Here you can explore some general information about the project. See also Beta maṣāḥəft institutional web page. Select About to meet the project team and our partners. Visit the Guidelines section to learn about our encoding principles. The section Data contains the Linked Open Data information, and API the Application Programming Interface documentation for those who want to exchange data with the Beta maṣāḥǝft project. The Permalinks section documents the versioning and referencing earlier versions of each record.
Click to get back to the home page. Here you can find out more about the project team, the cooperating projects, and the contact information. You can also visit our institutional page. Find out more about our Encoding Guidelines. In this section our Linked Open Data principles are explained. Developers can find our Application Programming Interface documentation here. The page documents the use of permalinks by the project.
Descriptions of (predominantly) Christian manuscripts from Ethiopia and Eritrea are the core of the Beta maṣāḥǝft project. We (1) gradually encode descriptions from printed catalogues, beginning from the historical ones, (2) incorporate digital descriptions produced by other projects, adjusting them wherever possible, and (3) produce descriptions of previously unknown and/or uncatalogued manuscripts. The encoding follows the TEI XML standards (check our guidelines).
We identify each unit of content in every manuscript. We consider any text with an independent circulation a work, with its own identification number within the Clavis Aethiopica (CAe). Parts of texts (e.g. chapters) without independent circulation (univocally identifiable by IDs assigned within the records) or recurrent motifs as well as documentary additional texts (identified as Narrative Units) are not part of the CAe. You can also check the list of different types of text titles or various Indexes available from the top menu.
The clavis is a repertory of all known works relevant for the Ethiopian and Eritrean tradition; the work being defined as any text with an independent circulation. Each work (as well as known recensions where applicable) receives a unique identifier in the Clavis Aethiopica (CAe). In the filter search offered here one can search for a work by its title, a keyword, a short quotation, but also directly by its CAe identifier - or, wherever known and provided, identifier used by other claves, including Bibliotheca Hagiographica Graeca (BHG), Clavis Patrum Graecorum (CPG), Clavis Coptica (CC), Clavis Apocryphorum Veteris Testamenti (CAVT), Clavis Apocryphorum Novi Testamenti (CANT), etc. The project additionally identifies Narrative Units to refer to text types, where no clavis identification is possible or necessary. Recurring motifs or also frequently documentary additiones are assigned a Narrative Unit ID, or thematically clearly demarkated passages from various recensions of a larger work. This list view shows the documentary collections encoded by the project Ethiopian Manuscript Archives (EMA) and its successor EthioChrisProcess - Christianization and religious interactions in Ethiopia (6th-13th century) : comparative approaches with Nubia and Egypt, which aim to edit the corpus of administrative acts of the Christian kingdom of Ethiopia, for medieval and modern periods. See also the list of documents contained in the additiones in the manuscripts described by the Beta maṣāḥǝft project . Works of interest to Ethiopian and Eritrean studies.
While encoding manuscripts, the project Beta maṣāḥǝft aims at creating an exhaustive repertory of art themes and techniques present in Ethiopian and Eritrean Christian tradition. See our encoding guidelines for details. Two types of searches for aspects of manuscript decoration are possible, the decorations filtered search and the general keyword search.
The filtered search for decorations, originally designed with Jacopo Gnisci, looks at decorations and their features only. The filters on the left are relative only to the selected features, reading the legends will help you to figure out what you can filter. For example you can search for all encoded decorations of a specific art theme, or search the encoded legends. If the decorations are present, but not encoded, you will not get them in the results. If an image is available, you will also find a thumbnail linking to the image viewer. [NB: The Index of Decorations currently often times out, we are sorry for the inconvenience.] You can search for particular motifs or aspects, including style, also through the keyword search. Just click on "Art keywords" and "Art themes" on the left to browse through the options. This is a short cut to a search for all those manuscripts which have miniatures of which we have images.
We create metadata for all places associated with the manuscript production and circulation as well as those mentioned in the texts used by the project. The encoding of places in Beta maṣāḥǝft will thus result in a Gazetteer of the Ethiopian tradition. We follow the principles established by Pleiades and lined out in the TEI Manual and Schema for Historical Geography which allow us to distinguish between places, locations, and names of places. See also Help page fore more guidance.
This tab offers a filtrable list of all available places. Geographical references of the type "land inhabited by people XXX" is encoded with the reference to the corresponding Ethnic unit (see below); ethnonyms, even those used in geographical contexts, do not appear in this list. Repositories are those locations where manuscripts encoded by the project are or used to be preserved. While they are encoded in the same way as all places are, the view offered is different, showing a list of manuscripts associated with the repository.
We create metadata for all persons (and groups of persons) associated with the manuscript production and circulation (rulers, religious authorities, scribes, donors, and commissioners) as well as those mentioned in the texts used by the project. The result will be a comprehensive Prosopography of the Ethiopian and Eritrean tradition. See also Help page for more guidance.
We encode persons according to our Encoding Guidelines. The initial list was inherited from the Encyclopaedia Aethiopica, and there are still many inconsistencies that we are trying to gradually fix. We consider ethnonyms as a subcategory of personal names, even when many are often used in literary works in the context of the "land inhabited by **". The present list of records has been mostly inherited from the Encyclopaedia Aethiopica, and there are still many inconsistencies that we are trying to gradually fix.
This section collects some additional resources offered by the project. Select Bibliography to explore the references cited in the project records. The Indexes list different types of project records (persons, places, titles, keywords, etc). Visit Projects for information on partners that have input data directly in the Beta maṣāḥǝft database. Special ways of exploring the data are offered under Visualizations. Two applications were developed in cooperation with the project TraCES, the Gǝʿǝz Morphological Parser and the Online Lexicon Linguae Aethiopicae.

