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This app is built with exist-db, and uses Lucene as the standard search engine. This comes with several options available. A full list is here

Below very few examples.

sample result
* *custodir* add wildcards to unlimit your string search
? custodir? Will find any match for the position with the question mark.
~ ምሕረትከ~ Will make a fuzzy search. you can decide also how much fuzzy, by saying for example ምሕረትከ~0.9 which will match only 90% similar terms.
"" "ምሕረትከ፡ ይትኖለወኒ፡" Will find the exact string contained between quotes.
() (verbo OR notionem) AND ይትኖለወኒ Will find one of the two between brackets and the other string.


If you want to transcribe some fidal into latin or update your transcription, you can have a go with our transcription tools.

If you are using the keyboard provided, please note that there are four layers, the normal one and those activated by Shift, Alt, Alt+Shift.

Normal and Shift contain mainly Fidal. Alt and Alt-Shift diacritics.

To enter letters in Fidal and the diacritics with this keyboard, which is independent of your local input selection, you can use two methods.

Orthographic variants of the Ethiopic language are searched as a standard if not otherwise specified. The following are the options considered by the search engine.

  • 's','s', 'ḍ'
  • 'e','ǝ','ə','ē'
  • 'w','ʷ'
  • 'ʾ', 'ʿ'
  • '`', 'ʾ', 'ʿ' (note that you can use the tick if you are not sure about the two, but none will be inferred for you)
  • 'ሀ', 'ሐ', 'ኀ', 'ሃ', 'ሓ', 'ኃ'
  • 'ሀ', 'ሐ', 'ኀ'
  • 'ሁ', 'ሑ', 'ኁ'
  • 'ሂ', 'ሒ', 'ኂ'
  • 'ሄ', 'ሔ', 'ኄ'
  • 'ህ', 'ሕ', 'ኅ'
  • 'ሆ', 'ሖ', 'ኆ'
  • 'ሠ','ሰ'
  • 'ሡ','ሱ'
  • 'ሢ','ሲ'
  • 'ሣ','ሳ'
  • 'ሥ','ስ'
  • 'ሦ','ሶ'
  • 'ሤ','ሴ'
  • 'ጸ', 'ፀ'
  • 'ጹ', 'ፁ'
  • 'ጺ', 'ፂ'
  • 'ጻ', 'ፃ'
  • 'ጼ', 'ፄ'
  • 'ጽ', 'ፅ'
  • 'ጾ', 'ፆ'
  • 'አ', 'ዐ', 'ኣ', 'ዓ'
  • 'ኡ', 'ዑ'
  • 'ኢ', 'ዒ'
  • 'ኤ', 'ዔ'
  • 'እ', 'ዕ'
  • 'ኦ', 'ዖ'

Some examples

  • If you search Taammera, you will not find Taʾammǝra or Taʿammera but only Taammera. Try Ta`ammera instead or use the keyboard provided to enter aleph and ayn.
  • If you are searching for Yāʿǝqob, you will not have a lot of luck searching Yaqob, unless some kind cataloguer has actually added it into the data as simplified spelling form. Try instead entering Yaqob~0.5 which is a fuzzy search, this will return also Yāʿǝqob. Also Ya`eqob is fine for example.

Keys Combinations

With this method you use keys combinations to trigger specific characters. Click here for a list of the available combos. This can be expanded, do not hesitate to ask (click here to post a new issue).

Hold and choose

If you hold a key optional values will appear in a list. You can click on the desiderd value or use arrows and enter to select it. The options are the same as those activated by combinations.

