ʾAddis ʾAbabā, Capuchin Center for Research and Retreat, 82
Ashlee Benson, Jonah Sandford
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- General manuscript description
- Content Item 1 Homiliary in Honor of Zion, ድርሳነ: ጽዮን:
- Content Item 1.1 Section 1: On the teaching of the 300 Fathers on the exaltation of Zion, ark of the Covenant
- Content Item 1.2 Section 2: On the exaltation of the kings, ፪በእንተ፡ ዕበየ፡ ነገሥት።
- Content Item 1.3 Section 3: On the Kingdom of Adam, ፫ በእንተ፡ መንግሥተ፡ አዳም።
- Content Item 1.4 Section 4: On the Jealousy of Cain, ፬ በእንተ፡ ቅንዓት፡ ወሶበ፡ ልሕቁ፡ ኅቡረ።
- Content Item 1.5 Section 5: On the Kingdom of Seth, ፭ በእንተ፡ መንግሥተ፡ ሴት።
- Content Item 1.6 Section 6: On the sin of Cain, ፮ በእንተ፡ ኃጢአተ፡ ቃየል፡. ወውእቱ፡ ርጉም፡ ቀታሌ፡ እኁሁ።
- Content Item 1.7 Section 7: On Noah: ፯ በእንተ፡ ኖኅ።
- Content Item 1.8 Section 8: On the Flood, ፰ በእንተ፡ አይኅ።
- Content Item 1.9 Section 9: On the covenant of Noah, ፱ በእንተ፡ ኪዳነ፡ ኖኅ።
- Content Item 1.10 Section 10: On Zion, ፲ በእንተ፡ ጽዮን።
- Content Item 1.11 Section 11: How the 318 Orthodox Fathers deliberated, ፲፩ ኀበ፡ ኀብሩ፡ ፫፻፲ወ፰ ርቱዓነ፡ ሃይማኖት።
- Content Item 1.12 Section 12: On Canaan, ፲፪ በእንተ፡ ከናአን።
- Content Item 1.13 Section 13: On Abraham, ፲፫ በእንተ፡ አብርሃም።
- Content Item 1.14 Section 14: On the Covenant of Abraham, ፲ወ፬ በእንተ፡ ኪዳነ፡ አብርሃም።
- Content Item 1.15 Section 15: On Isaac and Jacob, ፲፭ በእንተ፡ ይስሐቅ፡ ወያዕቆብ።
- Content Item 1.16 Section 16: On Reuben, ፲፮ በእንተ፡ ሮቤል።
- Content Item 1.17 Section 17: On the honor of Zion, ፲፯ በእንተ፡ ክብራ፡ ለጽዮን።
- Content Item 1.18 Section 18: On how the fatherly bishops deliberated, ፲፰ ኀበ፡ ኃብሩ፡ አበው፡ ጳጳሳት።
- Content Item 1.19 On how the book was found in the house of Sofia, ፲፱ ወበእንተ፡ ኀበ፡ ተረክበት፡ ዛቲ፡ መጽሐፍ።
- Content Item 1.20 Section 20: On the Division of the [Nations of the] Earth, ፳ በእንተ፡ ክፍለ፡ ምድር።
- Content Item 1.21 Section 21: On the Queen of the East, ፳፩ በእንተ፡ ንግሥተ፡ አዜብ።
- Content Item 1.22 Section 22: On Tamirin, the Merchant, ፳፪ በእንተ፡ ታምሪን፡ ነጋዴ።
- Content Item 1.23 Section 23: How Tamarin returned to Ethiopia [and told the Queen of Ethiopia about King Solomon], ፳፫ ኀበ፡ ገብአ፡ ነጋዴ፡ ኢትዮጵያ።
- Content Item 1.24 Section 24: How she determined to go [to Jerusalem], ፳፬ ኀበ፡ ተሃለወት፡ ለሐዊር።
