قصيدة فى مدح النبي والتورية بسور القرآن
Alessandro Gori
- identified: قصيدة فى مدح النبي والتورية بسور القرآنar (Qaṣīda fī madḥ al-Nabī fī al-tawriya bi-suwar al-Qur'ān ar, قصيدة فى مدح النبي والتورية بسور القرآن ar)
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Secondary Bibliography
ʻAbd al-Raḥmān b. Muḥammad b. Yaḫlaftan b. Aḥmad b. Taflīt al-Fāzāzī al-Yaǧfašī Abū Zayd, Abū Bakr Muḥammad al-Mahīb, Yūsuf al-Nabahānī, and Ibn Ǧābir al-Andalusī s.a. al-Wasā’il al-mutaqabbila fī madḥ al-Nabī ... wa-taḫmīsuhu li-al-Šayḫ al-imām Abī Bakr Muḥammad al-Mahīb...wa-yalīhi qaṣīdatayn (1) al-Sābiqāt al-ǧiyād (2) Qasīdat madḥ al-nabī fī al-tawriya bi-suwar al-Qur’ān (Cairo: Maktabat wa-maṭbaʻat al-Mašhad al-Ḥusaynī, s.a.). page 176-181
ʻAbd al-Raḥmān b. Muḥammad b. Yaḫlaftan b. Aḥmad b. Taflīt al-Fāzāzī al-Yaǧfašī Abū Zayd, Abū Bakr Muḥammad al-Mahīb, Yūsuf al-Nabahānī, and Ibn Ǧābir al-Andalusī 1338. Dīwān al-Wasā’il al-mutaqabbila fī madḥ al-Nabī ... wa-taḫmīsuhu li-al-Šayḫ al-imām Abī Bakr Muḥammad al-Mahīb...wa-yalīhi qaṣīdatayn (1) al-Sābiqāt al-ǧiyād (2) Qasīdat madḥ al-nabī fī al-tawriya bi-suwar al-Qur’ān (Miṣr: Maṭbaʻat Muṣṭafā al-Bābī al-Ḥalabī wa-Awlāduhu, 1338). page 186-190
Secondary Bibliography
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This unit, or parts of it, is contained in 4 manuscript records 4 times
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