With this method you do not have to remember or lookup combos, but it does take many more clicks...

participiumpart.abundansla, majorla, maximusla, nimiusla, eximiusla, excellensla: Numeri, liber Pentateuchi.Num. 13,32 ; ተኣምሪከ፡ ዘኍላቌሁ፡ ፍድፉድ፡ Encomia Synaxarii, Actis singulorum dierum addita; citantur secundum menses et dies: TeqemtSx. Teq. 25 Enc.; እምብዙኅ፡ ወእምነ፡ ፍድፉድ፡ ገድል፡ Encomia Synaxarii, Actis singulorum dierum addita; citantur secundum menses et dies: TahsasSx. Tachs. 27 Enc.; Spiritus S. est ኢሕጹጽ፡ ወኢፍድፉድ፡ ኢነኪር፡ ወኢብዑድ፡ እምህላዌ፡ አብ፡ ወወልድ፡ Athan. de Trin.; Lud. ex Matthaei Evangelium.Matth. 23,13 (quamquam scriptum est ፍድፋድ፡ ); በትሕትና፡ ፍድፉድ፡ F.M. 34,8; etiam Substantivumsubst.excellentiala: እስከ፡ አፈ፡ ወርቅ፡ ዮሐንስ፡ ወደሶ፡ ወንእዶ፤ ትሩፋቲሁ፡ ነጺሮ፡ ወኵሎ፡ ፍድፉዶ፡ Sx. Encomia Synaxarii, Actis singulorum dierum addita; citantur secundum menses et dies: TahsasTachs. 24 Enc.
participiumpart.graviterlaolensla, foetidusla: ጼና፡ ጢስ፡ ፍጉግ፡ Sapientia Salomonis, apocr.Sap. 11,19 ; Org.; አጼንዎ፡ ጼና፡ ፍጉግ፡ Mashafa Falasfa.Fal. f. 55 ; ጢሰ፡ እሳተ፡ ገሃነም፡ ፍጉግ፡ ወጽዩእ፡ Maʃshafa Genzat.Genz. f. 105 ; infernorum ጼና፡ ሕሡም፡ ወጽዩእ፡ ወፍጉግ፡ ጥቀ፡ Maʃshafa Genzat.Genz. f. 156 ; ቤተ፡ ጽልመት፡ (carcer) ኀበ፡ ሀሎ፡ ጺአት፡ ፍጉግ፡ Chrysostomi Tagsâʃs.Chrys. Ta. 1 ; ቤተ፡ ጽልመት፡ ፍጉግ፡ Sx. not able to find explanation in abbreviation listMag. 14 Enc. Vocabularium Aethiopicum, -a -a.Voc. Ae.: ፍጉግ፡ ዘ፡ የሚከረፍ፡ ; aliudla: ዘ፡ ግምዕ፡ የሚከረፍሂ፡ ይ፡
nomen actionisn. Substantivumsubst., m. et fem.
a)defectusla, eclipsisla, solis: ጸልመት፡ ፀሓይ፡ ሶበ፡ ርእየት፡ ፈጣሪሃ፡ ስቁለ፡ ወኮነ፡ መጠነ፡ ጽልመታ፡ እምጊዜ፡ ፮ ሰዓት፡ እስከ፡ ጊዜ፡ ፱ ሰዓት፡ Sx. not able to find explanation in abbreviation listMag. 27.
b)deminutio luminislalunae: Henochi liber, Aethiopice, ed. Dillmann 1851. 4°.Hen. 74,3 ; quare dies mensium inde a quinto decimo መዋዕለ፡ ጽልመት፡ nominantur, et quatuordecim posteriores mensium dies inde a ጽልመት፡ numerantur sicut quatuordecim priores a ሠርቅ፡ ut: አመ፡ ዐሡሩ፡ ለጽልመተ፡ አይሉል፡ πέμπτῃ καὶ εἰκάδι τοῦ Ἐλούλ Ezrae et Nehemiae libri canonici.2 Esr. 16,15 ; አመ፡ ተሱዑ፡ ለጽልመት፡ εἰκοστῇ καὶ τετάρτῃ τοῦ μηνός Ezrae et Nehemiae libri canonici.2 Esr. 19,1 ; Genesis liber Pentateuchi.Gen. 7,11 ; Genesis liber Pentateuchi.Gen. 8,4 ; ( Genesis liber