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ImagesManuscript images in the Mirador viewer via IIIF

Portland, Ethiopic Manuscript Imaging Project, Weiner Codex 56

Jonah Sandford, Ralph Lee, Ashlee Benson


Work in Progress
Weiner[view repository]

Collection: EMIP

General description

Weiner Codex 56

Number of Text units: 27

Number of Codicological units: 1

For a table of all relations from and to this record, please go to the Relations view. In the Relations boxes on the right of this page, you can also find all available relations grouped by name.


late-nineteenth to early-twentieth century (reign of Mǝnilek II, 1868-1913)


Psalter of Emperor Mǝnilek II
  1. ms_i1 (Fols 1r–138v

    Images relevant for Portland, Ethiopic Manuscript Imaging Project, Weiner Codex 56, (in ms_i1), from EMIP/Codices/161/

    You are viewing a sequence of images from f. 1r to f. 138v

    Open with Mirador Viewer

    ), Psalter
    1. ms_i1.1 (Fols 1r–105v

      Images relevant for Portland, Ethiopic Manuscript Imaging Project, Weiner Codex 56, ms_i1_1, from EMIP/Codices/161/

      You are viewing a sequence of images from f. 1r to f. 105v

      Open with Mirador Viewer

      ), Mazmura Dāwit
    2. ms_i1.2 (Fols 106r–116v

      Images relevant for Portland, Ethiopic Manuscript Imaging Project, Weiner Codex 56, ms_i1_2, from EMIP/Codices/161/

      You are viewing a sequence of images from f. 106r to f. 116v

      Open with Mirador Viewer

      ), Book of Odes
    3. ms_i1.3 (Fols 116v–124r

      Images relevant for Portland, Ethiopic Manuscript Imaging Project, Weiner Codex 56, ms_i1_3, from EMIP/Codices/161/

      You are viewing a sequence of images from f. 116v to f. 124r

      Open with Mirador Viewer

      ), Song of Songs
    4. ms_i1.5 (Fols 134r–138v

      Images relevant for Portland, Ethiopic Manuscript Imaging Project, Weiner Codex 56, ms_i1_5, from EMIP/Codices/161/

      You are viewing a sequence of images from f. 134r to f. 138v

      Open with Mirador Viewer

      ), ʾAnqaṣa bǝrhān
    5. ms_i1.4 (Fols 124v–144r

      Images relevant for Portland, Ethiopic Manuscript Imaging Project, Weiner Codex 56, ms_i1_4, from EMIP/Codices/161/

      You are viewing a sequence of images from f. 124v to f. 144r

      Open with Mirador Viewer

      ), Wǝddāse Māryām
      1. ms_i1.4.1 (Fol. 124v ), Monday
      2. ms_i1.4.2 (Fol. 125r ), Tuesday
      3. ms_i1.4.3 (Fol. 127r ), Wednesday
      4. ms_i1.4.4 (Fol. 128v ), Thursday
      5. ms_i1.4.5 (Fol. 130v ), Friday
      6. ms_i1.4.6 (Fol. 132r ), Saturday
      7. ms_i1.4.7 (Fol. 133r ), Sunday
  2. ms_i2 (Fols 138v–139v

    Images relevant for Portland, Ethiopic Manuscript Imaging Project, Weiner Codex 56, (in ms_i2), from EMIP/Codices/161/

    You are viewing a sequence of images from f. 138v to f. 139v

    Open with Mirador Viewer

    ), Yǝweddǝsǝwwa malāʾǝkt la-Māryām
  3. ms_i3 (Fols 140r–140v

    Images relevant for Portland, Ethiopic Manuscript Imaging Project, Weiner Codex 56, (in ms_i3), from EMIP/Codices/161/

    You are viewing a sequence of images from f. 140r to f. 140v

    Open with Mirador Viewer

    ), Malkǝʾa Giyorgis
  4. ms_i4 (Fols 141r–141v

    Images relevant for Portland, Ethiopic Manuscript Imaging Project, Weiner Codex 56, (in ms_i4), from EMIP/Codices/161/

    You are viewing a sequence of images from f. 141r to f. 141v

    Open with Mirador Viewer

    ), Malkǝʾ-hymn to Gabra Manfas Qǝddus
  5. ms_i5 (Fols 142r–143v

    Images relevant for Portland, Ethiopic Manuscript Imaging Project, Weiner Codex 56, (in ms_i5), from EMIP/Codices/161/

    You are viewing a sequence of images from f. 142r to f. 143v

    Open with Mirador Viewer

    ), Hymn to Our Lady Mary
  6. ms_i6 (Fols 144r–145v

    Images relevant for Portland, Ethiopic Manuscript Imaging Project, Weiner Codex 56, (in ms_i6), from EMIP/Codices/161/

    You are viewing a sequence of images from f. 144r to f. 145v

    Open with Mirador Viewer

    ), Malkǝʾ-hymn to St George
  7. ms_i7 (Fols 146r–147v

    Images relevant for Portland, Ethiopic Manuscript Imaging Project, Weiner Codex 56, (in ms_i7), from EMIP/Codices/161/

    You are viewing a sequence of images from f. 146r to f. 147v

    Open with Mirador Viewer

    ), Hymn to Raguel the Archangel
  8. ms_i8 (Fols 147v–147v

    Images relevant for Portland, Ethiopic Manuscript Imaging Project, Weiner Codex 56, (in ms_i8), from EMIP/Codices/161/

    You are viewing a sequence of images from f. 147v to f. 147v

    Open with Mirador Viewer

    ), Malkǝʾ-hymn to the angel Uriel
  9. ms_i9 (Fols 148r–149v

    Images relevant for Portland, Ethiopic Manuscript Imaging Project, Weiner Codex 56, (in ms_i9), from EMIP/Codices/161/

    You are viewing a sequence of images from f. 148r to f. 149v

    Open with Mirador Viewer

    ), Malkǝʾa Māryām
  10. ms_i10 (Fols 150r–151v

    Images relevant for Portland, Ethiopic Manuscript Imaging Project, Weiner Codex 56, (in ms_i10), from EMIP/Codices/161/