- Content Item 1.25 Section 25: How she arrived before King Solomon, ፳፭ ዘከመ፡ በጽሐት፡ ኀበ ሰሎሞን፡ ንጉሥ።
- Content Item 1.26 Section 26: How the King [Solomon] talked with Queen Makǝda [the Queen of Ethiopia], ፳፮ ኀበ፡ ተናገረ፡ ንጉሥ፡ ምስለ፡ ንግሥት።
- Content Item 1.27 Section 27: On the [poor] servant , ፳፯ በእንተ፡ ገባራዊ።
- Content Item 1.28 Section 28: How the King commanded the Queen to Worship [the God of Israel], ፳፰ በእንተ፡ ዘከመ፡ አዘዘ፡ ለንግሥት።
- Content Item 1.29 Section 29: On the 318 Fathers, ፳፱ በእንተ፡ ፫፻፲ወ፰።
- Content Item 1.30 Section 30: How the King made an oath to the Queen, ፴ ወበእንተ፡ ዘመሐለ፡ ላቲ፡ ንጉሥ፡ ሰሎሞን።
- Content Item 1.31 Section 31: How the King gave a sign to the Queen, ፴፩ በእንተ፡ ዘወሀባ፡ ትእምርት፡ ለንግሥት።
- Content Item 1.32 Section 32: How she arrived in her country, ፴፪ ዘከመ፡ ወሰደት፡ ወበጽሐት፡ ብሔራ።
- Content Item 1.33 Section 33: How the King of Ethiopia [son of Maqǝda] went to Jerusalem, ፴፫ ዘከመ፡ ወረደ፡ ንጉሠ፡ ኢትዮጵያ።
- Content Item 1.34 Section 34: How the King of Ethiopia arrived in his motherland, ፴፬ ዘከመ፡ በጽሐ፡ ብሔረ፡ እሙ።
- Content Item 1.35 Section 35: How King Solomon sent his commander to his son, ፴፭ ዘለአከ፡ ሰሎሞን፡ ንጉሥ፡ መልአከ፡ ኃይሉ፡ ኀበ፡ ወልዱ።
- Content Item 1.36 Section 36: How Solomon met with his son, ፴፮ ኀበ፡ ተራከበ፡ ምስለ፡ ወልዱ፡ ሰሎሞን።
- Content Item 1.37 Section 37: How Solomon enquired of his son, ፴፯ ኀበ፡ ተስእሎ፡ ሰሎሞን፡ ለወልዱ።
- Content Item 1.38 Section 38: How the King took counsel to send his son with the children of his elders, ፴፰ ኀበ፡ መከረ፡ ንጉሥ፡ ይፈኑ፡ ወልዶ፡ ምስለ፡ ደቂቆሙ።
- Content Item 1.39 Section 39: How they enthroned the son of Solomon, ፴፱ ኀበ፡ አንገሥዎ፡ ለወልደ፡ ሰሎሞን።
- Content Item 1.40 Section 40: How Zadok instructed David the King, ፵ አዘዘ፡ ሳዶቅ፡ ለዳዊት፡ ንጉሥ።
- Content Item 1.41 Section 41: On the blessing of Kings, ፵፩ በእንተ፡ በረከተ፡ ነገሥት።
- Content Item 1.42 Section 42: On the Ten Commandments, ፵፪ በእንተ፡ ፲ ቃላት።
- Content Item 1.43 Section 43: How the children of the elders followed their orders, ፵፫ ኀበ፡ ተአዘዙ፡ ደቂቀ፡ ኃይል።
- Content Item 1.44 Section 44: How rebellion against the king is inappropriate, ፵፬ ከመ፡ ኢመፍትው፡ ሐምየ፡ ንጉሥ።
- Content Item 1.45 Section 45: How those who were sent [with the son of the king] cried and conspired, ፵፭ በእንተ፡ ዘበከዩ፡ ወመከሩ፡ እለ፡ ተፈነዉ።
