Paris, Bibliothèque nationale de France, BnF Éthiopien 22
Dorothea Reule
This manuscript description is based on the catalogues listed in the Catalogue Bibliography
Collection: Manuscrits orientaux, Fonds éthiopien
Other identifiers: Éth. 110
General description
Psalms, Canticles, Miracle of Mary, Wǝddāse Māryām, ʾAnqaṣa bǝrhān
Number of Text units: 14
Number of Codicological units: 1
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1800-1847 (reign)
Belonged first to Walatta Ḥǝywat owner , later to Śāhla Śǝllāse owner . He sent this manuscript through Rochet d'Héricourt to king Louis Philippe I .
- ms_i1
- ms_i1.1 (), Mazmura Dāwit
- ms_i1.2 (check the viewerFols 106v and following ), Book of Odes
- ms_i1.3 (), Song of Songs
- ms_i1.4 (check the viewerFols 123v and following ), ተአምሪሃ፡ ፡ ቅድስት፡ ድንግል፡ በ፪፡ ማርያም፡ ወላዲተ፡ አምላክ፡ ጸሎታ፡ ወበረከታ፡ ወምሕረተ፡ ፍቁር፡ ወልዳ፡ የሃሉ፡ ምስለ፡ ኃጥእ፡ ገብራ፡ ለዓለመ፡ ዓለም፡ አሜን።
- ms_i1.5 (check the viewerFols 125r and following ), Wǝddāse Māryām
- ms_i1.6 (check the viewerFols 134r and following ), ውዳሴ፡ ወግናይ፡ ዘእግዝእትነ፡ ማርያም፡ ወላዲተ፡ አምላክ። ጸሎታ፡ ወበረከታ፡ የሀሉ፡ ምስለ፡ አመታ፡ ለዓለመ፡ ዓለም፡ አሜን።
Psalter (CAe 2701)
Language of text:
check the viewerFols 123v and following ተአምሪሃ፡ ለእግዚእትነ (!) sic by Dorothea Reule፡ ቅድስት፡ ድንግል፡ በ፪፡ ማርያም፡ ወላዲተ፡ አምላክ፡ ጸሎታ፡ ወበረከታ፡ ወምሕረተ፡ ፍቁር፡ ወልዳ፡ የሃሉ፡ ምስለ፡ ኃጥእ፡ ገብራ፡ ሣህለ፡ ሥላሲ። ለዓለመ፡ ዓለም፡ አሜን። (CAe 3633) (The explicit also mentions the name of Śahla Śǝllāse .) (The name of Śahla Śǝllāse has been substituted for the name of the previous owner, Wälättä Ḥǝywät in the title and explicit of Content Item 1.4 , item 1 ተአምሪሃ፡ ለእግዚእትነ (!) sic by Dorothea Reule፡ ቅድስት፡ ድንግል፡ በ፪፡ ማርያም፡ ወላዲተ፡ አምላክ፡ ጸሎታ፡ ወበረከታ፡ ወምሕረተ፡ ፍቁር፡ ወልዳ፡ የሃሉ፡ ምስለ፡ ኃጥእ፡ ገብራ፡ ሣህለ፡ ሥላሲ። ለዓለመ፡ ዓለም፡ አሜን። (CAe 3633) .)
check the viewerFols 134r and following ውዳሴ፡ ወግናይ፡ ዘእግዝእትነ፡ ማርያም፡ ወላዲተ፡ አምላክ። ጸሎታ፡ ወበረከታ፡ የሀሉ፡ ምስለ፡ አመታ፡ ወለተ፡ ሕይወት፡ ለዓለመ፡ ዓለም፡ አሜን። (CAe 1113) (The title mentions the name of the manuscript's original owner, Wälättä Ḥǝywät .)
Additions In this unit there are in total 1 , 3 s.
(Type: Letter)
Amharic note at the beginning of the volume
( am )
ጦማር፡ ዘራስ፡ ሣህለ፡ ሥላሴ፡ ንጉሠ፡ ሸዋ፡↗ ወርቱዓ፡ ሃይማኖት፡ ወመፍቀሬ፡ ምጽዋት፡ ታልነበርንበት፡ ጨለማ፡ ወዳለንበት፡ ብርሃን።
ባስገኘን፡ በእግዚአብሔር፡ ኃይል፡ ትብጻሕ፡ ኀበ፡ Louis Philippe Iሊዊ፡ ፊሊብ። ሃይማኖቱ፡ እቀና፡ ክርስትናውእጠና። ጋሻው፡ እበረደደ።
መንግሥቱ፡ እስተወደደ።
በፈቃደ፡ እግዚአብሔር፡ እተቀመጠ፡ ከብዙ፡ ነገሥታት፡ እበለጠ። ከብቱ፡ እንዳሻዋ፡
5 እማይሰፈር።
አሽከሩ፡ እንደኮከብ፡ እማይቆጠር።
ወደLouis Philippe Iሊዊ፡ ፊሊብ፡
እሥልጣነ፡ ፈረንሲስ፡↗ ዘንድ።
ይህቺ፡ ዳዊት፡ ትድረስ። -
(Type: Unclear)
Note in which the king Śahla Śǝllāse complains about the British.
( am ) ሃይማኖትህ፡ ሃይማኖቴ፡ ነው፡ አገርህ፡ አገሬ፡ ነው። አገሬ፡ አገርህ፡ ነውና፡ እንግሊሶች፡ ወዳገሬ፡ "ወደ፡ አገሬ፡"supplied by Hermann Zotenberg መንጣት፡ አስበዋልአሉና፡ አንተ፡ . . . . .ommission by Hermann Zotenberg
(Type: Unclear)
The name of Śahla Śǝllāse has been substituted for the name of the previous owner, Wälättä Ḥǝywät at the end of the volume.
(Type: Unclear)
A prayer to Mary for healing of some illnesses has been added later at the end of the volume.
Catalogue Bibliography
Zotenberg, H. 1877. Catalogue des manuscrits éthiopiens (gheez et amharique) de la Bibliothèque nationale, Manuscrits Orientaux (Paris: Imprimerie nationale, 1877). page 20b–21a
Physical Description
Form of support
Parchment Codex
Outer dimensions | |
Height | 203mm |
Width | 130mm |
A mirror is glued to the inner side of the front board.
Hand 1
Script: Ethiopic
Date: 1800-1847
1800-1847Select one of the keywords listed from the record to see related data
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