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Descriptions of (predominantly) Christian manuscripts from Ethiopia and Eritrea are the core of the Beta maṣāḥǝft project. We (1) gradually encode descriptions from printed catalogues, beginning from the historical ones, (2) incorporate digital descriptions produced by other projects, adjusting them wherever possible, and (3) produce descriptions of previously unknown and/or uncatalogued manuscripts. The encoding follows the TEI XML standards (check our guidelines).
We identify each unit of content in every manuscript. We consider any text with an independent circulation a work, with its own identification number within the Clavis Aethiopica (CAe). Parts of texts (e.g. chapters) without independent circulation (univocally identifiable by IDs assigned within the records) or recurrent motifs as well as documentary additional texts (identified as Narrative Units) are not part of the CAe. You can also check the list of different types of text titles or various Indexes available from the top menu.
The clavis is a repertory of all known works relevant for the Ethiopian and Eritrean tradition; the work being defined as any text with an independent circulation. Each work (as well as known recensions where applicable) receives a unique identifier in the Clavis Aethiopica (CAe). In the filter search offered here one can search for a work by its title, a keyword, a short quotation, but also directly by its CAe identifier - or, wherever known and provided, identifier used by other claves, including Bibliotheca Hagiographica Graeca (BHG), Clavis Patrum Graecorum (CPG), Clavis Coptica (CC), Clavis Apocryphorum Veteris Testamenti (CAVT), Clavis Apocryphorum Novi Testamenti (CANT), etc. The project additionally identifies Narrative Units to refer to text types, where no clavis identification is possible or necessary. Recurring motifs or also frequently documentary additiones are assigned a Narrative Unit ID, or thematically clearly demarkated passages from various recensions of a larger work. This list view shows the documentary collections encoded by the project Ethiopian Manuscript Archives (EMA) and its successor EthioChrisProcess - Christianization and religious interactions in Ethiopia (6th-13th century) : comparative approaches with Nubia and Egypt, which aim to edit the corpus of administrative acts of the Christian kingdom of Ethiopia, for medieval and modern periods. See also the list of documents contained in the additiones in the manuscripts described by the Beta maṣāḥǝft project . Works of interest to Ethiopian and Eritrean studies.
While encoding manuscripts, the project Beta maṣāḥǝft aims at creating an exhaustive repertory of art themes and techniques present in Ethiopian and Eritrean Christian tradition. See our encoding guidelines for details. Two types of searches for aspects of manuscript decoration are possible, the decorations filtered search and the general keyword search.
The filtered search for decorations, originally designed with Jacopo Gnisci, looks at decorations and their features only. The filters on the left are relative only to the selected features, reading the legends will help you to figure out what you can filter. For example you can search for all encoded decorations of a specific art theme, or search the encoded legends. If the decorations are present, but not encoded, you will not get them in the results. If an image is available, you will also find a thumbnail linking to the image viewer. [NB: The Index of Decorations currently often times out, we are sorry for the inconvenience.] You can search for particular motifs or aspects, including style, also through the keyword search. Just click on "Art keywords" and "Art themes" on the left to browse through the options. This is a short cut to a search for all those manuscripts which have miniatures of which we have images.
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This tab offers a filtrable list of all available places. Geographical references of the type "land inhabited by people XXX" is encoded with the reference to the corresponding Ethnic unit (see below); ethnonyms, even those used in geographical contexts, do not appear in this list. Repositories are those locations where manuscripts encoded by the project are or used to be preserved. While they are encoded in the same way as all places are, the view offered is different, showing a list of manuscripts associated with the repository.
We create metadata for all persons (and groups of persons) associated with the manuscript production and circulation (rulers, religious authorities, scribes, donors, and commissioners) as well as those mentioned in the texts used by the project. The result will be a comprehensive Prosopography of the Ethiopian and Eritrean tradition. See also Help page for more guidance.
We encode persons according to our Encoding Guidelines. The initial list was inherited from the Encyclopaedia Aethiopica, and there are still many inconsistencies that we are trying to gradually fix. We consider ethnonyms as a subcategory of personal names, even when many are often used in literary works in the context of the "land inhabited by **". The present list of records has been mostly inherited from the Encyclopaedia Aethiopica, and there are still many inconsistencies that we are trying to gradually fix.
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Gulo Maḵadā, ʿĀddaqāḥarsi Ṗarāqliṭos, AP-046

Vitagrazia Pisani (cataloguer), Denis Nosnitsin

This manuscript description is based on the catalogues listed in the Catalogue Bibliography

Work in Progress
ʿĀddaqāḥarsi Ṗarāqliṭos[view repository]

Collection: Ethio-SPaRe

Other identifiers: C3-IV-10

General description

Malkǝʿa samāʿtāta Ṗarāqliṭos / Gadla samāʿtāta Ṗarāqliṭos / Taʾammǝra samāʿtāta Ṗarāqliṭos

Number of Text units: 19

Number of Codicological units: 2

For a table of all relations from and to this record, please go to the Relations view. In the Relations boxes on the right of this page, you can also find all available relations grouped by name.


Original Location: ʿĀddaqāḥarsi Ṗarāqliṭos

Main part: 1523, according to the colophon. Quire I (Text I, Codicological Unit p1 ) was added in a later period (17th cent.?).


Composite MS. I) Malkǝʾa samāʿtāta Ṗarāqliṭos “Image of the Martyrs of Ṗarāqliṭos” (fols. 7ra-10vb): 32 strophes, incomplete II) Gadla samāʿtāta Ṗarāqliṭos “Vita of the Martyrs of Ṗarāqliṭos” (fols. 11ra-44va) - Introduction (fols. 11ra-13rb) III) Taʾammǝra samāʿtāta Ṗarāqliṭos “Miracles of the Martyrs of Ṗarāqliṭos”: 11 miracles (fols. 45ra-86vb) - Introduction (fols. 45ra-48vb) Additiones 1-5; colophon.
  1. ms_i1 (), Hagiographic Dossier of the Martyrs of Ṗarāqliṭos
  2. p1_i1 (Fols 7ra–10vb

    Images relevant for 7ra, 10vb

    Click on the image to see the relevant page in Mirador viewer.

    ), Malkǝʾa samāʿtāta Ṗarāqliṭos: 32 strophes
  3. p2_i1 (Fols 11ra–44va

    Images relevant for 11ra, 44va

    Click on the image to see the relevant page in Mirador viewer.

    ), Gadla Ṣādǝqān za-Ṗarāqliṭos
    1. p2_i1.1 (Fols 11ra–13rb

      Images relevant for 11ra, 13rb

      Click on the image to see the relevant page in Mirador viewer.

      ), Introduction
  4. p2_i2 (Fols 45ra–86vb

    Images relevant for 45ra, 86vb

    Click on the image to see the relevant page in Mirador viewer.

