Miracle of Mary: The poor deacon Michael of Cairo, whose Muslim neighbour converted (General record)
Dorothea Reule
- Miracle of Mary: The poor deacon Michael of Cairo, whose Muslim neighbour converted (General record)en
General description
This miracle occurs in a complete version, Miracle of Mary: Miracle of the poor deacon Michael of Cairo, whose Muslim neighbour converted, and divided into two parts, Miracle of Mary: Deacon Michael, the grocer (part 1) and Miracle of Mary: Deacon Michael, the grocer (part 2). This is the general ID to be used in cases where the recension is not known.
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Secondary Bibliography
Macomber, W. n.d. ‘Miracles of Mary’,. item 4
Secondary Bibliography
Translation Bibliography
Colin, G. 2004. Le livre éthiopien des miracles de Marie (Taamra Mâryâm), Patrimoines christianisme (Paris: Les Éditions du Cerf, 2004). item 173, page 429-431, item 174, page 432-433
Translation Bibliography
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