Pentateuchi.Gen. 8,14 ;) Numeri, liber Pentateuchi.Num. 10,11 ; Regum liber biblicum IV.4 Reg. 25,27 ; Zachariae prophetia.Zach. 1,7 ; Haggaei prophetia.Hagg. 2,1 ; Haggaei prophetia.Hagg. 2,10 ; Haggaei prophetia.Hagg. 2,18 ; Haggaei prophetia.Hagg. 2,20 ; Ezrae liber apocryphus (Graecus)1 Esr. 7,5 ; Ezrae liber apocryphus (Graecus)1 Esr. 9,5 ; Ezrae et Nehemiae libri canonici.2 Esr. 10,9 ; 4 Esr. in subscr.; Judith liber apocryphus.Judith 2,1 .
2)tenebraela: Genesis liber Pentateuchi.Gen. 1,2 ; Genesis liber Pentateuchi.Gen. 1,4 ; Genesis liber Pentateuchi.Gen. 1,5 ; ግሩም፡ ጽልመት፡ ወዐቢይ፡ Genesis liber Pentateuchi.Gen. 15,12 ; Exodus, liber Pentateuchi.Ex. 10,21 ; Exodus, liber Pentateuchi.Ex. 10,22 ; Jesaiae prophetia.Jes. 5,20 ; ጸልመት፡ ጽፉቅ፡ Jesaiae prophetia.Jes. 5,30 ; Jesaiae prophetia.Jes. 8,22 ; Jesaiae prophetia.Jes. 45,7 ; Jesaiae prophetia.Jes. 58,10 ; Jesaiae prophetia.Jes. 59,9 ; Jesaiae prophetia.Jes. 60,1 ; Jeremiae prophetia.Jer. 23,12 ( γνόφος ); Psalmi, ex editione Ludolfi.Ps. 17,13 ; Psalmi, ex editione Ludolfi.Ps. 17,31 ; Psalmi, ex editione Ludolfi.Ps. 103,21 ; Psalmi, ex editione Ludolfi.Ps. 138,10 ; ፍናወ፡ ጽልመት፡ Proverbiorum liber biblicus.Prov. 2,13 ; በጽልመት፡ ሰርከ፡ Proverbiorum liber biblicus.Prov. 7,9 ; Koheleth (Ecclesiastes), liber biblicus.Koh. 2,13 ; Koheleth (Ecclesiastes), liber biblicus.Koh. 5,16 ; liber Jobi.Job 5,14 ; liber Jobi.Job 15,30 ; liber Jobi.Job 23,17 ( fem. ); liber Jobi.Job 28,3 ; liber Jobi.Job 38,19 ; Ezrae Apocalypsis; citatur secundum capita et commata editionis Laurentianae.4 Esr. 7,31 ; Ezrae Apocalypsis; citatur secundum capita et commata editionis Laurentianae.4 Esr. 14,21 ; ጽልመት፡ ይእቲ፡ ለገጽ፡ Liber Siracidae (Ecclesiasticus).Sir. 25,23 ; Matthaei Evangelium.Matth. 10,27 ; Evangelium Joannis.Joh. 8,12 ; Evangelium Joannis.Joh. 12,35 ; Evangelium Joannis.Joh. 12,46 ; እንዘ፡ ዓዲሁ፡ ጽልመት፡ Evangelium Joannis.Joh. 20,1 ; ad Romanos epistola Pauli.Rom. 13,12 ; Epistola Joannis I.1 Joh. 2,8 ; Epistola Joannis I.1 Joh. 2,9 ; Epistola Joannis I.1 Joh. 2,10 ; Epistola Joannis I.1 Joh. 2,11 .
