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This app is built with exist-db, and uses Lucene as the standard search engine. This comes with several options available. A full list is here

Below very few examples.

sample result
* *custodir* add wildcards to unlimit your string search
? custodir? Will find any match for the position with the question mark.
~ ምሕረትከ~ Will make a fuzzy search. you can decide also how much fuzzy, by saying for example ምሕረትከ~0.9 which will match only 90% similar terms.
"" "ምሕረትከ፡ ይትኖለወኒ፡" Will find the exact string contained between quotes.
() (verbo OR notionem) AND ይትኖለወኒ Will find one of the two between brackets and the other string.


If you want to transcribe some fidal into latin or update your transcription, you can have a go with our transcription tools.

If you are using the keyboard provided, please note that there are four layers, the normal one and those activated by Shift, Alt, Alt+Shift.

Normal and Shift contain mainly Fidal. Alt and Alt-Shift diacritics.

To enter letters in Fidal and the diacritics with this keyboard, which is independent of your local input selection, you can use two methods.

Orthographic variants of the Ethiopic language are searched as a standard if not otherwise specified. The following are the options considered by the search engine.

  • 's','s', 'ḍ'
  • 'e','ǝ','ə','ē'
  • 'w','ʷ'
  • 'ʾ', 'ʿ'
  • '`', 'ʾ', 'ʿ' (note that you can use the tick if you are not sure about the two, but none will be inferred for you)
  • 'ሀ', 'ሐ', 'ኀ', 'ሃ', 'ሓ', 'ኃ'
  • 'ሀ', 'ሐ', 'ኀ'
  • 'ሁ', 'ሑ', 'ኁ'
  • 'ሂ', 'ሒ', 'ኂ'
  • 'ሄ', 'ሔ', 'ኄ'
  • 'ህ', 'ሕ', 'ኅ'
  • 'ሆ', 'ሖ', 'ኆ'
  • 'ሠ','ሰ'
  • 'ሡ','ሱ'
  • 'ሢ','ሲ'
  • 'ሣ','ሳ'
  • 'ሥ','ስ'
  • 'ሦ','ሶ'
  • 'ሤ','ሴ'
  • 'ጸ', 'ፀ'
  • 'ጹ', 'ፁ'
  • 'ጺ', 'ፂ'
  • 'ጻ', 'ፃ'
  • 'ጼ', 'ፄ'
  • 'ጽ', 'ፅ'
  • 'ጾ', 'ፆ'
  • 'አ', 'ዐ', 'ኣ', 'ዓ'
  • 'ኡ', 'ዑ'
  • 'ኢ', 'ዒ'
  • 'ኤ', 'ዔ'
  • 'እ', 'ዕ'
  • 'ኦ', 'ዖ'

Some examples

  • If you search Taammera, you will not find Taʾammǝra or Taʿammera but only Taammera. Try Ta`ammera instead or use the keyboard provided to enter aleph and ayn.
  • If you are searching for Yāʿǝqob, you will not have a lot of luck searching Yaqob, unless some kind cataloguer has actually added it into the data as simplified spelling form. Try instead entering Yaqob~0.5 which is a fuzzy search, this will return also Yāʿǝqob. Also Ya`eqob is fine for example.

Keys Combinations

With this method you use keys combinations to trigger specific characters. Click here for a list of the available combos. This can be expanded, do not hesitate to ask (click here to post a new issue).

Hold and choose

If you hold a key optional values will appear in a list. You can click on the desiderd value or use arrows and enter to select it. The options are the same as those activated by combinations.

With this method you do not have to remember or lookup combos, but it does take many more clicks...


Dillmann*Dillmann, Christian Friedrich August. Lexicon linguae aethiopicae, cum indice latino. Adiectum est vocabularium tigre dialecti septentrionalis compilatum a W. Munziger. Lipsiae: Th.O. Weigel, 1865. and follow-up projects, Latin

