Miracle of Mary: The inhabitants of Dāmot who would not observe the feast days of St Mary are punished by a storm that brings down a mighty tree (General record)
Dorothea Reule
- Miracle of Mary: The inhabitants of Dāmot who would not observe the feast days of St Mary are punished by a storm that brings down a mighty tree (General record)en
General description
This miracle occurs as a single miralce, Miracle of Mary: The inhabitants of Dāmot who would not observe the feast days of St Mary are punished by a storm that brings down a mighty tree, and also divided into two distinct miracles, Miracle of Mary: The felled tree in Dāmot and Miracle of Mary: The felled tree in Dāmot is reerected. This is the general ID to be used in cases where the recension cannot be identified.
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Editions Bibliography
Tasfā Giyorgis 1963. ተአምረ፡ ማርያም። ንባቡ፡ በግዕዝ፡ ትርጓሜው፡ በአማርኛ። (Taʾammǝra Māryām: nǝbābu ba-gǝʿz tǝrgwāmew ba-ʾamārǝññā , 'Miracles of Mary: Its reading in Gǝʿǝz and its translation in Amharic’) (ʾAddis ʾAbabā: Tasfā Gabra Śǝllāse māttamiyā bet, 1963). item 23, page 105-112
Editions Bibliography
Secondary Bibliography
Macomber, W. n.d. ‘Miracles of Mary’,. item 279
Cerulli, E. 1943. Il libro etiopico dei Miracoli di Maria e le sue fonti nelle letterature del Medio Evo latino, Studi orientali pubblicati a cura della Scuola Orientale, 1 (Roma: Dott. Giovanni Bardi, 1943). page 123
Secondary Bibliography
Translation Bibliography
Colin, G. 2004. Le livre éthiopien des miracles de Marie (Taamra Mâryâm), Patrimoines christianisme (Paris: Les Éditions du Cerf, 2004). item 196, page 494-497
Colin, G. 2004. Le livre éthiopien des miracles de Marie (Taamra Mâryâm), Patrimoines christianisme (Paris: Les Éditions du Cerf, 2004). item 197, page 498-500
Translation Bibliography
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