Miracle of Mary: The monk of Dabra Qalǝmon who did not fast
Dorothea Reule
General description
A miniature illustrating Miracle of Mary: Miracle of a monk of the Monastery of St Samuel of Kalamon typically with as a sequence of three episodes/events, showing: first, the monk surrounded by the other monks, who are attacking him; second, the other monks preventing him for eating; third, the monk standing praying in a church before the icon of the Virgin and Child with his skull-cap fallen to the ground.
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Secondary Bibliography
Secondary Bibliography
Annequin, G. 1972. ‘L’illustration des Ta’amra Maryam de 1630 à 1730. Quelques remarques sur le premier style de Gondar’, Annales d’Éthiopie, 9 (1972), 193–219.
Art Objects associated with this Art Theme in miniatures and other manuscript decorations
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