I,1[ סָחַב سَحَبَ ; amh. ሳበ፡ ] SubjunctivusSubj. ይስሐብ፡ , traherela( ducerela) cum compositis: በሐብለ፡ ሰብእ፡ ሰሐብክዎ፡ not able to find explanation in abbreviation listHos. 11,4 ; Evangelium Joannis.Joh. 6,14 ; Koheleth (Ecclesiastes), liber biblicus.Koh. 2,3 ; ሰሐባከ፡ Canticum Canticorum.Cant. 1,4 .
a)de jumentis, quae trahuntlavel vehuntlavehiculum vel aliquid in vehiculis: አፍራስ፡ እለ፡ ይስሕቡ፡ ሰረገላተ፡ Regum liber biblicum III.3 Reg. 3 a,21; Josippon vel Pseudojosephus, Josephi Ben Gorion Historia Judaeorum.Jsp. p. 328 ; አርዑተ፡ Deuteronomium.Deut. 21,3 ; እንዘ፡ ይስሕብዋ፡ አልህምት፡ በሰረገላ፡ Paralipomenon liber I.1 Par. 13,9 ; ይስሕባ፡ እጐላት፡ ውስተ፡ ሰረገላ፡ Regum liber biblicum I.1 Reg. 6,7 ; Regum liber biblicum I.1 Reg. 6,10 .
b)intro traherelaGenesis liber Pentateuchi.Gen. 19,10 ; ሰሐብኩከ፡ ውስተ፡ ሣህልየ፡ Jeremiae prophetia.Jer. 38,3 .
c)extraherela, sursum traherelaGenesis liber Pentateuchi.Gen. 37,28 ; ሰሐብዎ፡ በአሕባል፡ ወአውጽእዎ፡ Jeremiae prophetia.Jer. 45,13 ; Evangelium Joannis.Joh. 21,6 ; Habacuci prophetia.Hab. 1,15 ; huc etiam pertinere videtur: ሰሐቢ፡ አቍያጸኪ፡ ( ἀνάσυρε τὰς κνήμας male intellecto) Jesaiae prophetia.Jes. 47,2 .
d)attraherela, ad se traherela: እለ፡ ይስሕብዋ፡ ለኀጢአቶሙ፡ ከመ፡ ሐብል፡ ነዋኅ፡ Jesaiae prophetia.Jes. 5,18 ; እስሕብ፡ ኵሎ፡ ኀቤየ፡ Evangelium Joannis.Joh. 12,32 ; (meretrices sese ornant) ከመ፡ ይስሐባ፡ ኵሎ፡ ዘርእዮን፡ ( πρὸς ἑαυτὴν ἐπισπάσασθαι ) Chrysostomi Tagsâʃs.Chrys. Ta. 28.
e)adducerela, intenderela; diducerela, extenderela: ይስሐብ፡ ዘይዌስቅ፡ ቀስቶ፡ τεινέτω Jeremiae prophetia.Jer. 28,3 ; ἐκτείνειν Exodus, liber Pentateuchi.Ex. 38,19 ; ሰሐበ፡ አምጣነ፡ Threni, liber biblicus.Thren. 2,8 .
f)humi traherela, vestem, syrma: ይስሕባ፡ አልባሲሆን፡ Jesaiae prophetia.Jes. 3,16 ; Apocalypsis Joannis.Apoc. 12,4 ; hominem Regum liber biblicum IV.4 Reg. 14,13 .
g)captivum traherela, deducerelain custodiam, judicium, supplicium: ይስሕብዎ፡ ἡ σύλληψις αὐτοῦ liber Jobi.Job 18,10 ; ሞት፡ ይስሕባ፡ ለቤቱ፡ ለዝላፉ፡ liber Jobi.Job 20,28 ; ይስሕቦ፡ እምቤቱ፡ συρεῖ αὐτόν liber Jobi.Job 27,23 ; ይስሕቡ፡ አንስቲያሆሙ፡ ἕξουσι Jesaiae prophetia.Jes. 13,16 ; Asc. Jesaiae prophetia.Jes. 4,14 ; Actus apostolorum.Act. 6,12 ; Jacobi epistola.Jac. 2,6 ; Henochi liber, Aethiopice, ed. Dillmann 1851. 4°.Hen. 41,2 ; ዘሰሐብዎሙ፡ ኀበ፡ ዐውደ፡ ምኵናን፡ Didascalia Apostolorum; numerus significat capita.Did. 25 ; Sx. creberrime.
i)trahendo adducerela: ይስሕቦሙ፡ እምአጽናፈ፡ ምድር፡ συρεῖ Jesaiae prophetia.Jes. 5,26 ; Jesaiae prophetia.Jes. 7,18 .
k)deorsum traherela: አነ፡ ሰሐብክዎ፡ ለዔሳው፡ κατέσυρα (perperam intellecto sensu loci) Jeremiae prophetia.Jer. 29,11 .
l)distraherela: አናብስት፡ ሰሐብዎ፡ Jeremiae prophetia.Jer. 27,17 ; distrahendo destruere murum Regum liber biblicum II.2 Reg. 17,13 .