- Content Item 1.46 Section 46: How they conspired about Zion, ፵፮ ዘከመ፡ መከሩ፡ በእንተ፡ ጽዮን።
- Content Item 1.47 Section 47: On the sacrifice of Azarias, ፵፯ በእንተ፡ መሥዋዕተ፡ አዛርያስ።
- Content Item 1.48 Section 48: How they took Zion, ፵፰ ኀበ፡ አንሥእዋ፡ ለጽዮን።
- Content Item 1.49 Section 49: How the father [King Solomon] blessed his son [King of Ethiopia], ፵፱ ኀበ፡ ባረኮ፡ አቡሁ፡ ለወልዱ።
- Content Item 1.50 Section 50: How they [the elders of Israel] went with his father [sic, son] and how the nation cried, ፶ ኀበ ተፈነዉ፡ ምስለ፡ አቡሁ፡ ወለሀወት፡ ሀገር።
- Content Item 1.51 Section 51: How [King Solomon] sent Zadok to retrieve the covering of Zion, ፶፩ ኀበ፡ ዘይቤሎ፡ ለሳዶቅ፡ ካህን፡ ሑር፡ ወአምጽእ፡ ውእተ፡ ልብሰ።
- Content Item 1.52 Section 52: How Zadok the priest went to retrieve the covering of Zion, ፶፪ ኀበ፡ ዘሖረ፡ ሳዶቅ፡ ካህን።
- Content Item 1.53 Section 53: How the chariots were given to Ethiopia, ፶፫ ኀበ፡ ተውህበ፡ ሠረገላ፡ ለኢትዮጵያ።
- Content Item 1.54 Section 54: How David prophesied and greeted Zion, ፶፬ ኀበ፡ ተነበየ፡ ዳዊት፡ ወተሳለማ፡ ለጽዮን።
- Content Item 1.55 Section 55: How the people of Ethiopia rejoiced, ፶፭ በእንተ፡ ዘተፈሥሑ፡ ሰብአ፡ ኢትዮጵያ።
- Content Item 1.56 Section 56: On the entrance of Zadok the priest to deliver the covering of Zion, ፶፮ በእንተ፡ ግብአተ፡ ሳዶቅ፡ ውሂበ፡ ሞፃ።
- Content Item 1.57 Section 57: On the collapse of Zadok when he discovered the ark was missing , ፶፯ በእንተ፡ ውድቀተ፡ ሳዶቅ።
- Content Item 1.58 Section 58: How Solomon rose up to kill them, ፶፰ ኀበ፡ ተንሥአ፡ ሰሎሞን፡ ይቅትሎሙ።
- Content Item 1.59 Section 59: How Solomon enquired of the Egyptian servant of Pharoah, ፶፱ ኀበ፡ ዘሐተቶ፡ ለግብጻዊ፡ ገብረ፡ ፈርዖን።
- Content Item 1.60 Section 60: How Solomon cried for Zion, ፷ ኀበ፡ ለሐዋ፡ ሰሎሞን፡ ለጽዮን።
- Content Item 1.61 Section 61: On the Entrance of Solomon into Jerusalem, ፷፩ በእንተ፡ ግብአተ፡ ሰሎሞን፡ ኢየሩሳሌም።
- Content Item 1.62 Section 62: On how Solomon enquired of [the elders], ፷፪ በእንተ፡ ዘአውሥኦሙ፡ ሰሎሞን።
- Content Item 1.63 Section 63: How [the elders of Israel] responded to the King, ፷፫ ኀበ፡ ኃብሩ፡ አበይተ፡ እስራኤል።
- Content Item 1.64 Section 64: How the daughter of Pharoah deceived Solomon , ፷፬ ኀበ፡ አስሐተቶ፡ ለስሎሞን፡ ወለተ፡ ፈርዖን፡
- Content Item 1.65 Section 65: On the sin of Solomon, ፷፭ በእንተ፡ ኃጢአተ፡ ሰሎሞን።
