Solomon Gebreyes
birth: ቡኮ፡↗ normalized: Bukko↗ daǧǧāzmāč, ṣaḥafe lām role: title ↗
Period of Activity
He was one of the first Oromo↗ war leaders recruited in 1617 to the royal service of King Susǝnyos↗ . Bukko proved to be indispensable as general for the Emperor whose territories were endangered by regular Oromo↗ raids and whose Amhara↗ warriors were unaccustomed to Oromo↗ warfare. So he was appointed both ?, ? of Dāmot↗ where his main duty was to repel Oromo↗ raids into the province under his government. Bukko rather being detached from the burning conflict between Catholic converts and Orthodox Christians in the country, was often sent by Susǝnyos↗ to render military assistance to his staunch Catholic half brother Śǝʿǝla Krǝstos↗ , the governor of Goǧǧām↗ much hated by the Orthodox Christians.
He was killed on 25-09-1627in an encounter with a raiding Oromo↗ tribe.
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- birth: ቡኮ፡ gez
- daǧǧāzmāč, ṣaḥafe lām role: title
Period of activity: 1617–1627
Death: 1627
Editions Bibliography Translation Bibliography Secondary Bibliography
Editions Bibliography
Pereira, F. M. E., ed., 1892. Chronica de Susenyos, rei de Ethiopia, Tomo I: Texto ethiopico. Destinado à X sessão do Congresso Internacional dos Orientalistas, tr. F. M. E. Pereira, Sociedade de Geographia de Lisboa (Lisboa: Imprensa Nacional, 1892).
Translation Bibliography
Pereira, F. M. E., ed., 1900. Chronica de Susenyos, rei de Ethiopia, Tomo II: Traducção e notas. Destinado à X sessão do Congresso Internacional dos Orientalistas, tr. F. M. E. Pereira, Sociedade de Geographia de Lisboa (Lisboa: Imprensa Nacional, 1900).
Alemu Haile, tr., 2005. የኢትዮጵያ ታሪክ፡ ( ፲፭፻፺፯-፲፮፳፭)። የዐፄ፡ሱስንዮስ፡ ዜና፡ መዋዕል፡ (Ya ʾItyopyā Tārik (1597-1625). Yaʿaṣe Susǝnyos Zenā Mawāʿǝl ’History of Ethiopia (1597-1625 AM): The Chronicle of King Susǝnyos’). (Addis Ababa: Sirak Printing press, 2005).
Secondary Bibliography
Chernetsov, S. 2003. ‘Bukko’, in S. Uhlig, ed., Encyclopaedia Aethiopica, I (Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag, 2003), 637a-b.
Boavida, I., H. Pennec, M. J. Ramos, and C. J. Tribe 2011. Pedro Páez’s History of Ethiopia, 1622, eds I. Boavida, H. Pennec, and M. J. Ramos, tr. C. J. Tribe, II, Hakluyt Society, Series III, 24 (London: Ashgate, 2011). page 206-259
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