.21.3 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), Commemoration of the martyrs of ʾƎsnumnay (f. 89vb)
- ms_i1.3.22 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), 22nd Ḫǝdar (ff. 89vb-90va)
- ms_i1.3.22.1 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), Commemoration of Qozmos, Damyānos and their family (ff. 89vb-90va)
- ms_i1.3.23 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), 23rd Ḫǝdar (ff. 90vb-91va)
- ms_i1.3.23.1 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), Commemoration of Qornolyos (ff. 90vb-91ra)
- ms_i1.3.23.2 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), Commemoration of ʾAbudiyā (f. 91va)
- ms_i1.3.24 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), 24th Ḫǝdar (ff. 91vb-92ra)
- ms_i1.3.24.1 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), Commemoration of the 24 heavenly priests (ff. 91vb-92ra)
- ms_i1.3.25 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), 25th Ḫǝdar (ff. 92ra-97rb)
- ms_i1.3.25.1 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), Commemoration of Pilupāder (ff. 92ra-97rb)
- ms_i1.3.26 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), 26th Ḫǝdar (ff. 97va-98ra)
- ms_i1.3.26.1 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), Commemoration of Balāryānos (ff. 97va-97vb)
- ms_i1.3.26.2 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), Commemoration of Gregory of Nyssa (f. 97vb)
- ms_i1.3.26.3 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), Commemoration of the martyrs of Nagrān (ff. 97vb-98ra)
- ms_i1.3.27 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), 27th Ḫǝdar (ff. 98ra-99rb)
- ms_i1.3.27.1 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), Commemoration of Yāʿqob (ff. 98ra-99rb)
- ms_i1.3.28 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), 28th Ḫǝdar (ff. 99va-100rb)
- ms_i1.3.28.1 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), Commemoration of Sārābāmon (ff. 99va-100rb)
- ms_i1.3.29 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), 29th Ḫǝdar (ff. 100va-103rb)
- ms_i1.3.29.1 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), Commemoration of Ṗeṭros the patriarch (ff. 100va-102rb)
- ms_i1.3.29. (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), Commemoration of Qalemǝnṭos (ff. 102va-103rb)
- ms_i1.3.30 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), 30th Ḫǝdar (ff. 103va-104ra)
- ms_i1.3.30.1 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), Commemoration of ʾAkākyos (ff. 103va-104ra)
- ms_i1.4 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), Commemorative notices for the month of Tāḫśāś (ff. 105ra-144rb)
- ms_i1.4.0 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), Introduction for Tāḫśāś (f. 105ra)
- ms_i1.4.1 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), 1st Tāḫśāś (ff. 105ra-105va)
- ms_i1.4.1.1 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), Commemoration of Ṗeṭros, the bishop of Gazā (ff. 105ra-105va)
- ms_i1.4.1.2 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), Commemoration of ʾabbā Yoḥannǝs the patriarch (f. 105vb)
- ms_i1.4.1.3 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), Commemoration of ʾabbā ʾAtnāsyos the patriarch (f. 105vb)
- ms_i1.4.2 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), 2nd Tāḫśāś (ff. 105vb-106rb)
- ms_i1.4.2.1 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), Commemoration of the servants of Fāsiladas (f. 105vb)
- ms_i1.4.2.2 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), Commemoration of ʾabbā Hor (ff. 105vb-106rb)
- ms_i1.4.3 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), 3rd Tāḫśāś (ff. 106va-107va)
- ms_i1.4.3.1 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), Commemoration of the presentation of Mary to the temple (ff. 106va-107va)
- ms_i1.4.4 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), 4th Tāḫśāś (ff. 107va-108va)
- ms_i1.4.4.1 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), Commemoration of ʾƎndrǝyās (ff. 107va-108va)
- ms_i1.4.5 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), 5th Tāḫśāś (ff. 108va-108vb)
- ms_i1.4.5.1 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), Commemoration of Nāhom (ff. 108va-108vb)
- ms_i1.4.5.2 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), Commemoration of ʾIyāsdǝros (f. 108vb)
- ms_i1.4.6 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), 6th Tāḫśāś (ff. 108vb-111rb)
- ms_i1.4.6.1 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), Commemoration of ʾAnṭolos (f. 108vb)
- ms_i1.4.6.2 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), Commemoration of ʾabbā ʾAbrǝhām (ff. 108vb-111rb)
- ms_i1.4.7 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), 7th Tāḫśāś (f. 111va)
- ms_i1.4.7.1 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), Commemoration of Mātewos the poor (f. 111va)
- ms_i1.4.8 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), 8th Tāḫśāś (ff. 111vb-117rb)
- ms_i1.4.8.1 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), Commemoration of Yāroklā (ff. 111vb-112ra)
- ms_i1.4.8.2 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), Commemoration of Barbārā and Yolyānā (ff. 112ra-112va)
- ms_i1.4.8.3 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), Commemoration of Samuʾel of Qalamon (ff. 112vb-114vb)
- ms_i1.4.8.4 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), Commemoration of ʾabbā ʾEsi and his sister Teklā (ff. 114vb-117rb)
- ms_i1.4.9 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), 9th Tāḫśāś (ff. 117rb-119ra)
- ms_i1.4.9.1 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), Commemoration of ʾabbā Baʾamin (ff. 117rb-119ra)
- ms_i1.4.10 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), 10th Tāḫśāś (ff. 119ra-121ra)
- ms_i1.4.10.1 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), Commemoration of the translatio of Sāwiros (ff. 119ra-119va)
- ms_i1.4.10.2 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), Commemoration of ʾabbā Tāʾofānyos the patriarch (f. 119va)
- ms_i1.4.10.3 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), Commemoration of Niqolāwos (ff. 119vb-121ra)
- ms_i1.4.11 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), 11th Tāḫśāś (ff. 121ra-122rb)
- ms_i1.4.11.1 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), Commemoration of ʾabbā Bākimos (ff. 121ra-122rb)
- ms_i1.4.12 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), 12th Tāḫśāś (ff. 122va-123rb)
- ms_i1.4.12.1 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), Long commemoration of Michael, apparently identical to the one of the second recension (f. 122va)
- ms_i1.4.12.2 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), Commemoration of the council of Rome (ff. 122vb-123rb)
- ms_i1.4.13 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), 13rd Tāḫśāś (ff. 123va-123vb)
- ms_i1.4.13.1 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), Commemoration of Barṣǝnufyos (f. 123va)
- ms_i1.4.13.2 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), Commemoration of ʾAbrākos (f. 123vb)
- ms_i1.4.13.3 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), Commemoration of ʾabbā Misāʾel (f. 123vb)
- ms_i1.4.14 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), 14th Tāḫśāś (ff. 123vb-126rb)
- ms_i1.4.14.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), Commemoration of Sǝmʿon of Manuf (f. 123vb)
- ms_i1.4.14.2 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), Commemoration of ʾabbā Bǝḥur and ʾabbā Minās (f. 123vb)
- ms_i1.4.14.3 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), Commemoration of Marmǝhnām and his sister Sārā (ff. 123vb-125ra)
- ms_i1.4.14.4 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), Commemoration of Gabra Krǝstos the patriarch (ff. 125ra-126rb)
- ms_i1.4.15 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), 15th Tāḫśāś (ff. 126va-127vb)
- ms_i1.4.15.1 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), Commemoration of Gregory the Illuminator (ff. 126va-127vb)
- ms_i1.4.15.2 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), Commemoration of Luqās za-ʿāmd (f. 127vb)
- ms_i1.4.15.3 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), Commemoration of ʾabbā Yǝmsāḥ (f. 127vb)
- ms_i1.4.16 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), 16th Tāḫśāś (ff. 127vb-128va)
- ms_i1.4.16.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), Commemoration of Hǝrwāg (f. 127vb)
- ms_i1.4.16.2 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), Commemoration of Ḥanānyā and Kozi of ʾAkmim (f. 127vb)
- ms_i1.4.16.3 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), Commemoration of Gedewon the judge (ff. 127vb-128va)
- ms_i1.4.17 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), 17th Tāḫśāś (ff. 128vb-129rb)
- ms_i1.4.17.1 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), Commemoration of Luqās the stylite (ff. 128vb-129rb)
- ms_i1.4.18 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), 18th Tāḫśāś (ff. 129va-130ra)
- ms_i1.4.18.1 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), Commemoration of the translatio of Titus (ff. 129va-130ra)
- ms_i1.4.19 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), 19th Tāḫśāś (ff. 130ra-130vb)
- ms_i1.4.19.1 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), Commemoration of Yoḥannǝs of Burlǝs (ff. 130ra-130vb)
- ms_i1.4.20 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), 20th Tāḫśāś (ff. 130vb-131rb)
- ms_i1.4.20.1 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), Commemoration of the Ḥagge the prophet (ff. 130vb-131rb)
- ms_i1.4.21 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), 21st Tāḫśāś (ff. 131va-132ra)
- ms_i1.4.21. (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), Commemoration of Barnābās (ff. 131va-132ra)
- ms_i1.4.22 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), 22nd Tāḫśāś (ff. 132ra-133vb)
- ms_i1.4.22.1 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), Commemoration of Gabrǝʾel (ff. 132ra-132rb)
- ms_i1.4.22.2 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), Commemoration of the annunciation (f. 132va)
- ms_i1.4.22.3 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), Commemoration of ʾAnǝsṭāsyos (ff. 132va-133vb)
- ms_i1.4.23 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), 23rd Tāḫśāś (ff. 133vb-136rb)
- ms_i1.4.23.1 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), Commemoration of Ṭimotewos (ff. 133vb-134va)
