Hamburg, State and University Library Hamburg Carl von Ossietzky, Cod. orient. 271a
Eliana Dal Sasso, Nafisa Valieva
This manuscript description is based on the catalogues listed in the Catalogue Bibliography and has been corrected or enriched by the Bm project team; please check our Revision history for more information
Other identifiers: Scrinio 130, Cod. in scrinium 130, PPN 1883155266, Westenholz MS
Suggested Citation of this record
Eliana Dal Sasso, Nafisa Valieva, Eugenia Sokolinski, ʻHamburg, State and University Library Hamburg Carl von Ossietzky, Cod. orient. 271a (based on a historical catalogue and considerably enriched by the Bm team)ʼ, in Die Schriftkultur des christlichen Äthiopiens und Eritreas: Eine multimediale Forschungsumgebung / Beta maṣāḥǝft (Last Modified: 2024-11-20) [Accessed: 2024-12-18]
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Revisions of the data
- Nafisa Valieva added: reference to the Lit id, a note about the hand, secondary bibl, a keyword; corrected: the dating of the manuscript, and its history. on 20.11.2024
- Eugenia Sokolinski added facs / facsimile link on 14.11.2024
- Eliana Dal Sasso Created entity on 10.1.2018
Attributions of the contents
Alessandro Bausi, general editor
Eliana Dal Sasso, editor
Nafisa Valieva, editor
Eugenia Sokolinski, contributor