Commentary on the Gospel of Matthew
- Commentary on the Gospel of Matthew
- Copto-Arabic Gospel Catena
- Tǝrgʷāme wangel
General description
This text contains scholia from the Church Fathers John Chrysostom↗ , Eusebius of Caesarea↗ (አውሳንዮስ፡), Sāwiros↗ , Cyril I↗ , Epiphanius of Salamis↗ , Simeon the Stylite↗ , Gregory of Nazianzos↗ , Clement I↗ , Benjamin of Alexandria↗ , Basil of Caesarea↗ , Athanasius↗ , Hippolytus↗ (አባ፡ ሊጦስ፡) and Jacob of Sarug↗ , anonymous explanations and the author's own interpretations. It was translated from Arabic not later than the 16th century.
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The following manuscripts are reported in this record as witnesses of the source of the information or the edition here encoded. Please check the box on the right for a live updated list of manuscripts pointing to this record.
- BL Additional 16220p2_i1
- (external)
- (external)
- BnF Éthiopien 65ms_i1
- An Arabic version of this work is preserved in BnF Arabe 55, No item: (external)
Work of the literatures of Ethiopia and Eritrea
Secondary Bibliography
Cowley, R. W. 1983. The Traditional Interpretation of the Apocalypse of St John in the Ethiopian Orthodox Church, University of Cambridge Oriental Publications, 33 (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1983). page 37
Cowley, R. W. 1988. Ethiopian Biblical Interpretation: A Study in Exegetical Tradition and Hermeneutics, University of Cambridge Oriental Publications, 38 (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1988). page 47, 53
Witakowski, W. 2010. ‘Tǝrgwame wängel’, in S. Uhlig and A. Bausi, eds, Encyclopaedia Aethiopica, IV (Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag, 2010), 923a–924a.
Zotenberg, H. 1877. Catalogue des manuscrits éthiopiens (gheez et amharique) de la Bibliothèque nationale, Manuscrits Orientaux (Paris: Imprimerie nationale, 1877). page 73
Secondary Bibliography
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This unit, or parts of it, is contained in 2 manuscript records 4 times
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