    You are viewing a sequence of images from f. 150r to f. 151v

    Open with Mirador Viewer

    ), Salām to Jesus Christ
  11. ms_i11 (Fols 152r–153v

    Images relevant for Portland, Ethiopic Manuscript Imaging Project, Weiner Codex 56, (in ms_i11), from EMIP/Codices/161/

    You are viewing a sequence of images from f. 152r to f. 153v

    Open with Mirador Viewer

    ), Malkǝʾa Mikāʾel
  12. ms_i12 (Fols 154r–154v

    Images relevant for Portland, Ethiopic Manuscript Imaging Project, Weiner Codex 56, (in ms_i12), from EMIP/Codices/161/

    You are viewing a sequence of images from f. 154r to f. 154v

    Open with Mirador Viewer

    ), Malkǝʾa ʾAbuna Takla Hāymānot
  13. ms_i13 (Fols 155r–155v

    Images relevant for Portland, Ethiopic Manuscript Imaging Project, Weiner Codex 56, (in ms_i13), from EMIP/Codices/161/

    You are viewing a sequence of images from f. 155r to f. 155v

    Open with Mirador Viewer

    ), Malkǝʾa madḫāne ʿālam
  14. ms_i14 (Fols 156r–159v

    Images relevant for Portland, Ethiopic Manuscript Imaging Project, Weiner Codex 56, (in ms_i14), from EMIP/Codices/161/

    You are viewing a sequence of images from f. 156r to f. 159v

    Open with Mirador Viewer

    ), Ṣalot za-ʾǝgzǝʾǝtǝna Māryām ba-Dabra Golgotā
  15. ms_i15 (Fols 160r–163v

    Images relevant for Portland, Ethiopic Manuscript Imaging Project, Weiner Codex 56, (in ms_i15), from EMIP/Codices/161/

    You are viewing a sequence of images from f. 160r to f. 163v

    Open with Mirador Viewer

    ), Malkǝʾ-hymn to Our Lady Mary


Fols 1r–138v

Images relevant for Portland, Ethiopic Manuscript Imaging Project, Weiner Codex 56, (in ms_i1), from EMIP/Codices/161/

You are viewing a sequence of images from f. 1r to f. 138v

Open with Mirador Viewer

Psalter (CAe 2701)

Language of text:

Fols 1r–105v

Images relevant for Portland, Ethiopic Manuscript Imaging Project, Weiner Codex 56, ms_i1_1, from EMIP/Codices/161/

You are viewing a sequence of images from f. 1r to f. 105v

Open with Mirador Viewer

Mazmura Dāwit (CAe 2000) (Mazmura Dāwit, Psalm 118 including the Spritual Meaning of the Hebrew Letters)

Fols 106r–116v

Images relevant for Portland, Ethiopic Manuscript Imaging Project, Weiner Codex 56, ms_i1_2, from EMIP/Codices/161/

You are viewing a sequence of images from f. 106r to f. 116v

Open with Mirador Viewer

Book of Odes (CAe 1828)

Fols 116v–124r

Images relevant for Portland, Ethiopic Manuscript Imaging Project, Weiner Codex 56, ms_i1_3, from EMIP/Codices/161/

You are viewing a sequence of images from f. 116v to f. 124r

Open with Mirador Viewer

Song of Songs (CAe 2362) (the variant form of Song of Songs known as ǝbǝrayǝsṭ, or Hebraic version (this copy is a particularly good witness to the variant form))

Fols 124v–144r

Images relevant for Portland, Ethiopic Manuscript Imaging Project, Weiner Codex 56, ms_i1_4, from EMIP/Codices/161/

You are viewing a sequence of images from f. 124v to f. 144r

Open with Mirador Viewer

Wǝddāse Māryām (CAe 2509)

Fols 134r–138v

Images relevant for Portland, Ethiopic Manuscript Imaging Project, Weiner Codex 56, ms_i1_5, from EMIP/Codices/161/

You are viewing a sequence of images from f. 134r to f. 138v

Open with Mirador Viewer

ʾAnqaṣa bǝrhān (CAe 1113)

Fols 138v–139v

Images relevant for Portland, Ethiopic Manuscript Imaging Project, Weiner Codex 56, (in ms_i2), from EMIP/Codices/161/

You are viewing a sequence of images from f. 138v to f. 139v

Open with Mirador Viewer

Yǝweddǝsǝwwa malāʾǝkt la-Māryām (CAe 3108)

Fols 140r–140v

Images relevant for Portland, Ethiopic Manuscript Imaging Project, Weiner Codex 56, (in ms_i3), from EMIP/Codices/161/

You are viewing a sequence of images from f. 140r to f. 140v

Open with Mirador Viewer

Malkǝʾa Giyorgis (CAe 3100) (Starts at the second stanza)

Incipit (Gǝʿǝz ): ኦ[፡] ፍጡነ፡ ረድኤት፡ ለጽኑዕ፡ ወለድኩም፡
ወለነፍሰ፡ ኵሉ፡ ቃውም።
ጊዮርጊስ፡ የዋህ፡ እንበለ፡ መስፈርት፡ ወአቅም።
ከመ፡ እግዝእትከ፡ ቡርክት፡ ማርያም፡
ርኅሩኃ፡ ልብ፡ አንተ፡ እምበቀል፡ ወቂም።

Fols 141r–141v

Images relevant for Portland, Ethiopic Manuscript Imaging Project, Weiner Codex 56, (in ms_i4), from EMIP/Codices/161/

You are viewing a sequence of images from f. 141r to f. 141v

Open with Mirador Viewer

Malkǝʾ-hymn to Gabra Manfas Qǝddus (CAe 2915)

Incipit (Gǝʿǝz ): ሰላም፡ ለስንሠትከ፡ መሰረተ፡ ነገር፡ ወውጣኔ፡ ወለልደትከ፡ ሰላም፡
በብስራተ፡ መልAክ፡ ሠናየ፡ ቅኔ።