m)contraherelavel consciscerelasibi ( sich zuziehen ): እመሰ፡ ተፋታሕከ፡ ምስሌሁ፡ (cum clerico) በዐመፃ፡ ሰሐብከ፡ ለርእስከ፡ አበሳ፡ ወኀጢአተ፡ Didascalia Apostolorum; numerus significat capita.Did. 9.
n)protraherela, producerela, in longius traherela: ለእመ፡ ሰሐብከ፡ ነገረ፡ ይወጽእ፡ ጋእዝ፡ ወኵነኔ፡ Proverbiorum liber biblicus.Prov. 24,68 ; መገሥጽ፡ ሶበ፡ ያነውኅ፡ ነገረ፡ ወይስሕብ፡ ቃለ፡ ያንጌጊ፡ ሰማዒ፡ Chrysostomi homiliae} in epistolam ad Hebraeos; citatur secundum numerous homiliarum vel Tagsâʃsorum.Chrys. ho. 27 ; ut videtur, etiam intransit. trahi in longiusla, diuturnum essela n. 329(sich hinziehen, verziehen) Gadela Adam (in UBTaeth27).Gad. Ad. f. 13.
o)inducerela(illicere, pellicere), in partem malam: ሰሐበቶ፡ ἐξώκειλεν αὐτόν Proverbiorum liber biblicus.Prov. 7,21 ; ዘራእዮሙ፡ ይስሕቦ፡ ለአብድ፡ ውስተ፡ ፍትወቶሙ፡ ይምጻእ፡ Sapientia Salomonis, apocr.Sap. 15,5 ; Judae epistola.Judae 19 Platt; ረኃብ፡ ወተፅናስ፡ ሰሐቦን፡ ውስተ፡ ዝንቱ፡ ግብር፡ Chrysostomi Tagsâʃs.Chrys. Ta. 15 ; p. 31 not able to find explanation in abbreviation list6 Nr. 51 ; in bonam partem: ዝንቱ፡ ግብር፡ ሰሐባ፡ (feminam) ለገቢረ፡ ሠናይት፡ Chrysostomi homiliae} in epistolam ad Hebraeos; citatur secundum numerous homiliarum vel Tagsâʃsorum.Chrys. ho. 26.
information type values
PoS Subj.I,1
translations trahere la ducere la trahunt la vehunt la intro trahere la extrahere la sursum trahere la attrahere la ad se trahere la adducere la intendere la diducere la extendere la humi trahere la captivum trahere la deducere la abripere la trahendo adducere la deorsum trahere la distrahere la contrahere la consciscere la protrahere la producere la in longius trahere la trahi in longius la diuturnum esse la inducere la
morphology Subj.
references Hos. 11,4 Joh. 6,14 Koh. 2,3 Cant. 1,4 3 Reg. 3 Jsp. p. 328 Deut. 21,3 1 Par. 13,9 1 Reg. 6,7 1 Reg. 6,10 Gen. 19,10 Jer. 38,3 Gen. 37,28 Jer. 45,13 Joh. 21,6 Hab. 1,15 Jes. 47,2 Jes. 5,18 Joh. 12,32 Chrys. Ta. 28. Jer. 28,3 Ex. 38,19 Thren. 2,8 Jes. 3,16 Apoc. 12,4 4 Reg. 14,13 Job 18,10 Job 20,28 Job 27,23 Jes. 13,16 Jes. 4,14 Act. 6,12 Jac. 2,6 Hen. 41,2 Did. 25 Ps. 27,3 Jes. 5,26 Jes. 7,18 Jer. 29,11 Jer. 27,17 2 Reg. 17,13 Did. 9. Prov. 24,68 Chrys. ho. 27 Gad. Ad. f. 13. Prov. 7,21 Sap. 15,5 Judae 19 Chrys. Ta. 15 6 Nr. 51 Chrys. ho. 26.
column n. 329
  • Leonard Bahr root on 14.2.2018
  • Andreas Ellwardt last updated txt file and doc file of Lexicon on 19.4.2017
  • Pietro Maria Liuzzo exported from lexicon to XML on 16.1.2017
  • Pietro Maria Liuzzo updated lexicon XML file adding nested senses on 16.1.2017
  • Andreas Ellwardt updated txt file and doc file of Lexicon on 22.11.2016

Attestations in the Beta maṣāḥǝft corpus
