Solomon Gebreyes
birth: አውናብዮስ፡↗ normalized: ʾAwnābyos↗ śǝyyuma role: title ↗
Period of Activity
He was a dignitary in the court of ʾaṣe role: title Susǝnyos↗ , who enjoyed many political and military titles. In 1609, he was appointed as a governor of Wagarā↗ . A year later, he became an army chief, ʾarʾsta ḥārā role: title ↗ . And again in September 1614, he became liqa ḍabāʾit role: title ↗ . In 1621, he was appointed as ʾAbagāz role: title ↗ .
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- birth: አውናብዮስ፡ gez
- śǝyyuma role: title
Period of activity: 1607–1632
Editions Bibliography Secondary Bibliography
Editions Bibliography
Pereira, F. M. E., ed., 1892. Chronica de Susenyos, rei de Ethiopia, Tomo I: Texto ethiopico. Destinado à X sessão do Congresso Internacional dos Orientalistas, tr. F. M. E. Pereira, Sociedade de Geographia de Lisboa (Lisboa: Imprensa Nacional, 1892).
Pereira, F. M. E., ed., 1900. Chronica de Susenyos, rei de Ethiopia, Tomo II: Traducção e notas. Destinado à X sessão do Congresso Internacional dos Orientalistas, tr. F. M. E. Pereira, Sociedade de Geographia de Lisboa (Lisboa: Imprensa Nacional, 1900).
Secondary Bibliography
Toubkis, D. 2003. ‘Awnabyos’, in S. Uhlig, ed., Encyclopaedia Aethiopica, I (Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag, 2003), 404a.
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