Gulo Maḵadā, ʿĀddi Qolqʷāl Giyorgis, AQG-004
Vitagrazia Pisani (cataloguer), Denis Nosnitsin
This manuscript description is based on the catalogues listed in the Catalogue Bibliography
General description
Maṣḥafa gǝbra ḥǝmāmāt “Book of the Rite of the Holy Week”
Number of Text units: 29
Number of Codicological units: 1
For a table of all relations from and to this record, please go to the Relations view. In the Relations boxes on the right of this page, you can also find all available relations grouped by name.
Original Location: ʿAddi Qolqʷāl Giyorgis↗
Early 16th cent. (?)Provenance
Taśfā Ḥawāryāt is mentioned as the donor in Additio 1; here the names of his relatives are also mentioned: his father Gabra Masqal, his mother Nǝgǝśt Māryām, his brother Samra Krǝstos and his sister Sǝmǝrt Māryām.
- ms_i1
(check the viewerFols 3ra–158rb ),
Gǝbra Ḥǝmāmāt
- ms_i1.1 (check the viewerFols 3ra–5rb ), Introduction
- ms_i1.2 (check the viewerFols 5rb–7va ), Eve of Palm Sunday
- ms_i1.3 (check the viewerFols 7va–14ra ), Palm Sunday
- ms_i1.4
(check the viewerFols 14ra–29rb ),
- ms_i1.4.1 (check the viewerFols 14ra–17va ), Night hours
- ms_i1.4.2 (check the viewerFols 17va–29rb ), Day hours
- ms_i1.5
(check the viewerFols 29rb–44vb ),
- ms_i1.5.1 (check the viewerFols 29rb–31vb ), Night hours
- ms_i1.5.2 (check the viewerFols 31vb–44vb ), Day hours
- ms_i1.6
(check the viewerFols 44vb–58vb ),
- ms_i1.6.1 (check the viewerFols 44vb–46ra ), Night hours
- ms_i1.6.2 (check the viewerFols 46ra–58vb ), Day hours
- ms_i1.7
(check the viewerFols 58vb–76ra ),
- ms_i1.7.1 (check the viewerFols 58vb–60vb ), Night hours
- ms_i1.7.2 (check the viewerFols 61ra–76ra ), Day hours
- ms_i1.8
(check the viewerFols 76ra–133va ),
- ms_i1.8.1 (check the viewerFols 76ra–85vb ), Night hours
- ms_i1.8.2
(check the viewerFols 86ra–133ra ),
Day hours
- ms_i1.8.2.1 (check the viewerFols 99ra–104va ), Baʾǝnta ʾabuna ʾAbrǝhām
- ms_i1.8.2.2 (check the viewerFols 105ra–108rb ), Homily by Ephrem on Satan and Death
- ms_i1.8.2.3 (check the viewerFols 108rb–115va ), Homily by ʾIsāyǝyyās on Passion of Our Lord and the thief
- ms_i1.8.2.4 (check the viewerFols 115va–122ra ), Homily by ʾAnǝsṭasyos of Dabra Sina on the burial of Our Lord
- ms_i1.8.2.5 (check the viewerFols 122ra–126rb ), Homily by John Chrysostom on the Passion of Our Lord
- ms_i1.9 (check the viewerFols 134ra–146rb ), Revelation of John
- ms_i1.10
(check the viewerFols 147ra–158rb ),
- ms_i1.10.1 (check the viewerFols 147ra–147va ), Night hours
- ms_i1.10.2
(check the viewerFols 147va–158rb ),
- ms_i1.10.2.1 (check the viewerFols 154vb–158rb ), Tǝmhǝrta ḫǝbuʾāt
check the viewerFols 3ra–158rb Gǝbra Ḥǝmāmāt (CAe 1544)
check the viewerFols 58vb–76ra Thursday (CAe 1544 Thursday)
check the viewerFols 61ra–76ra Day hours (CAe 1544 ThursdayDay) - The indication of the time and the day (በ፲ወ፩ሰዐት፡ ዘሐሙስ፡…) is missing for the 11th day hour of Thursday (check the viewer75ra ).
