There are 1 distinct bibliographical references
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- Gabra Masqal's gʷǝlt of Galabā etc. (item, 2)
- Gabra Masqal's gʷǝlt of Tēdrar etc. (item, 3)
- Gabra Masqal's donation of eight fields (item, 4)
- Lālibalā's gʷǝlt to the church of Masqal and to the church of Mary (item, 6)
- Lālibalā's gʷǝlt to Ham (item, 7)
- A note by ʿāqābe saʿāt of Maṭāʿ Yǝrdǝʾanna Krǝstos (item, 7)
- Land grant by Yǝrdǝʾanna Krǝstos, bəgwənāy of Ṣəlālā, ‘aqābe sa‘āt of Maṭā‘ (item, 8)
- Restoration of gʷǝlt by ʾƎngǝdā ʾƎgzi’ (item, 10)
- Land grant by Takasta Bǝrhan, nǝbura ʾǝd and ‘aqabe sa‘āt za-beta Maṭā‘ (item, 11)
- Gospel donation by Takasta Bǝrhan, nǝbura ʾǝd and ‘aqabe sa‘āt za-beta Maṭā‘ (item, 12)
- Note by ‘aqābē sa‘āt ʾAsfǝḥā (item, 13)
- Land grant by Zǝwāba ʾƎgzi’ (item, 16)
- Gʷǝlt by Yā‘bika ʾƎgzi’ (item, 17)
- Restoration of gʷǝlt by Tasfāna ʾƎgzi’ (item, 17)
- Return of lands by Krǝstos ʾAbuhu (item, 18)
- ʿAmda Ṣǝyon's donations (item, 19)
- Gʷǝlt by Bǝlen Sābā (item, 20)
- Grant to Māryām za-Sa‘agā by ‘Amda Ṣǝyon (item, 21)
- Restoration of gʷǝlt by ‘Amda Ṣǝyon/Garba Masqal (item, 22)
- Land grant by Gabra Krǝstos (item, 23)
- ‘Amda Ṣǝyon's gʷǝlt of Ṣǝdā’ etc (item, 24)
- Restoration of gʷǝlt to Gunāgunā by ‘Amda Ṣǝyon (item, 25)
- Donation by Tasfā ʾIyasus (item, 26)
- Land grant by ‘Ǝqbā ʾƎgzi’ (item, 27)
- Restoration of Tarkā by Tansǝ’a Krǝstos (item, 29)
- Land grant by Māryām Ḫaylā (item, 32)
- Gabra Masqal's note on Gʷǝnāgʷǝnā monastery (item, 32)
- A note on women's ban at the monastery (item, 33)
- Monks geneology (item, 34)
- Paris, Bibliothèque nationale de France, BnF Éthiopien d'Abbadie 152 (page, 203-206)
- L'Evangelo d'oro
- Return of fields in Biḥat by Sanbat Maḥara
- Donation of ʾAd Burāha
- Dabra Libānos of Ham, GG 1 (page, 181; page, 181; page, 194; page, 195)
- Gabra Masqal's grant of Sar’e etc
- A note that lists dignitaries
- Grant by Yǝśmǝka ʾƎgzi’
- Grant by ʾAsgad
- Note by Mǝslena ʾƎgzi’: sǝyum Dabr Mā‘ṣo
- Yǝrdǝʾanna Krǝstos
- Funeral services