Physiologus (general record)
Massimo Villa
- normalized: Physiologusgez (Physiologus (general record) en)
- Ὁ φυσιολόγοςgrc ( )
General description
A small literary work, originally composed in Greek in Alexandria around 200 A.D. Each of its 49 chapters treats a species of animal, plant, or mineral, usually starting with a biblical quotation (mostly from the New Testament or the Psalms) and the phrase "The Physiologus said about ...", followed by a legendary description of the natural properties of the species and by the moral interpretation of these properties in a Christian context.
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Work of the literatures of Ethiopia and Eritrea
A TEI file converted from the ETHIO-authority google spreadsheet
Secondary Bibliography
Weninger, S. 2005. ‘Fisalgos’, in S. Uhlig, ed., Encyclopaedia Aethiopica, II (Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag, 2005), 549b–550a.
Pitra, J. B. 1855. Spicilegium solesmense complectens sanctorum patrum scriptorumque ecclesiasticorum anecdota hactenus opera, selecta e graecis orientalibusque et latinis codicibus, III: In quo praecipui veteres auctores de re symbolica proferuntur et illustrantur (Parisiis: Prostat apud Firmin Didot Fratres, 1855). chapter Prolegomena, page xlvii-lxxiii ((about: title , Ὁ φυσιολόγος))
Land, J. P. N. 1875. Anecdota Syriaca. Tomus quartus, IV (Lugduni Batavorum: apud E. J. Brill, 1875). page 115-176
Secondary Bibliography
Editions Bibliography
Hommel, F. 1877. Die aethiopische Uebersetzung des Physiologus nach je einer Londoner, Pariser und Wiener Handschrift, herausgegeben, verdeutscht und mit einer historischen Einleitung versehen, ed., tr. F. Hommel (Leipzig: J. C. Hinrichs’sche Buchhandlung, 1877). ((about: title , Physiologus))
Pitra, J. B. 1855. Spicilegium solesmense complectens sanctorum patrum scriptorumque ecclesiasticorum anecdota hactenus opera, selecta e graecis orientalibusque et latinis codicibus, III: In quo praecipui veteres auctores de re symbolica proferuntur et illustrantur (Parisiis: Prostat apud Firmin Didot Fratres, 1855). page 338-373 ((about: title , Ὁ φυσιολόγος))
Land, J. P. N. 1875. Anecdota Syriaca. Tomus quartus, IV (Lugduni Batavorum: apud E. J. Brill, 1875). page 33-99
Editions Bibliography
Translation Bibliography
Hommel, F. 1890. ‘Die äthiopische Physiologus’, Romanische Forschungen, 5 (1890), 13–36. ((about: title , Physiologus))
Conti Rossini, C. 1951. ‘Il Fisiologo etiopico’, Rassegna di Studi Etiopici, 10 (1951), 5–51 (DOI: 10.2307/41460258). page 16-51 ((about: title , Physiologus))
Sumner, C. 1982. The Fisalgwos, Ethiopian Philosophy, 5 (Addis Ababa: Commercial Printing Press, 1982). page 9-65 ((about: title , Physiologus))
Land, J. P. N. 1875. Anecdota Syriaca. Tomus quartus, IV (Lugduni Batavorum: apud E. J. Brill, 1875). page 31-98
Translation Bibliography
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