London, British Library, BL Additional 16189
Massimo Villa
This manuscript description is based on the catalogues listed in the Catalogue Bibliography
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British Library[view repository]
Collection: Additional
Other identifiers: Dillmann cat. VII, Dillmann 7
No text available here.
Text Bibliography , item 3
Mercer, S. A. B. 1931. The Ethiopic Text of the Book of Ecclesiastes, The Oriental Research Series, 6 (London: Luzac & Co. Ltd., 1931).
Text Bibliography , item 4
Dillmann, A. 1894. Biblia Veteris Testamenti Aethiopica in quinque tomos distributa, ad librorum manuscriptorum fidem edidit et apparatu critico instruxit Dr. A.D., Professor Berolinensis. Veteris Testamenti Aethiopici Tomus Quintus, quo continentur Libri Apocryphi, Baruch, Epistola Jeremiae, Tobith, Judith, Ecclesiasticus, Sapientia, Esdrae Apocalypsis, Esdrae Graecus. Ad librorum manuscriptorum fidem edidit et apparatu critico instruxit Dr. A.D., Professor Berolinensis, ed. A. Dillmann (Berolini: Prostat apud A. Asher et Socios, 1894).
Text Bibliography , item 6.4
Dillmann, C. F. A. 1879. ‘Der äthiopische Text des Joel’, in A. Merx, ed., Die Prophetie des Joel und ihre Ausleger von den ältesten Zeiten bis zu den Reformatoren (Halle: Buchhandlung des Waisenhauses, 1879), 449–458.
Catalogue Bibliography
Dillmann, C. F. A. 1847. Catalogus codicum manuscriptorum orientalium qui in Museo Britannico asservantur, III: Codices Aethiopicos amplectens (n.p.: E Museo Britannico, 1847). page 6a-7a
Secondary Bibliography
Mercer, S. A. B. 1931. The Ethiopic Text of the Book of Ecclesiastes, The Oriental Research Series, 6 (London: Luzac & Co. Ltd., 1931). page 21 public annotations pointing here
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