- ms_i1.4.23.2 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), Commemoration of David (ff. 134va-136rb)
- ms_i1.4.24 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), 24th Tāḫśāś (ff. 136va-137vb)
- ms_i1.4.24.1 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), Commemoration of ʾAgnāṭyos, patriarch of Antioch (ff. 136va-137va)
- ms_i1.4.24.2 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), Commemoration of Filogosyos, patriarch of Antioch (f. 137vb)
- ms_i1.4.25 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), 25th Tāḫśāś (ff. 137vb-139rb)
- ms_i1.4.25.1 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), Commemoration of Yoḥannǝs Kāmā (ff. 137vb-139rb)
- ms_i1.4.26 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), 26th Tāḫśāś (ff. 139rb-140ra)
- ms_i1.4.26.1 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), Commemoration of ʾAnǝsṭāsyā (ff. 139rb-139vb)
- ms_i1.4.26.2 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), Commemoration of Yolyānā (f. 140ra)
- ms_i1.4.27 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), 27th Tāḫśāś (ff. 140ra-140rb)
- ms_i1.4.27.1 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), Commemoration of ʾabbā ʾAbsādi (ff. 140ra-140rb)
- ms_i1.4.28 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), 28th Tāḫśāś (ff. 140va-141rb)
- ms_i1.4.28.1 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), Commemoration of the birth of Christ (ff. 140va-141ra)
- ms_i1.4.28.2 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), Commemoration of the martyrs of ʾAndenāw (ff. 141ra-141rb)
- ms_i1.4.29 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), 29th Tāḫśāś (ff. 141va-143rb)
- ms_i1.4.29.1 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), Second commemoration of the birth of Christ (ff. 141va-143rb)
- ms_i1.4.30 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), 30th Tāḫśāś (ff. 143va-144ra)
- ms_i1.4.30.1 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), Commemoration of ʾabbā Yoḥannǝs (ff. 143va-144ra)
- ms_i1.4.31 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), Subscription for Tāḫśāś (ff. 144ra-144rb)
- ms_i1.4.32 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), Supplication for Tāḫśāś (f. 144rb)
- ms_i1.5 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), Commemorative notices for the month of Ṭǝrr (ff. 144va-181rb)
- ms_i1.5.0 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), Introduction for Ṭǝrr (f. 144va)
- ms_i1.5.1 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), 1st Ṭǝrr (ff. 144va-145vb)
- ms_i1.5.1.1 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), Commemoration of St Stephen (ff. 144va-145ra)
- ms_i1.5.1.2 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), Commemoration of Lāwdyānos (ff. 145ra-145va)
- ms_i1.5.1.3 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), Commemoration of Maqāryos (ff. 145va-145vb)
- ms_i1.5.2 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), 2nd Ṭǝrr (ff. 145vb-146vb)
- ms_i1.5.2.1 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), Commemoration of ʾAlāniqos (ff. 145vb-146rb)
- ms_i1.5.2.2 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), Commemoration of ʾabbā Tewonās, patriarch of Alexandria (f. 146va)
- ms_i1.5.2.3 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), Commemoration of the consecration of the church of Mary in the monastery of ʾabbā Sinodā (f. 146vb)
- ms_i1.5.3 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), 3rd Ṭǝrr (ff. 146vb-147va)
- ms_i1.5.3.1 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), Commemoration of the children of Bethlehem (ff. 146vb-147va)
- ms_i1.5.4 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), 4th Ṭǝrr (ff. 147vb-149ra)
- ms_i1.5.4.1 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), Commemoration of John (ff. 147vb-149ra)
- ms_i1.5.5 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), 5th Ṭǝrr (ff. 149ra-149vb)
- ms_i1.5.5.1 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), Commemoration of ʾAwsāgnǝyos (ff. 149ra-149vb)
- ms_i1.5.6 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), 6th Ṭǝrr (ff. 149vb-154ra)
- ms_i1.5.6.1 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), Commemoration of the circumcision (ff. 149vb-150vb)
- ms_i1.5.6.2 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), Commemoration of the translatio of Elijah (ff. 150vb-152va)
- ms_i1.5.6.3 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), Commemoration of ʾabbā Markiyānu the patriarch (f. 152vb)
- ms_i1.5.6.4 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), Commemoration of Basil of Caesarea (ff. 152vb-154ra)
- ms_i1.5.7 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), 7th Ṭǝrr (ff. 154ra-154rb)
- ms_i1.5.7.1 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), Commemoration of Salṗeṭros the patriarch of Rome (ff. 154ra-154rb)
- ms_i1.5.8 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), 8th Ṭǝrr (ff. 154va-157va)
- ms_i1.5.8.1 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), Commemoration of the consecration of the church of ʾabbā Maqārǝs (ff. 154va-155rb)
- ms_i1.5.8.2 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), Commemoration of ʾabbā ʾAndirāniqos the patriarch of Alexandria (ff. 155rb-156ra)
- ms_i1.5.8.3 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), Commemoration of ʾabbā Bǝnyāmin the patriarch of Alexandria (ff. 156ra-157rb)
- ms_i1.5.8.4 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), Commemoration of Milkiyās the prophet (f. 157va)
- ms_i1.5.9 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), 9th Ṭǝrr (ff. 157vb-158va)
- ms_i1.5.9.1 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), Commemoration of ʾabbā ʾAbrǝhām (ff. 157vb-158va)
- ms_i1.5.10 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), 10th Ṭǝrr (ff. 158vb-159rb)
- ms_i1.5.10.1 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), Commemoration of the institution of two fasting days in case Christmas or Epiphany fall on a Wednesday or Friday (ff. 158vb-159rb)
- ms_i1.5.11 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), 11th Ṭǝrr (ff. 159va-160va)
- ms_i1.5.11.1 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), Commemoration of the baptism of Christ (ff. 159va-159vb)
- ms_i1.5.11.2 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), Commemoration of ʾAnāṭolyos (ff. 159vb-160ra)
- ms_i1.5.11.3 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), Commemoration of Yoḥannǝs the patriarch (ff. 160ra-160va)
- ms_i1.5.12 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), 12th Ṭǝrr (ff. 160va-162vb)
- ms_i1.5.12.1 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), Long commemoration of Michael (f. 160va)
- ms_i1.5.12.2 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), Commemoration of Theodore “the Oriental” (ff. 160vb-162vb)
- ms_i1.5.13 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), 13rd Ṭǝrr (f. 162vb)
- ms_i1.5.13.1 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), Commemoration of the wedding at Qānā (f. 162vb)
- ms_i1.5.14 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), 14th Ṭǝrr (ff. 163ra-164rb)
- ms_i1.5.14.1 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), Commemoration of Mǝḥrāyǝl (f. 163ra)
- ms_i1.5.14.2 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), Commemoration of ʾabbā ʾArkāledǝs (ff. 163ra-164rb)
- ms_i1.5.14.3 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), Commemoration of Maksimos (f. 164rb)
- ms_i1.5.15 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), 15th Ṭǝrr (ff. 164rb-165ra)
- ms_i1.5.15.1 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), Commemoration of ʾAbyud the prophet (ff. 164rb-164va)
- ms_i1.5.15.2 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), Commemoration of Gregory of Nyssa among the Syrians (ff. 164vb-165ra)
- ms_i1.5.16 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), 16th Ṭǝrr (ff. 165ra-166vb)
- ms_i1.5.16.1 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), Commemoration of Filātāwos (ff. 165ra-166ra)
- ms_i1.5.16.2 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Yoḥannǝs the patriarch (ff. 166rb-166vb)
- ms_i1.5.17 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 17th Ṭǝrr (ff. 166vb-168rb)
- ms_i1.5.17.1 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Maksimos and Damātewos (ff. 166vb-168rb)
- ms_i1.5.18 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 18th Ṭǝrr (ff. 168va-169ra)
- ms_i1.5.18.1 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Yāʿqob of Nisibis (ff. 168va-169ra)
- ms_i1.5.19 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemorative notices for the month of Ṭǝrr (ff. 169ra-169vb)
- ms_i1.5.19.1 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Bahor and his sister Surā (ff. 169ra-169vb)
- ms_i1.5.20 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 20th Ṭǝrr (ff. 169vb-170ra)
- ms_i1.5.20.1 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Prochorus (ff. 169vb-170ra)
- ms_i1.5.20.2 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of ʾabbā Luḥ (f. 170ra)
- ms_i1.5.20.3 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Marbǝhnām and consecration of the church of Yoḥannǝs (f. 170ra)
- ms_i1.5.21 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 21st Ṭǝrr (ff. 170ra-172va)
- ms_i1.5.21.1 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of the death of Mary (ff. 170ra-171ra)
- ms_i1.5.21.2 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Yoḥannǝs (non-standard) (same as (f. 171ra)
- ms_i1.5.21.3 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of ʾArʾayā (ff. 171ra-172ra)
- ms_i1.5.21.4 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Gregory of Nyssa (ff. 172ra-172va)
- ms_i1.5.22 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 22nd Ṭǝrr (ff. 172va-174ra)
- ms_i1.5.22.1 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Anthony (the Great) (ff. 172va-174ra)
- ms_i1.5.23 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 23rd Ṭǝrr (ff. 174ra-174va)
- ms_i1.5.23.1 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Ṭimotewos (ff. 174ra-174va)
- ms_i1.5.24 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 24th Ṭǝrr (ff. 174vb-175rb)
- ms_i1.5.24.1 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Māryām (ff. 174vb-175ra)
- ms_i1.5.24.2 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of ʾabbā ʾAbsādi (f. 175ra)