Fols 142r–143v

Images relevant for Portland, Ethiopic Manuscript Imaging Project, Weiner Codex 56, (in ms_i5), from EMIP/Codices/161/

You are viewing a sequence of images from f. 142r to f. 143v

Open with Mirador Viewer

Hymn to Our Lady Mary (CAe 3082)

Incipit ( ): . . . . .ommission by ሰላም፡ ለአዕንትኪ፡ Aምሳለ፡ ፪ቱ፡ ቀናዲል። እንተ፡ ሰቀሎን፡
ኬንያ፡ በማሕፈደ፡ ሥጋ፡ ልሁል።

Fols 144r–145v

Images relevant for Portland, Ethiopic Manuscript Imaging Project, Weiner Codex 56, (in ms_i6), from EMIP/Codices/161/

You are viewing a sequence of images from f. 144r to f. 145v

Open with Mirador Viewer

Malkǝʾ-hymn to St George (CAe 2866)

Fols 146r–147v

Images relevant for Portland, Ethiopic Manuscript Imaging Project, Weiner Codex 56, (in ms_i7), from EMIP/Codices/161/

You are viewing a sequence of images from f. 146r to f. 147v

Open with Mirador Viewer

Hymn to Raguel the Archangel (CAe 3085)

Incipit (Gǝʿǝz ): ሰላም፡ ለመልክዕከ፡ ለለ፩፩ዱ።
ዘበበስሙ፡ ወበበ፡ መፍቅዱ።
ራጉኤል፡ ኀቤከ፡ ሶበ፡ ያንቀዓዱ።
ተወከፍ፡ ስእለተ፡ ገብርከ፡ ለፈጽሞ፡ ኵሉ፡ ፈቃዱ።
ከመ፡ ይትዌከፍ፡ Aብ፡ ስእለቶ፡ ለወልዱ፡

Fols 147v–147v

Images relevant for Portland, Ethiopic Manuscript Imaging Project, Weiner Codex 56, (in ms_i8), from EMIP/Codices/161/

You are viewing a sequence of images from f. 147v to f. 147v

Open with Mirador Viewer

Malkǝʾ-hymn to the angel Uriel (CAe 2846)

Incipit (Gǝʿǝz ): ሰላም፡ ለዝክረ፡ ስምከ፡ በAፈ፡ ኵሉ፡ ጥዑም፡
ለዘይጼውዖ፡ ረዳኢ፡ እንበለ፡ መስፈርት፡ ወዓቅም።
ሩፋኤል፡ መልAክ፡ ዖፈ፡ አርያም።
ታሕተ፡ ወግር፡ ከመ፡ ሰወርከ፡ ለመልAከ፡ ሐከክ፡ ዘቅድም።
ለደቂቀ፡ ስሕተት፡ ዘደም፡ ሠውሮሙ፡ ዮም።

Fols 148r–149v

Images relevant for Portland, Ethiopic Manuscript Imaging Project, Weiner Codex 56, (in ms_i9), from EMIP/Codices/161/

You are viewing a sequence of images from f. 148r to f. 149v

Open with Mirador Viewer

Malkǝʾa Māryām (CAe 2891)

Incipit (Gǝʿǝz ): ሰላም፡ ሰላም፡ ለዝክረ፡ ስምኪ፡ ሐዋዝ።
እምነ፡ ከልበኔ፡ ወቍስጥ፡ ወእምነ፡ ሰንበልት፡ ምዑዝ።
ማርያም፡ ድንግል፡ ለባሲተ፡ ዓቢይ፡ ትእዛዝ።
ይስቅየኒ፡ ለለጽባሁ፡ ወይነ፡ ፍቅርኪ፡ አዚዝ፡
ከመ፡ ይሰቅዮ፡ ውሂዝ፡ ለሠናይ፡ ዓርዝ።

Fols 150r–151v

Images relevant for Portland, Ethiopic Manuscript Imaging Project, Weiner Codex 56, (in ms_i10), from EMIP/Codices/161/

You are viewing a sequence of images from f. 150r to f. 151v

Open with Mirador Viewer

Salām to Jesus Christ (CAe 4131) (Folio missing between fols. 150v, 151r )

Fols 152r–153v

Images relevant for Portland, Ethiopic Manuscript Imaging Project, Weiner Codex 56, (in ms_i11), from EMIP/Codices/161/

You are viewing a sequence of images from f. 152r to f. 153v

Open with Mirador Viewer

Malkǝʾa Mikāʾel (CAe 2835)

Fols 154r–154v

Images relevant for Portland, Ethiopic Manuscript Imaging Project, Weiner Codex 56, (in ms_i12), from EMIP/Codices/161/

You are viewing a sequence of images from f. 154r to f. 154v

Open with Mirador Viewer

Malkǝʾa ʾAbuna Takla Hāymānot (CAe 2930) (Excerpt)

Incipit (Gǝʿǝz ): ስብሐት፡ ይደሉ፡ ለማርያም፡ በሰጊድ፡ ወAስተሐምሞ።
ዘከፈለተኒ፡ ቃለ፡ አወድሰከ፡ በኢያርምሞ።
ተክለ፡ ሃይማኖት፡ ግበር፡ ለልብየ፡ ዘይኤድሞ፡
እስመ፡ ነገርኩ፡ ለመልክዕከ፡ ሰላሞ።
ግብረ፡ ዘወሀብከኒ፡ ፈጸምኩ፡ ፈጽሞ።

Fols 155r–155v

Images relevant for Portland, Ethiopic Manuscript Imaging Project, Weiner Codex 56, (in ms_i13), from EMIP/Codices/161/

You are viewing a sequence of images from f. 155r to f. 155v

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Malkǝʾa madḫāne ʿālam (CAe 2883)