- Content Item 1.66 Section 66: On the prophecy of Christ, ፷፮ በእንተ፡ ትንቢተ፡ ክርስቶስ።
- Content Item 1.67 Section 67: On the lamentation of Solomon, ፷፯ በእንተ፡ ብካየ፡ ሰሎሞን።
- Content Item 1.68 Section 68: On Mary, our Salvation , ፷፰ በእንተ፡ መድኃኒትነ፡ ማርያም።
- Content Item 1.69 Section 69: On the Supplication of Solomon, ፷፱ በእንተ፡ ስእለተ፡ ሰሎሞን።
- Content Item 1.70 Section 70: On how Rehoboam became king, ፸ በእንተ፡ ዘነግሠ፡ ሮብዓም።
- Content Item 1.71 Section 71: On Mary, daughter of David, ፸፩ በእንተ፡ ማርያም፡ ወለተ፡ ዳዊት።
- Content Item 1.72 Section 72: On the King of Rome, ፸፪ በእንተ፡ ንጉሠ፡ ሮሜሂ።
- Content Item 1.73 Section 73: On the first judgment of Ardame, King of Rome, ፸፫ በእንተ፡ ቀዳሜ፡ ፍትሑ፡ ለአርዳሜ፡ ንጉሠ፡ ሮም።
- Content Item 1.74 Section 74: On the Midianite King, ፸፬ በእንተ፡ ንጉሠ፡ ምድያም።
- Content Item 1.75 Section 75: On the King of Babylon, ፸፭ በእንተ፡ ንጉሠ፡ ባቢሎን።
- Content Item 1.76 Section 76: On the false witness [named Bǝnyas], ፸፯ በእንተ፡ ሰማዕተ፡ ሐሰት።
- Content Item 1.77 71v–72v: Section 77: On the King of Persia, ፸፯ በእንተ፡ ንጉሠ፡ ፋርስ።
- Content Item 1.78 72v–73r: Section 78: On the King of Moab, ፸፰ በእንተ፡ ንጉሠ፡ ሞአብ።
- Content Item 1.79 Section 79: On the King of Amalak, ፸፱ በእንተ፡ ንጉሠ፡ አማሌቅ።
- Content Item 1.80 Section 80: On the King of the Philistines, ፹ በእንተ፡ ንጉሠ፡ ኢሎፍሊ።
- Content Item 1.81 Section 81: How the son of Samson killed the son of the king of the Philistines, ፹፩ ኀበ፡ ቀተሎ፡ ወልደ፡ ሶምሶን፡ ለወልደ፡ ንጉሠ፡ ኢሎፍሊ።
- Content Item 1.82 Section 82: How Abraham went down to Egypt, ፹፪ በእንተ፡ ርደተ፡ አብርሃም፡ ግብጸ።
- Content Item 1.83 Section 83: On the King of the Ishmaelites, ፹፫ በእንተ፡ ንጉሠ፡ እስሚዔላውያን።
- Content Item 1.84 Section 84: When the King of Ethiopia entered his country and became king, ፹፬ በእንተ፡ ንጉሠ፡ ኢትዮጵያ፡ ዘከመ፡ ገብአ፡ ሀገሮ፡ ወነግሠ።
- Content Item 1.85 Section 85: How Queen Makda rejoiced and King David [Menilek] arrived in his mother’s city with great glory, ፹፭ ኀበ፡ ተፈሥሐት፡ ማክዳ፡ ንግሥት፡ ወበጽሐ፡ ዳዊት፡ ንጉሥ፡ በዓቢይ፡ ግርማ፡ ውስተ፡ ሀገረ፡ እሙ።
- Content Item 1.86 Section 86: How Makda put her son on the throne, ፹፮ ኀበ፡ አንገሠቶ፡ ማክዳ፡ ለወልዳ።
- Content Item 1.87 Section 87: How the nobles of Ethiopia made an oath, and how Makda, queen of Ethiopia, gave the throne to her son,፹፯ ኀበ፡ መሐሉ፡ መኳንንተ፡ ኢትዮጵያ፡… ወወሀበት፡ ንግሥተ፡ ኢትዮጵያ፡ ማክዳ፡ መንግሥተ፡ ለወልዳ፡ ዳዊት፡ ወልደ፡ ሰሎሞን።