    ), Taʾammǝra samāʿtāta Ṗarāqliṭos: 11 miracles
    1. p2_i2.1 (Fols 45ra–48vb

      Images relevant for 45ra, 48vb

      Click on the image to see the relevant page in Mirador viewer.

      ), Introduction
    2. p2_i2.2 (48vb-51vb

      Images relevant for 48vb, 51vb

      Click on the image to see the relevant page in Mirador viewer.

      ), Taʾāmmǝra samāʿtāta Ṗarāqliṭos, Miracle of the divine punishment (birds drinking human beings’ brains)
    3. p2_i2.3 (Fols 51vb–53ra

      Images relevant for 51vb, 53ra

      Click on the image to see the relevant page in Mirador viewer.

      ), Taʾāmmǝra samāʿtāta Ṗarāqliṭos, Miracle of the jar with holy water that did not break
    4. p2_i2.4 (53ra-59ra

      Images relevant for 53ra, 59ra

      Click on the image to see the relevant page in Mirador viewer.

      ), Taʾāmmǝra samāʿtāta Ṗarāqliṭos, Miracle of the healing of Queen ʾƎgziʾ Kǝbrā
    5. p2_i2.5 (59ra-60vb

      Images relevant for 59ra, 60vb

      Click on the image to see the relevant page in Mirador viewer.

      ), Taʾāmmǝra samāʿtāta Ṗarāqliṭos, Miracle of the healing of a blind man
    6. p2_i2.6 (60vb-61vb

      Images relevant for 60vb, 61vb

      Click on the image to see the relevant page in Mirador viewer.

      ), Taʾāmmǝra samāʿtāta Ṗarāqliṭos, Miracle of the holy water of Ṗarāqliṭos extinguishing fire in the King’s palace at ʾAwāgar
    7. p2_i2.7 (62ra-63va

      Images relevant for 62ra, 63va

      Click on the image to see the relevant page in Mirador viewer.

      ), Taʾāmmǝra samāʿtāta Ṗarāqliṭos, Miracle of the holy water of Ṗarāqliṭos saving from the pest
    8. p2_i2.8 (63va-68ra

      Images relevant for 63va, 68ra

      Click on the image to see the relevant page in Mirador viewer.

      ), Taʾāmmǝra samāʿtāta Ṗarāqliṭos, Miracle of the church bell stolen from Ṗarāqliṭos and restituted
    9. p2_i2.9 (68ra-69va

      Images relevant for 68ra, 69va

      Click on the image to see the relevant page in Mirador viewer.

      ), Taʾāmmǝra samāʿtāta Ṗarāqliṭos, Miracle of the healing of a blind woman
    10. p2_i2.10 (69va-73ra

      Images relevant for 69va, 73ra

      Click on the image to see the relevant page in Mirador viewer.

      ), Taʾāmmǝra samāʿtāta Ṗarāqliṭos, Miracle of the holy water of Ṗarāqliṭos saving from the pest and men from Mǝsʿǝmā and Hagarāy
    11. p2_i2.11 (73ra-76vb

      Images relevant for 73ra, 76vb

      Click on the image to see the relevant page in Mirador viewer.

      ), Taʾāmmǝra samāʿtāta Ṗarāqliṭos, Praise for the church and the martyrs of Ṗarāqliṭos, and list of the provinces from where the faithful come to Ṗarāqliṭos
    12. p2_i2.12 (77ra-84vb

      Images relevant for 77ra, 84vb

      Click on the image to see the relevant page in Mirador viewer.

      ), Taʾāmmǝra samāʿtāta Ṗarāqliṭos, Extensive praise for the church (ʿĀddaqāḥarsi Ṗarāqliṭos), description of the angels surrounding Ṗarāqliṭos etc.
  5. p2_i3 (84rb-86vb

    Images relevant for 84rb, 86vb

    Click on the image to see the relevant page in Mirador viewer.

    ), Gadla Ṣādǝqān za-Ṗarāqliṭos, : embeddedcolophon
  6. p2_i4 (Fol. 87ra

    Images relevant for 87ra

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Hagiographic Dossier of the Martyrs of Ṗarāqliṭos (CAe 5877) (- Throughout Text I and sometimes in Texts II (s., e.g., 13va

Images relevant for 13va

Click on the image to see the relevant page in Mirador viewer.

ls.9-10) and III (s., e.g., 59ra

Images relevant for 59ra

Click on the image to see the relevant page in Mirador viewer.

, incipit of miracle 4), the Martyrs of Ṗarāqliṭos are called ṣādǝqān “righteous ones”. It is an unknown group of saints coming, according to Text II (13va ls. 5-6

Images relevant for 13va

Click on the image to see the relevant page in Mirador viewer.

), from Tiberias (Ṭǝbǝryādos).)

Additions In this unit there are in total 2 , 1 , 1 , 1 .

  1. Fols 2ra–5vb

    Images relevant for 2ra, 5vb

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    (Type: CommemorativeNote)

    Register of those who make the commemoration of the Martyrs of Ṗarāqliṭos.

    ( gez ) ጸሐፍና፡ አስማቲሆሙ፡ ለእለ፡ ይገብሩ፡ ተዝከሮሙ፡ ለሰማዕተ፡ ጳራቅሊጦስ፡...

    ( In this note, the name Ṗarāqliṭos is written as Ṗaraqliṭos. It is possibly continued as (a3) )
  2. Fols 5vb–6vb

    Images relevant for 5vb, 6vb

    Click on the image to see the relevant page in Mirador viewer.

    (Type: GuestText)

    salām-hymn for the Martyrs of Ṗarāqliṭos (CAe 5880)

    ( gez ) ሰላም፡ ለክሙ፡ ሰማዕታተ፡ ጰራቅሊጦስ፡ ናር፡ እለ፡ ጥብርያዶስ፡ ብሔር፡…

    ( The note is crudely written in a 16th-cent. (?) hand. )
  3. f. 44vb (above)

    Images relevant for 44vb

    Click on the image to see the relevant page in Mirador viewer.

    (Type: CommemorativeNote)

    Note on the commemoration of the Martyrs of Ṗarāqliṭos (?).

    ( gez ) ወቀዳሚ፡ ዘገብረ፡ ተዝካሮሙ፡ አቡየ፡ ሄኖክ።

    ( The note, written in a hand very similar to the main one (the same?), states that "my father" Henok is the first one to have done “their commemoration”. Possibly it is the end of Additio 1. )
  4. f. 44vb (below)

    Images relevant for 44vb

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    (Type: ScribalSupplication)

    Supplication for the scribe (?).