Incipit (Gǝʿǝz ): ሰላም፡ ለዝክረ፡ ስምከ፡ ዘኢረከቡ፡ ተፍጻሜተ።
መላEክተ፡ ሰማይ፡ ወምድር፡ እለ፡ ለመዱ፡ ስብሐተ፡
መድኃኔ፡ ዓለም፡ ተወከፍ፡ እንተ፡ አቅረብኩ፡ ንስቲተ።
ዘሰተይከ፡ በእንቲAየ፡ ከርቤ፡ ወሐሞተ።
በሞተ፡ ዚAከ፡ ከመ፡ ትቅትል፡ ሞተ።

Fols 156r–159v

Images relevant for Portland, Ethiopic Manuscript Imaging Project, Weiner Codex 56, (in ms_i14), from EMIP/Codices/161/

You are viewing a sequence of images from f. 156r to f. 159v

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Ṣalot za-ʾǝgzǝʾǝtǝna Māryām ba-Dabra Golgotā (CAe 2246)

Fols 160r–163v

Images relevant for Portland, Ethiopic Manuscript Imaging Project, Weiner Codex 56, (in ms_i15), from EMIP/Codices/161/

You are viewing a sequence of images from f. 160r to f. 163v

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Malkǝʾ-hymn to Our Lady Mary (CAe 2807) (Excerpt containing the sections for matins, compline and midnight.)

Additions In this unit there are in total 1 , 3 s, 1 , 1 , 1 .

  1. (Type: Asmat)

    Fol. 164r ጸሎት፡ በእንተ፡ ሕማመ፡ ዓይነት፡ ወዓይነ፡ ጥላ፡ ወዓይነ፡ ወርቅ፡ በስሙ፡ ለአብ፡ አብ፡ ሸልሽል፡ በስሙ፡ ለወልድ፡ አብሸልሽል። በስሙ፡ ለመንፈስ፡ ቅዱስ፡ አብሸልሽል፡...

  2. (Type: RecordTransaction)

    Fol. iir(ecto) The judge in the case is Afa Negus Nasibu Masqalo who later became the Minister of Justice in 1907. ወጊዴን፡ ወይዘሮ፡ ፀዳለ፡ ከደጃች፡ ደስታ፡ ለተወለደችዋ፡ ልጅ፡ የሰጠቻትን፡ ምድር፡ ደጃች፡ ወዳጆ፡ ሊለቅላት፡ ተፈጥሞ፡፦ ዳኛው፡ አፈ፡ ንጉሥ፡ ነሲቡ፡ ወምበሮቹ፡ አቶ፡ ዘመላክ፡፦ አቶ፡ ተክለ፡ ማርያም፡፦ አቶ፡ ወንድምነህ፡፦ እማኞቹ፡ አቶ፡ ወልዳማኔል፡፦ አቶ፡ ውድነህ፡ መምሬ፡ ስመኝ። አቶ፡ በርሶማ፡፦ ደብተራ፡ ዱባለ፡ በሻህ፡ አባ፡ ሉሜ፡፦ አቶ፡ ታፈሰ፡፦ ባሻ፡ እንደርሶ፡፦ አቶ፡ አረጋኸኝ፡፦ ፊታውራሪ፡ ቸርነት።

  3. (Type: RecordTransaction)

    Fol. iiv(erso) Land transaction sold by King Mǝnilek to Däjazǝmač Darge (1830–23 March #1900; later to be Ras),uncle to Mǝnelik, son of King Sahlä Sǝllase (1795–1847), with noteworthy witnesses, including Aläqa Zänäb (Chronicler of the life of Tewodros ), Däjazǝmač Wäldä Mika’el, Afä Nǝguś Ayčǝluhǝm (eventually the chief justice of the Ethiopian High Court), etc. This text is translated in the accompanying plates volume. ደጃዝማች፡ ዳርጌ፡ ለንጉሥ፡ ምኒልክ፡ የፅኒ፡ ይርቦን፡ ምድር፡ ወርጡንና፡ ደንካካን፡ ጫገልን፡ ቆላውንም፡ ደጋውንም፡ በሺ፡ ብር፡ ሲገዙ ፦ ዳኛው፡ አፈ፡ ንጉሥ፡ አይችሉህም ፦ የደጃዝማች፡ ዳርጌ፡ እማኞች፡ ደጃዝማች፡ ወልደ፡ ሚካኤል፡ ባላንባራስ፡ ይፍሩ፡ ባለጁ፡ አቶ፡ ማናዬ፡ አለቃ፡ዘነብ፡ ስለ፡ ንጉሥ፡ የቆመው፡ በዝሮድ፡ ወርቄ፡ እማኞች፡ ቀኛዝማች፡ ጠንፉ፡ አቶ፡ ኃይለ፡ ማርያም፡ አቶ፡ ጠጁ፡ አቶ፡ ባደግ ፦ ነባሪዎቹ፡ አቶ፡ ዋጋዬ፡ አቶ፡ ሰሙ፡ ንጉሥ፡ ናቸው:

  4. (Type: RecordTransaction)

    Fol. iiir(ecto) Land transaction. ፲፱፻፲፪፡ ዓመተ፡ ምሕረት፡ በዘመነ፡ ዮሐንስ፡ በኅዳር፡ በ፲፯፡ ቀን፡ ወይዘሮ፡ ምንትዋብና፡ አቶ፡ ክፍሌ፡ ፋሌ፡ አዛዥ፡ ወልደ፡ ሰማዕት፡ ላይ፡ ሲታረቁ። ጉረኒ፡ ያቶ፡ ፋናዬ፡ የነበረውን፡ እሱም፡ በሪም፡ ሆኖ፡ የበላውን፡ ገባር፡ መሬት፡ ርስት፡ ብዬ፡ አልፋለም፡ ርስቱ፡ የወይዘሮ፡ ምንትዋብ፡ ነው፡ ብሎ፡ ተፈጥሞ፡ ሲለቅ፡ የነበሩ፡ እማኞች፡ እማኞች፣ አቶ፡ ጉቺ፡ አቶ፡ ጌታነህ። የሙሴ፡ ኢልክ፡ ልጅ፡ ደምሴ፡የሙሴ፡ ኢልክ፡ አሽከር፡ አቶ፡ ይርገጤ፡ የጃንሆይ፡ ጠመንጃ፡ ያዢዎች፡ አቶ፡ ደስ፡ አለኝ። አቶ፡ ጠይም፡ የፋሌው፡ መምሬ፡ ወሰኔ። ያባቴ፡ ወልደ፡ አረጋይ፡ ልጅ፡ አባ፡ ተክለ፡ ሃይማኖት። ዳኛው፡ ግራዝማች፡ ባንጃው። ስለ፡ ወይዘሮ፡ ምንትዋብ፡ ቆሞ፡ የተፈጣጠመው፡ አቶ፡ ክብረት፡ ነው፡ የሰማንያ፡ ዋሱ፡ አቶ፡ ደስ፡ አለኝ፡ ነው። ያቶ፡ ክፍሌ፡ ዋስ፡ የሰማንያ፡ አቶ፡ ጌታነህ፡ ነው።