a)Ubi in Genitivo positum est, vel Praedicati vice fungitur: tenebricosusla, tenebrosusla: አድባረ፡ ጽልመት፡ σκοτεινά Jeremiae prophetia.Jer. 13,16 ; ሥጋከ፡ ጽልመተ፡ ይከውን፡ Matthaei Evangelium.Matth. 6,23 ; Lucae evangelium.Luc. 11,34 ; Lucae evangelium.Luc. 11,36 .
b) ጽልመት፡ ብሔር፡ tenebrae suntlaLiber Siracidae (Ecclesiasticus).Sir. 23,18 ( videasvid. ብሔር፡ ).
participiumpart.graviterlaolensla, foetidusla: ጼና፡ ጢስ፡ ፍጉግ፡ Sapientia Salomonis, apocr.Sap. 11,19 ; Org.; አጼንዎ፡ ጼና፡ ፍጉግ፡ Mashafa Falasfa.Fal. f. 55 ; ጢሰ፡ እሳተ፡ ገሃነም፡ ፍጉግ፡ ወጽዩእ፡ Maʃshafa Genzat.Genz. f. 105 ; infernorum ጼና፡ ሕሡም፡ ወጽዩእ፡ ወፍጉግ፡ ጥቀ፡ Maʃshafa Genzat.Genz. f. 156 ; ቤተ፡ ጽልመት፡ (carcer) ኀበ፡ ሀሎ፡ ጺአት፡ ፍጉግ፡ Chrysostomi Tagsâʃs.Chrys. Ta. 1 ; ቤተ፡ ጽልመት፡ ፍጉግ፡ Sx. not able to find explanation in abbreviation listMag. 14 Enc. Vocabularium Aethiopicum, -a -a.Voc. Ae.: ፍጉግ፡ ዘ፡ የሚከረፍ፡ ; aliudla: ዘ፡ ግምዕ፡ የሚከረፍሂ፡ ይ፡
Substantivumsubst.delectatiola, oblectamentumla, voluptasla, vitaladelicatala; Henochi liber, Aethiopice, ed. Dillmann 1851. 4°.Hen. 14,13 ; Koheleth (Ecclesiastes), liber biblicus.Koh. 2,8 ; ፍግዓ፡ ወኀጢአት፡ Liber Siracidae (Ecclesiasticus).Sir. 27,13 varia lectiovar.; ብሔረ፡ ፍሥሓ፡ ወፍግዓ፡ ወተድላ፡ Clem. f. 275; ፍግዓሁ፡ ለዝ፡ ዓለም፡ ከመ፡ ጽላሎት፡ የኀልፍ፡ not able to find explanation in abbreviation listClem. f. 260.
Substantivumsubst.delectatiola, oblectamentumla, voluptasla, vitaladelicatala; Henochi liber, Aethiopice, ed. Dillmann 1851. 4°.Hen. 14,13 ; Koheleth (Ecclesiastes), liber biblicus.Koh. 2,8 ; ፍግዓ፡ ወኀጢአት፡ Liber Siracidae (Ecclesiasticus).Sir. 27,13 varia lectiovar.; ብሔረ፡ ፍሥሓ፡ ወፍግዓ፡ ወተድላ፡ Clem. f. 275; ፍግዓሁ፡ ለዝ፡ ዓለም፡ ከመ፡ ጽላሎት፡ የኀልፍ፡ not able to find explanation in abbreviation listClem. f. 260.
Substantivumsubst.exsultatiola, lasciviala: ፍሥሓ፡ ወሐሤት፡ ወነፈርዓጽ፡ ἀγαλλίασις χαρὰ εὐφροσύνη Chrysostomi Tagsâʃs.Chrys. Ta. 32 ; እምነ፡ ኀይለ፡ ነፈርዓጻ፡ στρήνους Apocalypsis Joannis.Apoc. 18,3 . Vocabularium Aethiopicum, -a -a.Voc. Ae.: ነፈርዓጽ፡ ዘ፡ ፍርዛዜ፡ ; aliudla: ፍግዓ፡ ነፈርዓጽ፡ ተድላ፡ ዘ፡ ፍሥሓ፡
Substantivumsubst.delectatiola, oblectamentumla, voluptasla, vitaladelicatala; Henochi liber, Aethiopice, ed. Dillmann 1851. 4°.Hen. 14,13 ; Koheleth (Ecclesiastes), liber biblicus.Koh. 2,8 ; ፍግዓ፡ ወኀጢአት፡ Liber Siracidae (Ecclesiasticus).Sir. 27,13 varia lectiovar.; ብሔረ፡ ፍሥሓ፡ ወፍግዓ፡ ወተድላ፡ Clem. f. 275; ፍግዓሁ፡ ለዝ፡ ዓለም፡ ከመ፡ ጽላሎት፡ የኀልፍ፡ not able to find explanation in abbreviation listClem. f. 260.