    ( gez ) ወዛቲ፡ መጽሐፈ፡ ዘፃሕየየ። ይፃሕይይ። ወይጽሐፍ። ስሞ፡ ውስተ፡ መጽሐፈ፡ ሕይወት። ወኢትርሥዕዎ፡ ፩፩አቡነ፡ ዘበሰማያት።

    ( The note has been written over an erasure. For ፃሕየየ (ḍāḥyaya),s. Leslau 1987 )
  5. Fol. 86vb

    Images relevant for 86vb

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    (Type: MixedNote)

    Short note (biblical quotation?).

    ( gez ) <...> ሠናየ፡ ግበሩ፡ ቢጸክሙ፡ አፍቅሩ፡ እስመ፡ ዘአ[ፍ]ቀረ፡ ቢጾ፡ ይነሥእ፡


  1. - Title (ጻድቃን?) is crudely written in green on the front board.

  2. - Corrections written interlineally: e.g., 7va

    Images relevant for 7va

    Click on the image to see the relevant page in Mirador viewer.

    , 8ra, 8rb, 8va, 8vb, 9va, 10va, 21vb, 57rb, 68ra, 71va.

  3. - The preposition በ is written, interlineally or in the margins, as correction for several words on 43va-

    Images relevant for 43va

    Click on the image to see the relevant page in Mirador viewer.


  4. - Erasures: e.g., 36ra

    Images relevant for 36ra

    Click on the image to see the relevant page in Mirador viewer.

    , 61rb.

  5. - Corrections written over erasures: e.g., 14va

    Images relevant for 14va

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    , 20rb, 30va, 389ra, 67vb.

  6. - Immediate corrections marked by dots above and below the word and crosses in between, as on 43ra

    Images relevant for 43ra

    Click on the image to see the relevant page in Mirador viewer.

    , or by parallel lines, as on 21rb

    Images relevant for 21rb

    Click on the image to see the relevant page in Mirador viewer.


  7. - Lacunas in Texts II and III: 18vb

    Images relevant for 18vb

    Click on the image to see the relevant page in Mirador viewer.

    , 33va, 38vb, 87rb, 87rb (?).

  8. - Cues for the rubricator: e.g., 31v

    Images relevant for 31v

    Click on the image to see the relevant page in Mirador viewer.

    , 32r, 36v, 38v, 53v, 62r.

  9. - Crude drawing in pencil on 1v

    Images relevant for 1v

    Click on the image to see the relevant page in Mirador viewer.

    and crude notes in pen on 39r

    Images relevant for 39r

    Click on the image to see the relevant page in Mirador viewer.

    and 87v.

  10. - Personal names, i.e. Gabra Hiwet and Gabra Mikāʾel, are crudely written on 87v

    Images relevant for 87v

    Click on the image to see the relevant page in Mirador viewer.

    (bottom margin).

  11. 42r

    Images relevant for 42r

    Click on the image to see the relevant page in Mirador viewer.

    Shelfmark in the margin: C3-IV-10

Catalogue Bibliography

This manuscript has modern restorations.

Physical Description

Form of support

Parchment Codex


Made of 88.0 (leaf) , Entered as 88.0 folios, of which (leaf, blank) .Entered as blank 1r, 88v, in 14.0 (quire) .Entered as 14.0 quires (A + 12 + B). 180 150 40
Outer dimensions
Height 180
Width 150
Depth 40


Quire Structure Collation

The structure of the quires (esp. quires A and X) cannot be identified with certainty. Quire I has been added in a later period (17th cent.?).
Position Number Leaves Quires Description
1 6 No image availableFols 1r–6v A(6/fols. 1r-6v)
2 4 No image availableFols 7r–10v I(4/fols. 7r-10v)
3 8 No image availableFols 11r–18v II(8; s.l.: 2, stub after 7; 7, stub after 2/fols. 11r-18v)
4 7 No image availableFols 19r–25v III(7; s.l.: 1, no stub; 2, no stub; 6, stub after 3/fols. 19r-25v )
5 8 No image availableFols 26r–33v IV(8/fols. 26r-33v)
6 8 No image availableFols 34r–41v V(8/fols. 34r-41v)
7 3 No image availableFols 42r–44v VI(3; s.l.: 1, no stub; 2, stub after 2; 3, no stub/fols. 42r-44v)
8 8 No image availableFols 45r–52v VII(8; s.l.: 3, stub after 5; 6, stub after 2/fols. 45r-52v)
9 8 No image availableFols 53r–60v VIII(8/fols. 53r-60v)
10 8 No image availableFols 61r–68v IX(8; s.l.: 3, stub after 5; 6, stub after 2/fols. 61r-68v)
11 5 No image availableFols 69r–73v X(5; s.l.: 2, stub before 5; 3, stub after 4; 4, stub after 4/fols. 69r-73v)
12 8 No image availableFols 74r–81v XI(8/fols. 74r-81v)
13 6 No image availableFols 82r–87v XII(6; s.l.: 1, stub after 7/fols. 82r-87v)
14 1 No image availableFols 88r–88v B(1; s.l.: 1, stub before 1/fol. 88).

Collation diagrams

A(6/fols. 1r-6v)
Quire ID:q1
Collation diagram Quire 1 1 6 Unit #1 Unit #2 Unit #3

I(4/fols. 7r-10v)
Quire ID:q2
Collation diagram Quire 2 7 10 Unit #1 Unit #2

II(8; s.l.: 2, stub after 7; 7, stub after 2/fols. 11r-18v)
Quire ID:q3
Collation diagram Quire 3 11 18 Unit #1 Unit #2 Unit #3 Unit #4 Unit #5

III(7; s.l.: 1, no stub; 2, no stub; 6, stub after 3/fols. 19r-25v )
Quire ID:q4
Collation diagram Quire 4 19 Unit #1 Unit #2 Unit #3 Unit #4 Unit #5

IV(8/fols. 26r-33v)
Quire ID:q5
Collation diagram Quire 5 26 33 Unit #1 Unit #2 Unit #3 Unit #4

V(8/fols. 34r-41v)
Quire ID:q6
Collation diagram Quire 6 34 41 Unit #1 Unit #2 Unit #3 Unit #4

VI(3; s.l.: 1, no stub; 2, stub after 2; 3, no stub/fols. 42r-44v)
Quire ID:q7
Collation diagram Quire 7 42 Unit #1 Unit #2 Unit #3

VII(8; s.l.: 3, stub after 5; 6, stub after 2/fols. 45r-52v)
Quire ID:q8
Collation diagram Quire 8 45 52 Unit #1 Unit #2 Unit #3 Unit #4 Unit #5

VIII(8/fols. 53r-60v)
Quire ID:q9
Collation diagram Quire 9 53 60 Unit #1 Unit #2 Unit #3 Unit #4

IX(8; s.l.: 3, stub after 5; 6, stub after 2/fols. 61r-68v)
Quire ID:q10
Collation diagram Quire 10 61 68 Unit #1 Unit #2 Unit #3 Unit #4 Unit #5