  5. Fols. 1r, 124r (Type: StampExlibris)

    Seal of Mǝntǝwwab Dässǝta [Darge] in the lower margin

  6. Fol. 124r (Type: OwnershipNote)

    Text inside orange box: “This book belongs to King Mǝnilek.” ዝመጽሐፍ፡ ዘንጉሠ፡ ነገሥት፡ ምኒልክ፡

  7. Fol. 161v

    The baptismal name of King Mǝnilek, Sahlä Maryam, is mentioned

  8. (Type: ProtectivePrayer)

    Prayer for Aṣmä Giyorgis, possibly Ras Darge


  1. The various transactions, the seals, the note of royal ownership and the production standards of the codex would suggest that it was produced in the government scriptorium

  2. Numbered quires: quires 1–14. Numbers appear on both the first and last folios

  3. This scribe has avoided the problem of lines of text too long to fit on one line by adopting an aspect ratio that leaves ample room for the width of most lines. On a few occasions, the line would have been too long and the scribe finishes the end of the line with words written smaller so as to avoid leftover text (e.g., folss. 4r, 5r, 23v, ). Occasionally a line is still too long and has to be completed above or below the end of the line (e.g., 3r, 6v, 7v ).

Decoration In this unit there are in total 4 s, 4 s.

Frame notes

  1. frame: Decorative designs: fols. 1r, 20r, 40r, 57v, 81r, 94v, 106r, 124v, 141r, 147v, 148r, 155r (haräg);
  2. frame: Fols. 1v, 13r, 19v, 20v, 28v, 35r, 40v, 48r, 57r, 58r, 65r, 69v, 80v, 81v, 92r, 95r, 100r, 106v, 116v, 124r, 139v, 140v (line of full stops);
  3. frame: Fol. 7r (a line of alternating red and black dots);
  4. frame: Fol. 138v (line of full stops between lines of alternating red and black dots)

Miniatures notes

  1. miniature: Fol. iiiv(erso)

    St Mary with arms folded across her chest in an Ethiopian church (painted over text)

  2. miniature: Fol. ivr(ecto)

    Eight men in an Ethiopian church

  3. miniature: Fol. ivv(erso)

    Six men in an Ethiopian church

  4. miniature: Fol. 164r

    Drawing (in pencil) of a man next to a bush

Physical Description

Form of support

Parchment Codex


+NaN (leaf) .Entered as iv + 164 +NaN (quire) .Entered as Protection quire + 20 186 115 65
Outer dimensions
Height 186mm
Width 115mm
Depth 65mm

Quire Structure Collation

Signatures: Quires 1–14 numbered. Numbers appear on both the first and last folios.

Quire descriptions: protection quire and quires 1–20 balanced. Navigation system: black yarn is sewn into the fore edge of folss. 1, 92, 95, 116,

Images relevant for , from

You are viewing a sequence of images including ff. 1, 92, 95, 116

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to mark content; purple yarn is sewn into the fore edge of 13, 28, 57, 65, 81, 147

Images relevant for , from

You are viewing a sequence of images including ff. 13, 28, 57, 65, 81, 147

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to mark content.
Position Number Leaves Quires Description
1 a 4 Fols i–iv

Images relevant for , from

You are viewing a sequence of images from f. ito f. iv

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Protection Quire
2 1 10 Fols 1–10

Images relevant for , from

You are viewing a sequence of images from f. 1to f. 10

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Quire 1
3 2 10 Fols 11–20

Images relevant for , from

You are viewing a sequence of images from f. 11to f. 20

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Quire 2
4 3 10 Fols 21–30

Images relevant for , from

You are viewing a sequence of images from f. 21to f. 30

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Quire 3
5 4 10 Fols 31–40

Images relevant for , from

You are viewing a sequence of images from f. 31to f. 40

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Quire 4
6 5 10 Fols 41–50

Images relevant for , from

You are viewing a sequence of images from f. 41to f. 50

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Quire 5
7 6 10 Fols 51–60

Images relevant for , from

You are viewing a sequence of images from f. 51to f. 60

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Quire 6
8 7 10 Fols 61–70

Images relevant for , from

You are viewing a sequence of images from f. 61to f. 70

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Quire 7
9 8 10 Fols 71–80

Images relevant for , from

You are viewing a sequence of images from f. 71to f. 80

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Quire 8
10 9 10 Fols 81–90

Images relevant for , from

You are viewing a sequence of images from f. 81to f. 90

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Quire 9
11 10 10 Fols 91–100

Images relevant for , from

You are viewing a sequence of images from f. 91to f. 100

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Quire 10
12 11 10 Fols 101–110

Images relevant for , from

You are viewing a sequence of images from f. 101to f. 110

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Quire 11
13 12 10 Fols 111–120

Images relevant for , from

You are viewing a sequence of images from f. 111to f. 120

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Quire 12
14 13 10 Fols 121–130

Images relevant for , from

You are viewing a sequence of images from f. 121to f. 130

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Quire 13
15 14 10 Fols 131–140