Substantivumsubst.m. et fem. , delectatiola, oblectamentumla, voluptasla, vitaladelicatala: Canticum Canticorum.Cant. 7,7 ; Koheleth (Ecclesiastes), liber biblicus.Koh. 4,8 ; Koheleth (Ecclesiastes), liber biblicus.Koh. 8,15 ; ሠሐቆሙ፡ ፍግዐ፡ ኀጢአት፡ ἐν σπατάλῃ ἁμαρτίας Liber Siracidae (Ecclesiasticus).Sir. 27,13 ; Jesaiae prophetia.Jes. 57,4 varia lectiovar.
participiumpart., creatusla: አርዮስ፡ ይቤ፡ ወልድ፡ ፍጡር፡ ውእቱ፡ F.N. ab init.; M.M. f. 1; መቅዶንዮስ፡ ተአመነ፡ ከመ፡ መንፈስ፡ ቅዱስ፡ ፍጡር፡ F.M. 25,1; Organon Mariae, numerus significat lectionem.Org. 3 ; ፍጡራን፡ Organon Mariae, numerus significat lectionem.Org. 3.
adjectivumadj.relativumrel.adlareslacreataslapertinensla, አፍቅሮ፡ እግዚአብሔር፡ (amare Deum) ይኄይስ፡ እምአፍቅሮ፡ ፍጡራዊያን፡ Philexius; numerus significat quaestiones.Phlx. 3.
participiumpart., creatusla: አርዮስ፡ ይቤ፡ ወልድ፡ ፍጡር፡ ውእቱ፡ F.N. ab init.; M.M. f. 1; መቅዶንዮስ፡ ተአመነ፡ ከመ፡ መንፈስ፡ ቅዱስ፡ ፍጡር፡ F.M. 25,1; Organon Mariae, numerus significat lectionem.Org. 3 ; ፍጡራን፡ Organon Mariae, numerus significat lectionem.Org. 3.
1)citusla, veloxla, properusla, festinansla: ኵሉ፡ ፍጡን፡ በኀበ፡ እግዚአብሔር፡ ለእንተ፡ ምዕር፡ ταχινά Liber Siracidae (Ecclesiasticus).Sir. 18,26 ; Sapientia Salomonis, apocr.Sap. 13,2 in d'AbbadieAbb.LV; መልአክ፡ ዘፍጡን፡ ረድኤቱ፡ Encomia Synaxarii, Actis singulorum dierum addita; citantur secundum menses et dies: SaneSx. Sen. 4 ; ፍጡን፡ ለሰሚዕ፡ Jacobi epistola.Jac. 1,19 ; ፍጡነ፡ መዐት፡ velox ad iram, not able to find explanation in abbreviation listII Can. Nic. 31.
2)festinatusla: ኢይኩን፡ በአትከ፡ ጕንዱየ፡ ወፀአትከ፡ ፍጡን፡ not able to find explanation in abbreviation listClem. f. 175.
b) ፍጡነ፡ properela, festinanterla, celeriterla, citola, moxla: Genesis liber Pentateuchi.Gen. 24,18 ; Genesis liber Pentateuchi.Gen. 24,20 ; Genesis liber Pentateuchi.Gen. 24,46 ; Genesis liber Pentateuchi.Gen. 41,32 ; Genesis liber Pentateuchi.Gen. 45,9 ; Exodus, liber Pentateuchi.Ex. 12,33 ; Exodus, liber Pentateuchi.Ex. 32,8 ; Deuteronomium.Deut. 7,4 ; Deuteronomium.Deut. 9,3 ; Deuteronomium.Deut. 9,12 ; Deuteronomium.Deut. 29,20 ; Judicum liber.Jud. 2,23 ; Psalmi, ex editione