محمد امين بن أبي الفضل التجاني
Alessandro Gori
Work in Progress
محمد امين بن أبي الفضل التجاني Muḥammad Amīn b. Abī al-Faḍl al-Tiǧānī
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- محمد امين بن أبي الفضل التجاني ar
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محمد امين بن أبي الفضل التجاني is scribe of the following items
- Jimata, Muḫtār b. Abbā Ǧihād, JMK00073 The description of the manuscript also contains the following dates (gregorian) in a origDate element, 1398 At the end of the poem. (hijri) in a origDate element.
- Jimata, Muḫtār b. Abbā Ǧihād, JMK00170
- Jimata, Muḫtār b. Abbā Ǧihād, JMK00050 The description of the manuscript also contains the following dates 1359-04-06 In the colophon. (hijri) in a origDate element, 1359-03-11 (hijri) in a origDate element, (gregorian) in a origDate element.
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