check the viewerFols 76ra–133va Friday (CAe 1544 Friday)
check the viewerFols 76ra–85vb Night hours (CAe 1544 FridayNight) The indication of the time and the day (በ፲ወ፩ሰዐት፡ ዘሐሙስ፡…) is missing for the 1st night hour of Friday (incipit of Text I-8, check the viewer76ra ). For the 3rd night hour of Friday (check the viewer78va ), the number of the time is missing and the name of the day is Thursday instead of Friday. For the 6th night hour of Friday (check the viewer79rb ), the number is 3 instead of 6.
check the viewerFols 86ra–133ra Day hours (CAe 1544 FridayDay)
check the viewerFols 99ra–104va Baʾǝnta ʾabuna ʾAbrǝhām (CAe 1180)
Subscription (Gǝʿǝz ):check the viewer104va , the Homily of Jaqob of Serug on Abraham (in Text I-8) ends with a subscriptio ascribing the translation of the homily, from Arabic into Gǝʿǝz, to Metropolitan ʾabbā Salāma; besides, the original writing of the work is here attributed to Athanasius (Bishop of Alexandria from 328 to 373; cp. EAE I, 392) … ለዝንቱ፡ ድርሳን፡ ዘጸሐፎ፡ አቡነ፡ አባ፡ ሰላማ፡ ጳጳስ፡ ርቱዐ፡ ሃይማኖት፡ እምዐረቢ፡ ለግዕዝ፡ ተጽሕፎ፡ ዘይቤ፡ አባ፡ አትናስዮስ፡ ጸሎቱ፡ ወበረከቱ፡ ይብጸሐነ። (?)
check the viewerFols 147ra–158rb Saturday (CAe 1544 Saturday)
Additions In this unit there are in total 1 .
check the viewerf. 2v (Type: Exhortation)
Exhortation to the community, supplication for the donor.
( gez ) check the viewer2v : በስመ፡ እግዚአብሔር፡ አልዕሉ፡ ኵሉ፡ ነገር፡ ቅድመ፡ አንብቦ፡ መጻሓፍ፡[sic] ዘግብረ፡ ሕማማት፡ ወካዕበ፡ ስምዑ፡ አሐው፡ ፍቁራን፡ እለ፡ ተጸዋዕክሙ፡ ውስተ፡ ዛቲ፡ ቅድስት፡ ቤተ፡ ክርስቲያን፡ ቀሳውስት፡ ወዲያቆናት፡ ወሕዝብ፡ ወመኳንንት፡ አንስት፡ ወደቂቅ፡ ወካዕበ፡ ስምዑ፡ እንግርክሙ፡ ዝንቱ፡ ሕማማት፡ ወሕብረተ፡ ቃላት፡ ዘወሀቦ፡ ለቅዱስ፡ ጊዮርጊስ፡ ከመ፡ ይኩኖ፡ ረድኤተ፡ በሰማያት፡ ወበምድር፡ ተሥፋ፡ ሐዋርያት፡ ፍቁሩ፡ ለፈረሳዊ፡ ጊዮርጊስ፡ ከመ፡ ይተንብል፡ ሎሙ፡ ለእቡሁ፡ ገብረ፡ መስቀል፡ ወለእሙ፡ ንግሥት፡ ማርያም፡ ወለ፡ እኁሁ፡ ሰምረ፡ ክርስቶስ፡ ወእኅቱ፡ ስምርት፡ ማርያም። ምስለ፡ ኵሎሙ፡ ሰብኡ፡ ዓቢየ፡ ወንኡስ፡ ይጽሐፍ፡ ስሞሙ፡ ኀበ፡ ዓምደ፡ ወርቅ፡ ለዓለመ። ዓለም፡ አሜን፡ ወብሂለ፡ አቡነ፡ ሰዘበሰማያት፡ ኢትኅድግዎሙ፡ ኮመ፡[sic] ይኩንክሙ፡ ለተሥፋ፡ ወሎሙኒ፡ ይበቍዖሙ፡ ዘገብሩ፡ ሥምረተ፡ አምላክ።
According to the note, the Ms. was donated to the church of Qǝddus Giyorgis (ʿAddi Qolqʷāl Giyorgis) by Taśfā Ḥawāryāt. Besides him, his relatives are mentioned: his father Gabra Masqal, his mother Nǝgǝśt Māryām, his brother Samra Krǝstos and his sister Sǝmǝrt Māryām. It is written in a faded black ink by a secondary hand.