Ludolfi.Ps. 2,13 ; Liber Siracidae (Ecclesiasticus).Sir. 20,18 ; Liber Siracidae (Ecclesiasticus).Sir. 21,5 ; Liber Siracidae (Ecclesiasticus).Sir. 43,22 ; Liber Siracidae (Ecclesiasticus).Sir. 48,20 ; Jesaiae prophetia.Jes. 5,19 ; Jesaiae prophetia.Jes. 5,26 ; Jesaiae prophetia.Jes. 8,3 ; Jesaiae prophetia.Jes. 49,17 ; Jesaiae prophetia.Jes. 58,8 ; Jeremiae prophetia.Jer. 27,44 ; Jeremiae prophetia.Jer. 29,20 ; Danielis prophetia.Dan. 2,35 ; Danielis prophetia.Dan. 3,24 ; Judith liber apocryphus.Judith 12,14 ; Ezrae liber apocryphus (Graecus)1 Esr. 4,34 ; Ezrae et Nehemiae libri canonici.2 Esr. 4,23 ; Lucae evangelium.Luc. 14,21 ; Lucae evangelium.Luc. 16,6 ; Lucae evangelium.Luc. 18,8 ; Evangelium Joannis.Joh. 11,31 ; Actus apostolorum.Act. 17,15 ; ad Romanos epistola Pauli.Rom. 16,20 ; ad Timotheum epistola II.2 Tim. 4,9 ; ad Thessalonicenses epistola Pauli II.2 Thess. 2,2 al.
α)praeproperela, ad Timotheum epistola I.1 Tim. 5,22 ; ዘፍጡነ፡ የአምን፡ Liber Siracidae (Ecclesiasticus).Sir. 19,4 .
1)citusla, veloxla, properusla, festinansla: ኵሉ፡ ፍጡን፡ በኀበ፡ እግዚአብሔር፡ ለእንተ፡ ምዕር፡ ταχινά Liber Siracidae (Ecclesiasticus).Sir. 18,26 ; Sapientia Salomonis, apocr.Sap. 13,2 in d'AbbadieAbb.LV; መልአክ፡ ዘፍጡን፡ ረድኤቱ፡ Encomia Synaxarii, Actis singulorum dierum addita; citantur secundum menses et dies: SaneSx. Sen. 4 ; ፍጡን፡ ለሰሚዕ፡ Jacobi epistola.Jac. 1,19 ; ፍጡነ፡ መዐት፡ velox ad iram, not able to find explanation in abbreviation listII Can. Nic. 31.
2)festinatusla: ኢይኩን፡ በአትከ፡ ጕንዱየ፡ ወፀአትከ፡ ፍጡን፡ not able to find explanation in abbreviation listClem. f. 175.
b) ፍጡነ፡ properela, festinanterla, celeriterla, citola, moxla: Genesis liber Pentateuchi.Gen. 24,18 ; Genesis liber Pentateuchi.Gen. 24,20 ; Genesis liber Pentateuchi.Gen. 24,46 ; Genesis liber Pentateuchi.Gen. 41,32 ; Genesis liber Pentateuchi.Gen. 45,9 ; Exodus, liber Pentateuchi.Ex. 12,33 ; Exodus, liber Pentateuchi.Ex. 32,8 ; Deuteronomium.Deut. 7,4 ; Deuteronomium.Deut. 9,3 ; Deuteronomium.Deut. 9,12 ; Deuteronomium.Deut. 29,20 ; Judicum liber.Jud. 2,23 ; Psalmi, ex editione Ludolfi.Ps. 2,13 ; Liber Siracidae (Ecclesiasticus).Sir. 20,18 ; Liber Siracidae (Ecclesiasticus).Sir. 