Images relevant for , from

You are viewing a sequence of images from f. 131to f. 140

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Quire 14
16 15 4 Fols 141–144

Images relevant for , from

You are viewing a sequence of images from f. 141to f. 144

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Quire 15
17 16 4 Fols 145–148

Images relevant for , from

You are viewing a sequence of images from f. 145to f. 148

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Quire 16
18 17 4 Fols 149–152

Images relevant for , from

You are viewing a sequence of images from f. 149to f. 152

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Quire 17
19 18 4 Fols 153–156

Images relevant for , from

You are viewing a sequence of images from f. 153to f. 156

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Quire 18
20 19 4 Fols 157–160

Images relevant for , from

You are viewing a sequence of images from f. 157to f. 160

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Quire 19
21 20 4 Fols 161–164

Images relevant for , from

You are viewing a sequence of images from f. 161to f. 164

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Quire 20

Collation diagrams

Protection Quire
Quire ID:q1, number:a
Collation diagram Quire 1 1 4 Unit #1 Unit #2

Quire 1
Quire ID:q2, number:1
Collation diagram Quire 2 5 14 Unit #1 Unit #2 Unit #3 Unit #4 Unit #5

Quire 2
Quire ID:q3, number:2
Collation diagram Quire 3 15 24 Unit #1 Unit #2 Unit #3 Unit #4 Unit #5

Quire 3
Quire ID:q4, number:3
Collation diagram Quire 4 25 34 Unit #1 Unit #2 Unit #3 Unit #4 Unit #5

Quire 4
Quire ID:q5, number:4
Collation diagram Quire 5 35 44 Unit #1 Unit #2 Unit #3 Unit #4 Unit #5

Quire 5
Quire ID:q6, number:5
Collation diagram Quire 6 45 54 Unit #1 Unit #2 Unit #3 Unit #4 Unit #5

Quire 6
Quire ID:q7, number:6
Collation diagram Quire 7 55 64 Unit #1 Unit #2 Unit #3 Unit #4 Unit #5

Quire 7
Quire ID:q8, number:7
Collation diagram Quire 8 65 74 Unit #1 Unit #2 Unit #3 Unit #4 Unit #5

Quire 8
Quire ID:q9, number:8
Collation diagram Quire 9 75 84 Unit #1 Unit #2 Unit #3 Unit #4 Unit #5

Quire 9
Quire ID:q10, number:9
Collation diagram Quire 10 85 94 Unit #1 Unit #2 Unit #3 Unit #4 Unit #5

Quire 10
Quire ID:q11, number:10
Collation diagram Quire 11 95 104 Unit #1 Unit #2 Unit #3 Unit #4 Unit #5

Quire 11
Quire ID:q12, number:11
Collation diagram Quire 12 105 114 Unit #1 Unit #2 Unit #3 Unit #4 Unit #5

Quire 12
Quire ID:q13, number:12
Collation diagram Quire 13 115 124 Unit #1 Unit #2 Unit #3 Unit #4 Unit #5

Quire 13
Quire ID:q14, number:13
Collation diagram Quire 14 125 134 Unit #1 Unit #2 Unit #3 Unit #4 Unit #5

Quire 14
Quire ID:q15, number:14
Collation diagram Quire 15 135 144 Unit #1 Unit #2 Unit #3 Unit #4 Unit #5

Quire 15
Quire ID:q16, number:15
Collation diagram Quire 16 145 148 Unit #1 Unit #2

Quire 16
Quire ID:q17, number:16
Collation diagram Quire 17 149 152 Unit #1 Unit #2

Quire 17
Quire ID:q18, number:17
Collation diagram Quire 18 153 156 Unit #1 Unit #2

Quire 18
Quire ID:q19, number:18
Collation diagram Quire 19 157 160 Unit #1 Unit #2

Quire 19
Quire ID:q20, number:19
Collation diagram Quire 20 161 164 Unit #1 Unit #2

Quire 20
Quire ID:q21, number:20
Collation diagram Quire 21 165 168 Unit #1 Unit #2

Ethio-SPaRe formula : a(4/Fols i–iv

Images relevant for , from

You are viewing a sequence of images from f. ito f. iv

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) – I(10/Fols 1–10

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You are viewing a sequence of images from f. 1to f. 10

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) – II(10/Fols 11–20

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) – III(10/Fols 21–30

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) – IV(10/Fols 31–40

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You are viewing a sequence of images from f. 31to f. 40

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) – V(10/Fols 41–50

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) – VI(10/Fols 51–60

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) – VII(10/Fols 61–70

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) – VIII(10/Fols 71–80

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) – IX(10/Fols 81–90

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) – X(10/Fols 91–100

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) – XI(10/Fols 101–110

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) – XII(10/Fols 111–120

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) – XIII(10/Fols 121–130

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) – XIV(10/Fols 131–140

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) – XV(4/Fols 141–144

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) – XVI(4/Fols 145–148

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) – XVII(4/Fols 149–152

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) – XVIII(4/Fols 153–156

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) – XIX(4/Fols 157–160

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) – XX(4/Fols 161–164

Images relevant for , from

You are viewing a sequence of images from f. 161to f. 164

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) –

Formula: Fols i–iv

Images relevant for , from

You are viewing a sequence of images from f. ito f. iv

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Protection Quire ; Fols 1–10

