Bahaki betel, dabra salāmna, wa-ḫoḫǝta samāy rǝḫut... (Qǝne of mawaddǝs type)
Denis Nosnitsin
- በሀኪ፡ ቤቴል፤ ደብረ፡ ሰላምነ፤ ወኆኅተ፡ ሰማይ፡ ርኁት፤gez (Bahaki betel, dabra salāmna, wa-ḫoḫǝta samāy rǝḫut... (Qǝne of mawaddǝs type) gez, You have rejoiced, the mount of our peace, and the celestial threshold open... en)
- Galāwdewos attributed.
General description
This poem is referred to as qǝne of the type mawaddǝs, in Bǝḥerāwi Kǝllǝlāwi Mangǝśti Tǝgrāy, Dabra Dāmmo ʾAbuna ʾAragāwi, DD-037, and attributed to Galāwdewos the Aksumite (ʾAksumāwi) .
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Date: 1700–1900
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