ʾƎm5 la-warḫa Yakkātit la-ʾabawina qǝddusān ʾAtnāsǝyos liqa ṗāṗṗāsāt za-ʾƎlaskǝndǝryā wa-Bāsǝlyos wa-tazkāra qǝddus ʾab ʾabbā ʾAbbǝlo za-yǝmasǝl malāʾǝkt
Marcin Krawczuk
- እም፭፡ ለወርኀ፡ የካቲስ፡ ለአበዊነ፡ ቅዱሳን፡ አትናስዮስ፡ ሊቀ፡ ጳጳሳት፡ ዘእለስክንድርያ፡ ወባስልዮስ፡ ወተዝካረ፡ ቅዱስ፡ አብ፡ አባ፡ አብሎ፡ ዘይመስል፡ መላእክት፡gez (ʾƎm5 la-warḫa Yakkātit la-ʾabawina qǝddusān ʾAtnāsǝyos liqa ṗāṗṗāsāt za-ʾƎlaskǝndǝryā wa-Bāsǝlyos wa-tazkāra qǝddus ʾab ʾabbā ʾAbbǝlo za-yǝmasǝl malāʾǝkt gez)
- main: History of the hermit ʾAbbǝloen ( )
General description
The narrative recounts, how Athanasius returns to Alexandria↗ after the emperor Jovian (here called ዮንያኖስ) re-established the Christian faith. In Alexandria Athanasius performs a miracle resurrecting a woman named ከስምያና. He meets Basil the Great , with whom he discusses, who is the most perfect monk in the land of Egypt. Archangel Michael appears and decides that it is ʾAbbǝlo. After that, a few anecdotes from the life of ʾAbbǝlo are told. The texts ends with a "testament", in which ʾAbbǝlo gives instructions on monastic life.
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This unit, or parts of it, is contained in 2 manuscript records 2 times
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