- ms_i1.5.25 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 25th Ṭǝrr (ff. 175rb-175vb)
- ms_i1.5.25.1 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Ṗeṭros (ff. 175rb-175vb)
- ms_i1.5.25.2 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of an unnamed martyr or Saklā (f. 175vb)
- ms_i1.5.26 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 26th Ṭǝrr (ff. 175vb-177rb)
- ms_i1.5.26.1 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of 49 martyrs of Scetis (ff. 175vb-176vb)
- ms_i1.5.26.2 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of ʾAnǝsṭāsyā (ff. 176vb-177rb)
- ms_i1.5.27 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group A), 27th Ṭǝrr (ff. 177va-179ra)
- ms_i1.5.27.1 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Sarābyon (ff. 177va-178ra)
- ms_i1.5.27.2 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Bǝfām (ff. 178ra-178vb)
- ms_i1.5.27.3 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of the translatio of Ṭimotewos (ff. 178vb-179ra)
- ms_i1.5.27.4 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Suryāl (f. 179ra)
- ms_i1.5.28 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 28th Ṭǝrr (ff. 179ra-179vb)
- ms_i1.5.28.1 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of ʾAklemǝnṭos (ff. 179ra-179vb)
- ms_i1.5.29 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 29th Ṭǝrr (ff. 179vb-180va)
- ms_i1.5.29.1 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of ʾAksǝni (ff. 179vb-180va)
- ms_i1.5.29.2 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Sǝryāqos (f. 180va)
- ms_i1.5.30 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 30th Ṭǝrr (ff. 180vb-181rb)
- ms_i1.5.30.1 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Bistis, Halǝbis, ʾAqābis and their mother Sofyā (ff. 180vb-181rb)
- ms_i1.6 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemorative notices for the month of Yakkātit (ff. 181va-202rb)
- ms_i1.6.1 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 1st Yakkātit (ff. 181va-182va)
- ms_i1.6.1.1 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of the council of Constantinople (ff. 181va-181rb)
- ms_i1.6.1.2 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of the consecration of the church of Ṗeṭros (f. 182va)
- ms_i1.6.2 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 2nd Yakkātit (ff. 182vb-184rb)
- ms_i1.6.2.1 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of ʾabbā Langinos (ff. 182vb-183rb)
- ms_i1.6.2.2 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of ʾabbā Bulā (ff. 183va-184rb)
- ms_i1.6.3 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 3rd Yakkātit (ff. 184va-185rb)
- ms_i1.6.3.1 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of ʾabbā Yāʿqob (ff. 184va-185rb)
- ms_i1.6.4 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 4th Yakkātit (f. 185va)
- ms_i1.6.4.1 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of ʿAqabis (f. 185va)
- ms_i1.6.5 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 5th Yakkātit (ff. 185vb-186ra)
- ms_i1.6.5.1 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of ʾabbā ʾAqrǝṗṗā the patriarch (f. 185vb)
- ms_i1.6.5.2 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of ʾabbā Bǝsoy and ʾabbā Nob (f. 185vb)
- ms_i1.6.5.3 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of the translatio of the 49 martyrs of Scetis (f. 185vb)
- ms_i1.6.5.4 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Bulidās (ff. 185vb-186ra)
- ms_i1.6.6 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 6th Yakkātit (ff. 186ra-186vb)
- ms_i1.6.6.1 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of ʾAbulidās (ff. 186ra-186rb)
- ms_i1.6.6.2 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of ʾAbuqer, Yoḥannǝs, three virgins and their mother (f. 186va)
- ms_i1.6.7 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 7th Yakkātit (ff. 186vb-188ra)
- ms_i1.6.7.1 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of ʾabbā ʾƎskǝndǝros the patriarch (ff. 186vb-187vb)
- ms_i1.6.7.2 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of ʾabbā Tewodros the patriarch (ff. 187vb-188ra)
- ms_i1.6.8 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 8th Yakkātit (ff. 188ra-188vb)
- ms_i1.6.8.1 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of the presentation of Christ to the temple (ff. 188ra-188vb)
- ms_i1.6.9 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 9th Yakkātit (ff. 189ra-190rb)
- ms_i1.6.9.1 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Barsomā (ff. 189ra-189vb)
- ms_i1.6.9.2 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Ṗāwlos (ff. 189vb-190rb)
- ms_i1.6.10 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 10th Yakkātit (ff. 190va-191rb)
- ms_i1.6.10.1 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of James, son of Alphaeus (f. 190va)
- ms_i1.6.10.2 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Yosṭos (ff. 190va-190vb)
- ms_i1.6.10.3 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of ʾabbā ʾAysdǝros (ff. 190vb-191ra)
- ms_i1.6.10.4 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of ʾabbā Filu (f. 191rb)
- ms_i1.6.11 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 11th Yakkātit (ff. 191rb-191va)
- ms_i1.6.11.1 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Bǝlātyānos the patriarch of Rome (ff. 191rb-191va)
- ms_i1.6.12 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 12th Yakkātit (ff. 191va-192rb)
- ms_i1.6.12.1 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Galāsyos (ff. 191va-192rb)
- ms_i1.6.13 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 13rd Yakkātit (ff. 192rb-193rb)
- ms_i1.6.13.1 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Sargiyos (ff. 192rb-193ra)
- ms_i1.6.13.2 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of ʾabbā Ṭimotewos the patriarch (ff. 193ra-193rb)
- ms_i1.6.14 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 14th Yakkātit (ff. 193rb-194ra)
- ms_i1.6.14.1 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Sāwiros (ff. 193rb-194ra)
- ms_i1.6.14.2 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Yāʿqob the patriarch of Alexandria (f. 194ra)
- ms_i1.6.15 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 15th Yakkātit (ff. 194ra-194vb)
- ms_i1.6.15.1 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Zakāryā the prophet (ff. 194ra-194rb)
- ms_i1.6.15.2 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Yakk15ConsecrationSebesteya ()
- ms_i1.6.15.3 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Babnūda (ff. 194va-194vb)
- ms_i1.6.16 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 16th Yakkātit (ff. 195ra-195va)
- ms_i1.6.16.1 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of ʾElsābeṭ (ff. 195ra-195va)
- ms_i1.6.17 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 17th Yakkātit (ff. 195va-195vb)
- ms_i1.6.17.1 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Minās (ff. 195va-195vb)
- ms_i1.6.18 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 18th Yakkātit (ff. 195vb-196rb)
- ms_i1.6.18.1 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Malāniwos the patriarch of Antiochia (ff. 195vb-196rb)
- ms_i1.6.19 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 19th Yakkātit (f. 196va)
- ms_i1.6.19.1 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of the translatio of Martǝyānos (f. 196va)
- ms_i1.6.20 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 20th Yakkātit (f. 196vb)
- ms_i1.6.20.1 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Ṗeṭros the patriarch (f. 196vb)
- ms_i1.6.20.2 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Bāsǝlyos, Tāʾodǝs and Ṭimotewos (f. 196vb)
- ms_i1.6.21 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 21st Yakkātit (ff. 196vb-198ra)
- ms_i1.6.21.1 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Gabrǝʾel the patriarch (ff. 196vb-197rb)
- ms_i1.6.21.2 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Zakāryās the bishop (ff. 197rb-197va)
- ms_i1.6.21.3 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of ʾAwkǝnsimon (ff. 197vb-198ra)
- ms_i1.6.22 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 22nd Yakkātit (ff. 198ra-198rb)
- ms_i1.6.22.1 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of ʾabbā Mārunā (ff. 198ra-198rb)
- ms_i1.6.23 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 23rd Yakkātit (ff. 198va-198vb)
- ms_i1.6.23.1 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of ʾAwsǝnyos (ff. 198va-198vb)
- ms_i1.6.24 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 24th Yakkātit (ff. 198vb-199va)
- ms_i1.6.24.1 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of ʾAgābiṭos (ff. 198vb-199va)
- ms_i1.6.25 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 25th Yakkātit (ff. 199vb-200ra)
- ms_i1.6.25.1 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of ʾArsinos, Filmona and Lekiyā (ff. 199vb-200ra)
- ms_i1.6.25.2 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of a deacon and Minās (f. 200ra)
- ms_i1.6.26 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 26th Yakkātit (ff. 200ra-200va)
- ms_i1.6.26.1 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Hoseʿ (ff. 200ra-200rb)
- ms_i1.6.26.2 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Sādoq (ff. 200rb-200va)
- ms_i1.6.27 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 27th Yakkātit (ff. 200va-201ra)
- ms_i1.6.27.1 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of ʾEnsǝgtewos, patriarch of Antioch (ff. 200va-201ra)
- ms_i1.6.28 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 28th Yakkātit (ff. 201ra-201rb)
- ms_i1.6.28.1 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Tewodros the Roman (ff. 201ra-201rb)
- ms_i1.6.29 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 29th Yakkātit (ff. 201rb-201va)
- ms_i1.6.29.1 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of Bālikǝryos (ff. 201rb-201va)
- ms_i1.6.30 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), 30th Yakkātit (ff. 201va-202rb)
- ms_i1.6.30.1 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Commemoration of the invention of the head of John the Baptist (ff. 201va-202ra)
- ms_i1.6.31 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Subscription for Yakkātit (f. 202rb)
- ms_i1.6.32 (incomplete), Sǝnkǝssār (Group B), Supplication for Yakkātit (f. 202rb)
- e1, no ref in title (ff.1r, 41r, 96r, 120r, 185r, 202r)
- e2, no ref in title (f. 202v)
- e3, no ref in title (f. 23)