- Content Item 1.88 Section 88: How they [the Israelites and the king] told her [about worshiping the God of Israel], ፹፰ ኀበ፡ ዜነዋ፡ ለእሙ።
- Content Item 1.89 Section 89: How she responded to the children of Israel, ፹፱ ኀበ፡ ነገረቶሙ፡ ለደቂቀ፡ እስራኤል።
- Content Item 1.90 Section 90: How Azarias praised Queen Makda and her speech, ፺ ኀበ፡ ወደሳ፡ አዛርያስ፡ ለንግሥት፡ ወለነገራ።
- Content Item 1.91 Section 91: How they ate clean and unclean, ፺፩ ዘንተ፡ ዘይበልዑ፡ ንጹሕ፡ ወርኩስ።
- Content Item 1.92 Section 92: How they renewed the kingdom of David [Menilek], ፺፪ ኀበ፡ ሐደሱ፡ መንግሥቶ፡ ለዳዊት።
- Content Item 1.93 Section 93: How the Romans corrupted their faith, ፺፫ በእንተ፡ ዘአማሰኑ፡ ሃይማኖቶሙ፡ ሮም።
- Content Item 1.94 Section 94: The first war of the King of Ethiopia, ፺፬ ቀዳሜ፡ ፀብአ፡ ንጉሠ፡ ኢትዮጵያ።
- Content Item 1.95 Section 95: About the glory of the king of Ethiopia and the glory of the kings, ፺፭ ኀበ፡ ክብሩ፡ ለንጉሠ፡ ኢትዮጵያ፡ ወበእንተ፡ ክብረ፡ ነገሥት።
- Content Item 1.96 Section 96: On the prophecy of Christ, ፺፮ በእንተ፡ ትንቢት፡ ዘክርስቶስ።
- Content Item 1.97 Section 97: How the Israelites complained, ፺፯ ኀበ፡ አንጐርጐሩ፡ እስራኤል።
- Content Item 1.98 Section 98: On the rod of Moses and Aaron, ፺፰ በእንተ፡ በትረ፡ ሙሴ፡ወአሮን።
- Content Item 1.99 Section 99: On two servants, ፺፱ በእንተ፡ ፪ቱ፡ አግብርት።
- Content Item 1.100 Section 100: About how the Angels transgressed, ፻ በእንተ፡ እለ፡ ተዓደዉ፡ መላእክት።
- Content Item 1.101 Section 101: About His existence in all things, ፻፩ በእንተ፡ ህላዌ፡ ኵለሄ።
- Content Item 1.102 Section 102: About the beginning, ፻፪ በእንተ፡ ቀዳሚ።
- Content Item 1.103 Section 103: About the horn of the altar of sacrifice, ፻፫ በእንተ፡ አቅርንተ፡ ምሥዋዕ።
- Content Item 1.104 Section 104: About the ark of the covenant, ፻፬ ካዕበ፡ በእንተ፡ ታቦት።
- Content Item 1.105 Section 105: About the faith of Abraham, ፻፭ በእንተ፡ አሚነ፡ አብርሃም።
- Content Item 1.106 Section 106: Prophecy about the coming of Chirst, ፻፮ ትንቢት፡ በእንተ፡ ምጽአቱ፡ ለክርስቶስ።
- Content Item 1.107 Section 107: About His entrance into Jerusalem with glory, ፻፯ በእንተ፡ በአቱ፡ ኢየሩሳሌም፡ በስብሐት።
- Content Item 1.108 Section 108: About the wickedness of Judah the apostate, ፻፰ በእንተ፡ እከየ፡ ይሁዳ፡ ዕልው።
