Addis Ababa, Mekane Yesus Seminary Library, Mekane Yesus Seminary 46
Ashlee Benson, Ralph Lee, Jonah Sandford
Mekane Yesus Seminary, EMIP
Collection: Mekane Yesus Seminary
Other identifiers: Ethiopic Manuscript Imaging Project EMIP 646
General description
Mekane Yesus Seminary 46
Number of Text units: 9
Number of Codicological units: 1
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Twentieth century
- ms_i1
(Fols 1r–36v
- ms_i1.1
(Fols 1r–26v
- ms_i1.2
(Fols 44r–51v
- ms_i1.3
(Fols 52r–54v
- ms_i1.4
(Fols 55v–57v
- ms_i1.5
(Fols 58r–60v
- ms_i1.6
(Fols 60v–65v
- ms_i1.7
(Fols 66r–86v
- ms_i1.8
(Fols 86v–90r
- ms_i1.1
(Fols 1r–26v
Fols 1r–36v
Language of text: and Gǝʿǝz
Incipit ( ): በስመ፡ አብ፡ ወወልድ፡ . . . . .ommission by ሦስቱን፡ ስም፡ ሦስቱን አካል፡ አንድ፡ አምላክ፡ ብለን፡ አምነን፡ በሦስትነቱ፡ በአንድነቱ፡ ተማፅነን፡ ሰይጣንን፡ ክደን፡ ዓዕማደ፡ ምስጢርን፡ እንናገራለን፡
Fols 1r–26v
Language of text: and Gǝʿǝz
Incipit (Amharic ): ምስጢረ፡ ሥላሴ፡ እንዴት፡ ነው፡ ቢሉ፡ ከዓለም፡ በፊት፡ ከዓለም፡ በኋላ፡ ሥላሴ፡ መብለጥ፡ መበላለጥ፡ መቅደም፡ መቀዳደም፡ መከታል፡ መከታተል፡ ሣይኖርባቸው፡ ዘለዓለም፡ ትክክል፡ ሆነው፡ ይኖራሉ፡ . . . . .ommission by
Fols 44r–51v
Language of text: and Gǝʿǝz
Incipit ( ): በስመ፡ አብ፡ ወወልድ፡ ምስጢረ፡ ሥጋዌ፡ ወልድን፡ እንናገራለን፡ ምስጢረ፡ ሥጋዌ፡ ወልድ፡ እንዴት፡ ቢሉ፡ ነው፡ አዳም፡ በተፈጠረ፡ በ፯፡ ዓመት፡ በምክረ፡ ከይሲ፡ አምላክነትን፡ ሲፈልግ፡ ቈፅለ፡ በለን፡ በበላ፡ ጊዜ፡ ሥላሴ፡ ወኮነ፡ አዳም፡ ከመ፩፡ ንሕነ፡ አሉ፡ ያን፡ ጊዜ፡ ተጀመረ፡ . . . . .ommission by
Fols 52r–54v
Language of text: and Gǝʿǝz
Incipit ( ): በስመ፡ አብ፡ ወወልድ፡ . . . . .ommission by ምስጢረ፡ ጥምቀትን፡ እንናገራለን። ጌታችን፡ ከእመቤታችን፡ በተወለደ፡ በ፴፡ ዓመት፡ በመንፈቅ፡ ሌሊት፡ በዮርዳኖስ፡ ተጠመቀ። ስለምን፡ ተጠመቀ፡ ቢሉ፡ እናንተም፡ በውኃ፡ ተጠመቁ፡ ብትጠመቁ፡ ከሥላሴ፡ የጸጋ፡ ልጅነትን፡ ታገኛላችሁ፡ ቈጽለ፡ በለስን፡ በመብላት፡ የሄደ፡ ልጅነታችሁ፡ ይመለስላችኋል፡ መንግሥተ፡ ሰማያት፡ ትገባላችሁ፡ ሲል፡ ተጠመቀ፡ . . . . .ommission by
Fols 55v–57v
Language of text: and Gǝʿǝz
Incipit ( ): በስመ፡ አብ፡ ወወልድ፡ . . . . .ommission by ምስጢረ፡ ቍርባንን፡ እንናገራለን። በጸሎተ፡ ሐሙስ፡ ለድራር፡ ከአመጡለት፡ የሥንዴ፡ ኅብስት፡ ከአመጡለት፡ ወይን፡ ነገ፡ የሚፈተት፡ ሥጋየ፡ የሚፈስስ፡ ደሜ፡ ይህ፡ ነው፡ ብሎ፡ ለሐዋርያት፡ ሠጣቸው፡ ተመገቡ፡ መጠዎሙ፡ እምድኅረ፡ ተደሩ፡ ይላል።
Fols 58r–60v
Language of text: and Gǝʿǝz
Incipit ( ): በስመ፡ አብ፡ ወወልድ፡ . . . . .ommission by አሥራ፡ ሦስቱን፡ ሕማማተ፡ መስቀልን፡ የጌታችንን፡ ትንሣኤ፡ እንናገራለን። አሥራ፡ ሦስቱ፡ ሕማማተ፡ መስቀል፡ ማን፡ ማን፡ ናቸው፡ ቢሉ፡ አንድ፡ ነውር፡ ኃጢአት፡ በደል፡ ሣይገኝበት፡ ጌታችን፡ እንደ፡ ሌባ፡ የግርንግሪት፡ አሠሩት፡. . . . .ommission by