- e4, no ref in title (f. 165)
- e5, no ref in title (f. 188)
- e6, no ref in title (ff. 1r-30r)
- e7, no ref in title (ff.53v, 65r, 70v, 71r, 72r, 82r, 83r, 94v, 96v, 100v, 186r)
- e8, no ref in title (f. 112v)
- e9, no ref in title (f. 14v)
- e10, no ref in title (ff.30v, 34r, 84v)
- p1_i1 (incomplete), Kidān za-nagh (ff. 1r-5v)
- p1_i1.2 (complete), Mastabqʷǝʿān (ff. 3r-5v)
- p1_i2 (complete), ʾAkkʷateta qʷǝrbān za-ḥawāryāt (ff. 5v-19v)
- p1_i3 (complete), ʾAkkʷateta qʷǝrbān za-ʾǝgziʾǝna ʾIyasus Krǝstos (ff. 19v-22r)
- p1_i4 (complete), Anaphora by Dioscorus of Alexandria (ff. 22r-24v)
- p1_i5 (complete), ʾAkkʷateta qʷǝrbān za-qǝddus Yoḥannǝs wangelāwi (ff. 24v-32v)
- p2_i1 (complete), ʾAkkʷateta qʷǝrbān za-qǝddus Hǝryāqos za-hagara Bǝhnǝsā (ff. 33r-43v)
- p2_i2 (complete), ʾAkkʷateta qʷǝrbān za-Yoḥannǝs ʾAfa Warq (ff. 43v-49v)
- p3_i1 (complete), ʾƎgziʾabǝḥer nagśa (General record) (ff. 50r-70r)
- p3_i2 (complete), Hāle luyā ʾaʿattǝb wa-ʾǝtnaśśāʾ (ff. 70r-88v)
- p4_i1 (complete), Malkǝʾ-hymn to St George (ff. 89r-93r)
- p4_i2 (complete), Malkǝʾa Mikāʾel (ff. 93r-99r)
- p4_i3 (incomplete), Malkǝʾa Māryām (ff. 99r-103v)
- p4_i4 (incomplete), Malkǝʾa ʾIyasus (ff. 104r-105v)
- p4_i5 (complete), Saqoqāwa dǝngǝl (ff. 105v-112r)
- p4_i6 (complete), ʾAkko-nu bǝʾsi (ff. 112v-116r)
- p4_i7 (complete), ʾƎsaggǝd laki ʾǝsaggǝd laki ʾǝsaggǝd laki wa-ʾǝweddǝsaki (ff. 116r-116v)
- p5_i1 (complete), Litany for the morning (ff. 117r-120v)
- p6_i1 (complete), Malkǝʾa Fāsiladas (ff. 121r-127r)
- p6_i2 (complete), Hymn to Our Lady Mary (ff. 127r-132r)
- p6_i3 (complete), Maṣḥafa nuzāze (ff. 132r-135v)
- p6_i4 (complete), Malkǝʾ-hymn to the saints (ff. 136r-138v)
- p7_i1 (complete), Fragmentary salām prayers (ff. 139r-141v)
- p7_i1.1 (incomplete), Malkǝʾ-hymn to St George (f. 139r)
- p7_i1.2 (complete), Salām-hymn to St Anne (ff. 139r-139v)
- p7_i1.3 (incomplete), Salām-hymn to Fāsiladas (f. 139v)
- p7_i1.4 (incomplete), Unidentified salām-hymn for the Cross (f. 140r)
- p7_i1.5 (complete), Malkǝʾa beta krǝstiyān (ff. 140r-140v)
- p7_i1.6 (complete), Salām-hymn to Mary (f. 140v)
- p7_i1.7 (incomplete), Unidentified salām-hymn for Takla Hāymānot (f. 141r)
- p7_i1.8 (complete), Malkǝʾ-hymn to ʾEwosṭātewos (ff. 141r-141v)
- p7_i1.9 (complete), Salām-hymn to Gabrǝʾel (f. 141v)
- p7_i1.10 (complete), Malkǝʾ-hymn to the prophets, the apostles, the martyrs (f. 141v)
- p7_i1.11 (complete), Salām-hymn to the apostles (f. 141v)
- p7_i1.12 (incomplete), Salām-hymn to Takla Hāymānot (f. 141v)
- e3, no ref in title (ff.12v, 24v, 32v, 33r, 69v, 112r, 128, 132r)
- e4, no ref in title (ff. 4-8 ff. 65-77 f. 128)
- e1, no ref in title
- e2, no ref in title (ff.12v, 24v, 32v)
- e5, no ref in title (f. 43va)
- a1 (OwnershipNote), no ref in title (f. 112r)
- a2 (OwnershipNote), no ref in title (f. 112r)
- ms_i1, Dǝrsāna Mikāʾel
- ms_i1.1, Dǝrsāna Mikāʾel, Ḫǝdār
- ms_i1.1.1, Dǝrsāna Mikāʾel, Homily by Timothy (same as LIT1637Homily) (ff. 1r-10)
- ms_i1.1.2, Dǝrsāna Mikāʾel, Miracle on the Egyptian sailors (ff. 10v-11va)
- ms_i1.1.3, Dǝrsāna Mikāʾel, Commemorative notice on Michael's appearance to Joshua (ff. 11va-12rb)
- ms_i1.1.4, Dǝrsāna Mikāʾel, Miracle on the Egyptian sailors (ff. 12rb-13rb)
- ms_i1.1.5, Dǝrsāna Mikāʾel, Salām for Ḫǝdār (ff. 13rb-13va)
- ms_i1.2, Dǝrsāna Mikāʾel, Tāḫśāś
- ms_i1.2.1, Dǝrsāna Mikāʾel, Tāḫśāś (ff. 13va-20ra)
- ms_i1.2.2, Dǝrsāna Mikāʾel, Commemorative Notice for Tāḫśāś (ff. 20ra-20vb)
- ms_i1.2.3, Salām laka ʿaqābi... (ff. 20va-21ra)
- ms_i1.2.4, Dǝrsāna Mikāʾel, Miracle on the poor peasant who found a treasure in a fish (ff. 21ra-22ra)
- ms_i1.3, Dǝrsāna Mikāʾel, Ṭǝrr
- ms_i1.3.1, Dǝrsāna Mikāʾel, Homily by Yoḥannǝs on Talason (ff. 22ra-35ra)
- ms_i1.3.2, Dǝrsāna Mikāʾel, Commemorative Notice for Ṭǝrr (ff. 35rb-35vb)
- ms_i1.3.3, Dǝrsāna Mikāʾel, Salām to you Michael, one of eldest highest, servant of the Lord (f. 35vb)
- ms_i1.3.4, Dǝrsāna Mikāʾel, MiracleRichPoor (ff. 35vb-36va)
- ms_i1.4, Dǝrsāna Mikāʾel, Yakkātit
- ms_i1.4.1, Dǝrsāna Mikāʾel, Homily on a poor man of great faith (ff. 36vb-42ra)
- ms_i1.4.2, Dǝrsāna Mikāʾel, Miracle of the healing of a paralytic (ff. 42ra-45rb)
- ms_i1.4.3, When Mikāʾel was sent to Samson (ff. 45va-45vb)
- ms_i1.5, Dǝrsāna Mikāʾel, Maggābit
- ms_i1.5.1, 12 Miracles of St Michael (ff. 46ra-52va)
- ms_i1.5.2, Miracle of the woman, who was suffering from elephantiasis (ff. 52va-55ra)
- ms_i1.6, Dǝrsāna Mikāʾel, Miyāzyā
- ms_i1.6.1, Homily on the Archangel Michael (for Miyāzyā) (ff. 55ra-61rb)
- ms_i1.6.2, Dǝrsāna Mikāʾel, Commemorative Notice for Miyāzyā (ff. 61rb-62rb)
- ms_i1.6.3, Dǝrsāna Mikāʾel, Salām for Miyāzyā (ff. 62ra-62rb)
- ms_i1.6.4, Dǝrsāna Mikāʾel, Miracle on a Christian whose hand had become dry (ff. 62rb-64rb)
- ms_i1.7, Dǝrsāna Mikāʾel, Gǝnbot
- ms._i1.7.1, Homily on the Archangel Michael (for Gǝnbot) (ff. 64va-66va)
- ms_i1.7.2, Dǝrsāna Mikāʾel, Commemorative Notice for Gǝnbot (ff. 66va-67ra)
- ms_i1.7.3, Dǝrsāna Mikāʾel, Salām for Gǝnbot (ff. 67ra-67rb)
- ms_i1.7.4, Dǝrsāna Mikāʾel, Miracle on the sterile woman (ff. 67rb-68vb)
- ms_i1.8, Dǝrsāna Mikāʾel, Sane
- ms_i1.8.1, Dǝrsāna Mikāʾel, Homily for Sane by ṗāṗās Yoḥannǝs Homily of John (Yoḥannəs), Metropolitan of Aksum, for the 12th day of Sane (ff. 68vb-77vb)
- ms_i1.8.2, Dǝrsāna Mikāʾel, Commemoration on the conversion of the temple of Alexandria (ff. 77vb-84rb)
- ms_i1.8.3, Dǝrsāna Mikāʾel, Miracle for Sane (ff. 84rb-86ra)
- ms_i1.9, Dǝrsāna Mikāʾel, Ḥamle
- ms_i1.9.1, Dǝrsāna Mikāʾel, Homily by Yoḥannǝs on Talason (ff. 86ra-90vb)
- ms_i1.9.2, Dǝrsāna Mikāʾel, Miracle on a Christian whose hand had become dry (ff. 90vb-92rb)
- ms_i1.9.3, Dǝrsāna Mikāʾel, Commemorative Notice for Ḥamle (ff. 92rb-92vb)
- ms_i1.9.4, Dǝrsāna Mikāʾel, Salām for Ḥamle (f. )
- ms_i1.10, Dǝrsāna Mikāʾel, Naḥase
- ms_i1.10.1, Dǝrsāna Mikāʾel, Homily (ff. 92vb-96r)
- ms_i1.10.2, Dǝrsāna Mikāʾel, Miracle on the healing of a blind man (ff. 96ra-96vb)
- ms_i1.10.3, Dǝrsāna Mikāʾel, Commemorative Notice for Naḥase (ff. 96vb-97ra)
- ms_i1.11, Dǝrsāna Mikāʾel, Maskaram
- ms_i1.11.1, Dǝrsāna Mikāʾel, Homily on the Lordship of God (ff. 97rb-100ra)
- ms_i1.11.2, Dǝrsāna Mikāʾel, Miracle of the poor man, who became a rich man (same as (ff. 100ra-101va)
- ms_i1.11.3, Dǝrsāna Mikāʾel, Commemorative Notice for Maskaram (ff. 101va-101vb)
- ms_i1.11.4, Dǝrsāna Mikāʾel, Salām for Maskaram (ff. 101vb-102ra)
- ms_i1.12, Dǝrsāna Mikāʾel, Ṭǝqǝmt
- ms_i1.12.1, Dǝrsāna Mikāʾel, Anonymous homily for Ṭǝqǝmt (ff. 102ra-105va)
- ms_i1.12.2, Dǝrsāna Mikāʾel, Miracle of the rich man who recovers his possessions (ff. 105va-106ra)
- ms_i1.12.3, Dǝrsāna Mikāʾel, Commemorative Notice for Ṭǝqǝmt (ff. 106ra-107ra)
- ms_i1.12.4, Dǝrsāna Mikāʾel, Salām for Ṭǝqǝmt (f. 107r)
- a1 (Correction), no ref in title (f. )
- e1 (OwnershipNote), no ref in title
- e2 (StampExlibris), no ref in title
- e3 (StampExlibris), no ref in title (f. 110v)
- e4 (StampExlibris), no ref in title (ff.78v, 110v)
- e5 (StampExlibris), no ref in title (f. )
- e6 (Correction), no ref in title (ff.35vb, 36ra, 52va, 79va, 102v, 103ra, 105va, 106ra, 107ra)
- e7 (MixedNote), no ref in title (f. 49r)
- ms_i1 (complete), ‘The 'Gadla Lālibalā' collection of texts: type A' (ff. 1r-130vb)
- ms_i1.1 (complete), Preamble (ff. 1ra-5vb)
- ms_i1.2 (complete), Soteriology (ff. 6ra-9vb)
- ms_i1.2.1, no ref in title (ff. 6ra-8va)
- ms_i1.2.2, no ref in title (ff. 8va-17va)
- ms_i1.3 (complete), Teaching about the Saints (ff. 9vb-12rb)
- ms_i1.4 (complete), Lālibalā entered Heavenly Jerusalem (ff. 12rb-17va)
- ms_i1.4.1, no ref in title (ff. 8va-17va)
- ms_i1.5 (complete), Lālibalā accomplished the Word of Gospel (ff. 17va-21va)
- ms_i1.6 (complete), Praise for Lālibalā (ff. 21va-33va)
- ms_i1.6.1, no ref in title (ff. 21va-23vb)
- ms_i1.6.2, no ref in title (ff. 23vab-31rb)
- ms_i1.6.3, no ref in title (ff. 31rb-32va)
- ms_i1.6.4, no ref in title (ff. 32va-33ra)
- ms_i1.7 (complete), Life of Lālibalā (ff. 33vb-115rb)
- ms_i1.7.1, no ref in title (ff. 33vb-35ra)
- ms_i1.7.2, no ref in title (ff. 35ra-35vb)
- ms_i1.7.3, How Lālibalā was born in Roḥā. (ff. 35vb-37rb)
- ms_i1.7.4, How Lālibalā grew up in a beautiful man. (ff. 37rb-39rb)
- ms_i1.7.5, Lālibalā voluntarily embraces the death for the love of the others. (ff. 40ra-45va)
- ms_i1.7.6, Lālibalā became like Jesus Christ. Ascension to the heavens. (ff. 45va-65ra)
- ms_i1.7.7, Lālibalā is in the heavens. (ff. 65rb-65vb)
- ms_i1.7.8, Lālibalā is in the heavens. (ff. 65vb-68rb)
- ms_i1.7.9, How God showed Lālibalā ten monolithic churches. (ff. 68rb-68va)
- ms_i1.7.10, no ref in title (ff. 68vb-69va)
- ms_i1.7.11, no ref in title (ff. 69vb-70va)
- ms_i1.7.12, no ref in title (ff. 70va-71vb)
- ms_i1.7.13, no ref in title (ff. 71vb-74ra)
- ms_i1.7.14, no ref in title (ff. 74ra-75ra)
- ms_i1.7.15, no ref in title (ff. 75ra-75vb)
- ms_i1.7.16, Having seen the mysteries of the heaven and being appointed to the thrown, on the third day Lālibalā comes back to the earth. (ff. 75vb-77ra)
- ms_i1.7.17, no ref in title (ff. 77ra-78rb)
- ms_i1.7.18, Lālibalā runs away to the desert. (ff. 78va-79vb)
- ms_i1.7.19, Lālibalā marries Masqal Kǝbrā. He is blamed for marrying an engaged woman, but helped by an angel he escapes the punishment. (ff. 80ra-86ra)
- ms_i1.7.20, Lālibalā runs away to the desert with Masqal Kǝbrā. (ff. 86ra-87rb)
- ms_i1.7.21, After their prayers for food, Lālibalā and Masqal Kǝbrā find partridges which they eat. (ff. 87rb-87vb)
- ms_i1.7.22, Lālibalā and Masqal Kǝbrā live in a cave, like Prophet Isaiah and other prophets. They run further to the east from the persecution. Archangel Gābrǝ’el announces to the family that Lālibalā will make a pilgrimage to Jerusalem. (ff. 87vb-90ra)
- ms_i1.7.23, no ref in title (ff. 90ra-95va)
- ms_i1.7.24, no ref in title (ff. 95va-96vb)
- ms_i1.7.25, no ref in title (ff. 96vb-100vb)
- ms_i1.7.26, no ref in title (ff. 100vb-104rb)
- ms_i1.7.27, no ref in title (ff. 104va-105rb)
- ms_i1.7.28, no ref in title (ff. 105rb-107rb)
- ms_i1.7.29, no ref in title (ff. 107rb-108vb)
- ms_i1.7.30, no ref in title (ff. 108vb-116vb)
- ms_i1.8 (complete), King Lālibalā and the three Angels (ff. 115rb-116vb)
- ms_i1.9 (complete), How the river swallowed Lālibalā's honey and then spit it out (ff. 116vb-119ra)
- ms_i1.10 (complete), How Lālibalā became like a poor person (ff. 119vb-120va)
- ms_i1.11 (complete), Lālibalā and a rebel (ff. 120va-122va)
- ms_i1.12 (complete), How a prayer to Lālibalā saved a rich woman (ff. 122va-122vb)