X(5; s.l.: 2, stub before 5; 3, stub after 4; 4, stub after 4/fols. 69r-73v)
Quire ID:q11
Collation diagram Quire 11 69 73 Unit #1 Unit #2 Unit #3 Unit #4

XI(8/fols. 74r-81v)
Quire ID:q12
Collation diagram Quire 12 74 81 Unit #1 Unit #2 Unit #3 Unit #4

XII(6; s.l.: 1, stub after 7/fols. 82r-87v)
Quire ID:q13
Collation diagram Quire 13 82 87 Unit #1 Unit #2 Unit #3

B(1; s.l.: 1, stub before 1/fol. 88).
Quire ID:q14
Collation diagram Quire 14 88 Unit #1

Ethio-SPaRe formula : I(6/No image availableFols 1r–6v) – II(4/No image availableFols 7r–10v) – III(6+2/s.l. 2, stub after 7; s.l. 7, stub after 2/No image availableFols 11r–18v) – IV(4+3/s.l. 1, no stub; s.l. 2, no stub; s.l. 6, stub after 3/No image availableFols 19r–25v) – V(8/No image availableFols 26r–33v) – VI(8/No image availableFols 34r–41v) – VII(0+3/s.l. 1, no stub; s.l. 2, stub after 2; s.l. 3, no stub/No image availableFols 42r–44v) – VIII(6+2/s.l. 3, stub after 5; s.l. 6, stub after 2/No image availableFols 45r–52v) – IX(8/No image availableFols 53r–60v) – X(6+2/s.l. 3, stub after 5; s.l. 6, stub after 2/No image availableFols 61r–68v) – XI(2+3/s.l. 2, stub before 5; s.l. 3, stub after 4; s.l. 4, stub after 4/No image availableFols 69r–73v) – XII(8/No image availableFols 74r–81v) – XIII(5+1/s.l. 1, stub after 7/No image availableFols 82r–87v) – XIV(0+1/s.l. 1, stub before 1/No image availableFols 88r–88v) –

Formula: No image availableFols 1r–6v A(6/fols. 1r-6v) ; No image availableFols 7r–10v I(4/fols. 7r-10v); No image availableFols 11r–18v II(8; s.l.: 2, stub after 7; 7, stub after 2/fols. 11r-18v) ; No image availableFols 19r–25v III(7; s.l.: 1, no stub; 2, no stub; 6, stub after 3/fols. 19r-25v ) ; No image availableFols 26r–33v IV(8/fols. 26r-33v) ; No image availableFols 34r–41v V(8/fols. 34r-41v) ; No image availableFols 42r–44v VI(3; s.l.: 1, no stub; 2, stub after 2; 3, no stub/fols. 42r-44v) ; No image availableFols 45r–52v VII(8; s.l.: 3, stub after 5; 6, stub after 2/fols. 45r-52v) ; No image availableFols 53r–60v VIII(8/fols. 53r-60v) ; No image availableFols 61r–68v IX(8; s.l.: 3, stub after 5; 6, stub after 2/fols. 61r-68v) ; No image availableFols 69r–73v X(5; s.l.: 2, stub before 5; 3, stub after 4; 4, stub after 4/fols. 69r-73v) ; No image availableFols 74r–81v XI(8/fols. 74r-81v) ; No image availableFols 82r–87v XII(6; s.l.: 1, stub after 7/fols. 82r-87v) ; No image availableFols 88r–88v B(1; s.l.: 1, stub before 1/fol. 88).;

Formula 1: 1 (6), 2 (4), 3 (8), 4 (), 5 (8), 6 (8), 7 (), 8 (8), 9 (8), 10 (8), 11 (5), 12 (8), 13 (6), 14 (1),

Formula 2: 1 (6), 2 (4), 3 (8), 4 (), 5 (8), 6 (8), 7 (), 8 (8), 9 (8), 10 (8), 11 (5), 12 (8), 13 (6), 14 (1),

State of preservation



The sewing is damaged and repaired by means of recent threads. Hole or tear repaired on 33

Images relevant for 33

Click on the image to see the relevant page in Mirador viewer.



Two wooden boards. Two pairs of sewing stations. Remains of the leather cover are visible on the inner side of both boards.

Binding decoration

Small holes are visible on the spine fold of the quires, close to the tail and the head of the codex.

Binding material



Original binding



  • Hand 3

    Script: Ethiopic

    16th century (?) hand.

    Fols 5vb–6vb

    Images relevant for 5vb, 6vb

    Click on the image to see the relevant page in Mirador viewer.


  • ሰ፡(- - -) for ሰላም፡
  • Codicological Unit p1

    Summary of codicological unit 1

    I) Malkǝʾa samāʿtāta Ṗarāqliṭos “Image of the Martyrs of Ṗarāqliṭos” (fols. 7ra-10vb): 32 strophes, incomplete
    1. p1_i1 (Fols 7ra–10vb

      Images relevant for 7ra, 10vb

      Click on the image to see the relevant page in Mirador viewer.

      ), Malkǝʾa samāʿtāta Ṗarāqliṭos: 32 strophes


    Fols 7ra–10vb

    Images relevant for 7ra, 10vb

    Click on the image to see the relevant page in Mirador viewer.

    Malkǝʾa samāʿtāta Ṗarāqliṭos: 32 strophes (CAe 5879)

    Physical Description of codicological unit 1

    Form of support of codicological unit 1


    Extent of codicological unit 1

    4 (leaf) .Entered as 4 1 (quire) .Entered as 1

    Layout of codicological unit 1

    Layout note 1

    Number of columns: 2

    Number of lines: 19

    H 120mm
    W 110mm
    Intercolumn 7mm
    top 16
    bottom 37
    right 22
    left 11
    intercolumn 7
    (All data for 8r

    Images relevant for 8r

    Click on the image to see the relevant page in Mirador viewer.


    Ms Gulo Maḵadā, ʿĀddaqāḥarsi Ṗarāqliṭos, AP-0461

    looks ok for measures computed width is: 143mm, object width is: 150mm, computed height is: 173mm and object height is: 180mm.
    Ruling of codicological unit 1
    • (Subtype: pattern) 1A-1A-1A1A/0-0/0-0/C
    • The upper line is written above the ruling.
    • The bottom line is written above the ruling.
    Pricking of codicological unit 1
    • Pricking and ruling are visible.
    • Primary pricks are visible.
    • Ruling pricks are visible.


    Palaeography of codicological unit 1

  • Hand 1

    of codicological unit 1

    Script: Ethiopic

    17th century (?) hand, careful and well-trained, characterized by short and slightly right-sloping letters. Some distinctive features: - ጵ has the 6th order marker set up on the vertical stroke at the top, oriented to the left (e.g., 7vb

    Images relevant for 7vb

    Click on the image to see the relevant page in Mirador viewer.

    l.7); - ቶ and ቆ have the loop marking the 7th order set up directly at the horizontal stroke (e.g., 8va l.13

    Images relevant for 8va

    Click on the image to see the relevant page in Mirador viewer.

