Tārika Walda ʾAmid (α-recension)
Carsten Hoffmann
- Tārika Walda ʾAmid (α-recension)gez
General description
The α-recension of the Tārika Walda ʾAmid is the first translation of this work from Arabic into Gǝʿǝz. According to a colophon in the text, the translation took place at the time of Zarʾa Yāʿqob . It contains only the pre-Islamic part, but not the parts on the history after the rise of Islam and no list of patriarchs as the β-recension. According to both recension have been translated from the 'old recension' of the Arabic version of the Tārīḫ Ibn al-ʿAmīd, that is represented by the manuscript ANT of the Antonius monastery in Egypt.
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Editions Bibliography
Hoffmann, C. 2023. Das geographische Traktat in der Weltgeschichte des Wäldä Amid: Text, Übersetzung und Kommentar, Marburg: Philipps-Universität Marburg (2023).
Editions Bibliography
Editions Bibliography
Hoffmann, C. 2023. Das geographische Traktat in der Weltgeschichte des Wäldä Amid: Text, Übersetzung und Kommentar, Marburg: Philipps-Universität Marburg (2023).
Editions Bibliography
Secondary Bibliography
Hoffmann, C. 2023. Das geographische Traktat in der Weltgeschichte des Wäldä Amid: Text, Übersetzung und Kommentar, Marburg: Philipps-Universität Marburg (2023).page 57-61
Secondary Bibliography
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