- ms_i1.13 (complete), How a prayer to Lālibalā saved a man (ff. 122vb-123vb)
- ms_i1.14 (complete), Story about virtuous Deeds of Lālibalā (ff. 123vb-130va)
- a1 (OwnershipNote), no ref in title (f. 1r)
- e1, no ref in title
- e2, no ref in title
- e3, no ref in title (f. 1r)
- e4, no ref in title (f. 19r)
- e5, no ref in title (f. 33v)
- e6, no ref in title (f. 40r)
- e7, no ref in title (f. 45v)
- e8, no ref in title (f. 65r)
- e9, no ref in title (f. 68v)
- e10, no ref in title (f. 80r)
- e11, no ref in title (f. 86r)
- e12, no ref in title (f. 90r)
- e13, no ref in title (f. 100v)
- e14, no ref in title (f. 116v)
- ms_i1 (complete), ‘The 'Gadla Lālibalā' collection of texts: type A' (ff. 1r-162v)
- ms_i1.1 (incomplete), Preamble (ff. 1r-6v)
- ms_i1.2 (complete), Soteriology (ff. 6v-11v)
- ms_i1.3 (complete), Teaching about the Saints (ff. 11r-14v)
- ms_i1.4 (incomplete), Lālibalā entered Heavenly Jerusalem (ff. 14v-17r)
- ms_i1.5 (incomplete), Praise for Lālibalā (ff. 17r-29r)
- ms_i1.6 (incomplete), Life of Lālibalā (ff. 29r-50v)
- ms_i1.7 (incomplete), Lālibalā entered Heavenly Jerusalem (ff. 50v-54v)
- ms_i1.8 (complete), Lālibalā accomplished the Word of Gospel (ff. 54v-59v)
- ms_i1.9 (incomplete), Praise for Lālibalā (ff. 59v-61v)
- ms_i1.10 (incomplete), Life of Lālibalā (ff. 61v-140v)
- ms_i1.11 (complete), King Lālibalā and the three Angels (ff. 140v-142v)
- ms_i1.12 (complete), How the river swallowed Lālibalā's honey and then spit it out (ff. 142v-146r)
- ms_i1.13 (complete), How Lālibalā became like a poor person (ff. 146r-148r)
- ms_i1.14 (complete), Lālibalā and a rebel (ff. 148r-151v)
- ms_i1.15 (complete), How a prayer to Lālibalā saved a rich woman (ff. 151v-152r)
- ms_i1.16 (complete), How a prayer to Lālibalā saved a man (ff. 152r-153v)
- ms_i1.17 (complete), Story about virtuous Deeds of Lālibalā (ff. 153v-162v)
- e1, no ref in title (f. 1r)
- e2, no ref in title (f. 163rv)
- ms_i1 (complete), Taʾammǝra Māryām (ff. 3ra-112rb)
- ms_i1.1 (complete), Maṣḥafa śǝrʿāt za-waṣʾa ʾǝm-manbara Mārqos ḥawāryā ʾǝm-makāna maʿāllǝqā (ff. 3ra-7rb)
- ms_i1.2 (complete), ʾƎsaggǝd laki ʾǝsaggǝd laki ʾǝsaggǝd laki wa-ʾǝweddǝsaki (ff. 7rb-8rb)
- ms_i1.3 (complete), Taʾammǝra Māryām (ff. 9ra-112rb)
- ms_i1.3.1 (complete), Miracle of Mary: Miracle of Hildephonsus (Dexius) of Toledo (ff. 9ra-10rb)
- ms_i1.3.2 (complete), Miracle of Mary: Miracle of a poor monk whom Mary gave a garment (ff. 10rb-10vb)
- ms_i1.3.3 (complete), Miracle of Mary: Miracle of a picture of Mary speaking to a worker (ff. 10vb-11va)
- ms_i1.3.4 (complete), Miracle of Mary: Miracle of a Jew of ʾAḫmīm (ff. 11va-12rb)
- ms_i1.3.5 (complete), Miracle of Mary: Miracle of the scribe Damianus from Philippi (ff. 12rb-13ra)
- ms_i1.3.6 (complete), Miracle of Mary: Miracle of the Bishop of Rome, ʾAbbās (Long version) (ff. 13ra-14ra)
- ms_i1.3.7 (complete), Miracle of Mary: Miracle of the monk Isaac (ff. 14ra-15ra)
- ms_i1.3.8 (complete), Miracle of Mary: Miracle of the young girl called Mary, from Dafrā (ff. 15ra-15vb)
- ms_i1.3.9 (complete), Miracle of Mary: Miracle of a French painter whose scaffold was overthrown by the devil (ff. 16ra-16vb)
- ms_i1.3.10 (complete), Miracle of a sick man in a hospital whom Mary carries to Jerusalem (ff. 16vb-17rb)
- ms_i1.3.11 (complete), Miracle of Mary: Miracle of the youth Zechariah, from Rome (ff. 17rb-18vb)
- ms_i1.3.12 (complete), Miracle of Mary: Miracle of Juliana and Barbara from Bethlehem (ff. 18vb-19va)
- ms_i1.3.13 (complete), Miracle of Mary: Miracle of three Arabs in Rīf and Salomon, abbot of Kalamon (ff. 19va-20va)
- ms_i1.3.14 (complete), Miracle of Mary: Miracle of the construction of a church in Jericho (ff. 20va-21rb)
- ms_i1.3.15 (complete), Miracle of Mary: Miracle of the blind priest John from the church of St Mercurius in Cairo (ff. 21rb-22rb)
- ms_i1.3.16 (complete), Miracle of Mary: Miracle of a rich man from Qʷalāsis who fought the Qʷǝz and whose eye was pierced by an arrow (ff. 22rb-23rb)
- ms_i1.3.17 (complete), Miracle of Mary: Miracle of Abraham, his wife Gerā and their blind daughter Elisabeth from Badramān (ff. 23rb-24va)
- ms_i1.3.18 (complete), Miracle of Mary: Miracle of a widow and her poor daughters Maria, Martha, and Yawāhit (ff. 24va-25va)
- ms_i1.3.19 (complete), Miracle of Mary: Miracle of the two scribes who were brothers (ff. 25va-26rb)
- ms_i1.3.20 (complete), Miracle of Mary: Miracle of George the Younger, who was delivered from prison (ff. 26rb-26vb)
- ms_i1.3.21 (complete), Miracle of Mary: Miracle of the old priest Qaṭīr at ʾƎlkǝsus (al-Khusus) (ff. 26vb-27vb)
- ms_i1.3.22 (complete), Miracle of Mary: Miracle of the two brothers Tāg and Nazīb from Dalgā (ff. 27vb-29ra)
- ms_i1.3.23 (complete), Miracle of Mary: Miracle of a European man with a petrified foot (ff. 29ra-30ra)
- ms_i1.3.24 (complete), Miracle of Mary: Miracle of the leprous Bishop Mercurius (ff. 30ra-30vb)
- ms_i1.3.25 (complete), Miracle of Mary: Miracle of a woman from Hartalom/Hartarom with broken legs (ff. 30vb-31vb)
- ms_i1.3.26 (complete), Miracle of Mary: Miracle of Sophia, abbess of Mount Carmel (ff. 31vb-33vb)
- ms_i1.3.27 (complete), Miracle of Mary: Miracle of the Phoenician evil man called Bārok (ff. 34ra-34va)
- ms_i1.3.28 (complete), Miracle of Mary: Miracle of Anastasius, a deacon of Rome (ff. 34va-35rb)
- ms_i1.3.29 (complete), Miracle of Mary: Miracle of a monk of the Monastery of St Samuel of Kalamon (ff. 35rb-35vb)
- ms_i1.3.30 (complete), Miracle of Mary: The Story of the Cannibal of Qǝmr (ff. 35vb-37ra)
- ms_i1.3.31 (complete), Miracle of Mary: Miracle of a bandit saved by Mary after having stolen from churches (ff. 37ra-37va)
- ms_i1.3.32 (complete), Miracle of Mary: Miracle of a pregnant woman (ff. 37va-38ra)
- ms_i1.3.33 (complete), Miracle of Mary: Miracle of the thirsty dog whom the Virgin gave water (ff. 38ra-38vb)
- ms_i1.3.34 (complete), Miracle of Mary: Homily on a potter from Syria (ff. 38vb-40vb)
- ms_i1.3.35 (complete), Miracle of Mary: The priest from Nārdin who was accused because he kept a nun in his house (ff. 40vb-43vb)
- ms_i1.3.36 (complete), Miracle of Mary: Miracle of a pagan woman of Rome who converted (ff. 43vb-45ra)
- ms_i1.3.37 (complete), Miracle of Mary: Emperor Honorius, who lived like a monk (ff. 45ra-45vb)
- ms_i1.3.38 (complete), Miracle of Mary: The conception and nativity of St Mary (general record) (ff. 45vb-47rb)
- ms_i1.3.39 (complete), Miracle of Mary: The conception and nativity of St Mary (general record) (ff. 47rb-49ra)
- ms_i1.3.40 (complete), Miracle of Mary: Miracle of the Roman monk ʾOḍ of the Convent of Kwǝzārā (ff. 49ra-50ra)
- ms_i1.3.41 (complete), Miracle of Mary: St Mary is espoused to St Joseph (ff. 50ra-51rb)
- ms_i1.3.42 (complete), Miracle of Mary: A hermit in Jerusalem is saved from the temptations of Satan (ff. 51rb-52va)
- ms_i1.3.43 (complete), Miracle of Mary: Salome's hands are burned when she tries to verify St Mary's virginity, but they are healed when she takes the Christ Child into her arms (ff. 52va-54ra)
- ms_i1.3.44 (complete), Miracle of Mary: The vision of Theophilus continued: Satan urges Herod to pursue the Holy Family (ff. 54ra-56vb)
- ms_i1.3.45 (complete), Miracle of Mary: Miracle of the transmigration of the Virgin, the Jews threaten to burn the Virgin's body and cut off the heads of the apostles (ff. 56vb-58va)
- ms_i1.3.46 (complete), Miracle of Mary: Miracle of the transmigration of the Virgin, Tāfonyā is sent to break the Virgin's bed and is saved by her (ff. 58va-60ra)
- ms_i1.3.47 (complete), Miracle of Mary: Miracle of the transmigration of the Virgin announced by Gabriel (ff. 60ra-60vb)
- ms_i1.3.48 (complete), Miracle of Mary: Miracle of the transmigration of the Virgin, the apostles convene around the Virgin (ff. 60bv-62ra)
- ms_i1.3.49 (complete), Miracle of Mary: St John the Evangelist sees Christ kissing St Mary's burial cloth (ff. 62ra-63ra)
- ms_i1.3.50 (complete), Miracle of Mary: The Virgin, Apostles and others receive communion by Jesus (ff. 63ra-63vb)
- ms_i1.3.51 (complete), Miracle of Mary: Miracle of a woman and her family transformed into animals after having mistreated the Virgin (ff. 63vb-66rb)
- ms_i1.3.52 (complete), Miracle of Mary: Miracle of the drunk monk Timotewos (?), saved by the Virgin (ff. 66rb-67vb)
- ms_i1.3.53 (complete), Miracle of Mary: Miracle of a fountain of water caused by Jesus in Māḫḍāb while returning to Palestine (ff. 67vb-68ra)
- ms_i1.3.54 (complete), Miracle of Mary: Five Pains of the Virgin, Conversation of the Virgin and Jesus Christ; promise of salvation to those who recite the Paternoster and Ave Maria (ff. 68ra-68va)
- ms_i1.3.55 (complete), Miracle of Mary: When Sǝfǝngǝyā, wife of king Masfǝyānos of Romǝyā, prays to have a child before the icon of St Mary, the icon inclines its head; Sǝfǝngǝyā then conceives Yǝsḥaq (ʾAbbā Garimā) (ff. 68va-69vb)
- ms_i1.3.56 (complete), Miracle of Mary: Miracle of ʾabbā Mārdāri who was visited and blessed by 12 angels (ff. 69vb-71va)
- ms_i1.3.57 (complete), Miracle of Mary: A dragon that had swallowed up, ʾEfrem, a monk of Dabra Ṭimonā, is compelled to vomit him up alive ten days later (ff. 71va-72rb)
- ms_i1.3.58 (complete), Miracle of Mary: Miracle of Martha, daughter of Fasilides, and her son Victor (ff. 72rb-73rb)
- ms_i1.3.59 (complete), Miracle of Mary: Miracle of Abraham, his wife Gerā and their blind daughter Elisabeth from Badramān (ff. 73rb-74ra)
- ms_i1.3.60 (complete), Miracle of Mary: Homily of Emperor Zarʿa Yāʿqob on St Mary as the hope of salvation (ff. 74ra-74vb)
- ms_i1.3.61 (complete), Miracle of Mary: Miracle of the source caused by Jesus and healing by its water (ff. 74vb-76ra)
- ms_i1.3.62 (complete), Miracle of Mary: Miracle of a brigand who bathed in "the water of the Virgin" and whose soul was saved by Her (ff. 76ra-76vb)
- ms_i1.3.63 (complete), Miracle of Mary: The brigands who killed each other at the miraculous spring (ff. 76vb-78ra)
- ms_i1.3.64 (complete), Miracle of Mary: How the Virgin Mary sent a vision to a young man and caused him to embrace the ascetic life (ff. 78ra-79va)
- ms_i1.3.65 (complete), Miracle of Mary: Miracle of an evil officer at Tarsus in Cilicia who loved Mary and had an apparition of Jesus (ff. 79va-80va)
- ms_i1.3.66 (complete), Miracle of Mary: Miracle of ʿAbd al-Masīḥ and Markezā (ff. 80va-81va)
- ms_i1.3.67 (complete), Miracle of Mary: St Mary turns water over which her anaphora was recited by ʾabbā Sāmuʾel of Wāli into miraculous bread (ff. 81va-82rb)