    , 10rb l.3).

    Ink: Black; red (brilliant vermillion).

    Rubrication: The words salām and Ṣādǝqān and their abbreviations and other few words (fol. 7ra); elements of the Ethiopic numerals and of the punctuation signs.

    Fols 7–10

    Images relevant for 7, 10

    Click on the image to see the relevant page in Mirador viewer.


  • ሰላ፡(- - -) for ሰላም፡
  • ሰ፡(- - -) for ሰላም፡
  • ጻድ፡/ጻድቅ፡(- - -) for ጻድቃን፡
  • Codicological Unit p2

    Summary of codicological unit 2

    II) Gadla samāʿtāta Ṗarāqliṭos “Vita of the Martyrs of Ṗarāqliṭos” (fols. 11ra-44va) - Introduction (fols. 11ra-13rb) III) Taʾammǝra samāʿtāta Ṗarāqliṭos “Miracles of the Martyrs of Ṗarāqliṭos”: 11 miracles (fols. 45ra-86vb) - Introduction (fols. 45ra-48vb)
    1. p2_i1 (Fols 11ra–44va

      Images relevant for 11ra, 44va

      Click on the image to see the relevant page in Mirador viewer.

      ), Gadla Ṣādǝqān za-Ṗarāqliṭos
      1. p2_i1.1 (Fols 11ra–13rb

        Images relevant for 11ra, 13rb

        Click on the image to see the relevant page in Mirador viewer.

        ), Introduction
    2. p2_i2 (Fols 45ra–86vb

      Images relevant for 45ra, 86vb

      Click on the image to see the relevant page in Mirador viewer.

      ), Taʾammǝra samāʿtāta Ṗarāqliṭos: 11 miracles
      1. p2_i2.1 (Fols 45ra–48vb

        Images relevant for 45ra, 48vb

        Click on the image to see the relevant page in Mirador viewer.

        ), Introduction
      2. p2_i2.2 (48vb-51vb

        Images relevant for 48vb, 51vb

        Click on the image to see the relevant page in Mirador viewer.

        ), Taʾāmmǝra samāʿtāta Ṗarāqliṭos, Miracle of the divine punishment (birds drinking human beings’ brains)
      3. p2_i2.3 (Fols 51vb–53ra

        Images relevant for 51vb, 53ra

        Click on the image to see the relevant page in Mirador viewer.

        ), Taʾāmmǝra samāʿtāta Ṗarāqliṭos, Miracle of the jar with holy water that did not break
      4. p2_i2.4 (53ra-59ra

        Images relevant for 53ra, 59ra

        Click on the image to see the relevant page in Mirador viewer.

        ), Taʾāmmǝra samāʿtāta Ṗarāqliṭos, Miracle of the healing of Queen ʾƎgziʾ Kǝbrā
      5. p2_i2.5 (59ra-60vb

        Images relevant for 59ra, 60vb

        Click on the image to see the relevant page in Mirador viewer.

        ), Taʾāmmǝra samāʿtāta Ṗarāqliṭos, Miracle of the healing of a blind man
      6. p2_i2.6 (60vb-61vb

        Images relevant for 60vb, 61vb

        Click on the image to see the relevant page in Mirador viewer.

        ), Taʾāmmǝra samāʿtāta Ṗarāqliṭos, Miracle of the holy water of Ṗarāqliṭos extinguishing fire in the King’s palace at ʾAwāgar
      7. p2_i2.7 (62ra-63va

        Images relevant for 62ra, 63va

        Click on the image to see the relevant page in Mirador viewer.

        ), Taʾāmmǝra samāʿtāta Ṗarāqliṭos, Miracle of the holy water of Ṗarāqliṭos saving from the pest
      8. p2_i2.8 (63va-68ra

        Images relevant for 63va, 68ra

        Click on the image to see the relevant page in Mirador viewer.

        ), Taʾāmmǝra samāʿtāta Ṗarāqliṭos, Miracle of the church bell stolen from Ṗarāqliṭos and restituted
      9. p2_i2.9 (68ra-69va

        Images relevant for 68ra, 69va

        Click on the image to see the relevant page in Mirador viewer.

        ), Taʾāmmǝra samāʿtāta Ṗarāqliṭos, Miracle of the healing of a blind woman
      10. p2_i2.10 (69va-73ra

        Images relevant for 69va, 73ra

        Click on the image to see the relevant page in Mirador viewer.

        ), Taʾāmmǝra samāʿtāta Ṗarāqliṭos, Miracle of the holy water of Ṗarāqliṭos saving from the pest and men from Mǝsʿǝmā and Hagarāy
      11. p2_i2.11 (73ra-76vb

        Images relevant for 73ra, 76vb

        Click on the image to see the relevant page in Mirador viewer.

        ), Taʾāmmǝra samāʿtāta Ṗarāqliṭos, Praise for the church and the martyrs of Ṗarāqliṭos, and list of the provinces from where the faithful come to Ṗarāqliṭos
      12. p2_i2.12 (77ra-84vb

        Images relevant for 77ra, 84vb

        Click on the image to see the relevant page in Mirador viewer.

        ), Taʾāmmǝra samāʿtāta Ṗarāqliṭos, Extensive praise for the church (ʿĀddaqāḥarsi Ṗarāqliṭos), description of the angels surrounding Ṗarāqliṭos etc.
    3. p2_i3 (84rb-86vb

      Images relevant for 84rb, 86vb

      Click on the image to see the relevant page in Mirador viewer.

      ), Gadla Ṣādǝqān za-Ṗarāqliṭos, : embeddedcolophon
    4. p2_i4 (Fol. 87ra

      Images relevant for 87ra

      Click on the image to see the relevant page in Mirador viewer.



    Fols 11ra–44va

    Images relevant for 11ra, 44va

    Click on the image to see the relevant page in Mirador viewer.

    Gadla Ṣādǝqān za-Ṗarāqliṭos (CAe 1491)

    Language of text: Gǝʿǝz

    Fols 11ra–13rb

    Images relevant for 11ra, 13rb

    Click on the image to see the relevant page in Mirador viewer.


    Fols 45ra–86vb

    Images relevant for 45ra, 86vb

    Click on the image to see the relevant page in Mirador viewer.

    Taʾammǝra samāʿtāta Ṗarāqliṭos: 11 miracles (CAe 5878)

    Language of text: Gǝʿǝz

    Fols 45ra–48vb

    Images relevant for 45ra, 48vb

    Click on the image to see the relevant page in Mirador viewer.



    Images relevant for 48vb, 51vb

    Click on the image to see the relevant page in Mirador viewer.