Probably, cues for the rubricator, that is notes written mostly in bottom margins (but not only), in small script, repeating some rubricated words and lines in the text columns (headings of sections and titles of works) of the text, sometimes cut: check the viewer27r , 28v, 29r-v, 30v, 31r, 49r-v, 79r-v, 129r, 131r.
Sign in the form of the cross: check the viewer48v .
Corrections written over erasure: check the viewer27ra .
Corrections written interlineally: check the viewer27rb .
Crude note (personal names) with drawings on check the viewer1v and check the viewer2v (below Additio 1).
Decoration In this unit there are in total 8 s.
Frame notes
- frame:
Ḥarag 1-7: check the viewer3r ,
32r, 47r, 61r, 105r, 134r, 147r.
- The ornamental bands on check the viewer3r , 32r, 47r, 61r, 105r, 134r, 147r were conducted in a highly skillful manner.
- frame:
check the viewerf. 3r (incipit of Text I-1):
elaborate, coloured (red, yellow, azure, turquoise, white, black), horizontal ornamental band over cols. a-b, with three lateral extensions reaching the bottom of the page; the horizontal band extends to the top of the page; interlaces and geometric motifs.
- frame:
check the viewerf. 32r (incipit of the section for the day hours of Tuesday, in Text
elaborate, coloured (red, yellow, azure, green, white, black), horizontal ornamental band over cols. a-b, with three lateral extensions reaching the bottom of the page; the horizontal band extends to the top of the page; interlaces and geometric motifs.
- frame:
check the viewerf. 47r (incipit of the section for the day hours of Wednesday, in Text
elaborate, coloured (red, orange, yellow, azure, green, white, black), horizontal ornamental band over cols. a-b, with three lateral extensions reaching the bottom of the page; the horizontal band extends to the top of the page; interlaces and geometric motifs.
- frame:
check the viewerf. 61r (incipit of the section for the day hours of Thursday, in Text
elaborate, coloured (red, orange, yellow, azure, green, white, black), horizontal ornamental band over cols. a-b, with three lateral extensions reaching the bottom of the page; the horizontal band extends to the top of the page; interlaces and geometric motifs.
- frame:
check the viewerf. 105r (incipit of the Homily by Ephrem on Satan and Death, in
Text I-8):
elaborate, coloured (red, orange, yellow, azure, green, white, black), horizontal ornamental band over cols. a-b, with three lateral extensions reaching the bottom of the page; the horizontal band extends to the top of the page; interlaces and geometric motifs.
- frame:
check the viewerf. 134r (incipit of Text I-9):
elaborate, coloured (red, orange, yellow, azure, turquoise, black), horizontal ornamental band over cols. a-b, with three lateral extensions reaching the bottom of the page; the horizontal band extends to the top of the page; interlaces.
- frame:
check the viewerf. 147r (incipit of Text I-10):
elaborate, coloured (red, orange, yellow, azure, turquoise, black), horizontal ornamental band over cols. a-b, with three lateral extensions reaching l.9; the horizontal band extends to the top of the page; interlaces and geometric motifs.
Catalogue Bibliography
MS ʿĀddi Qolqʷāl Giyorgis, Ethio-SPaRe
This manuscript has modern restorations.