- ms_i1.3.68 (complete), Miracle of Mary: The story of Dilāsor, brother of Emperor Theodosius, who was ʾAbbā Kiros (ff. 82rb-83rb)
- ms_i1.3.69 (complete), Miracle of Mary: The story of Dilāsor, brother of Emperor Theodosius, who was ʾAbbā Kiros (ff. 83rb-84ra)
- ms_i1.3.70 (complete), Miracle of Mary: How the Virgin Mary caused her son to appear in the form of a boy to a worshipper (ff. 84ra-84vb)
- ms_i1.3.71 (complete), Miracle of Mary: Miracle of an officer of Ephesus who was innocently crucified and saved by Mary (ff. 84vb-85vb)
- ms_i1.3.72 (complete), Miracle of Mary: How the Virgin Mary and her Son appeared in a beehive (ff. 85vb-86va)
- ms_i1.3.73 (complete), Miracle of Mary: Miracle of a Jew of ʾAḫmīm (ff. 86vb-87rb)
- ms_i1.3.74 (complete), Miracle of Mary: Miracle of the scribe Damianus from Philippi (ff. 87rb-87vb)
- ms_i1.3.75 (complete), Miracle of Mary: Miracle of the Bishop of Rome, ʾAbbās (Long version) (ff. 87vb-88va)
- ms_i1.3.76 (complete), Miracle of Mary: Miracle of ʾArsimā, whom Mary announced that two girls would be exempted from wordly desires (ff. 88va-89ra)
- ms_i1.3.77 (complete), Miracle of Mary: Miracle of a sinful woman who swallowed a scorpion (ff. 89ra-89va)
- ms_i1.3.78 (complete), Miracle of Mary: How the Virgin Mary administered to certain monks a celestial compound to digest their food (ff. 89ra-90rb)
- ms_i1.3.79 (complete), Miracle of Mary: How the Virgin Mary rebuked a woman who gave up fasting at her husband's command (ff. 90rb-90vb)
- ms_i1.3.80 (complete), Miracle of Mary: Miracle of Sophia who distributed all her jewelry to the poor, and her husband who did not let her go to the church (ff. 90vb-92ra)
- ms_i1.3.81 (complete), Miracle of Mary: Miracle of the drunk monk Timotewos (?), saved by the Virgin (ff. 92ra-92va)
- ms_i1.3.82 (complete), Miracle of Mary: How the image of the Virgin Mary in a Church bowed to the monks (ff. 92va-93ra)
- ms_i1.3.83 (complete), Miracle of Mary: Miracle of a picture of Mary speaking to a worker (ff. 93ra-93rb)
- ms_i1.3.84 (complete), Miracle of Mary: Miracle of a brigand who loved Mary and whose funeral she commanded to the bishop (ff. 93rb-94ra)
- ms_i1.3.85 (complete), Miracle of Mary: How the Virgin Mary delivered from the devils the soul of an avaricious farmer who had given alms in her name (ff. 94ra-94va)
- ms_i1.3.86 (complete), Miracle of Mary: How the Virgin Mary delivered from the devils the soul of an avaricious farmer who had given alms in her name (ff. 94va-95ra)
- ms_i1.3.87 (complete), Miracle of Mary: Miracle of a sinful abbot who appears a year after his death to announce his salvation by Mary (ff. 95ra-95va)
- ms_i1.3.88 (complete), Miracle of Mary: Miracle of a Jew of Constantinople punished for throwing out an image of Mary (ff. 95va-96va)
- ms_i1.3.89 (complete), Miracle of Mary: Miracle of sunken ship saved by Mary (ff. 96va-97ra)
- ms_i1.3.90 (complete), Miracle of Mary: How the painted figures of Christ and the Virgin Mary bled when a Jew cast the board into a pit, how the magistrate burned the Jew alive (ff. 97rb-97vb)
- ms_i1.3.91 (complete), Miracle of Mary: Miracle of a knight who denied Jesus but not Mary and was saved by her intercession (ff. 97vb-98va)
- ms_i1.3.92 (complete), Miracle of Mary: Miracle of the scribe Damianus from Philippi (ff. 98va-99ra)
- ms_i1.3.93 (complete), (ff. 99ra-100ra)
- ms_i1.3.94 (complete), Miracle of Mary: How the Virgin Mary saved the soul of a monk who was crossing a stream to visit a lover (ff. 100ra-100vb)
- ms_i1.3.95 (complete), Miracle of Mary: Miracle of a sinful widow who went to hell and later appeared at her convent and announced her salvation by Mary (ff. 100vb-101rb)
- ms_i1.3.96 (complete), Miracle of Mary: Miracle of a widow whom Mary told never to recite the greeting of the angel in hurry (ff. 101rb-101vb)
- ms_i1.3.97 (complete), Miracle of Mary: How the Virgin Mary, when twelve years old, healed an epileptic (ff. 101vb-102va)
- ms_i1.3.98 (complete), Miracle of Mary: St Mary is espoused to St Joseph (ff. 102va-104ra)
- ms_i1.3.99 (complete), Miracle of Mary: Miracle of the healing of a handicapped man (ff. 104ra-104va)
- ms_i1.3.100 (complete), Miracle of Mary: When Ṗāriqos of Feṣā confesses his sins to the bishop, the latter, refusing him absolution, tells him to go to ʾAbbā Yāʿqob (Santiago) (ff. 104va-105rb)
- ms_i1.3.101 (complete), Miracle of Mary: Miracle of a city destroyed by angels (ff. 105rb-106va)
- ms_i1.3.102 (complete), Miracle of Mary: Miracle of a city destroyed by angels (ff. 106va-107va)
- ms_i1.3.103 (complete), Miracle of Mary: When Ṗāriqos of Feṣā confesses his sins to the bishop, the latter, refusing him absolution, tells him to go to ʾAbbā Yāʿqob (Santiago) (ff. 107va-108rb)
- ms_i1.3.104 (complete), Miracle of Mary: Miracle of a sinful abbot who appears a year after his death to announce his salvation by Mary (ff. 108rb-109ra)
- ms_i1.3.105 (complete), Miracle of Mary: Miracle of the sinful deacon ʾAstirās whom Mary ordered to be buried in the believers' graveyard (ff. 109ra-109vb)
- ms_i1.3.106 (complete), Miracle of Mary: How a bishop removed a priest from his office and how the Virgin Mary rebuked the bishop (ff. 109vb-110va)
- ms_i1.3.107 (complete), Miracle of Mary: How the Virgin Mary raised a dead knight to fight against Golyād (ff. 110vb-111vb)
- ms_i1.3.108 (complete), Miracle of Mary: Miracle of a knight who denied Jesus but not Mary and was saved by her intercession (ff. 111vb-112vb)
- a1 (GuestText), ʾƎsaggǝd la-malakotǝka (ff. 1ra-2vb f. 113ra)
- a2 (DonationNote), no ref in title (ff. 8va-8vb)
- a3 (DonationNote), no ref in title (f. 112vb)
- e1, no ref in title (f. 1r)
- e2 (Correction), no ref in title (f. 30vb)
- e3 (findingAid), no ref in title
- ms_i1 (complete), Maṣḥafa lǝdatā la-Māryām (ff. 1ra-57vb)
- ms_i2 (complete), Māḫleta ṣǝge (ff. 58ra-85vb)
- ms_i3 (complete), ʾAkkʷateta qʷǝrbān za-qǝddus Hǝryāqos za-hagara Bǝhnǝsā (ff. 86ra-103vb)
- ms_i4 (complete), Taʾammǝra Māryām (ff. 104ra-123vb)
- ms_i4.1 (complete), Maṣḥafa śǝrʿāt za-waṣʾa ʾǝm-manbara Mārqos ḥawāryā ʾǝm-makāna maʿāllǝqā (ff. 104ra-110va)
- ms_i4.2 (complete), ʾƎsaggǝd laki ʾǝsaggǝd laki ʾǝsaggǝd laki wa-ʾǝweddǝsaki (ff. 110va-114rb)
- ms_i4.3 (complete), Miracle of Mary (general record for a single unidentified miracle) (ff. 114rb-123vb)
- ms_i5 (complete), Homily on the Four Living Creatures (general record) (ff. 124ra-143rb)
- ms_i6 (complete), Dǝrsān baʾǝnta kǝbromu la-24 kāhǝnāta samāy (ff. 143ra-158rb)
- ms_i7 (complete), Homily on the Archangel Michael (ff. 158ra-178rb)
- ms_i8 (complete), Dǝrsān baʾǝnta ʿǝbayu wa-kǝbru la-Mikāʾel (ff. 179ra-203rb)
- ms_i9 (complete), Dǝrsāna Gabrǝʾel (ff. 203ra-241va)
- ms_i10 (complete), Dǝrsāna ḥǝḍānāt (ff. 242ra-256ra)
- ms_i11 (complete), Zenāhu la-ʾabbā Ṗāwli za-taśamya Bulā (ff. 256ra-276ra)
- e1, no ref in title (f. ir)
- e2, no ref in title (f. ir)
- e3, no ref in title (f. ir)
- e4, no ref in title (f. ir)
- e5, no ref in title (, 279v, 280v)
- e6, no ref in title (f. )
- e7, no ref in title (f. 280v)
- ms_i1 (complete), Maṣḥafa śǝrʿāt za-waṣʾa ʾǝm-manbara Mārqos ḥawāryā ʾǝm-makāna maʿāllǝqā (ff. 1r-2v)
- ms_i2 (complete), Taʾammǝra Māryām (ff. 3r-158r)
- ms_i2.1 (complete), Miracle of Mary: Miracle of a picture of Mary speaking to a worker (ff. 3r-)
- ms_i2.2 (complete), Miracle of Mary: Miracle of the Bishop of Rome, ʾAbbās (Leo) (ff. 3r-3v)
- ms_i2.3 (complete), Miracle of Mary: Miracle of the scribe Damianus from Philippi (ff. 3v-4r)
- ms_i2.4 (complete), Miracle of Mary: Miracle of the monk Isaac (ff. 4r-4v)
- ms_i2.5 (complete), Miracle of Mary: Miracle of the young girl called Mary, from Dafrā (ff. 4v-5r)
- ms_i2.6 (complete), Miracle of Mary: Miracle of a French painter whose scaffold was overthrown by the devil (ff. 5r-5v)
- ms_i2.7 (complete), Miracle of a sick man in a hospital whom Mary carries to Jerusalem (ff. 5v-6r)
- ms_i2.8 (complete), Miracle of Mary: Miracle of the youth Zechariah, from Rome (ff. 6r-6v)
- ms_i2.9 (complete), Miracle of Mary: Miracle of Juliana and Barbara from Bethlehem (ff. 6v-7r)
- ms_i2.10 (complete), Miracle of Mary: Miracle of three Arabs in Rīf and Salomon, abbot of Kalamon (ff. 7r-7v)
- ms_i2.11 (complete), Miracle of Mary: Miracle of the construction of a church in Jericho (ff. 7v-)
- ms_i2.12 (complete), Miracle of Mary: Miracle of the blind priest John from the church of St Mercurius in Cairo (ff. 8r-8v)
- ms_i2.13 (complete), Miracle of Mary: Miracle of a rich man from Qʷalāsis who fought the Qʷǝz and whose eye was pierced by an arrow (ff. 8v-)
- ms_i2.14 (complete), Miracle of Mary: Miracle of Abraham, his wife Gerā and their blind daughter Elisabeth from Badramān (ff. 8v-9v)
- ms_i2.15 (complete), Miracle of Mary: Miracle of a widow and her poor daughters Maria, Martha, and Yawāhit (ff. 9v-10r)
- ms_i2.16 (complete), Miracle of Mary: Miracle of the two scribes who were brothers (ff. 10r-)
- ms_i2.17 (complete), Miracle of Mary: Miracle of George the Younger, who was delivered from prison (ff. 10r-10v)
- ms_i2.18 (complete), Miracle of Mary: Miracle of the old priest Qaṭīr at ʾƎlkǝsus (al-Khusus) (ff. 10v-11r)
- ms_i2.19 (complete), Miracle of Mary: Miracle of the two brothers Tāg and Nazīb from Dalgā (ff. 11r-11v)
- ms_i2.20 (complete), Miracle of Mary: Miracle of a European man with a petrified foot (ff. 11v-12r)
- ms_i2.21 (complete), Miracle of Mary: Miracle of the leprous Bishop Mercurius (ff. 12r-12v)
- ms_i2.22 (complete), Miracle of Mary: Miracle of a rich man who cast a loaf to a beggar and was saved by the Virgin after being condemned by Jesus (ff. 12v-13r)
- ms_i2.23 (complete), Miracle of Mary: Miracle of a woman from Ceasarea whom Mary helped to give birth (ff. 13r-)
- ms_i2.24 (complete), Miracle of Mary: Miracle of the blind child of a woman from Cairo healed by Mary (ff. 13v-)
- ms_i2.25 (complete), Miracle of Mary: Miracle of a woman from Hartalom/Hartarom with broken legs (ff. 13v-14r)
- ms_i2.26 (complete), Miracle of Mary: Miracle of a man of Cappadocia whose child was resuscitated after prayer (ff. 14r-14v)
- ms_i2.27 (complete), Miracle of Mary: Miracle of a woman who despite her mother-in-law adored a torn image of Mary (ff. 14v-15r)
- ms_i2.28 (complete), Miracle of Mary: Miracle of an evil officer at Tarsus in Cilicia who loved Mary and had an apparition of Jesus (ff. 15r-15v)
- ms_i2.29 (complete), Miracle of Mary: Miracle of a woman who prayed for a child and sees three sons in an apparition (ff. 15v-)