- Content Item 1.109 Section 109: About His Crucifixion, ፻፱ በእንተ፡ ስቅለቱ።
- Content Item 1.110 Section 110: About His resurrection, ፻፲ በእንተ፡ ትንሣኤሁ።
- Content Item 1.111 Section 111: About his ascension and his second coming, ፻፲፩ በእንተ፡ ዕርገቱ፡ ወዳግም፡ ምጽአቱ።
- Content Item 1.112 Section 112: How the prophet appeared in flesh, ፻፲፪ በአንተ፡ ዘአርአዩ፡ ነቢያት፡ በሥጋሆሙ።
- Content Item 1.113 Section 113: About the chariot and the vanquisher of the enemy, ፻፲፫ በእንተ፡ ሠረገላ፡ ወመግረሬ።
- Content Item 1.114 Section 114: About the entrance of Zion and the arch of the law, ፻፲፬ በእንተ፡ ግብአታ፡ ለጽዮን፡ ወታቦተ፡ ሕጉ።
- Content Item 1.115 Section 115: On the judgment of Israel, ፻፲፭ በእንተ፡ ቅስተ፡ ፳ኤል።
- Content Item 1.116 Section 116: On the chariot of Ethiopia, ፻፲፮ በእንተ፡ ሠረገላ፡ ኢትዮጵያ።
- Content Item 1.117 Section 117: On the King of Ethiopia and the King of Rome, ፻፲፯ በእንተ፡ ንጉሠ፡ ኢትዮጵያ፡ ወንጉሠ፡ ሮምያ።
- Content Item 1.118 On the dates of the reigns of the Axumite Kings, በዘተአምር፡ ዓመታተ፡ ነገሥተ፡ አክሱም፡ ዘዓርዌ፡ ፬፻ ዓመት፡ ዘብእሲ፡ አንጋቦ፡ ዘሰደዶ፡ ዓርዌ፡ ወቀተሎ፡ ።
- Content Item 1.119 List of the Kings of Ethiopia, from Ǝbǝnä Ǝlǝḥakim [Menilek I] through Śärḍä Dǝngǝl, እለ፡ ነግሡ፡ ፳ኤል፡ በኢትዮጵያ፡ ዝውእቱ፡ አስማቲሆሙ፡ ዕብነ፡ አሐኪም፡ ፪ዱማይ፡ ፫አዝባይ፡ ፬አክሱማይ፡ ፭ተክላይ፡ ፯፡ሐንቱቃይ፡፡ ፯እብሊ፡ ።
- Content Item 1.120 Chronology of Kings of Ethiopia from the birth of Jesus Christ through Śärḍä Dǝngǝl, በዘተአምር፡ ዓመተ፡ ምሕረት፡ እምልደተ፡ ክርስቶስ፡ እመንግሥተ፡ ባዜን፡ እስከ፡ አብርሃ፡ ወአጽብሐ፡ ፪፻፴ወ፯ቱ፡ እምአብርሃ፡ ወአጽብሐ፡ እስከ፡ ገብረ፡ መስቀል፡ ፻፹ወ፬ቱ፡ ።
- Content Item 1.121 The names of the Alexandrian popes, from Saint Mark through Abba Gabri’el, ዝውእቱ፡ ዜና፡ ስሞሙ፡ ለአበዊነ፡ ሊቃነ፡ ጳጳሳት፡ ዘአለ፡ እስክንድርያ፡ ቀዳማዊ፡ ማርቆስ፡ ወንጌላዊ፡ ነበረ፡ በመንበረ፡ ጵጵስና፡ ፯ቱ፡ ዓመቱ፡ ፲ወ፩ ወርኅ፡ ወአዕረፈ፡ አመ፴ለሚያዝያ፡ ፪ አንያኑ፡ ነበረ፡ ፲፰ ዓመት፡ ፯ ወርኅ፡ ፳ወ፯ ዕለት፡ ወአዕረፈ፡ አመ፡ ፳ለኅዳር፡ ።
- Content Item 1.122 Chronology of the world from Adam to Ǝskǝndǝr , በዘተአምር፡ ዓመተ፡ ዓለም፡ እምአዳም፡ እስከ፡ ልደተ፡ ኖኅ፡ ፲፻ወ፯፻ወ፯ ዓመት። እምልደተ፡ ኖኅ፡ እስከ፡ አይኅ፡ ፯፻ ዓመት፡ ወኵሉ፡ ድሙር፡ ።
- Content Item 1.123 Geneology of the Biblical patriarchs from Adam to Na‘od, King of Ethiopia, and about the war with Mohammad Grañ, ዜና፡ ልደቶሙ፡ ለአበው፡ አዳም፡ ወለዶ፡ ለሴት፡ ሴት፡ ወለዶ፡ ለጌኖስ፡ ግኖስ፡ ወለዶ፡ ለቃይናን፡ ቃይናን፡ ወለዶ፡ ለመላልኤል፡ መላልኤል፡ ወለዶ፡ ለያሬድ፡ ወያሬድ፡ ወለዶ፡ ለማቱሳላ፡ ።
