You found māhdar in 32 results
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1 result in persons
31 results in manuscripts
The manuscript is kept in a māḫdar and the label ...
... 3r-156l: Large (ecclesial) Missal with Mahdar. Image 9r: mentions Haile Selassie....
... location of illuminations. Double-slip mahdär with leather strap.
Large Psalter with Mahdar
...location of illuminations. Single- slip maḥdär.
Ffols. 1r, -66r Gospel of John in Mahdar, arranged more than once for the days of the ...
The manuscript is kept in a māḫdar.
...n a māḫdar.
...Heaven (Ba-ʾeldān sǝm-ka wa-ba-mǝḫǝnǝsā māḫdar-ka)
... a single-slip case with leather strap (māḥdar).