Physical Description
Form of support
Parchment Codex
Outer dimensions | |
Height | 440 |
Width | 320 |
Depth | 110 |
Foliated by the Ethio-SPaRe project. + 46a (foliation mistake: the fol. after 46 and check the viewer159 are not foliated; the pictures were given numbers 46a and 159)
Quire Structure Collation
Position | Number | Leaves | Quires | Description |
1 | 8 |
A(2/fols. 1r-2v) | |
2 | 8 |
I(8; s.l.: 3, stub after 5; 5, stub after 2/fols. 3r-10v) | |
3 | 6 |
II(6; s.l.: 3, stub after 5; 2, stub after 5/fols. 11r-16v) | |
4 | 7 |
III(7; s.l.: 3, stub after 5/fols. 17r-23v) | |
5 | 8 |
IV(8; s.l.: 1, stub after 8; 4, stub after 6/fols. 24r-31v) | |
6 | 8 |
V(8; s.l.: 3, stub after 6; 5, stub after 4/fols. 32r-39v) | |
7 | 8 |
VI(8/fols. 40r-46a) | |
8 | 8 |
VII(8/fols. 47r-54v) | |
9 | 6 |
VIII(6/fols. 55r-60v) | |
10 | 5 |
IX(5; s.l.: 2, stub after 5; 1, stub after 5; 4, stub after 4/fols. 61r-65v) | |
11 | 8 |
X(8/fols. 66r-73v) | |
12 | 8 |
XI(8/fols. 74r-81v) | |
13 | 4 | XII(4; s.l.: 2, stub after 3; 4, stub before 1) | ||
14 | 7 |
XIII(7; s.l.: 3, stub after 5/fols. 86r-92v) | |
15 | 8 |
XIV(8; s.l.: 2, stub after 7; 6, stub after 2/fols. 93r-100v) | |
16 | 4 |
XV(4/fols. 101r-104v) | |
17 | 7 |
XVI(7; s.l.: 3, stub after 5/fols. 105r-111v) | |
18 | 8 |
XVII(8/fols. 112r-119v) | |
19 | 8 |
XVIII(8; s.l.: 2, stub after 6; 7, stub after 1/fols. 120r-127v) | |
20 | 4 |
XIX(4/fols. 128r-131v) | |
21 | 2 |
XX(2/fols. 132r-133v) | |
22 | 8 |
XXI(8/fols. 134r-141v) | |
23 | 5 |
XXII(5; s.l.: 5, stub before 1/fols. 142r-146v) | |
24 | 8 |
XXIII(8; s.l.:3, stub after 5; 5, stub after 3/fols. 147r-154v) | |
25 | 4 |
XXIV(4/fols. 155r-158v) | |
26 | 1 |
B(1; s.l.: 1, stub before 1/fol. 159rv). |
Collation diagrams
A(2/fols. 1r-2v)
Quire ID:q1
I(8; s.l.: 3, stub after 5; 5, stub after 2/fols. 3r-10v)
Quire ID:q2
II(6; s.l.: 3, stub after 5; 2, stub after 5/fols. 11r-16v)
Quire ID:q3
III(7; s.l.: 3, stub after 5/fols. 17r-23v)
Quire ID:q4
IV(8; s.l.: 1, stub after 8; 4, stub after 6/fols. 24r-31v)
Quire ID:q5
V(8; s.l.: 3, stub after 6; 5, stub after 4/fols. 32r-39v)
Quire ID:q6
VI(8/fols. 40r-46a)
Quire ID:q7
VII(8/fols. 47r-54v)
Quire ID:q8
VIII(6/fols. 55r-60v)
Quire ID:q9
IX(5; s.l.: 2, stub after 5; 1, stub after 5; 4, stub after 4/fols. 61r-65v)
Quire ID:q10
X(8/fols. 66r-73v)
Quire ID:q11
XI(8/fols. 74r-81v)
Quire ID:q12
XII(4; s.l.: 2, stub after 3; 4, stub before 1)
Quire ID:q13
XIII(7; s.l.: 3, stub after 5/fols. 86r-92v)
Quire ID:q14
XIV(8; s.l.: 2, stub after 7; 6, stub after 2/fols. 93r-100v)
Quire ID:q153
XV(4/fols. 101r-104v)
Quire ID:q16
XVI(7; s.l.: 3, stub after 5/fols. 105r-111v)
Quire ID:q17
XVII(8/fols. 112r-119v)
Quire ID:q18
XVIII(8; s.l.: 2, stub after 6; 7, stub after 1/fols. 120r-127v)
Quire ID:q19
XIX(4/fols. 128r-131v)
Quire ID:q20
XX(2/fols. 132r-133v)
Quire ID:q21
XXI(8/fols. 134r-141v)
Quire ID:q22
XXII(5; s.l.: 5, stub before 1/fols. 142r-146v)
Quire ID:q23
XXIII(8; s.l.:3, stub after 5; 5, stub after 3/fols. 147r-154v)
Quire ID:q24
XXIV(4/fols. 155r-158v)
Quire ID:q25
B(1; s.l.: 1, stub before 1/fol. 159rv).