- ms_i2.30 (complete), Miracle of Mary: Homily on a potter from Syria (ff. 15v-17r)
- ms_i2.31 (complete), Miracle of Mary: Homily on a potter from Syria (ff. 17r-17v)
- ms_i2.32 (complete), Miracle of Mary: Miracle of Qirās, a brigand of Galatia, saved by Mary from hanging (ff. 17v-18r)
- ms_i2.33 (complete), Miracle of Mary: Miracle of the sinful deacon ʾAstirās whom Mary ordered to be buried in the believers' graveyard (ff. 18r-18v)
- ms_i2.34 (complete), Miracle of Mary: Miracle of Bishop Philoteus (ff. 18v-19r)
- ms_i2.35 (complete), Miracle of Mary: When Ṗāriqos of Feṣā confesses his sins to the bishop, the latter, refusing him absolution, tells him to go to ʾAbbā Yāʿqob (Santiago) (ff. 19r-19v)
- ms_i2.36 (complete), Miracle of Mary: Miracle of a pregnant woman (ff. 19v-20r)
- ms_i2.37 (complete), Miracle of Mary: Miracle of Anastasius, a deacon of Rome (ff. 20r-20v)
- ms_i2.38 (complete), Miracle of Mary: How Nicodemus the Persian knight became a Christian (ff. 20v-21r)
- ms_i2.39 (complete), Miracle of Mary: Miracle of the Phoenician evil man called Bārok (ff. 21r-)
- ms_i2.40 (complete), Miracle of Mary: How a bishop removed a priest from his office and how the Virgin Mary rebuked the bishop (ff. 21r-21v)
- ms_i2.41 (complete), Miracle of Mary: Miracle of a Jew from Jerusalem swallowed by a snake (ff. 21v-22r)
- ms_i2.42 (complete), Miracle of Mary: Miracle of an officer of Ephesus who was innocently crucified and saved by Mary (ff. 22r-22v)
- ms_i2.43 (complete), Miracle of Mary: Miracle of Sophia, abbess of Mount Carmel (ff. 22v-24r)
- ms_i2.44 (complete), Miracle of Mary: How the image of the Virgin Mary in a Church bowed to the monks (ff. 24r-)
- ms_i2.45 (complete), Miracle of Mary: How an Ishmaelite was converted when he saw oil and milk flowing from the breasts of a picture of the Virgin Mary (ff. 24v-25r)
- ms_i2.46 (complete), Miracle of Mary: How the Virgin Mary with shrouded face was seen by a collector of firewood who acquired wealth through her protection (ff. 25r-25v)
- ms_i2.47 (complete), Miracle of Mary: How the Virgin Mary delivered from the devils the soul of an avaricious farmer who had given alms in her name (ff. 25v-)
- ms_i2.48 (complete), Miracle of Mary: Miracle of a brigand who loved Mary and whose funeral she commanded to the bishop (ff. 25v-26v)
- ms_i2.49 (complete), Miracle of Mary: Miracle of a widow whom Mary told never to recite the greeting of the angel in hurry (ff. 26v-)
- ms_i2.50 (complete), Miracle of Mary: Miracle of the monk Yoḥannǝs (?) of St Macarius who had visions of the Virgin (ff. 26v-27r)
- ms_i2.51 (complete), Miracle of Mary: Miracle of a city destroyed by angels (ff. 27r-27v)
- ms_i2.52 (complete), Miracle of Mary: Miracle of the drunk monk Timotewos (?), saved by the Virgin (ff. 27v-28r)
- ms_i2.53 (complete), Miracle of Mary: Miracle of a shipwrecked pilgrim (ff. 28r-28v)
- ms_i2.54 (complete), Miracle of Mary: Miracle of a knight who denied Jesus but not Mary and was saved by her intercession (ff. 28v-29r)
- ms_i2.55 (complete), Miracle of Mary: Miracle of the poor deacon Michael of Cairo, whose Muslim neighbour converted (ff. 29v-31r)
- ms_i2.56 (complete), Miracle of Mary: Miracle of a monk of the Monastery of St Samuel of Kalamon (ff. 31r-32r)
- ms_i2.57 (complete), Miracle of Mary: How a knight loved a lady and prayed to Mary who appeared to him and how he became a monk (ff. 32r-32v)
- ms_i2.58 (complete), Miracle of Mary: Miracle of a monk in the monastery of St. Ephrem, on an island in the river of Tigris (ff. 32v-33r)
- ms_i2.59 (complete), Miracle of Mary: How the Virgin Mary caused a storm to cease and saved sheep and took the shepherd to Paradise (ff. 33r-33v)
- ms_i2.60 (complete), Miracle of Mary: The vision of Theophilus continued: Satan urges Herod to pursue the Holy Family (ff. 33v-35r)
- ms_i2.61 (complete), Miracle of Mary: The vision of Theophilus continued: The Holy Family returns from Egypt (ff. 35r-36v)
- ms_i2.62 (complete), Miracle of Mary: During the famine of 1120 MM., the Arabs try to plunder the monasteries (ff. 36v-38r)
- ms_i2.63 (complete), Miracle of Mary: The monks of Dabra Qalǝmon who were despoiled by Berbers (ff. 38r-39v)
- ms_i2.64 (complete), Miracle of Mary: An Arab steals the scissors of the tailor of Dabra Qalǝmon (ff. 39v-41r)
- ms_i2.65 (complete), Miracle of Mary: Qommos Raphael from Dabra ʾƎnṣǝnā and the sacrament of confession (ff. 41r-42r)
- ms_i2.66 (complete), Miracle of Mary: An Arab who contemns St Mary's icon at Dabra Qalamon is punished (ff. 42r-43r)
- ms_i2.67 (complete), Miracle of Mary: The composition of the Maṣḥafa ḥawi by Patriarch Gabriel ibn Tarīk (ff. 43r-44v)
- ms_i2.68 (complete), Miracle of Mary: Nǝkʷāl, the deacon from Margawkim, who spent his master's money on the poor (ff. 44v-45r)
- ms_i2.69 (complete), Miracle of Mary: The priest from Nārdin who was accused because he kept a nun in his house (ff. 45r-46v)
- ms_i2.70 (complete), Miracle of Mary: The Arab woman who suffered from an issue of blood for many years (ff. 46v-47v)
- ms_i2.71 (complete), Miracle of Mary: Yoḥannǝs finds a copy of the Acts of St Juliana and St Barbara that he had lost (ff. 47v-48v)
- ms_i2.72 (complete), Miracle of Mary: The lamp before the icon of St Mary that the priest tipped over (ff. 48v-49r)
- ms_i2.73 (complete), Miracle of Mary: Miracle of the two monks Sadaqā and Ṗeṭros (?) of the Convent of St Victor (ff. 49v-50r)
- ms_i2.74 (complete), Miracle of Mary: Miracle of an Arab chief sparing Christian pilgrims (ff. 50r-50v)
- ms_i2.75 (complete), Miracle of Mary: ʾƎmma Yoḥannǝs and the Ethiopian monk who was on pilgrimage to Jerusalem (ff. 50v-52r)
- ms_i2.76 (complete), Miracle of Mary: Homily on a European man who stole the door of the cave in Bethlehem (ff. 52r-53r)
- ms_i2.77 (complete), Miracle of Mary: The devout Muslim who became a Christian when St Mary appeared to him (ff. 53r-53v)
- ms_i2.78 (complete), Miracle of Mary: Homily on the founding of the Convent of Mǝṭmāq (ff. 53v-57r)
- ms_i2.79 (complete), Miracle of Mary: The untrustworthy camel driver of Dabra Mǝṭmāq (ff. 57r-58r)
- ms_i2.80 (complete), Miracle of Mary: Yǝsḥaq, prior of Dabra Mǝṭmāq, who fled to Scete to escape the burden of his office (ff. 58r-58v)
- ms_i2.81 (complete), Miracle of Mary: Bishop Michael sends Deacon John to help the monks of Dabra Mǝṭmāq celebrate Passion Week (ff. 58v-59v)
- ms_i2.82 (complete), Miracle of Mary: Miracle of the water reservoir at the Convent of Mǝṭmāq (ff. 59v-60r)
- ms_i2.83 (complete), Miracle of Mary: How the Virgin Mary caused the spirits of Macarius and others to appear to the monks of Scete (ff. 60r-60v)
- ms_i2.84 (complete), Miracle of Mary: An abbot in Scete sees first a multitude of demons, then a multitude of saints (ff. 60v-61r)
- ms_i2.85 (complete), Miracle of Mary: The lamp of the Christian from Mǝneta Diyāqon that was blown out by the wind (ff. 61r-62r)
- ms_i2.86 (complete), Miracle of Mary: The wife of Joseph from Mǝneta Diyāqon, who had no male children (ff. 62r-63v)
- ms_i2.87 (complete), Miracle of Mary: How the Virgin Mary kept alive miners buried in a fall of earth (ff. 63v-64v)
- ms_i2.88 (complete), Miracle of Mary: The cupbearer of the king of France (ff. 65r-66r)
- ms_i2.89 (complete), Miracle of Mary: The husband who denied Christ when he became poor (ff. 66r-67r)
- ms_i2.90 (complete), Miracle of Mary: ʾAmnut, the custodian of a church in Egypt, quarrels with his bishop (ff. 67r-70r)
- ms_i2.91 (complete), Miracle of Mary: Miracle of the old woman from Sǝmbāt who gave the offering for St Mary to St George (ff. 70r-71r)
- ms_i2.92 (complete), Miracle of the church built on the tomb of St Mary that will turn into a ship (ff. 71r-)
- ms_i2.93 (complete), Miracle of Mary: Miracle of the blind priest John from the church of St Mercurius in Cairo (ff. 71r-72r)
- ms_i2.94 (complete), Miracle of Mary: Miracle of the priest Rizqallā from Cairo by whose prayer stolen belongings of pilgrims where given back (ff. 72r-72v)
- ms_i2.95 (complete), Miracle of Mary: How the Virgin Mary delivered a Muslim from prison and how he escaped to Cyprus (ff. 72v-73v)
- ms_i2.96 (complete), Miracle of Mary: Miracle of a woman who receives a child after having prayed to Mary at her apparition in Maṭāriya (ff. 73v-74v)
- ms_i2.97 (complete), Miracle of Mary: Miracle of Martha, daughter of Fasilides, and her son Victor (ff. 74v-75v)
- ms_i2.98 (complete), Miracle of Mary: The Arab woman who entrusted her jewels to a Christian for safekeeping (ff. 75v-76v)
- ms_i2.99 (complete), Miracle of Mary: Miracle of an abbot who died after refusing the reading of the Miracles of Mary (ff. 76v-79r)
- ms_i2.100 (complete), Miracle of Mary: A man killed during the construction of the church of Dabra Qʷǝsqʷām is raised from the dead (ff. 79r-81r)
- ms_i2.101 (complete), The story of the sorceress Ṭāludār, who was possessed by a demon (ff. 81r-82r)
- ms_i2.102 (complete), Miracle of Mary: The son of a Muslim ruler of Egypt blasphemes the icon of St Mary (ff. 82r-82v)
- ms_i2.103 (complete), Miracle of Mary: Miracle of Eulogius, the stonemason of Scete, who used to give hospitality to strangers (ff. 82v-84v)
- ms_i2.104 (complete), Miracle of Mary: Miracle of Yoḥannǝs Kǝmā who founded a Convent (ff. 84v-85r)
- ms_i2.105 (complete), Miracle of Mary: Miracle of a gardener of Manfaluṭ (ff. 85r-86r)
- ms_i2.106 (complete), Miracle of Mary: The infidel who stole the lumber from the church at Dabra Qʷǝsqʷām (ff. 86r-88r)
- ms_i2.107 (complete), Miracle of Mary: Miracle of the patriarch Denis who asked from the Virgin to know the grave of Mark (ff. 88r-88v)
- ms_i2.108 (complete), Miracle of Mary: When Sǝfǝngǝyā, wife of king Masfǝyānos of Romǝyā, prays to have a child before the icon of St Mary, the icon inclines its head; Sǝfǝngǝyā then conceives Yǝsḥaq (ʾAbbā Garimā) (ff. 88v-89r)
- ms_i2.109 (complete), Miracle of Mary: ʾƎnṭāwos, a pagan from Qarāys, becomes a Christian after being struck by miraculous arrows (ff. 89r-90r)
- ms_i2.110 (complete), Miracle of Mary: A man who speaks blasphemously of St Mary has his hands and legs cut off (ff. 90r-90v)
- ms_i2.111 (complete), Miracle of Mary: Miracle of a pagan woman of Rome who converted (ff. 90v-91v)
- ms_i2.112 (complete), Miracle of Mary: Miracle of the resuscitation of the son of Tiberius, emperor of Rome (ff. 91v-92v)
- ms_i2.113 (complete), Miracle of Mary: Miracle of an image of Christ, painted by St John for Tiberius, revelations by Mary to St John (ff. 92v-94r)