21,5 ; Liber Siracidae (Ecclesiasticus).Sir. 43,22 ; Liber Siracidae (Ecclesiasticus).Sir. 48,20 ; Jesaiae prophetia.Jes. 5,19 ; Jesaiae prophetia.Jes. 5,26 ; Jesaiae prophetia.Jes. 8,3 ; Jesaiae prophetia.Jes. 49,17 ; Jesaiae prophetia.Jes. 58,8 ; Jeremiae prophetia.Jer. 27,44 ; Jeremiae prophetia.Jer. 29,20 ; Danielis prophetia.Dan. 2,35 ; Danielis prophetia.Dan. 3,24 ; Judith liber apocryphus.Judith 12,14 ; Ezrae liber apocryphus (Graecus)1 Esr. 4,34 ; Ezrae et Nehemiae libri canonici.2 Esr. 4,23 ; Lucae evangelium.Luc. 14,21 ; Lucae evangelium.Luc. 16,6 ; Lucae evangelium.Luc. 18,8 ; Evangelium Joannis.Joh. 11,31 ; Actus apostolorum.Act. 17,15 ; ad Romanos epistola Pauli.Rom. 16,20 ; ad Timotheum epistola II.2 Tim. 4,9 ; ad Thessalonicenses epistola Pauli II.2 Thess. 2,2 al.
α)praeproperela, ad Timotheum epistola I.1 Tim. 5,22 ; ዘፍጡነ፡ የአምን፡ Liber Siracidae (Ecclesiasticus).Sir. 19,4 .
Substantivumsubst., plerumque m. , pluralisPl. አቅማሕ፡ et አቅማሕት፡ ( Apocalypsis Joannis.Apoc. 18,14 ), pluralisPl.pluralisPl. አቅማሓት፡ ( Jeremiae prophetia.Jer. 2,21 ; Jeremiae prophetia.Jer. 36,6 ) esculentumla, quod terra gignitla, cujusvis generisla, proventusla, frugesla, fructusla, γέννημα ፍጡነ፡ ትበልዕ፡ Liber Siracidae (Ecclesiasticus).Sir. 6,19 ; ትጸግቡ፡ እምነ፡ ቀምሕየ፡ Liber Siracidae (Ecclesiasticus).Sir. 24,19 .
a)arborum et fruticumla, pomala, fructus auctumnalesla: ይተክሉ፡ ወይነ፡ ወይበልዑ፡ ቀምሖ፡ Jesaiae prophetia.Jes. 65,21 ; አልቦ፡ ቀምሐ፡ ውስተ፡ ወይን፡ Habacuci prophetia.Hab. 3,17 ; βότρυς Deuteronomium.Deut. 32,32 ; ሠረጸ፡ ፍሬሃ፡ ከመ፡ ቆዐ፡ ቀምሕ፡ ὡς περκαζούσης σταφυλής Liber Siracidae (Ecclesiasticus).Sir. 51,15 ; καρπός ( ἀμτελώνων ) Jesaiae prophetia.Jes. 37,30 ; ኵሎ፡ አቅማሓተ፡ ጽድቅ፡ Jeremiae prophetia.Jer. 2,21 ; ዐቃቢሁ፡ ለቀምሕ፡ ይሬኢ፡ ፍሬሁ፡ Liber Siracidae (Ecclesiasticus).Sir. 27,6 ; ἀκροδρύα Canticum Canticorum.Cant. 4,13 ; Canticum Canticorum.Cant. 5,1 ; Canticum Canticorum.Cant. 7,14 ; ዕፀወ፡ ቀምሕ፡ ξύλον βρώσιμον Ezrae et Nehemiae libri canonici.2 Esr. 19,25 ; ኵሉ፡ አቅማሐ፡ ገዳም፡ Joel l, 12; ὀπώρα Jeremiae prophetia.Jer. 31,32 ; Jeremiae prophetia.Jer. 47,10 ; Apocalypsis Joannis.Apoc. 18,14 ; ልገተ፡ ዐቃቤ፡ ቀምሕ፡ ὀπωροφυλάκιον Jesaiae prophetia.Jes. 1,8 ; Jesaiae prophetia.Jes. 24,20 ; Psalmi, ex editione Ludolfi.Ps. 78,1 .