- Content Item 1.124 The chronicle of Na‘od of Ethiopia, ወእምዝ፡ ንጽሕፍ፡ ታሪከ፡ መንግሥቱ፡ ለንጉሥነ፡ ናዖድ፡ ወገብረ፡ መቅድመ፡ ከተማሁ፡ ዘከረመ፡ በወጅ፡ ዕንጐዲት፡ ቄስ፡ ወገዳ፡ ዘንክር እንዘዝ፡ ወካዕበ፡ ረሰየ፡ ደዋሮ፡ ወራ፡ ዝናም፡ ድምበ፡ ።
- Content Item 1.125 The Book of the Order of the Kingdom given from Solomon to his son, Ǝbǝnä Ǝlǝḥakim [Menilek I], ዝንቱ፡ ውእቱ፡ መጽሐፈ፡ ሥርዓተ፡ ንግሥ፡ ዘወሀቦ፡ ሰሎሞን፡ ንጉሥ፡ ወልደ፡ ዳዊት፡ ለወልዱ፡ ዕብነ፡ ሐኪም። ወወሀቦ፡ ሰብአ፡ ሕግ፡ እለ፡ የሐውሩ፡ ምስሌሁ፡ ሀገረ፡ ኢትዮጵያ፡ ወዝ፡ ውእቱ፡ አስማቲሆሙ፡ መልአከ፡ አሕዛብ፡ ።
- Quire q1
- Quire q2
- Quire q3
- Quire q4
- Quire q5
- Quire q6
- Quire q7
- Quire q8
- Quire q9
- Hand h1
- Decoration d1
- (e1)
- (e2)
- (e3)
- (e4)
- (e5)
- (e6)
- (e7)
- binding
- Binding b1
- Binding b2
Quires | folios | UniMat | UniMarq | UniCah | UniCont | addition | UniMain | UniEcri | UniRegl | UniMep | decoration | UniProd |
Sankey diagram of the manuscript. Showing UniProd and UniCirc explicitly related. Transformations are given weight 1. UniProd and UniCirc declarations are given weight 2. Exact matches are given weight 3. There is no chronological implication.
Graph of the manuscript transformations using the Syntaxe du Codex ontology.
Use the tag BetMas:EMIP00736 in your public hypothes.is annotations which refer to this entity.
Suggested citation of this record
Ashlee Benson, Jonah Sandford, Pietro Maria Liuzzo, Ralph Lee, ʻʾAddis ʾAbabā, Capuchin Center for Research and Retreat, 82ʼ, in Die Schriftkultur des christlichen Äthiopiens und Eritreas: Eine multimediale Forschungsumgebung / Beta maṣāḥǝft (Last Modified: 2021-07-23) https://betamasaheft.eu/manuscripts/EMIP00736 [Accessed: 2025-01-01]
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Revision history
- Ralph Lee Corrected persName to PRS5226haylase on 23.7.2021
- Jonah Sandford Added quire maps, margin dims, columns/lines, binding desc, dating info. on 17.11.2020
- Ralph Lee corrected ǝ character on 17.4.2020
- Ashlee Benson Added facs statements on 17.3.2020
- Ashlee Benson Added items on 7.2.2020
- Pietro Maria Liuzzo Created XML record from EMIP Collection Metadata.xsls on 18.1.2018
Attribution of the content
Ashlee Benson, editor
Jonah Sandford, editor
Pietro Maria Liuzzo, contributor
Ralph Lee, contributor