- ms_i2.114 (complete), Miracle of Mary: Miracle of Ṗeṭros Bawārǝs who demanded to know the mystery of the trinity after building a Church to the Virgin (ff. 94r-94v)
- ms_i2.115 (complete), Miracle of Mary: The conversion of the Muslim, Rǝwḫ, who is renamed ʾƎnṭonǝs Ḥaddis (ff. 94v-95v)
- ms_i2.116 (complete), Miracle of Mary: The wife of Mark, a priest from Mallāwī, is cured of her leprosy (ff. 95v-96r)
- ms_i2.117 (complete), Miracle of Mary: The monks of St Anthony celebrate Holy week at Dabra Qʷǝsqʷām (ff. 96r-97r)
- ms_i2.118 (complete), Miracle of Mary: A Muslim, Kaṭib, tries to extort money from the monks of St Anthony (ff. 97r-97v)
- ms_i2.119 (complete), Miracle of Mary: Homily of John Chrysostom on the visit of St Mary and her Son to John the Baptist (ff. 97v-98v)
- ms_i2.120 (complete), Miracle of Mary: Miracle of Bifāmon of ʾAwsim who had an apparition of Mary (ff. 98v-99r)
- ms_i2.121 (complete), Miracle of Mary: Martyrdom of John of Sǝnhut (ff. 99r-100r)
- ms_i2.122 (complete), Miracle of Mary: Miracle of the transmigration of the Virgin, the Jews threaten to burn the Virgin's body and cut off the heads of the apostles (ff. 100r-100v)
- ms_i2.123 (complete), Miracle of Mary: Miracle of the Roman prefect hindered of entering the Holy Sepulchre (ff. 100v-101r)
- ms_i2.124 (complete), Miracle of Mary: Emperor Zeno builds churches in Scete (ff. 101r-102r)
- ms_i2.125 (complete), Miracle of Mary: A priest is warned by an angel not to rush when incensing the icon of St Mary (ff. 102r-102v)
- ms_i2.126 (complete), Miracle of Mary: St Mary blesses Scete, which St Macarius choses for his monastery (ff. 102v-104v)
- ms_i2.127 (complete), Miracle of Mary: The story of Michael, the scribe who converted to Islam when he was beaten (ff. 104v-106r)
- ms_i2.128 (complete), Miracle of Mary: The story of the Muslim who lived near the churches of St Mark and St Shenute (ff. 106v-107v)
- ms_i2.129 (complete), Miracle of Mary: A hermit in Jerusalem is saved from the temptations of Satan (ff. 107v-108r)
- ms_i2.130 (complete), Miracle of Mary: A monk, Abraham, drinks poisonous water while on a journey to visit the patriarch and dies, but is then raised from the dead (ff. 108r-110r)
- ms_i2.131 (complete), Miracle of Mary: Zarʿ a Yāʿqob and the invasion of Badlāy (ff. 110r-113r)
- ms_i2.132 (complete), Miracle of Mary: Zarʿa Yāʿqob is given a sign of Badlāy's fall (ff. 113r-113v)
- ms_i2.133 (complete), Miracle of Mary: St Mary appears to the gabaz of her church in Waybǝlā and tells him about the fall of Badlāy (ff. 113v-114r)
- ms_i2.134 (complete), Miracle of Mary: Miracle of the monk ʾAbsādi of the Convent of ʾAbbā Sinoda (ff. 114r-114v)
- ms_i2.135 (complete), Miracle of Mary: The wrath of St Mary against the prefect of a church who tried to stop the priests from making a procession while singing hymns to her (ff. 114v-116r)
- ms_i2.136 (complete), Miracle of Mary: Miracles of the apparition of the Virgin to a sculptor and St Basil (ff. 116r-117r)
- ms_i2.137 (complete), Miracle of Mary: Miracle of the source caused by Jesus and healing by its water (ff. 117r-117v)
- ms_i2.138 (complete), Miracle of Mary: Miracle of a brigand who bathed in "the water of the Virgin" and whose soul was saved by Her (ff. 117v-118r)
- ms_i2.139 (complete), Miracle of Mary: The brigands who killed each other at the miraculous spring (ff. 118r-118v)
- ms_i2.140 (complete), Miracle of Mary: Miracle of the transmigration of the Virgin, the apostles convene around the Virgin (ff. 118v-119r)
- ms_i2.141 (complete), Miracle of Mary: Miracle of Tomās for the 21st Ṭǝrr (ff. 119r-120r)
- ms_i2.142 (complete), Miracle of Mary: Miracle of the transmigration of the Virgin, Tāfonyā is sent to break the Virgin's bed and is saved by her (ff. 120r-120v)
- ms_i2.143 (complete), Miracle of Mary: History of the Church of the Virgin in Zǝwilā (ff. 120v-121v)
- ms_i2.144 (complete), Miracle of Mary: How the Virgin Mary when at Bethlehem healed king Safron and drove out devils (ff. 121v-122r)
- ms_i2.145 (complete), Miracle of Mary: The miracle concerning the golden ink during the time of king Dāwit (ff. 122r-123r)
- ms_i2.146 (complete), Miracle of Mary: St Basil and the rich man who refused to give him a tablet [sāledā] for an icon of St Mary. (ff. 123r-123v)
- ms_i2.147 (complete), Miracle of Mary: The Story of the Cannibal of Qǝmr (ff. 123v-124v)
- ms_i2.148 (complete), Miracle of Mary: How the Virgin Mary, when twelve years old, healed an epileptic (ff. 124v-125r)
- ms_i2.149 (complete), Miracle of Mary: Miracle of a fountain of water caused by Jesus in Māḫḍāb while returning to Palestine (ff. 125r-125v)
- ms_i2.150 (complete), Miracle of Mary: How the Virgin Mary sent a vision to a young man and caused him to embrace the ascetic life (ff. 125v-126r)
- ms_i2.151 (complete), Miracle of Mary: How a widow forsook her duties in the Church and lived in sin, how her place had been filled by the Virgin Mary (ff. 126r-127v)
- ms_i2.152 (complete), Miracle of Mary: How the Virgin Mary and her Son appeared in a beehive (ff. 127v-128r)
- ms_i2.153 (complete), Miracle of Mary: Miracle of ʾArsimā, whom Mary announced that two girls would be exempted from wordly desires (ff. 128v-129r)
- ms_i2.154 (complete), Miracle of Mary: Miracle of a sinful woman who swallowed a scorpion (ff. 129r-129v)
- ms_i2.155 (complete), Miracle of Mary: How the Virgin Mary administered to certain monks a celestial compound to digest their food (ff. 129v-130v)
- ms_i2.156 (complete), Miracle of Mary: How the Virgin Mary rebuked a woman who gave up fasting at her husband's command (ff. 130v-131v)
- ms_i2.157 (complete), Miracle of Mary: How a wealthy lady who dressed in mean attire to give alms was carried to Church by the Virgin Mary (ff. 131v-133r)
- ms_i2.158 (complete), Miracle of Mary: How the Virgin Mary and our Lord became sureties to a Jew for the debt owed to him by a certain merchant of Constantinople (ff. 133r-135r)
- ms_i2.159 (complete), Miracle of Mary: How a woman consigned to the devil the son she conceived on Easter eve (ff. 135r-136v)
- ms_i2.160 (complete), Miracle of Mary: How the Virgin Mary protected a philantropic merchant who had beggared himself (ff. 136v-138r)
- ms_i2.161 (complete), Miracle of Mary: How the Virgin Mary and St Peter saved from hell the souls of Peter the deacon and Stephen, two brothers from Constantinople (ff. 138r-139r)
- ms_i2.162 (complete), Miracle of Mary: How the Virgin Mary delivered from hell the soul of an evil man who had intended to build a church in her name (ff. 139r-140v)
- ms_i2.163 (complete), Miracle of Mary: How a bishop from St Peter's church in Rome stole holy oil and bought two pearls for Mary after having been rebuked (ff. 140v-142r)
- ms_i2.164 (complete), Miracle of Mary: How an avaricious priest refused to leave the bed of a rich man to go to a dying woman (ff. 142r-143r)
- ms_i2.165 (complete), Miracle of Mary: How the Virgin Mary saved a young widow from a knight, who became a monk (ff. 143v-144r)
- ms_i2.166 (complete), Miracle of Mary: How the Virgin Mary converted a demented herdsman and delivered him from Satan (ff. 144v-145v)
- ms_i2.167 (complete), Miracle of Mary: How the Virgin Mary told a treasurer of a church to kiss her cheeks (ff. 145v-146r)
- ms_i2.168 (complete), Miracle of Mary: How a merchant denied Christ but not Mary, who saved him (ff. 146v-147v)
- ms_i2.169 (complete), Miracle of Mary: How the image of the Virgin Mary in a Church bowed to the monks (ff. 147v-)
- ms_i2.170 (complete), Miracle of Mary: Miracle of the Bishop of Rome, ʾAbbās (Leo) (ff. 147v-148v)
- ms_i2.171 (complete), Miracle of Mary: Miracle of a baptized Jewish boy called Gǝrānin saved by Mary from fire (ff. 148v-149v)
- ms_i2.172 (complete), Miracle of Mary: How the Virgin Mary raised a dead knight to fight against Golyād (ff. 149v-150r)
- ms_i2.173 (complete), Miracle of Mary: How the Virgin Mary appeared to a young man and made him swear he would not marry and how he ran away after his father chose a bride and broke his neck (ff. 150r-151r)
- ms_i2.174 (complete), Miracle of Mary: How the Virgin Mary obtained forgiveness for a spendthrift because though he denied the Father, Christ, the Holy Ghost and the angels he would not deny her (ff. 151r-152r)
- ms_i2.175 (complete), Miracle of Mary: How the Virgin Mary saved a lady from adultery by causing her to read the Prayers for the Dead and appeared to her (ff. 152r-153v)
- ms_i2.176 (incomplete), Miracle of Mary: Miracle of the preservation of the Church of the Virgin in ʾAṯrīb (ff. 153v-154r ff. 155r-158r)
- ms_i2.177 (complete), Miracle of Mary: Miracle of a nobleman who established a hospital and took Satan as assistant (ff. 154r-154v)
- a1, Miracle of Jesus Christ (general record for a single unidentified miracle)
- a2, ʾƎsaggǝd laki ʾǝsaggǝd laki ʾǝsaggǝd laki wa-ʾǝweddǝsaki
- e1, no ref in title
- a3 (OwnershipNote), no ref in title
- a4 (OwnershipNote), no ref in title
- e2, no ref in title
- e3, no ref in title
- e4, no ref in title
- e5, no ref in title
- e6, no ref in title
- e7, no ref in title
- ms_i1 (complete), ‘The 'Gadla Lālibalā' collection of texts: type A' (ff. 2ra-113rb)
- ms_i1.1 (complete), Preamble (ff. 2ra-7va)
- ms_i1.2 (complete), Soteriology (ff. 7va-11rb)
- ms_i1.3 (complete), Teaching about the Saints (ff. 11rb-13vb)
- ms_i1.4 (incomplete), Lālibalā entered Heavenly Jerusalem (ff. 13vb-15va)
- ms_i1.5 (incomplete), Praise for Lālibalā (ff. 15va-25ra)
- ms_i1.6 (incomplete), Life of Lālibalā (ff. 25rb-41va)
- ms_i1.7 (incomplete), Lālibalā entered Heavenly Jerusalem (ff. 41va-44va)
- ms_i1.8 (complete), Lālibalā accomplished the Word of Gospel (ff. 44va-47vb)
- ms_i1.9 (incomplete), Praise for Lālibalā (ff. 47vb-49va)
- ms_i1.10 (incomplete), Life of Lālibalā (ff. 49va-100rb)
- ms_i1.11 (complete), King Lālibalā and the three Angels (ff. 100rb-101va)
- ms_i1.12 (complete), How the river swallowed Lālibalā's honey and then spit it out (ff. 101va-103va)
- ms_i1.13 (complete), How Lālibalā became like a poor person (ff. 103va-104vb)
- ms_i1.14 (complete), Lālibalā and a rebel (ff. 104vb-106va)
- ms_i1.15 (complete), How a prayer to Lālibalā saved a rich woman (ff. 106va-107ra)
- ms_i1.16 (complete), How a prayer to Lālibalā saved a man (ff. 107ra-107vb)
- ms_i1.17 (complete), Story about virtuous Deeds of Lālibalā (ff. 107vb-113rb)
- ms_i2, antiphons (ff. 113vb-115rb)