    Taʾāmmǝra samāʿtāta Ṗarāqliṭos, Miracle of the divine punishment (birds drinking human beings’ brains) (CAe 5878 Miracle1)

    Incipit (Gǝʿǝz ):፩ተአምሪሆሙ፡ ለሰማዕታተ፡ ጰራቅሊጦስ፡ ጸሎቶሙ፡ ወበረከቶሙ፡... ወኮነ፡ በቀ

    ዳሚ፡ መዋዕል፡ አመ፡ ተምዐ{ዓ}፡ እግዚአብሔር፡ መዓተ፡ ዐቢየ፨ ወፈነወ፡ አዕዋፈ፡ ዐበይተ፡ እለ፡ ይሴፅሩ፡ ርእሰ፡ ሰብእ፡ በአፉሆሙ፡ ወይሰትዩ፡ ናላሁ፡ ...

    Fols 51vb–53ra

    Images relevant for 51vb, 53ra

    Click on the image to see the relevant page in Mirador viewer.

    Taʾāmmǝra samāʿtāta Ṗarāqliṭos, Miracle of the jar with holy water that did not break (CAe 5878 Miracle2)

    Incipit (Gǝʿǝz ):፪ተአምሪሆሙ፡ ለሰማዕታተ፡ ጰራቅሊጦስ፡ ... ወካዕበ፡ ነሥአ፡ ውእቱ፡ ብእሴ፡ እግዚኣብሔር፡ ገብረ፡ ቅዱስ፡ ኵስኵስተ፡ ቤ

    ተ፡ መቅደስ፡ ከመ፡ ይቅዳሕ፡ ማየ፡ ጸሎት፡


    Images relevant for 53ra, 59ra

    Click on the image to see the relevant page in Mirador viewer.

    Taʾāmmǝra samāʿtāta Ṗarāqliṭos, Miracle of the healing of Queen ʾƎgziʾ Kǝbrā (CAe 5878 Miracle3)

    Incipit (Gǝʿǝz ):፫ተአምሪሆሙ፡ ለሰማዕታተ፡ ጰራቅሊጦስ፡ ...| ወካዕበ፡ ስምዑ፡ አኃውየ፡ ዘገብሩ፡ ላቲ፡ ቅዱሳን፡ ጻድቃን፡ ለእግዚእ፡ ክብራ፡ በእሲተ፡ ንጉሠ፡ ኢትዮጵያ፡


    Images relevant for 59ra, 60vb

    Click on the image to see the relevant page in Mirador viewer.

    Taʾāmmǝra samāʿtāta Ṗarāqliṭos, Miracle of the healing of a blind man (CAe 5878 Miracle4)

    Incipit (Gǝʿǝz ):፬ተአምሪሆሙ፡ ለጻድቃን፡ … ወሖረ፡ ፩ብእሲ፡ ዕዉረ፡ ዐይን፡ እንዘ፡ ይመርሕዎ፡ እምድረ፡ በለስ፤


    Images relevant for 60vb, 61vb

    Click on the image to see the relevant page in Mirador viewer.

    Taʾāmmǝra samāʿtāta Ṗarāqliṭos, Miracle of the holy water of Ṗarāqliṭos extinguishing fire in the King’s palace at ʾAwāgar (CAe 5878 Miracle5)

    Incipit (Gǝʿǝz ):፭ተአምሪሆሙ፡ ለሰማዕታተ፡ ጰራቅሊጦስ፡ ... ስምዑ፡ ኦአኃውየ፡ ዘከመ፡ ቦአ፡ እሳተ፡ ሰማይ፡ ወስተ፡ ቤተ፡ ንጉሥ፡ ዐቢይ፡ ዘምድረ፡ አ[ዋ]ገር፡


    Images relevant for 62ra, 63va

    Click on the image to see the relevant page in Mirador viewer.

    Taʾāmmǝra samāʿtāta Ṗarāqliṭos, Miracle of the holy water of Ṗarāqliṭos saving from the pest (CAe 5878 Miracle6)

    Incipit (Gǝʿǝz ):፮ተአምሪሆሙ፡ ለሰማዕታተ፡ ጰራቅሊጦስ፡ ... ወመጽአ፡ ፩ብእሲ፡ እምድረ፡ ምምሳሕ፡ እንተ፡ ይብልዋ፡ ጕንያ፡ ጐዪዮ፡ እምፍርሃተ፡ ብድብድ፡


    Images relevant for 63va, 68ra

    Click on the image to see the relevant page in Mirador viewer.

    Taʾāmmǝra samāʿtāta Ṗarāqliṭos, Miracle of the church bell stolen from Ṗarāqliṭos and restituted (CAe 5878 Miracle7)

    Incipit (Gǝʿǝz ):፯ተአምሪሆሙ፡ ለሰማዕታተ፡ ጰራቅሊጦስ፡ ... ወካዕበ፡ ስምዑ፡ ኦአኃውየ፡ ዘገብረ፡ ተአምረ፡ ወመንክረ፡ ጳራቅሊጦስ፡ መንፈ|ሰ፡ ሕይወት፡ ወረድኤቶሙ፡ ለሰማዕታት፡ ኅሩያን፡ ወቦአ፡ ፩ብእሲ፡ በድፍረት፡ ኀበ፡ ቤተ፡ ክርስቲያን፡ ወነሥኣ፡ ለዶለ፡ ኀጺን፡


    Images relevant for 68ra, 69va

    Click on the image to see the relevant page in Mirador viewer.

    Taʾāmmǝra samāʿtāta Ṗarāqliṭos, Miracle of the healing of a blind woman (CAe 5878 Miracle8)

    Incipit (Gǝʿǝz ):፰ተአምሪሆሙ፡ ለሰማዕታተ፡ ጰራቅሊጦስ፡ ...|ወሀለወት፡ አሐቲ፡ ብእሲት፡ ዕውርተ፡ ዐይን፡ እምጕንዱይ፡ መዋዕል፡


    Images relevant for 69va, 73ra

    Click on the image to see the relevant page in Mirador viewer.

    Taʾāmmǝra samāʿtāta Ṗarāqliṭos, Miracle of the holy water of Ṗarāqliṭos saving from the pest and men from Mǝsʿǝmā and Hagarāy (CAe 5878 Miracle9)

    Incipit (Gǝʿǝz ):፱ተአምሪሆሙ፡ ለሰማዕታተ፡ ጰራቅሊጦስ፡ ... ስምዑ፡ ካዕበ፡ ኦአኃውየ፡ ዘከመ፡ ጐዩ፡ ፪ዕደ|ው፡ እምፍርሃተ፡ ብድብድ፡ ዘቦአ፡ ውስተ፡ ሀገሮሙ፡ ወመጽኡ፡ ኀበ፡ መቃብሪሆሙ፡ ለሰማዕታተ፡ ጳራቅሊጦስ፡ ቅዱሳን፡ ፩እምድረ፡ ምስዕማ፡ ወ፩እምድረ፡ ሀገራይ፡…


    Images relevant for 73ra, 76vb

    Click on the image to see the relevant page in Mirador viewer.