Fols 60v–65v
Language of text: and Gǝʿǝz
Incipit ( ): በስመ፡ አብ፡ ወወልድ፡ . . . . .ommission by የእኛን፡ ትንሣኤ፡ እንናገራለን። ይህ፡ ኵሉ፡ ሰው፡ ጢስ፡ ታይቶ፡ እንደ፡ ሚጠፋ፡ ታይቶ፡ ይጠፋል፡ ከጠፋም፡ አይመለስም፡ በእዚህ፡ ዓለም፡ ቢበላ፡ ቢጠጣ፡ ቢሸለም፡ ቢገዛ፡ ፃዕረ፡ ሞት፡ በመጣ፡ ጊዜ፡ አንድ፡ ቀን፡ የበላሁ፡ የጠጣሁ፡ የሞገስኩ፡ የገዛሁ፡ አይመስለውም፡ . . . . .ommission by
Fols 66r–86v
Language of text: and Gǝʿǝz
Incipit ( ): በስመ፡ አብ፡ ወወልድ፡. . . . .ommission by አሥርቱን፡ ቃላተ፡ ዖሪትን፡ እንናገራለን፡ አንዱ፡ ኢታምልክ፡ ባዕደ፡ አምላከ፡ ዘእንበሌየ፡ ብሎ፡ እግዚአብሔር፡ አዘዘው፡ የአዳምን፡ ልጅ፡ ሁሉ፡ በእግዚአብሔር፡ ብቻ፡ ማምለክ፡ እንዴት፡ ነው፡ ቢሉ፡ ያለእግዚአብሔር፡ በቀር፡ የሚሠጥ፡ የሚነሣ፡ የሚገል፡ የሚያድን፡ ሌላ፡ ፈጣሪ፡ ባድ፡ አምላክ፡ እንደሌለ፡ መማር፡ ማወቅ፡ ነው፡ . . . . .ommission by
Fols 86v–90r
Language of text: and Gǝʿǝz
Incipit ( ): ምስጢረ፡ ጥምቀት፡. . . . .ommission by እኛን፡ ከክፉ፡ ጠላታችን፡ ለማዳን፡ ከሰማየ፡ ሰማያት፡ ወርዶ፡ ያለ፡ ሰው፡ ዘርዕ፡ ከቅድስት፡ ከንጽሕት፡ ድንግል፡ ሥጋችን፡ ለብሶ፡ ተዋህዶ፡ በለት፡ ድንግልና፡ ተወልዶ፡ ከኃጢአት፡ በቀር፡ እንደ፡ እኛ፡ ፍጹም፡ ሰው፡ ኁኖ፡ ከውኃ፡ ከመንፈስ፡ ቅዱስ፡ ያልተወለደ፡ መንግሥተ፡ ሰማያትን፡ መግባት፡ አይቻለውም፡ . . . . .ommission by
Additions In this unit there are in total 2 , 1 .
Fols. iv(erso), iir(ecto), iiv(erso)
Explanation of the Islamic teaching on Jesus and Mary, የክርስቲያኖች፡ እና፡ የስላሞች፡ ሃይማኖት፡ ጥያቄ፡, in Amharic
Blessings for the one who follows this faith and consequences for the one who rejects this faith with a testimony to its power
Fols. 37r, 37, 38r (Type: GuestText)
Malkǝʾ-hymn (Salām) to Phanuel (CAe 2765) በስመ፡ አብ፡ . . . . .ommission by ጸሎት፡ በእንተ፡ አአምን፡ በ፫፡ አካላት፡ ሰላም፡ ለከ፡ ሰዳዴ፡ ሰይጣናት፡ ፋ። ለእግዚአብሔር፡ እምጽርሁ፡ ከመ፡ ኢይሰክዩ፡ ሰብአ፡ እለይኔስሁ፡ ለጌጋይ፡ ዘዘዚአሁ፡ . . . . .ommission by
Instructions about the measurement of shadows for the telling of time for the whole year. Cf. EMIP 187, fols. iv(erso), , and MYS 26, 73r, 73v
Excerpt from ʾAmmǝstu ʾaʿǝmāda mǝśṭir, Mystery of the Incarnation (ምሥጢረ፡ ሥጋዌ፡) (CAe 1097 Incarnation)
f. iiiv(erso), lines 16–19 (Type: DonationNote)
note of donation of the book to Ṣata Mika’el church
Note on the Prophet Mohammad and his wives. “Mohammad lived 550 years after the apostles. What he took by himself 15 legal wives and 11 concubines. They said that those he put in hidden places are without number. But for his people he commanded four wives.”