b)herbarum et seminaliumla, in specie hortensiumla: olerala, leguminala, al.; κῆπος : ሰሚሮ፡ አቅማሒክሙ፡ Amosi prophetia.Am. 4,9 ; Jeremiae prophetia.Jer. 36,28 ; ትክሉ፡ አቅማሓተ፡ φυτεύσατε παραδείσους Jeremiae prophetia.Jer. 36,5 ; አቅማሐ፡ አዝርእት፡ ("legumina seminum") et አቅማሐ፡ አትክልት፡ ("legumina olerum") Lud. ex Organon Mariae, numerus significat lectionem.Org. 2 ; አቅማሐ፡ አፈዋት፡ et ጽጌያት፡ ("fructus aromatum et florum") Lud. ex Org.
c)Inde ዐጸደ፡ ቀምሕ፡ hortusla, viridariumla, κῆποι ዐጸደ፡ አቅማሕ፡ Amosi prophetia.Am. 9,14 ; παράδεισος አዕጻዳተ፡ ቀምሕ፡ Hezekielis prophetia.Hez. 28,13 ; Ezrae et Nehemiae libri canonici.2 Esr. 12,8 ; vel ገነተ፡ አቅማሕ፡ not able to find explanation in abbreviation listDan. apocr. 1,7 . ቀምሕ፡ ብ፡ ፍሬ።
ቀምሕ፡ qamḥ automnales frustusla, fruit d’automnefr Ms. Roma, Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale di Roma, Orientale 134, p. 55.
ቀምሕ qamḥ produceen, yielden, fruiten, leguminous planten 432a
a)dejicila, projicila, sternila, prosternila: ብዙኅ፡ አብድንቲሆሙ፡ ዘይትነፃኅ፡ ውስተ፡ ኵሉ፡ በሓውርት፡ Amosi prophetia.Am. 8,3 ; ይትነፅኁ፡ በውስተ፡ ፍናወ፡ አህጉሪሆሙ፡ Judith liber apocryphus.Judith 7,14 ; 1 not able to find explanation in abbreviation listCor. 10,5 ; Liturgiae in N. T. romano impressae; numeri significant folia et columnas.Lit. 169,1 ; Pisidia ዲበ፡ ምድር፡ ትትነፃኅ፡ Maʃshafa Kidân Za-egziena IjasusKid. f. 5.
b)corruerela, conciderela: ፍጡነ፡ ትትነፃኅ፡ ውስተ፡ ገጸ፡ ገዳም፡ Hezekielis prophetia.Hez. 29,5 ; Actus apostolorum.Act. 5,5 ; Actus apostolorum.Act. 26,14 romanae editionisrom.; ሰማይ፡ ይትነፃኅ፡ Henochi liber, Aethiopice, ed. Dillmann 1851. 4°.Hen. 83,3 .
c)prostratum jacerela: እለ፡ ይትነፅኁ፡ (v. ተነፅኁ፡ ) ውስተ፡ ኵሉ፡ ፍናዋት፡ ከመ፡ ሐምለ፡ ቅብእ፡ ዕቡር፡ ( καθεύδοντες ) Jesaiae prophetia.Jes. 51,20 ; ረከቦ፡ ለአቡሁ፡ ተነፂኖ፡ Josippon vel Pseudojosephus, Josephi Ben Gorion Historia Judaeorum.Jsp. p. 280.
a)se projicerelavel praecipitarela: ተነፅኀት፡ ለሊሃ፡ እመካን፡ ልዑል፡ ዲበ፡ ምድር፡ ከመ፡ ትሙት፡ ወኢሞተት፡ Josippon vel Pseudojosephus, Josephi Ben Gorion Historia Judaeorum.Jsp. p. 336.
b)se prosternerela: አሜሃ፡ ተነፅኀ፡ አበ፡ ሕፃን፡ ወሰገደ፡ ታሕተ፡ እግረ፡ አባ፡ ዘይኑን፡ not able to find explanation in abbreviation listSx. Jac. 3.