    Taʾāmmǝra samāʿtāta Ṗarāqliṭos, Praise for the church and the martyrs of Ṗarāqliṭos, and list of the provinces from where the faithful come to Ṗarāqliṭos (CAe 5878 Miracle11)

    Incipit (Gǝʿǝz ):፲፩ተአምሪሆሙ፡ ለሰማዕታተ፡ ጰራቅሊጦስ፡ ... |ስምዑኬ፡ ኦአኃውየ፡ ከመ፡ ናብጽሕ፡ ለክሙ፡ በዐቅሙ፡ ኵሎ፡ ዘይገብሩ፡ በታሕተ፡ ሰማይ፡


    Images relevant for 77ra, 84vb

    Click on the image to see the relevant page in Mirador viewer.

    Taʾāmmǝra samāʿtāta Ṗarāqliṭos, Extensive praise for the church (ʿĀddaqāḥarsi Ṗarāqliṭos), description of the angels surrounding Ṗarāqliṭos etc. (CAe 5878 Miracle12)

    Incipit (Gǝʿǝz ):፲፪ተአምሪሆሙ፡ ለሰማዕታተ፡ ጰራቅሊጦስ፡ ... |ስምዑኬ፡ ኦአኃውየ፡ ከመ፡ እንግርክሙ፡ ዘየዐቢ፡ ወዘይኄይስ፡ እምዝ፡ ሰማዕክሙ ቀዳሚ፡


    Images relevant for 84rb, 86vb

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    Gadla Ṣādǝqān za-Ṗarāqliṭos, : embeddedcolophon (CAe 1491 embeddedcolophon)


    ተፈጸመት፡ ዛቲ፡ መጽሐፍ፡ አመ፡ ሠላሁ[sic]፡ ለወርኀ፡ ጳዮን፡ ዘውእቱ፡ ወርኀ፡ ሰኔ፡ በ፻፸ወ፭ዓመተ፡ ምሕረት፡ በመዋዕ

    ለ፡ መንግሥቱ፡ ለንጉሥነ፡ ልብነ፡ ድንግል፨ ወጳጳስነ፡ አቡነ፡ ማርቆስ፨ ወሊቀ፡ ጳጳስነ፡ አባ፡ ዮሐንስ፨ ወሥዩመ፡ ዐጋሜ፡ ናታን፡ ለባሴ፡...ወቀሲስ፡ ገ

    በዝ፡ ተስፋ፡ ሕይወት፨...ወግርማ፡ ጽዮን፡ ጸሃቂ፡ ዘተስእለኒ፡ ከመ፡ እጽሐፍ፡ ዛተ፡ መጽሐፈ፡ እንዘ፡ እግዚአብሔር፡ ይረድእ፡ ወቃሎ፡ ያጸንዕ፡...

    ወጸሓፊሃኒ፡ ተስፋ፡ ጽዮን፡ ዘአ

    ገበርክዎ፡ ከመ፡ ይጽሐፍ፡ ዘንተ፡ መጽሐፈ፡ አእሚርየ፡ ጥበቡ፨ ወዘአዕለውክዋ፡ አነ፡ ዳንኤል፡ ፈላሲ፨ ወበምግባርየሰ፡ ኃጥእ፡ ወአባሲ፨ ወበትምህርትየሰ፡ ሠርፀ፡ ነቢያት፡ በዜና፡ ወወልደ፡ ሐዋርያት፡ በሃይማኖት፡ ዘፄወወኒ፡ ጳ|ራቅሊጦስ፡ መንፈሰ፡ ሕይወት፨ ከመ፡ አጽሐፍ፡[sic] ተአምራቲሆሙ፡ ለሰማዕታቲሁ፡ ቅዱሳን፨ ወዘአብጽሐተኒ፡ ኀበዝ፡ እምየ፡ አመ፡ ማርያም፡...

    (The embedded colophon states that the work was completed in the month of Śäne, year of mercy 175 (= 1523 A.D), in the time of King Lǝbna Dǝngǝl (r. 1508-1540) , Metropolitan Mārqos (d. 1529-30) , Archbishop John XIII of Alexandria (r. 1483-1524) and governor of ʿAgāme (śǝyuma ʿagāme) Nātān .) (Furthermore, it says that Dānǝʾel “the falāsi” author (“the stranger, the wanderer”) is the one who has “translated” (za-ʾaʿlawkǝwwā) the work (Gadla and Taʾammǝra samāʿtāta Ṗarāqliṭos), who is at the same time the one who has written this colophon (ወዘአዕለውክዋ፡ አነ፡ ዳንኤል፡ ፈላሲ፨ “I myself, Dānǝʾel the stranger, am the one who have compiled it”). It says, besides, that Tasfā Ṣǝyon scribe (85rb ls.13-14

    Images relevant for 85rb

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    ) is the name of the scribe whom Dānǝʾel has commissioned to write down the work (ወጸሓፊሃኒ፡ ተስፋ፡ ጽዮን፡ ዘአገበርክዎ፡ ከመ፡ ይጽሐፍ፡ ዘንተ፡ መጽሐፈ፡).)

    Fol. 87ra

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    ተፈጸመ፡ በዝየ፡ ገድለ፡ ስምዖሙ፡ ወተአምሪሆሙ፡ ለሰማዕታተ፡ ጰራቅሊጦስ፡ ቅዱሳን፡ በሠርቀ፡ ታይፍ፡ ወርኅ፡ አመ፡ ፩ለሐምሌ፨ በ፱ሠርቀ፡ ሌሊት፡ ጸሎቶሙ፡ የሀሉ፡ ምስሌነ፡ ወምስለ፡ ተክለ፡ ጊዮርጊስ፡ ባዕለ፡ ብራና፡ [fol. 87rb] አሜን፨ ለዘ፡ ጸሐፎ፡ ወለዘ፡ አጽሐፎ፡ ወለዘ፡ አንበቦ፡ ወለዘ፡ ተርጐሞ፡ ወለዘ፡ ሰምዐ፡ ቃላቲሁ፡ ኅቡረ፡ ይምሐሮሙ፡ እግዚአብሔር፡ በመንግሥተ፡ ሰማያት፡ በጸሎቶሙ፡ ለሰማዕታት፡ አሜን፨

    (The note mentions the 1st of Ḥamle as the date in which the Ms. was completed. Most probably this date refers to the completion of the entire book (with binding, sewing, etc.), which is just the month after the date (Śane) mentioned in the colophon of the work. Since the year is here not mentioned, one can guess that it is the same as mentioned in the colophon of the work (year of mercy 175); it could not been excluded that this single Ms. is the first exemplar of the texts on the Martyrs of Ṗarāqliṭos. In this note, it is also given the name of Takla Giyorgis owner as the owner of the parchment (bǝrānnā). )

    Decoration of codicological unit 2 In this unit there are in total 3 s, 1 , 2 .