Amharic alphabet and numbers
Arabic phrases (written in Amharic characters) and Amharic translation, in blue ink
excerpt from the Gospel, in pencil, illegible
Fols. ir(ecto), iiir(ecto), 39r, 40v, 42r, 42v, 43v, 90v
Numbered quires: quires 1–4 and 6–10 (numbered 5–9)
(etc.) words of text are written interlinearly
lines of text are written interlinearly
f. 3v, line 11 f. 5v, line 25 f. 22r, line 24 f. 22v, line 24 f. 26r, line 22 f. 34v, line 14 f. 7v, line 3 f. 13r, line 7 f. 13v, line 2 f. 15r, line 5 f. 16r, line 2 f. 18r, line 11 f. 11v, line 1 f. 14r, line 2 f. 14v, line 1 f. 17r, line 1 f. 17v, line 5
lines of text are written in the bottom margin with a symbol (┬) marking the location where the text is to be inserted (3v; 5v; 22r; 22v; 26r; 34v, etc.), and in the upper margin where the symbol (┴) is used (7v; 13r; 13v; 15r; 16r; 18r, etc.), and in another case where the symbol (┤) is used (11v; 14r; 14v; 17r; 17v)
(etc.) erasure markings are visible
text has been removed
Decoration In this unit there are in total 5 s, 1 .
Frame notes
- frame: Decorative designs: folss. 1r, 44r, 52r, 60v, 66r, (ḫaräg); 54v (line of alternating red and black dots)
Miniatures notes
- miniature:
Fol. 38r
of a figure with arms upraised, in pencil
- miniature: Fol. 39v
- miniature: Fol. 40r
- miniature:
Fol. 41r
Holy Man Portrait,St George of Lydda and the
- miniature: Fol. 41v
Physical Description
Form of support
Parchment Codex
Outer dimensions | |
Height | 214mm |
Width | 137mm |
Depth | 58mm |
Quire Structure Collation
Position | Number | Leaves | Quires | Description |
1 | a | 2 |
Protection Sheet |
2 | 1 | 10 |
Quire 1 |
3 | 2 | 10 |
Quire 2 |
4 | 3 | 10 |
Quire 3 |
5 | 4 | 6 |
Quire 4 |
6 | 5 | 8 |
Quire 5 |
7 | 6 | 10 |
Quire 6 |
8 | 7 | 10 |
Quire 7 |
9 | 8 | 8 |
Quire 8 |
10 | 9 | 11 |
11 | 10 | 10 |
Quire 10 |
Collation diagrams
Protection Sheet
Quire ID:q1, number:a
Quire 1
Quire ID:q2, number:1
Quire 2
Quire ID:q3, number:2
Quire 3
Quire ID:q4, number:3
Quire 4
Quire ID:q5, number:4
Quire 5
Quire ID:q6, number:5
Quire 6
Quire ID:q7, number:6
Quire 7
Quire ID:q8, number:7
Quire 8
Quire ID:q9, number:8
Quire 9: 5, stub after 7
Quire ID:q10, number:9
Notes: 1)
Quire 10
Quire ID:q11, number:10
Ethio-SPaRe formula : a(2/
Formula 1: 1 (2), 2 (10), 3 (10), 4 (10), 5 (6), 6 (8), 7 (10), 8 (10), 9 (8), 10 (11), 11 (10),
Formula 2: 1 (2), 2 (10), 3 (10), 4 (10), 5 (6), 6 (8), 7 (10), 8 (10), 9 (8), 10 (11), 11 (10),
Parchment, four Coptic chain stitches attached with bridle attachments to rough-hewn boards of the traditional wood.
Binding material
Original binding
Layout note 1
H | |
W | |
Margins | |
top | 17mm |
bottom | 32mm |
right | 15mm |
left | 12mm |
Ms Addis Ababa, Mekane Yesus Seminary Library, Mekane Yesus Seminary 46 main part
looks ok for measures computed width is: NaNmm, object width is: 137mm, computed height is: NaNmm and object height is: 214mm.Layout note 1
Number of columns: 1
Number of lines: 25
Hand 1
Script: Ethiopic
Rubrication: ማርያም፡
The word Mary is rubricatedSelect one of the keywords listed from the record to see related data
Use the tag BetMas:EMIP00646 in your public annotations which refer to this entity.