Images relevant for , from

You are viewing a sequence of images from f. 1to f. 10

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Quire 1 ; Fols 11–20

Images relevant for , from

You are viewing a sequence of images from f. 11to f. 20

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Quire 2 ; Fols 21–30

Images relevant for , from

You are viewing a sequence of images from f. 21to f. 30

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Quire 3 ; Fols 31–40

Images relevant for , from

You are viewing a sequence of images from f. 31to f. 40

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Quire 4 ; Fols 41–50

Images relevant for , from

You are viewing a sequence of images from f. 41to f. 50

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Quire 5 ; Fols 51–60

Images relevant for , from

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Quire 6 ; Fols 61–70

Images relevant for , from

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Quire 7 ; Fols 71–80

Images relevant for , from

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Quire 8 ; Fols 81–90

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Quire 9 ; Fols 91–100

Images relevant for , from

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Quire 10 ; Fols 101–110

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Quire 11 ; Fols 111–120

Images relevant for , from

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Quire 12 ; Fols 121–130

Images relevant for , from

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Quire 13 ; Fols 131–140

Images relevant for , from

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Quire 14 ; Fols 141–144

Images relevant for , from

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Quire 15 ; Fols 145–148

Images relevant for , from

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Quire 16 ; Fols 149–152

Images relevant for , from

You are viewing a sequence of images from f. 149to f. 152

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Quire 17 ; Fols 153–156

Images relevant for , from

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Quire 18 ; Fols 157–160

Images relevant for , from

You are viewing a sequence of images from f. 157to f. 160

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Quire 19 ; Fols 161–164

Images relevant for , from

You are viewing a sequence of images from f. 161to f. 164

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Quire 20 ;

Formula 1: 1 (4), 2 (10), 3 (10), 4 (10), 5 (10), 6 (10), 7 (10), 8 (10), 9 (10), 10 (10), 11 (10), 12 (10), 13 (10), 14 (10), 15 (10), 16 (4), 17 (4), 18 (4), 19 (4), 20 (4), 21 (4),

Formula 2: 1 (4), 2 (10), 3 (10), 4 (10), 5 (10), 6 (10), 7 (10), 8 (10), 9 (10), 10 (10), 11 (10), 12 (10), 13 (10), 14 (10), 15 (10), 16 (4), 17 (4), 18 (4), 19 (4), 20 (4), 21 (4),


Parchment, 186 x 115 x 65 mm, four Coptic chain stitches attached with bridle attachments to rough-hewn boards of the traditional wood, covered with tooled leather.

Binding material




Original binding



Layout note 1

top 22mm
bottom 47mm
right 20mm
left 9mm

Ms Portland, Ethiopic Manuscript Imaging Project, Weiner Codex 56 main part

looks ok for measures computed width is: NaNmm, object width is: 115mm, computed height is: NaNmm and object height is: 186mm.

Layout note 1(Fols 1r–124r

Images relevant for Portland, Ethiopic Manuscript Imaging Project, Weiner Codex 56, msDesc ms, from EMIP/Codices/161/

You are viewing a sequence of images from f. 1r to f. 124r

Open with Mirador Viewer


Number of columns: 1

Number of lines: 27

Layout note 1(Fols 124v–164r

Images relevant for Portland, Ethiopic Manuscript Imaging Project, Weiner Codex 56, msDesc ms, from EMIP/Codices/161/

You are viewing a sequence of images from f. 124v to f. 164r

Open with Mirador Viewer


Number of columns: 2

Number of lines: 27


  • Hand 1

    Script: Ethiopic

    Rubrication: check the viewerFols. ms_i1.4, ms_i5, ms_i6, ms_i7, ms_i8, ms_i9 እግዚአብሔር፡ (Not in the first three works) check the viewerms_i8, ms_i9 ማርያም፡

    Columetric layout of text: fol. 105r Psalms of David, Psalmus 150; 113r, 113v Third Song of the Three Youths in the Furnace, ThreeYouths3

  • Keywords

      Publication Statement

      Hiob-Ludolf-Zentrum für Äthiopistik
      Die Schriftkultur des christlichen Äthiopiens und Eritreas: Eine multimediale Forschungsumgebung / Beta maṣāḥǝft

      This file is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0.

      9.12.2024 at 13:26:24

    Select one of the keywords listed from the record to see related data

    No keyword selected.
    This page contains RDFa. RDF+XML graph of this resource. Alternate representations available via VoID. public annotations pointing here

    Use the tag BetMas:EMIP00161 in your public annotations which refer to this entity.


    Suggested citation of this record

    Jonah Sandford, Ralph Lee, Ashlee Benson, Pietro Maria Liuzzo, Dorothea Reule, ʻPortland, Ethiopic Manuscript Imaging Project, Weiner Codex 56ʼ, in Die Schriftkultur des christlichen Äthiopiens und Eritreas: Eine multimediale Forschungsumgebung / Beta maṣāḥǝft (Last Modified: 2020-12-09) [Accessed: 2024-12-18]

    To cite a precise version, please, click on load permalinks and to the desired version (see documentation on permalinks), then import the metadata or copy the below, with the correct link.


    Revision history

    • Ralph Lee days of the week headings moved to ms i1.4 and given xml:id, added line breaks to some incipits, corrected to 'incomplete' texts noted as 'excerpts', moved addition on columetric layout of text to handnote and added reference to works on 9.12.2020
    • Ashlee Benson Minor changes on 12.11.2020
    • Ashlee Benson Updated facs statements on 4.11.2020
    • Ashlee Benson Added facs statements on 27.10.2020
    • Ralph Lee Added link to Ps118 spiritual meanings on 22.6.2020
    • Dorothea Reule Substituted deleted LIT3080RepCh360 by LIT3082RepCh362 on 15.6.2020
    • Ralph Lee Corrected ǝ character on 18.4.2020
    • Ralph Lee Added ms item details on 25.9.2019
    • Ralph Lee Added items, minatures, notes and varia on 6.9.2019
    • Jonah Sandford Added quire desc, binding desc, margin dim, columns/lines, dating info on 17.7.2018
    • Pietro Maria Liuzzo Created XML record from EMIP Collection Metadata.xsls on 18.1.2018

    Attribution of the content

    Jonah Sandford, editor

    Ralph Lee, editor

    Ashlee Benson, editor

    Pietro Maria Liuzzo, contributor

    Dorothea Reule, contributor

    The initial version of this file was created from data kindly provided by the Ethiopic Manuscript Imaging Project directed by Steve Delamarter.
    This file is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0.