    Frame notes

    1. frame: 11r (incipit page of Text II)

      Images relevant for 11r

      Click on the image to see the relevant page in Mirador viewer.

      red ornamental band which extends to the top of the page (floral motifs and interlaces).

    2. frame: 45r (incipit page of Text III)

      Images relevant for 45r

      Click on the image to see the relevant page in Mirador viewer.

      red ornamental band which extends to the top of the page (floral and geometric motifs, interlaces).

    Other Decorations

    1. band: 3r

      Images relevant for 3r

      Click on the image to see the relevant page in Mirador viewer.

      Simple, crude ornamental bands (harag)

    2. band: 81vb

      Images relevant for 81vb

      Click on the image to see the relevant page in Mirador viewer.

      Simple, crude ornamental bands (harag)

    3. band: 82ra

      Images relevant for 82ra

      Click on the image to see the relevant page in Mirador viewer.

      Simple, crude ornamental bands (harag)

    4. drawing:

      Images relevant for 88r

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    Physical Description of codicological unit 2

    Form of support of codicological unit 2


    Extent of codicological unit 2

    84 (leaf) .Entered as 84 +NaN (quire) .Entered as A+11+B

    Layout of codicological unit 2

    Layout note 1

    Number of columns: 2

    Number of lines: 14

    H 125mm
    W 110mm
    Intercolumn 10mm
    top 23
    bottom 33
    right 30
    left 11
    intercolumn 10
    (All data for 12r

    Images relevant for 12r

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    Ms Gulo Maḵadā, ʿĀddaqāḥarsi Ṗarāqliṭos, AP-0462

    has a sum of layout height of 181mm which is greater than the object height of 180mm has a sum of layout width of 151mm which is greater than the object height of 150mm
    Ruling of codicological unit 2
    • (Subtype: pattern) 1A-1A-1A1A/0-0/0-0/C
    • The upper line is written above the ruling (below on ff. (Excerpt from 11v-35v

      Images relevant for 11v, 35v

      Click on the image to see the relevant page in Mirador viewer.

      , (Excerpt from 45v-47v

      Images relevant for 45v, 47v

      Click on the image to see the relevant page in Mirador viewer.

      , (Excerpt from 73r-v

      Images relevant for 73r, 73v

      Click on the image to see the relevant page in Mirador viewer.

      ). The upper ruled lines (1 or 2) have not been used on f. (Excerpt from 13va

      Images relevant for 13v

      Click on the image to see the relevant page in Mirador viewer.

      and in f. (Excerpt from 29rb

      Images relevant for 29r

      Click on the image to see the relevant page in Mirador viewer.

      (space left for ḥarag?).
    • The bottom line is written above the ruling. The bottom ruled line has not been used on ff. (Excerpt from 65r-68r

      Images relevant for 65r, 68r

      Click on the image to see the relevant page in Mirador viewer.

    Pricking of codicological unit 2
    • Pricking and ruling are visible.
    • Primary pricks are visible.
    • Ruling pricks are partly visible.


    Palaeography of codicological unit 2

  • Hand 2

    of codicological unit 2

    Scribe: Tasfā Ṣǝyon scribe

    Script: Ethiopic

    The main hand of the first half of the 16th century . Mediocre, characterized by uniform, tall, slender and rounded letters.Some distinctive features: - the upper horizontal stroke of መ ሠ ወ (esp. መ), in the 1st order, is slanted to the left; - መ, in the 1st and 2nd orders, has the right loop which does not rest on the ruled line; - ጵ has the 6th order marker set up on the vertical stroke at the top, oriented to the left (e.g., 66vb

    Images relevant for 66vb

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    l.8). - ሎ has the loop and the horizontal stroke marking the 7th order almost at the top, not in the middle; - the number ፲ appears occasionally in the form with a ring attached to the right side through a horizontal stroke (fol. 77ra); - the number ፬ is slightly triangular and down wards-oriented (e.g., fol. 59ra); - the number ፮ is with the loop open, looking like “compressed” ፯ (e.g., fol. 62ra).

    Rubrication: Holy names; the names of the Trinity; the names of the protagonists: samāʿtāta Ṗarāqliṭos and ṣādǝqān; a few lines alternating with black lines on the incipit page of Texts II and III and on fol 13v (incipit page of the account proper of Text II); the exhortation sǝmʿu... in Text II; incipit of each miracle (Text III). Elements of the punctuation signs; Ethiopic numerals or their elements; elements of the text dividers.


    Images relevant for 11ra, 87rb

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    Tasfā Ṣǝyon scribe is mentioned as the scribe on 85rb

    Images relevant for 85rb

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    • Publication Statement

      Hiob-Ludolf-Zentrum für Äthiopistik
      Die Schriftkultur des christlichen Äthiopiens und Eritreas: Eine multimediale Forschungsumgebung / Beta maṣāḥǝft

      This file is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0.

      16.12.2024 at 13:20:15

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    Suggested citation of this record

    Vitagrazia Pisani, Denis Nosnitsin, Pietro Maria Liuzzo, Eugenia Sokolinski, ʻGulo Maḵadā, ʿĀddaqāḥarsi Ṗarāqliṭos, AP-046 (encoded from the catalogue)ʼ, in Die Schriftkultur des christlichen Äthiopiens und Eritreas: Eine multimediale Forschungsumgebung / Beta maṣāḥǝft (Last Modified: 2020-09-25) [Accessed: 2024-12-18]

    To cite a precise version, please, click on load permalinks and to the desired version (see documentation on permalinks), then import the metadata or copy the below, with the correct link.


    Revision history

    • Pietro Maria Liuzzo Added transcription and facsimiles from Transkribus. on 25.9.2020
    • Eugenia Sokolinski adjusted to schema, corrected collation, introduced msParts, msItems, personIDs on 4.1.2020
    • Pietro Maria Liuzzo transformed from mycore to TEI P5 on 10.5.2016
    • Vitagrazia Pisani last edited in Ethio-SPaRe on 6.11.2014
    • Vitagrazia Pisani catalogued in Ethio-SPaRe on 4.9.2013
    • Ethio-SPaRe team photographed the manuscript on 5.5.2010

    Attribution of the content

    Alessandro Bausi, general editor

    Vitagrazia Pisani, editor

    Denis Nosnitsin, editor

    Pietro Maria Liuzzo, contributor

    Eugenia Sokolinski, contributor

    This file is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0.