This manuscript description is based on the catalogues listed in the Catalogue Bibliography
Bibliothèque nationale de France[view repository]
Collection: Manuscrits orientaux, Fonds éthiopien, Collection Griaule
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Catalogue Bibliography
Raineri, O. 1998. ‘Inventario dei manoscritti etiopici “Raineri” della Biblioteca Vaticana’, in R. E. Boyle, ed., Collectanea in honorem Rev. Mi Patris Leonardi E. Boyle, O. P., septuagesimum quintum annum feliciter complentis, Miscellanea Bibliothecae Apostolicae Vaticanae, 6, Studi e Testi 385 (Città del Vaticano: Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, 1998), 485–548. public annotations pointing here
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