Quire ID:q26
Ethio-SPaRe formula : I(8/
Formula 1: 1 (8), 2 (8), 3 (6), 4 (7), 5 (), 6 (8), 7 (8), 8 (8), 9 (6), 10 (), 11 (8), 12 (8), 13 (4), 14 (7), 15 (8), 16 (4), 17 (7), 18 (8), 19 (8), 20 (4), 21 (2), 22 (8), 23 (5), 24 (8), 25 (4), 26 (1),
Formula 2: 1 (8), 2 (8), 3 (6), 4 (7), 5 (), 6 (8), 7 (8), 8 (8), 9 (6), 10 (), 11 (8), 12 (8), 13 (4), 14 (7), 15 (8), 16 (4), 17 (7), 18 (8), 19 (8), 20 (4), 21 (2), 22 (8), 23 (5), 24 (8), 25 (4), 26 (1),
State of preservation
The original sewing is for the most part missing. Most of the quires are reinforced by parchment guards. Many fols. are of different size and irregular shape; some of them are damaged (e.g., fols. 1-5). check the viewer46a and 158 are cut. Some fols. are stained with water (check the viewer135rv , 136r-153r). Cuts are repaired on check the viewer38 , 85 and 138.
Two wooden boards (the back board is broken and repaired). Remains of pastedowns on the inner side of the front and back boards. Two pairs of sewing stations.
Binding decoration
Most of the quires are reinforced by parchment guards.
Binding material
Original binding
Layout note 1
Number of columns: 2
Number of lines: 30
H | 260mm |
W | 185mm |
Intercolumn | 15mm |
Margins | |
top | 50 |
bottom | 78 |
right | 25 |
left | 19 |
intercolumn | 15 |
Ms Gulo Maḵadā, ʿĀddi Qolqʷāl Giyorgis, AQG-004 main part
looks ok for measures computed width is: 229mm, object width is: 320mm, computed height is: 388mm and object height is: 440mm.Layout note 1
- The number of the lines varies from 29 (e.g., (Excerpt from check the viewer5r)
) to 37 (e.g., (Excerpt from check the viewer143r)
) - (Subtype: pattern) Ruling pattern: 1A-1A-1A1A/0-0/0-0/E.
- The upper line is written above the ruling (on a few
fols. below the ruling, e.g. (Excerpt from check the viewer15r)
, 31v, 37v-39v, 47v, 78, 97-98, 147) - The bottom line is written above the ruling.
- Some fols. appears to have a vertical margin line, ca. 1cm away from
the vertical bounding line (s. (Excerpt from check the viewer66r)
., 67r, 68r) - One or two ruled lines were not used by the scribe at the bottom and
at the top of some fols. (for the bottom s., e.g., (Excerpt from check the viewer13r)
, 26r, 41v-42v, 105v-106v, 126r; for the top s., e.g., (Excerpt from check the viewer4r)
, 30v-31r, 49r).
- Pricking and ruling are visible.
- Primary pricks are visible.
- Ruling pricks are visible.
- Structural pricks are partly visible.
- More than one line of ruling pricks is visible on
(Excerpt from check the viewer105v)
Hand 1
Script: Ethiopic
Mediocre, irregularRight-sloping small rounded letters. The letters ዐ, at the 4th and 6th order, and መ, at the 1st and at the 2nd order have angular shapes. The quality of the handwriting changes, cp. check the viewer123v , 124r, 130v, 131r. Some peculiar features: - The upper horizontal strokes of the letters መ, ሠ, በ are slanted to the left. - The loops of the letter መ in the 4th order are sometimes not separated (e.g., check the viewer17ra l.29, 5ra l.23). - Coronis: check the viewer46ar , 133ra.The scribe tends to exchanging ሠ with ሰ. This is especially visible in ተሣሃለነ፡ written also ተሳሃለነ፡ (s., e.g., check the viewer157vb , 158ra)
Ink: Black; red (vermillion, sometimes faded).
Rubrication: A few lines (3-8) alternating with black lines in the incipit page of Texts I-1, I-9 and I-10, in the incipit page of the sections for the day hours of Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday (in Texts I-5, I-6, I-7), and in the incipit page of the Homily by Ephrem on Satan and Death (in Text I-8); headings and incipits of the texts, their sections and subsections; titles of the Biblical books and other works; directives for the ministers in Text I-7; the words: matargʷǝm in Text I-6, yǝtaragʷǝm in Texts I-6, I-7 and I-8, nāstabaqʷǝʿ ḫabekä in Text I-7, ʿƎgziʾo taśahalanna in “Tǝmhǝrta ḫǝbuʾāt” (Text I-10). Elements of the punctuation signs; Ethiopic numerals or their elements; elements of the text dividers.
Date: Early 16th century (?)
Early 16th century (?)Hand 2
Script: Ethiopic
secondary hand of the additions
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